Nightcliff Uniting News ACTIVITIES THIS WEEK SUN 12th 10am – 11am 5pm-8pm Worship Service Youth group Urban Hunting Mon 13th | TUES 14th 7:30pm Saving Jesus @ NUC 8:00 – 9:15pm Introduction to Christianity WED 15th 8am – 12noon Op-Shop sorting FRI 17th 4pm – 6pm From 5.30pm Op-Shop TMP Garden Meeting SAT 18th 9am – 2pm 9:30am – 11.30am Op-Shop Frilly’s Morning Tea TMP Produce Swap Table Sun 19th 10am – 11am Worship Service ROSTER 12th October 19th October Worship Leader Basil Basil on standby Malika Group Elizabeth group Door Steward Morning Tea Vacant Howard & Felicity Vacant Mary F , Jan H, Carole Maude, Mary P, Charlotte Chris, Jane, Deb, Yvette, Bee Vacant Lily & Paskalina Jemma, Yvette, Kay Gai, Paul, Greig, Simon, Howard & felicity, Jenna, Max Lucy Cindy Lia Op Shop (Saturday) Frilly’s Team TMP Swap Table Everyone is welcome to stay for morning tea after the service. If you're a newcomer or a visitor, it's a great chance to meet people and learn more about the community. People on a Journey Kerygma Vacant Jan Welcome to worship at Nightcliff Uniting Church! Spaciousness, Connectivity, Hospitality, Discernment, Sustainability 26th October Basil on standby Mallika Group Vacant Janette Penley Peter Penley Fiona F, Mary F Jo, Gay T, Carole Russel, Carmel, Lia, Anne, Azra, May, Esther Counting Op Shop (Friday) Sunday 12th October 2014 . We watch as the people of Israel, adrift in the wilderness, turn their focus to a god they can see. Worship BIBLE READINGS Exodus 32:1–14 Psalm 106:1–6, 19–23 Philippians 4:1–9 Matthew 22:1–14 NIGHTCLIFF UNITING CHURCH Address: 21 Cummins St, Nightcliff Postal Address: PO Box 1047, Nightcliff, NT 0814 Minister: Rev. Basil Schild (0421378907 or 89855700) Newsletter Editor: Website: quote corner “If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your own path.” -Buddhist Saying S P I R I T S I G H T I N G S Spirit Sightings are intended to lift up international news stories and current events, linking these to the lectionary passages for each Sunday. Arriving from Broome Jerome, a guest of the Broome Uniting Church is arriving in Darwin this week, and seeking accommodation in a flat or guest room. From Ray McGinnis The Hundred-Foot Journey is a movie about the Kadam family, who have fled their native India after their restaurant was burned down during a political protest and the mother killed (presumably a Muslim-Hindu clash). After spending a year in England, the family heads to France, where it wanders around the countryside while Papa (Om Puri) looks for the right place to open a new Indian restaurant in Europe. When the van the Kadam’s are driving breaks down in a picture postcard village due to break failure, the location of the restaurant falls into place as they get the van fixed. Papa discovers an empty restaurant for sale right across the street from Madame Mallory’s (Helen Mirren) top flight classic French restaurant Le Saule Pleureur. Papa’s son, Hassan, has an innate gift for cooking. Hassan makes an omelette for Madame Mallory, which results in her offering Hassan a position as chef in her kitchen. Hassan is also fond of one of the chefs at the restaurant, Marguerite. When Marguerite learns that Hassan is to join the kitchen at her restaurant another competition and mixed emotions cloud their budding relationship. Type: Drama Director: Lasse Hallstrom Film company: Weinstein Company Release date: August 8, 2014 Starring: Helen Mirren, Manish Dayal, Om Puri, Charlotte Le Bron Rating: PG-13 Papa Kadam believes he’s found the perfect spot to open an Indian restaurant in France. The only problem is he’s selected a location that’s only 100 feet away from Le Saule Pleureur,one of best-reviewed restaurants in the region. Madame Mallory is tenacious in her purpose to earn a second Michelin star, a prized rating for restaurants in France. At one point, she orders all the shellfish and salmon in the village market to prevent the upstart Indian restaurant from being able to prepare many of the dishes featured on their menu. A feud begins between the restaurants, which is finally ended when an attempted arson of the Indian restaurant reveals elements of racism within the wider community. Prayer links… God of journeys large and small, the steps we take are ours to make. As we journey, help us to discern our path and the places where spiritual qualities will infuse our living each day, so that our journey may not be in vain. In Christ we pray. Amen. If you are in a position to help please call Basil 0421 378907 Introduction to Christianity Workshop: history, the bible, politics, spirituality here at NUC. Tuesday Nights 8pm-9.15pm Until December. with Basil Schild P o o o o o o o R A Y E R P O I N T S We pray for the peoples of Syria, South Sudan, Ukraine & the Solomon Islands. We pray for all mourning in Gaza, for a cease-fire, for compassion and peace. We pray for those in our community unwell and those recovering; Ron and Jo Brandt, Wendy Eccleston, Russell Williams, Deanne Roberts, Simon Taylor, Elizabeth Wurrulnga, Peg Goodluck & Rev Ronang. We pray for the wellbeing of the communities of Milingimbi & Ramingining & for all our indigenous brothers and sisters. We pray for Flo Nicholl’s 4 year old great-grandson Ethan, for his wellbeing, growth and happiness. Tina & Levi Morse and family as their son 8 month old son, Orlando continues treatment. We pray for Rev Thresi Mauboy and her family as they mourn the death of Thresi’s brother in West Timor.
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