eCLIMA Metal Ceiling Radiant Panel eCLIMA A perfect mixing of technology, design and comfort Why choosing a radiant system Thermal comfort depends on the air temperature, humidity, radiant temperature, air velocity, metabolic rates, and clothing levels and each individual experiences these sensations a bit differently based on his or her physiology and state. Thermal comfort is calculated as a heat transfer energy balance. Heat transfer through radiation, convection, and conduction are balanced against the occupant’s metabolic rate. The heat transfer occurs between the environment and the human body. If the heat leaving the occupant is greater than the heat entering the occupant, the thermal perception is “cold.” If the heat entering the occupant is greater than the heat leaving the occupant, the thermal perception is “warm” or “hot.” The combinations relating to heating / cooling surface and in particular the radiant ceiling technologies have been shown that those ones are closest to the natural situation and therefore they are bearers of most physiological well-being. Using the traditional technology, the air near the radiator heats up, rises to the top, cools and descends on the other side. In other cases, using fan coil or centralized air handling units the annoying movements of the forced air reduce drasticaly the indoor comfort. The human body is a warm body having, in an air-conditioned environment, an average surface temperature in the summer, with light clothing, which is about 30 to 32 ° C while in winter, with heavier clothing is about 26 ÷ 28 ° C. This results in the emission of heat in the form of infrared radiation that is absorbed from the surfaces to which it is surrounded (walls, ceiling, floor, furniture). This emission is not visible to the eye but occurs in all directions, the radiant heat doesn’t follow the principle that “the heat goes up and the cold goes down” like the natural air movements. The surfaces that surround us are able to absorb much more infrared heat, and cooling consequently our body, then more they are fresh compared to it. 4 The distribution of the temperature assured by the radiant ceiling system is the one that is more close to the ideal thermal comfort temperature condition The ideal temperature differences between the body surface and the ambient considering the thermal comfort are: 8 to 10 ° C in summer and 4 to 6 ° C in winter, this means that the average surface temperatures typical of two seasons are: 22 to 24 ° C in summer and 20 ÷ 22 ° C in winter. These values of surface temperature can be realized only with the use of radiant panels. The traditional systems determine surface temperatures in summer higher than those indicated above of about 4 to 6 ° C, in winter lowest of 2 ÷ 4 ° C, which not allowing the body to radiate in the correct proportions. Comfort is not only a concept By our well-being depends the result of our activites. We spend a lot of time in closed ambients. Many times we spend a lot of money in heating an cooling systems, to try to reach a reasonable comfort, but the result is not so good. Each of us has experience of the following situations: few rooms are too much cold, other ones to much warm. Here the speed of the air is too much, there the ventilation is completely absent. The noise of the fan is very high, the dust moved caused our allergic reaction. The radiant ceiling panel is advanced proposal for your comfort: - the heating is provided by the same sun mechanism: radiation; - homogenius distribution of the tem peratures everywhere; - immediate comfort sensation; - totally absence of noise; - no dust circulation, good improvement for allergy sufferers 5 Heating mode ÷ 4 ° C. During this functionality the radiant ceiling, is heated by circulating fluid inside it so as to reach the surface temperature values normally comprised between 22 to 28 ° C. The infrared radiation emitted at these temperatures irradiates and heats the floor and surrounding walls so as to bring also at temperatures of comfort, normally lower than that of the panel only 2 This difference decreases as so greater is the thermal insulation of the building. The air is heated by the same surfaces rising to slightly lower values (1 ÷ 2 ° C) but with great uniformity in both horizontal and vertical direction. This consents to avoid the typical stratifications of traditional systems. Cooling mode In summer, the radiant panel is cooled by the internal fluid so as to achieve surface temperatures which under certain conditions can also be less than 18 ° C; normally its surface temperature varies between 18 ° and 22 ° C. In this condition, the panel absorbs the heat irradiated from other surfaces warmer so that they cool down, even if a slight difference (0 <Dt <6 ° C) is always maintained. Ceiling also determines a cooling of the air by creating a natural convection downward and diffused, which adds to the absorption of heat by radiation. The cooling of the panel, however, involves the need to avoid condensation of air humidity on its surface and for this reason, the flow temperature should be varied proportionally to the dew-point temperature of the air . 6 Why choosing Eneray radiant solution This system represents a technological innovation in the field of radiant systems as, unlike systems currently available on the market, heat transfer between the heating fluid and the radiating surface occurs through an heat exchanger embedded in a volume of expanded graphite. Efficiency Crystalline graphite flake is the starting material for the manufacture of expandable graphite. The graphite is usually found either as inclusions in various metamorphic rocks, or concentrated in the silts and clays that result from their erosion. Graphite is recovered from the ore by crushing and flotation, and beneficiated to give graphite flake that is 94-98% carbon. Crystalline graphite consists of stacks of parallel planes of carbon atoms. Because no covalent bonding exists between the planes, other molecules can be inserted between them. This process, known as intercalation, is essential for the production of expandable graphite. In the commercial process, sulfuric acid is inserted into the graphite, after which the flake is washed and dried. When the intercalated graphite is exposed to heat or flame, the inserted molecules decompose to generate gas. The graphite layer planes are forced apart by the gas and the graphite expands. The expanded graphite is a low-density, non-burnable, good thermal conductivity, phisically inert, environmentally compatible and recyclable. These properties are the base of the extremel efficiency of the system proposed. 7 The radiating heat component of the thermal exchange is much higher compared to the traditional applications. The expanded graphite assures an extramely homogeniuous distribution of the temperature on the metal panel surface. The low density combined with good conductivity of the expanded graphite provide an other important property of this system: the low thermal inertia. The result is a radiating system with surfaces very fast to to heat or to chill, consequentely the temperature regulation of the ambient is very accurate and precise. 8 The homogenious distribution of the temperature consents to heat simultaneously the roof, the radiant effect is immediate, maintaining all around a low air temperature. The comfort reached by the system is the closest to the natural heating transfert. 9 Energy saving and cost reduction This type of equipment allows an energy saving more than 40 % compared to traditional systems. To heat or chill the panel and consequently the room, the water temperature can be much more lower or higher than the traditional system. The temperature distribution inside the room is much more homogeneous, the result is to reach a good comfort with smaller difference between indoor air temperature and outdoor temperature, which means at the end that heat loss is dramatically reduced. The radiant ceiling panel achieved the desired surface temperature within only 5 minutes. This consents to react quickly to the changes in the heat load or temperature fluctuations in a room with rapid reaction time and a very good controllability. This means to use energy only when it is necessary and when the room are really occupied. 48 13 12 46 11 44 Power Absorbed [kW] Cooling Capacity [kW] Variation of cooling capacity and power absorption, at the same evaporation temperature, changing the condensing temperature 10 42 9 40 8 38 36 7 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 6 Condensing temperature [°C] Considering to use an heat pump system, as shown in the picture here above, it easy to imagine how much the radiant ceiling can reduce the working cost for heating and cooling. The reduction of flow temperature from 50 °C up to 30 °C, reduces drastically the power absorption of the compressor, in heating mode. Similarly the increasing of the cold water temperature causes an increasing of the evaporation temperature of the refrigerant, and consequently the reduction of the power absorption. 10 Installation smart and flexible Eneray radiant ceiling panels is a complete, tried and tested ceiling systems. It is installed using dry construction methods and it is for interior use only. The basic principles of dry construction should be applied when installing the ceilings. The metal structure used is a concealed, clip-in suspension system that offers many advantages: • Simple, flexible suspension systems • Excellent stability • Modular design • Quick and easy to install • Suspension system constructed using standard components • Tried and tested construction • Cost effective installation 11 eCLIMA a standard smart easy solution Radiant panel description The radiant panel is composed by an external metal frame, inside is installed the heat exchanger made by natural expanded graphite with a copper or conductive plastic pipe embedded. The manufacturing process is design to assure the complete and homogeneous contact between the heat exchanger and the metal panel, avoiding air inclusion and maximising the conductivity. The heat exchanger is covered by insulating material, all the components are fixed together by metal supports, that increase the strength of the panel. The result is a self bearing panel very easy to handle, reducing the risk to damage it during the transport and the installing operation. Two different kinds of insulating material are available, they are XEPS (used in the standard case) and fiberglass board. The two materials consent to reach respectively B1 and A1 class reaction fire according with EN 13501-1. The standard panel colour is RAL 9003, the difference in ΔE value within one production batch may not exceed a value of 1.0. Where the materials used are from more than one production batch the tolerance may be greater than ΔE = 1.0. Greater variation may be expected when installing materials purchased as individual orders over extended periods of time. Dimensions, material characteristics and painting used to manufacture the metal panel are covered by EN 13964. The standard panel colour is RAL 9003, the difference in ΔE value within one production batch may not exceed a value of 1.0. Where the materials used are from more than one production batch the tolerance may be greater than ΔE = 1.0. Greater variation may be expected when installing materials purchased as individual orders over extended periods of time. 13 The external panel surface can be smooth or peforred. Are also available, on request, other colours gloss or matt. The perforred ceiling systems can fulfill a wide range of functions relating to the control of sound. In many rooms, the correct reverberation time T [s] is required for good comprehension of speech or appreciation of music. Similarly in noise-intensive production facilities or workshops, the greatest possible sound level reduction is required to make the environment more comfortable. The holes combined with the insulated material used to contain the thermal dispersion of heat exchanger, consent to increase sound absorption and to reduce the reverberating time. Several types of perforation are available on request, for more details please refer to the Appendix A. The standard perforation is RG2516. Sizes available The standard sizes available consent to cover the standard range of grid ceiling for office, meeting 14 Hydraulic connection Special connection are used to connect the panels to each other and with the water line. All the connection are fast connections and they don’t need any tool to assure the water tighness. Special connections are used to connect the panels to each other and with the main water line. All the connections are fast connections and they don’t need any tool to assure the water tightness. Special flexible pipes, stainless steel made, are provided to assure an installation very fast and easy. 15 Technical data Model 30010005 30010010 30010015 30010020 30020005 30020010 30020015 30020020 Smooth panel with standard insulation Description Dimension L x W [mm] 600 x 600 Fire class reaction EN 13501-1 Smooth panel with fiberglass board insulation 1200 x 600 600 x 600 B1 1200 x 600 Perforated panel with standard insulation 600 x 600 600 x 600 B1 A1 Surface type 1200 x 600 Perforated panel with fiberglass board insulation 1200 x 600 A1 Perforation type RG2516 (1) Smooth Panel material Steel Colour RAL 9003 Mat (2) Max operating temperature [°C] 70 Max operating pressure [bar] 10 Heating capacity according with EN 14037 AT = 15 °C [W] 45 98,5 45 98,5 45 98,5 45 98,5 Cooling capacity according with EN 14240 AT = 10 °C [W] 29,6 65,3 29,6 65,3 29,6 65,3 29,6 65,3 Water pressure loss [kPa] 0,93 2,26 0,93 2,26 0,93 2,26 0,93 2,26 Weight with opertating water [kg] 5 8,94 5,15 9,25 4,77 8,48 4,92 8,79 Water content [kg] 0,18 0,37 0,18 0,37 0,18 0,37 0,18 0,37 Weight withour operating water [kg] 4,82 8,57 4,97 8,88 4,59 8,11 4,74 8,42 (1) - For more details please refer to Annex A (2) - On request many other colours are availbale The following graphics and tables show the heating and cooling output depending on the excessive and subnormal temperatures. The heating data are calculated according with standard EN 14037, those of the cooling output, according with EN 14240. 16 Heating Excess temperature is the temperature difference beatween mean water temperature and room temperature. Net power is the specific heating capacity of the active surface of the ceiling radiant panel. The active surface is the one covered by the heat exchanger. Gross power is the specific heating capacity of panel area. 17 Panel output n The formula to calculate the output is: Output power [kW/m2] = K DTn 18 1,0825 K 2,4005 5,2525 Panel size 600 x 600 1200 x 600 ΔT [W] [W] 2 5,1 11,1 4 10,8 23,6 6 16,7 36,5 8 22,8 49,9 10 29,0 63,5 12 35,4 77,4 14 41,8 91,4 16 48,3 105,6 18 54,8 120,0 20 61,5 134,5 22 68,2 149,1 24 74,9 163,8 26 81,7 178,7 28 88,5 193,6 30 95,3 208,6 32 102,2 223,7 34 109,2 238,9 36 116,1 254,1 38 123,1 269,5 40 130,2 284,8 42 137,2 300,3 44 144,3 315,8 46 151,4 331,4 48 158,6 347,0 50 165,7 362,7 52 172,9 378,4 54 180,1 394,2 55 183,8 402,1 56 187,4 410,0 58 194,6 425,9 60 201,9 441,8 62 209,2 457,8 64 216,5 473,8 66 223,9 489,8 68 231,2 505,9 70 238,6 522,0 Cooling Nominal temperature difference is the temperature difference beatween room temperature and mean cooling water temperature. Net power is the specific cooling capacity of the active surface of the ceiling radiant panel. The active surface is the one covered by the heat exchanger. Gross power is the specific cooling capacity of panel area. Panel output n The formula to calculate the output is: Output power [kW/m2] = K Dqn 1,0811 K 2,4599 5,4183 Panel Size 600 x 600 1200 x 600 Dq N [W] [W] 2 5,2 11,5 4 11,0 24,3 6 17,1 37,6 8 23,3 51,3 10 29,6 65,3 12 36,1 79,5 14 42,7 94,0 16 49,3 108,6 18 56,0 123,3 20 62,7 138,2 19 Pressure Loss [kPa] Water pressure loss calculation 12 10 8 6 4 2 Panel 1200 x 600 Panel 600 x 600 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Water Flow [l/h] Minimum Water flow [l/h] To assure a proper heating/cooling capacity of the system, a turbulence flow has been maintained. The minimum mass flow depends by the water temperature. The graphic here following shows the minimum mass flow depending by the lowest system temperature, which assures to maintain a Reynolds number of raffle 4000. 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Lowest system Temperature [°C] 20 Working temperature limit Dew Point Temperature [°C] In cooling mode, the flow temperature must be chosen making sure that the temperature of the panel surface doesn’t falls below the dew point temperature to avoid moisture phenomena on the surface. For this reason it’s important to use a regulation that monitoring constantly the relative humidity of the ambient, and specific equipment, like dehumidifier systems to control the humidity of the air and to assure the comfort. 24 75 % 22 65 % 20 55 % 18 16 45 % 14 12 35 % 10 8 6 4 2 0 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Indoor Temperature [°C] 21 eCLIMA a wide range of accessories for your comfort Hydraulic distribution Heat/Cool circuit manifold Made of precision circular tube, mounted on noiseless and galvanized brackets DIN 4109, easy connection through flat sealing male threads on both sides, connection nipple G 3/4” with Eurocone, 55 mm distance, flowmeter in the supply, with connections and thermostat adaptable valves suitable for electrothermic actuator (on request Type 22C 220 V or 24 VAC) on the retund manifold. All joints are flat sealing, low installation depth enables installation in walls with a thickness of 90 mm, function and pressure-tested via differential pressure test procedure, with mounting parts, packed in a box. Lockable flowmeters 0 - 2,5 l/min, 0 - 4 l/min, 0 - 8 l/min or in GPM on request.distance 50 mm. Article Number Zone Dimension Material 15050001 15050002 15050003 15050004 15050005 15050006 15050007 15050008 15050009 15050010 15050011 15050012 15050013 15050014 15050015 15050016 15050017 15050018 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1.1/4" 1.1/4" 1.1/4" 1.1/4" 1.1/4" 1.1/4" 1.1/4" Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass 15050019 15050020 9 10 1.1/4" 1.1/4" Brass Brass 15050021 15050022 11 12 1.1/4" 1.1/4" Brass Brass 15050023 15050024 13 14 1.1/4" 1.1/4" Brass Brass 15060001 15060002 2 3 1" 1" Stainless steel Stainless steel 15060003 15060004 15060005 15060006 15060007 15060008 15060009 15060010 15060011 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel 23 Overflow valve set Ready-to-mount, compact design, differential pressure overflow valve for differential pressure compensation between supply and return manifold lines, coupling nut for flat-sealing connec-tion with the manifold pipe including seal, pressure-tested, packed in a box, suitable for manifold with 1” male thread, Adjustment range 0,03 - 0,5 bar. Article Number Material 15990001 Brass Manifold insulation Snap-fit EPP heat insulation for manifolds with 1” male thread, suitable for manifolds with 6 zones. Excess modules can be cut off when used for smaller manifolds. Use two insulations for larger manifolds. Delivery includes one insulation each for supply and return pipe as well as a knife to adapt the insulation to different manifold sizes. Article Number Material 15990002 EPP Bal valve set Pair of 1”F ball shut-off valves, designed for manifolds 1”F swivel nut and flat seal. Red and blue operating levers. Article Number Size Material 15100001 15100002 1" 1" Brass Brass Bal valve set including thermostat Pair of 1” ball shut-off valves with precision thermometer (scale 0 - 60°C), designed for manifolds with 1”F swivel nut and flat seal. Red and blue operating levers. Article Number Size Material 15100003 15100004 1" 1" Brass Brass Manifold end set Quattro Brass body, with coupling nut and gaskets. Ball valve with handle for easy filling, rinsing and draining, with 1”F swivel nut and flat seal. Red and blue operating levers. 24 Article Number Size Material 15100005 15100006 1" 1" Brass Brass Manifold extension End fitting for manifolds, with preassembled seal and lock nut. Provided with: Two 1/2” connections for mounting immersion thermometer. Two 3/8” connections for mounting drain cock series 238 and the air vent valve. Article Number Size Material Outlet 15990003 15990004 1" 1.1/4" Brass Brass 1/2" and 3/8" 1/2" and 3/8" Float air vent Automatic vertical air vent valve. Body and cover of brass CW617N. Sealed with O-Ring Max. pressure : 10 bar. Max. temperature : 110° C. Also suitable for water containing additive (glycol up to 30%). Article Number Size Material 15990005 3/8" Brass Drain valve Drain valve with stuffing box and hose fitting. Article Number Size Material 15990006 3/8" Brass Thermometer Temperature limits: Ambient: -20 ... +60 °C Storage: -20 ... +60 °C Operating temperature: As per scale indication Accuracy class: cl. 2 Article Number Scale Range Material 15990007 0 - 60 °C Brass Pocket for thermometer Pocket for thermometer completed with spring for its stem, 50 mm length. Temperature limits: Max. 500°C Working pressure: PN 10 m Article Number Size Material 15990008 1/2" Brass 25 Distributor control unit - Only Heating Ready-to-mount, compact control unit for panel heatings with a maximum heat capacity demand of 10 - 15 kW. Flat-sealing installation on the left or right side of the manifold via 1” male thread. Set-point value for supply temperature can be adjusted via a thermostatic injection valve. Article Number Pump Type 15040001 15040002 15040003 Grundfos UPS 25 - 40, 30 - 50 °C Grundfos UPS 25 - 60, 30 - 50 °C Grundfos ALPHA 25 - 60, 30 - 50 °C Flow box - only Heating Ready-to-mount, compact pump mixing valve unit for fix-point control of the supply temperature. Isolating valves with thermometer, gravity flow stop. Pump cabling ex works. EPP heat insulation box (EnEV). Connection fittings, wall mounting brackets. Max working pressure 10 bar. Working temperature -10 ...40 °C. Max fluid temperature 90 °C. Supplied without pump is compatible with high-efficiency pumps (ErP ready) with wheelbase 180 mm (130 mm with adapter). . Article Number DN Description 15040004 15040005 25 - Pump unit Pump adaptor 130 mm Flow box - Heating and cooling Ready-to-mount, compact pump mixing valve unit. Isolating valves with thermo-meter, gravity flow stop. Pump and 3-way mixing valve with valve drive cabling ex works. EPP heat insulation box (EnEV). Connection fittings, wall mounting brackets. Several mixing valve Kvs values available. Max working pressure 10 bar. Working temperature -10 ...40 °C. Max fluid temperature 90 °C. Supplied without pump is compatible with high-efficiency pumps (ErP ready) with wheelbase 180 mm (130 mm with adapter). Article Number DN Description 15040006 15040007 15040008 25 32 - Mixing valve Kvs = 6.3 Mixing valve Kvs = 18 Pump adaptor 130 mm Flow box - Heating and cooling Ready-to-mount, DN40 and DN50 compact pump mixing valve unit. Ball valve 2”. IG with thermometer, gravity flow stop. Pump and actuator cabling ex works, 3-way mixing valve. Flat sealing connections. Up to 280 kW heat transfer capacity / heating circuit. EPP heat insulation box. Supplied without pump is compatible with high-efficiency pumps 26 Article Number DN Wheelbase pump 15040009 15040010 40 50 220 mm 280 mm Hydraulic switch Ready-to-mount, compact unit, incl. immersion sleeve ½” Φ 6.5 mm, screw connections, EPP heat insulation. Flat sealing connection 1.1/2" M x 1.1/1" F with swivel nuts. Max working pressure 6 bar. Usable with distributor 15070005 Article Number Water flow 1507001 1,5 m3/h - 17 kW (ΔT = 10 K) Hydraulic switch Ready-to-mount, compact unit consisting of: Welded steel switch, fill and draincock, immersion sleeve ½" – Φ=6,5 mm, manual air vent, screw connections, wall bracket, EPP heat insulation. Max working pressure 6 bar. 15070002 can be connected directly to the Header 15070005...8 using the prefabricated and insulated connection pipes optionally supplied. Supplied with swievel nuts 1.1/2" F x 1"F 15070003 also serves as a switch for modular cascade connection pipework. Supplied with swievel nuts 2" F x 1.1/4"F Article Number Description 15070002 15070003 15070004 4 m3/h - 44 kW (ΔT = 10 K) 1.1/2" M 10 m3/h - 114 kW (ΔT = 10 K) 2" M Pipe kit to connect 15070002 to 15070005 Header For flow boxes DN 25 and DN32. EPP heat insulation box (EnEV), with thermal separation of supply and return. 3 flat sealing inlet connection 1.1/2" M (One of them is supplied with a cap). Flat sealing connection 1.1/2" F to flow boxes, supplied with swievel nuts Article Number Description 15070005 for 2 flow boxes 15070006 15070007 for 3 flow boxes for 4 flow boxes 15070008 for 5 flow boxes 15070009 Wall fixing kit Header Ready-to-mount, compact design. Connection to flow boxes DN40/DN50 via 2" coupling nut. Modular design. EPP heat insulation box. Sealed on one side with blank flange. Combination with DN20 to DN32 pump/mixing valve units via 15070017. Corner connection and stable pedestals for secure mounting available as accessories. For boilers or boiler cascades up to 460 kW (DN80) or 920 kW (DN100). Article Number DN Description 15070010 15070011 15070012 15070013 80 PN 6 80 PN 6 100 PN 6 100 PN 6 for 2 flow boxes for 3 flow boxes for 2 flow boxes for 3 flow boxes 27 Corner connection set Comprises 2 insulated elbow connectors for installing the distributor 15070010…13 over a corner. Article Number DN 15070014 15070015 80 PN 6 100 PN 6 Pedestal set Set comprises 2 pedestals with 8 screws and nuts to connect to the distributor 15070010…13 Article Number DN 15070016 80 PN 6 Reducer DN40/50 to DN20/25/32 To connect flow box pump/mixing valve units DN20 to DN32 in header DN 80/100. Article Number DN 15070017 80 PN 6 Connection sample of flow box, distributor and hydraulic switch 28 Regulation Actuator Electrothermic actuator compact design with on/off action, compatible with manifolds 1505xxxx Cap made of flame retardant plastic. Chrome-plated brass threaded ring nut M30 x 1.5. Normally Closed (N.C.). Stroke : 3.5mm. Power cable : 1 m dia. 7.2 mm. Opening time Version 230V 90 sec (start).- 3 Min (end) Version 24V 3 Min (start) - 5 Min (end) Plug thrust : 100N Power consumption : 2,5W Inalterability range: 0°C / +50°C. 4-wire version complete with auxiliary Microswitch. Auxiliary contact load capacity : 700mA. According to EEC 89/336, EEC 73/23, Italian Law 100/91. CEI-EN 55104/95, CEI-EN 55014/93C. Marking CE EN 60730-214. ENEC marking pending. Article Number Voltage Version 15010002 15010003 15010004 24 V 230 V 24 V 2 wires 2 wires 4 wires 15010005 230 V 4 wires Electronic chrono thermostat Electronic thermostat with night reduction mode to be used on water floor heating systems controlled by actuators. External pilot wire for night reduction, equipped with a switch to select comfort, reduction or clock mode. Possibility to regulate either the ceiling or the room temperature or combined (in that case, the ceiling sensor is used as a temperature limiter). Silent (triac output), to be connected directly to actuators or to our modular connecting system. With a display indicating the setted temperature and the different modes via logos. Operating voltage: 24 VAC or 230 VAC. Operating temp.: 0°C to 50°C. Setting temp.: 5°C to 30°C. Output: max. 15 W. Differential temp.: 0,5°K. Protection class: IP30. Article Number Opearting voltage 15020001 24 V 15020002 230 V 29 Digital chrono thermostat Digital electronic room timing chrono-thermostat with weekly programming, for heating and cooling systems. Summer/winter switch-over directly from the controls on the keypad. It has 5 pre-set programs and 2 customizable programs. Constant indication of room temperature, time and operating status on the LCD display. White box with removable front panel for access to the batteries and connections. Easy wiring: two-wire connection (three-position connector) for heating or heating/cooling systems. Complete with 3 batteries, type LR6 (AAA) 1.5V Alkaline : autonomy > 2 years. Battery replacement without loss of program (within one minute). Temperature setting range : 5 °C - 37 °C. Presettable temperature programs: comfort and night-time, anti-freeze (0.5 10 °C). Possible to select up to 12 temperature ranges for each day. Load capacity of 3 contacts : 5A - 250 Vac. Automatic or manual operation. According to 2006/95/CE - 2004/108/CE. Article Number 15020003 Digital chrono thermo-hygrostat Digital electronic room timing chrono-thermo-hygrostat with weekly programming minute-by-minute, for heating and cooling systems. Summer/winter switch-over directly from the controls on the keypad. It has 5 pre-set programs and 2 customizable programs. Constant indication of room temperature, time or relative humidity on the LCD display. White box with removable front panel for access to the batteries and connections. Easy wiring: two-wire connection (three-position connector) for heating or air conditioning systems. Complete with 3 batteries, type LR6 (AAA) 1.5V Alkaline : autonomy > 2 years. Battery replacement without loss of program (within one minute). Temperature setting range : 5 °C - 37 °C. Max humidity setting range: 0-100% Presettable temperature programs: comfort and night-time, anti-freeze (0.5 10 °C). Possible to select up to 12 temperature ranges for each day. Load capacity of 3 contacts : 5A - 250 Vac. Automatic or manual operation. According to 2006/95/CE - 2004/108/CE. Article Number 15020004 30 Climate Controller Digital Temperature controller for heating and cooling, with outside air temperature compensation. Usable with the control of the flow temperature with 3 way mixing valve with 3 points control 230V ac. Weekly programming, 9 pre-set programs and 4 customizable control according to the outside temperature. Outside temperature and water temperature on the LDC display, maximum and minimum temperature limit, pump control. Designed to control heating / cooling radiant system. Water temperature setting range: 0...100 °C Power supply: 230 V - 50 Hz Pump relays: 5 A – 250 V AC Boiler relay: 5 A – 250 V AC Chiller/Heat pump relay: 5 A – 250 V AC Mixing valve control: 3 points (2 triacs 75 W Max 230 Vac) Protection class IP 30 The kit includes: - Digital temperature controller; - External sensor probe; - Water sensor probe; Usable with codes 15040006…10 Article Number 15020004 31 Pipes and fittings Multilayer Pex-Al-Pex preinsulated pipe PEX-AL-PEX is a multi-layer pipe. The pipe comprises 5 layers: an internal layer of PEX crosslinked polyethylene, a layer of glue, one of aluminium StarK, another of glue and an external layer also of crosslinked polyethylene. This pipe combines the advantages of plastic with those of me-tal and guarantees: great flexibility that makes it safe, easy and steady to fold the pipe; excellent resistance to acids and bases; high acoustic insulation coefficient; absolute non-toxicity that makes it hygienically and toxicologically su-ited to transportation of liquid food and drinking water; high capacity with minimal pressure drop; resistance to ageing, abrasion, high temperatures and pressure; impermeability to oxygen. On the basis of the classification proposed by the EN ISO 21003 regulation, these pipes can be used for all the appli-cations classes. The insulating material is compliant with the provisions of Law 10/91 and subsequent upda-tes. The lining is made of Class 1 self-extinguishing expanded polyethylene and is finished with an external extruded film which gives the pipe further mechanical protection. de [mm] di [mm] min Quantity [m] 10010001 16 12 100 10010002 20 16 100 10010003 26 20 50 10010004 32 26 50 Article Number PEX pipe without insulation Pipes are characterized by some excellent physical and mechanical properties, they can be used in a wide range of temperatures from -100°C (-148°F) up to +95°C (+203°F) with accidental peaks of 110°C (+230°F). They have high flexibility and lightweight; they can be easily handled and cold bended without any particular equipment. Their high coefficient of acoustic insulation reduces the noise level during operation. They have high resistance to abrasion. Crosslinked polyethylene is a bad conductor of electricity, it is not prone to destruction by stray current which perforates metal pipes. They have rheological memory: heating the pipe up to the softening point temperature (at which the material becomes transparent) makes it possible to correct wrong bending or squashing. The extremely smooth surface of the pipes, free of cracks and microflows, results in high flow rate and low head losses. It can be use water mixed with glycol. de [mm] di [mm] min Quantity [m] 10010005 22 16 100 10010006 28 22,8 50 Article Number 32 Brass press fittings for multilayer Pex-Al-Pex The innovative multi-profile fitting can be used with all commonly used crimping profiles. The body of the fitting is made of brass alloy and two o-rings guarantee an extremely safe hydraulic seal. The working of the sawtooth profile of the outlet connector guarantees absolute resistance to disengage-ment. Multi profile allows you to check correct positioning of the pipe in the fitting, thanks to the blue plastic window on the slee-ve. The fittings can be used in all classes of application at a maximum pressure of 10 bar. Profile TH Profile H Profile U Coupling Article Number Dim [mm] 10030010 10030011 16 x 16 20 x 20 10030012 10030013 26 x 26 32 x 32 Male adaptor Article Number 10030020 10030021 10030022 10030023 Dim [mm] 16 x 1/2" 20 x 3/4" 26 x 1" 32 x 1" 33 Female adaptor Article Number 10030030 10030031 10030032 10030033 Dim [mm] 16 x 1/2" 20 x 3/4" 26 x 1" 32 x 1" 90° TEE Article Number 10030040 10030041 10030042 10030043 Dim [mm] 16 x 16 x 16 20 x 20 x 20 26 x 26 x 26 32 x 32 x 32 90° Elbow Article Number 10030050 10030051 10030052 10030053 Dim [mm] 16 x 16 20 x 20 26 x 26 32 x 32 90° TEE with threaded female take off Article Number 10030060 10030061 10030062 10030063 Dim [mm] 16 x 16 x 1/2" 20 x 20 x 3/4" 26 x 26 x 1" 32 x 32 x 1" 90° Elbow with threaded male take off Article Number 10030070 10030071 10030072 10030073 34 Dim [mm] 16 x 1/2" 20 x 3/4" 26 x 1" 32 x 1" 90° Elbow with threaded female take off Article Number 10030080 10030081 10030082 10030083 Dim [mm] 16 x 1/2" 20 x 3/4" 26 x 1" 32 x 1" Direct female fitting with rotating nut Article Number 10030090 10030091 10030092 10030093 Dim [mm] 16 x 1/2" 20 x 3/4" 26 x 1" 32 x 1" 35 Push-fit plastic fitting for plastic and copper pipe Push-fit plastic fitting for the connection of plastic and copper pipe. Simply push the fitting fully onto the pipe and twist the plastic nut clockwise to lock in place. Should the need arise to demount the connection unlock the nut and push the collet towards the body of the fitting and pull the pipe to release. The fitting ensures an easier working environment in confined places and removes the need for hot works on site. Installation can be reduced by around 40% against traditional fixing methods. Equal straight Article Number Dim [mm] 10030001 10 x 10 Straight Tap Connector Article Number 10030003 10030004 Dim [mm] 22 x 3/4" 28 x 3/4" Reducing Tee Article Number 10030005 10030006 Dim [mm] 22 x 10 x 22 28 x 10 x 28 Stop end Article Number 10030007 10030008 36 Dim [mm] 22 28 Flexible hoses for radiant panel connection Operating temperature range from 5 °C to max 90 °C Max operating pressure 10 bar Internal Liner of EPDM rubber ø 8 - external ø 12 AISI 304 stainless steel braiding MINIMUM GUARANTEED COATING 95% Stainless steel sleeves On request its possible to customize the flex pipe length DN [mm] L [mm] 10040001 10 800 10040002 10 1000 Article Number 37 Dehumidifier The fitted vertical dehumidifiers of the eDHV range and the horizontal ductable dehumidifi ers for drop ceilings of the eDHO range are designed to control the latent load that require 24hrs/day operation. These are particularly suitable for buildings cooled by radiant ceiling system. The dehumidifiers can be connected and monitored with RS485 serial port. For each size of dehumidifiers there are two version: - N = Neutral air version (isothermal) with air condensation, which is supplied with pre and post cooling coils as standard. The outlet air is at the same temperature as the inlet air. - C = Cold integration version, where the dehumidifier can add cold power to the radiant system. Thanks to a brazed plate condenser, the “C” models cool the air when required, just as a normal air-conditioner. This function is particularly useful, during half seasons, due to the high difference in temperature, or when a thermal overload occured inside the room. The “C” models must always receive water from the radiant system in order to operate. Technical data Model eDHVN 20 Article Number 25010001 eDHVC 20 eDHON 20 eDHOC 20 eDHON 48 eDHOC 48 25010002 25010003 25010004 25010005 25010006 Dehumidifing Capacity [l/24 h] 20 48 Airflow rate [m3/ h] 250 600 Cooling power Sound level Power supply Dimension WxHxD 38 [W] - 1240 [dB(A)] 1240 38 V / ph / Hz [mm] - - 3360 42 230 / 1 / 50 480 x 220 x 665 530 x 600 x 242 760 x 650 x 350 On request, several installation accessories are available: - Supply flange; - Supply and return plenum, to connect the horizontal dehumidifier to the supply and return air grills installed on the ceiling; - Formwork to install the vertical unit inside the wall; - Wall panel to cover the vertical unit 39 APPENDIX A - Perforation type Henry Ford Eneray is a partner of Eneray s.r.l. Piazza Manifattura, 1 - 38068 Rovereto TN – Italy Tel. +39 0464 350812 - Fax +39 0464 350512 Web site: - E-Mail: PC005 Rev. 001 - ENG The information contained in this catalog are not binding. Eneray S.r.l. reserves the right to make changes at any time without prior notice. “Real progress happens only when advantages of a new technology become available to everybody”
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