Australia Day Monday 26 January 2015 If not claimed return to PO Box 802 Kyneton Victoria 3444 FEDERATION VEHICLE DISPLAY RACV PICNIC Affix stamp here RACV, the Australia Day Committee (Victoria) and the Federation of Veteran, Vintage and Classic Vehicle Clubs, invite you to participate in this exciting Australia Day event. CONDITIONS OF ENTRY 1. Entries close on 30 November 2014 and are conditional on availability of parking space 2. Entries received after 30 November 2014 will be returned 3. Vehicles manufactured more than 25 years ago are eligible for entry 4. Only one vehicle can be entered per entry form 5. Officials’ directions must be observed at all times 6. A commemorative badge is issued at the event 7. To participate in this event, you must fully complete the official entry form and send it and the entry fee of $20 per vehicle to PO Box 802 Kyneton Victoria 3444. Cheques to be payable to Federation of Veteran, Vintage & Classic Vehicle Clubs. Credit card entries may alternatively be faxed to 5422 3570 or e-mailed to 8. Event details will be posted to entrants in mid January 2015 9. Extra forms are available from your Federation Club or may be downloaded from COMMERCIAL AND MILITARY VEHICLE ENTRANTS, PLEASE COMPLETE HEIGHTLENGTH WIDTH Are you bringing a trailer as part of your display? Trailers at discretion of organisers (please tick if YES) As an entrant in the 2015 Federation Vehicle Display, I certify that the vehicle listed in this entry form will be covered by compulsory Third Party Insurance, I and my passengers hereby release RACV, the Federation of Veteran, Vintage and Classic Vehicle Clubs, the Australia Day Committee (Victoria), the Event Directors and Organising Committee and associated organisers, their representatives or agents from any and all liability for any loss, damage or injury however caused to me or any of my passengers or my vehicle. I am the legal owner/custodian of the above vehicle. I agree to observe all conditions of entry to the 2015 Federation Vehicle Display. SIGNED DATE Enclosed is my completed entry form and payment for the sum of $20. No responsibility will be accepted for cash sent through the mail. Return the completed form and entry fee to Federation of Veteran, Vintage and Classic Vehicle Clubs to PO Box 802, Kyneton, Victoria 3444. FEDERATION VEHICLE DISPLAY RACV PICNIC Celebrating Motoring History RACV RACV is an organisation with more than two million members in Victoria and a history stretching back almost 110 years. Our aim is to deliver valued benefits to our members by informing and advising, representing members’ interests, providing assistance when in need and delivering great family experiences through our club and resort facilities in Victoria and Queensland. RACV offers a diverse range of products and services including emergency roadside assistance, insurance, travel and tourism, home services, personal loans and investment products. It supports community groups through community partnerships and the RACV Community Foundation to deliver programs which benefit our members and their communities. RACV is a credible voice for Victorian motorists, representing them on a wide range of issues including petrol pricing, road safety and road funding. The Federation of Veteran, Vintage and Classic Vehicle Clubs The main aims of the Federation of Veteran, Vintage and Classic Vehicle Clubs (The Federation) are to foster and promote adequate assistance for the preservation and restoration of veteran, vintage and classic vehicles, including motor cycles; to encourage membership of The Federation by clubs eligible under the constitution; to provide assistance for the study of problems related to the veteran, vintage and classic vehicle movement throughout Victoria, Australia and the world; and to co-operate, affiliate and associate with any organisation having similar objectives to those of The Federation. Any enquiries, please contact Secretary John Kennett on 0419 599 066. Mission Statement To ignite a sense of national pride in Australia’s unique heritage, achievements and future endeavours. The Federation Vehicle Display is part of the Australia Day celebrations in the city and is one of the largest planned assemblies of vehicles ever staged in Melbourne. The event features more than 450 veteran, vintage and classic vehicles built more than 25 years ago. It brings together more than 100 motoring organisations, clubs, societies and foundations. The Federation Vehicle Display Join us as we travel through Australia’s motoring history on Australia Day, Monday 26 January 2015. Vehicles will assemble in Birdwood Avenue and Dallas Brooks Drive as instructed by marshals. Entry stickers and other information will be distributed, before proceeding to the display area along Kings Domain. In order to enhance the atmosphere, it is desirable that participants dress in clothing to match the period and style of their vehicle. As parking space is limited, ONLY vehicles that are actually entered on the official entry form and received by organisers by 30 November 2014 will be accepted. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED ON THE DAY. Entry is conditional on availability of parking space. Full details of the event will be posted to all entrants in mid January 2015. To gain entry into Kings Domain, all entrants will be required to display the official windscreen sticker of the 2015 Federation Vehicle Display. Vehicle substitution is permitted on the following conditions: the vehicle must be more than 25 years old; the proposed substitution must be advised to the Entry Directors, John and Margaret Davis on 03 5422 3570 / 0418 998 520 or email Entry Form 2015 AN ENTRY FEE OF $20 PER VEHICLE APPLIES. I enclose my cheque made payable to Federation of Veteran, Vintage and Classic Vehicle Clubs or please debit my ENTRANT’S NAME Visa ADDRESS POSTCODE CREDIT CARD NUMBER _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ TELEPHONE EXPIRY DATE I AM A MEMBER OF CREDIT CARD NAME CLUB YEAR MAKE MODEL REGISTRATION NO./CLUB PERMIT NO. Mastercard SIGNED DATE All vehicles will travel direct to Dallas Brooks Drive and Birdwood Avenue. Each entrant will be allocated a starting time which must be strictly adhered to. Note: The organisers reserve the right to change starting points if the need arises. Changes will be notified. Please complete details on reverse.
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