Document 326684

2014 Fall Conference
“Better than Just OK”
Fri, Oc t 2 4 – Sa t, Oc t 2 5
Saturday Plenary Speaker Liz England
Opening Plenary Speaker Neil J Anderson
Sat, Oct 25, 8:30am at the OC Garvey Center
Friday Oct 24, 7-9pm at the OC Garvey Center
Better than OK – TESOL Professional
Development for the 21st Century
Strengthening Student Initiated Motivation
through Motivational Partnerships
Studies based on Dörnyei’s (2001) model of
motivational teaching practice provide compelling
data to support the teacher’s role in motivating
students. Motivational strategies may also be
initiated by students through motivational
partnerships. This plenary session focuses on how teachers can train
learners to take responsibility for their own learning by initiating
motivational partnerships.
Join this interactive plenary to explore how you can
be “better than OK” in the classroom and online
instructional settings. Drawing on a full career in
ESL/EFL teacher education including teaching,
research and service in universities in
the US and abroad, Liz England offers suggestions for Oklahoma
teachers at all levels to maintain high professional standards and
personal balance at all states of their career paths in this, the second
decade, of the 21 century and beyond.
Saturday Workshop: Building Student Motivation to Read
A related workshop to be presented during our Saturday Sessions. This
workshop will focus on ways that teachers can build student motivation to
be more fluent readers. As we build students’ comprehension skills and
reading rate they will want to be better readers. Participants will have the
opportunity to consider how the elements of the presentation can be
integrated into their philosophy for teaching L2 reading.
For more info go to:
Oklahoma Christian University Garvey Center
2501 E Memorial Rd, Edmond, OK 73136
*The Sleep Inn & Suites will give a 15% discount
Mention: Conference @ OK Christian University
Must be postmarked by 10/10/14
Regular $70, Students & Retired Teachers $40
Please do not mail registrations after 10/18/14
On Site Registration will be available
Regular $80, Students & Retired Teachers $50
Please see website for registration form
Submit form with payment/PO to: OKTESOL
Attn Conference, PO Box 892457, OKC, 73189
Are due September 19, 2014
Please see website for Call Sheets & instructions
Award & Board Nominations
Saturday Workshop – Surviving the Professional
Balancing Act for TESOLers: How to be “Better than OK!”
This workshop provides participants with opportunities to address
personal and professional balance in an increasingly high-stress world.
Join us to self-assess, recharge and relax!
Liz England is Professor of ESL and TESOL,
Neil J Anderson is a Professor in the
department of English Language Teaching and
Learning at Brigham Young University Hawaii. His
research interests include second language
reading, language learner strategies, learner selfassessment, motivation in language teaching and
learning, and ELT leadership development. He is
the author or co-editor of three teacher education
texts in the area of second language reading:
Exploring Second Language Reading: Issues and
Strategies (1999, Heinle/Thompson), Practical
English Language Teaching: Reading (2008,
McGraw Hill), and L2 Reading Research and
Instruction: Crossing the Boundaries (2009, the
University of Michigan Press). In addition he is the
author of an EFL reading series ACTIVE Skills for
Reading, 3rd edition (2013, National Geographic
Learning/Cengage). He served as President of
TESOL from 2001-2002. He also served as a
member of the Board of Trustees of The
International Research Foundation (TIRF) as well
as the President of the Board. He has been a
Fulbright Teaching & Research Scholar in Costa
Rica and in Guatemala. He is the 2014 recipient of
the prestigious James Alatis Service Award to
Shenandoah University, Winchester, VA. Since
1977, she has directly served our profession – as
a teacher, a research and through service to
various universities and leadership in the
International TESOL Association and their
affiliates. She has received TESOL awards
(Marckwardt 1983 & Enright 2002) and served on
the board of directors of International TESOL as
well as both Michigan and Egypt TESOL. As a
consultant or faculty member, she has guided
graduate students and then mentored them in
their first years of teaching. She has learned from
students she has taught and also from colleagues
– working together on projects in universities and
government associations – to professionalize and
raise the bar on English language teaching. This
is Liz’s first OKTESOL Conference. She has
presented at affiliates in Texas, Georgia, Florida,
Illinois, Washington, DC, Virginia and Michigan in
the US, as well as in 30 different countries outside
of the US. Liz has authored many articles, books
and chapters, notably editor of Online Language
Teacher Education: TESOL Perspectives (2012,
Routledge) and co-editor of Reigniting, Retooling
and Retirement for English Language Teachers
(2012, University of Michigan Press).
Lunch provided Sat & Refreshments Fri evening & Sat morning
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PO Box 892457, OKC, OK 73189