BERKELEY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Meeting Location: 1231 Addison Street, Berkeley CA 94702 Phone: (510) 644-8764 BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING AGENDA Wednesday. October 8. 2014 - The Berkeley Unified School District intends to provide reasonable accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. If a special accommodation is desired, please call the Superintendent’s Office 48 hours prior to the meeting at fLQz644’62O6 El Distnto Escolar Unilicado dc Berkeley tiene Ia intenciOn de proporcionar adaptaciones especiales en confonrudad con ci Americans wtrh Disabilities Act of 1990 (Ley de Arnericanos con Discapacidades de 1990). Si usted desea una adaptaciOn especial. por Favor coniumquese con ci personal de [a Oflcina del Superintendente 48 horas antes de Ia reuniOn al 5 W-644-5206, BOARD OF EDUCATION Josh Daniels. President Judy Appel. Vice President Karen Hemphill. Director Beatriz Levva-Cutler. Director/Clerk Julie Sinai. Director Jesse Barber. Student Director. BHS Carlos Ku-Ceja, Student Director. B Tech STAFF Donald E. Evans. Ed.D.. Superintendent/Secretary Javetta Cleveland. Deputy Superintendent Pasquale Scuderi. Asst. Supt.. Educational Services Delia Ruiz. Asst. Supt., Human Resources Liz O’Connell Gates, Interim Recorder BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING AGENDA The Presiding Officer will call the meeting to order at 6:00 pin, and begin Open Session at 7:30 pin. Closed Session The Board may recess into Closed Session before or after the public meeting under the authority of the Brown Act (including hut not limited to Government Code section 54954.5.54956.8. 54956.9. 54957, 54957.6. as well as Education Code section 35146). Under Government Code section 54954.3, members of the public may address the hoard on an item on the Closed Session agenda. before Closed Session. CLOSED SESSION PUBLIC TESTIMONY Persons wishing to address the Board should fill out a green speaker card. Cards turned in by 6:00 p.m. will be given priority. Speakers will be randomly selected based on topic and position. with BUSD students generally given priority. Public Testimony is limited to 15 minutes with a 3minute limit per speaker per topic although the time allotted per speaker may be reduced to 2 minutes at the discretion of the President. 1. Collective Bargaining BCCE 2. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Evaluation Separation Agreement Classified Employee 3. Parent Complaint against District Employees (Coy. Code 54957) (b) 4. Superintendents Evaluation 2014-15 - 1 OPEN SESSION Roll Call Approve Agenda of October 8. 2014 Read Mission and Meeting Ovenlcw Closed Session Repp OPEN SESSION PUBLIC TESTIMONY (1st opportunity) Persons wishing to address the Board should fill out a green speaker card, Cards turned in by 7:15 p.m. will be given priority. Speakers vill be randomly selected based on topic and position, with BUSD students generally given priority. Public Testimony is limited to 30 minutes with a 3-minute limit per speaker per topic although the time allotted per speaker may be reduced to 2 minutes at the discretion of the President. Comments from Berkeley City College President Deborah Budd re Berkeley City College’s 40th Anniversary Celebration Union Comments: Representatives from each on any issue. 5 minutes per union. (Order rotates). union arc given the opportunity to address the Board BYE BCCE Local 2 1 USA Committee Comments: Representatives from District committees that include members of the public are given the opportunity to address the Boai-d on any issue. 5 minutes per comnuttee. BSEP Program & Oversight Committee Measure 1 Constniction Bond Oversight Committee Measure Parent I-I Oversight Advisory Comniittee Committee Distnct EL Advisory Committee PTA Council Audit Committee Board Member and Superintendent Comments: Board members and the Superintendent are given the opportunity to address any issue, CONSENT CALENDAR approval requested [Accept the Completion of the Project to Resurface the Track at Berkeley .1. High School 2 Accept the Completion of the Project to Install a Slurry Seal over an Existing Asphalt Surface at Willard to Resurface the Track at Rosa Parks - 2 PAGE 9 11 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 Accept the Completion of the Berkeley High School Phase 2 and 3 Project Accept the Completion of the B-Tech Science Room and Modernization Project arid Acknowledge the Contractor for Exceeding the Goals Contained in the Project Labor Agreement (PLA) pppyj of Out-of-Slate Travel and Overnight Field Trip Requests LApproval of Human Resources Report Approval of Contracts and Purchase Orders Acceptance of Gifts and Donations Approval of Master Contracts for 3 Non-Public Schools and 1 NonPublic Agency Approval of Master Contract for the Speech Patholo’ Group (SPG) (Non-Public Agency) Minutes: 9-10 and 9-17-14 INFORMATION ITEMS I Facilities Plan Update Maintenance and H/BB Third Quarter FY 2014 Report 13 15 17j 19 22 25 27 28 29 —___ 39 55 DISCUSSION ITEMS I Update on EL Master Plan (10 mm. pres.. 35 mm. disc.) Enrollment and Capacity (15 mm. pres., 45 mm. disc.) 57 59 OPEN SESSION Public Testimony (2nd opportunity. Persons wishing to address the Board should fill out a green speaker card. Cards turned in for the earlier open session public testimony will be ulven priority. Speakers will be randomly selected based on topic and position. with BUSD students generally given priority. Public Testimony is limited to 15 minutes with a 3-minute limit pç speaker per topic although the time allotted per speaker may be reduced to 2 minutes at the discretion of the President Extended Board Member and Superintendent Comments. Board members and the Superintendent are given the opportunity to address any issue. Adjournment 3 Berkeley Unified School District Mission: The Mission of the Berkeley Unified School District is to enable and inspire our diverse student body to achieve academic excellence and make positive contributions to our world. Berkeley Unified School District Vision: Our Students are curious and creative learners who succeed through personal initiative and sustained effort to reach high academic goals. They are critical thinkers who seek knowledge and possess technological competence and collaborative skills. Our students embrace diversi’, act responsibly. and contribute to our communilv. Our Educators believe that all students (‘an meet or exceed rigorous academic standards. Teachers. staff, arid administrators together form a rich professional learning community where all are supported to hone our professional craft and improve our effectiveness. Through the examination of our instructional practices and data, we adjust our teaching and operational systems in order to continuously innprove. We are responsible in the stewardship of our fiscal rcsources and fair and equitable in their distnbution. Our Families and Community are integral to the success of our students and schools. Families are active, engaged partners in their child’s education who give valued input and participate in making important decisions about our academic and enrichment programs. Our diverse comniunfty is passionate about equitable educational outcomes for all students. Our civic and community organizations partner with us to promote family engagement and the well-being and success of our students. Our Schools are vital centers of community life enriched by the diversity of our city and welcoming to all families. Each classroom offers engaging and culturally relevant curriculum that builds on students’ interests and abilities. Student needs, as identified by regular assessment, inform our teaching and guide appropriate and effective intervention services. We offer an enriched learning environment and a comprehensive system of supports to address the needs of the whole child. Values and Beliefs of Berkeley Unified School District: •Students are our priority. •We take pride in our diversity. •We hold high expectations for ourselves and our studcnts. -We treat each other with respect and act with integrity. 4 Take 5 (3130 Sacramento SL) 2nd Saturday 1:00 Monthly (see website for details) Café Lcila (1 724 San Pablo Ave.) Monthly (see website fo details) 2nd Saturday 10:00- 1 1 :30 NA caxicskucea@studentsberkck1set 510-644-6550 N/A N/A N/A Student Engagement Student Engagement 2020 Vision Planning for Next BSEP Mcasure - Family Engageiiicnt Inca] Control & Accountability Plan 5 iVosotros, Los ,niembros tie (a Mesa Direciiva de l3ericeley, animamos a los miembros del pttbi Leo a comuntcarse con nosotros y contpartirsus ideas, pensamientos y preocttpaciortes con respecto a nuestras escuelas, Pitede comwticarse con nosotros individitos via correo elect rortico 0 (ele/orzo. zndteados mas amba, ij / 0 pitede asistir a cttalqttiera de las (torus dc ojicutdt detalladas arriba. Tatithién pzmcdc’ ennar tilt corn’u electrorjico direcianjeitte a (ucla La 1esa Directiva a I3ourd ki I’ TCILpe! — Common Core State Standards Priority (Secondary) Local Control & Accountability Plan 20”O Vision Conuiton Core Stale Standards Planning for Next F3SEP Measure Faint 1 y pngc4enWI Priority (Primary) We. the members of the I3erkcley School I3oard. encourage riteiizbers of the public to contact us aitd shame your ideas. thoughts. and concerns regard my our schools. I’ott cart contact jLS individuals via cit jail or phone as detailed above and/or you can attend any of the oj)k-e hours detailed above. You can also entail the entire School Board directly at L3oardotEdkberkeley.nei N/A N/A Catë Leila (1724 San Pablo Ave.) 1:00 4th Saturday — Casa Latina (1801 San Pablo Ave.) Office Hours Location 2nd l’hursdav 4:00-6:00 510-644-6550 Carlos Ku-Ceja (CKC) Beatriz Leyva-Cutler (BL) beatriz1ena-cut1er.:lwrkelev.uet 510-644-6550 Josh Daniels (JO) 510-213-8683 Judy Appel (JA jtidyappektbcrkeleynet 510-644-6550 Julie Sinai () juliesinai© 510-644-6550 Karen Hemphili (1(11) 5 10-644-6550 Jesse Barber (JB) Office Hours Dates & Times BOARD MEMBER INFORMATION TOTALS - I X 265 3 2 — 9 2 1 1 1 X [ 4 X X 9 — X Sec the ‘Board X Member 1 Inforuiiatiort page 55 x - - X X 5 X — - — BLJDJAJSKBLMSW 2 2 # BOARD MEMBER SCHOOL SITE LIAISON ASSIGNMENTS lb i ierzti/y sehool board members btj their initials, please jp)imsdkcbtrkeie;neU Supt Budget Advisory Committee (SBAC) (susancraig@herkeley_net) Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) - (charitvdamario?2berke1ev.iiet) Construction Bond Oversight Committee (c1iaiii1astevensoncWberjjçy net) District EL Advisory Committee/EL Parent Advisory Committee (clmitydaniart@herkelev,net) Measure H/Maintenance Oversight Committee (1e}yjonestberke1eviiet) Next District Strategic Plan workgroup (donaklevans p 1 ei ©berk ) elçy Parent Advisory Committee [ Policy Committee fri eborah turner@ber-keleynel) Project Labor Agreement Workgroup !iv.ionesWberkeiev.neL) PTA Council Cesar Chavez Commemorative Workgroup BSEPP&O ( BSEP Renewal Planning workgroup (natsiraiwcrvU:berkeIevnet) BTSA theI1ec1air.iet Audit (cleborahturnerthberkelev. net) 2x2 BOARD MEMBER COMMIflEE ASSIGNMENTS To ideui(pj school board mc’nthers brj their initials, please sc’e the Board Member InfoniiocLorr page. TOTALS ______ 7 2014 BUSD School Board Calendar Regular Meeting Dates & Anticipated TOpICS le44ult_Schqpupgthrie©berke1eynet) legjj4ggpet (renernolirta® Berkeleyjigh School (kristing1enchur©jje1e net) Berkeley • Child Development Centers (rnariacarriedo©berkçy net) çgont_( e 2 Emerson_(susarthq4gçjberkejçyj Independent Stud(edithsn@berkççyret; Jefferson (pyamartin©berkelçy.ntj John Muir Kzpgjjnet1evepson@berke1eynet) LeConte_(veronieava1erio©ber1ce1ey.nej giow_(marcogrcia© Malcolm X (alexhunt©berkeleypp; Oxford (beth rhine©berkeiçyet) Rosa_! Thousand Oaksçpifrrcorn©berkeiçypet Washington ( Willard_(debbiecIean©herke1çynei) ____ — 26 5 45 4 4 2 2 L - November [ October September August R 1 L June L May Apnl . March February January - - pations - 20 F ncthty & Fiscal Assets 10 Studcnt Outcomes 1 [cancelled) 5 Facility & Fiscal Assets - Student & Family Engagement 4 — Cuniculum & Eouv,e Access 9 LEAP IOppj Orientation__________ 12 Student & rarnihLngagement 5 Ss -____ 8 17 Student & I amil Engagemt nt 8 Gun iculum&Coui st Aect ss 19 LEAP - LEAP 11 LCAI/çgçt LEAP 19 Cumu1um& (ouise At 12 F u ilm&Fis’ a1 Assets 23 Student Outcomes - 22 pjiflons 25 LCAP/Bet 26 Qpations 30 LCAP Student Outcomes — BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Donald Evans, Ed.D, Superintendent Lew Jones, Director of Facilities October 8. 2014 Accept the Completion of the Project to Replace the Track at Berkeley High School BACKGROUND INFORMATION On April 23, 2014. the Board awarded a contract to California Track and Engineering to replace the track at Berkeley High School. The project is complete. Acceptance of the project will allow staff to file a Notice of Completion with the County arid will permit release of retention. POLICY/CODE California Public Contract Code 20110- 20118 FISCAL flWACT The project was funded through the Measure H parcel tax. The project had change orders of SO or 0% above the Board approval. We originally budgeted for change orders of approximately 10%. STAFF RECONDATION Accept the project as complete. C-i BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 15-014 Authorization To Accept Completion Of The Berkeley High School Track Resurfacing Project No. 810.1401 WIREAS. California Track. a contractor licensed and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California, and having offices at 4668 N. Sonora Aye, Suite 101, Fresno, CA 93722, entered into a contract dated April 28, 2014, with Berkeley Unified School District of Alameda County. State of California to secure all labor, materials, mechanical workership. transportation. equipment and scrviccs necessary for the Berkeley high School Track Resurfacing project and WHEREAS. Project Construction Manager employed by this Board to prepare plans and specifications and to supervise the work has certified in writing to the Board that said contractor has completed the work of said contract in workerlike and satisfactory manner as of October 8, 2014 and that warranty period begin on this date for this work. NOW, ThEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Berkeley High School Track Resurfacing Project No. 810.1401 is hereby approved and accepted as complete. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Education of the Berkeley Unified School District this 8th Day of October, 2014. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: BeatrLz Leyva-Cutler Clerk. Board of Education Berkeley Unified School District Public Contract Code: 20111 Board Policy: 3310 C-I BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Donald Evans. Ed.D. Superintendent Lew Jones, Director of Facilities October 8, 2014 Acccpt the Completion of the Project to Install a Slurry Seal over an Existing Asphalt Surface at Willard to Resurface the Track at Rosa Parks BACKGROUND INFORMATION On May 14, 2014, the Board awarded a contract to American Asphalt to install a slurry seal at Willard and to upgrade the track at Rosa Parks. The project is complete. Acceptance of the project will allow staff to file a Notice of Completion with the County and will peniflt release of retention. POLICY/CODE California Public Contract Code 20110- 20118 FISCAL IMPACT The project was fundcd through the Measure H parcel tax. The project had change orders of SO or 0% above the Board approval. We originally budgeted for change orders of approximately 10%. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Accept the project as complete. C-2 BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 15-017 Authorization To Accept Completion Of The Willard and Rosa Parks Slurry Project No. 901.1405 WHEREAS, American Asphalt Repair and Resurfacing Inc.. a contrac tor licensed and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Califo rnia. and having offices at 24200 Clawitcr Road. Hayward, CA 94545. entered into a contract dated May 14. 2014, with Berkeley Unified School District of Alameda County, State of California to secure all labor. nxateha1, mechanical workership, transportation, equipment and services necessar for the Willar d and Rosa Parks Slurry project and W1REAS, Project Construction Manager employed by this Board to prepare plans and specifications and to supervise the work has certifie d in writing to the Board that said contractor has completed the work of said contract in workerlike and sausfacton’ manner as of October 8. 2014 and that warranty period begin on this date for this work. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Willard and Rosa Parks Slurry project No. 901.1405 is hereby approved and accepted as compl ete. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Education of the Berkeley Unified School District this 8th Day of October, 2014. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Beatriz Leyva-Cutler Clerk, Board of Education Berkeley Unified School District Public Contract Code: 201 1 Board Policy: 3310 C-2 BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Donald Evans, Ed.D, Superintendent Lew Jones. Director of Facilities October 8. 2014 Accept the Completion of the Berkeley High School Phase 2 and 3 Project BACKGROUND INFORMATION On April 11, 2012, the Board awarded a contract to Alten Construction to complete the Berkeley High School South of Bancroft project (Phases 2 and 3). The project is complete, although the contractor will continue to provide field maintenance for the next month. Acceptance of the project will allow staff to file a Notice of Completion with the County and will permit release of retention. We will withhold enough money from the retention to complete the field maintenance until the contractor has completed that responsibility. POLICY/CODE California Public Contract Code 20110- 20118 FISCAL IMPACT The project was funded through the Measure I bond. The project had change orders of 81,896.350 or slightly less than 8% above the Board approval. Combining phase 2 and 3 together, a favorable bidding market, and a cooperative relationship with the contractor ultimately allowed for a savings of $6.6 million on this project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Accept the project as complete. C—3 BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 15-016 Authorization To Accept Completion Of The Berkeley High School Phase 2 and 3 Project No. 810.1001 WHEREAS, Alten Construction, a contractor licensed and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California. and having oflIces at 720 12th St.. Oakland, CA 94801, entered into a contract dated April 11. 2012. with Berkeley Unified School District of Alameda County. State of California to secure all labor, materials, mechanical workership, transportation, equipment and services necessary for the Berkeley High School Phase 2 and 3 project and WHEREAS. Project Construction Manager employed by this Board to prepare plans and specilications and to supervise the work has certified in writing to the Board that said contractor has completed the work of said and October 8. 2014 and that warranty period begin on this date for this work. contract in workerlike satisfactory manner as of NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Berkeley High School Phase 2 and 3 project N:o. 810.1001 is hereby approved and accepted as complete. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Education of the Berkeley Unified School District this 8th Day of October, 2014. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Bcatriz Levva-Cutler Clerk, Board of Education Berkeley Unified School District Public Contract code: 20111 Board Policy: 3310 C-3 BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Donald Evans. Ed.D, Superintendent Lew Jones. Director of Facilities October 8. 2014 Accept the Completion of the B-Tech Science Room and Modernization Project and Acknowledge the Contractor for Exceeding the Goals Contained in the Project Labor Agreement (PLA) BACKGROUND INFORMATION On April 11, 2012. the Board awarded a contract to GECO Incorporated to create a science room and to modernize B-Tech. The project is complete. Acceptance of the project will allow staff to file a Notice of Completion with the County and will pennit release of retention. The PLA requires that the contractor achieve a goal of 30% local hires. GECO Incorporated exceeded 35% local hiring. Per the PLA, the Board is to publicly acknowledge GECO Incorporated for this achievement, POLICY/CODE California Public Contract Code 20110- 20118 FISCAL IMPACT The project was funded through the Measure I bond. The project had change orders of 828,341 or slightly less than 5% above the Board approval. We originally budgeted for change orders of 10%. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Accept the project as complete. C-4 BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 15-015 Authorization To Accept Completion Of The B-Tech Science Lab Modernization Project No. 136.1301 WHEREAS, GECO, a contractor licensed and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California, and having offices at 19 Hamilton Dr. #H, Novato, CA 94949. entered into a contract dated April 15, 2014. with Berkeley Unified School District of Alameda County. State of California to secure all labor. materials, mechanical workership. transportation, equipment and services necessary for the B-Tech Science Lab Modernization project and WHEREAS. Project Construction Manager employed by this Board to prepare plans and specifications and to supervise the work has certified in writing to the Board that said contractor has completed the work of said contract in workerlike and satisfactory manner as of October 8, 2014 and that warranty period begin on this date for I his work, NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the B-Tech Science Lab Modernization Project No. 136.1301 is hereby approved and accepted as complete. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Education of the Berkeley Unified School District this 5th Day of October, 2014. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAJN: Beatriz Levva-Cutler Clerk, Board of Education Berkeley Unified School District Public Contract code: 20111 Board Policy: 3310 C -4 BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: Donald FDSHUS. Ed. D Superintendent FROM: Pasquale Scuderi. Assistant Superintendent. Ed. Services DATE: October 8. 2014 SUBJECT: Out of State and Overnight Field Trips BACKGROUND INFORMATION International Baccalaureate Workshops, Albuquerque NM, JUlY 5 8, 2014 Ratify approval for Berkeley International High School I.B. English Teacher Peter Bloomsburgh to travel to Albuquerque NM to receive specific lB Computer Science training. The four-day, three-night conference training was necessary to provide a comprehensive arid complete program for students in the BIHS program. Not all subjects are offered in California, which necessitated out of state travel thr the professional training. Registration, transportation, lodging and meals for this training were paid with BHS Site Funds. Requested by: Ashley Milton, BHS Vice-Principal. - The following out of state travel plans and overnight field trips are being presented as ratilications. International Baccalaureate Workshop, Atlanta, GA, October 5-8, 2014 Approve Berkeley International high School’s request for I.B. History Teacher. Rebecca Villigran to travel to Atlanta. GA. to receive specifIc lB training at Atlanta International School. The four-day, three-night conference training is necessary to provide a comprehensive and complete program for students in the BIHS program. Not all subjects are offered in California, and this necessitates out of state travel for the professional training. Registration, transportation, lodging and meals for this training will be paid from Title II. Teacher Quality Funds. Requested by: Ashley Milton. BHS Vice-Principal. International Baccalaureate Workshops, Houston TX, October 11-14, 2014 Approve Berkeley International High School’s request for lB Latin Teacher Mine McMillan and lB Environmental Systems and Societies Russell Campisi to travel to Houston. Texas to receive specifIc lB Training at Rice University. The four-day, three-night conference trainings are necessary to provide a comprehensive and complete program for students in the BIHS program. Not all subjects are offered in California. and this necessitates out of state travel for the professional training. Registration. transportation. lodging and meals for this training will be paid front Title II. Teacher Quality Funds. Requested by: Ashley Milton, BHS Vice Pnneipal. Tilden Regional Park, Berkeley, CA, October 1 2, 2014 and October 2 3, 2014 Ratify approval for two fourth grade trips from Jefferson Elementary to Tilden Regional Park. Twenty-one students, one teacher and live other adults departed Jefferson at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 1, and returned at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday. October 2. 2014. Forty-six students. two teachers and five other adults departed Jefferson at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 2. and returned at 1:30 p.m. on Friday, October 3. 2014. BUSD provided Transportation for both events. Students took part in hands-on study of the environment and learning about the Native People who lived there and their culture. Students also worked on relationship skills. The students slept in gender specific tents. The cost of S25 per student was funded with PTA classroom funds and parent donations. No student was denied access based on ability to pay. Requested by: Sonya Martin, Jefferson Principal. - - Tilden Regional Park and Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley, CA, October 9 10, 2014 Approve participation of fifty-one fifth grade students, two teachers, and eight other adults from Jefferson Elementary on a two-day, one-night field trip to Wildcat View Campground. Tilden Regional Park. The group will depart Jefferson at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, October 9. and return at 2:15 p.m. on Friday. October 10. 2014. The Lawrence Flail of Science will provide practice with scientific: method and lessons on infonnational reading and note taking. There will also be focus on community building, decision making and leadership skills. BUSD will provide transportation to and ibm the event. The students will sleep in gender specific tents. The cost of S25 per student will be funded by parent donations. No student will be denied access based on ability 10 pay. Requested by: Sonya Martin, Jefferson Principal - POLICY/CODE Education Code 35330 Board Policy 6153 FISCAL IMPACT As indicated above. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Ratil5r and approve the out of state travel and overnight field trips consistent with the District Policies and instructional programs. C-5 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Donald Evans Ed D Superintendent Delia Ruiz, Assistant Supenntendent, Human Resources October 8, 2013 APPROVAL OF HUMAN RESOURCES REPORT The toilowrng is submitted for appro a) , CERTIFICATED EMPLOYEES ( lassification ilemporais. Name LEAN FS Ames. I ucx Bolt,, Allen Ferguson. Karen F etcher Michele Gartinkel Kate Glenchui Kristin Little F lizabeth I u. Wendx Muse-I isher, Anne Nielson. I anne Riley Julianna Probationar4 or l’eimanent) Permanent Penuanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Date Date Position I TE location iFrom) (Jo) I eaehei Teacher Teacher leather leather Principal Ic cher I eachei Teacher leather Teacher 004 060 I 00 050 060 00 (Iou 0 50 0 40 I 00 I 00 I merson Berkeley High \rts Magnet Makolm \ Berkee’ High Berkele’ I ugh King Middle Willard Washington Oxford king Middle 08 25 0825 0825 0825 (IS 2 09 lo 08 1)1 16 II 03 08 25 09 01 06 12 06 12 09 15 06 12 06 12 II 12 oô 2 06 12 06’ 12 10/24 01 24 4 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 14 14 14 SEP 1R4TIOS Donaloson-Fletcher Kate Permanent illy. Donuell Piobationarv Mockus Lubin Dorothy Tempoiary %ade, Corey Permanent I eaehei 1 eacher Teacher Feachei I iiD I 00 I 00 I burly L onte BLARS at lohn Mun Berkeley High Independent Study 07 24 14 0822 14 09 15,14 0828 14 HIRES OR REHIRES Brs den. Robert I empoiar C han J ulie I Lmporar3 C oppola. Angela I emporary Johnson, Jennifer Probationary Patterson, letlery Temporary Miller. Ahfted Temporar\ ci Da’ id Femporar’. leather leather Feachei Teacher Teacher leather I eacnei I 00 60 I 00 I 00 hourly Hourly Hour’ Berkele’. Huh C ragmuni Ileikeley I huh LongIeIIo \duht School Adult School duIt School uQ 16 o9 19 II 03 08 2c 0908 0827 09 22 REVISION I reeburg. Kathenne, 20 Reduced Workload. 0825 14-06’12 (I 5 PRIOR REPORT 30 Reduced Workload 14 14 14 14 14 14 11 Ic Ic 14 Ic Ic 14 IS I IS 14 Ic 06 2 Ic 06 12 I 06’I 2 I 0630 15 0630 c 06 0 I BOARD REPORT 0423 14 Page 1 of? C6 CLSS1F1ED EMPLOI EES Name Classificat ion (Limited Term. Provisional. iemporar4. Probationary, or Permanent) Position FTE Location Date (From) SEP iRilIONS Garcia. Rose Grenijllion. Gen Langford, Anthony Permanent Probationary Permanent Purchasing Agent Food Service .\ssistant Personnel Coordinator I tb Purchasing 0.40 Arts Magnet 1.00 Human Resources 0905 13 o9 18/14 09/03/14 Lewis. Kenneth Permanent 0.80 (IS 26 Il Mesa, Joshua Orth, Caroline Radavero. Giovanni Summers. Keith Vories. Lisa Permanent Permanent Probationary Permanent Pennanent Instructional Assistant. Special Ed. Attendant Food Service Assistant Instructional Specialist, Garden V & E Mechanic Food Ser ice Assistant Instructional Assistant. [CE 0.40 Arts Magnet 0.36 Arts Magnet 1.00 Transportation 0.40 Thousand Oaks 0.80 Franklin Preschool 0902,11 09/08/Il 08/29/14 (JO 23. 14 09 0214 RETIREMENTS Landis. Thomas Permanent Microcomputer Technician 1.00 01.119/15 Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Probationary Permanent Pennanent Permanent Instructional Technician. LDP Parent Liaison, Recreation Microcomputer Fechnician Instructional Technician. EDP & School Service Assistant (‘tistodian 1 Custodian 1 School llus Driver 0.53 LEARNS at LeConte 0004,14 1.00 Berkeley High 08/27/14 1.00 Technology 0918/14 0.53 LEARNS at Washington & 0.40 Fhotisand Oaks 101314 1.00 Bcrkele I-ugh 0902, 14 1.00 King Middle l0’20/14 0.90 Transportation 08/25/14 Instructional Assistant. Special Ed. Attendant Instructional Assistant. Special Ed. Attendant Maintenance Technician Program Assistant Custodian I Specialist. Data Integrity Instructional Assistant \Iainter.ance Engineer Instructional Technician. EDP Site Coordinator. Famil\ Engagement Instructional Media Technician Custodian I Instructional Assistant. Special Ed. Attendant V & E Mechanic Instructional Specialist. Garden 0.80 Berkeley High 09 02. II 0.80 Malcolm X 08/27/14 1.00 0.13 1.00 1.00 1)70 1.00 0.37 1.00 08.25 14 0827 14 08/25/14 09/15/14 08 27’14 tlOl 511 09 05 11 0O’10/14 LEAVES Adams, Danielle Amezcua, Leticia Landis, Torn Landrv. Melina Morrison. \Vorley Robinson, Glenn Simon, Tanyel Berkele’ High Technology Date (To) 0Q18,14 12/ t6/l 4 1107/14 231 II 090 15 1201/14 09/30/14 NEW HIRES/REIIIRES l3arnes Ill. James Prohationar Boone, Terrell Prohationan Collon, Joseph Gitelman. Jane Helton. Janet Floang, Jimmy Jenkins. Marquis Lagman. James Leaks. Raheem Perez. Carolyn Prohationan Prohationan Probationary Probationary Probationary Probationary Prohationar’ Prohationars Reed. David Rindels. Jeffrey Simmons. Jasmine Probationary Prohationan Prohamionan Williams, Stephen Wruhel, Dana Probationary Pemianent Maintenance Oxford Berkeley High Technology Malcolm X Maintenance LEARNS at (‘ragmont Oxford and Washington 0.50 Berkeley High 1.00 Berkeley High 0.80 Berkeley Hhzh 09/I 1I4 082514 08 2714 1.00 Transportation 0.30 Thousand Oaks 09/08/14 0S;27’14 * * * * * Page 2 of 3 C-6 ,:.CL4SsIHED ENIPWI’EES Classification (limited Term. Pros isional. Temporan. Name Prohationan. or Permanent) NEW ASS ICN NI ENTS Hubbard. jasmine Probationary Guzman. Sandra Probationary Landrv, Melina Kumar. Sandeep Probationary Probationary LIMITED TERl/PROVlSlONAL Alexander. I.onetta Prosisional Barrios. Rosalina Limited Term Bollinger. Toni Pros isional Collier, (‘hen I Limited i’enii (ihani. Shahana Jensen, Susanne Jones. Lisa Kirwin. David Matamoros. Ernesto Provisional Limited i’erm Provisional Provisional Provisional Owens, Teylor Provisional Race, Linda Provisional Sanders. Jarrett-i’orx Limited Term \Vestover. Derek Williams. Zoe Proxisional Provisional Date (From) l)ate (To) Position ElF. Location Instrucuonal Assistant, Special Ed. Attendant Clerical Assistant II, Spanish Bilingual School Service Assistant Custodian II 0.80 Kine Middle 09/15/14 * 0.40 Emerson 08/25/14 * 0,40 Thousand Oaks 1.00 King Middle 08/27/14 10 ti I. 11 * 0.40 Rosa Parks .00 Admissions 1.00 Purchasing 0.80 Washington OX 27:14 (181 814 09 (1314 08 27 14 I 127 14 09 1514 1031:14 03 27 5 0.50 jefferson 0.73 Willard Middle 0.33 LEARNS atCragmont 1.00 Bcrkeley Fligh 0.40 Malcolm X 08:27:14 08/27/14 08125/14 07/01/14 08/27/14 09/30:1 $ 03:27:14 10/31:14 10/15/14 01/20/15 1.00 00:02/14 12/02/14 0.27 Business Services 0.32 Oxford 0802. 11 OX P2704 10/17/14 06:12.15 0.40 0.30 0829 14 08:27:14 10 31 11 06/12.: 15 lnstructional Assistant. ECE Senior Records (‘lerk Purchasing Agent Instructional Assistant. Special Ed. Attendant Instructional Assistant. ECE Instructional Specialist, PE Instructional Technician. EDP Plant Operations Manager Instructional Assistant, Special Ed. Attendant Instructional Assistant. Special Ed. Attendant Accounting Technician Instructional Specialist. PE Clerical Specialist Library Media Technician. F. lementan REAlM Adult SchI Emerson completion of six work months Upon completion of one ssork year *rpon ** Page 3 oj3 C -6 BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Donald Evans, Ed. D., Superintendent Javetta Cleveland, Deputy Superintendent October 8, 2014 Approval of Contracts/Purchase Orders for Services Contracts BACKGROUND INFORMATION The District contracts with consultants or independent contractors who can provide valuable and necessary specialized services not normally rcquired on a continuing basis. The following contract services are requested. Expenditures are within budget. 1. Professional Tutors of America to provide tutoring for 3 Special Ed students. Services consist of one-to-one academic tutoring in English-Language Arts and/or Mathematics as required per mediated settlement agreements. The cost will not exceed $14,805. To be paid from Special Education Fund. Requested by Kay Altizer. 2. Experience Corps Bay Area to provide tutor/mentor services for Washington Elementary School. The cost will not exceed $10,000. To be paid from BSEP Discretionary Fund. Requested by Natasha Beery. 3. Life Long Medical to provide before and after school child care and tutoring for students, mental health counseling, training and family resources for Rosa Parks Elementary School. The cost will not exceed $59,200. To be paid from BSEP School Discretionary Fund and Donations. Requested by Natasha Beery. 4. Anna Rainer to provide art activities in classrooms at Oxford Visual Arts at Oxford Elementary School. The cost will not exceed $26,080. To be paid from BSEP School Discretionary Fund and Donations. Requested by Suzanne McCulloch. 5. Susan Wolf to provide art activities in classrooms at Washington Elementary. The cost will not exceed $14,840. To be paid from BSEP School Discretionary Fund and Donations. Requested by Suzanne McCulloch. 6. Viva El Espanol to provide Spanish enrichment classes at Cragmont Elementary. The cost will not exceed $49,335. To be paid from PTA donations. Requested by Navdeep Dosanjh. C- 7 7. Sarah’s Science to provide Science activities at Emerson Elementary. The cost will not exceed $12,000. To be paid from PTA donations. Requested by Navdeep Dosanjh. 8. Cooking Round the World to provide cooking activities at Emerson Elementary. The cost will not exceed S 10.125. To be paid from PTA donations. Requested by Navdeep Dosanjh. 9. Ellen Evangeliste to provide Visua] Art activities at Cragmont Elementary School. The cost will not exceed $11,200. To be paid from PTA donations, Requested by Navdeep Dos&rnjh. 10. Community Alliance for Learning to provide planning, training, site coordination and evaluation for the WriterCoach Connection program at Berkeley High School. The cost will not exceed S 10.000. To be paid from Supplementary School Counseling fund. Requested by Ashley Milton. Ii. Approve Carducci Associates to design the landscape project at Berkeley Arts Magnet (Whittier). The cost will not exceed $38,000. To be paid from the Measure AA Bond. Requested by Lew Jones. 12. Approve Verde Design Incorporated to design the landscape project at Berkeley High School. The cost will riot exceed S45,000. To be paid from the Measure AA Bond. Requested by Lew Jones. 13. Approve Carducci Associates to design the landscape project at Jefferson School. The cost will not exceed 838.000. To be paid from the Measure AA Bond. Requested by Lew Jones. 14. Increase in contract. PO# 150466 to Paeheco Brothers to provide service to the Districfs sports fields, as needed by the Maintenance Department, for the 2014-15 SY, The Board originally approved 815,000 on 6/25/14. The additional amount will increase the Purchase Order by $10,000 for a total amount of $25,000. To be paid from Measure H. Requested by Steve Collins. 15. Galaxy Constniction to install two air conditioning units to cool the technology rooms at the Administration Building. The cost will not exceed 835,000. To be paid from Measure 1-1. Requested by Steve Collins. C-? POLICY/CODE Public Contract Code: 20111 SchooL Innovations & Advocacy Inc.; Board Policy 3310 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approve the contracts with Consultants or Independent Contractors as submitted. C-7 BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Donald Evans. Ed.D.. Superintendent Javetta Cleveland. Deputy Superintendent October 8. 2014 Acceptance of Gifts! Donations BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Board may accept and utilize on behalf of the District gifts of money or property for a purpose deemed to be suited by the Board. The following donations have becn presented to the District: 1. Leconte PTA donated $15,428 to fund a partial counselor position for la Conte School. 2. Washington PTA donated $7,840 to provide partial funding for the ads program for Washington School. 3. Martin Luther King PTA donated $5,000 to provide partial funds for teachers’ professional development for King Middle School. 4. Emerson [‘TA donated S350 to purchase art supplies for Emerson School. 5. Target Take Charge of Education program donated 835,31 for Berkeley Technology Academy School (BEechJ; 8900.11 for Malcolm X School; s35 04 br Kin&t Micldk S hool one q 15 51 for osa P ks S hool oi total donaon 018 2.001 97 to be utilized as needed. . 6. Berkeley Public Schools Fund donated S5.400 to support the Mills Teacher Scholars Program for BUSD music teachers and $1,650 to pay for Berkeley High School Bridge mentors for a total donation of $7,050. 7. In Dulci Jubilo donated 85,000 for the LeConte Cultural Cosmos for LcConte School. 8. Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program donated $888.48 to be utilized as needed for Rosa Parks School. 9. University of California donated 81.050 to be utilized as needed for Rosa Parks School. 10. Schoola donated $22.72 for Malcolm X School and 821.87 for Le Conte School for a total donation of S44.59 to be utilized as needed. 11. Free Cause Inc. donated 522.48 to be utilized as needed for LeConte School. C- S 12. Jigar Bar donated 8149 for the 2013-14 Dine Out Berkeley program for the BUSD Gardening and Cooking program. 13. The Jan and David MeNair Family Fund donated $10,000 to support the BUSD Gardening and Cooking Program to be utilized as needed. 14. North Shattuck Association donated S2,796.95 to support the 2013-14 BUSD Gardening and Cooking program. BOARD POLICY BP 3290 FISCAL ThWACT The District received a total $57,621.47 in donations. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Accept the donations to the District and request staff to extend letters of appreciation. c-s BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT To: From: Date: Subject: Donald Evans, Ed.D., Superintendent A. Kay Altizer, Executive Director, Special Education October 8, 2014 Approval of Master Contracts for Nonpublic School Services and Nonpublic Agency Services for the 2014-15 School Year BACKGROUND INFORMATION The District contracts with nonpublic schools, when necessary to provide an appropriate placement, special education and/or related services if no appropriate public education program is available. For students requiring nonpublic school day programs, the cost is for tuition for the educational program and services. An individual service agreement (ISA) is developed for each student to whom the service provider is to provide special education or related sen.nices. Transportation costs are included in the special education transportation budget .A1l nonpublic schools must be approved by the California Department of Education. Services are provided pursuant to Ed. Code Section 56034 and 56366. Students enrolled in nonpublic schools are deemed enrolled in public schools. r__Non Public Schools La Cheim School A Better Chance (CA Autism F oundation) Lincoln Child Center Non Public Agency Communfty Options for Families & Youth (COFY) ! # of Students 2 Estimated Total Cost S84.420.00 2 8121,199.00 1 # of Students j S4.264.00 Estimated Total Cost 4 S47,500.00 9 8257.383.00 — POLICY/CODE Education Code 39800 Board Policy 3310 FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact of these services is estimated not to exceed $257383.00 funded from the Special Education Budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approve the Master Contracts for the Nonpublic Schools and Nonpublic Agency listed above. BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT To: From: Date: Subject: Donald Evans, Ed.D.. Superintendent A. Kay Altizer, Executive Director, Special Education October 8, 2014 Authorization of Contract for Speech Pathology Group for 20 142015 School Year BACKGROUND INFORMATION The District provides speech and language therapy sen-ices for students who require speech therapy as part of their individual educational plans (IEPs). The District contracts with California Department of Education (ODE) certified nonpublic agencies for stall positions that cannot be tilled through the District’s hiring process. The following agency will provide services. If the District is able to hire staff during the school year. there is a notification process specified in the master Contract for reducing contracted service pro’ders. Agency FTE - Estimated Total Cost Speech Pathology Group BUSI) S 774,274.50 Speech Pathology Group REALM High School S40.828.00 Lpeech Pathology Group REALM Middle School 565,740.00 I S880842.50 L POLICY/CODE Education Code 56363, 49423.5 Public Contract Code 20111 Board Policy 3310 FISCAL IMPACT $880,842.50 front Special Education Budget STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approve the 2014- 15 contract for Speech Patholov Group C-ID BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Minutes, Regular Meeting Wednesday. September 10, 2014 Berkeley Unified School District 2020 Bonar Street Berkeley CA 94702 OFFICIAL MINUTES Roll Call 7:50 p.m Members Present: Josh Daniels, President Judy Appel. Vice-President Beatriz Levva-Cutler, Director Julie Sinai. Director Karen Hemphifi, Director Jesse Barber, Studcnt Director, BHS Carlos Ku-Ceja, Student Director, B-Tech Administration: Donald E. Evans, Ed.D. Superintendent Javci ta Cleveland. Deputy Superintendent Pasquale Scu den. Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services Delia Ruiz, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources President Josh Daniels called the meeting to order at 7:45p.m. Closed Session started at 5:34 p.m. Report Closed Session Actions President Daniels stated that closed session included the following: collective bargaining with BCCE. an appeal on two complaints directed against two District employees, Superintendent Evan&s evaluation, and Student Discipline Case No. ODl415-Ol-121099. Referring to the Student Discipline item, President Daniels said that following a Motion proposed by Vice-President Appel and then seconded by Director Levva Cutlen, the Board had voted to approve the siaffs recommendation. Swearing in of New Student Directors President Daniels swore in two Student Directors: Jesse Barber Berkeley High School and Carlos Ku-Ceja Berkeley Technology Academy. After the swearing in. President Daniels said the roll call should reflect both students presence at the meeting. — - C-il Reading of Mission Statement by a Berkeley High Student Approve Agenda of September 10, 2014 The Board agreed to adjust the order of certain discussion and action items. Motion to approve the Agenda as Amended Barber/Sinai and approved unanimously 7-0 (5-0) Josh Daniels, President Yes Judy Appel, Vice-President Yes Beatriz Levva-C utler, Director Yes Julie Sinai, Director Yes Karen Hemphill. Direct or Yes Jesse Barber. Student Director, BHS Yes Carlos Ku-Ceja, Student Director, (B-Tech) Yes Public Testimony Five people addressed the Board. • A BUSD parent said Malcolm X School was at full capacity with close to six hundred children. She said the school needed more literacy coaches, special education teachers, cafeteria staff, and janitorial support. • The Co-President of the Malcolm X PTA said the school was at an emergency point with regard to capacity. By way of example he said the auditorium accommodated 348 kids but 564 students attended school yesterday. He asked the Board to consider appointing a Vice Principal, or at the very least someone to help with teacher evaluations. • A Lc Conte kindergarten parent said English/Spanish bi-lingual students were disadvantaged because neither teachers nor students were being provided with translations of Common Core Curriculum. • The parent of an elementary school student asked what was being done to support elementary school teachers in math instruction. He said that parents at Jefferson were concerned about the implementation of Common Core math instruction K-5. • A Berkeley resident who was also a Berkeley High School parent and an environmental educator with the Institute of Population Studies said she empathized with the concerns of the Malcolm X community. She said her institute supported BUSD’s mission of inspiring students to make a positive contribution to our world by offering free classes and free documentary screenings on environmental issues. C-il Union Comments Tim Mull, Operations Supervisor Transportation, Local 21 Mull said Local 21 encouraged the implementation of the most recent classification study. He also said that as a unit, Local 21 wanted to express concern about the health and well-being of BUSD employees. especially part-time employees striving to support families in a time of escalating health care costs. Committee Comments Stephanie Allen, Co-Chair of the Citizen’s Bond Oversight Committee (Measure 1 Construction Bond Oversight Committee Allen delivered a report and praised the completion of the BHS Construction Project Plan. She also commended Director of Facilities Lew Jones and President Josh Daniels for their positive contributions to the oversight committee. — Board Members’ Reports Highlights: Superintendent Evans said he was keenly aware of the challenges being ftwed at Malcolm X. He said the Distnct was committed to ensuring that that all schools had the support they needed to thrive. Switching topics. Evans said that since BUSD and BCCE were at. a stalemate in contract negotiations, new members had been appointed to the fact finding panel. Next he invited Assistant Superintendent Delia Ruiz to introduce new administrators and administrators with new assignments. President Josh Daniels said he had spoken with parents about the effects of enrollment challenges. He said upcoming meetings would address long4enii challenges and offer solutions. President Daniels said lie had set the Board agenda last spring and he wanted to take full responsibility for not fully anticipating various enrollment scenarios this fall. • Director Leyva-Cutler that today she and other child care directors had met with the Governor Browns assistant advisor on early childhood education. Referring back to earlier public comments, she stressed that the requirements of hi-lingual and dual-immersion students need to be met. • Director Hemphill said more needed to be done to publicize BUSD’s professional learning communities and professional development achievements as the word was not getting out to the public. She noted that in September her office hours would switch to the 3rd Saturday of the month. September 20. from 12:30-2p.m. at Café Leila. C-Il • • • • Director Sinai said she attended Back to School Night at John Muir and Berkeley Arts Magnet and that it had bcen wonderful to see the new administrators and returning families. Vice President Appel said she was pleased that an opinion piece written by herself and Sandra Lee Fewer of the San Francisco Board of Education, urging Governor Brown to pass AB420, a bill limiting school suspensions, had appeared in the Contra Costa Times on September 9, 2014. Student Director Jesse Barber reported a great start to the school year at Berkeley High School. Student Director Carlos Ku-Ceja said B-Tech students were getting focused and some were participating in a special circle time where they shared deep feelings. Presentation on Response to Intervention and Instruction (Rn ) 2 Pat Saddler, Director of Special Projects and Programs, and Maggie Riddle, Director of Schools, led the Board through a presentation and then answered questions. Facilities Financial Plan Update for Measure I and AA BUS Construction Project plan Director of Facilities Lew Jones Presented on completed BHS Improvements Motion to Approve the Facilities Financial Plan Update for Measures I and AA; Daniels/Appel and approved unanimously 7—0 (5-0) President Daniels: Yes Vice-President Appel: Yes Director Hemphill: Yes Director Lena-Cutler: Yes Director Sinai: Yes Student Director Jessee Barber: Yes Student Director Carlos Ku-Ceja: Yes Discussion on Student Board Members Bylaws Amendments Superintendent Evans reminded the Board that this was an action item. C-il First Motion to approve the Bylaw as amended to clarify the following Slnai/Appel and approved unanimously 7-0 (5-0) 1. Student Directors must be enrolled in the District. 2. Independent Study students participate by voting with Berkeley High School for representation. 3. If a Student Director leaves the District the first semester of their term then there shall be an election to replace that Student Director in the second semester. 4. If the position becomes vacant the second semester then it shall remain vacant until the next election. 5. If a student transfers from B-Tech to the High School or vice versa during the semester that shall be considered a vacancy and another election shall occur. If the transfer happens during the second semester the student retains his/her seat but part of finishing their term Involves continuing to represent the school that elected them. Include language clarifying that Independent Study students vote with Berkeley High School students. President Daniels: Yes Vice President Appel: Yes Director Hemphill: Yes Director Leyva-Cutler: Yes Director Sinai: Yes Student Director Jesse Barber: Yes Student Director Carlos Ku-Ceja: Yes Second Motion by Appel to strike final paragraph of E 9150 Board Bylaw exhibit Delete Student Board members may make motions (but not second motions) that may be acted upon by the Board, except on matters dealing with employer-employee relations pursuant to Government Code 35403549.T with A Student Board member may make a motion, except on matters dealing with employer-employee relations pursuant to Government Code 3540-3549.3, that may be acted upon the Board. However, if a motion is made by a Student Board member, then it may not be seconded by the other Student Board member.” Appel/Hemphill and approved 5-2 (3-2) Sinai/Daniels Approved 5-2 President Daniels: No Vice-President Appel: Yes Director Hemphifi: Yes Director Leyva-Cutler: Yes C-li Director Sinai: No Student Director Jessee Barber: Yes Student Director Carlos Ku-Ceja: Yes Motion to Extend the Meeting to 11: 15p.m Sinai/Daniels Approved unanimously 7-0(5-0) President Daniels: Yes Vice-President Appel: Yes Director Hemphill: Yes Director Leyva-Cutler: Yes Director Sinai: Yes Student Director Jessee Barber: Yes Student Director Carlos Ku-Ceja: Yes Presentation on Unaudited Actuals Fiscal Director Pauline Foilans bee Led the Board though her presentation and then took questions. Motion to Approve 2013-14 Unaudited Actuals Daniels/Sinai and approved unanimously 7-0 (5-0) Sinai/Daniels Approved Unanimously 5-0 President Danicls: Yes Vice-President Appel: Yes Director Heniphill: Yes Director Leyva-Cutler: Yes Director Sinai: Yes President Josh Daniels adjourned the meeting at 11:10p.m. The Board Immediately returned to a closed session which ended at 11:20p.m. During this meeting Board Members agreed to approve an employee Separation Settlement. Hemphill/Appel Approved Unanimously 5-0 President Daniels: Yes Vice-President Appel: Yes Director Hemphill: Yes Director Leyva-Cutler: Yes Director Sinai: Yes ### c-il BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Minutes, Regular Meeting Wednesday, September 17, 2014 Berkeley Unified School District 2020 Sonar Street Berkeley CA 94702 Roll Call Josh Daniels. President. Yes Judy Appel. Vice President. Yes Karen Hemphill. Director. Excused Absence Beatriz Levva-Cutler, Director /Clerk. Yes Julie Sinai. Director. Yes Jesse Barber. Student Director. BHS. Yes Carlos Ku-Ceja. Student Director. B Tech. Yes President Josh Daniels called the meeting to order at 7:39 p.m. He said both the evening’s special and regular closed sessions began at 6:07p.m. One item was discussed during the special closed session. Report from Closed Session President Daniels reported: I. Collective Bargaining/BCCE Negotiations Board members discussed BCCE negotiations with legal counsel 2. Conference with Legal Counsel on Existing Litigation regarding Facilities Motion to approve settlement: Daniels/Sinai approved unanimously (5-0) - Josh Daniels, President. Yes Judy Appel. Vice President Yes Karen Hemphill. Director. Yes Beatriz Levva-Cutler. Director /Clerk. Yes Julie Sinai. Director. Yes Property Liability Claim This item was pulled. 4. Superintendent’s Evaluation Motion to approve Superintendent’s 2013-14 evaluation. Daniels/Sinai approved unanimously (5-0) 3. - Josh Daniels. President. Yes Judy Appel. Vice President Yes Karen Hemphill. Director, Yes Beatriz Leyva-Cutler. Director /Clerk. Yes Julie Sinai, Director, Yes 5. Complaint against District Employees (Gov. Code 54957) (b) Board members discussed this item. Approve Agenda of September 17, 2014 President Josh Daniels reversed the order of Discussion items 1 and 2. Motion to Approve the Agenda as amended (6—U) Barber/Daniels Josh Daniels. President. Yes Judy Appel. Vice President Yes Karen 1-lemphill. Director. Excused Absence Beatriz Levva-CuEler. Director/Clerk. Yes Julie Sinai. Director. Yes Jesse Barber. Student Director. BHS. Yes Cm-los Ku-Cela. Student Director, B Tech. Yes A Parent from Malcolm X Elementary School Read the District’s Mission District Overview of the Evening’s Meeting President Josh Daniels gave attendees a preview of the evening’s meeting and invited all to stay. Public Comment Nine people addressed the Board • A representative from the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Alameda County look issue with the District’s decision on Consent Item #6: Approval of Third Party Administrator for Workers’ Compensation Beginning October 1, 2014 (1) • Faced with a burgeoning school population and a resultant rise in adminisLrative tasks, parents arid teachers from Malcolm X elementary advocated for increased staffing. (8) No union representatives addressed the Board. Board Member and Superintendent Comments: Student Director Carlos Ku-Ceja, B Tech (BTA) Said he supported Malcolm X parent& and teachers’ eliorts to secure a new vice principal and additional special education and janitorial stalT. He urged the community to continue to support their students. Student Director Jesse Barber, Berkeley High School (BHS) Said representatives from about fifty clubs participated in a recent club fair at BHS. Barber said it was comforting to see so many kids getting involved with extra-curricular activities as data shows that such participation results in better academic perfonnanee. Next. Barber said that on September 16th, all students had an opportunity to attend a welcome assembly where the Director of Student Activities, the Dean of Attendance, and the Dean of Students addressed a variety of pertinent issues. 2 Director Beatriz Lena-Cutler Thanked everyone for coming to the Board Meeting. Moving on. she announced that she was serving on the Cesar Chavez Commemorative Committee. She explain ed that for a decade committee members had worked with the City. BUSD. and the Teache rs’ Union to keep the legacy of Cesar Chavez’s work with finn workers alive. She said that at BHS. on Saturday 27. 2014. from 6:30-8:30 p.m.. the committee would host an evening with Delores Huerta. a key activist who worked alongside Cesar Chavez. She urged families, kids, and teachers to attend the free event. Director Leyva-Cutler also shared that she had recently attended a summit on Youth Justice in Education at Laney College, She said the focus of the summit was preventing the status quo school to prison pipeline by creating career/ tech. educational opportunities for kids’iid by readying them for college. Leyva-Cutler said she would hold office hours at Casa Latina on Thursday. October 9th from 4-6 p.m. Director Julie Sinai Thanked the Malcolm X parents far coming to the meeting. Then she praised the stellar work of Jill Ellis. the founding Executive Director of the Center for Early Intervention on Deafness (C.E.l.T.). who retired today. Sinai said she would give details of her oflIcc hours at the next meeting. Vice President Judy Appel Said we were fortunate to have such good middle schools. She said feedba ck from several parents suggested an Increase in the quality of students educational experie nces at all three BUSD middle schools. Then speaking as the mother of an eight-grader at Longfellow, she said she appreciated the time teachers took to share positive feedback about their students. She said being acknowledged was valuable as it btnlt a reserve of resilien ce that could be tapped during challenging times. She said her office hours would be at 1p.m., September 27th, at Café Leila. President Josh Daniels President Daniels reported that he and Superintendent Evans had the opportunity to visit Malcolm X School at lunch time today. He thanked Principal Hunt for the opportunity. He said last week he attended a workshop at the San Mateo Office of Educat ion on the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). He said it was interesting to see how other districts were putting together their LCAPs. He shared that Berkeley’s LCAP was getting good reviews around the state. Then, as part of his continued effort to spodight the tragic. sobering, and growing crisis of gun violence among youth in the greater Berkeley commu nity, Daniels said he wanted to acknowledge the passing of three young people whose lives were recently cut short: Reginald Bearnon. (28). Andre Todd (26), and Saquenta Dixon (26). Superintendent Evans Thanked Malcolm X parents and teachers for coming to the meeting. Next he said he was excited to announce that at 7 p.m. on September 19. best-selling, New York Times author Andrea Davis Pinkney would have a book signing at the District. Supert htendent Evans also thanked those who visited the Districts booth at the recent Solano Stroll. Discussion Regarding the Need for a Vice Principal at Malcolm X Eleme ntary Superintendent Evans introduced this item and discussion followed. Preside nt Daniels said there already was a Board majority to support the hiring of a vice princip al. Then he asked Superintendent Evans what the next steps would be if the motion to add a vice principal 3 passed tonight. The Superintendent said the position would he advertised and the hiring process might take a month. Assistant Superintendent Delia Ruiz said that if necessary the job could be advertised tomorrow and then posted for Len clays. She said that Human Resources personnel would subsequently screen applications. schedule interviews. complete background checks, and make a recommendation to the Superintendent. President Daniels noted that as a community we had lots of needs and the challenge in Berkeley was to prioritize them in light of fixed capacity and resources. Given that realily. he said the Board’s task was to determine if adding a vice principal at Malcolm X had become such an urgent need that it made sense to hire without waiting for the full budget process. i-Ic said that with minor reservations he thought it leg-il imate for the Board to approve the addition of the ‘ice principal. Motion to Approve the Appointment of a New Vice Principal at Malcolm X Elementary Appel/Leyva-Cutler and approved unanimously on a vote of 6-0 Josh Damels, President. Yes Judy Appel. Vice President, Yes Karen Hemphill. Director, Excused Absence Beatriz Leyva-Cutler, Director /Clerk. Yes Julie Sinai, Director, Yes Jesse Barber. Student Director, BHS, Yes Carlos Ku-Ceja. Student Director, B Tech. Yes Update on Common Core State Standards Implementation Pusquale Scuderi, Assistant Superintendent. Educational Services, and Staff Superintendent Evans introduced the presentation by saying that tonight the Board would receive an update on (he major components of the implementation of Common Core State Standards in BUSD. Sc said the presentation would locus on major expenditures. present progress. current developments, and future challenges. Next Assistant Superintendent Pasqualc Scuderi and staff presented on Common Core State Standards Implementation and discussion followed. Update on Career and Technical Education (CTE) for BUSO Pasquale Scuden, Assistant Superintendent, plus C1E /krjtiscr Stephanie Allan. Berkeley Adult School Principal Burr Guthrie, Director qj Special Projects Pat Saddler, and Career Pathways Trust Coordinator Kate TrirnletL Superintendent Evans introduced the presentation by saying its focus would be on a developing framework through which BUSD planned to expand the development and availability of career and college pathways. Pasquale Scuderi led the Board through a series of slides as part of the presentation. The Board adjourned to closed session at 10:55 p.m. Approved this 8th day of October, 2014 Beatriz Leyva-Cutler. Clerk Board of Education 4 BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Donald Evans. Ed.D. Superintendent Lew Jones, Director of Facilities October 8, 2014 Facilities Plan Update BACKGROUND INFORMATION This report is an update of the Facilities Construction Plan approved by the Board on March 12, 2014. Data in this report are current as of September 29, 2014. This report includes updates of all active construction projects. Maintenance projects are detailed in the Maintenance Quarterly Reports. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Emerson Project Type: Date Approved by Board: Funding Source: Pniblic Process: Schematic Approval Date: Design Team: Project Manager: General Contractor: Current Project Budget: Adjustment to Budget: Schedule: Status: Issues: Completion Date: Changes since last report: Grounds Improvement March 13, 2013 Measure AA Two Community meetings and three Site Committee Meetings were held. The site was involved in architect selection. January 15, 2014 Miller Company Turner Redwood Engineering S443.000 $18,000. There was a S6.000 inflation adjustment on January 15, 2014, a$21.000 increase on April 23, 2014 and a $9,000 decrease on September 10. 2014. Fall 2013 Approve project manager and designer Winter 2013/14 Design fInalize Spring 2014 Bid and award Summer 2014 Construction Punch List None October 2014 The project is substantially complete. The punch list was created and is approximately 75% complete. The basketball backboards need to be replaced with fiberglass boards (metal boards were Temporarily installed). Lessons learned: LeConte Project Type: Date Approved by Board: Funding Source: Public Process: Schematic Approval Date: Design Team: Project Manager: General Contractor: Current Project Budget: Adjustment to Budget: Schedule: Status: Issues: Completion Date: Changes since last report: Lessons learned: John Muir Project Type: Date Approved by Board: Funding Source: Public Process: Schematic Approval Date: Design Team: Project Manager: General Contractor: Current Project Budget: Adjustmern to Budget: In the future, the District may want to carve out some of the allocation to cover needed exterior infrastructure improvements. Modernization January 15. 2014 Measure I Three Site Committee Meetings are planned. The site was involved in architect selection. June 2014 WLC Architects Van Pelt To Be Determined SI .611,000 None. Spring 2014 Approve project manager and designer Fall 2014 Design finalized Spring 2015 Bid and award Summer 2015 Construction Design None October 2015 A revised entry was created and sent to the Principal for review. Construction Documents are approximately 50% complete. None. Grounds Improvement March 13. 2013 Measure AA Two Community meetings and three Site Committee Meetings were held. The site was involved in architect selection. Januar 15, 2014 Carducci Turner Redwood Engineering S480.000 855,000. There was a 86.000 inflation adjustment on January 15, 2014, a 865.000 Schedule: Status: Issues: Completion Date: Changes since last report: Lessons learned: Prolect Type: Date Approved by Board: Funding Source: Public Process: increase on April 23, 2014 and a S 16,000 decrease on September 10. 2014. Fall 2013 Approve project manager and designer Winter 20 13/14 Design linalize Spring 2014 Bid and award Summer 2014 Construction Punch List None October 2014 The project is substantially complete. The punch list was created and is done except for some striping. In the future, the District may want to carve out some of the allocation to cover needed exterior infrastructure improvements. Lessons learned: Modernization January 15, 2014 Measure I Three Site Committee Meetings were held. The site was involved in architect selection. June 11, 2014 Baker Vilar Architects Van Pelt To Be Determined $2,061,000 None Spring 2014 Approve project manager and designer Fall 2014 Design finalize Spring 2015 Bid arid award Summer 2015 Construction Design None October 2015 The Construction Documents are approximately 80% complete. None Malcolm X and Lonfel1ow Project Type: Date Approved by Board: Painting. FloorinM. and Stucco Replacement March 12, 2014 Schematic Approval Date: Design Team: Project Manager: General Contractor: Current Project Budget: Adjustment to Budget: Schedule: Status: Issues: Completion Date: Changes since ‘ast report: Funding Source: Public Process: Schematic Approval Date: Design Team: Project Manager: General Contractor: Current Project Budget: Adjustment to Budget: Schedule: Status: Issues: Completion Date: Changes since last report: Lessons learned: Cragmont Project Type: Date Approved by Board: Funding Source: Public Proccss: Schematic Approval Date: Design Team: Project Manager: General Contractor: Current Project Budget: Adjustment to Budget: Schedule: Status: Issues: Completion Date: Changes since last report: Lessons learned: Measure I None Planned None Planned WLC Architects Van Pelt To Be Detennined 51,925.000 None Spring 2014 Approve project manager and architect Fall 2014 Finalize design Spring 2015 Bid and award Summer 2015 Construction Design None October 2015 The Construction Documents are approximately 50% complete. None Roof and Solar March 12. 2014 Measure I None Planned None Planned HY Architects Van Pelt To Be Determined Sl.521,000 None Spring 2014 Approve project manager and architect Fall 2014 Finalize design Spring 2015 Bid and award Summer 2015 Construction Permit None October 2015 The Construction Documents were completed and the project has been submitted to DSA. None -F—i Washington and BAM Project Type: Date Approved by Board: Funding Source: Public Process: Schematic Approval Date: Design Team: Project Manager: General Contractor: Current Project Budget: Adjustment to Budget: Schedule: Status: Issues: Completion Date: Changes since last report: Lessons learned: BAM (Whittier) Project Type: Portable Replacement January 9, 2013 Measure AA Five Site Committee meetings at Washington and four at BAM. Two Community Meetings at Washington arid one at BAM. In addition, there were several informational meetings at Washington. September 11, 2013 HKIT Architects Van Pelt Bay Construction $2,495,000 $(50,000). There was an increase of $145,000 to add sinks on September 11, 2013, a decrease of $70,000 because the King project was removed from the plan (and that money was reserved for the planned demolition), an increase of S38,000 on April 23, 2014 and a decrease of $166,000 on September 10, 2014. Winter 2012/13 Approve project manager and architect Fall 2013 Complete Schematic design Winter 2013/20 14 Finalize design Spring 2014 Bid and award Summer 2014 Construction Punch List Reconfiguration of portables, particularly at Washington and an interest in a more permanent solution to the street closure at Washington. The Board decided to consider the matter in September rather than June, which made the schedule very tight. October 2014 The project is substantially complete and the portables are in use. The punch list has been compiled. Better outreach efforts may have minimized concerns. Grounds Improvement i—i Date Approved by Board: Funding Source: Public Process: Schematic Approval Date: Design Tcam: Project Manager: General Contractor: Current Project Budget: Adjustment to Budget: Schedule: Status: Issues: Completion Date: Changes since last report: Lessons learned: Jefferson Project Type: Date Approved by Board: Funding Source: Public Process: Schematic Approval Date: Design Team: Project Manager: General Contractor: Current Project Budget: Adjustment to Budget: March 12, 2014 Measure AA Two Community meetings and thrce Site Committee Mectings will be held, The site was involved in architect selection. January 15. 2014 TBD Van Pelt TBD 8431,000 None. Summer 2014 Approve project manager: Fall 2014 approve designer Winter 2014/15 Design finalize Spring 2015 Bid and award Sun mer 2015 Construction Pre-Design None October 2015 The project manager was approved. The first set of postcards was mailed. The first Community Meeting was held. The Board is being asked to approve the architect at this Meeting. None. Expand Classes/Modernize. April 27, 2011 Measure I Seven Site Committee meetings and four Community Meetings were held. The site was involved in architect selection. March 7. 2012 WLC Architects Turner BHM 89,883.000 82,647.000. Increased allocation and inflation adjustment on January 11. 2012 (8472.000), approval for structural review (880,000) on September 12, 2012, approval of structural upgrade on October 24. 2012 (81.400,000). inflation adjustment on January 9. 2013 increase when the bids was awarded on May 8. 2013 (8611.000). and release of some contingencies on September 10. 2014 (8100.000). Summer 2011 Architect Hired Winter 2011 / 12 Board approval of schematic design Fall 2012 Project submitted to DSA Winter 2012/13 DSA approval, project bid Late Spring 2013 Construction begins Construction Project started slowly due to competing pressures at the school. October 2014 The re-design for the track was completed and the contractor has poured the concrete. Asphalt and striping and yard planting are scheduled to be completed in the middle of October. The grass will need to be established before it can open. Landscaping near the office is underway. Other punch list items are 90% complete. There has been some concern about outreach efforts. Regular updates may help alleviate this concern. (S 184,000), Schedule: Status: Issues: Completion Date: Changes since last report: Lessons Learned: Project Type: Date Approved by Board: Funding Source: Public Process: Schematic Approval Date: Design Team: Project Manager: General Contractor: Current Project Budget: Adjustment to Budget: Schedule: Status: Grounds Improvement March 12, 2014 Measure AA Two Community meetings and three Site Committee Meetings will be held. The site was involved in architect selection. January 15. 2014 TBD Van Pelt TBD $431,000 None. Summer 2014 Approve project manager; Fall 2014 approve designer Winter 20 14/15 Design finalize Spring 2015 Bid and award Summer 2015 Construction Pre-Design 1-4 Issues: Completion Date: Changes since last report: Lessons learned: Rosa Parks Project Type: Date Approved by Board: Funding Source: Public Process: Schematic Approval Date: Design Team: Project Manager: General Contractor: Current Project Budget: Adjustment to Budget: Schedule: Status: Issues: Completion Date: Changes since last report: Lessons learned: None October 2015 The project manager was approved. The first set of postcards was mailed. The first Community Meeting was held. The Board is being asked to approve the architect at this Meeting. None. Re-Roof January 15, 2014 Measure AA None Planned None Planned Skyline Engineering Turner Stronger Building Services $736,000 ($192,000). $75,000 decrease approved on April 23, 2014 and a Si 17,000 decrease approved on September 10, 2014. Winter 2014 Approve project manager and designer Spring 2014 Bid and award Summer 2014 Construction Complete None October 2014 The Board accepted the project. None MIDDLE SCHOOLS King Project Type: Date Approved by Board: Funding Source: Public Process: Schematic Approval Date: Design Team: Project Manager: General Contra.ctor: Current Project Budget: Adjustment to Budget: Modernization of the Gymnasium January 15, 2014 Measure I Three Site Conunittee Meetings were held. June ii, 2014 Baker Vilar Architects Van Pelt To Be Determined $1,654,000 None. I—’ Schedule: Status: Issues: Completion Date: Changes since last report.: Lessons learned: Longfellow Prolect Type: Date Approved by Board: Funding Source: Public Process: Spring 2014 Approve project manager and designer Fall 2014 Design finalize Spring 2015 Bid and award Summer 2015 Constniction Design None October 2015 The Construction Documents are approximately 80% complete. None. New Cafeteria Lessons Learned: January 9. 2013 Measure I There have been seven Site Committee meetings and two Community meetings. June 26, 2013 HKIT Van Pelt To Be Determined $5,276,000 Inflation adjustment of 874.000 on January 15. 2014. Spring 2013 Architect and project manager hired Summer 2013 schematic design Spring 2014 Project submitted to DSA Fall 2014 DSA approval, project bid Winter 2014/2015 Construction to begin Permit Making the street crossing safer could be a.n issue. Coordination with the garden program is an issue. January 2016 The Board approved a new project management firm. DSA has finally agreed to stamp the project out. To Be Determined Willard Project Type: Grounds Improvement Schematic Approval Date: Design Team: Project Manager: General Contractor: Current Project Budget: Adjustment to Budget: Schedule: Status: Issues: Completion Date: Changes since last report: Date Approved by Board: Funding Source: Public Process: Schematic Approval Date: Design Team: Project Manager: General Contractor: Current Project Budget: Adjustment to Budget: Schedule: Status: Issues: Completion Date: Changes since last report: Lessons learned: Project Type: Date Approved by Board: Funding Source: Public Process: Schematic Approval Date: Design Team: Project. Manager: General Contractor: Current Project Budget: Adjustment to Budget: Schedule: March 13. 2013 Measure I Two Community meetings and three Site Committee Meetings were held. The site was involved in architect selection. JLmuarv 15. 2014 Carducci Turner Redwood Engineering S284,000 (8141.000). 86,000 inflation adjustment on January 15. 2014. a 8161.000 decrease on April 23. 2014 and a 814.000 increasc on September 10, 2014. Fall 2013 Approve project manager and designer Winter 2013/14 Design finalize Spring 2014 Bid and award Summer 2014 Construction Punch List None October 2014 There is still a little planting to do. The punch list has been compiled and is approximately 50% complete. None Modernization January 15. 2014 Measure I Three Site Committee Meetings and one Community Meeting were held. The site was involved in architect selection. June 2014 Baker Vilar Van Pelt To Be Determined 84,131.000 None Spring 2014 Approve project manager and de signer Fall 2014 Design finalize Spring 2015 Bid and award Summer 2015 Construction I—i Status: Issues: Completion Date: Changes since last report: Lessons learned: Design None October 2015 Improving the lighting rig was added to the architecfs scope of work. The Construction Documents are approximately 752•’b complete. None HIGH SCHOOLS BERKELEY HIGH Project Type: Date Approved by Board: Funding Source: Public Process: Schematic Approval Date: Design Team: Project Manager: General Contractor: Current Project Budget: Adjustment to Budget: Schedule: New Bui1din and Grounds Construction Phase 2 September 5, 2007, Design Phase 3 January 9, 2008, Construction Phase 3 April 27, 2011 Measure AA and Measure I Five Site Committee Meetings. one Community meeting and Board approval (shared with stadium project). Site Committee involved in architect selection. Earlier meetings were held in developing the master plan. August 20, 2008 Baker Vilar Architects Van Pelt Alten Construction $30,005,000, includes $1,134,000 in Measure AA $26,504,000. Inflation adjustment of $280,000 on January 9, 2008, adding design of Phase 3 of $2,800,000 on January 9, 2008, inflation adjustment of $302,000 on January 14, 2009, inflation and slight scope adjustment of $918,000 on January 13, 2010. approval of Measure I construction phase and inflation adjustment of 828,433,000 on April 27. 2011. intlation adjustment of S35 1.000 on January 11. 2012. adjustment to decrease the budget by S5.000.000 on April 11. 2012 and release of most contingencies on September 10. 2014 (SI .580.000). Late Fall 2007 Architect Hired for Phase 2 Late Spring 2008 Architect hired for Phase 3 Early Spring 2009 and Summer 2010 Project subnutted to DSA I—i Status: Issues: Completion Date: Changes since last report: Lessons Learned: Project Type: Date Approved by Board: Funding Source: Public Process: Schematic Approval Date: Design Team: Project Manager: General Contractor: Current Project Budget: Adjustment to Budget: Schedule: Status: Issues: Completion Date: Changes since last report: Winter 2010/11 DSA approval, project bid Late Spring 2012 Construction begins Complete Coordination with Phase 1. combining the Rvo phases into one project. portable removal and other logistical challenges. October 2014 The punch list is complete. The Board is being asked to accept the project at this Meeting. There is still a month of field maintenance left. Site communication on identi{ring and removing stored material was problematic. Science Labs April 27. 2011 Measure I Two Site Committee meetings were held. June 27, 2012 I-IMC Architects Van Pelt Vila Construction S849.000 (S78.000). Inflation increase on January 11. 2012 ($9.000), reducing the project to two classrooms on October 24. 2012 ($236,000). inflation allocation on January 9, 2013) ($15,000), increase for fire sprinklers on September 11, 2013 (8109,000), inflation adjustment on January 15, 2014 (812,000), an increase for the award on April 9, 2014 ($45,000) and release of most contingencies on September 10, 2014 ($48,000). Spring 2012 Architect and project manager hired Spring 2012 schematic design Fall 2012 Project submitted to DSA Spring 2013 DSA approval, project bid Summer 2013 Construction begins. Complete DSA’s new interpretation that fire sprinklers are required delayed construction. September 2014 The project was accepted by the Board as I-1 Lessons Learned: Project Type: Date Approved by Board: Funding Source: Public Process: Schematic Approval Date: Design Team: Project Manager: General Contractor: Current Project Budget: Adjustment to Budget: Schedule: Status: Issues: Completion Date: Changes since last report: Lessons learned: Project Type: Date Approved by Board: Funding Source: Public Process: Schematic Approval Date: Design Team: Project Manager: General Contractor: Current Project Budget: Adjustment to Budget: Schedule: complete. Better communication between the High School and the Superintendent may have penriitted the third classroom to be approved. Solar and Modernization of Donahue Gym January 15, 2014 Measure I Three Site Committee Meetings are planned. The site was involved in architect selection. June 2014 WLC Architects Van Pelt To Be Determined $2,364.000 S300.000. Increase on September 10, 2014 to add exterior improvements. Spring 2014 Approve project manager and designer Fall 2014 Design finalize Spring 2015 Bid and award Summer 2015 Construction Design None October 2015 Another Site Committee Meeting was held. The Design Development set was submitted. The Construction Documents have begun. None Pool UV Filter March 12, 2014 Measure AA None Planned None Planned Knorr BUSD Pool Scene. Inc. 575.000 A decrease of 555,000 on September 10. 2014. Spring 2014 Approve engineer and filter company Summer 2014 Install and test equipment -r I Status: Issues: Completion Date: Changes since last report: Lessons learned: Project Type: Date Approved by Board: Funding Source: Public Process: Complete None August 2014 The UV [liter was commissioned and the project is complete. None Lessons learned: Grounds Improvement March 12. 2014 Measure AA Two Community meetings and three Site Committee Meetings will be held. The site was involved in architect selection. January 15. 2014 TBD Van Pelt TBD $581,000 None. Summer 2014 Approve project manager; Fall 2014 approve designer Winter 20 14/15 Design fInalize Spring 2015 Bid and award Summer 2015 Construction Pre- Design None October 2015 The project manager was approved. The first set of postcards was mailed. The first Community Meeting was held. The Board is being asked to approve the architect at this Meeting. None. B-Tech Project Type: Date Approved by Board: Funding Source: Public Process: Schematic Approval Date: Design Team: Project Manager: General Cornractor: Current Project Budget: Science Lab and Modernization January 9. 2013 IVeasure I There were several Site Committee meetings. June 12, 2013 WLC Architects Van Pelt GECO Incorporated 8775,000 Schematic Approval Date: Design Team: Project Manager: General Contractor: Currcnt Project Budget: Adjustment to Budget: Schedule: Status: Issues: Completion Date: Changes since last report: ml Adjustment Lo Budget: Schedule: Status: Issues: Completion Date: Changes since last report: Lessons Learned: S68,000. Added funds to cover the estimate on September 11. 2013 (S48.000). Added hinds to cover the Public address system (844.000). add for inflation (Si 1,000) on Jamuarv 15, 2014 and release of most contingencies on September 10, 2014 (S35.000). Spring 2013 Architect and project manager hired Summer 2013 schematic design Fall 2013 Project submitted to DSA Spnng 2014 DSA approval, project bid Summer 2014 Construction begins. Complete None October 2014 The Board is being asked to accept the project at this Board Meeting. None OTHER SITES King and Franklin Pre-School Project. Type: Date Approved by Board: Funding Source: Public Process: Schematic Approval Date: Design Team: Project Manager: General Contractor: Current Project Budget: Adjustment to Budget: Schedule: Addition January 9, 2013 Measure I There were three Site Committee meetings and two Community meetings. June 26. 2013 WLC Architects Turner To Be Detemiined 82,774.000 (8327,000). Inflation adjustment on January 15, 2014 (843,000), decrease after the bid award on April 23, 2014 (5175,000) and release of most contingencies on September 10. 2014 (S 195.000). Spring 2013 Architect and project manager hired Summer 2013 schematic design Late Fall 2013 Project submitted to DSA Spring 2014 DSA approval, project bid Summer 2014 Construction to begin Status: Issues: Completion Date: Changes since last report: Lessons Learned: Multiple Sites Project Type: Date Approved by Board: Funding Source: Public Process: Schematic Approval Date: Design Team: Project Manager: General Contractor: Current Project Budget: Adjustment to Budget: Schedule: Status: Issues: Completion Date: Changes since last report: Lessons learned: Punch List No decision has been made of which spaces will be used for transitional kindergarten arid which ;4111 be used for pre-school. October 2014 The modulars are in use. The punch list was compiled and is approximately 95% complete. There are some door hardware changes that will be made outside of the contractor’s scope. To Be Determined Public Address and Camera Project March 12, 2014 Veasure AA None Planned None Planned WLC Architects Van Pelt To Be Determined 8775.000 +8537.000 = 81.3 12,000 None Spring 2014 Approve project manager and architect Fall 2014 Finalize design Spring 2015 Bid and award Summer 2015 Construction Design None October 2015 The schematic design was reviewed and Construction Documents have begun. None Two more projects will be added on the next update. :—i BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Donald Evans. Ed.D., Superintendent Lew Jones, Director of Facilities October 8. 2014 Maintenance and H/BB Third Quarter FY 2014 Report SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION This report is an update of the Maintenance Department for the third quarter of the 2014 Fiscal Year. The reporting period covers June 1. 2014 through September 1. 2014. The stated goals of the Annual Plan are not listed in this report, but certain areas of these goals will be referred to as we evaluate progress in these areas. We will also continue to report on specific areas of previously approved plans as we make progress on those goals. COMMUNWATION/REPORTING The unaudited actual report for FY 2014 was prepared and approved. COMMIflEE MEMBER COMMENTS The Committee did not meet. A new Committee needs to be constituted. MAINTENANCE The evening shift visited two sites since the last report. In the summer, all staff worked on work orders. The fire marshal sent two reports. We addressed all items in the reports. Six elevators were inspected in this reponing period. Three were clean, three are being addressed. TRAINING The custodial department held training on lead awareness and blood borne pathogens. GROUNDS We had trouble filling all of our limited term gardener positions this year. The two summer gardeners completed their assignments in late August. VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT We have purchased one new vehicle. That vehicle is at Transportation and will be released to the Maintenance Department within a few weeks. 1—2 STAFFING Managers Administrative Coordinators [ Trade Leads Security pgineer Maintenance Engineers Zrade Specific Maintenance Technician General Maintenance Grounds Lead Worker Grounds Vehicle Mechanics Security Personnel Total 1.33 permanent. 0.31 vacancy 2 permanent 2.15 permanent permanent j_pçrmanent 11 permanent, 1 vacancy 1 pcrmanent tpermanent : 2 permanent 3 permanent Lrpermanent. 1 vacancy 0.45 permanent 1 permanent (0.5 FTE of two positions) - 41.24 We do not detail the 5% of head custodians charged to the Measure I-1/BB Fund in the chart above. BUDGET The unaudited actual report for FY 2014 was prepared and approved. CUSTODIAL Multiple construction projects, the addition of classrooms at the end of the summer, a few rentals and summer school schedules made the summer cleaning effort more difficult than usual. UTILITY REDUCTION AND MONITORING Bright Schools have assisted BUSD in doing enerr audits at several sites. Thex’ have contacted an engineering firm to complete the analysis. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Staff has processed 55 permits from June 1. 2014 through September 1, 2014. The gross revenue received in this time period was $89,189. With the recent transitions at Berkeley High, we did not receive the data from that site. WASTE MANAGEMENT Solid waste was reduced in the past year and we plan to continue that effort. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS We have continued to be on target with regularly scheduled pick-ups of any hazardous materials. — BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Donald Evans, Ed.D., Superintendent Pasquale Scuderi, Assistant Superintendent. Educational Services October 8, 2014 Update on the BUSD Master Plan for English Learners BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Master Plan for English Learners adopted last year, was developed in consultation with teachers, administrators, parents. arid community members,and represents known research on the best practices i& supporting English Learners in their transition to being English proficient. Since that adoption staff has continued to implement the plan with input from staff, parents. community and hoard members. The Master Plan for English Learners is an attempt to outline for parcnts. stalL and the community the options, opportunities, arid outcomes [3USD is focused on providing for all students who are learning English as a second language. lt is based on a thorough analysis of our existing program services. Staff will provide updates relative to the seven areas of focus within the plait • • • • • • Identification and initial assessment of all non-English speaking students Programs available for English Learners at each grade level Staffing and professional development for all staff to support program implementation Opportunities for parent involvement and engagement in their child’s educational process Funding support for English Learners from Federal and State resources Evaluation and accountability to ensure [he district is achieving its goals Additional components to support parents and staff in their understanding of the plan including Education Code outlining law, tcrminolor found within the document, samples of forms, frequently asked questions with answers (FAQs) and reports related to supporting English Learners The plan is available in Spanish. D-l POLICY/CODE Ed Code 450-452 FISCAL IMPACT To he dewrmined STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approve the District Master Plan for English Learners. D-1 BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Donald Evans, Ed.D., Superintendent Pasquale Scuderi, Assistant Superintendent Lew Jones, Director of Facilities October 8, 2014 Enrollment and Capacity Challenges in BUSD Elementary Schools BACKGROUND INFORMATION Historical enrollment figures, as well as a demographic study performed by Davis Demographics and Planning, mc, factored prominently in a report given to the Board of Education on January 29, 2014. That report indicated that over a three-year period, beginning with the 2015-2016 school year. BUSD elementary school enrollment would increase by approximately 252 students. The correlating facilities needs brought about by these enrollment increases present notable short term and some long term challenges to finding classroom and enrichment spaces to support the educational program. Preliminary projections by the 13USD admissions office appear to concur. within a reasonable margin, with the projections from the aforementioned demographic study. and therefore those figures can adequately serve as the preliminary numbers with which lo plan and with which to evaluate emerging ideas or solutions lbr the increasing facilities needs. Information presented this evening will focus exclusively on reviewing and reexamining the data, dimensions, and ongins of this ongoing challenge in BUSD, and will be the first in a series of presentations and discussions that will subsequently include proposals and ultimately recommendations for both short term and long term solutions. Following tonight’s review, on November 5, 2014. staff will put fonvard a preliminary list of short-term options that will then be discussed and analyzed in depth at successive meetings with short-term decisions, those most immediately impacting the opening of schools in the fall of 2015, to be determined by this February. Discussion of longer-term options will continue throughout this spring. Staff will review with the board the regional and demographic trends. state mandates that govern transitional kindergarten, and those district policies that have contributed to the enrollment increases and their subsequent impact on facilities. D-2 Staff will review current facilities usage in elementary schools for both classroom and enrichment purposes. POLICY/CODE None FISCAL IMPACT Unknown STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive the report. D-2 Enrollment 295 286 557 353 448 297 467 446 450 388 453 4,440 School Emerson John Muir MaIcomX LeConte Cragmont Oxford Washington Vtittier (6AM) Thousand Oaks Jefferson Rosa Parks ‘“*l/\:S 222 23 21 21 20 24 15 21 17 30 15 15 Total Rooms (includes 209 21 18 21 20 22 14 21 16 28 14 14 Clasarooma 13 1 3 0 0 2 I 0 1 2 1 1 — science and SPED earring center °“‘ After Schoor 7 1 1 7 103,723 Family Resource center 102.270 144.940 96,089 84.656 39,082 Yes shared In Nurses Room Yes shared Yes shared 7 Soecal Ed nd RT services 121535 101,931 Yes shared with ELD coach Yes shared 110,189 123748 38182 Euledor Square Footage Yes No 1 I 2 Yes Yes shared Space (or Site RTI Coordinator Medically fragile atuden — Basemenifartr Art, dance cooinng class Basement Art Adthitonal Use of Additiona Rooms Rooms 6,214 4.488 3,690 2,028 4.019 2,209 3.485 2,432 2,767 1749 2567 Cafeteria Square Footage Elementary School Facflities Information 0 0 0 2 190 0 0 0 4,118 2595 3 528 0 Auditudum Square Footage 31 26 32 25 32 19 31 23 41 25 20 Total Staff 17 10 22 18 27 23 25 20 26 17 20 Total ffled Staff , Total 1 1 1 2 1 1 I Administr&H
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