SHARING COPENHAGEN DECEMBER 8-9 2014 GREEN CAPITAL DAYS P T F A DR A M M E R G RO Photo Ursula Bach SHARING COPENHAGEN 2014 // Twitter @SharingCPH // Instagram SharingCPH SHARING COPENHAGEN DECEMBER 8-9 2014 GREEN CAPITAL DAYS Copenhagen was awarded the title of European Green Capital in 2014. On December 8-9, we conclude our year as European Green Capital with the conference SHARING COPENHAGEN – GREEN CAPITAL DAYS, where decisionmakers, business leaders and civil society organisations from Denmark and abroad meet and debate sustainable urban development. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS AND PARTICIPANTS The event is also a showcase for the specific green initiatives and projects that create green growth and make Copenhagen and the region a sustainable and better place to live for the future. STIAN BERGER RØSLAND GOVERNING MAYOR, CITY OF OSLO Sharing Copenhagen – Green Capital Days is a glimpse into the future of sustainable urban living – and a vision we continue to work with, while sharing with the world and next year’s European Green Capital, Bristol. Amongst others the programme will include: • The official European Green Capital Handover Ceremony Copenhagen – Bristol • Copenhagen Climate Solutions – CPH 2025 (annual conference) • The conference “Ramboll and the City of Copenhagen: Realising Liveable Cities” • The High-level Roundtable talks Copenhagen – Paris: A Roadmap to COP21 • The Children’s Climate Summit • The European Green Capital Network • Sharing Copenhagen 2015 partnership kick off. KARMENU VELLA EUROPEAN COMMISSIONER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT MARITIME AFFAIRS AND FISHERIES (TBC) FRANK JENSEN LORD MAYOR OF COPENHAGEN GEORGE FERGUSON MAYOR OF BRISTOL KARL FALKENBERG DIRECTOR GENERAL FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, EUROPEAN COMMISSION MORTEN KABELL MAYOR FOR TECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS, THE CITY OF COPENHAGEN JUTTA BLANKAU SENATOR, HAMBURG (TBC) KIRSTEN BROSBØL DANISH MINISTER OF THE ENVIRONMENT OLAFUR ELIASSON ARTIST MARK WATTS (TBC) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, C40 MICHAEL BRAUNGART FOUNDER, CRADLE TO CRADLE JAN GEHL GEHL ARCHITECTS JENS-PETER SAUL GROUP CEO, RAMBOLL HERBERT DREISEITL DIRECTOR, RAMBOLL JASON ROBERTS BETTER BLOCK Sharing Copenhagen – Green Capital Days is a partnership between the European Commission (DG Environment), the Confederation of Danish Industry, Ramboll, the Capital Region of Denmark, and the City of Copenhagen. KATHERINE RICHARDSON PROFESSOR UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN BRENT TODERIAN CEO, TODERIAN URBAN WORKS, VANCOUVER DAVID ZAHLE PARTNER, BIG: BJARKE INGELS GROUP 2 WWW.SHARINGCOPENHAGEN.DK WE WELCOME YOU TO COPENHAGEN DECEMBER 8-9 2014 SHARING COPENHAGEN FRANK JENSEN LORD MAYOR THE CITY OF COPENHAGEN MORTEN KABELL MAYOR FOR TECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS THE CITY OF COPENHAGEN KARL FALKENBERG DIRECTOR GENERAL FOR THE ENVIRONMENT EUROPEAN COMMISSION JENS-PETER SAUL GROUP CEO RAMBOLL 3 WWW.SHARINGCOPENHAGEN.DK OFFICIAL EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL HANDOVER CEREMONY PROGRAMME MONDAY DECEMBER 8. 13.00-15.30 KEYNOTE: MICHAEL BRAUNGART, FOUNDER OF CRADLE2CRADLE, ”IS SUSTAINABILITY ENOUGH – OR SHOULD WE AIM HIGHER?” MAYOR’S DEBATE ON SUSTAINABILITY AND BEYOND – SHOULD WE AIM HIGHER? PARTICIPANTS: MAYOR FOR TECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS THE CITY OF COPENHAGEN MORTEN KABELL, MAYOR OF BRISTOL GEORGE FERGUSON, DIRECTOR GENERAL FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION KARL FALKENBERG AND ACADEMIC CHAIR FOR CRADLE2CRADLE MICHAEL BRAUNGART INTERLUDE OPENING REMARKS AND WELCOME BY DIRECTOR GENERAL FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION KARL FALKENBERG CHILDREN’S SPEECH – ENGAGING THE NEXT GENERATION FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE SPEECH BY THE LORD MAYOR OF COPENHAGEN FRANK JENSEN SHARING IMAGES SPEECH BY THE MAYOR OF BRISTOL GEORGE FERGUSON UNIQUELY BRISTOL SPEECH BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSIONER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, MARITIME AFFAIRS AND FISHERIES KARMENU VELLA TURNING THE PAGE IN THE GREEN BOOK BY KARMENU VELLA, FRANK JENSEN AND GEORGE FERGUSON + GROUP PHOTO 16.00-17.30 NETWORKING AND DRINKS 19.00-23.00 OFFICIAL EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL HANDOVER CEREMONY DINNER 4 WWW.SHARINGCOPENHAGEN.DK DRAFT PROGRAMME MONDAY DECEMBER 8 MONDAY // 8:00-23:00 8:00-9:00 REGISTRATION AND COFFEE 9:00-10:00 OFFICIAL OPENING: SHARING COPENHAGEN – GREEN CAPITAL DAY 10:00-11:00 11:00-12:00 EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL CITY NETWORK 11:30-12:45 CLOSED SESSION MEMBERS ONLY 12:00-13:00 LUNCH 13:00-15:30 THE OFFICIAL EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL HANDOVER CEREMONY, COPENHAGEN – BRISTOL. HVORDAN MOTIVERES VI TIL ANSVARLIG KLIMAHANDLING? BISHOP PETER FISCHERMØLLER OG MICKEY GJERRIS FRA ETISK RÅD COPENHAGEN CLIMATE SOLUTION CPH 2025 “SUSTAINABLE PASSABILITY IN A MODERN CITY” COPENHAGEN CLIMATE SOLUTION CPH 2025 ADAPTATION “CITY SPACE AND CLIMATE ADAPTATION; A NEW AGENDA” IN DANISH ONLY LUNCH KEYNOTE: MICHAEL BRAUNGART 15:30-17:00 EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL DRINKS + NETWORKING 17:00-19:00 19:00-23:00 OFFICIAL EUROPEAN HANDOVER CEREMONY DINNER BY FORMAL INVITATION ONLY REGISTRATION NECESSARY 5 WWW.SHARINGCOPENHAGEN.DK DRAFT PROGRAMME TUESDAY DECEMBER 9 TUESDAY // 8:00-19:00 8:00-9:00 9:00-11:00 REGISTRATION AND COFFEE RAMBOLL AND THE CITY OF COPENHAGEN: REALISING LIVEABLE CITIES THE CHILDRENS CLIMATE SUMMIT CLOSED SESSION KEYNOTE: OLAFUR ELIASSON CHILDRENS CLIMATE SUMMIT 11:00-13:00 COPENHAGEN CLIMATE SOLUTION – CPH 2025 ENERGY CONSUMPTION I “EFFICIENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT OF BUILDINGS” COPENHAGEN CLIMATE SOLUTION – CPH 2025 ENERGY PRODUCTION I “ENERGY PRODUCTION AND BIO MASS – IN A SUSTAINABLE WAY” EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL CITY NETWORK COPENHAGEN CLIMATE SOLUTION – CPH 2025 ENERGY CONSUMPTION II “RENOVATION OF STREET LIGHTING IN COPENHAGEN” CLOSED SESSION MEMBERS ONLY 13:00-14:00 14:00-16:00 LUNCH HIGH-LEVEL ROUNDTABLE TALKS COPENHAGEN – PARIS: A ROADMAP TO COP21 LUNCH CHILDRENS CLIMATE SUMMIT CLOSED SESSION COPENHAGEN CLIMATE SOLUTION – CPH 2025 ENERGY CONSUMPTION III “EFFEKTIVISERING OG REDUKTION AF OMKOSTNINGER VED ENERGIRENOVERING” COPENHAGEN CLIMATE SOLUTIONS – CPH 2025 ENERGY PRODUCTION 11 “THE USE OF WASTE IN FUTURE ENERGY SYSTEMS” IN DANISH ONLY 16:00-18:00 18:00-19:00 SHARING COPENHAGEN 2015 PARTNERSHIP KICK OFF SHARING COPENHAGEN DRINKS AND NETWORKING 6 WWW.SHARINGCOPENHAGEN.DK PROGRAMME SHARING COPENHAGEN DECEMBER 8-9 2014 OFFICIAL OPENING // SHARING COPENHAGEN – GREEN CAPITAL DAYS DECEMBER 8, 9:00-10:00 LOCATION: OPEN TO PUBLIC, REGISTRATION NECESSARY Mayor for technical and environmental affairs, Morten Kabell welcomes you to the City of Copenhagen and opens the two day conference Sharing Copenhagen – Green Capital Days. He will be joined by architect and livability expert Jan Gehl, professor Cathrine Richardson and city planner and urbanist from Vancouver Brent Toderian. • MAYOR MORTEN KABELL Welcome to the Green Capital Days. A few words about Sharing Copenhagen and the role of cities in relation to climate and mobility. • CITY PLANNER AND URBANIST BRENT TODERIAN An introduction to sustainable urban development and climate adaptation • ARCHITECT JAN GEHL An introduction to liveable cities • PROFESSOR KATHERINE RICHARDSON How the climate actions in cities are part of the international climate agenda. COPENHAGEN CLIMATE SOLUTIONS – CPH 2025 // MOBILITY – Sustainable passability in a modern city DECEMBER 8, 10:00-12:00 LOCATION: OPEN TO PUBLIC, REGISTRATION NECESSARY FURTHER DETAILS TO BE ANNOUNCED 7 WWW.SHARINGCOPENHAGEN.DK PROGRAMME SHARING COPENHAGEN DECEMBER 8-9 2014 COPENHAGEN CLIMATE SOLUTIONS – CPH 2025 // ADAPTATION – City space and climate adaptation – a new agenda DECEMBER 8, 10:00-12:00 LOCATION OPEN TO PUBLIC, REGISTRATION NECESSARY FURTHER DETAILS TO BE ANNOUNCED A session that focuses on how cities can make the most of climate adaptation. Can climate change adaptation strategies be utilised as drivers for urban development and green growth? Our climate is changing. In the future, extreme rainfall events and flooding from the sea will increase in frequency and intensity. More than 300 projects forms part of the Copenhagen Cloud Burst program and flooding from the sea might require large dykes to guard the city. Protecting Copenhagen against flooding from extreme rainfall events can be solved by draining away at or below ground level. Adaptive measures at ground level are both easier and cheaper to effectuate. New blue and green oases and recreational areas can be made by combining ground level measures with plants and trees. Hence these solutions will be preferred in those parts of the city with enough space to accommodate them. The implementation must be carried out with a flexible approach which can be developed gradually in the coming years. Flexible climate adaptation requires interdisciplinary solutions, where a number of aspects of city development are included. How can we create the best strategic approach to get the most of the new city spaces? • MR. SØREN MØLLER CHRISTENSEN, FOUNDER AND CO-OWNER OF CARLBERG/CHRISTENSEN. • HERBERT DREISEITL, ARTIST AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, RAMBOLL • BRENT TODERIAN, CONSULTANT, TODERIAN URBANWORKS VANCOUVER • MARINA BERGEN, SENIOR RESEARCHER AT UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN • ANNE-METTE GJERAA, HEAD OF PROJECTS, REALDANIA • MADS ULDALL, HEAD OF PROJECTS, KVARTERLØFT ØSTERBRO HVORDAN MOTIVERES VI TIL ANSVARLIG KLIMAHANDLING? (in Danish, only) DECEMBER 8, 10:00-12:00 LOCATION: OPEN TO PUBLIC, REGISTRATION NECESSARY Vi ved, at klimaforandringerne er en realitet og truer vores fremtid. Vi ved også, hvad der skal til for at nedsætte vores CO2-udledning. Men den viden tilskynder os tilsyneladende ikke til, at vi som enkeltpersoner ændrer adfærd. At appellere til vores dårlige samvittighed og pligt virker tilsyneladende heller ikke. Så hvordan skal vi så motivere til handling? Svaret kunne gemme sig fænomener som håb, glæde og livsmod. De vil blive belyst fra etisk og teologisk hold af: • MICKEY GJERRIS, LEKTOR I BIOETIK VED KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET OG MEDLEM AF ETISK RÅD • PETER FISCHER-MØLLER, BISKOP I ROSKILDE OG MEDLEM AF KLIMA- OG MILJØGRUPPEN I DANSKE KIRKERS RÅD WWW.SHARINGCOPENHAGEN.DK 8 PROGRAMME SHARING COPENHAGEN DECEMBER 8-9 2014 EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL DRINKS AND NETWORKING DECEMBER 8, 15:30-17:00 LOCATION: ATRIUM We will bid a toast to Bristol, European Green Capital 2015 and enjoy eachothers company. There is also an opportunity to see the green exibition facilitated by the Capital Region of Denmark. OFFICIAL EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL HANDOVER CEREMONY DINNER DECEMBER 8, 19:00-23:00 LOCATION: DI KANTINE (7TH FLOOR) BY FORMAL INVITATION ONLY, REGISTRATION NECESSARY FURTHER DETAILS TO BE ANNOUNCED The dinner will be hosted by mayor for technical and environmental affairs, Morten Kabell and will be held at the beautiful facilities of the confederation of Danish Industry at the top floor with magnificent views of the Tivoli garden and the city hall square. 9 WWW.SHARINGCOPENHAGEN.DK PROGRAMME SHARING COPENHAGEN DECEMBER 8-9 2014 RAMBOLL AND THE CITY OF COPENHAGEN: – Realising liveable cities DECEMBER 9, 9:00-13:00 LOCATION: THE CONFERENCE HALL OPEN TO PUBLIC, REGISTRATION NECESSARY Cities strive to be the best places to live but are cities able to deliver on their promises? This conference debates how cities can realise and implement their visionary potential within the complex realities of politics, public opinion and numerous stakeholders. After many years of dreams and discussions about sustainability, resilience and liveability, many cities around the world have started implementing visionary urban development projects that should both safeguard cities against climate change and make them more attractive for citizens and users. During the conference, city and business leaders and civil society organisations from all over Europe will share key learnings from Copenhagen and internationally and engage participants in a discussion on how to develop liveable cities and address important future urban dilemmas. The conference is part of the Green Capital Days initiative and is hosted by Ramboll and the City of Copenhagen. 9.00-9.10 • WELCOME (10m) Introducing why cities should not only be environmentally friendly and sustainable but also an attractive place for people to live and set the scene for a debate between city leaders, local communities and city expert. MODERATOR: Kurt Strand SPEAKERS: Morten Kabell, Mayor, Copenhagen, Jens-Peter Saul, Group CEO, Ramboll 9.10-9.40 • MY LIVEABLE CITY EXPERIENCE (30m) An outside-in and personal perspective on what makes a city attractive to live in. SPEAKER: Olafur Eliasson, artist 9.40-10.05 • HOW SHOULD CITIES BECOME LIVEABLE? (25m) Global city leader perspective on what are the key dilemmas in developing cities. SPEAKER: Jutta Blankau, , Senator, Hamburg (TBC) 10.05-10.50 • INSPIRING LIVEABLE CITIES (45m) This session presents three different cases on how to make cities liveable, from the Nordics over the Middle East to the remote regions of the Arctic. – Copenhagen – a Nordic Capital (20m) – How is Copenhagen an inspiration to cities around the world? – What should Copenhagen learn from other cities? – Tromsø – an Arctic city (10m) – Jeddah – a modern Arab city (10m) SPEAKERS: Hanne Christensen, Executive Director, Ramboll, David Zahle, Partner BIG, Henrik R. Seiding, Group Director, Ramboll, Neel Strøbæk, Group Director, Ramboll CONTINUES NEXT PAGE 10 WWW.SHARINGCOPENHAGEN.DK PROGRAMME SHARING COPENHAGEN DECEMBER 8-9 2014 RAMBOLL AND THE CITY OF COPENHAGEN: – Realising liveable cities DECEMBER 9, 9:00-13:00 LOCATION: THE CONFERENCE HALL OPEN TO PUBLIC, REGISTRATION NECESSARY 10.50-11.10 • BREAK (20m) 11.10-12.35 • DEBATE: REALISING LIVEABLE CITIES (85 min) How to make cities liveable and what are the main dilemmas? A debate between city leaders, local community representatives and city experts. The debate could go in 3-4 rounds starting with a short 7-10 min opening statement from each participant in the panel. The debate is facilitated by Kurt Strand. THE CITY LEADERS: Morten Kabell, Mayor, Copenhagen, Jutta Blankau, Senator, Hamburg (TBC) THE ’CITY INSPIRATORS’: Herbert Dreiseitl, Director, Liveable Cities Lab, Ramboll, Philip Rhode, Executive Director, LSE Cities, London School of Economics (TBC) THE CITY USERS: Jason Roberts, Co-creator, BETTER BLOCK, Jakob Scharff, Director, Danish Chamber of Commerce (TBC) • LEADERS – WHAT ARE YOUR ACTIONS AFTER THIS CONFERENCE? (10m) Kurt Strand interviews four key stakeholders on take-ways from the conference. George Ferguson, Mayor, Bristol (TBC), Anne Skovbro, Director, Copenhagen, Karl Falkenberg, Director General, DG-Environment, EU-Commission (TBC), Jens-Peter Saul, Group CEO, Ramboll 12.50-13.00 • CLOSING OF CONFERENCE Jens-Peter Saul, Group CEO, Ramboll 11 WWW.SHARINGCOPENHAGEN.DK PROGRAMME SHARING COPENHAGEN DECEMBER 8-9 2014 COPENHAGEN CLIMATE SOLUTIONS – CPH 2025 // ENERGY CONSUMPTION I – Efficient energy management of buildings DECEMBER 9, 9:00-11:00 LOCATION: OPEN TO PUBLIC, REGISTRATION NECESSARY FURTHER DETAILS TO BE ANNOUNCED A session that discusses how energy consumption, becomes a more integrated part of building management. COPENHAGEN CLIMATE SOLUTIONS – CPH 2025 // ENERGY PRODUCTION I – Energy production and bio mass – in a sustainable way DECEMBER 9, 9:00-11:00 LOCATION: OPEN TO PUBLIC, REGISTRATION NECESSARY FURTHER DETAILS TO BE ANNOUNCED A session that discusses bio energy, from which sources should the biomass come? Is the biomass sustainable? How big is the carbon emission? And what does the Life-cycle assessment look like? THE CHILDREN’S CLIMATE SUMMIT DECEMBER 9, 11:00-13:00 LOCATION: OPEN TO PUBLIC, REGISTRATION NECESSARY FURTHER DETAILS TO BE ANNOUNCED 12 WWW.SHARINGCOPENHAGEN.DK PROGRAMME SHARING COPENHAGEN DECEMBER 8-9 2014 COPENHAGEN CLIMATE SOLUTIONS – CPH 2025 // ENERGY CONSUMPTION I1 – Renovation of street lighting in Copenhagen DECEMBER 9, 11:00-13:00 LOCATION: OPEN TO PUBLIC, REGISTRATION NECESSARY FURTHER DETAILS TO BE ANNOUNCED Copenhagen has signed an agreement with the French company Citelum to take hand of the replacement of 20,000 old lighting fixtures with energy efficient LED lighting and replacement of 8,000 light poles. It is an important step on the road to Copenhagen as the world’s first CO2-neutral capital by 2025. The agreement will halve energy consumption and CO2 emissions from the city’s street lights. This is equivalent to the consumption of more than 4,500 apartments. Finally obtains the municipality with the agreement an operating savings of more than 17 million DKK per year. With the transition to LED lighting will of Copenhagen come to see the city in a completely new light. The current street lighting ensures primarily light on the taxiways to the delight of motorists. From now on, the light is spread over a larger area, so cyclists and pedestrians will be easier to find your way through the city. LED lighting will also help to create more confidence in Copenhagen, when the municipality can turn up the lights in areas that are characterized by insecurity. Therefore, the City of Copenhagen has now made a lighting plan in collaboration with the city’s local committees and other local actors. How will this huge project contribute to the transition of Copenhagen into a CO2-neutral capital and steps towards Smart City? • THOMAS MAARE Lighting project coordinator, the City of Copenhagen • CITELUM 13 WWW.SHARINGCOPENHAGEN.DK PROGRAMME SHARING COPENHAGEN DECEMBER 8-9 2014 COPENHAGEN – PARIS: A ROADMAP TO COP 21 DECEMBER 9, 14:00-16:00 LOCATION: OPEN TO PUBLIC, REGISTRATION NECESSARY SPEAKERS TO BE ANNOUNCED IN COLLABORATION WITH C40 AND ICLEI Industry leaders and leading cities meet for roundtable talks in Copenhagen to take action on a united roadmap to COP21 in Paris. Up to 70 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions come from cities and urban areas. Cities, citizens and industries are experiencing the direct effects and costs of climate change. At the same time more and more people are migrating to cities. This is a global trend. Cities and industries have to act and are acting! Can they join forces? United, can they get a voice at COP21? What are the consequences if they don’t? 14 WWW.SHARINGCOPENHAGEN.DK PROGRAMME SHARING COPENHAGEN DECEMBER 8-9 2014 COPENHAGEN CLIMATE SOLUTIONS – CPH 2025 // ENERGY CONSUMPTION III – Effektivisering og reduktion af omkostninger ved energirenovering (in Danish only) DECEMBER 9, 14:00-16:00 LOCATION: OPEN TO PUBLIC, REGISTRATION NECESSARY FURTHER DETAILS TO BE ANNOUNCED Der er i dag flere initiativer undervejs med hensyn til at lette boligejernes beslutningsvej via bedre adgang til information og samarbejde, specielt i enfamilieshuse. Men hvordan kan selve renoveringerne effektiviseres og billiggøres – og hvad skal der til i etagebyggeriet? Udgangspunkt i byfornyelsessager og debat om skallering. COPENHAGEN CLIMATE SOLUTIONS – CPH 2025 // ENERGY PRODUCTION I1 – The use of waste in future energy systems DECEMBER 9, 14:00-16:00 LOCATION: OPEN TO PUBLIC, REGISTRATION NECESSARY FURTHER DETAILS TO BE ANNOUNCED A session that discusses bio energy, from which sources should the biomass come? Is the biomass sustainable? How big is the carbon emission? And what does the Life-cycle assessment look like? SHARING COPENHAGEN 2015 PARTNERSHIP KICK-OFF DECEMBER 9, 16:00-17:30 LOCATION: OPEN TO PUBLIC, REGISTRATION NECESSARY Sharing Copenhagen 2014 and beyond, together with a range of main partners, CEO for the Technical and Environmental Administration, Pernille Andersen concludes on the year as European Green Capital 2014 and kicks of a bunch of new partnerships for 2015. The session will be followed by Sharing Drinks. • CEO PERNILLE ANDERSEN Welcome to Sharing Copenhagen 2015 Partnership Kick-off the Green Capital Days. A few words about the results of Sharing Copenhagen 2014 partnerships. • PARTNER PRESENTATIONS What did the Sharing partners gain and learn in 2014? • HEAD OF DEPARTEMENT BRIAN HANSEN Presentation of next year’s Sharing Copenhagen 2015 partnership themes. EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL DRINKS AND NETWORKING DECEMBER 9, 17:30-18:00 LOCATION: ATRIUM OPEN TO PUBLIC, REGISTRATION NECESSARY FURTHER DETAILS TO BE ANNOUNCED 15 WWW.SHARINGCOPENHAGEN.DK PRACTICAL INFORMATION SHARING COPENHAGEN DECEMBER 8-9 2014 VENUE CONTACT INFORMATION THE CONFEDERATION OF DANISH INDUSTRY H.C. ANDERSENS BOULEVARD 18 1553 COPENHAGEN V. PROJECT MANAGER THE CITY OF COPENHAGEN CHRISTINA ANDERSKOV MAIL PHONE +45 4140 4956 For a detailed programme and registration see WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION (DG ENVIRONMENT), THE CONFEDERATION OF DANISH INDUSTRY, RAMBOLL, THE CAPITAL REGION OF DENMARK, THE CITY OF COPENHAGEN AALBORG UNIVERSITET, 2200 TÆSK, ALBERTSLUND KOMMUNE, AMAGER RESSOURCE CENTER, ARKEN, BIOFOS, BILLEDSKOLEN, BY OG HAVN, BYBI, BRHAMA KUMARIS, BUSTER FILMFESTIVAL, BYHØST, CARLBERG/CHRISTENSEN, CBS, CIDEA - KU, COPENHAGEN CAPACITY, CLEAN / CCC, COPENHAGEN GOODWILL AMBASSADORS, CULTURA 21, DAC, HOFOR, HUSET MARKEDSFØRING/DAGBLADET BØRSEN, CYKLISTFORBUNDET, DANISH FASHION INSTITUTE, DANISH MARITIME DAYS, DANISH SCIENCE FACTORY, DANSK DESIGN CENTER, DANSK FODGÆNGER FORBUND, DANSK INDUSTRI, DANSK RETURSYSTEM, GRØNNE KIRKER/DANSKE KIRKERS RÅD, DET DANSKE KULTURINSTITUT, DET KONGELIGE BIBLIOTEK, DET ØKOLOGISKE RÅD, DTU/SKYLAB, ENERGI- OG VANDVÆRKSTEDET , ERHVERVS- OG VÆKSTMINISTERIET, EUROCITIES, EUROPAKOMMISSIONEN, FOLKEVANDRINGEN, FORENINGEN ALVERDENS BØRN, FORENINGEN CYKLING UDEN ALDER, FRUGTFORMIDLINGEN, FURESØ KOMMUNE, GLADSAXE KOMMUNE, GO MORE, GATE 21, GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL, GOGREENCOPENHAGEN, GREEN CITIES, HANSA GREEN TOUR 2014, HUSET MARKEDSFØRING/BØRSEN, HENNES & MAURITZ, HOFOR, IBC EUROFORUM, INDEX: DESIGN TO IMPROVE LIFE, INGENIØRFORENINGEN IDA, INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR HOUSING AND PLANNING, IPCC - KLIMA MINISTERIET, ISLAND DYNAMICS.ORG, KULTURHAVN, KAB, KØBENHAVNS INTERNATIONALE TEATER, KØBENHAVNS LUFTHAVN, KØBENHAVNS MADHUS, KØBENHAVNS MUSEUM, KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, LAGI, LIFE EXHIBITIONS, LOKALUDVALGENE, METROSELSKABET, MALMØ STAD, MILJØPUNKT AMAGER, MINISTERIET FOR FORSKNING, INNOVATION OG VIDEREGÅENDE UDDANNELSER, MOVIA, NATURPARK AMAGER - KK, NCC, NORDVAND A/S, OMSTILLING NU, RAMBØLL, REGION HOVEDSTADEN, ROSKILDE FESTIVAL, SAS, STATE OF GREEN, STOP SPILD AF MAD, SKT. KJELDS KLIMAKVARTER, STRØMMA DANMARK, SYDHAVNSTIPPEN, SUITABLE FOR BUSINESS, SUSTAINABLE CITIZEN FESTIVAL, TAGDETOP, TOLDBODEN, TAGTOMAT, TEKNOLOGISK INSTITUT, TRANSPORTENS INNOVATIONSNETVÆRK, UNFOLDING FIELDS, UNIVERSITY OF THE CREATIVE ARTS - THE CENTRE FOR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN, WOCO, VEJDIREKTORATET, WE/DO AGENCEY, ØRESUND KULTURDAGE, ØRESUNDSKOMITEEN, ØSTERGRO. WWW.SHARINGCOPENHAGEN.DK
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