2015-2016 Admissions Application Procedure and Checklist © HFAA 2015-16 PLEASE NOTE: INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ENTERED INTO THE LOTTERY No application will be considered complete until: uALL of the following checklist items have been submitted v ALL required records from the student's previous school(s) have been received (transcripts, discipline records, attendance etc.) Applicants Name LAST FIRST Applying for: 9th 10th MIDDLE 11th 12th APPLICATION CHECKLIST u Student Information Form v Proof of Residency Form Y Y Y N/A Utility Bill or Lease/Rental Agreement (If out of district, see information on page 2 of this application.) w Student Code of Conduct x Parent Participation Agreement y Student Essays (3) z Records Release Form { Math Evaluation Form | Teacher Evaluation Form } Student Interest Form Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Student's Immunization Records - Copy Student's Birth Certificate - Copy *Transcript - Copy *Student's Discipline Record from Prev. School - Copy *Student's Attendance Record from Prev.School - Copy Y Y Y Y Y TURN THIS CHECKLIST IN WITH APPLICATION *Discipline, Attendance and Transcript reports will be accessed from the student's cumulative folder. These materials will be sent from the student's former school; no action is needed by a parent or guardian. Each student must have successfully completed the previous grade to be considered for admission. DEADLINE IS MARCH 6th, 2015 by 5:00pm COMPLETED APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AFTER DEADLINE WILL GO ON A WAITING LIST Deliver to our offices or mail to: + Harding Fine Arts Academy P.O. Box 18895 Oklahoma City, OK 73154 405-702-4322 Sorry, we are unable to accept e-mailed or faxed applications. STUDENT Only Completed Applications will be entered into the lottery. INFORMATION u **** PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE **** , LAST Applying for which Grade? 9th 10th FIRST MIDDLE MALE CITY BIRTH PLACE STUDENT E-MAIL , CITY Other , , STATE STATE , ZIP CODE STATE Yes Does the student applying have a sibling currently attending Harding Fine Arts Academy? ZIP CODE COUNTRY PREVIOUSLY ATTENDED: NAME of LAST SCHOOL ATTENDED OKCPS FEMALE CITY APARTMENT # STUDENT CELL # District of Residence PREFERRED NAME 12th SS # 11th STREET ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH © HFAA 2015-16 STUDENT INFORMATION SECTION 1 NAME (Rev. October 2014) u PAROCHIAL PUBLIC CHARTER PRIVATE HOME SCHOOL No OPTIONAL Name of HFAA sibling? OPTIONAL: How does HFAA use the following demographic and educational information? Rest assured, the following information is NEVER used for selection purposes. HFAA believes in meeting the needs of each individual child/student. Collecting this information helps us learn more about your child to better meet those needs. RACE (may check more than one) ETHNICITY Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native Not Hispanic Black or African American Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Asian Caucasian Does you child currently receive any special academic accommodations? Yes No If yes, please explain: SECTION 2 E Please check one PARENT / GUARDIAN INFORMATION 1. NAME Relationship to Student ADDRESS PRIMARY LANGUAGE SPOKEN IN THE HOME STREET Lives with Student? CITY HOME # CELL # Yes No ZIP CODE E-mail FEDERALLY EMPLOYED WORK # Place of Employment 2. NAME Relationship to Student ADDRESS STREET Lives with Student? CITY HOME # CELL # Yes No ZIP CODE E-mail FEDERALLY EMPLOYED WORK # Place of Employment SCHOOL USE ONLY DATE COMPLETED / / TIME COMPLETED AM PM P R I O RITY GRO UP A B C I hereby certify I am the parent / legal guardian of the above student, and *affirm all information contained herein is correct. Current information is vital to the education and safety of every student. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to update the above information as it changes. LOTTERY # LOTTERY NOTIFICATION SENT: / / Parent / Guardian Signature Date PROOF of RESIDENCY INSTRUCTIONS v SECTION 1 STUDENT INFORMATION NAME LAST **** PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE **** District of Residence OKCPS SECTION 2 (Rev. October 2015) © HFAA 2015-16 CITY F SEE SECTION 3 Other v M.I. FIRST STREET ADDRESS Only Completed Applications will be entered into the lottery. F SEE SECTION 4 Applying for which Grade? ZIP CODE 9th 10th 11th 12th Yes No PARENT / GUARDIAN INFORMATION NAME Relationship to Student Lives with Student? * Guardian(s) must provide the following items required by Oklahoma City Public Schools: "Adults serving as guardians for students in the district are required to show proof of guardianship with a certified court document, adoption papers, or transfer of guardianship through DHS, Social Security or a notarized letter from the parent." SECTION 3 IN DISTRICT ? If yes, complete this section. Parent / Guardian, sign below and provide the following items required by Oklahoma City Public Schools: ONE (1) FORM of: REAL ESTATE CONTRACT: "Title to residential property in the district, valid unexpired lease agreement, or receipts for payment of rent on a district residence in which the applicant actually resides." - OR - TWO (2) FORMS of: CURRENT UTILITY BILLS (within last 60 days): OG&E, ONG, water. (Addresses with a P.O. Box number are not acceptable. Cable or Phone bills are not acceptable.) Please write your child's name on the bills. SECTION 4 OUT of DISTRICT ? If yes, see information below. accepted, students whose legal residence is outside of the * IfOKCPS district will need to obtain a transfer. OPEN TRANSFERS into the OKCPS district must be sought immediately upon acceptance. Transfers will need to be signed by the HFAA principal. Occasionally, a home district will provide an Emergency Transfer; however, this is the exception, not the rule. GO HERE TO APPLY * F OKC Public Schools STUDENT SERVICES 900 North Klein Oklahoma City, OK 73106 405-587-0000 I hereby certify I am the parent or that I have obtained legal guardianship or legal custody through the courts for the student listed above. I also certify that the address listed above is my legal residence. I further understand that if my legal residence is determined to be located in another school district and I have not obtained an approved Open or Emergency Transfer, any child indicated as residing at the address above could be withdrawn from Harding Fine Arts Academy and the parent/legal guardian could be assessed a tuition fee equal to the per capita cost of education in such district during the preceding school year. I certify I have read the statements above and the information provided is accurate. I also understand that this document applies to the school year listed above. Parent / Guardian Signature Date STUDENT Code of Conduct w Only Completed Applications will be entered into the lottery. (Rev. October 2014) w © HFAA 2015- 16 HFAA sets the highest of expectations for student behavior and school safety. We expect every student to come to school prepared to learn and ready to treat themselves and others with respect. Because we care about the physical and emotional safety of our students, inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action. STUDENT CONDUCT AGREEMENT I understand that I choose my own actions. I also understand that every choice I make has consequences (positive or negative). With that in mind, I promise: INITIAL EACH BELOW EE E To treat myself, teachers, peers, and school property with respect. To take responsibility for my own education by arriving at school on time, coming to class prepared, and completing assignments on time. To obey classroom rules set by teachers. To refrain from profanity in speech, personal conduct, and written language. To settle disputes with my peers respectfully and appropriately. To not endanger myself or others by bringing any form of weapon, lighters, drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products to the school grounds. To refrain from vandalizing or misusing any school property (i.e. books, lockers, bathrooms, etc...). To keep my hands, feet, and objects to myself at all times. To participate in activities whenever possible and to maintain a healthy lifestyle by avoiding harmful substances and behaviors. To not engage in any form of sexual harassment. To not participate in secret societies (i.e. gangs or occult activities) on school grounds or at school sponsored events. To strive to exhibit behaviors that earn the respect of teachers, peers, and parents. To follow the HFAA's Dress Code (both in and out of uniform). To adhere to the Code of Conduct at all school sponsored events and activities whether during or outside the school day. To agree to participate in 20 hours of community service per academic year. My child and I have thoroughly reviewed the HFAA Code of Conduct as listed above. We also understand that this is only an excerpt from the Student/Parent Handbook. Failure to abide by the Code of Conduct and/or other rules and policies of Harding Fine Arts Academy can be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal, and the cancelation of my child's transfer to HFAA. Student's Full Name (please print): Student's Signature: Date: Parent's / Guardian's Name (please print): Parent's / Guardian's Signature: Date: PARENT x PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT Only Completed Applications will be entered into the lottery. (Rev. October 2014) x © HFAA 2015-16 By choosing to become a part of the Harding Fine Arts Academy community I am expecting more from my child's education and their future. I acknowledge HFAA is a college preparatory high school focusing on an enriched, liberal arts curriculum. I agree to vigorously support my child in their pursuits and HFAA in their mission and vision. With this in mind, I commit: ► To model my expectations by being a positive role model for my child. ► To consistently monitor my child's study habits and the completion of their assignments. ► To monitor my child's gradebook and communicate any concerns with both my child and his/her teacher(s) before issues become dire. ► To support HFAA's No-Zero Tolerance policy and Academic Intervention by working to hold my child accountable to the timely completion assignments. ► To make sure my child regularly gets an appropriate amount of sleep each night. ► To ensure my child arrives at school on time. ► To support HFAA's attendance policy of no more than eight (8) total absences per semester by ensuring my child is at school and in class. ► To support HFAA's Student Handbook, Code of Conduct, and classroom rules set by individual teachers. ► To enforce daily the student dress code, and to be prepared to pick up my child from school if there is a violation. ► To personally donate 20 hours of service per year to HFAA through participation in workdays and other volunteer opportunities. ► To be financially responsible for the restoration of any HFAA property stolen, destroyed or lost while in the care of my child, and any fees or accounts accrued on my child's behalf. ► To conduct myself in a professional manner with other members of the HFAA community including teachers, administrators, and other students and parents. Parent / Guardian Signature Date STUDENT ESSAYS & AUDITIONS y y Only Completed Applications will be entered into the lottery. (Rev. October 2014) © HFAA 2015-16 * Return this signature page with completed Essays. STUDENT APPLICATION ESSAYS Students applying to Harding Fine Arts Academy must submit three (3) essays with their application. These essays are NOT used to select students for acceptance, so why are they required? All education is personal and we at HFAA are very interested in who your child is, their dreams and goals, and at what level they are academically. Our goal is to challenge your child in the areas they excel and to support them where they are struggling. Language is a cornerstone to academics. These essays give us insight into who your child is personally and are used as writing samples for their language arts proficiency. Each essay is to answer one of the following questions: Essay #1 What makes a good student? Essay #2 What does art mean to you? Essay #3 Why do you want to attend Harding Fine Arts Academy? STUDENT PLACEMENT AUDITIONS & TESTING: If your child is selected through the lottery to attend HFAA you will receive an acceptance letter and information regarding enrollment. Depending on past transcripts and courses selected, your child may be scheduled for auditions and/or testing for placement. Once selected, it is the responsibility of each student to be present for scheduled placement auditions and/or testing. Missing any of these can affect a student's enrollment in desired courses. You will be informed of any times you are required to be present. Parent's / Guardian's Signature: Date: RECORDS RELEASE z **** PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE **** Director of Admissions admissions@hfaaokc.org Fax: 405.601.0904 STUDENT INFORMATION NAME LAST DOB MALE FEMALE PHONE , STREET ADDRESS SECTION 2 FIRST MIDDLE SS # APARTMENT # , CITY PARENT / GUARDIAN INFORMATION NAME Relationship to Student STATE Lives with Student? ZIP CODE Yes No DAY PHONE HOME PHONE CELL PHONE SECTION 3 © HFAA 2015-16 (Rev. October 2014) 3333 North Shartel Oklahoma City, OK 73118 Phone: 405.702.4322 SECTION 1 z Only Completed Applications will be entered into the lottery. SCHOOL INFROMATION SCHOOL PHONE Last School Attended STREET School Address CITY FAX (REQUIRED) , ZIP CODE STATE Registrar: Please send the following documents for the above student: Transcript(s) / Grades Attendance Records Disciplinary Records Student's Birth Certificate Student's Immunization Records F Test Scores NOTE: FERPA allows schools to disclose records, without consent, to other schools to which a student is transferring (http://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html) Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act: 34 CFR Part 99 § 99.31(a)(2) - "...permit[s] educational agencies and institutions to disclose education records, without consent, to another institution even after the student has enrolled or transferred so long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the student's enrollment or transfer." * REGISTRAR / COUNSELOR Please forward copies of the above documents a quickly as possible by: 2) fax to our office 405-601-0904 3) or mail documents to P.O. Box 18895, OKC, OK 73154 ? ? Please call with any questions: 405-702-4322 MATH EVALUATION Deadline March 6th, 2015 at 5:00pm { **** PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE **** SECTION 1 LAST FIRST © HFAA 2015-16 PHONE # STREET 9th 10th CITY 11th MATH TEACHER ZIP CODE Parent(s) Name 12th STUDENT - FILL OUT THE ABOVE INFORMATION SECTION 2 (Rev. October 2014) { STUDENT INFORMATION Applicant's Name Address Applying for which Grade? Only Completed Applications will be entered into the lottery. G H THEN GIVE IT TO ONE OF THE TEACHERS LISTED BELOW THE TEACHER - All information you provide will be kept in strict confidence. Candid assessment of strengths and weaknesses are * TO always more helpful to the student than routine praise, and knowledge of both in turn helps us identify how we can best serve each student. This is for placement purposes only. Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Math Teacher's Name School School Subject MATH How long have you known the applicant? Q Please mark the appropriate Serious Concern box for each descriptor: 1. Multiplication Table 2. Fractions & Decimals 3. Use of Integers 4. Multi-Step Equations 5. Graphing Linear Equations 6. Participation in the classroom 7. Personal discipline and work habits 8. Self-motivation 9. Ability to focus when necessary 10. Pride in quality of work Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Mastery 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Has this student (or will he/she) taken the Algebra I EOI (End-of-Instruction) Exam? YES DATE OF EXAM NO Any additional comments: Evaluator's Signature * To submit this evaluation form can be submitted in three ways: 1) Place form in an envelope, provide signature over the seal and return it to the student; 2) Mail or deliver directly to Harding Fine Arts Academy PO Box 18895, OKC OK 73154; 3) or Fax the form to our office 405- 601-0904. Date E TEACHER - PLEASE RETURN THIS EVALUATION IN ONE OF THESE 3 WAYS. TEACHER EVALUATION Deadline March 6th, 2015 at 5:00pm | **** PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE **** SECTION 1 LAST FIRST © HFAA 2015-16 PHONE # STREET 9th 10th CITY 11th 12th STUDENT - FILL OUT THE ABOVE INFORMATION SECTION 2 (Rev. October 2014) | STUDENT INFORMATION Applicant's Name Address Applying for which Grade? Only Completed Applications will be entered into the lottery. ZIP CODE Parent(s) Name G H THEN GIVE IT TO ONE OF THE TEACHERS LISTED BELOW TEACHER - English, Social Studies, Science or Foreign Language THE TEACHER - All information you provide will be kept in strict confidence. Candid assessment of strengths and weaknesses are * TO always more helpful to the student than routine praise, and knowledge of both in turn helps us identify how we can best serve each student. This is for placement purposes only. Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Evaluator's Name School School Subject School Phone * Above Average Truly Exceptional 1. Intellectual curiosity 2. Imagination & Creativity 3. Personal discipline and work habits 4. Self-motivation 5. Ability to focus when necessary 6. Pride in quality of work 7. Participation in the classroom 8. Written expression 9. Oral expression 10. Honesty & Integrity 11. Ability to work with others 12. Perseverance to complete tasks 13. Dedication to personal commitments 14. Any additional comments: N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 Evaluator's Signature To submit this evaluation form can be submitted in three ways: 1) Place form in an envelope, provide signature over the seal and return it to the student; 2) Mail or deliver directly to Harding Fine Arts Academy PO Box 18895, OKC OK 73154; 3) or Fax the form to our office 405- 601-0904. Average box for each descriptor: Top 5% Below Average Q Please mark the appropriate Top 15% Serious Concern No Basis for Judgment How long have you known the applicant? E Date TEACHER - PLEASE RETURN THIS EVALUATION IN ONE OF THESE 3 WAYS. STUDENT INTERESTS } **** WE WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YOUR CHILD **** SECTION 1 NAME (Rev. October 2014) } © HFAA 2015-16 STUDENT INFORMATION LAST F Only Completed Applications will be entered into the lottery. FIRST M.I. PLEASE NUMBER THESE IN ORDER OF PREFEENCE THROUGH AT LEAST TEN (10) AP Classes Drama Journalism Science Ballet English Leadership Spanish Band French Math Speech/Debate Choir Guitar Martial Arts Strings Computers Graphic Arts Photography Visual Art Dance History/Soc. Stdy Piano Writing Other:
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