Connection October 2014 Ebenezer/Tripolis Lutheran Parish PO BOX 356 Kandiyohi, MN 56251 CONNECTION NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #11 KANDIYOHI, MN 56251 Volume 3, Issue 8 October 1, 2014 Fellow Disciples, I want to step away from the Lutheran primer I’ve been sharing with you and instead focus on one of the themes of our Synod’s Fall Theological Conference. We had a number of speakers this year on several different topics, but the one that struck me most was the keynote by Dr. Marcia Bunge (Professor at Gustavus Adolphus College). She gave the conference some powerful insight into the church’s misuse of the diakonia (from which we derive the word “deacon”). The church has over-simplified the word to mean “acts of humble service.” But Dr. Bunge points out a more accurate understanding of diakonia would include the idea of agency. Diakonia does include acts of humble service, but those acts are done on behalf someone (in the church’s case, God). We love and serve our neighbor as God’s agents. Our identity as Christians leads us to diakonia. Change Service Requested Ebenezer & Tripolis Evangelical Lutheran Churches are congregations of the Southwestern Minnesota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. We believe and profess that we are God’s people, saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ who lived, died, and rose again for us. We have been sent into the world to share God’s love with others by means of our words and deeds. We invite you to join us as we come together regularly to celebrate this good news and then go forth to proclaim it to the world. Dr. Bunge used this understanding of diakonia as a launching point to talk about how the church must serve our children and youth. And, in particular, help them form their identities as Christians. The challenge the church faces, however, is declining influence in the lives of children and youth. Dr. Paul Hill, Director of Vibrant Faith Ministries, calls this the “Great Omission.” The church has de-emphasized faith formation at home. For decades now the church has placed too much emphasis on its own role (ad the role of church leaders) in ministry. Nowhere is this more evident, Paul and David pointed out, than in our Baptismal Rite. During that Rite we ask the parents to make a series of promises regarding all the ways that are to help form their child’s faith. The problem with that though, is that the church then proceeds to not equip those same parents for that great task and instead monopolizes faith formation as occurring primarily at church. Unfortunately, research is clear that faith formation does not happen mainly at chur ch. It happens at home and in our daily lives. Here is a sampling of the research Paul and David presented: Ebenezer Lutheran Church 610 Atlantic Ave. W PO BOX 356 Kandiyohi, MN 56251 (320) 382-6264 Pastor Jon Nelson Worship Service—9:30am Sunday School (Sept.—April) - 10:30am All Are Welcome! 1988-89, the SEARCH Institute asked this focus question in a study of Protestant congregations: “Who do 7-12 graders identify as the key faith formative influences in their lives?” Mother 74% female 81% male Father 50% female 61% male Pastor 44% female 57% male Grandparent 29% female 30% male Youth group 30% female 30% male Friends 29% female 22% male 1995, the Center for Youth Ministries asked 20 exemplary youth ministry leaders, “What are the critical factors in faith formation?” - Parents, Other Caring Adults, Peers, Service, Retreats, Story, Music 2003, Dartmouth Medical School Institute for American Values (a secular study!) asked, “What is the state of American youth and what do they need in order to be healthy?” - “American youth are in a deteriorating state of mental and behavioral health.” - “The adult/cultural reactions to this state is inadequate and contributing to the problem.” - “What’s causing this crisis in American childhood is a lack of connectedness…close connectedness to other people, and deep connections to moral and spiritual meaning.” - “We believe that building and strengthening authoritative communities is…our best strategy…authoritative communities are groups that live out the types of connectedness that our children increasingly lack.” 2005, Christian Smith and Melinda Lundquist Denton asked two questions, “What is the character and content of the spiritual lives of American teenagers? What shapes that character and content?” - “Parents are normally very important in shaping the religious and spiritual lives of their teenage children, even though they may not realize it.” p.56 - “The best general rule of thumb that parents might use to reckon their children’s most likely religious outcomes is this: ‘We’ll get what we are.’” p. 57 - “…a lot of research in the sociology of religion suggests that the most important social influence in shaping young people’s lives is the religious life modeled and taught to them by their parents.” Or, to sum all of this research up simply: faith is caught more than taught! Over the next few years, I hope to emphasize the important role of the home in faith formation in this parish; and not only for our families with children, but all of our homes. In Christ, Pastor Jon As servants of Christ, grounded in prayer, Ebenezer Lutheran Church seeks to joyfully witness and share the love of Jesus, who is our rock and foundation. Tripolis Lutheran Church 3249 County Road 8 SE PO BOX 356 Kandiyohi, MN 56251 (320) 382-6461 Pastor Jon Nelson Sunday School (Sept.—May) - 9:30am Worship Service—11:00am Summer Worship (June—August) - 8:00am All Are Welcome! EBENEZER & TRIPOLIS Tripolis-Ebenezer Lutheran Church Joint Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, September 9, 2014 7:00 p.m. Council Members Present: Mike Jacobson, Traci Smith, Ryan Fostervold, Andrew Lindquist, Craig Aurand, Mike Grahn, Jackie Nelson, Keith McClain, Sarah Gustafson, Allison Peterson, Tom Wodash, Lisa Hoffer, Nancy Bruggers, Orin Stene, Daryl Deisting, Krista Lindstrand, Wayne Zarnott, Brad Hawkinson TRIPOLIS EBENEZER Remember in Prayer Phebe Lutheran Mission in Liberia All Tripolis & Ebenezer Shut-Ins The family of Gwen Larson—passed away Laura Jeseritz—bed rest with baby due mid Oct. Eileen Bosch—recovery from broken arm Camron McClain—treatment for cancer Jo Abrahamson—Rice Therapy Suites—recovering from surgery Ruth Ann Norling—Knee replacement surgery/recovery Clarence Theesen—recovery from surgery at home Thelma Bengtson—Hospice Care LeRoy Turbes Charlotte Turbes The family of Larry Dorschner—passed away Worship Leaders Worship Leaders Members Absent in BOLD 1. Meeting called to order by Ebenezer Council President, Tom Wodash 2. Devotions-Pastor Jon a. Pastor Jon led the council in devotions. The theme was riddles and how the church family needs to have fun together. 3. Approval of minutes from August meeting. Motion was made, seconded, and approved. 4. Pastor’s Report: a. Pastor Jon will be attending a Fall Conference. b. There will be some changes for worship services. The Worship and Music committees have decided on high (featuring the organ) and low (featuring more contemporary music) services. Pastor Jon has been making changes to accommodate. c. Preparing for LYO and confirmation to start September 17th. 5. Old Business: a. Executive committees from both churches met and discussed the candidates for a new joint church secretary. The executive committee made a recommendation to extend the position to Janelle Hanson. After discussion, a motion was made and seconded, and approved to offer the position to Janelle Hanson. b. Family Promise –Nancy Bruggers has created a list of ways that people can volunteer for Family Promise and will put in the bulletin and see if there is response from the congregations. 6. New Business: a. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to pay both secretaries wages during the training period. b. Motion was made, seconded, and approved to have each church contribute $100 towards the purchase of a thank you gift for Megan Morrison’s service to the church. c. Pastor Jon will research options to switch contracts from Bennett to Marco for copying needs. Pastor Jon will line up a demo and research the change in cost. d. Pastor Jon will research options for a folding machine for the secretary to use to fold bulletins. 7. Adjourn: Motion was made to adjourn the joint council meeting, seconded, and carried. October 5 —Lisa Ziehl/Pastor Jon October 12—Brad Saeger/Megan Morrison October 19—Emilie Ziebarth/Pastor Jon October 26—Bob Schueler/Cathy Schueler October 5 —Matt Wattnem October 12—Marilyn Zarnott October 19—Lisa Hoffer October 26—Maddy Oswood VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Acolytes October 5-Erin Vruwink October 12-Dylan Saue October 19-Addy DeKraai October 26- Kyle Bosch Tripolis & Ebenezer are looking for more volunteers to serve as cantors, lectors, & assisting ministers. If you are willing to serve in this way, please contact Pastor Jon, Paula Grahn, or Carol Benson. Acolyte October—Bethany Oswood October Council Members on Duty: Craig Aurand & Traci Smith Ushers: Pam DeKraai & Ginger Gilbertson Worship/Music: Megan Morrison Altar: Bernice McClain & Brenda Reynolds Evangelism & Social Ministry: Jackie Nelson November Council Members on Duty: Mike Grahn & Ryan Fostervold Ushers: Russ & Sue Klint Worship/Music: Cathy Schueler Altar: Amy Molash & Lisa Ziehl Evangelism & Social Ministry: Ginger Gilbertson October Council Member on Duty: Orin Stene Greeters: Dennis & Dawn Fries Ushers: Jon Lindstrand & Matt Wattnem Altar: Linda Cuchna & Barb Swenson Flowers: Dawn Fries November Council Member on Duty: Lisa Hoffer Greeters: Bill & Marvis Hallberg Ushers: Delton Peterson & Paul Oswood Altar: Deb Wodash & Lorraine Eickhoff Flowers: Marilyn Zarnott OFFICE HOURS NEXT CONNECTION deadline is Monday, October 20 For the November Edition FRIDAYS 8:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. This is a change from Megan’s hours. However, these are flexible hours. If you need to meet with Janelle, please contact her ahead of time to make sure she will be in the office. EBENEZER & TRIPOLIS GREEN LAKE MINISTRIES NEWS The Scrapbook Buzz & Craft Retreat is coming soon at Green Lake Bible Camp November 20-23. Quilting, beading, stamping, scrapbooking, needlework; whatever your craft may be, pack your supplies & join in a fun weekend. Two & three night options are available. Go to for more information or to register. MUSIC FOR MISSION: SOUTH AFRICAN STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS REMEMBER OUR SHUT-INS Sunday, Nov. 2nd at 4:30pm - 6:00pm Bethel Lutheran Church in Willmar, MN Cost: Free will offering Ebenezer Maxine Potter Kenny Oveson Charlotte Turbes Ruth Hoffman Thelma Bengtson Lakeland conference ELCA churches to gather, enjoy music from different congregations to raise funds to support Empangeni Circuit youth to apply for registration and scholarships at South African technical colleges and universities. All ages are welcome to attend, enjoy and celebrate our musical talents! For more information, visit with Audrey Thompson. COMMUNITY MEAL Volunteers Needed second shift 5:15pm-7:30pm Community Meal Hosted by Tripolis and Ebenezer Sunday, October 19 Served at Calvary Lutheran Church, Willmar Contact Jackie Nelson 320.894.5655 LYO COFFEE FUNDRAISER LYO is selling Fair Trade Coffee as a fundraiser for their upcoming events. The coffee is available in displays in the entrance area of both churches. Prices range from $8.00-$8.50 for 10oz.12oz. packages, depending on type. Tripolis Karen Larson Ila Peterson Mark Your Calendars—EBENEZER OCTOBER EVENTS Wednesday, Oct. 1: Confirmation 6:30 pm at Tripolis & LYO at 7:30 pm Sunday, Oct. 5: Mission Sunday Coffee Hour 10:30 am Wednesday, Oct. 8: Confirmation 6:30 pm at Tripolis Thursday, Oct. 9: Anna Circle 9:15 am Saturday, Oct. 11: Miriam Circle @ Deidra’s 9:00 am Saturday, Oct. 11: LYO Hayride & Bonfire 4 pm at Tripolis Sunday, Oct. 12: Mamie Holm’s 100th Birthday 2 – 4 pm at Ebenezer Monday, Oct. 13: Harvest Festival Decorating 6:00 pm Tuesday, Oct. 14: Church Council Meeting 7:00 pm at Tripolis Wednesday, Oct. 15: Confirmation 6:30 pm at Tripolis & LYO at 7:30 pm Sunday, Oct. 19: Harvest Festival Pie and Coffee 10:30 am Sunday, Oct. 19: Ebenezer/Tripolis Host Community Meal at Calvary Tuesday, Oct. 21: Mary Circle 7:00 pm Wednesday, Oct. 22: Confirmation 6:30 pm at Tripolis Thursday, Oct. 23: Do-Be Doers 9:00 am and Potluck at 12:00 pm Friday, Oct. 31: Deisting Wedding Rehearsal Saturday, Nov. 1: Deisting/McLaughlin Wedding EBENEZER OCTOBER WORSHIP SCHEDULE Choir Practice 8:30 am Sunday Worship at 9:30 am Sunday School at 10:30 am All Are Invited To Celebrate the 100th Birthday of Mamie Holm Sunday, Oct.12 2 pm-4 pm Ebenezer Fellowship Hall TRIPOLIS OCTOBER WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sunday School at 9:30 am Sunday Worship at 11:00 am Mark Your Calendars—TRIPOLIS OCTOBER EVENTS Wednesday, Oct. 1: Confirmation 6:30 pm & LYO 7:30 pm at Tripolis Wednesday, Oct. 1: Choir Practice 7:30 pm Thursday, Oct. 2: Rachel Bible Study 7:30 pm Tuesday, Oct. 7: Lydia Bible Study 1:00 pm Tuesday, Oct. 7: Young Men’s Bible Study 7:00 pm Wednesday, Oct. 8: Confirmation 6:30 pm Wednesday, Oct. 8: Choir Practice 7:30 pm Thursday, Oct. 9: Annual Fall Supper 4 pm—7:30 pm Saturday, Oct. 11: LYO Ditch Cleanup, Hayride and Bonfire at Tripolis 4:00 – 9:00 pm Tuesday, Oct. 14: Church Council Meeting at Tripolis 7:00 pm Wednesday, Oct. 15: Confirmation 6:30 pm & LYO 7:30 pm at Tripolis Saturday, Oct. 18: Family Fun Night at Keith & Cathy McClain’s 5:30 pm Sunday, Oct. 19: Ebenezer/Tripolis Host Community Meal at Calvary Wednesday, Oct. 22: Confirmation 6:30 pm at Tripolis Wednesday, Oct. 22: Choir Practice 7:30 pm Thursday, Oct. 23: Deborah Bible Study 7:00 pm Tuesday, Oct. 28: Quilting Group 9:00 am & Trip. Oct. Anniversaries Potluck Dinner 12:00 pm 1 Dean & Marlys Alinder Tuesday, Oct. 28: WELCA Meeting 1:00 pm 3 David & Gayle McClain Wednesday, Oct. 29: Choir Practice 7:30 pm 4 Craig & Ruth Aurand 4 John & Lindsay Theget 4 David & Marlene Isaacson 6 Travis & Thea Dickerson Eb. Oct. Anniversaries 8 Paul & Nancy Freed 12 Mark & Kayla Lindstrand 15 Duaine & Pat Bosch 20 Terry & Audrey Thompson 17 Dale & Joyce Helmke 25 Daryl & Karen Deisting 20 Mike & Nadene Schliep 20 John & Michelle Beeman 21 Robert & Tamara DeKraai 1 1 2 3 4 4 6 6 8 9 9 10 10 10 16 18 20 21 25 26 27 28 31 31 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 8 10 12 12 12 13 13 14 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 21 21 23 24 24 26 26 28 28 30 Eb. Oct. B-days Gary Carlson Jerome Hoffer Kristy Carity Chuck Lindstrand Joshua Lanners Ian McGillivray Dan Hallberg Nancy Kaehler David Nelson Joel Backlund Timothy Redepenning Mamie Holm Morgan Kroes Orin Stene Terry Thompson Dallas Kashmark Jennifer Knudson Helen Lundberg Abby Rae Stark Pam Stern Knolan Wattnem Mona Latterell Gigi Brouillette Marilyn Zarnot Trip. Oct. B-days Nadene Schliep Brookelyn Johanneck Adaline DeKraai Brenda Reynolds Amber Schueler Thea Dickerson Bob Schueler Mary Dahline David Nelson Robert Saue Tracy Helmke John Theget Aaron Howard Katie Steinhaus Coleman Davis Marcia Ziegler Leon Visser Sandra Stierler Jeffrey Stegeman Aaron Knutson Frank Ziebarth Dean Alinder Art Griffin Rick Dahline Holli Serwe Pam DeKraai Tami Ruf Serena Knutson Andrew Bosch Penny Dahlberg Kelly Gruis Wanda Knoll Shirley Knoll EBENEZER HARVEST FESTIVAL PIANIST/ORGANIST NEEDED Harvest Festival will be held on Sunday, October 19, with coffee and pie served following the worship service. Family names beginning with J - Z are asked to bring a pie. Miriam Circle will be serving. The Harvest Festival special offering is designated for our "Building and Improvement Fund". Ebenezer is looking for a part-time pianist/organist for Sunday morning worship. Please see Pastor Jon for more information. Council Meeting Minutes Ebenezer Lutheran Church September 9, 2014 Members Present: Tom Wodash, Nancy Bruggers, Krista Lindstrand, Allison Peterson, Wayne Zarnott, Brad Hawkinson, Lisa Hoffer, Orin Stene, Daryl Deisting Members Absent: In Bold Meeting called to order by President Tom Wodash. 1. Secretary’s Minutes: Motion made (Allison), seconded (Orin), and carried to approve as printed. 2. Treasurer’s Report: Motion made (Lisa), seconded (Nancy), and carried to approve as printed. 3. Old Business a. Street assessments were passed at the City Council meeting. No date yet when they will take place. No bill has been received by the church. b. Nancy has made a list of ways that people can volunteer to put in the bulletin. Will see what response we get from the congregation. c. New cord was purchased for the microphone. 4. New Business a. Ebenezer Annual Pork Loin dinner will be Wednesday, September 10th. 5. Committee Reports CR2: Music and Worship (Nancy) a. The committee has decided on offering alternative services. High Sundays will feature the organ and traditional music. Low Sundays will feature more contemporary music and less Liturgy. CR3: Children and Youth (Krista, Lisa) a. Sunday School Rally Sunday is September 14th. Pastor Jon will be blessing the Sunday school teachers during the service that day. b. LYO and Confirmation begins on September 17th. CR4: Outreach & Service (Allison, Wayne, Tom) a. Noisy offering will begin in October to raise money for the Salvation Army toy drive. Money will be collected during church on all Sundays in October. Sunday school kids will go shopping for toys in November. CR5: Property (Brad, Orin, Daryl) a. Screen in nursery room has been fixed. The shade was also replaced. b. Floors in the basement were waxed. Motion made, seconded, and approved to adjourn the meeting. We prayed the Lord’s Prayer together. Respectfully submitted: Krista Lindstrand Secretary, Ebenezer Church Council EBENEZER Shouts of Thanks! Thank you to Doug Gratz for manicuring the lawn for the church supper! It looked great! MISSION COFFEE SUNDAYS Our monthly Mission Coffee Hour will be held on Sunday, October 5, following worship. A big thank you to Deb Wodash and Nancy Bruggers for serving. Money raised at these monthly coffee hours will continue our Women's Mission Outreach by supporting our companions in South Africa to assist school children with school uniforms and scholarships as well as support the Community Meals program at Calvary Lutheran Church. If you would like to help serve coffee for this Mission Outreach, there is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex. Your willingness to serve is very much appreciated. CHOIR Ebenezer Choir will resume practices Sunday, October 5th, at 8:30am 'round the piano in the Fellowship Hall. Looking forward to making music together again. If you enjoy singing, come, join us! If you have song suggestions, bring them (or let Carol B. know ahead of time) ... 'O, sing to the Lord!' A great big shout of THANKS to everyone who helped with our 9TH ANNUAL PORK SUPPER! It was a great success and we served 418 people. We couldn’t have done that without such a wonderful church family! GOD IS GOOD! DO-BE DOERS Do-Be Doers will gather in the Fellowship Hall October 23rd at 9am. There will be quilts to tie - evidently 'someone' has been busy this summer making quilt tops. If you have other projects you are interested in 'doing', bring them; or if you just want to relax and 'be' with us, you are most welcome. Potluck noon lunch will be shared. “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing. “ James 1:22, 25 FLOWER COMMITTEE The Flower Committee will be decorating for Harvest Festival on Monday, October 13, at 6 p.m. If anyone has pumpkins, etc. to share for decorating at church, please bring them to the church. If you have any questions, please contact Marilyn Zarnott. EBENEZER WOMEN’S CIRCLES Anna Circle Thursday, Oct. 9 at 9:15am Location: Barb Swenson’s Home Leader: Ladonna Hallberg-Sook Miriam Circle Saturday, Oct. 11 at 9:00am Server: Jan Stene Leader: Donna Kashmark Mary Circle Tuesday, Oct. 21 at 7:00pm Server: Mona Latterell Leader: Marilyn Zarnott TRIPOLIS CHOIR FAMILY FUN NIGHT Tripolis choir will practice at 7:30pm on these Wednesdays: There will be a family fun night at Keith & Cathy McClain's home on Saturday, October Oct 1 18th at 5:30pm. All are welcome. There will be Oct 8 pumpkin decorating and carving along with a Oct 22 potluck supper starting at 6pm and a Oct 29 bonfire. Please bring a chair and a dish to share. Questions contact Cathy at 212-9295. We will sing for worship on Oct 12th. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Brent & Katie Steinhaus on the birth of their daughter Harper Joy on Saturday, Sept. 13. Everyone is healthy and doing well. Harper is the granddaughter of Brad & Rita Jacobson. News & Notes Women of the ELCA By Karol Markfelder Traditions of sharing and generous giving by Women of the ELCA continued at the Triennial Gathering last July in Charlotte. At the opening worship, $38,978 was collected during that thankoffering service which was designated to go to the churchwide organization to support the entire ministry of the WELCA. At the closing worship, $41,649 was received. This offering will be shared between Katie’s Fund (25%), scholarships (25%) and the ELCA International Leaders Initiative (50%). In-kind gifts to support local organizations striving to meet the needs of families experiencing poverty were also received. Women contributed $14,787 in gift cards, 15,877 minutes in phone cards, 6,635 toilette items, 3717 pair of socks, 118 quilt kits, ll6 quilts and 1,508 prayer shawls. Women were also busy making quilts to be sent overseas at the quilt cottage. The next (10th) Triennial Convention and Gathering will be in Minneapolis, MN. The dates are July 11-15, 2017, at the Minneapolis Convention Center. I learned that we live in the heart of Lutheran country here in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa. With that in mind, we should be able to double the attendance at the next triennial gathering. It will be an experience you will never forget. I know I will be planning to attend in 2017 and hope more of you will consider going. Our next WELCA meeting will be on Tuesday, Oct. 28, at 1:00 p.m. The Quilters will be quilting starting at 9 a.m. and then have a potluck dinner at noon. All women are welcome to come and quilt and/or join us for the meeting at 1 pm. TRIPOLIS Tripolis Lutheran Church Council Minutes – Tuesday, September 9th, 2014 Council Members present: Ryan Fostervold, Mike Grahn, Sarah Gustafson, Mike Jacobson, Andrew Lindquist, Keith McClain, Craig Aurand 1. Meeting called to order by Council President, Mike Jacobson 2. August Secretary’s Report approved: motion: Craig second:Ryan 3. Treasurer’s Report: a. Profit and Loss statement provided to council b. Expenditures provided to Council 4. Committee Reports: a. Christian Education i. Sunday School starting Sunday, September 14th, 2014 b. Worship and Music: i. High and Low Sunday will be implemented ii. Would like to look into a projection screen and projector installed in the sanctuary iii. Summer church service was discussed briefly and will be talked about again next Spring c. Evangelism and Social Ministry: no report d. Youth: i. Camron McClain Benefit Saturday, September 13th, 2014 e. Property: i. Met with Electrician. Having lights repaired/replaced on exterior ii. Steeple should be repaired/maintained - currently rusty and needing to be sanded & painted iii. Lights need to be replaced in the sign iv. Plants have been replaced that had died around sign v. Mike sprayed the weeds in the parking lot f. Memorial: No new Business 5. Old Business: none 6. New Business: none 7. Adjourn: motion: Keith second: Ryan Closing with The Lord’s Prayer
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