The 8th Annual North Coast Breast Cancer Conference October 10 - 11, 2014 Kalahari Resort & Convention Center, Sandusky, Ohio Why Attend? Nurses, Radiologic Technologists and Social Workers can receive continuing education credit. Network with leaders in breast cancer research and treatment. Attend four general sessions and four break out sessions on a variety of breast cancer topics. Enjoy family fun and discounted room rates at North America’s Largest Indoor Waterpark and Resort. Rev 8/25/14 About the North Coast Breast Cancer Conference The Eighth Annual North Coast Breast Cancer Conference, presented by Cleveland Clinic Cancer Centers, is an educational event for healthcare professionals, caregivers and breast cancer survivors. Participants will attend four general sessions and four break out sessions to increase their knowledge on a variety of breast cancer related topics. Nurses, Radiologic Technologists and Social Workers can receive continuing education credit. Nominate an Extraordinary Healer North Coast Cancer Foundation is currently accepting nominations for The Extraordinary Healer Award. This annual award was created in memory of Lisa Roswell, who was an outstanding oncology nurse at North Coast Cancer Care. The Extraordinary Healer Award will be presented to a compassionate and caring individual who has gone above and beyond for patients or their family. All healthcare professionals are eligible to be nominated for the award. Nominations are accepted annually and the recipient is selected by a committee comprised of healthcare professionals and North Coast Cancer Foundation board members. To nominate an extraordinary healer visit Program Location Kalahari Resort and Convention Center 7000 Kalahari Drive Sandusky, OH 44870 Toll Free: 877.525.2427 Web Address: Annie Parker Brampton, Ontario, Canada The subject of a new feature film, Decoding Annie Parker, the 3-time cancer survivor is drawing something positive from her ordeal and achieving one of her major life goals, helping women understand that predisposition for breast and ovarian cancer can be hereditary and genetic screening can help save lives. As the film illustrates, during the same 15-year period that Annie was fighting to save her own life, a brilliant geneticist in California, Dr. Mary-Claire King, was fighting the medical establishment for funding to prove that their was a genetic link to certain cancers. When Dr. King discovered the BRCA1 and BRCA 2 genes and their link to breast and ovarian cancer, it was recognized as one of the most important medical breakthroughs of the 20th century. Jame Abraham, MD, FACP Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio Hotel Accommodations Hotel accommodations are not included in the registration fee. Book your room by calling 877.525.2427 or use the link on the conference website. Conference Room Rate - $149 plus tax Conference Block: North Coast Breast Cancer Conference Information For further information about this program please call Local: 419.609.2850 Toll Free: 877.544.6222 x 2850 Web Address: Registration Registration fee includes meeting materials, Friday evening reception1, continental breakfast and buffet lunch. (1If registered for Friday evening) All Attendees Special Guests and Keynote Presenters Friday Saturday Both Friday $40 $90 $120 Dr. Abraham received his medical degree from M.B.B.S, Medical College, Calicut in Kerala India in 1989 and is Board Certified in Medical Oncology and Internal Medicine. Dr. Abraham completed his Internal Medicine Residency at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine and Clinical Fellowship at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Dr. Abraham has had medical appointments at West Virginia University Hospitals, Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center, West Virginia University School of Medicine and is currently the Director, Breast Medical Oncology Program and Co-Director, MultiDisciplinary Breast Cancer Program at Cleveland Clinic’s Taussig Cancer Institute. Dr. Abraham has received numerous awards, has extensive clinical trial experience and continues to educate medical professionals in his faculty appointment at the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center in Cleveland, Ohio. Breast cancer survivors receive a $20 discount. Use promo code PINK when registering online. Register online at or send payment with the attached registration form. Selinza Mitchell, PN, CNE The deadline for registration is 5:00 PM (EST), Wednesday, October 8, 2014. A request for refund must be received in writing by September 30, 2014. No refunds will be given after September 30, 2014. A $25 cancellation fee will be deducted from the refund for all cancellations. If you register by mail, please allow up to three weeks for registration to be processed. For questions about registrations, please call 216.448.0777 or email Selinza was licensed to practice nursing in 1982 and was trained in Oncology and Medical Surgical Nursing in 1989. Faculty at the School of Vocational Nursing in Arlington since 2002, she began speaking professionally as a National Adult Educator in 2004 and continues to be one of the industries' most sought after National facilitators. She received her Customer Service Certification in 1990 and has completed coursework in cultural diversity, social science and sociology. She is chemotherapy certified and has developed a reputation as a leader and champion in problem solving. She has been a nurse liaison between licensed professionals, unlicensed assistance personnel, practitioners, pharmacists and patients for two Pharmacy DME companies, as well as a nurse consultant at a chemical dependency clinic where she later became charge nurse. She is currently a clinical nurse educator at the School of Vocational Nursing in Arlington, Texas. Americans with Disabilities Act Cleveland Clinic Cancer Centers fully intends to comply with the legal requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need assistance, please notify Cleveland Clinic Cancer Centers at 419.609.2850 at least two weeks prior to the program. Accreditation This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the Ohio Nurses Association (OBN-001-91), an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Approval valid through September 30, 2015. Nurses who attend the entire activity and complete an evaluation form will earn 2 contact hours on Friday, October 10, 2014 and 7.25 contact hours on Saturday, October 11, 2014. This activity has been approved by the American Society for Radiological Technologists for 8.5 Category A continuing education credits. Credit is not available for the Healing Arts Experience or Healthy Cooking. This activity has been approved for 6 continuing education credits by the State of Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapists Board. Credit is not available for the following sessions: Eating for Your Good Health: Breast Practices, Health Benefits of Exercise for the Cancer Patient, Healthy Cooking, Breast Cancer Biologic Sub-types, Breast Reconstruction, De -Coding Annie Parker, Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy, Hereditary Breast & Ovarian Cancer and Chemotherapy Treatment Options. Approved provider status does not imply endorsement by Cleveland Clinic Cancer Centers, ARRT, ASRT, ANCC, OBN, ONA or OCSWMFTB of any products displayed in conjunction with this activity. There is no commercial sup- School of Vocational Nursing, Arlington, Texas SESSION OBJECTIVES General Sessions Eating for Your Good Health: Breast Practices (No OCSWMFTB Credit) Donna Lynn Green, BS, MA - The Ohio State University Extension Objective: Identify healthy food choices to improve the general health of the breast cancer patient. Health Benefits of Exercise for the Cancer Patient (No OCSWMFTB Credit) Nicole Shelley, BS - Northern Ohio Medical Fitness Objective: Identify the importance and benefits of an exercise program to improve the health of a breast cancer patient. Healthy Cooking (No OCSWMFTB Credit or ASRT Credit) Ulfet Ralph, BA - Culinary Vegetable Institute Objective: Describe the benefits of and methods for cooking with fresh fruits and vegetables. Why Your Doctor Doesn’t Want to Talk to You? Jame Abraham, MD, FACP – Cleveland Clinic Objective: Describe factors that impact breast cancer patient decision making and outcomes. De-Coding Annie Parker (No OCSWMFTB Credit) Annie Parker Objective: Identify the role of BRCA testing in families with a history of breast and ovarian cancer. Surviving the Stress of Being a Survivor Selinza Mitchell, PN, CNE Objective: Categorize sources of stress to improve quality of life of the breast cancer survivor. Breakout Sessions Survivorship 101: Equipping and Empowering Women to Restore their Lives and Health Status Amy Thompson, PhD – University of Toledo Objective: Recognize challenges of breast cancer survivorship and describe methods to empower women to improve health. Breast Cancer Biologic Sub-types (No OCSWMFTB Credit) Hannah Gilmore, MD - University Hospitals Objective: Explain breast cancer in terms of intrinsic biologic subtypes to predict response to therapy and overall prognosis. The Effects of a Parent’s Cancer on Children Joseph Rieman, DO – ProMedica Memorial Hospital Objective: Discuss the psychological impacts a cancer diagnosis can have on children. Breast Reconstruction (No OCSWMFTB Credit) Teresa Ghazoul, MD, FACS - Fisher Titus Medical Center Objective: Describe the current trends in breast reconstruction and the reconstructive process for breast cancer patients. Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer – Is Less Actually More? (No OCSWMFTB Credit) Rahul Tendulkar, MD - Cleveland Clinic Objective: Explain ongoing studies and randomized trials of hypofractionated radiation therapy and advanced techniques for treating breast cancer. Management of Common Symptoms in Advanced Cancer Armida Parala-Metz, MD - Cleveland Clinic Objective: Describe supportive care by focusing on symptom management and quality of life. Hereditary Breast & Ovarian Cancer (No OCSWMFTB Credit) Laura C. Schmitt, PA-C, RPh & Kathy Parker, CPhT - Cleveland Clinic Objective: Explain the methods of identifying patients at risk of Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer syndrome. Chemotherapy Treatment Options, Toxicities and Subtleties (No OCSWMFTB Credit) Timothy Adamowicz, DO - Cleveland Clinic Cancer Centers Objective: Discuss chemotherapeutic treatment options, related side effects, expected toxicities and management of complications. Healing Arts Experience (No ASRT Credit) Art Therapy Dawn Freeman, MA, AT, BFA - North Coast Cancer Foundation Objective: Discuss methods used to encourage self care in cancer patients through the use of Art Therapy. Labyrinth Walk JoAnn Didion, LISW-S - Stein Palliative Medicine Objective: Identify the benefits of how a labyrinth can be used by individuals and groups. Faculty Disclosure Planning Committee members Brian Murphy, MD, FACP, Tiffaney Smith, RN, BSN, OCN, Molly Bechtel, LISW-S, Ariana Graves, LPN, Holly Martinez, NP-C and Jennifer Parker, RT (R)(T) do not have any financial interest or other relationship with any manufacturer of commercial product or service to disclose which would pose a conflict of interest with regards to the content of this program. None of the Faculty Members have any financial interest or other relationship with any manufacturer of commercial product or service to disclose which would pose a conflict of interest with regards to the content of this program. Approved provider status does not imply endorsement by Cleveland Clinic Cancer Centers, ARRT, ASRT, ANCC, OBN, ONA or OCSWMFTB of any products displayed in conjunction with this activity. There is no commercial support for this event. Major Sponsors Sacred Art of Living Beth Frank, RN, BSN, MBA - Stein Hospice Objective: Describe the importance of addressing emotional and spiritual needs during life transitions. Compassion Fatigue for Healthcare Professionals Elmira Kris Austin, MSE - The Gathering Place Objective: Identify signs of compassion fatigue and measures for improving quality of life. Depression in Cancer Patients Marlena M. Ryba, MA - The Ohio State University Objective: Discuss the complex clinical presentations of patients presenting with comorbid depression and cancer. Diversity, Inclusion and Cultural Competence in the Workplace Donna Skurzak, BA, MA - Cleveland Clinic Objective: Discuss key concepts of diversity, inclusion and cultural competence as they apply to the workplace. NORTHWEST OHIO Health Partners AGENDA Friday, October 10, 2014 6:00 PM Registration 6:30 PM General Session & Reception - (Kalahari Ballroom) Eating for Your Good Health: Breast Practices Donna Green, BS, MA - The Ohio State University Ext. Healthy Cooking Ulfet Ralph, BA - Culinary Vegetable Institute Health Benefits of Exercise for the Cancer Patient Nicole Shelley, BS - Northern Ohio Medical Fitness Saturday, October 11, 2014 7:00 AM Registration & Exhibits Open 7:30 AM Kalahari Ballroom Seating - Continental Breakfast 8:00 AM 8:15-915 AM NOON-1:00 PM General Session - (Kalahari Ballroom) De-Coding Annie Parker Annie Parker Welcome & Extraordinary Healer Award Presentation 1:15-2:15 PM Break Out Session 3 General Session - (Kalahari Ballroom) Why Your Doctor Doesn’t Want to Talk You? Jame Abraham, MD, FACP – Cleveland Clinic 2:15-2:30 PM Break 2:30-3:30 PM Break Out Session 4 9:30-10:30 AM Break Out Session 1 10:30-10:45 AM Break 10:45-11:45 AM Break Out Session 2 Depression in Cancer Patients Marlena Ryba, MA - The Ohio State University Diversity, Inclusion and Cultural Competencein the Workplace Donna Skurzak, BA, MA - Cleveland Clinic Survivorship 101: Equipping and Empowering Women to Restore their Lives and Health Status Amy Thompson, PhD – University of Toledo Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer – Is Less Actually More? Rahul Tendulkar, MD - Cleveland Clinic Breast Cancer Biologic Sub-types Hannah Gilmore, MD - University Hospitals Management of Common Symptoms in Advanced Cancer Armida Parala-Metz, MD - Cleveland Clinic The Effects of a Parent’s Cancer on Children Joseph Rieman, DO – ProMedica Memorial Hospital Hereditary Breast & Ovarian Cancer Laura Schmitt, PA-C, RPh & Kathy Parker, CPhT - Cleveland Clinic Cancer Centers Breast Reconstruction Teresa Ghazoul, MD, FACS - Fisher Titus Medical Center Chemotherapy Treatment Options, Toxicities and Subtleties Timothy Adamowicz, DO - Cleveland Clinic Sacred Art of Living Beth Frank, RN, BSN, MBA - Stein Hospice Healing Arts Experience Art Therapy Dawn Freeman, MA, AT, BFA - North Coast Cancer Foundation Compassion Fatigue for Healthcare Professionals Elmira Kris Austin, MSE - The Gathering Place Healing Arts Experience Art Therapy Dawn Freeman, MA, AT, BFA - North Coast Cancer Foundation Labyrinth Walk JoAnn Didion, LISW-S - Stein Palliative Medicine 11:45 AM Lunch Buffet - (Kalahari Ballroom) Labyrinth Walk JoAnn Didion, LISW-S - Stein Palliative Medicine 3:30 PM General Session Surviving the Stress of Being a Survivor (Kalahari Ballroom) Selinza Mitchell, PN, CNE 4:30 PM Conference Closing and Evaluations REGISTRATION Mail completed form with check payable to Cleveland Clinic Educational Foundation to: Cleveland Clinic Foundation, P.O. Box 931653, Cleveland, Ohio 44193-1082 Name & Credentials _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Institution or Company ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address City _________________________________ State ________ Zip _______________ Email _________________________________________________________ Phone _______________________________ Fax _____________________________ Please indicate all that apply Registered Nurse Licensed Practical Nurse Registered Technologist Social Worker Breast Cancer Survivor Caregiver Other: Please specify: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FEES Friday Only $40 Saturday Only Both Friday and Saturday $90 $120 Breast Cancer Survivor Discount Total Enclosed -$20 $ ____________ SATURDAY BREAK OUT SESSION TOPICS (4) Saturday - October 11, 2014 | Morning Breakout Sessions 9:30 - 10:30 AM - Session 1 (Select 1) 10:45 - 11:45 AM - Session 2 (Select 1) Survivorship 101: Equipping and Empowering Women to Restore their Lives and Health Status Survivorship 101: Equipping and Empowering Women to Restore their Lives and Health Status Breast Cancer Biologic Sub-types (No OCSWMFTB Credit) Breast Cancer Biologic Sub-types (No OCSWMFTB Credit) The Effects of a Parent’s Cancer on Children The Effects of a Parent’s Cancer on Children Amy Thompson, PhD – University of Toledo Hannah Gilmore, MD - University Hospitals Joseph Rieman, DO – ProMedica Memorial Hospital Breast Reconstruction (No OCSWMFTB Credit) Teresa Ghazoul, MD, FACS - Fisher Titus Medical Center Sacred Art of Living Amy Thompson, PhD – University of Toledo Hannah Gilmore, MD - University Hospitals Joseph Rieman, DO – ProMedica Memorial Hospital Breast Reconstruction (No OCSWMFTB Credit) Teresa Ghazoul, MD, FACS - Fisher Titus Medical Center Sacred Art of Living Elizabeth Frank, RN, BSN, MBA - Stein Hospice Elizabeth Frank, RN, BSN, MBA - Stein Hospice Compassion Fatigue for Healthcare Professionals Compassion Fatigue for Healthcare Professionals Healing Arts Experience (No ASRT Credit) Healing Arts Experience (No ASRT Credit) Labyrinth Walk JoAnn Didion, LISW-S - Stein Palliative Medicine Labyrinth Walk JoAnn Didion, LISW-S - Stein Palliative Medicine Elmira Kris Austin, MSE - The Gathering Place Art Therapy Dawn Freeman, MA, AT, BFA - North Coast Cancer Foundation Elmira Kris Austin, MSE - The Gathering Place Art Therapy Dawn Freeman, MA, AT, BFA - North Coast Cancer Foundation Saturday - October 11, 2014 | Afternoon Breakout Sessions 1:15 - 2:15 PM - Session 3 (Select 1) 2:30 - 3:30 PM - Session 4 (Select 1) Depression in Cancer Patients Depression in Cancer Patients Diversity, Inclusion and Cultural Competence in the Workplace Diversity, Inclusion and Cultural Competence in the Workplace Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer – Is Less Actually More? (No OCSWMFTB Credit) Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer – Is Less Actually More? (No OCSWMFTB Credit) Management of Common Symptoms in Advanced Cancer Management of Common Symptoms in Advanced Cancer Marlena M. Ryba, MA - The Ohio State University Donna Skurzak, BA, MA - Cleveland Clinic Rahul Tendulkar, MD - Cleveland Clinic Armida Parala-Metz, MD - Cleveland Clinic Hereditary Breast & Ovarian Cancer Marlena M. Ryba, MA - The Ohio State University Donna Skurzak, BA, MA - Cleveland Clinic Rahul Tendulkar, MD - Cleveland Clinic Armida Parala-Metz, MD - Cleveland Clinic Hereditary Breast & Ovarian Cancer (No OCSWMFTB Credit) Laura C. Schmitt, PA-C, RPh & Kathy Parker, CPhT - Cleveland Clinic Laura C. Schmitt, PA-C, RPh & Kathy Parker, CPhT - Cleveland Clinic Chemotherapy Treatment Options, Toxicities and Subtleties Chemotherapy Treatment Options, Toxicities and Subtleties Timothy Adamowicz, DO - Cleveland Clinic Timothy Adamowicz, DO - Cleveland Clinic (No OCSWMFTB Credit) Healing Arts Experience (No ASRT Credit) Art Therapy Dawn Freeman, MA, AT, BFA - North Coast Cancer Foundation Labyrinth Walk JoAnn Didion, LISW-S - Stein Palliative Medicine (No CWSMFT Credit) Healing Arts Experience (No ASRT Credit) Art Therapy Dawn Freeman, MA, AT, BFA - North Coast Cancer Foundation Labyrinth Walk JoAnn Didion, LISW-S - Stein Palliative Medicine
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