Lawyers q Please check here if you are an IL attorney. IL ARDC # Payment Information q Payment by check. Amount enclosed $_ ____________________ (Make check, purchase order or voucher payable to: IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law) Registration form must accompany payment, purchase order or voucher. Purchase orders or vouchers will not be accepted unless submitted with an assigned purchase order or voucher number. If your agency is transferirng funds electronically, please notify us as soon as possible. q Payment by credit card. Amount enclosed $__________________ q VISA q MasterCard q American Express q Discover Exp. Date Security Code Signature charged if notification is received between November 7 and November 28, 2014. No refunds will be granted after November 28, 2014. If you register with a purchase order or a voucher and do not cancel your registration in accordance with this policy, you will be charged 25% of the registration fee. MCLE Credit IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law is an accredited provider for IL & PA MCLE. This conference is eligible for 5.75 hours on a “60 minute” credit hour; including 3.0 hours of IL professionalism credit if you attend the “Collateral Proceedings & Ethical Obligations” and the “The Blurring Boundaries of the Practice of Law” sessions, 6.75 hours on a “50 minute” credit hour. The actual number of approved hours may vary. For additional information: please call the Office of CLE, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, (312) 906-5090, or send an email to Registration Fee (per person) Program Registration Fee: $220 (A $5 per person discount is available to groups that register 3 or more individuals at the same time.) After November 28, 2014: $280 (no group discount available) Fee also includes continental breakfast, lunch, reception and course materials. PAID Concurrent Sessions • IPLRA Developments • IELRA Developments • The Impact of New State Laws—Medical Marijuana, Same Sex Marriage, Concealed Carry, and more • Strikes • Labor Board and Arbitral Remedies • Impact of 2014 Elections • Pensions • Union Security • Interest Arbitration • Collateral Proceedings & Ethical Obligations • Bargaining under the ACA • Police & Firefighter Forum • FOIA and Access to Information • Effective Advocacy Across Forums • The Blurring Boundaries of the Practice of Law Illinois Labor Relations Board Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board 458 q I would like a binder of q I would like a flash drive of printed materials. of materials. In cooperation with: COUNCIL Conference Materials (please check one) Friday, December 5, 2014 D PRINTIN G Email Card # Cancellations and Refunds Written notification of cancellation is required. A full tuition refund is available if notification is received prior to November 7, 2014; 25% will be Fax Craig Becker Co-General Counsel, AFL-CIO UNION LABEL Zip Crowne Plaza Chicago Metro 733 W. Madison Street Chicago, IL 60601 (312) 829-5000 Voice (312) 602-2180 Fax Please mention to the hotel reservation receptionist that you are attending the IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference. When booking online enter group code: BOR CHICA O, IL G Telephone State To Make Reservations: LIE AL City Confirmation of Attendance A certificate of attendance will be provided at registration. presents the 30th annual Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference TRADES Address Professor Jake Rosenfeld University of Washington and author of, What Unions No Longer Do ® Firm/Agency/Organization IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law Friday, December 5, 2014 Professional Title The Decline of Collective Bargaining and Its Implication for American Workers and the Economy 29th annual Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference Name (please print) Confirmation of Registration A letter of confirmation will be emailed to the address given on your registration form. If you do not receive an email confirmation after registering and before the conference please contact the Office of Continuing Legal & Professional Education at Opening Plenary Session Panel 565 West Adams Street Chicago, Illinois 60661 Phone: (312) 906-5090 Office of Continuing Legal & Professional Education IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law 565 West Adams St. Chicago, IL 60661-3691 Hotel Accommodations Hotel accommodations for the convenience of out-of-town guests have been made at the Crowne Plaza Chicago Metro. The room rate at the Crowne is $119 for single or double occupancy, plus 16.4% tax. The Crowne is located four blocks west of the law school within easy walking distance. The Crowne is also a union hotel. Requests for accommodations cannot be assured if made after November 6, 2014. Continuing Legal Education Online: Mail: Program Location The conference will be held at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, 565 West Adams Street in Chicago. Chicago, IL Permit No. 7706 3 Easy Ways to Register General Information Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage Registration Form: Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference Friday, December 5, 2014 Continuing Legal Education Lawyers q Please check here if you are an IL attorney. IL ARDC # Payment Information q Payment by check. Amount enclosed $_ ____________________ (Make check, purchase order or voucher payable to: IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law) Registration form must accompany payment, purchase order or voucher. Purchase orders or vouchers will not be accepted unless submitted with an assigned purchase order or voucher number. If your agency is transferring funds electronically, please notify us as soon as possible. q Payment by credit card. Amount enclosed $__________________ q VISA q MasterCard q American Express q Discover Exp. Date Security Code Signature charged if notification is received between November 7 and November 28, 2014. No refunds will be granted after November 28, 2014. If you register with a purchase order or a voucher and do not cancel your registration in accordance with this policy, you will be charged 25% of the registration fee. MCLE Credit IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law is an accredited provider for IL & PA MCLE. This conference is eligible for 5.75 hours on a “60 minute” credit hour; including 3.0 hours of IL professionalism credit if you attend the “Collateral Proceedings & Ethical Obligations” and “The Blurring Boundaries of the Practice of Law” sessions, 6.75 hours on a “50 minute” credit hour. The actual number of approved hours may vary. For additional information: please call the Office of CLE, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, (312) 906-5090, or send an email to Registration Fee (per person) Program Registration Fee: $240 (A $5 per person discount is available to groups that register 3 or more individuals at the same time.) After November 28, 2014: $280 (no group discount available) Fee also includes continental breakfast, lunch, reception and course materials. PAID Concurrent Sessions • IPLRA Developments • IELRA Developments • The Impact of New State Laws—Medical Marijuana, Same Sex Marriage, Concealed Carry, and more • Strikes • Labor Board and Arbitral Remedies • Impact of 2014 Elections • Pensions • Union Security • Interest Arbitration • Collateral Proceedings & Ethical Obligations • Bargaining under the ACA • Police & Firefighter Forum • Access to Information • Effective Advocacy Across Forums • The Blurring Boundaries of the Practice of Law Illinois Labor Relations Board Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board 458 q I would like a binder of q I would like a flash drive of printed materials. of materials. In cooperation with: COUNCIL Conference Materials (please check one) Friday, December 5, 2014 D PRINTIN G Email Card # Cancellations and Refunds Written notification of cancellation is required. A full tuition refund is available if notification is received prior to November 7, 2014; 25% will be Fax Craig Becker General Counsel, AFL-CIO UNION LABEL Zip Crowne Plaza Chicago Metro 733 W. Madison Street Chicago, IL 60601 (312) 829-5000 Voice (312) 602-2180 Fax Please mention to the hotel reservation receptionist that you are attending the IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference. When booking online enter group code: BOR CHICA O, IL G Telephone State To Make Reservations: LIE AL City Confirmation of Attendance A certificate of attendance will be provided at registration. presents the 30th annual Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference TRADES Address Professor Jake Rosenfeld University of Washington and author of, What Unions No Longer Do ® Firm/Agency/Organization IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law Friday, December 5, 2014 Professional Title The Decline of Collective Bargaining and Its Implications for American Workers and the Economy 30th annual Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference Name (please print) Confirmation of Registration A letter of confirmation will be emailed to the address given on your registration form. If you do not receive an email confirmation after registering and before the conference please contact the Office of Continuing Legal & Professional Education at Opening Plenary Session Panel 565 West Adams Street Chicago, Illinois 60661 Phone: (312) 906-5090 Office of Continuing Legal & Professional Education IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law 565 West Adams St. Chicago, IL 60661-3691 Hotel Accommodations Hotel accommodations for the convenience of out-of-town guests have been made at the Crowne Plaza Chicago Metro. The room rate at the Crowne is $119 for single or double occupancy, plus 16.4% tax. The Crowne is located four blocks west of the law school within easy walking distance. The Crowne is also a union hotel. Requests for accommodations cannot be assured if made after November 6, 2014. Continuing Legal Education Online: Mail: Program Location The conference will be held at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, 565 West Adams Street in Chicago. Chicago, IL Permit No. 7706 3 Easy Ways to Register General Information Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage Registration Form: Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference Friday, December 5, 2014 Continuing Legal Education Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law presents the 30th annual gathering of the foremost conference on Illinois public sector labor relations law. Join us for a day of educative discussion with some of the state’s preeminent public sector labor relations leaders and practitioners. The conference is designed for lawyers whose practice involves labor law, local government law or school law; for state and local government and public education officials, administrators and labor relations officers; union officials, business agents and uniserv directors; and for arbitrators and mediators. Advisory Board Program Schedule Friday, December 5, 2014 8:00 a.m.–8:45 a.m. Registration 8:45 a.m.–9:00 a.m. Welcome & Announcements Conference Moderator: Martin H. Malin Professor of Law and Director, Institute for Law and the Workplace, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law 9:00 a.m.–10:15 a.m. The Decline of Collective Bargaining and Its Implications for American Workers and the Economy Professor Jake Rosenfeld University of Washington and author of, What Unions No Longer Do Craig Becker General Counsel AFL-CIO 10:15 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Break 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Concurrent Workshops— Select One IPLRA Developments Gary Bailey Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council James Baird Clark Baird Smith LLP Jerald S. Post Illinois Labor Relations Board The Impact of New State Laws— Medical Marijuana, Same Sex Marriage, Concealed Carry, and more Jeremy Glenn, Meckler, Bulger, Tilson, Marick, & Pearson LLP Marisel A. Hernandez Jacobs, Burns, Orlove, & Hernandez Raymond A. Hauser Sraga Hauser LLC Terrance B. McGann Whitfield, McGann, & Ketterman Strikes M elissa J. Auerbach Cornfield & Feldman LLP Mark W. Bennett, Laner Muchin Ltd. Therese L. Hodges Hodges, Loizzi, Eisenhammer, Rodick, & Kohn LLP Nick Christen Illinois Federation of Teachers Labor Board and Arbitral Remedies H elen J. Kim, Illinois Department of Central Management Services Robin B. Potter Robin Potter & Associates PC Michael H. Slutsky, Allison, Slutsky, & Kennedy PC Dennis L. Weedman Robbins Schwartz 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. Buffet Luncheon 1:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Concurrent Workshops— Select One IELRA Developments H elen Higgins Kelly Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Gail E. Mrozowski Cornfield & Feldman LLP Dennis R. Triggs Miller, Hall, & Triggs LLC Pensions J ohn M. Fitzgerald Tabet, DiVito, & Rothstein LLC Brian E. Reynolds Arbitrator Collateral Proceedings & Ethical Obligations (eligible for 1.5 hours of IL MCLE professionalism/ethics credit, pending approval) L orilea Buerkett Brown, Hay, & Stephens LLP Stanley Eisenstein Katz, Friedman, Eagle, Eisenstein, Johnson, & Bareck PC Brian C. Hlavin, Baum, Sigman, Auerbach, & Neuman Ltd. Thomas M. Melody Klein, Thorpe, & Jenkins, Ltd. Richard S. Huszagh Illinois Attorney General’s Office 2:30 p.m.–2:45 p.m. Break Daniel J. Montgomery Illinois Federation of Teachers 2:45 p.m.–4:15 p.m. Concurrent Workshops— Select One Bargaining Under the ACA Michael B. Weinstein State Universities Retirement System of Illinois Union Security M argaret Angelucci Asher, Gittler, & D’Alba Ltd. Robert C. Long Littler Mendelson PC Michael Newman AFSCME Council 31 Susan Willenborg Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Karl R. Ottosen Ottosen, Britz, Kelly, Cooper, Gilbert, & DiNolfo, Ltd. John D. Cameron, AFSCME Council 31 Police & Firefighter Forum T amara Cummings Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council P at Devaney Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Jill P. O’Brien, Laner Muchin Ltd. Access to Information K enneth E. Edwards IUOE Local 150 A. Lynn Himes Scariano, Himes, & Petrarca Chtd. Sarah R. Kerley Illinois Labor Relations Board Effective Advocacy Before the Labor Boards R obert E. Bloch Dowd, Bloch, Bennett, & Cervone S tephanie Shallenberger-Barton City of Springfield Kevin Camden Teamsters Local 700 James Dykehouse Illinois Education Association, NEA Joseph T. Moriarty Board of Education, City of Chicago Anna Hamburg-Gal Illinois Labor Relations Board Ellen Strizak Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Felicia L. Frazier Odelson & Sterk Ltd. John F. Brosnan Illinois Labor Relations Board Lawrence J. Casazza Vedder Price PC R. Theodore Clark, Jr. Clark Baird Smith LLP Gilbert A. Cornfield Cornfield & Feldman LLP Tamara Cummings Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council Joel A. D’Alba Asher, Gittler, & D’Alba Ltd. Pat Devaney Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Kenneth E. Edwards IUOE Local 150 Stanley Eisenstein Katz, Friedman, Eagle, Eisenstein, Johnson, & Bareck PC James C. Franczek, Jr. Franczek Radelet PC Philip H. Gerner III Robbins Schwartz Marisel A. Hernandez Jacobs, Burns, Orlove, & Hernandez Lisa B. Moss, Carmell, Charone, Widmer, Moss & Barr Ltd. Interest Arbitration Mitchell Roth, Illinois Education Association, NEA Sean M. Smoot Policemen’s Benevolent & Protective Association of Illinois The Blurring Boundaries of the Practice of Law (eligible for 1.5 hours of IL MCLE professionalism/ethics credit, pending approval) L awrence J. Casazza Vedder Price PC Impact of the 2014 Elections James C. Franczek, Jr. Franczek Radelet PC Jill D. Leka Clark Baird Smith LLP Victor E. Blackwell Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Please join us for a reception immediately following the conference in the front lobby from 4:15 p.m.-5:15 p.m. Robert C. Long Littler Mendelson PC Martin H. Malin IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law César F. Rosado Marzán IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law Susan M. Matta Carmell, Charone, Widmer, Moss, & Barr Ltd. Melissa Mlynski Illinois Labor Relations Board Joseph T. Moriarty Board of Education, City of Chicago Lisa B. Moss Carmell, Charone, Widmer, Moss, & Barr Ltd. John J. Murphy Scariano, Himes, and Petrarca Chtd. Michael Newman AFSCME Council 31 Giacomo A. Pecoraro Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, Retired Jerald S. Post Illinois Labor Relations Board Tyson Roan Service Employees International Union, Local 73 A. Lynn Himes Scariano, Himes and Petrarca Chtd. Sean M. Smoot Policemen’s Benevolent & Protective Association of Illinois Therese L. Hodges Hodges, Loizzi, Eisenhammer, Rodick & Kohn LLP Thomas A. Summers Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service Helen Higgins Kelly Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Joseph E. Tilson Meckler, Bulger, Tilson, Marick, & Pearson LLP Paul Klenck Illinois Education Association, NEA Carl S. Tominberg Laner Muchin Ltd. Margaret Kostopulos Ancel, Glink, Diamond, Bush, DiCianni & Krafthefer PC Robin Ward Village of Arlington Heights Ronald Kramer Seyfarth Shaw LLP Lee R. Wilson Illinois Federation of Teachers Jacalyn J. Zimmerman Arbitrator Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law presents the 30th annual gathering of the foremost conference on Illinois public sector labor relations law. Join us for a day of educative discussion with some of the state’s preeminent public sector labor relations leaders and practitioners. The conference is designed for lawyers whose practice involves labor law, local government law or school law; for state and local government and public education officials, administrators and labor relations officers; union officials, business agents and uniserv directors; and for arbitrators and mediators. Advisory Board Program Schedule Friday, December 5, 2014 8:00 a.m.–8:45 a.m. Registration 8:45 a.m.–9:00 a.m. Welcome & Announcements Conference Moderator: Martin H. Malin Professor of Law and Director, Institute for Law and the Workplace, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law 9:00 a.m.–10:15 a.m. The Decline of Collective Bargaining and Its Implications for American Workers and the Economy Professor Jake Rosenfeld University of Washington and author of, What Unions No Longer Do Craig Becker General Counsel AFL-CIO 10:15 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Break 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Concurrent Workshops— Select One IPLRA Developments Gary Bailey Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council James Baird Clark Baird Smith LLP Jerald S. Post Illinois Labor Relations Board The Impact of New State Laws— Medical Marijuana, Same Sex Marriage, Concealed Carry, and more Jeremy Glenn, Meckler, Bulger, Tilson, Marick, & Pearson LLP Marisel A. Hernandez Jacobs, Burns, Orlove, & Hernandez Raymond A. Hauser Sraga Hauser LLC Terrance B. McGann Whitfield, McGann, & Ketterman Strikes M elissa J. Auerbach Cornfield & Feldman LLP Mark W. Bennett, Laner Muchin Ltd. Therese L. Hodges Hodges, Loizzi, Eisenhammer, Rodick, & Kohn LLP Nick Christen Illinois Federation of Teachers Labor Board and Arbitral Remedies H elen J. Kim, Illinois Department of Central Management Services Robin B. Potter Robin Potter & Associates PC Michael H. Slutsky, Allison, Slutsky, & Kennedy PC Dennis L. Weedman Robbins Schwartz 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. Buffet Luncheon 1:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Concurrent Workshops— Select One IELRA Developments H elen Higgins Kelly Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Gail E. Mrozowski Cornfield & Feldman LLP Dennis R. Triggs Miller, Hall, & Triggs LLC Pensions J ohn M. Fitzgerald Tabet, DiVito, & Rothstein LLC Brian E. Reynolds Arbitrator Collateral Proceedings & Ethical Obligations (eligible for 1.5 hours of IL MCLE professionalism/ethics credit, pending approval) L orilea Buerkett Brown, Hay, & Stephens LLP Stanley Eisenstein Katz, Friedman, Eagle, Eisenstein, Johnson, & Bareck PC Brian C. Hlavin, Baum, Sigman, Auerbach, & Neuman Ltd. Thomas M. Melody Klein, Thorpe, & Jenkins, Ltd. Richard S. Huszagh Illinois Attorney General’s Office 2:30 p.m.–2:45 p.m. Break Daniel J. Montgomery Illinois Federation of Teachers 2:45 p.m.–4:15 p.m. Concurrent Workshops— Select One Bargaining Under the ACA Michael B. Weinstein State Universities Retirement System of Illinois Union Security M argaret Angelucci Asher, Gittler, & D’Alba Ltd. Robert C. Long Littler Mendelson PC Michael Newman AFSCME Council 31 Susan Willenborg Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Karl R. Ottosen Ottosen, Britz, Kelly, Cooper, Gilbert, & DiNolfo, Ltd. John D. Cameron, AFSCME Council 31 Police & Firefighter Forum T amara Cummings Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council P at Devaney Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Jill P. O’Brien, Laner Muchin Ltd. Access to Information K enneth E. Edwards IUOE Local 150 A. Lynn Himes Scariano, Himes, & Petrarca Chtd. Sarah R. Kerley Illinois Labor Relations Board Effective Advocacy Before the Labor Boards R obert E. Bloch Dowd, Bloch, Bennett, & Cervone S tephanie Shallenberger-Barton City of Springfield Kevin Camden Teamsters Local 700 James Dykehouse Illinois Education Association, NEA Joseph T. Moriarty Board of Education, City of Chicago Anna Hamburg-Gal Illinois Labor Relations Board Ellen Strizak Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Felicia L. Frazier Odelson & Sterk Ltd. John F. Brosnan Illinois Labor Relations Board Lawrence J. Casazza Vedder Price PC R. Theodore Clark, Jr. Clark Baird Smith LLP Gilbert A. Cornfield Cornfield & Feldman LLP Tamara Cummings Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council Joel A. D’Alba Asher, Gittler, & D’Alba Ltd. Pat Devaney Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Kenneth E. Edwards IUOE Local 150 Stanley Eisenstein Katz, Friedman, Eagle, Eisenstein, Johnson, & Bareck PC James C. Franczek, Jr. Franczek Radelet PC Philip H. Gerner III Robbins Schwartz Marisel A. Hernandez Jacobs, Burns, Orlove, & Hernandez Lisa B. Moss, Carmell, Charone, Widmer, Moss & Barr Ltd. Interest Arbitration Mitchell Roth, Illinois Education Association, NEA Sean M. Smoot Policemen’s Benevolent & Protective Association of Illinois The Blurring Boundaries of the Practice of Law (eligible for 1.5 hours of IL MCLE professionalism/ethics credit, pending approval) L awrence J. Casazza Vedder Price PC Impact of the 2014 Elections James C. Franczek, Jr. Franczek Radelet PC Jill D. Leka Clark Baird Smith LLP Victor E. Blackwell Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Please join us for a reception immediately following the conference in the front lobby from 4:15 p.m.-5:15 p.m. Robert C. Long Littler Mendelson PC Martin H. Malin IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law César F. Rosado Marzán IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law Susan M. Matta Carmell, Charone, Widmer, Moss, & Barr Ltd. Melissa Mlynski Illinois Labor Relations Board Joseph T. Moriarty Board of Education, City of Chicago Lisa B. Moss Carmell, Charone, Widmer, Moss, & Barr Ltd. John J. Murphy Scariano, Himes, and Petrarca Chtd. Michael Newman AFSCME Council 31 Giacomo A. Pecoraro Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, Retired Jerald S. Post Illinois Labor Relations Board Tyson Roan Service Employees International Union, Local 73 A. Lynn Himes Scariano, Himes and Petrarca Chtd. Sean M. Smoot Policemen’s Benevolent & Protective Association of Illinois Therese L. Hodges Hodges, Loizzi, Eisenhammer, Rodick & Kohn LLP Thomas A. Summers Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service Helen Higgins Kelly Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Joseph E. Tilson Meckler, Bulger, Tilson, Marick, & Pearson LLP Paul Klenck Illinois Education Association, NEA Carl S. Tominberg Laner Muchin Ltd. Margaret Kostopulos Ancel, Glink, Diamond, Bush, DiCianni & Krafthefer PC Robin Ward Village of Arlington Heights Ronald Kramer Seyfarth Shaw LLP Lee R. Wilson Illinois Federation of Teachers Jacalyn J. Zimmerman Arbitrator Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law presents the 30th annual gathering of the foremost conference on Illinois public sector labor relations law. Join us for a day of educative discussion with some of the state’s preeminent public sector labor relations leaders and practitioners. The conference is designed for lawyers whose practice involves labor law, local government law or school law; for state and local government and public education officials, administrators and labor relations officers; union officials, business agents and uniserv directors; and for arbitrators and mediators. Advisory Board Program Schedule Friday, December 5, 2014 8:00 a.m.–8:45 a.m. Registration 8:45 a.m.–9:00 a.m. Welcome & Announcements Conference Moderator: Martin H. Malin Professor of Law and Director, Institute for Law and the Workplace, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law 9:00 a.m.–10:15 a.m. The Decline of Collective Bargaining and Its Implications for American Workers and the Economy Professor Jake Rosenfeld University of Washington and author of, What Unions No Longer Do Craig Becker General Counsel AFL-CIO 10:15 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Break 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Concurrent Workshops— Select One IPLRA Developments Gary Bailey Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council James Baird Clark Baird Smith LLP Jerald S. Post Illinois Labor Relations Board The Impact of New State Laws— Medical Marijuana, Same Sex Marriage, Concealed Carry, and more Jeremy Glenn, Meckler, Bulger, Tilson, Marick, & Pearson LLP Marisel A. Hernandez Jacobs, Burns, Orlove, & Hernandez Raymond A. Hauser Sraga Hauser LLC Terrance B. McGann Whitfield, McGann, & Ketterman Strikes M elissa J. Auerbach Cornfield & Feldman LLP Mark W. Bennett, Laner Muchin Ltd. Therese L. Hodges Hodges, Loizzi, Eisenhammer, Rodick, & Kohn LLP Nick Christen Illinois Federation of Teachers Labor Board and Arbitral Remedies H elen J. Kim, Illinois Department of Central Management Services Robin B. Potter Robin Potter & Associates PC Michael H. Slutsky, Allison, Slutsky, & Kennedy PC Dennis L. Weedman Robbins Schwartz 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. Buffet Luncheon 1:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Concurrent Workshops— Select One IELRA Developments H elen Higgins Kelly Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Gail E. Mrozowski Cornfield & Feldman LLP Dennis R. Triggs Miller, Hall, & Triggs LLC Pensions J ohn M. Fitzgerald Tabet, DiVito, & Rothstein LLC Brian E. Reynolds Arbitrator Collateral Proceedings & Ethical Obligations (eligible for 1.5 hours of IL MCLE professionalism/ethics credit, pending approval) L orilea Buerkett Brown, Hay, & Stephens LLP Stanley Eisenstein Katz, Friedman, Eagle, Eisenstein, Johnson, & Bareck PC Brian C. Hlavin, Baum, Sigman, Auerbach, & Neuman Ltd. Thomas M. Melody Klein, Thorpe, & Jenkins, Ltd. Richard S. Huszagh Illinois Attorney General’s Office 2:30 p.m.–2:45 p.m. Break Daniel J. Montgomery Illinois Federation of Teachers 2:45 p.m.–4:15 p.m. Concurrent Workshops— Select One Bargaining Under the ACA Michael B. Weinstein State Universities Retirement System of Illinois Union Security M argaret Angelucci Asher, Gittler, & D’Alba Ltd. Robert C. Long Littler Mendelson PC Michael Newman AFSCME Council 31 Susan Willenborg Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Karl R. Ottosen Ottosen, Britz, Kelly, Cooper, Gilbert, & DiNolfo, Ltd. John D. Cameron, AFSCME Council 31 Police & Firefighter Forum T amara Cummings Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council P at Devaney Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Jill P. O’Brien, Laner Muchin Ltd. Access to Information K enneth E. Edwards IUOE Local 150 A. Lynn Himes Scariano, Himes, & Petrarca Chtd. Sarah R. Kerley Illinois Labor Relations Board Effective Advocacy Before the Labor Boards R obert E. Bloch Dowd, Bloch, Bennett, & Cervone S tephanie Shallenberger-Barton City of Springfield Kevin Camden Teamsters Local 700 James Dykehouse Illinois Education Association, NEA Joseph T. Moriarty Board of Education, City of Chicago Anna Hamburg-Gal Illinois Labor Relations Board Ellen Strizak Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Felicia L. Frazier Odelson & Sterk Ltd. John F. Brosnan Illinois Labor Relations Board Lawrence J. Casazza Vedder Price PC R. Theodore Clark, Jr. Clark Baird Smith LLP Gilbert A. Cornfield Cornfield & Feldman LLP Tamara Cummings Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council Joel A. D’Alba Asher, Gittler, & D’Alba Ltd. Pat Devaney Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Kenneth E. Edwards IUOE Local 150 Stanley Eisenstein Katz, Friedman, Eagle, Eisenstein, Johnson, & Bareck PC James C. Franczek, Jr. Franczek Radelet PC Philip H. Gerner III Robbins Schwartz Marisel A. Hernandez Jacobs, Burns, Orlove, & Hernandez Lisa B. Moss, Carmell, Charone, Widmer, Moss & Barr Ltd. Interest Arbitration Mitchell Roth, Illinois Education Association, NEA Sean M. Smoot Policemen’s Benevolent & Protective Association of Illinois The Blurring Boundaries of the Practice of Law (eligible for 1.5 hours of IL MCLE professionalism/ethics credit, pending approval) L awrence J. Casazza Vedder Price PC Impact of the 2014 Elections James C. Franczek, Jr. Franczek Radelet PC Jill D. Leka Clark Baird Smith LLP Victor E. Blackwell Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Please join us for a reception immediately following the conference in the front lobby from 4:15 p.m.-5:15 p.m. Robert C. Long Littler Mendelson PC Martin H. Malin IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law César F. Rosado Marzán IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law Susan M. Matta Carmell, Charone, Widmer, Moss, & Barr Ltd. Melissa Mlynski Illinois Labor Relations Board Joseph T. Moriarty Board of Education, City of Chicago Lisa B. Moss Carmell, Charone, Widmer, Moss, & Barr Ltd. John J. Murphy Scariano, Himes, and Petrarca Chtd. Michael Newman AFSCME Council 31 Giacomo A. Pecoraro Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, Retired Jerald S. Post Illinois Labor Relations Board Tyson Roan Service Employees International Union, Local 73 A. Lynn Himes Scariano, Himes and Petrarca Chtd. Sean M. Smoot Policemen’s Benevolent & Protective Association of Illinois Therese L. Hodges Hodges, Loizzi, Eisenhammer, Rodick & Kohn LLP Thomas A. Summers Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service Helen Higgins Kelly Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Joseph E. Tilson Meckler, Bulger, Tilson, Marick, & Pearson LLP Paul Klenck Illinois Education Association, NEA Carl S. Tominberg Laner Muchin Ltd. Margaret Kostopulos Ancel, Glink, Diamond, Bush, DiCianni & Krafthefer PC Robin Ward Village of Arlington Heights Ronald Kramer Seyfarth Shaw LLP Lee R. Wilson Illinois Federation of Teachers Jacalyn J. Zimmerman Arbitrator Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law presents the 30th annual gathering of the foremost conference on Illinois public sector labor relations law. Join us for a day of educative discussion with some of the state’s preeminent public sector labor relations leaders and practitioners. The conference is designed for lawyers whose practice involves labor law, local government law or school law; for state and local government and public education officials, administrators and labor relations officers; union officials, business agents and uniserv directors; and for arbitrators and mediators. Advisory Board Program Schedule Friday, December 5, 2014 8:00 a.m.–8:45 a.m. Registration 8:45 a.m.–9:00 a.m. Welcome & Announcements Conference Moderator: Martin H. Malin Professor of Law and Director, Institute for Law and the Workplace, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law 9:00 a.m.–10:15 a.m. The Decline of Collective Bargaining and Its Implications for American Workers and the Economy Professor Jake Rosenfeld University of Washington and author of, What Unions No Longer Do Craig Becker General Counsel AFL-CIO 10:15 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Break 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Concurrent Workshops— Select One IPLRA Developments Gary Bailey Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council James Baird Clark Baird Smith LLP Jerald S. Post Illinois Labor Relations Board The Impact of New State Laws— Medical Marijuana, Same Sex Marriage, Concealed Carry, and more Jeremy Glenn, Meckler, Bulger, Tilson, Marick, & Pearson LLP Marisel A. Hernandez Jacobs, Burns, Orlove, & Hernandez Raymond A. Hauser Sraga Hauser LLC Terrance B. McGann Whitfield, McGann, & Ketterman Strikes M elissa J. Auerbach Cornfield & Feldman LLP Mark W. Bennett, Laner Muchin Ltd. Therese L. Hodges Hodges, Loizzi, Eisenhammer, Rodick, & Kohn LLP Nick Christen Illinois Federation of Teachers Labor Board and Arbitral Remedies H elen J. Kim, Illinois Department of Central Management Services Robin B. Potter Robin Potter & Associates PC Michael H. Slutsky, Allison, Slutsky, & Kennedy PC Dennis L. Weedman Robbins Schwartz 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. Buffet Luncheon 1:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Concurrent Workshops— Select One IELRA Developments H elen Higgins Kelly Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Gail E. Mrozowski Cornfield & Feldman LLP Dennis R. Triggs Miller, Hall, & Triggs LLC Pensions J ohn M. Fitzgerald Tabet, DiVito, & Rothstein LLC Brian E. Reynolds Arbitrator Collateral Proceedings & Ethical Obligations (eligible for 1.5 hours of IL MCLE professionalism/ethics credit, pending approval) L orilea Buerkett Brown, Hay, & Stephens LLP Stanley Eisenstein Katz, Friedman, Eagle, Eisenstein, Johnson, & Bareck PC Brian C. Hlavin, Baum, Sigman, Auerbach, & Neuman Ltd. Thomas M. Melody Klein, Thorpe, & Jenkins, Ltd. Richard S. Huszagh Illinois Attorney General’s Office 2:30 p.m.–2:45 p.m. Break Daniel J. Montgomery Illinois Federation of Teachers 2:45 p.m.–4:15 p.m. Concurrent Workshops— Select One Bargaining Under the ACA Michael B. Weinstein State Universities Retirement System of Illinois Union Security M argaret Angelucci Asher, Gittler, & D’Alba Ltd. L awrence J. Casazza Vedder Price PC Robert C. Long Littler Mendelson PC Michael Newman AFSCME Council 31 Susan Willenborg Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Karl R. Ottosen Ottosen, Britz, Kelly, Cooper, Gilbert, & DiNolfo, Ltd. Interest Arbitration John D. Cameron, AFSCME Council 31 Police & Firefighter Forum T amara Cummings Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council P at Devaney Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Mitchell Roth, Illinois Education Association, NEA Jill P. O’Brien, Laner Muchin Ltd. Sean M. Smoot Policemen’s Benevolent & Protective Association of Illinois Access to Information K enneth E. Edwards IUOE Local 150 A. Lynn Himes Scariano, Himes, & Petrarca Chtd. Sarah R. Kerley Illinois Labor Relations Board Effective Advocacy Before the Labor Boards R obert E. Bloch Dowd, Bloch, Bennett, & Cervone The Blurring Boundaries of the Practice of Law (eligible for 1.5 hours of IL MCLE professionalism/ethics credit, pending approval) S tephanie Shallenberger-Barton City of Springfield Kevin Camden Teamsters Local 700 James Dykehouse Illinois Education Association, NEA Joseph T. Moriarty Board of Education, City of Chicago Terrence T. Creamer Franczek Radelet PC Anna Hamburg-Gal Illinois Labor Relations Board Ellen Strizak Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Felicia L. Frazier Odelson & Sterk Ltd. John F. Brosnan Illinois Labor Relations Board Lawrence J. Casazza Vedder Price PC Please join us for a reception immediately following the conference in the front lobby from 4:15 p.m.-5:15 p.m. Robert C. Long Littler Mendelson PC Martin H. Malin IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law César F. Rosado Marzán IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law R. Theodore Clark, Jr. Clark Baird Smith LLP Susan M. Matta Carmell, Charone, Widmer, Moss, & Barr Ltd. Gilbert A. Cornfield Cornfield & Feldman LLP Melissa Mlynski Illinois Labor Relations Board Tamara Cummings Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council Joseph T. Moriarty Board of Education, City of Chicago Joel A. D’Alba Asher, Gittler, & D’Alba Ltd. Lisa B. Moss Carmell, Charone, Widmer, Moss, & Barr Ltd. Pat Devaney Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois John J. Murphy Scariano, Himes, and Petrarca Chtd. Kenneth E. Edwards IUOE Local 150 Michael Newman AFSCME Council 31 Stanley Eisenstein Katz, Friedman, Eagle, Eisenstein, Johnson, & Bareck PC Giacomo A. Pecoraro Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, Retired James C. Franczek, Jr. Franczek Radelet PC Jerald S. Post Illinois Labor Relations Board Philip H. Gerner III Robbins Schwartz Tyson Roan Service Employees International Union, Local 73 Marisel A. Hernandez Jacobs, Burns, Orlove, & Hernandez A. Lynn Himes Scariano, Himes and Petrarca Chtd. Lisa B. Moss, Carmell, Charone, Widmer, Moss & Barr Ltd. Impact of the 2014 Elections James C. Franczek, Jr. Franczek Radelet PC Jill D. Leka Clark Baird Smith LLP Victor E. Blackwell Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Therese L. Hodges Hodges, Loizzi, Eisenhammer, Rodick & Kohn LLP Helen Higgins Kelly Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Paul Klenck Illinois Education Association, NEA Margaret Kostopulos Ancel, Glink, Diamond, Bush, DiCianni & Krafthefer PC Ronald Kramer Seyfarth Shaw LLP Sean M. Smoot Policemen’s Benevolent & Protective Association of Illinois Thomas A. Summers Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service Joseph E. Tilson Meckler, Bulger, Tilson, Marick, & Pearson LLP Carl S. Tominberg Laner Muchin Ltd. Robin Ward Village of Arlington Heights Lee R. Wilson Illinois Federation of Teachers Jacalyn J. Zimmerman Arbitrator Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law presents the 30th annual gathering of the foremost conference on Illinois public sector labor relations law. Join us for a day of educative discussion with some of the state’s preeminent public sector labor relations leaders and practitioners. The conference is designed for lawyers whose practice involves labor law, local government law or school law; for state and local government and public education officials, administrators and labor relations officers; union officials, business agents and uniserv directors; and for arbitrators and mediators. Advisory Board Program Schedule Friday, December 5, 2014 8:00 a.m.–8:45 a.m. Registration 8:45 a.m.–9:00 a.m. Welcome & Announcements Conference Moderator: Martin H. Malin Professor of Law and Director, Institute for Law and the Workplace, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law 9:00 a.m.–10:15 a.m. The Decline of Collective Bargaining and Its Implications for American Workers and the Economy Professor Jake Rosenfeld University of Washington and author of, What Unions No Longer Do Craig Becker General Counsel AFL-CIO 10:15 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Break 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Concurrent Workshops— Select One IPLRA Developments Gary Bailey Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council James Baird Clark Baird Smith LLP Jerald S. Post Illinois Labor Relations Board The Impact of New State Laws— Medical Marijuana, Same Sex Marriage, Concealed Carry, and more Jeremy Glenn, Meckler, Bulger, Tilson, Marick, & Pearson LLP Marisel A. Hernandez Jacobs, Burns, Orlove, & Hernandez Raymond A. Hauser Sraga Hauser LLC Terrance B. McGann Whitfield, McGann, & Ketterman Strikes M elissa J. Auerbach Cornfield & Feldman LLP Mark W. Bennett, Laner Muchin Ltd. Therese L. Hodges Hodges, Loizzi, Eisenhammer, Rodick, & Kohn LLP Nick Christen Illinois Federation of Teachers Labor Board and Arbitral Remedies H elen J. Kim, Illinois Department of Central Management Services Robin B. Potter Robin Potter & Associates PC Michael H. Slutsky, Allison, Slutsky, & Kennedy PC Dennis L. Weedman Robbins Schwartz 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. Buffet Luncheon 1:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Concurrent Workshops— Select One IELRA Developments H elen Higgins Kelly Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Gail E. Mrozowski Cornfield & Feldman LLP Dennis R. Triggs Miller, Hall, & Triggs LLC Pensions J ohn M. Fitzgerald Tabet, DiVito, & Rothstein LLC Brian E. Reynolds Arbitrator Collateral Proceedings & Ethical Obligations (eligible for 1.5 hours of IL MCLE professionalism/ethics credit, pending approval) L orilea Buerkett Brown, Hay, & Stephens LLP Stanley Eisenstein Katz, Friedman, Eagle, Eisenstein, Johnson, & Bareck PC Brian C. Hlavin, Baum, Sigman, Auerbach, & Neuman Ltd. Thomas M. Melody Klein, Thorpe, & Jenkins, Ltd. Richard S. Huszagh Illinois Attorney General’s Office 2:30 p.m.–2:45 p.m. Break Daniel J. Montgomery Illinois Federation of Teachers 2:45 p.m.–4:15 p.m. Concurrent Workshops— Select One Bargaining Under the ACA Michael B. Weinstein State Universities Retirement System of Illinois Union Security M argaret Angelucci Asher, Gittler, & D’Alba Ltd. Robert C. Long Littler Mendelson PC Michael Newman AFSCME Council 31 Susan Willenborg Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Karl R. Ottosen Ottosen, Britz, Kelly, Cooper, Gilbert, & DiNolfo, Ltd. John D. Cameron, AFSCME Council 31 Police & Firefighter Forum T amara Cummings Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council P at Devaney Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Jill P. O’Brien, Laner Muchin Ltd. Access to Information K enneth E. Edwards IUOE Local 150 A. Lynn Himes Scariano, Himes, & Petrarca Chtd. Sarah R. Kerley Illinois Labor Relations Board Effective Advocacy Before the Labor Boards R obert E. Bloch Dowd, Bloch, Bennett, & Cervone S tephanie Shallenberger-Barton City of Springfield Kevin Camden Teamsters Local 700 James Dykehouse Illinois Education Association, NEA Joseph T. Moriarty Board of Education, City of Chicago Anna Hamburg-Gal Illinois Labor Relations Board Ellen Strizak Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Felicia L. Frazier Odelson & Sterk Ltd. John F. Brosnan Illinois Labor Relations Board Lawrence J. Casazza Vedder Price PC R. Theodore Clark, Jr. Clark Baird Smith LLP Gilbert A. Cornfield Cornfield & Feldman LLP Tamara Cummings Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council Joel A. D’Alba Asher, Gittler, & D’Alba Ltd. Pat Devaney Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Kenneth E. Edwards IUOE Local 150 Stanley Eisenstein Katz, Friedman, Eagle, Eisenstein, Johnson, & Bareck PC James C. Franczek, Jr. Franczek Radelet PC Philip H. Gerner III Robbins Schwartz Marisel A. Hernandez Jacobs, Burns, Orlove, & Hernandez Lisa B. Moss, Carmell, Charone, Widmer, Moss & Barr Ltd. Interest Arbitration Mitchell Roth, Illinois Education Association, NEA Sean M. Smoot Policemen’s Benevolent & Protective Association of Illinois The Blurring Boundaries of the Practice of Law (eligible for 1.5 hours of IL MCLE professionalism/ethics credit, pending approval) L awrence J. Casazza Vedder Price PC Impact of the 2014 Elections James C. Franczek, Jr. Franczek Radelet PC Jill D. Leka Clark Baird Smith LLP Victor E. Blackwell Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Please join us for a reception immediately following the conference in the front lobby from 4:15 p.m.-5:15 p.m. Robert C. Long Littler Mendelson PC Martin H. Malin IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law César F. Rosado Marzán IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law Susan M. Matta Carmell, Charone, Widmer, Moss, & Barr Ltd. Melissa Mlynski Illinois Labor Relations Board Joseph T. Moriarty Board of Education, City of Chicago Lisa B. Moss Carmell, Charone, Widmer, Moss, & Barr Ltd. John J. Murphy Scariano, Himes, and Petrarca Chtd. Michael Newman AFSCME Council 31 Giacomo A. Pecoraro Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, Retired Jerald S. Post Illinois Labor Relations Board Tyson Roan Service Employees International Union, Local 73 A. Lynn Himes Scariano, Himes and Petrarca Chtd. Sean M. Smoot Policemen’s Benevolent & Protective Association of Illinois Therese L. Hodges Hodges, Loizzi, Eisenhammer, Rodick & Kohn LLP Thomas A. Summers Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service Helen Higgins Kelly Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board Joseph E. Tilson Meckler, Bulger, Tilson, Marick, & Pearson LLP Paul Klenck Illinois Education Association, NEA Carl S. Tominberg Laner Muchin Ltd. Margaret Kostopulos Ancel, Glink, Diamond, Bush, DiCianni & Krafthefer PC Robin Ward Village of Arlington Heights Ronald Kramer Seyfarth Shaw LLP Lee R. Wilson Illinois Federation of Teachers Jacalyn J. Zimmerman Arbitrator Lawyers q Please check here if you are an IL attorney. IL ARDC # Payment Information q Payment by check. Amount enclosed $_ ____________________ (Make check, purchase order or voucher payable to: IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law) Registration form must accompany payment, purchase order or voucher. Purchase orders or vouchers will not be accepted unless submitted with an assigned purchase order or voucher number. If your agency is transferring funds electronically, please notify us as soon as possible. q Payment by credit card. Amount enclosed $__________________ q VISA q MasterCard q American Express q Discover Exp. Date Security Code Signature charged if notification is received between November 7 and November 28, 2014. No refunds will be granted after November 28, 2014. If you register with a purchase order or a voucher and do not cancel your registration in accordance with this policy, you will be charged 25% of the registration fee. MCLE Credit IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law is an accredited provider for IL & PA MCLE. This conference is eligible for 5.75 hours on a “60 minute” credit hour; including 3.0 hours of IL professionalism credit if you attend the “Collateral Proceedings & Ethical Obligations” and “The Blurring Boundaries of the Practice of Law” sessions, 6.75 hours on a “50 minute” credit hour. The actual number of approved hours may vary. For additional information: please call the Office of CLE, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, (312) 906-5090, or send an email to Registration Fee (per person) Program Registration Fee: $240 (A $5 per person discount is available to groups that register 3 or more individuals at the same time.) After November 28, 2014: $280 (no group discount available) Fee also includes continental breakfast, lunch, reception and course materials. PAID Concurrent Sessions • IPLRA Developments • IELRA Developments • The Impact of New State Laws—Medical Marijuana, Same Sex Marriage, Concealed Carry, and more • Strikes • Labor Board and Arbitral Remedies • Impact of 2014 Elections • Pensions • Union Security • Interest Arbitration • Collateral Proceedings & Ethical Obligations • Bargaining under the ACA • Police & Firefighter Forum • Access to Information • Effective Advocacy Across Forums • The Blurring Boundaries of the Practice of Law Illinois Labor Relations Board Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board 458 q I would like a binder of q I would like a flash drive of printed materials. of materials. In cooperation with: COUNCIL Conference Materials (please check one) Friday, December 5, 2014 D PRINTIN G Email Card # Cancellations and Refunds Written notification of cancellation is required. A full tuition refund is available if notification is received prior to November 7, 2014; 25% will be Fax Craig Becker General Counsel, AFL-CIO UNION LABEL Zip Crowne Plaza Chicago Metro 733 W. Madison Street Chicago, IL 60601 (312) 829-5000 Voice (312) 602-2180 Fax Please mention to the hotel reservation receptionist that you are attending the IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference. When booking online enter group code: BOR CHICA O, IL G Telephone State To Make Reservations: LIE AL City Confirmation of Attendance A certificate of attendance will be provided at registration. presents the 30th annual Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference TRADES Address Professor Jake Rosenfeld University of Washington and author of, What Unions No Longer Do ® Firm/Agency/Organization IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law Friday, December 5, 2014 Professional Title The Decline of Collective Bargaining and Its Implications for American Workers and the Economy 30th annual Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference Name (please print) Confirmation of Registration A letter of confirmation will be emailed to the address given on your registration form. If you do not receive an email confirmation after registering and before the conference please contact the Office of Continuing Legal & Professional Education at Opening Plenary Session Panel 565 West Adams Street Chicago, Illinois 60661 Phone: (312) 906-5090 Office of Continuing Legal & Professional Education IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law 565 West Adams St. Chicago, IL 60661-3691 Hotel Accommodations Hotel accommodations for the convenience of out-of-town guests have been made at the Crowne Plaza Chicago Metro. The room rate at the Crowne is $119 for single or double occupancy, plus 16.4% tax. The Crowne is located four blocks west of the law school within easy walking distance. The Crowne is also a union hotel. Requests for accommodations cannot be assured if made after November 6, 2014. Continuing Legal Education Online: Mail: Program Location The conference will be held at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, 565 West Adams Street in Chicago. Chicago, IL Permit No. 7706 3 Easy Ways to Register General Information Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage Registration Form: Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference Friday, December 5, 2014 Continuing Legal Education Lawyers q Please check here if you are an IL attorney. IL ARDC # Payment Information q Payment by check. Amount enclosed $_ ____________________ (Make check, purchase order or voucher payable to: IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law) Registration form must accompany payment, purchase order or voucher. Purchase orders or vouchers will not be accepted unless submitted with an assigned purchase order or voucher number. If your agency is transferring funds electronically, please notify us as soon as possible. q Payment by credit card. Amount enclosed $__________________ q VISA q MasterCard q American Express q Discover Exp. Date Security Code Signature charged if notification is received between November 7 and November 28, 2014. No refunds will be granted after November 28, 2014. If you register with a purchase order or a voucher and do not cancel your registration in accordance with this policy, you will be charged 25% of the registration fee. MCLE Credit IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law is an accredited provider for IL & PA MCLE. This conference is eligible for 5.75 hours on a “60 minute” credit hour; including 3.0 hours of IL professionalism credit if you attend the “Collateral Proceedings & Ethical Obligations” and “The Blurring Boundaries of the Practice of Law” sessions, 6.75 hours on a “50 minute” credit hour. The actual number of approved hours may vary. For additional information: please call the Office of CLE, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, (312) 906-5090, or send an email to Registration Fee (per person) Program Registration Fee: $240 (A $5 per person discount is available to groups that register 3 or more individuals at the same time.) After November 28, 2014: $280 (no group discount available) Fee also includes continental breakfast, lunch, reception and course materials. PAID Concurrent Sessions • IPLRA Developments • IELRA Developments • The Impact of New State Laws—Medical Marijuana, Same Sex Marriage, Concealed Carry, and more • Strikes • Labor Board and Arbitral Remedies • Impact of 2014 Elections • Pensions • Union Security • Interest Arbitration • Collateral Proceedings & Ethical Obligations • Bargaining under the ACA • Police & Firefighter Forum • Access to Information • Effective Advocacy Across Forums • The Blurring Boundaries of the Practice of Law Illinois Labor Relations Board Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board 458 q I would like a binder q I would like a flash drive of printed materials. of materials. In cooperation with: COUNCIL Conference Materials (please check one) Friday, December 5, 2014 D PRINTIN G Email Card # Cancellations and Refunds Written notification of cancellation is required. A full tuition refund is available if notification is received prior to November 7, 2014; 25% will be Fax Craig Becker General Counsel, AFL-CIO UNION LABEL Zip Crowne Plaza Chicago Metro 733 W. Madison Street Chicago, IL 60601 (312) 829-5000 Voice (312) 602-2180 Fax Please mention to the hotel reservation receptionist that you are attending the IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference. When booking online enter group code: BOR CHICA O, IL G Telephone State To Make Reservations: LIE AL City Confirmation of Attendance A certificate of attendance will be provided at registration. presents the 30th annual Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference TRADES Address Professor Jake Rosenfeld University of Washington and author of, What Unions No Longer Do ® Firm/Agency/Organization IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law Friday, December 5, 2014 Professional Title The Decline of Collective Bargaining and Its Implications for American Workers and the Economy 30th annual Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference Name (please print) Confirmation of Registration A letter of confirmation will be emailed to the address given on your registration form. If you do not receive an email confirmation after registering and before the conference please contact the Office of Continuing Legal & Professional Education at Opening Plenary Session Panel 565 West Adams Street Chicago, Illinois 60661 Phone: (312) 906-5090 Office of Continuing Legal & Professional Education IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law 565 West Adams St. Chicago, IL 60661-3691 Hotel Accommodations Hotel accommodations for the convenience of out-of-town guests have been made at the Crowne Plaza Chicago Metro. The room rate at the Crowne is $119 for single or double occupancy, plus 16.4% tax. The Crowne is located four blocks west of the law school within easy walking distance. The Crowne is also a union hotel. Requests for accommodations cannot be assured if made after November 6, 2014. Continuing Legal Education Online: Mail: Program Location The conference will be held at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, 565 West Adams Street in Chicago. Chicago, IL Permit No. 7706 3 Easy Ways to Register General Information Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage Registration Form: Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference Friday, December 5, 2014 Continuing Legal Education
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