Of The First United Methodist Church
P.O. Box 350, Weatherford, OK. 73096
Lynn Brack, Pastor
September 30, 2014
Liturgical Color . . . Green
1st Sunday in Kingdomtide
Sacrament of
Holy Communion Celebrated
During the month of October,
we will share in a stewardship sermon series
about our Treasure.
Text for the Day . . . Matthew 6:19-21
“Where Is Your Treasure?”
. “First Sunday Potluck Luncheon”
11:30AM Fellowship Hall
. Church Council Meeting
7:00PM—Neonate Classroom
. “Your Church Orientation:
Methodism 101”
Session #4 of 4 this Sunday in the Church Library
9:30AM to 10:15AM
All new members during the past year,
and those thinking about it are invited!
. “Grief Share”
2:00PM – 4:00PM
Inquiry Classroom
. “Get My People Going”
Neonate Classroom Area
Tim Bodenstein, facilitator
Thursday, October 2
2:30pm Kingdom Connection
4:00pm “Revival” class
6:00pm “Revival” class
Friday, October 3
2:00pm Prayer Time
Saturday, October 4
2:00pm FUMY: Let’s Chill
Sunday, October 5
Red Ribbon Sunday
8:30AM Worship Service
9:30AM Sunday School Classes
10:30AM Worship Service
11:45am Pot Luck Luncheon
2:00pm Grief Share
4:00pm “Get My People Going”
4:30pm FUMY
5:30pm Work Area Committees
7:00pm Special Call-Church
Monday, October 6
5:30pm Trustees
7:00pm Prayer Shawl Ministry
Wednesday, October 8
1:30pm Dorcas Circle
4:00pm “Kids Like Me Kamp”
4:30pm Hand Bell Choir
5:15pm 3-D Wednesday
6:30pm Chancel Choir
8:00pm HS Disciple
Sunday, October 5th . . .
Red Ribbon Sunday
5:30PM—Committee work areas will meet if convened by chairperson
7:00PM—Special-called Church Council meeting
Sunday, October 12th . . .
Children’s Sabbath observance
2:00PM to 4:00PM—Wedding Shower in Parlor for
Sarah Barnes & Tyler Nicholas
Sunday, October 19th . . .
2:00PM—Devotional Service at Alterra Sterling House
Tuesday, October 28th . . .
6:30PM—Charge (Church) Conference with D.S.
In order to get ourselves prepared for our Charge Conference,
the Church Council will need to meet this coming Sunday, October
5th, 7:00PM, in the Neonate Classroom area. This will be a very
important meeting; we need as many members present as possible.
The agenda includes: voting on the presentation of
Nominations for church officers and committee members for 2015;
voting on the pastor’s compensation package for 2015; and voting on a
special proposal from our Worship Committee regarding a
contemporary or modern worship service in our church.
Charge (Church) Conference with our District Superintendent,
Charles Graves, has been scheduled for TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28th,
6:30PM, in the Fellowship Hall.
Treasure Program in October
Beef Pizza, Salad,
Lemon Bars
On Sunday, October 5th, we
will begin a church-wide study and
worship emphasis called Treasure: A
Stewardship Program on Faith and
Money. The study will be based on
Jesus’ words, “Where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also”
(Matthew 6:21). The Treasure group
study will be on Wednesdays during
“3-D Wednesday” gatherings in the Fellowship Hall, starting October
1st, 6:30PM to 7:30PM.
Over a period of four weeks, we will look at the many ways that
our treasure (time, energy, money) affects our hearts. We will consider
how financial challenges in our personal lives affect our relationships
with people and with God. We will see how giving helps to determine
the way we feel and act. If you have stress related to money or feel
there may be more that God is calling you to do with your resources,
this will be a helpful study.
At the end of the four weeks, we will have the opportunity to
make personal commitments of giving to First United Methodist Church
for the coming year. All of us will receive commitment cards in the
mail, and the cards will also be available on Sunday mornings. We can
fill out these cards and bring them to worship on Sunday, November
We look forward to an exciting month considering our treasure
and God’s treasure.
Help with Snacks Needed
“Kidz Like Me Afterschool”
Please sign up at the
Welcome Center to help
provide Sandwiches, apples,
& cookies for the Afterschool
program. Pick a Wednesday
in October or November.
Tuesday, October 28th, 6:30PM
Fellowship Hall
All Church Members are Needed & Invited!
at the Ryden Memorial
Welcome Center
October 5: Millie Maynard
Women’s Shelter Items
(Frances Good Circle)
The items for October is:
Toilet Tissue
Food Pantry
The Food Pantry item for
October is “Other Vegetables”
Mixed Vegetables, black eyed
peas, beets, sauerkraut
5:15PM, Wednesday, October 1
Requesting Prayers
The Dickey Brothers—Jack, David, Glenn;
Kathy and I pulled into OKC by 7:35
a.m. Saturday and again the truck was
already there. We were back in Weatherford
by 9:00.
As usual our great breakfast
volunteers (Harvey Black, Joyce Teghtmeyer
Cindy Penner, Glennda Tannehill and Terry
Fuller) had everything ready on our return.
Our wonderful donors still make it
possible for us to furnish several boxes to
needy families. Thank you!
This program is designed to assist
people of ALL income levels. About 20% of
orders nationwide come from families who
use food stamps; the balance of orders come
from families who are looking for ways to
stretch their dollars by cutting their food
Check out the October menu in the
office and remember anyone can order.
James Ediger; Linda Stengl;
Alene Macaulay; Jason Mills
Paula Horsburgh; Twanda Page;
Those Grieving; The Mentally Ill;
Those Struggling with addiction & Recovery;
Bryce Musick; Those fighting cancer;
Joe Anna Hibler; Miriam Mosburg; Michele Uhlig;
Those recovering from surgeries; Magil Family
Kurt Linstead Family; Lois Marie Huddlestone;
Joy Gillingham’s teaching Certificate;
Gary & Vickey Gilliland; G. Muse; Amelia Hudgins;
Dusty, Carrie, Aubriana Dawn (born prematurely) &
Siblings: Tate, Grady & Maddie
In Our Father’s House
Pauline Gwinn
Rev. Leonard Gillingham
Keithen Neufeld
Joyce Short
Extended Care
Facilities & Homebound
Joyce Short, (W’Wood #46)
Annette Dahlgren, (W’Wood #49)
Duane Rea (W’Wood) (Brother of Joyce Hamburger)
Ella Vogt (Corn, Corn #F7)
Jim Lovell (W’Corn #16)
Glassnell Smith (W’Corn #19)
Virginia Lantz (W’Corn #22)
Nellie Verhines (W’ford Living Center)
Dorotha Downing (W’ford Living Center #313)
Vanita Morris (Sterling House # 120)
Hazel Ratcliffe (Sterling House # 123)
Flossie Pray, (Sterling House #105)
Louise Wyatt (Sterling House #28)
Ernestine Wright, (Sterling House #13)
Evelyn Minton, (Sterling House #107)
Pauline Gwinn (Bradford Village #802)
Sharon (Segress) Raskin, (McKinney, TX)
Kaye Lee, Methodist Center, Clinton (Garla’s Mother)
Gene Hays, Elkwood Memory Care Center, Elk City
Gary Webb, Sterling on Council Rd., Bethany, OK
Curly McAlpin, Grace Center, Clinton
Meri Whitaker – Cookson Hills Center, Cookson, OK
Dakin Cook and his wife, Bolivia
Kristen Brown
Christians & Missionaries
Oklahoma State Legislature
Our Nation
Armed Forces & Military Service and their Families
All Police, Law Enforcements & Corrections Officers
Brent Webb, USAF
Lt. Col. Judy Webb-Hapgood, USAF
William Johnston, US Army serving in Iraq
Chris Bonner, son of Merle & Nelda Bonner
Charles & Autumn (Wright) Wood
Dakota Duree
Austin Baugh USMC
OKLAHOMA EMERGING DRUGS OF ABUSE Do you know what drugs are being used and abused in Oklahoma today? The Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics is offering a 2-­‐hour training session, presented in conjunction with INTEGRIS Clinton Regional Hospital. Friday, October 3, 2014 11:30 a.m.-­‐1:30 p.m. INTEGRIS Clinton Regional Hospital Weichel Conference Center 100 North 30th Street • Clinton To register or for more information, contact Sarah Schulz, LCSW, at 580-­‐323-­‐1625 “3-D WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE”
Kidz Like Me AfterSchool . . .
3:30PM to 4:00PM = Snacks in Fellowship Hall
4:00PM to 5:30PM = Class Sessions
Ju-Bellation Hand Bell Choir Rehearsal . . .
4:30PM to 5:30PM
Dinner . . .
5:15PM to 6:00PM
Devotion (Evening Vesper Service) . . .
6:00PM to 6:30PM
Discipleship (“Table Talk”) . . .
6:00PM to 7:30PM
Chancel Choir Rehearsal . . .
6:30PM to 7:30PM in the Sanctuary
Those In The Service of Our Country
Younger Elementary Children (PreK, 1st & 2nd
Grades) . . .
6:00PM TO 6:30PM = Choir with Ms. Marti
6:30PM to 6:45PM = Recreation
6:45PM to 7:30PM = Kidz Bible
OLDER ELEMENTARY (3rd, 4th, & 5th Grades) .
6:00PM to 6:45PM = Kidz Bible
6:45PM to 7:30PM = Choir with Ms. Marti
Frances Good Circle October 9, 2014 First UMC Parlor 7 pm Devotional………………….Kelley Ramey Program………..Elizabeth Horton-Ware Hostess…………………Diana Walker
A Four Week Study on Faith and Money”
Beginning this coming Wednesday, October 1st, 6:30PM to 7:30PM in the Fellowship Hall, we will
begin our newest small group study from Cokesbury entitled, “Treasure.”
At the first mention of the word “treasure,” my mind is filled with images of pirate ships, deserted
islands, and an X that marks the spot. I think of a hidden chest filled with gold medallions, rubies, and
diamonds. Treasure is something you search for fight for, and go great distances to find. Treasure can
bind people together, or create division between those who once were close friends. Treasure can
become the focus of your life. It can consume you. Treasure can be hidden and hoarded, or shared and
Whether we realize it or not, we all have treasure. We all have things we are searching for, fighting
for, and storing up. Though the items in the chest are different, we all have treasure that holds great
value to us.
Often we think our treasure will follow our heart. But Jesus, in His Sermon on the Mount,
suggested the opposite—that our hearts will follow our treasure. In His Sermon on the Mount, He put it
this ways . . . “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
It’s no wonder, then, that many of us feel a sense of disappointment about our lives and finances.
Jesus cared about our hearts and so He taught about our treasure. “Treasure: A Four Week Study
on Faith and Money” will help all of us consider what we are giving our lives to. We will explore where we
want to be investing and where we really are investing. We will experience together the power found in
making God our treasure.
JOIN US . . . starting this Wednesday, October 1st, 6:30PM in the Fellowship Hall. We’ll conclude at
Thanks from Twanda Page
Thanks for the prayers, cards, phone calls, visits and food.
Thanks to Don & Glenna Hertzler for their support of Stan, LeAnn and me during the day of
surgery. The Hertzler’s stayed with us and supported Stan and LeAnn through out the day. They
were a very comforting presence.
Thanks to my Sunday School class for the meal that was prepared. Thanks to Lynn for his
words of encouragement, prayers, and concerns over these several weeks.
It is wonderful to be part of a loving church and a very supporting congregation. I have been
able to feel your support and love.
Thanks, Twanda Page
Note from Cookson Hills Center
Dear Friends,
This has been a summer for travel for me. I have been to two Annual Conferences, St. Louis,
Hot Springs, New York, Oklahoma City, and Jacob and I have made several day trips to give him
some history of the area where we live, all of this within the past two months. It was wonderful to
worship in all of the churches that I was able to visit this summer. New York was cool and it felt good
to travel to some places I had not been in years. I was able to see some family, visit Niagara Falls
and Lake Ontario and Jacob was able to fly on plane. (A thrill when you are seven). We also visited
Ft. Gibson, a fort a few miles from here that was active during the Civil War and then we went to the
National Cemetery where soldiers have been buried since the 1700’s. He and his Uncle Tony were
fascinated with the age of the graves. We also went to Gentry, animal refuge, and swimming and
swimming and swimming.
My mom is still losing ground between the blindness and dementia. She requires care
whenever she is awake and active. My sisters, Melani, Ellen and Elsie are very active in her care and
I also take four nights a week to get her fed and ready for bed. Jacob still lives with me and we are
hoping that he will be with me for a very long time. (Courts and DHS still add a lot of stress to that
situation) He starts school tomorrow in the second grade!
Cookson has had a very busy summer, as well. We had thirty-one children in daycare, eighty
children at VBS, ten VIM teams and they are still coming, the senior program continues, the children’s
program had thirty-five children, the food bank truck came and we handed out groceries to one
hundred twenty five families, we had a farmer’s market and so much more. Sometimes, just keeping
the grass cut is a major project.
I love our people, I love the ministry, and above alI love God for placing me here. I pray that
you have a wonderful fall. If you are ever anywhere ear Oklahoma, please come for a visit. Keep us
in your prayers, as we keep you in ours.
In Christ,
Rev. Meri Whitaker
(formerly known as “Lay Speaking”)
Introductory Class . . . “Lay Servant Ministries”
Facilitators . . . Rev. Elizabeth Horton-Ware & Jalynn Youngberg
Advanced Class . . . “Leading Worship”
Facilitators . . . Rev. Lynn Brack & Kelly Brack
Hosted at the Wesley Foundation U.M. Student Center, Weatherford
Friday, November 7th, 6:30PM to 9:00PM
Saturday, November 8th, 8:00AM to 4:00PM
Registration Forms Can Be Found at the Welcome Center
This past Sunday afternoon, in the Chapel, our pastor
extended the Sacrament of Holy Baptism upon ROBERT
Bob, the brother of Carol Paxton,
has been on our Prayer List in the
past. Departing for Oregon this
coming Friday, Bob anticipates
receiving the gift of a kidney
transplant. Our prayers travel
with Bob as he prepares for this
wonderful life-giving gift from a dear friend of some fifty
(Information Technology)
Our Information Technology staff person, JASON DIBLER, has taken another job
in Denton, TX. Jason was responsible for creating our church’s present web site,
maintaining it, and also helping to create the Sunday morning slide show for worship.
We are seeking a part-time person who is very computer/tech/I.T. savvy to work
a few hours each week. This person would be responsible for maintaining the web site
and assisting Royce Ramey in creating the power point slide show for Sunday morning
worship. Excellent English language/writing skills are particularly required. Jason has
done a fine job in designing and constructing our web site; we mainly need someone
now to maintain/update the information contained on the site. Interested persons
should complete an application form in the church office. This help notice has been
posted on the SWOSU job bulletin board.
Presently, the pastor’s daughter, Tori Beth, has volunteered to keep the web site
up-to-date; she is NOT being paid to do this, but is volunteering her time to help the
church until someone can be hired.
The slurry walls of life
As horrific as 9/11 was, it could’ve been even worse if not for a 30-year-old engineering feat. Reaching some 70
feet underground, a 3-foot-thick concrete structure called a “slurry wall” surrounded the base of the World Trade Center
complex. Designed to prevent the Hudson River from flooding the basement, this wall prevented New York’s subway
system from flooding and countless additional people from dying on September 11, 2001.
A slurry wall is constructed by pouring a thick, goopy mixture of powdered clay and water into a deep, narrow
trench. The solution coats the sides, preventing water and soil from collapsing the trench. Pipes are then inserted through
the slurry, and concrete is pumped into the trench, pushing the slurry up and out. At the WTC, the concrete formed such a
strong wall that even two airplanes and the falling towers didn’t fracture it. Part of the slurry wall still stands at the 9/11
Memorial site, a symbol of resilience.
Sometimes God uses life’s “slurry” to make us stronger than we ever thought possible. We might wish something
yucky hadn’t happened — until we discover it was part of what sustained us, making us resilient and enabling us to rise
out of destruction and death to awe-inspiring new life.
3-D Wednesdays continue with Dinner at 5:15-6:00pm, Devotion at 6:00-6:30pm,
and Discipleship at 6:30-7:30pm. However, Discipleship for the youth will be in the youth
lounge beginning this Wednesday, October 1st. The Faith Partners will be there to have a
program for us. Then on Wednesday, October 8th, and October 22nd, the youth will be
doing a study titled “Download” which will help teach them to filter their media choices.
Media includes—video games, TV, movies, YouTube, texting, Facebook, Twitter, SnapChat,
Tumblr, iPods, etc. Studies show that the average teenager consumes more than 7 hours of media a day. That doesn’t
even count any media related to homework assignments or class projects! With so many media options out there, it’s
critical for teenagers to be equipped with tools that help them make wise choices. That’s where “Download” comes in.
Youth will not want to miss out on this study! We will not meet on Wednesday, October 15th, due to Fall Break. Trunkor-Treat will be on Wednesday, October 29th.
On Saturday, October 4th, from 2:00pm-6:00pm the youth have planned a day to invite friends to just chill out
together. Some youth will be going to All Fired Up here in Weatherford and others will stay at the church and hangout.
All Fired Up is a paint-it-yourself-pottery studio. You choose what you’d like to paint, paint it, and leave it with them to
clear glaze and fire. You get your project back in about one week. At the church, there will be video games as well as
board games or youth can simply just chill out. At 5:00pm we will all meet in the Fellowship Hall for food. It will be a
great time to just get away from everything and have some fun. Youth do not need to bring money for this but they do
need to be sure and sign up in the youth lounge or let Kelley Ramey know that they will be there, so that she can have
plenty of food for everyone.
The youth will be hosting a couple of “Fifth Quarters” to give the youth in our community a safe place to hangout
and have fun after home games on Friday October 24th, and Friday, November 7th. However, “Fifth Quarters” are not
possible without the support of the rest of the church. There are a variety of ways that individuals could help. We need
prayers! We need food! We could use some cookies, sandwiches, pizza rolls, chips and dip, and snacks such as crackers,
chex mix, buggles, or any other finger food you think youth might like. We need pop and we ask that you please bring
canned pop. We need adults to be at the “Fifth Quarter”. We will need outside and inside security, we will need
registration monitors, we will need help in the kitchen, and we will need help with setting up and cleaning up. If you
think you could and would like to help with one of these “Fifth Quarters”, contact Kelley Ramey, youth director, at the
church 772-5565 and let her know what you can do or you can sign up to help at the Ryden Welcome Center. The youth
appreciate your support and all that you can do to help with “Fifth Quarters”!
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be
troubled and do not be afraid. –John 14:27
Your presence is requested to
attend a come and go
wedding shower for
Sarah Barnes
Tyler Nicholas
Sunday, O ctober 12, 2014
2:00pm to 3:30pm
in the Parlor at
First U nited M ethodist Church
They are registered at More Than Medicine
Hosted by Kim Suter, Diana Mackey, DeAnna Downs, Louann Hanks, Dannette Kyser,
Laci Strickler, Beth Bendure, Marti Bessinger, Jane Long, Paige Craighead
817 North Seventh Street
U.S. Postage Paid
P.O. Box 350
Weatherford, OK 73096
(580) 772-5565
Web Address:
Permit #43
Weatherford, OK 73096