AM Charts BMO Harris Bank | BMO Nesbitt Burns | BMO Capital Markets A daily snapshot of economic trends and events US$: A Little Perspective Douglas Porter, CFA, Chief Economist • 419-359-4887 Suddenly, there has been a mountain of attention heaped on the rising U.S. dollar. Some have said that U.S. corporate profits are “imperiled” by the rise, while the FOMC minutes pointed to the growth-dampening effects of the currency. We believe some fears are wildly overdone on this front for a few reasons: • The U.S. economy is not overly reliant on trade to drive growth. In each of the past three years, net exports have moved overall GDP by 0.2 ppts or less. • The move in the US$ is moderate compared to past episodes. Both the level and the rate of change are far from unusual—and a fraction of what unfolded in 1981-85 and 1996-2002. • Large-cap multinational companies tend to be partly insulated from currency moves, either through natural hedges, or direct hedging activity. A publication of BMO Capital Markets Economic Research • Douglas Porter, CFA, Chief Economist • • 416-359-6372 October 10, 2014 AM Charts Page 2 Oil Slick: A Little Perspective Douglas Porter, CFA, Chief Economist • 419-359-4887 Among the many moving parts in global financial markets in recent weeks, the slide in oil may be the most noteworthy (and the most important for Canada). Of course, while the drop in US$ terms has been especially deep, what mostly matters for Canada (and government revenues) is what’s happening to oil in C$ terms. The steady drop in the loonie over the past two years has somewhat softened the blow for domestic producers. For example, Thursday’s prices translated into C$95.75 per barrel. That’s down about 15% from the $110-to-$115 range prevailing earlier this year. However, it’s still (slightly) above the five-year trend in prices. BMO Harris Bank | BMO Nesbitt Burns | BMO Capital Markets October 10, 2014 AM Charts Page 3 BMO Harris Bank | BMO Nesbitt Burns | BMO Capital Markets October 10, 2014 Provies: Life With $85 Oil Robert Kavcic, Senior Economist • 416-359-8329 Commodity-rich provinces are currently basing FY14/15 budget plans on oil prices in the US$97 (WTI) to US$105 (Brent) range. After a strong start to the year for prices, there’s now downside risk here if prices stay at or below recent levels for the remainder of the fiscal year. Longer-term plans (mostly in the $95 range) would also be at risk if these prices stick. Of course, there’s an offsetting positive from the weaker Canadian dollar, but on net, recent trends come out negative. For example, Alberta would be looking at a roughly $1.2 billion hit to oil royalties, based on published sensitivities (almost 3% of total revenues), offset by about $500 million thanks to the weaker dollar. Pound for pound, Saskatchewan would probably be hit somewhat less hard (even though their price assumption is higher), while Newfoundland & Labrador would have some serious thinking to do. — FY14/15 price assumptions — Newfoundland & Labrador (Brent @ $105) Saskatchewan (WTI @ $99.9) Alberta (WTI @ $96.7) BMO Harris Bank | BMO Nesbitt Burns | BMO Capital Markets Page 4 October 10, 2014 General Disclosure “BMO Capital Markets” is a trade name used by the BMO Investment Banking Group, which includes the wholesale arm of Bank of Montreal and its subsidiaries BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc., BMO Capital Markets Ltd. in the U.K. and BMO Capital Markets Corp. in the U.S. BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc., BMO Capital Markets Ltd. and BMO Capital Markets Corp are affiliates. Bank of Montreal or its subsidiaries (“BMO Financial Group”) has lending arrangements with, or provide other remunerated services to, many issuers covered by BMO Capital Markets. 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BMO Capital Markets is a trade name used by BMO Financial Group for the wholesale banking businesses of Bank of Montreal, BMO Harris Bank N.A, BMO Ireland Plc, and Bank of Montreal (China) Co. Ltd. and the institutional broker dealer businesses of BMO Capital Markets Corp. (Member SIPC), BMO Nesbitt Burns Securities Limited (Member SIPC) and BMO Capital Markets GKST Inc. (Member SIPC) in the U.S., BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. (Member Canadian Investor Protection Fund) in Canada, Europe and Asia, BMO Capital Markets Limited in Europe, Asia and Australia and BMO Advisors Private Limited in India. “Nesbitt Burns” is a registered trademark of BMO Nesbitt Burns Corporation Limited, used under license. “BMO Capital Markets” is a trademark of Bank of Montreal, used under license. “BMO (M-Bar roundel symbol)” is a registered trademark of Bank of Montreal, used under license. ® Registered trademark of Bank of Montreal in the United States, Canada and elsewhere. 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