TABLE OF CONTENTS DATA PRODUCT OVERVIEW...............................................................................................2 What Is a VIN Pattern? ............................................................................................................ 2 Common Names......................................................................................................................... 2 Chrome VINMatch Data Model ............................................................................................... 2 DATA DEFINITIONS ..............................................................................................................4 Table Name: Category ............................................................................................................ 4 Table Name: StyleGenericEquipment ................................................................................. 4 Table Name: StyleWheelBase ............................................................................................... 5 Table Name: Version ............................................................................................................... 5 Table Name: VINEquipment .................................................................................................. 6 Table Name: VINPattern......................................................................................................... 7 Table Name: VINPatternStyleMapping ............................................................................... 9 Table Name: YearMakeModelStyle ...................................................................................... 9 USAGE ......................................................................................................................................11 Loading the Data......................................................................................................................11 Decoding a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) ............................................................11 Common Features ...................................................................................................................12 Model Year Coverage of Chrome Category IDs ...............................................................12 DATA UPDATE METHOD .....................................................................................................13 Data Update ..............................................................................................................................13 Frequency ..................................................................................................................................13 APPENDIX – VIN CHECK DIGIT CALCULATION........................................................14 APPENDIX – OTHER CHROME DATA PRODUCTS ......................................................15 Chrome New Vehicle Data.....................................................................................................15 CHROME SYSTEMS, INC. CONFIDENTIAL CHROME VINMATCHTM DATA PRODUCT OVERVIEW Chrome VINMatch data provides the information necessary to identify an individual vehicle, or group of vehicles, for any given year, 1981 through the current model year, based on a VIN pattern. VINMatch enables you to systematically determine the Year, Make, Model, Style, fleet availability, engine type, displacement, fuel system, forced induction system and GVWR ranges associated with a specific vehicle. An additional list is provided, indicating the vehicle’s various equipment as being “standard,” or “optional.” VINMatch is updated nightly to ensure accurate and reliable information. What Is a VIN Pattern? A “VIN Pattern” is a partial VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), a series of letters or digits and wild card characters that represents a set of matching VINs. A VIN is said to match a VIN pattern when all the letters and digits defined in the VIN pattern are found in the corresponding character positions within the specific VIN. Those defined characters and their respective positions tell us certain things about any vehicle whose VIN matches the pattern, and that is the information VINMatch provides. Common Names New to VINMatch are common names for the model and style (or “trim”) designations of all matching vehicles. These names are carefully derived from the set of styles matching each VIN through the VINPatternStyleMapping table, described below. This affords a fair description of all matching vehicles in a single string. Chrome VINMatch Data Model The following diagram illustrates all the tables and the relationships in VINMatch. Each table is detailed further below. In brief, the YearMakeModelStyle table describes individual vehicles (styles), and the VINPattern table represents the VIN patterns, including select information common to all vehicles related via the VINPatternStyleMapping table to those VIN patterns. The Category table abstracts the various features of one or more vehicles, such as transmission or steering type, and the categories are linked both to styles and directly to VIN patterns. When a category is mapped to a VIN pattern, via the VINEquipment table, this indicates that the feature represented by the Category record is either necessarily installed or at least available on all vehicles mapped to that VIN pattern. VINMatch is focused on information which can be known about a vehicle based on its VIN, without knowing the exact model and style. Further information for exact styles, including complete sets of standard and optional features, is available in the Chrome New Vehicle Data product (see appendix) Chrome VINMatch Tech Doc-US 2 Last Update: 2/1/2008 8:41 AM . DATA DEFINITIONS Note: The tables are arranged in alphabetical order. Table Name: Category File Name: Category.txt This table lists the Chrome category descriptions, filters and types that are referenced in the VINPattern table, Style Generic Equipment table, and VINEquipment table. Category types include: ABS brakes, air conditioning, anti-theft, audio, cruise control, drivetrain, engine cylinders, forced induction, fuel type, locks, power seats, power steering, power windows, restraint, restraint feature, roof, seat trim, steering wheel, transmission speed and wheels. Each of these types includes a subset of Chrome category data. Category Field Name Definition Example Data Type CategoryID Primary key for linking to the StyleGenericEquipment and VINEquipment tables. 1001 Integer Description Text description of the category. Driver Air Bag Text 255 N CategoryUTF This field can be used as a type filter in cases where only one instance of a subset of vehicle equipment can be physically present on the vehicle. Text 50 Y CategoryType The category type is used to group related equipment categories together. For example, use the CategoryType to programmatically filter Style Generic Equipment results for a group of equipment. Text 20 Y restraint Width Allow Null N Table Name: StyleGenericEquipment File Name: StyleGenericEquipment.txt This table shows the common generic equipment for the vehicle. The equipment is considered “Standard” if it was the base equipment available when new, and is considered “Optional” if it was optional equipment that was available to the customer. CHROME SYSTEMS, INC. CONFIDENTIAL CHROME VINMATCHTM StyleGenericEquipment Field Name Definition Example Data Type Width ChromeStyleID Foreign key to the YearMakeModelStyle table. Chrome’s Style ID. 5728 Integer N CategoryID Foreign key to the Category table. 1001 Integer N StyleAvailability Will show “Standard” if the equipment was part of the base vehicle configuration or “Optional” if the equipment was an option available to the customer. Standard Text 8 Allow Null N Table Name: StyleWheelBase File Name: StyleWheelBase.txt This table contains the wheelbase values for a given vehicle. The values given are for the standard wheelbase, plus and minus one value from the standard wheelbase to accommodate rounding. This data can be useful to reduce the number of styles identified when you have wheelbase information about a specific vehicle. StyleWheelBase Field Name Definition Example Data Type Width Allow Null ChromeStyleID Foreign key to the YearMakeModelStyle table. Chrome’s Style ID. 5728 Integer N WheelBase This value returns the Wheelbase value (in this case 153), one value less (152), and one value more (154) 152, 153, 154 Number Y Table Name: Version This table contains a single record containing the data and schema version. Only one value should be specified for each of the fields. This information may be useful to Chrome Client Support when investigating any issues with the data. This document describes the schema “VINData” version 3. Chrome VINMatch Tech Doc-US 5 Last Update: 2/1/2008 8:41 AM CHROME SYSTEMS, INC. CONFIDENTIAL CHROME VINMATCHTM Version Field Name Definition Example Data Type Width Allow Null Product The name of the data product being described. VIN Data Text 50 N Data Version The time and date that the data was generated. 10/10/07 14:20 Date / Time N Data Release ID Internal Chrome CMS ID number (database ID) associated with this version of the data. 48992 Integer N Schema Name A name assigned to the data schema. VinData Text 20 Y Schema Version The version number associated with the data schema. v3 Text 10 Y Country The country with which the product is associated. Valid values are “US” and “CA”. US Text 2 N Language The language in which the data is presented. Valid values are “EN” and “FR”. EN Text 2 N Table Name: VINEquipment File Name: VINEquipment.txt This table shows a list of Chrome equipment category IDs that apply to the vehicle. All equipment will be either “Installed” or “Available”. Chrome VINMatch Tech Doc-US 6 Last Update: 2/1/2008 8:41 AM CHROME SYSTEMS, INC. CONFIDENTIAL CHROME VINMATCHTM VINEquipment Field Name Definition Example Data Type Width VINPatternID Foreign key to the VINPattern table. This identifies a unique VIN Pattern and Country. 21150 Integer N CategoryID Foreign key to the Category table. Chrome’s category ID used for linking to the Category lookup table. 1001 Integer N VINAvailability Describes the availability of common generic equipment for the vehicle. All equipment will be either “Installed” or “Available.” Installed Text 9 Allow Null N Table Name: VINPattern File Name: VINPattern.txt This table contains VIN IDs (a Chrome-assigned unique ID), which correspond to a vehicle’s Country, Year, Make, Model, and Style as well as Chrome’s unique Style ID. Other information is mapped to the VIN ID as well, such as engine and transmission characteristics and GVWR range (where available).The following data example is for a 2001 Chevrolet Silverado 1500HD. VINPattern Field Name Definition Example Data Type VINPatternID Primary key. This identifies a unique VIN Pattern within a Country. 21150 Integer VINPattern This is the VIN Pattern. Some of the digits may be blanks, which should be treated as wildcards when decoding a VIN. The 9th digit will always be a blank. 1GCGC13U* 1******* Text 17 N Country ISO Country Code. Valid values are “US” and “CA”. US Text 2 N Year Model year. 2001 Integer VINDivisionName Division name. Chevrolet Text Chrome VINMatch Tech Doc-US 7 Width Allow Null N N 2000 Y Last Update: 2/1/2008 8:41 AM CHROME SYSTEMS, INC. CONFIDENTIAL CHROME VINMATCHTM VINPattern Field Name Definition Example Data Type Width Allow Null VINModelName This is the common Model name for all models available for the VIN Pattern ID. Silverado 1500HD Text 2000 N VINStyleName This is the common Style name for all styles available for the VIN Pattern ID. Crew Cab 156.0" WB Text 2000 Y EngineType CategoryID Foreign key to the Category table. Chrome’s category ID for engine type (8-cyl, V6, V10, etc.) mapped to vehicle. 1052 Integer EngineSize Displacement of engine in liters. 6.0L Text EngineCID Displacement of engine in cubic inches. 364 FuelTypeCategory ID Foreign key to the Category table. Chrome’s category ID for fuel type (gasoline, diesel, gas/electric hybrid, etc.) mapped to vehicle. 1059 ForcedInduction CategoryID Y 50 Y Y Integer Integer Y Foreign key to the Category table. This is Chrome’s category ID for forced induction engines. This will show only where available. Integer Y TransmissionType CategoryID Foreign key to the Category table. Chrome’s category ID for transmission type (Auto 4-Spd, Manual 5-Spd, etc.) mapped to the vehicle. This will show only where available. Integer Y ManualTransAvail “Y” will show where a manual trans is available. “N” will show in all other cases. N Text 1 N AutoTransAvail “Y” will show where an auto trans is available. “N” will show in all other cases. Y Text 1 N GVWRRange This field will display the GVWR range of the vehicle 6,001 – 10,000 Text 50 Y Chrome VINMatch Tech Doc-US 8 Last Update: 2/1/2008 8:41 AM CHROME SYSTEMS, INC. CONFIDENTIAL CHROME VINMATCHTM VINPattern Field Name Definition Example Data Type Width Allow Null in pounds where available. Three ranges will be available: 0-6000, 600110,000, 10,001-14,000. Table Name: VINPatternStyleMapping File Name: VINPatternStyleMapping.txt This table provides a reference to Chrome’s data products and contains Chrome styles that are mapped to a VIN pattern. VINPatternStyleMapping Field Name Definition Example Data Type Width Allow Null VINMappingID Primary key. VIN Mapping ID 41970 Integer N ChromeStyleID Foreign key to the YearMakeModelStyle table. 5728 Integer N VINPatternID Foreign key to the VINPattern table. This identifies a unique VIN Pattern within a Country. 21150 Integer N Table Name: YearMakeModelStyle File Name: YearMakeModelStyle.txt This table lists the Year, Make, Model, and Style information for the vehicle. It also supplies the Manufacturers style code, Fleet availability and denotes whether the vehicle is carried in Chromes New Vehicle Data product. YearMakeModelStyle Field Name Definition Example Data Type ChromeStyleID Primary key. Chrome’s Style ID. 5728 Integer Country ISO Country Code. Valid values are “US” and “CA”. US Text Chrome VINMatch Tech Doc-US 9 Width Allow Null N 2 N Last Update: 2/1/2008 8:41 AM CHROME SYSTEMS, INC. CONFIDENTIAL CHROME VINMATCHTM YearMakeModelStyle Field Name Definition Example Data Type Year Model year 2001 Integer DivisionName Division Name. Also known as “Make” Name. Chevrolet Text 2000 N SubdivisionName Subdivision Name Chevy Pickups Text 2000 N ModelName Model Name Silverado 1500HD Text 2000 N StyleName Style Name Crew Cab 156.0” WB LS Text 2000 N TrimName Trim Name LS Text 2000 Y MfrStyleCode Manufacturer’s Style Code CC15743 Text 50 Y FleetOnly Indicates a fleet only vehicle style. N Text 1 N AvailableInNVD Denotes if this vehicle is carried in Chrome’s New Vehicle Data set. Y Text 1 N DivisionID Division ID 8 Integer SubdivisionID Subdivision ID 139 Integer N ModelID Model ID 1397 Integer N AutoBuilderStyleI D AutoBuilder Style ID w2001k10m 11t1 Text HistoricalStyleID Historical Style ID 2001101101 Integer Chrome VINMatch Tech Doc-US 10 Width Allow Null N N 17 Y Y Last Update: 2/1/2008 8:41 AM CHROME SYSTEMS, INC. CONFIDENTIAL CHROME VINMATCHTM USAGE Loading the Data To use this system with an RDBMS, you will want to load the comma text files—which are CSVformatted ASCII files—into a database and set up the appropriate foreign key relationships as in the data-model diagram above. Most relational database systems have their own, proprietary import utilities. To avoid foreign-key-constraint violations, load the tables in the following order: 1. YearMakeModelStyle 2. Category 3. VINPattern 4. StyleWheelBase 5. VINPatternStyleMapping 6. StyleGenericEquipment 7. VINEquipment 8. Version When you are ready to update your VINMatch 3.0 data (described below), you may wish to delete the entire set before loading the newer data. Simply delete the tables in the reverse order, beginning with ,Version, and then reload starting again with YearMakeModelStyle. This way you can avoid dropping and recreating the foreign keys. Decoding a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Decoding a complete VIN involves identifying the best-matched VIN pattern in VIN 3.0 for a given VIN. The rules for this are as follows: 1. All defined characters in the VIN pattern must match the corresponding characters (in the same character positions) in the VIN. Wildcard characters (“*”) in the pattern are undefined and can match any character in the actual VIN. 2. The VIN pattern having the highest number of matching characters (i.e., defined letters or digits which match the VIN in the same character positions) should be selected. 3. For all VIN patterns, the first eight character positions, as well as the tenth, are always defined. The other character positions may or may not contain a wildcard. (This should help narrow down a subset of patterns in an RDBMS.) Then, once the best VIN pattern is found, one or more vehicle styles can be selected by linking the VINPattern table—using the VINPatternID corresponding to the VIN pattern—to the VINPatternStyleMapping table. This will produce a set of ChromeStyleID values, which identify records in YearMakeModelStyle. The ChromeStyleIDs can also be used to join with the New Vehicle Data product, for discovering the full configuration options and other specifications for each style. (See appendix for more information.) Chrome VINMatch Tech Doc-US 11 Last Update: 2/1/2008 8:41 AM CHROME SYSTEMS, INC. CONFIDENTIAL CHROME VINMATCHTM Common Features However, since more than one style may be linked to each VIN pattern, it may be difficult to know which is the right style for a given VIN. The VINEquipment table, along with VINPattern, defines the equipment and features that apply to all vehicles matching the VIN pattern. Some features, such as engine size, are described directly in the VINPattern records. Others are mapped by VINEquipment, and their descriptions are found by linking through to the Category table. The VINAvailability field in VINEquipment may be “Installed” or “Available”. “Installed” means that that feature is installed in any style mapped to the VIN pattern; and “Available” means that the feature may be installed, possibly as an option. VINEquipment is present on every VIN pattern for all years of data. Model Year Coverage of Chrome Category IDs Chrome category ID coverage will vary for early years in the VINMatch product. Specifically, standard and optional feature category IDs will be less densely populated in the Style Generic Equipment table for model years 1989 through 1995 when compared to 1996 and later model years. For earlier model years, there is a slight drop-off in the number of categories present, but major equipment items are represented. There are no Category IDs for model years 1981 – 1988. Category IDs for engines will be present for all model years in the VINPattern table. Please refer to the following example for clarification. Example: Consider a 1995 and a 1996 Ford Taurus SE Wagon that came from the factory with the following equipment: V6 engine, 4-speed automatic transmission, CD player, tilt steering wheel and air conditioning. Both cars will carry the following category ID in the VINPattern table mapped to their respective VIN IDs: 1051 (V6 Cylinder Engine) However, any category IDs other than the engine feature group will not be carried on the 1995 car. This means that only the 1996 car would carry the following category IDs in the Style Generic Equipment table mapped to its VIN ID: 1102 1042 1017 1087 1011 (4-speed A/T) (Front Wheel Drive) (CD Player) (Adjustable Steering Wheel) (A/C) Chrome VINMatch Tech Doc-US 12 Last Update: 2/1/2008 8:41 AM CHROME SYSTEMS, INC. CONFIDENTIAL CHROME VINMATCHTM DATA UPDATE METHOD Data Update The Chrome VINMatch data can be downloaded from Chrome’s HTTP update site at, using your assigned User ID and password. All model years are stored in a single zip file named The zip file contains the following files: • VINPattern.txt • VINEquipment.txt • StyleGenericEquipment.txt • Category.txt • YearMakeModelStyle.txt • StyleWheelBase.txt • VINPatternStyleMapping.txt • Version.txt Frequency The Chrome VINMatch product is updated on a nightly basis. You may update your data from the website noted above on a schedule that is appropriate for your business model. Chrome VINMatch Tech Doc-US 13 Last Update: 2/1/2008 8:41 AM CHROME SYSTEMS, INC. CONFIDENTIAL CHROME VINMATCHTM APPENDIX – VIN CHECK DIGIT CALCULATION Chrome VINMatch Tech Doc-US 14 Last Update: 2/1/2008 8:41 AM CHROME SYSTEMS, INC. CONFIDENTIAL CHROME VINMATCHTM APPENDIX – OTHER CHROME DATA PRODUCTS Chrome VINMatch can be paired with any of Chrome’s new vehicle data products through the use of the Chrome Style ID. The Chrome Style ID is a unique and permanent identifier across all of Chrome’s data offerings. Chrome New Vehicle Data New Vehicle Data is a complete source of information, with over 80 unique data points, on over 40 major vehicle makes sold in the U.S. It provides the most accurate new vehicle data on the market and contains information from 1997 forward. New Vehicle Data comes in a zip format containing comma-delimited, tilde-defined text files (CSV). Use the Chrome Style ID in the VIN Pattern table to map to the Styles table in New Vehicle Data once a VIN has been decoded. New Vehicle Data is updated nightly to ensure our clients always have the most accurate data available. Canadian data is also available. Chrome AutoBrief AutoBrief is a quick and easy method to get detailed expert reviews on today's cars and trucks. The reviews are at the model level and use the Chrome Model ID so that you can link back to any Chrome New Vehicle Data product. This product examines a vehicle's overall strengths, the changes from last year's model, the value that it brings to the consumer and a summation of all the key points. AutoBrief reviews are updated weekly and match the same level of coverage as our New Vehicle Data products. Chrome VINMatch Tech Doc-US 15 Last Update: 2/1/2008 8:41 AM
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