Ph: 780-942-2032 Fax: 780-942-2515 Vegreville Denture Clinic email: Putting the Sparkle back in your smile Oil & Gas Industry 5117 - 50 Street NEED STAFF? 780-632-2722 Call for details 780-942-2023 DEADLINE NOW Vol. 15 No. 47F LAMONT-REDWATER, ALBERTA Denturist Chad Hiob October 10, 2014 Heaviest pumpkin at Smoky Lake tops 1,200 pounds on Crews of Lloydminster won the Great White North D Pumpkin Fair weigh-off in Smoky Lake for the second consecutive year with 1,210.5 pound giant pumpkin. It was 400 pounds heavier than the 809.5 lb second place pumpkin which weighed. Crews took home $2,800 for his giant pumpkin prize plus $100 for his second place field pumpkin. No new records were set at the Oct. 4 weigh-off, but Kellan Melnyk came close with his 103 inch long gourd. Four Smoky Lake growers finished in the top 10 of the giant pumpkin competition. John Lobay took fourth place with his 718 lb pumpkin. Mary Lobay finished sixth with a 512.5 lb pumpkin, Robert Lobay eighth with a 438 lb one and Susan Young ninth with her 422 lb pumpkin. The Melnyk family of Smoky Lake cleaned house in the Long Gourd competition. Kellan placed first, with a gourd only 1.2 inches shorter than the 104.2 inch record set in 2010 by Barry Wood of Bellis. Cameron Melnyk took third with an 87 inch gourd, Brendan Melnyk fourth with an 85 inch one and Carrie Melnyk fifth with her 84 inch gourd. Second place went to Alan Makarchuk of Taber for his 100.5 inch gourd. The field pumpkin competition was also dominated by Smoky Lake growers. Mary Lobay took first with a 119.5 lb fruit. Robert Lobay’s 83.5 lb pumpkin placed third, Henia Martyniuk’s 53.5 lb one took fourth and John Lobay’s 46 lb pumpkin fifth. Crews won second with an 87 lb pumpkin. Makarchuk won the giant squash weigh-off with his 646 lb squash. Mary Lobay placed second with a 324.5 lb squash and John Kapelari of Athabasca third with a 316.5 lb one. Susan Young earned fourth spot with her 274 lb squash, Alex and Alanna fifth with a 256.5 lb entry and John Lobay sixth with a 253 lb one. The watermelon weigh-off winner was Mary Lobay with her 21.5 lb fruit. John Lobay took second with a 12 lb watermelon and Shirley Homeniuk of Mundare third with an 11.5 lb one. Thousands of visitors attended the weigh-off and the events throughout the town held in as part of the pumpkin fair or in conjunction with it. Food booths at the complex, fair grounds, curling rink and downtown gave opportunities to sample goodies of all kinds. Entertainers performed live at several locations; there were rides for the kids and an old time threshing bee for the nostalgic and the curious. A fun run or walk gave a close-up look at the beautiful Iron Horse Trail, the archery venue provided instruction and a chance to test marksmanship and the Studio 28 art and craft show offered quality items for purchase. Anyone wanting a larger souvenir could bid at the pumpkin auction held before the giant pumpkin was dropped on a vehicle outside the complex. Crews placed first in the giant pumpkin weigh-off in 2013, second in 2012, first in 2011 and has been first or second many times during the last 10 years. The Smoky Lake giant pumpkin record is 1,275.5 pounds, set in 2012 by Ray Beaudin of Coalhurst. Farm ’n’ Friends P.O. Box 800, Lamont, AB T0B 2R0 The weight of John Lobay's fourth place pumpkin is revealed as Smoky Lake & District Chamber of Commerce president Wayne Taylor pulls the cover off the scale display during the Great White North Pumpkin Fair in Smoky Lake Oct. 4. Lobay, who is from Smoky Lake, consistently finishes at or near the top of the annual giant pumpkin weigh off. Andre Visscher with the Canadian Foodgrains Bank stands beside one of seven combines that was used to harvest wheat on Oct. 4 on a 150-acre field near Gibbons. It was part of the Share The Harvest volunteer program, a local community effort that helps feed people in Third World countries. --photo by Grant Cree Fire Prevention Week See Pages A5-A6 • Store Store matches matches • and lighters lighters in in aa and place where where place children cannot cannot children reach them. them. October October 5 5thth -- 11 11thth reach Ph: 780-942-2032 Fax: 780-942-2515 email: • Publications Mail Registration No. 8521 • Canada Post Agreement No. 40051458 Copyright: No material - news, graphics or advertising may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Failure to obtain consent may result in legal action. Advertising is accepted on the condition that, in the event of a typographical error, that portion of the advertisement occupied by the erroneous item will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at the applicable rate. The publisher reserves the right to accept or refuse any or all material whether editorial or advertising submitted for publication, and maintains the right to exercise discretion in these matters. All material submitted is accepted on the understanding that it may also be posted to the internet in a digital form of the newspaper or supporting information. A sister publication to The Review, Redwater, Alberta and The Free Press Morinville, Alberta, which are published each Tuesday, and the digital newspaper The Heartland eXtra available on our website.. W & E Cowley Publishing Ltd Production shop: 4720 - 50 Ave., Redwater, AB T0A 2W0 Morinville Fire Department firefighters wash hoses and park their trucks in the station on Oct. 4 after completing a day of intensive training. -WWW.STURGEONBUSPARTS.CA photo by Grant Cree Farmyard Clean-up WANTED - Cars, Trucks & Farm Machinery for Scrap We have an 80 ft scale We’ll pay CA$H for Complete Vehicles Hauled to Our Yard FREE Pick Up & Haul Away! • Good Used Tires For Sale STURGEON AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 780-914-7560 or 780-942-4389 Honourable Jeff Johnson Minister of Seniors MLA AthabascaSturgeon-Redwater 780-675-3232 Publication Mail Registration No. 8521 Agreement 40051458 ADVERTISING DEADLINE Monday 2 p.m. for Friday edition Page A2, FARM ‘n’ FRIENDS, Lamont-Redwater, AB., 780-942-2032, email:,, Friday, October 10, 2014 Morinville Mayor Lisa Holmes (left) joined several children on stage for a “group lesson” with members of the Vinok Worldance group who taught a traditional German dance. It was all part of the second annual Oktoberfest that took place on the evening of Oct. 3 in the Morinville Community Cultural Centre. --photo by Grant Cree FLU CLINICS Start OCTOBER 20 TH Monday 9-6 Tuesday 9-8 FREE TO ALBERTA RESIDENTS with AB HEALTHCARE s ’ e n a h S Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 9-6 PHARMACY Charge for non-Alberta residents REDWATER 780-942-3615 FARM ‘n’ FRIENDS, Lamont-Redwater, AB., 780-942-2032, email:,, Friday, October 10, 2014, Page A3 Don Crews of Lloydminster won the 2014 Great White North Pumpkin Fair in Smoky Lake with this 1,210.5 pound monster. The 26th annual giant pumpkin weigh-off was held Oct. 4. Story on front page. Imperial began putting down rig mats at Patony Park in Redwater Sept. 29. It is sealing off wells in three Redwater parks this autumn. No Passes YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD CINEMA Zamboni driver Dale Schott clears the ice between games in the Bon Accord arena. He was busy during the annual Atom AA Icebreaker Tournament that took place on the weekend of Sept. 26 to 28. More than 200 people representing eight teams, comprised of players aged 9 and 10, converged on Bon Accord for the event. --photo by Grant Cree CLASSIFIED ADS SERVICES TRAVEL THE CHIMNEY Experts Preventing chimney fires since 1985. Cleaning, inspections, caps. Neat Sweep Chimney Services, 780-998-0142. 59F LO-COST FURNACE Installations -- New homes or replacements, low rates, free estimates. Semi-retired tradesman. Ph. 780-718-0262. BANK SAID NO? Bank on us! Equity Mortgages for purchases, debt consolidation, foreclosures, renovations. Bruised credit, self-employed, unemployed ok. Dave Fitzpatrick: www.alberta 587-437-8437, Belmor Mortgage. GET BACK on track! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need money? We lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-9871420; www.pioneerwest. com. CRIMINAL RECORD? Think: Canadian pardon. U.S. travel waiver. Divorce? Simple. Fast. Inexpensive. Debt recovery? Alberta collection to $25,000. Calgary 403228-1300/1-800-3472540. ment, pet friendly; vds@ 480363-2087. ONE DAY Polar Bear Tours - Calgary and Edmonton departures this fall. Jet nonstop to Churchill and experience an amazing polar bear safari. 1-866-460-1415. w w w. c l a s s i c c a n a d i a n ALBERTA BASED Travel Club. Exclusive memberships. 5000 premium resorts in 60 countries. Low one-time investment. No blackout dates! No restrictions! (Not a Timeshare) www.betterthana TRAVEL RV OWNERS, winter vacation in Arizona. $999.99 three month rental special. Large RV lots, activities, entertain- Boe Geislinger (centre, jersey 14) of the Morinville Jets owns the net as he scores against the Leduc Schwab Riggers during a game on the evening of Oct. 5 in the Ray McDonald arena. The Jets won 6-3. Their next home game is on the evening of Oct. 10 when they face off against the Edmonton Royals. Puck drop is 8:30 p.m. --photo by Grant Cree VEHICLES 1997 DODGE RAM 1500 Red, automatic. V8, 2WD, gas, 4 new tires, new battery, new tie rod ends, runs excellent. 260,000 kms. $1900. 780-942-3177. NEW DODGE RAM front bumper, fits 2002-2010, still in wrap. $575 OBO. Must sell. 780-245-6191. 40F-TFN WANTED WILLING TO PAY for good lessons, Apple IMovie 11. Text only 780399-1343. 47F-48F LOOKING FOR A 1 or 2 bdrm house or apt. in Redwater area as soon as possible. 780-9429071. 47F-48F FRI - THURS 8:00 PM FRI - THURS 7:00 & 9:00 PM FRI, SAT, SUN & MON MATINEES 1:30 PM FRI, SAT, SUN, MOVIES 4 MOMMIES MON & TUES TUES, OCT 14TH MATINEES 1:45 PM 1:00 PM FRI - THURS 7:30 PM FRI, SAT, SUN, MON & TUES MATINEES 2:00 PM Page A4, FARM ‘n’ FRIENDS, Lamont-Redwater, AB., 780-942-2032, email:,, Friday, October 10, 2014 Sturgeon initiates $2.5 million borrowing for lift station turgeon County council gave first reading to a S proposed $2.5 million bor- A Division of Dale Croswell Construction Co. Ltd. • Crushed • Pitrun • Screened Sand • Washed Rock • Top Soil • Clay • Loading • Hauling Dale Croswell Ph: (780) 398-3568 Box 690 Fax: (780) 398-2548 Thorhild, AB, TOA 3J0 Cell: (780) 307-4511 Town & Country Water Well Boring Ltd. • Large Diameter Wells - 150 ft. + • Sand Screens • Galvanized / Plastic or Fiberglass Casing (as per availability) SALES & INSTALLATION Submersible Pumps & Pressure Tanks Licensed Driller 40+ Years Experience Member AWWA Ph./Fax: Owner & Operator 780-398-2371 ROBERT UHRYN 780-915-6631 Cell: Farm & Commercial Buildings • Stud Frame • Pole Shed Phone: 922-2366 • Cell: Ph: (780) SAND & GRAVEL (1980) LTD. Box 10 Redwater, Alberta T0A 2W0 • • • • • • • • Box 630, Thorhild, Alberta, T0A 3J0 Since 1977 446-7852 942-4914 Crushed Gravel Fill Sand Garden Mix Golf Course Aggregates Pit Run Top Soil Variety of Washed Sands Washed Rock — WE DELIVER BY TANDEM ONLY — rowing bylaw to fund rebuilding the Cardiff lift station. The new station will be built on the same site as the existing station. The present lift station was constructed in 1975 and has reached the end of its useful life. Design work on the new station was started in 2011 but a decision on its location was not made until November 2013. “That’s been an issue that’s been ongoing for some time,” commented mayor Tom Flynn during the Sept. 23 council meeting. “Work could start this fall.” “Yes, we hope so,” said general manager of Integrated Growth Ian McKay. Flynn noted that the new station will serve the existing community but will not handle any growth. McKay explained that there is a moratorium on growth in Cardiff. “Hooking into this facility is not possible because of the old coal mine,” he explained, adding that new developments would have to tie into the Morinville system or the regional wastewater commission line. Tenders for this project went out in early September. McKay said he hopes council can award the contract during its Oct. 14 meeting. A total of $2.5 million for this project, to be funded by debenture, was approved in the 2012 and 2013 Utilities Capital Budget. Of that, $270,000 has been spent on detailed engineering. This was been funded by reserves which should be replenished with the debenture funds. The $2.5 million debenture would have annual payments of $204,000 over 15 years. At 2.7% interest, total interest charged will be $560,000. SLEEMAN ENTERPRISES • Waste Water Systems (Designed & Installed) Gov’t. Certified • Water & Sewer • Pumps Controls • Repairs • Trenching • Grading • Hoe Work • Dozing & Clearing • Postholes & Pilings • Loading & Hauling • Containers & Moving • Contract Hauling • Backfilling WATERWELL DRILLING HILL DRILLING LTD. • Road Building • Demolition • Site Cleanups • Site Preparation • Acreage & Commercial Yards • Snow Clearing • Carry Compensation & Liability Insurance Specializing in... Bored & Drilled Water Wells Pump Sales & Service (780) SAND • GRAVEL • TOP SOIL TOLL FREE: 1-888-398-2159 CELLULAR: (780) 206-2555 Big or Small — We Do All — Ph: 780-398-2471 Cell: 780-220-7874 Email: Dwight Mayhem Mulching Inc. For All Your Mulching Needs Ph: 780-999-8988 Jeremy Fedun Ph: 780-350-1199 Quinton Fedun Lease sites Email: Pipeline rights of ways Fence lines Over growth Box 733 Trails Thorhild, AB Cut lines T0A 3J0 Exploration Fire guards 398-2159 • DWIGHT HILL JNR Crop Protection “When T iming i s E verything” CUSTOM SPRAYING • HERBICIDE • PESTICIDE • FUNGICIDE 120’ GPS Sectional Controlled Spray Booms / 1200 gal Tank Variable Rate to Best Suit Conditions Certified/Licensed & Insured Contact 780-210-2333 or 780-636-3458 JERRY & NICOLE REPKA 8 Water Well Drilling & Servicing 8 Residential 8 Commercial Joe Medynski, Operator 8 Pump Sales & Servicing Licensed and Insured RR 1, Star, AB T0B 4E0 Fax: 780-895-2995 Email: 8 Well Reclamation & View our 29 patented and patent pending inventions online at PS: Check out our SPECIAL DISCOUNT PACKAGE for Water Well Drilling Abandonment Dennis Melnyk Cell: (780) 975-4687 Fax: (780) 398-2668 FARM ‘n’ FRIENDS, Lamont-Redwater, AB., 780-942-2032, email:,, Friday, October 10, 2014, Page A5 FIRE PREVENTION WEEK What goes through your mind when you think about firefighters? Message from the Fire Commissioner ost people think of brave men and women rushing into a burning building while scared people run M away. Or they imagine someone lifting a terrified person out of a window and carrying them to safety down a tall ladder. While those images are compelling and real, they miss an important tradition of our fire services. Firefighters have a proud history of helping citizens prevent fires in the first place. With Fire Prevention Week 2014 upon us, we can celebrate the important work our fire service – and all Albertans – do in keeping Alberta safe from fires. This year’s theme is Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives…Test Yours Every Month. By taking steps to prevent fires and be prepared in case a fire occurs, we are protecting our loved ones and giving them the confidence to know what to do in an emergency situation. Research on home fires show that in as little as three minutes, a fire can become deadly to the occupants due to toxic smoke from burning synthetic materials present in drapes, carpeting and furniture. A well-trained and well-equipped urban fire service will reach a burning home in seven minutes or more after a call is received. This is too late to save occupants who may already be overcome by toxic smoke. It is everyone’s responsibility to prevent fires in the home and ensure their own safe evacuation. Fire Prevention Week reminds all Albertans about the tragedies and loss fires can cause. More importantly, it reminds Albertans about the ways they can prevent fires and pro- tect themselves and their families. I encourage everyone to visit our interactive website at where you can learn more about home fire safety. Let’s make Alberta a fire safe province! Yours in fire safety, Trent R. West Executive Director and Fire Commissioner Office of the Fire Commissioner Municipal Affairs Page A6, FARM ‘n’ FRIENDS, Lamont-Redwater, AB., 780-942-2032, email:,, Friday, October 10, 2014 FIRE PREVENTION WEEK Farm ’n’ Friends Ph: 780-942-2032 Fax: 780-942-2515 email: The Heartland eXt tra FARM ‘n’ FRIENDS, Lamont-Redwater, AB., 780-942-2032, email:,, Friday, October 10, 2014, Page A7 CLASSIFIED ADS CAREERS Classified Word Ads require Payment with Order. Low cost - high circulation. Reach over 35,000 circulation. Bonus --Pay for one title and it will run in all four: Farm ‘n’ Friends, Free Press, Review, The eXtra Up to 25 words: $15.00 per week, GST included. Additional words: 50c/ each. Deadline: Monday 2 p.m. for Friday edition. Mail to: Farm ‘n’ Friends, Box 850, Redwater, AB T0A 2W0 Phone 780-942-2032 email: CAREERS TERVITA IS HIRING! We are looking for trainees and experienced local Floorhands and Derrickhands for a local Redwater based service rig. Must be able to work in diverse weather and physically challenging work site environments. Competitive compensation and excellent employer paid benefits, including a Guaranteed Hours of Work program. Submit resume and drivers abstract to or fax to 780-948-3058. CAREERS You Belong With Us! NEW HOME CENTRE now hiring: LUMBER SALES ASSOCIATE • Building materials knowledge a definite asset Coronado Gas Co-op Ltd. REQUIRES A UTILITY OPERATOR / GAS FITTER KNOWLEDGE OF THE NATURAL GAS DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE AN ASSET EXPERIENCE OPERATING BACKHOES/TRENCHER AND PIPE PLOW IN A NATURAL GAS DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE AN ASSET HAVE GOOD COMPUTER SKILLS IN MICROSOFT WORD AND EXCEL AGRO SALES SPECIALIST CLASS 5 DRIVER’S LICENSE WITH CLEAN ABSTRACT IS REQUIRED Thorhild Co-op offers competitive wages, excellent benefits and opportunity for advancement APPLY IN PERSON TO SERVICE COUNTER CORONADO CO-OP OFFERS A COMPETITIVE SALARY, ALONG WITH A BENEFITS AND PENSION PLAN ONLY THE APPLICANTS THAT ARE SELECTED FOR AN INTERVIEW WILL BE CONTACTED. EMAIL YOUR RESUMES TO: or fax them to: (780) 942 – 2797 We are a Western store looking for an outgoing and energetic individual for Floor Manager! Duties include but are not limited to, • Prepare and manage staff schedules, • Maintaining inventory levels, • Assist with purchasing to replenish stock, • Assist in developing, implementing, and monitoring store policies and procedures, • Calculate sales incentives such as commissions, • Dress and behave to present a professional image Skills include: • Strong customer service skills required, • Ability to remain calm and focused when faced with unexpected problems and stressful situations, • Work in a fast paced environment and make responsible decisions quickly, • Physical fitness to be moving for most of the day, • Able to lift or carry heavy product or large amounts of inventory, • Western tack knowledge is necessary IMMEDIATE POSITIONS Locally Grown ~ Globally Connected CLASS 1, CLASS 3 & VAC TRUCK DRIVERS and LABOUR POSITIONS Competitive wages based on experience and qualifications. We offer a competitive salary for this full time position. Individual is eligible for health and dental benefits after 3 months. You will be required to working long hours including evenings and weekends. Apply via email: or fax to 780-895-7564. To apply, please email resume to Contact Jason for more information 780-940-9832. AUCTIONS WHEATLAND AUCTIONS Heavy Duty Truck Repair Dispersal Oct. 18 in Strathmore, Alberta. Gun and Sportman’s Auction, Oct. 25 in Cheadle, Alberta. Phone 403-669-1109; www.wheatland AUTO/TOOL/SURPLUS AUCTION. Saturday, Oct. 11, 11 a.m. Auto’s, tools, parts, surplus, storage buildings, benches, tents, pressure washers. Scribner Auction, Hiway 14, Wainwright, Alberta. 780842-5666; www.scribner ANTIQUE ENGINES & related parts, 9N Ford Tractor. Sat., October 18, Innisfree, Alberta. Stewart Auctions, Vermilion, Alberta. 1-800-269-8580; BUS. OPP. COMMERCIAL SPACE, street level, 100 Ave. downtown Morinville. Inquiries welcome. Ed 780-915-7350. 45T-49T GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000. + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected territories. Full details call now 1-866668-6629. Website: CAREER TRAINING MEDICAL BILLING Trainees needed! Learn to process & submit billing claims for hospitals and doctors! No experience needed! Local training gets you ready to work! 1888-627-0297. EMPLOYMENT LOOKING FOR A beginner or registered apprentice electrician for work in Smoky Lake. Send resume to terry@marko or fax to 780-998-0626. Agriculture is a vital component to Canada’s identity and has been for generations. As we grow in size and economic output, farming remains the backbone of our economy. Grain Operations Facility Assistant Providence Grain Solutions is growing and we require a highly motivated, reliable, dependable, detail oriented individuals to fill positions of Operations Facility Assistant throughout Providence Grain. Contributing to the achievement of financial and operational goals through increased operational knowledge, and the application of basic competencies in grading grain and troubleshooting mechanical repairs, this role will proactively contribute to the facility’s compliance with safety policies and regulation. Duties and responsibilities may include, but are not limited to: • Contributing to the movement of grain by loading/unloading shipments • Exercising basic competency in grading • Regular operation & maintenance of grain cleaning equipment • Perform exceptional customer service duties • Regular facility maintenance & housekeeping 2 years in a general labour role Experience in a grain elevator facility (would be an asset) Ability to lift heavy materials repeatedly up to 50lbs Strong communication skills Attention to detail Good eyesight Aptitude for maintenance & repair of grain elevator equipment Resumes will be accepted by quoting Competition # V10010. We thank all candidates for their interest but only those selected for an interview will be contacted., Please forward all resumes to: Providence Grain Solutions #168, 11870 88 Ave Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta T8L 0K1 Fax: 780-997-0217 Email: HELP WANTED FOR SEWING SHOP IN THORHILD No experience necessary. Will train on site. Good benefits and starting wage. Excellent work environment. Fax resume to 780-398-2244 or call 780-398-2292 EMPLOYMENT HIGH Q Greenhouses, 55431 RR 262 Sturgeon County, requires Greenhouse staff. $10.50/hr. F/T 6 days/ week. Starting Jan. 14 2015. Will train on the job. Require own transportation. Planting & transplanting garden plants, regularly lifting 50 lb, order gathering, walking long distances as well as standing in one location, repetitive work in hot greenhouse. Send application & resume to michiel@highqgreen or 780-9397490. 46F-48F LITTLE STEPS Daycare in Redwater is currently hiring a childcare worker. Must love children, be reliable & able to work as a team. Please call Vicky or Nicole 780-580-2293. 46T-47T THE ROCK SALON & Spa F/T position - We are excited to welcome new talent stylists & those with experience to our beautiful salon in downtown St. Albert. A chance to work with awesome quests, great colleagues. Avenda products and opportunities to develop your creative style. If you have attention to detail, a friendly personality & want to excel in the beauty industry we would love to meet you. We will support you with on going advanced education & offer health benefits too. Email resumes to: rocksalon@ Page A8, FARM ‘n’ FRIENDS, Lamont-Redwater, AB., 780-942-2032, email:,, Friday, October 10, 2014 We accept LTD. JMP PLUMBING & HEATING Darel Jodoin email: Furnace & Hot Water Tank Replacement Plumbing – New Home Construction Air Conditioning – Gas Fitting Gas Fire Places Service & Repair – Sheet Metal Garage Heaters Box 879 Bon Accord, AB T0A OK0 Specializing in Engineered Helical Screw Piles Additions, Mobile Homes, Cabins, Grade Beams, Decks, Garage Slabs, Sidewalks, Hottubs, Towers, Anchoring John Panek Box 84, Lamont, AB T0B 2R0 780-999-2065 Fax: 780-800-1927 TF: 1-866-936-1805 Heartlands Water Services Ron Costain Porable Potable Water Water Pools/Rinks Pools/Rinks Dust Dust Control Control Cisterns Commercial HydroTesting 780-999-0919 Box 1407 1407 Redwater, Redwater, AB AB T0A T0A 2W0 2W0 Box FEED NBI FEEDYARDS INC. Buying Barley Attn: Scott CLASSIFIED ADS EMPLOYMENT PARK PAVING LTD. in Edmonton has immediate openings for Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanics and Apprentice positions in our state-of-the-art Sherwood Park facility. Send your resume via email to: employment@ or via fax to 780-434-5373; www. AN ALBERTA OILFIELD company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 780-7235051. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employertrusted program. Visit: or 1888-528-0809 to start training for your work-athome career today! HEALTH CREW, Pen Checkers. Immediate permanent full-time positions available. Wages are negotiable and will commensurate according to qualifications and experience. Lakeside offers an excellent benefit package. Will train the right candidate. Fax resume to: Chris Sparrow - JBS Lakeside Feeders 403-362-8231. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONISTS needed! Employers seeking over 200 additional CanScribe graduates. Student loans available. Income-tax receipts issued. Start training today. Work from home! www.canscribe. com; info@canscribe. com. 1-800-466-1535. SPRUCE POINT Park Association is seeking an individual for position of Park Manager for the period of May 1-Sept. 15. Spruce Point Park campground and marina facility is located on Lesser Slave Lake approximately 285 EMPLOYMENT kms northwest of Edmonton near the Hamlet of Kinuso. We are now accepting applications. For complete package details please call 780-775-3805 or 780-805-0801 or email: spruce pointpark Position will remain open until suitable candidate is found. PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES: Troyer Ventures Ltd. is a privately owned energy services company servicing Western Canada. All job opportunities include competitive wages, comprehensive benefits package and room for advancement. We are accepting applications at multiple branches for: Professional Drivers (Class 1, 3), and Mechanics. Successful candidates will be self-motivated and eager to learn. Experience is preferred, but training is available. Valid safety tickets, clean drug test, references and a drivers abstract are required. For more information and to apply, please visit our website at: Box 176 St. Michael, Alberta Canada T0B 4B0 Fax: (780) 896-3992 FEED FOR SALE OATS & WHEAT WANTED - Any condition, dry, wet or heated. On farm pick-up. Immediate payment. Toll free 1-866349-2056. 47F-46F HEATED CANOLA buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-250-5252. BEAUTIFUL SPRUCE TREES. 4 - 6 ft., $35 each. Machine planting; $10/tree (includes bark mulch and fertilizer). 20 tree minimum order. Delivery fee: $75 $125/order. Quality guaranteed. 403-820-0961. STEEL BUILDINGS/ METAL BUILDINGS 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100, sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206; www.crownsteel SAWMILLS from only $4,397. Make money & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & dvd: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800566-6899 ext. 400OT. METAL ROOFING & SIDING. 30+ colours available at over 40 Distributors. 40 year warranty. 48 hour Express Service available at select supporting Distributors. Call 1-888-2638254. FIREWOOD LOG TRUCK LOADS of firewood & firewood for sale with delivery. 780849-3963 or call or text my cell 780-849-1168, email: red_baron_fire 45F-50F FOR SALE (2) STEEL FRAME 3 bale feeders; (2) 30' steel frame wood slab wind breaks, $250 ea OBO. 780-6562420 or 780-656-0155. 47T-49T Bus.: (780) 896-3990 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK RENTALS STEEL BUILDINGS “GiftCard Give-Away!” 20x22 $4,358. 25x24 $4,895. 30x30 $6,446. 32x32 $7,599. 40x46 $12,662. 47x72 $18,498. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422; A-STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers. Used 40’ & 40’ Seacans high cube & insulated containers 40’-53’ long. Specials in stock now. Self unloading delivery. Phone toll free 1-866-528-7108; HARVEST SALE on now until Oct. 19. Simply Amish Furniture Edmonton. Celebrate the bounty! Invest in beautiful heirloom quality furniture. Handcrafted. Custom. Lifetime guarantee. Quick ship options on popular collections. Visit in person before October 19, and mention you saw this ad to receive an additional 5% off! See our catalogue online at: www. simplyamishedmonton. com. 2840 Calgary Trail, Edmonton. FOR SALE - 1 YR OLD free run brown laying hens. $2 ea. Pick up near Two Hills between Oct. 4 15. 780-603-9047. ROOMS AVAIL. - Shared accommodations. Close, quiet. Egremont. $650/mth, $350 DD. Call Dennis 780-905-6726. 46T-48T MORINVILLE - 4 bdrm, 2 bath house. $1600/mth, $1600 DD. No pets. No smoking. References required. Security check required. For more info call 780-691-7049. 46T-47T INDOOR STORAGE space for rent. 780-6194427 or 780-574-5679. 46F-48F COMMERCIAL SPACE, street level, 100 Ave. downtown Morinville. Inquiries welcome. Ed 780-915-7350. 45T-49T FOR RENT - Smaller 3 bdrm apt. in Bon Accord. 18+ building. $1050/mth + power + DD. Heat & water included. No smoking. No pets. Available Nov. 1. Call 780-940-4991. 48T REDWATER - Large 3 bdrm newly reno’d townhouse. N/P, N/S. Wood burning fireplace. 1 full + 2 1/2 baths. $1300/mth, $1300 DD + $250 for town utilities. Avail. now. Partially furnished. Phone 780-9424456. 47T THORHILD HOUSE for rent - Bungalow. 2 bdrms up, 1 bdrm suite in basement. Double garage. $975/mth + utilities. 20 min. to Redwater. No dogs. Adults preferred. 780-474-6197. 47T-48T 2 BDRM APT. for rent Heat & water incl., parking. $1000/mth, $1000 DD. 780-7148423 or 780-656-2206. 47F-48F 44F-47F MNFCTRD HOMES WE WILL BEAT any quote in Alberta on 16, 20, 22 & modular. Many models to choose from or customize your own. Best Buy Homes. 403-948-2455, 403-560-6317. A FANTASTIC VALUE for your family! 16’ X 76’ home includes white appliances, gas stove, separate entrance through mud room, large master bedroom with an oval soaker tub in the ensuite. United Homes Canada 1-800461-7632; www.unitedhomes MISCELLANEOUS HUNTING REQUEST are you a land owner who has an abundance of deer on your property and would allow two responsible adults to hunt during hunting season using either bow HAY FOR SALE or gun? If so, please contact Ron @ 780-984ALF/TIM/BR/CW MIX. 1788. Rounds, some rain, $50. 42T-50T Shedded small squares, RENTALS no rain, $5. Phone late evenings 780-942-4107. HOUSE FOR RENT in 44T-57T Morinville - 3 bdrms, 2 LARGE ROUND Barley & baths, 5 appl, living Oat Straw for sale. $7- room, fenced yard, 10/bale. 780-619-4427 or garage/shed. Available 780-574-5679. 48F immediately. $1580/mth 80 ROUND MIXED hay + utilities. Contact: mile bales. $35 ea. Newbrook s t o n e 1 9 6 8 @ h o t m a i l . com. area. 587-784-4637. 45T-50T 47F BON ACCORD - 3 bdrm SQUARE SHEDDED hay townhouse. $1200/mth + bales. No rain. $4.50 ea. utilities, $1200 DD. Call Phone 780-973-5846. 780-906-6323. 45T-48T 47F-48F
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