Winter – 2014 Edition Welcome to the fifth edition of the Ohio Theta Phi Kappa Psi Alumni Newsletter! The major goal of this newsletter is to strengthen the common bond and relationships among the over 750 alumni and undergraduates from our chapter nationwide. I hope that you find this newsletter enjoyable and informative. Your comments and feedback for future Ohio Theta Alumni newsletters are always welcome. Here is a brief summary of the newsletter contents: • • • • • • • • Jerry Dunlap Scholarship - Eric Wiedenmann .. 155 Spring Break 50 Years Later! - Geoff Landis ...1 Founder's Day Weekend - Andrew Hart ... 761 Phi Psi Events and Gatherings - Ric Knight ... 475 Freshman Recruitment Scholarship - Samuel Postell ... 764 Save the Date - Ohio Theta Homecoming Dinner What's New with Alumni Ohio Theta Eternal Brother Dave Stimpert will publish the State of the Chapter article and Brother Zack Longwell will publish an American Leadership Academy article in the spring 2014 edition, which is planned to be distributed in May, 2014. Amici, Eric W. Wiedenmann… 155 Ohio Theta Alumni Newsletter Editor Circulation: About 90% of the living brothers*. E-mail: 550+ “Snail Mail’: 140 *There are approximately 70-80 deceased or “MIA” off-the-grid brothers. Jerry Dunlap Scholarship Eric Wiedenmann ... 155 I am very pleased to announce that the Jerry Dunlap Scholarship Fund according to the Phi Kappa Psi National Headquarters is now at $11,948.80, which is $1,948.80 over the $10,000 goal that was set and would allow for an ongoing annual $500.00 award to a worthy Ohio Theta undergraduate brother. As you were probably aware, the Jerry Dunlap Scholarship Fund was just under the $8,000 level last fall and we needed to achieve the $10,000 level to continue the scholarship. Our goal was to raise an additional $2,000 by the 1st quarter of 2014 through the $1,000 dollar for dollar matching challenged set up by . With this matching program, a group of generous brothers donated an additional $3,000 to the Jerry Dunlap Scholarship which exceeded the challenge by 200% and created a scholarship fund that exceeded our goals by 20%!!! The Phi Kappa Psi National is still accepting donations and a list of generous donors will appear in the next Ohio Theta Newsletter. Commemorative pavers with the name of each contributor will be placed on the brick walkway in front of the Ohio Theta House at future date. Spring Break 50 Years Later! Geoff Landis ... 1 Who says you have to be in college to go on Spring Break? This past February brothers Jim Stauffer and Geoff Landis visited Brother Fred Visci and his wife Sally at their lovely home at the Villages in Florida. A great time was had by all. And the 80 degree sunny weather was not too hard to take for Jim and me after the brutal winter we have been experiencing both in Ohio and New York! It was 50 years ago, February 1963, that the three of us were at a rush party at Phi Sigma Chi fraternity, the predecessor to our Ohio Theta chapter of Phi Kappa Psi. And if that doesn't make one feel old enough, during the "smoker" as it was called in those far away days, we were all gathered around a tiny black and white TV at the house at 502 Claremont, watching the debut of the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show. By the way for those of you who may not remember (I didn't; I had to check with Fred, who remembers everything!) smokers were common in those days. Cigarettes were available for anyone who wanted them throughout the rush party. Boy have times changed. Who would have thought back in 1963 that the three of us would be together with stronger bonds than ever 50 years later! As brother Frank Gamble has inscribed on his brick outside the Ohio Theta House, 'God Bless Phi Kappa Psi’! Jim Stauffer (PN 2), Geoff Landis (PN 1), Sally Visci, Fred Visci (PN 6) Front: Sally Visci, Jane Gauss (1965) Back: Jim Stauffer, Fred Visci, Geoff Landis,Jim Gauss (1965)* * Jim Gauss was one of the former presidents of Phi Sigma Chi Founder's Day Weekend Andrew Hart ... 761 This year marks the 48th anniversary of Phi Kappa Psi, Ohio Theta. As we build alumni relations before our 50th anniversary, we hope to get as many brothers out here for this Founder’s Day as possible. For a reminder, Founder’s Day Weekend will be Friday, April 4th, and Saturday, April 5th. This year, we want to focus on building those relations and being able to stay close with the alumni so they feel welcomed to come back whenever they can. With this focus, we will be having events this year to help build those relations and all of the active brothers hope that all the alumni brothers that are able to make it down for this year’s Founder’s Day weekend will be willing to get to know the active brothers and build those relations. We are all brothers and we want to build those bonds with each other to carry on throughout our lifetimes. So here is a schedule for this year’s Founder’s Day Weekend: 1) O’Bryan’s Dinner, 5-8 pm, Friday April 4th We invite all of the brothers to come and enjoy dinner at everyone’s favorite restaurant at 1065 Claremont Avenue in Ashland, O’Bryan’s for a bite to eat and mingle with the brothers. We will be ordering straight from the menu, so regular O’Bryan’s prices is the cost for the dinner. We will have the back room reserved to have for ourselves, and of course, once this is over, the active and alumni brothers are free to do as they please. 2) Housing Core Meeting, 10 am, Saturday April 5th We invite all of the active and alumni brothers to our biannual housing corporation meeting, led by Dave Stimpert…, President of the Housing Corporation. 3) Brunch, 11 am, Saturday April 5th The active brothers decided this year to have a brunch with many more options for food following housing core, instead of our usual breakfast of donuts, coffee, and juice. We want to encourage the alumni brothers to stay around after the housing core meeting and enjoy brunch with all of the brothers. 4) Poker Tournament, 12:30 pm – whenever, Saturday, April 5th Another new idea that the active brothers wanted to bring to this years’ Founder’s Day Weekend was a poker tournament. Many of us love playing poker, and we thought this would be a great idea to bring while we all are here. We will have tables set up after brunch for everyone to sit and play. All of the proceeds will be split in half between the Boy’s and Girl’s Club of American and the Housing Corporation. Prizes will also be given away to the final 4 remaining participants. The prizes will consist of gift cards, Phi Psi memorabilia, etc. If you would like to participate, a buy in at the door will be $20, or if you wish to prepay, $10. Prepay can be sent to my campus mailbox at: 401 College Ave. Box 1592 Ashland, OH, 44805 Please remember, any alumni who would like to bring their wives, girlfriends, etc., to O’Bryan’s, brunch, or the poker tournament, you are more than welcomed to do so! We hope to see all of our wonderful alumni in attendance this year and hope to build alumni relations up to the highest level possible. Amici, Andrew Hart, 761… Phi Psi Events and Gatherings Ric Knight ... 475 April 5 - Happy Founders Day!!! Plan on heading to Ashland and to 642 to celebrate Founders Day. The brothers have several events planned at the house and a dinner. More news to come on this one!! The Surrey Inn is a great place to stay!! May 9 - The official kick off to summer with the BRYNER CUP!!! Plan on being at the CC of Ashland by 9:00 for a day of golf, beers and Phi Psi stories!! This is always one of the highlights of the year!! You don't need a partner, just show up!!! If you have never shown up, plan to this year!!!! More details to come!!! August 22, 23 - HERE IS THE MAJOR NEWS! Unfortunately the dates do not work to get the fraternity house for the night this year, so we will be moving the Ray Porter Memorial Golf Event to its original date............AUGUST 22, 23, 2014!!! We are still going to make a weekend of it as we will plan on meeting in Ashland at noon on Friday for some golf at Ashland Country Club, and a night to warm up before the big event!!! THE MAIN EVENT WILL BE ON SATURDAY, as we will meet at the house at 9:30, before heading to Brookside for Golf, and the auction at the pavilion at the end of the day. Dinner will be catered as well!!! I have booked 20 rooms at the Surrey Inn (419-289-7700). Ask for the special rate that we have under my name. If you are planning on coming Friday and Saturday, let them know!! Many more details to come for this spectacular event!! Keep on the lookout for more information on all the above Phi Kappa Psi events!!! Live Ever, Die Never!!! Freshman Recruitment Scholarship Samuel Postell ... 764 Brothers, As newly elected GP, I wanted to inform you that all is well within the chapter house, and we are excited to announce that we are ready to move forward with our efforts in strengthening our membership. Over my duration at The Presidents’ Leadership Academy I had an amazing opportunity to learn from some of the greatest Phi Psi chapters in the nation. One program that really caught my eye was the University of Iowa chapter’s recruitment scholarship. This is an amazing opportunity to recruit great men and offer a philanthropic scholarship within out house. I spoke with their president for about an hour and we both agreed that our chapter has created the perfect storm for this recruitment scholarship; however, we need your help with the funding. The University of Iowa is living proof that this method of recruitment is full-proof, as they are one of the largest chapters nationwide, and still impressively reach a cumulative GPA of over 3.25 ever single semester. What they do, through the university, is sponsor a scholarship in the name of one of their alumni (Ours will be in the name of Brother Jerry Dunlap). I have talked to the university and if we move forward quickly enough we will be able to get our scholarship on the list that is mailed to every household with a freshman attending Ashland for the upcoming fall. The way Iowa organizes this scholarship is that they have interviews with the applicants after each he has submitted a cover letter, resume, personal essay, and transcript. This is extremely helpful, as we will be able to hand pick which freshmen fit the ideals of our brotherhood, as well as gain an insight into their personal habits in the classroom. The next step is to have a banquet in the house to award the scholarship, while inviting much of the faculty. Through this scholarship, we will be introducing quality men who plan on attending the university to the chapter house, and many of the brothers as well as alumni. Their first experience on campus will be meeting the brothers of Phi Kappa Psi in a professional manner. Their parents, and families, will receive a positive interpretation of our character and the way we approach scholarship, philanthropy, and dedication to our positions. I encourage all of you who are alumni and are looking for a way to give back to strongly consider donating to this scholarship, as it would highly strengthen our pursuit to recruit the proper men. With Sigma Nu recolonizing on our campus, we can use any advantage we can get, and proving that we are serious and committed to the important things on campus is where this advantage should start. If you are interested in donating or working with the chapter for this scholarship please contact me via email at, or give me a call or text message at 740-262-7698. I look forward to seeing all of you for founders’ day weekend, and we will also be collecting donations to the scholarship at that point in the form of checks made out to the chapter, or in the form of cash. I appreciate your time, and I hope to allow each of you to strengthen your dedication to the fraternity throughout my duties as the GP. Remember, “Where we go one, we go all”- you are all valuable assets to this fraternity, and each of you can continue to strive to make a difference in our house and on this campus. Amici, Samuel Postell…764… Save the Date! 2014 Homecoming Dinner Friday, October 10, 2014 In the Accent Room at Myers Convocation Center Details will be included in the next newsletter What's New with Alumni Spencer Morrell ... 723... I will be getting married May 23, 2014 in Cincinnati. My bride-to-be is Ms. Sabrina Shrider. There should be many alumni and some undergrads in attendance so I will send photos when I get them. Keith Scheurman … 529… My wife Amy and I had our second child, a baby girl we named Samantha Rae, on February 25th. Chris Manthey ... 747... During my recent internship with the American Leadership Academy, I spent two weeks in Cabo San Lucas Mexico gaining valuable work experience and networking relationships. I was responsible for assisting with programming as well as working point for many of the speakers and guests that were in attendance. While there I was able to gain serious footing in my search to set up my future and had a great time. David Ellsworth … 691... I am happy to announce that I am recently engaged to my fiancé and lavaliered sweetheart of Ohio Theta, Krista Goodwin. We met in the fall of 2006, the same year that I pledged Phi Psi at AU, and were engaged in the mountains of Telluride, Colorado, on March 10th of this year. Jeff Dunning ... 208... Here's a photo of a recent Caribbean cruise. We left Miami January 25 for San Juan, St. Thomas, then St. Maarten. 7 days on Celebrity Cruises. We met Brother Bernie Barre (PN 190) at South Beach, too. Couples from left to right: Marie & John Gebert (PN 199), Cindy & Mark Fellenbaum (PN 175), Laura & Mike Telich (PN 170), Jeanne & Jeff Dunning (PN 208), Sue & Rick Dunning (PN 164) Ohio Theta Chapter Eternal Gary Kula ...12... There were 11 Brothers who attended Brother Kula's Memorial Service and Sang "Amici" (Our Strong Band ...)
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