Sociale Medier - kom tættere på kunderne Eva Fog Bruun Head of Brand Strategy & Market Research 3. april 2014 I dag Hvorfor engagerer VELUX Gruppen sig i social media? VELUX Social media strategi Social media strategien i praksis 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne 2 VELUX Gruppen Etableret i 1941 Ejet af VKR Holding VKR Holding 2013 Omsætning: 16,4 mia. DKK Resultat efter skat: 0,8 mia. DKK 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne 3 VELUX Gruppen 39 salgsselskaber 11 produktionsselskaber 10.000 medarbejdere Hvad vi producerer 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne Hvad vores kunder køber 5 Vores vision At føre an i udviklingen af bedre boliger med dagslys og frisk luft gennem taget og at blive anset som de bedste af vores kunder 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne 6 From shout to listen 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne 7 VELUX Gruppen i 2010 VELUX produkter er low-involvement, og dem skriver folk ikke om på sociale medier… 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne Social media er kun for Fast Moving Consumer Goods 8 VELUX online presence 2010 + Produkter + Lys, luft og bedre hjem MEN … - Mennesker - Interaktion - Sharing 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne 9 Reality check… Folk derude taler om vores brand… Hate this rain on velux windows. 2011-08-08 00:18 The rain on my velux window above my bed from the rain is SO fucking loud 2011-09-05 00:20 Listening to the rain playing "we will rock you" on my fucking veluxwindows. 2011-08-08 21:02 Woken up by rain! note to self - don't buy another house with velux windows.. Hope I get sleep tonight, velux window in your bedroom in rainy England!!!! Not a good idea!!! 2011-08-08 21:09 Bloody velux windows are no gud in this weather,like tryin to sleep in a wheelie bin,noisy as.........!!! 2011-08-11 04:39 Rain on my Velux window, you are making me need a wee! Kindly stop this! 2011-09-05 00:13 2011-08-11 04:17 Hate loud heavy rain on our velux windows.. shht! 2011-08-10 21:39 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne 10 Reality check… Folk derude taler om vores brand… Hate this rain on velux windows. 2011-08-08 00:18 …Var der nogen, som talte om lav interesse produkter?! The rain on my velux window above my bed from the rain is SO fucking loud 2011-09-05 00:20 Listening to the rain playing "we will rock you" on my fucking veluxwindows. 2011-08-08 21:02 Woken up by rain! note to self - don't buy another house with velux windows.. Hope I get sleep tonight, velux window in your bedroom in rainy England!!!! Not a good idea!!! 2011-08-08 21:09 Bloody velux windows are no gud in this weather,like tryin to sleep in a wheelie bin,noisy as.........!!! 2011-08-11 04:39 Rain on my Velux window, you are making me need a wee! Kindly stop this! 2011-09-05 00:13 2011-08-11 04:17 Hate loud heavy rain on our velux windows.. shht! 2011-08-10 21:39 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne 11 Så….social media er ikke kun for FMCG! 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne 12 “Put a face on the VELUX machine” Show your interest in me as a customer Kunderne efterspørger en tættere relation I don’t want t-shirts and pens, I want a heart and a soul VELUX should be more present, more informative and more supportive 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne 13 VELUX social media strategi En vision der definerer vores social media ambitioner Et “framework” for hvordan VELUX Gruppen lykkes med social media visionen En værktøjskasse til planlægning og scoping af social media aktiviteter En klar fordeling af ansvar mellem salgsselskaber og hovedkontor 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne 14 Social media strategy map Corporate Vision To lead the development of better living environments with daylight and fresh air through the roof and to be rated as the best in the eyes of our customers. Social Media Vision Through the use of social media we aim to show the human face of the VELUX Group and engage in a peer-to-peer dialogue with relevant stakeholders to collaborate, inspire, influence, and grow our business. All VELUX people shall within their field of expertise be empowered to engage in an open dialogue about the VELUX Group, our products, and our business. Show the people behind the products Empower the organisation to facilitate dialogue around key agendas 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne 15 Social media strategy map Corporate Vision To lead the development of better living environments with daylight and fresh air through the roof and to be rated as the best in the eyes of our customers. Social Media Vision Through the use of social media we aim to show the human face of the VELUX Group and engage in a peer-to-peer dialogue with relevant stakeholders to collaborate, inspire, influence, and grow our business. All VELUX people shall within their field of expertise be empowered to engage in an open dialogue about the VELUX Group, our products, and our business. Social Media Objectives 2014 1) Grow qualified awareness 2) Start driving conversion 3) Foster advocacy End-users & Employees Installers & Dealers Specifiers & Opinion leaders Inspire and engage in dialogue about products, design & home. Provide knowledge and engage in dialogue about VELUX products and solutions. Provide useful and visionary solutions for the future. Activate tools and assets. 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne 16 6 redaktionelle content spor Products History Showcasing our heritage Events & sponsorships Let’s own the inspiration process Daylight & Architecture Supporting a sustainable lifestyle The way we see the world People Design The Rock Stars behind the scenes The VELUX way of living 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne 17 Social media “framework” Engage Share 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne Share Engage 18 Social media “framework” Engage in products (Talk) Products Sales E-commerce Share knowledge (Connect) (Collaborate) Interest Community Practice Community Share inspiration Public Affairs CSR (Listen) 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne Engage in agendas 19 Social media “framework” Engage in products (Talk) Products Sales E-commerce Share knowledge (Connect) (Collaborate) Interest Community Practice Community Share inspiration Public Affairs CSR (Listen) 3/4/2014 Engage in agendas 20 Social media “framework” Engage in products (Talk) Products Sales E-commerce Share knowledge (Connect) (Collaborate) Share Jeg Interest må sige, at #Twitter inspiration service på @veluxitalia er Community extraordinær. Fra tweet til aftalen på mindre end én dag! Wow Practice Community Public Affairs CSR (Listen) 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne Engage in agendas 21 Social media “framework” Engage in products (Talk) Products Sales E-commerce Share knowledge (Connect) (Collaborate) Interest Community Practice Community Share inspiration Public Affairs CSR (Listen) 3/4/2014 Engage in agendas 22 Social media “framework” Engage in products (Talk) Products Sales E-commerce Share knowledge (Connect) (Collaborate) Interest Community Practice Community Share inspiration Public Affairs CSR (Listen) 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne Engage in agendas 23 Social media “framework” Engage in products (Talk) Products Sales E-commerce Share knowledge (Connect) (Collaborate) Interest Community Practice Community Share inspiration Public Affairs CSR (Listen) 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne Engage in agendas 24 Social media “framework” Engage in products (Talk) Products Sales E-commerce Share knowledge (Connect) (Collaborate) Interest Community Practice Community Share inspiration Public Affairs CSR (Listen) 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne Engage in agendas 25 Social media enablers Organisering Kompetencer Værktøjskasse 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne 26 Værktøjer 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne 27 Tracking 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne 28 Organisering og kompetencer Corporate Taskforce Corporate Editorial team Definition af ansvar - globalt og lokal Soc. Med. Projektlederforum Workshops Telekonferencer Nyhedsbreve Samlet overblik over Facebook feeds Fælles Facebook 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne 29 Learnings KISS – start i det små Involver på tværs af organisationen “If you choose to engage, you have to accept that there are challenges” Nick Smith, Accenture VELUX visit, April 2011 Ressourcer er en kritisk faktor “You can’t be half pregnant” 3/4/2014 Sociale medier - kom tættere på kunderne 30 Tak for opmærksomheden! Contact info: Eva Fog Bruun VELUX A/S
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