UNIVERSITY GRADUATES OF NURSING SCIENCE ASSOCIATION (UGONSA). CAC/IT/NO. 69387 a.k.a GRADUATES NURSES ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA (GNAN) ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO THE NATIONAL SECRETARY C/O VIP WARD Chief (Hon) S.E.O EGWUENU, RN,RNT,B.Sc (NURSING), MILR,MPA,FCAI FEDERAL TEACHING HOSPITAL ABAKALIKI National president (GNAN). +23480379937991 P. M. B. 102 Mr. G.I. NSHI,RN,BNSC ABAKALIKI, EBONYI STATE. National secretary (GNAN) +2348065585953 E-mail: UGONSA/014/FMOH/O1 Our Ref…………………………………………………………………………. 11TH Oct, 2014 Date……………………………………………………… COMMUNIQUE ISSUED AT THE END OF 1 DAY STAKEHOLDERS MEETING HELD ON SATURDAY 11TH OCTOBER, 2014 AT UNTH, ENUGU, ENUGU STATE. Introduction: The University Graduates of Nursing Science Association (UGONSA) a.k.a Graduate Nurses Association of Nigeria (GNAN) at its Expanded National Stakeholders’ (ENS) meeting held on 11th October, 2014 deliberated on a number of issues affecting the welfare, progress ,growth and development of its members and the Nursing profession and the health sector in general. After exhaustive deliberations, members resolved as follows: 1. The ENS unveiled the new and the Official name of the association-University Graduates of Nursing Science Association (UGONSA) which replaces the former name-Graduate Nurses Association of Nigeria (GNAN) following its incorporation by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) but reiterated that it is still strongly associated with the name, GNAN, mainly for colloquial purposes. 2. The association gave a superlative commendation to the Federal Government, the Federal and States Ministries of health, all health institutions and health professionals at the federal and state levels for the prompt and synergic harmonization of efforts that culminated in the effective containment of the dreaded and vicious Ebola Viral Disease that was imported into the country by a Liberian diplomat, Patrick Sawyer. The association however advised stakeholders and politicians to shelve politics of suspicion and campaign of calumny that characterizes the contemporary Nigerian politics and embrace the coordinated co-operation, unity of purpose, symbiotic approach and mutual respect that was applied in the “Ebola battle” in all affairs of the country in general and the health sector in particular to replicate this feat and retain the position of pride so attained among the comity of nations. The association advised the Federal Government to confer posthumous honour on its deceased member, Nurse Ejelonu Justina Obioma, who laid her life to save the entire country from the Ebola scourge and others martyrs that equally lost their lives while working to contain the disease as this will bolster the morale of Nurses and other health workers to stand to make selfless sacrifice for the country at all times. 1 3. The association also sustained its earlier stand on the issue of the proposed Unified (Harmonized) schemes of service for Nurses and Midwives and emphasized its rejection of the proposal in its entirety as it is not feasible and acceptable in a multicadre profession like Nursing and therefore call on all concerned authorities to discountenance and quash same and allow the general rule that stipulates that it is only those with first degree in their chosen profession that are duly qualified and eligible to rise to the peak of their profession via the Officers’ cadre. This position is not negotiable as Nursing profession does not operate on isolation. 4. The ENS also appealed to the appropriate and relevant authorities to consider the automatic appointment of the Serving National President and General Secretary of the Association as members of the board of the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria as done for other professional bodies and equally requests for the appointment of qualified Graduate Nurses into ministerial and extra-ministerial boards and positions. . 5. It was also resolved that the issue of induction and registration of fresh graduate Nurses is essential and mandatory and enjoined every department/faculty of nursing in the University to involve the National Secretariat of the Association in all their induction exercise /ceremony and implored that this should be held sacrosanct. 6. The ENS observed that the health bill is useful except for some sections that deliberately skewed power and favouratism to one profession at the expense of others in the health sector and advised the National Assembly to expunge such sections before the bill can be assented to, in the interest of sustained peace, harmony and interdependent cooperation among the professionals, stakeholders and actors in the health sector. 7. The association frowned on the ill –treatment meted on Nursing and Midwifery qualifications and certificates where extra qualifications and higher certificates of Nurses do not enhance Placement, progression and remunerations and called on the concerned authorities to quickly rectify this anomaly. In the same light, the ENS called for the urgent release of circular on the internship and proper placement of Graduate Nurses in interest of equity, peace, fairness and Justice and to improve client care in the health care industry through nursing care, provided by well educated Nurses with high clinical skills. 8. The ENS noted with great concern the continued accreditation of more schools of Nursing by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN) against the proposed road map to make all Nursing /Midwifery institutions degree awarding by the year 2020 and called on the NMCN to be committed to phasing out the Hospital based Nursing programmes for University based Nursing Education as this will naturally remove the intra professional conflicts and bickering in the profession as well as enhance evidence based care, quality assurance, professional growth and development. 9. The association frowned at the current poor rate of hazard allowance being paid to Nurses/Midwives and requests for its upward review that should be commensurate with their 24/7 all round exposure to clinical hazards. 10. The need to restore teaching allowance to Nurses and Midwives on CONHESS 07 and 08 was reiterated: The association emphasized that Nurses irrespective of grade and cadre are involved in the teaching of students on clinical posting, advocacy and education of patients/ relatives and strongly condemned the removal of teaching allowance of Nurses on CONHESS 07 and 08 as repugnant to good conscience ,spirit of equity and fairness and called on the concerned 2 authorities to quickly restore the teaching allowance to these cadre of Nurses and Midwives as the withdrawal is totally in error and has no basis in sense, logic or rationality. In addition all other allowances that Nurses are entitled to should be restored and paid accordingly by all employers of Nurses and Midwives. 11. The ENS in session equally condemned the proliferation of Quackery in the health sector in general and nursing in particular and appealed to Governments at all levels to step up measures to check mate this ugly menace. 12. Finally, the association commended the Federal Government on its effort so far in tackling terrorism and urges politicians at all levels irrespective of party affiliations to join hand with the Federal Government to stamp out terrorism the way we did to Ebola because the scourge of terrorism in the country has made life, the priceless jewel, a common commodity in Nigeria. In addition the association heartily implores all politicians to play by the rule and respect due process and sanctity of peoples mandate to save our beloved country from socio-political anarchy. Nigeria is so blessed with human and material resources and we can collectively and maximally harness these resources and our unity in diversity to make Nigeria a global power and the pride of Africa. Signed Chief (Hon) S.E.O EGWUENU National President Nurse G.I NSHI National Secretary 3
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