Brain Structure/Function Review Physiology 2 Name: Use pages 224-233 to answer the following questions. Per: 1. The largest part of the human brain is the (paired) are the . The other major subdivisions of the brain , , and the in the brain are called . The cavities found and they are filled with . 2. Circle the terms indicating the structures that are not part of the brain stem. Cerebral hemispheres Midbrain Medulla Pons Cerebellum Diencephalon 3. A is an elevated ridge of cerebral cortex tissue. The convolutions seen in the cerebrum are important because they increase matter is composed of . Gray matter is composed of . White , which provide for communication between different parts of the brain as well as with lower CNS centers. 4. Figure 1 is a diagram of the right lateral view of the human brain. First, match the letters on the diagram with the following list of terms and insert the appropriate letters in the answer blanks. Then, select different colors for each of the areas of the brain with a color-coding square and use them to color in the coding squares and corresponding structures in the diagram. If an identified area is part of a lobe, use the color you selected for the lobe but use strips for that area. ____ 1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. £ Frontal Lobe £ Parietal Lobe £ Temporal Lobe £ Precentral gyrus ____ 5. ____ 6. ____ 7. ____ 8. Pareito-occipital sulcus £ Postcentral gyrus Lateral sulcus Central sulcus Figure 1 ____ 9. ____ 10. ____ 11. ____ 12. £ Cerebellum £ Medulla £ Occipital Lobe £ Pons 5. Figure 2 is a diagram of the sagittal view of the human brain. First, match the letters on the diagram with the following list of terms and insert the appropriate letter in each blank. Then, color the brain-stem areas blue and areas where cerebrospinal fluid is found yellow. ____ 1. Cerebellum ____ 5. Hypothalmus ____ 9. Pituitary gland ____ 2. Cerebral aqueduct ____ 6. Medulla oblongata ____ 10. Pons ____ 3. Choroid plexus ____ 7. Optic chiasma ____ 11. Thalmus ____ 4. Corpus callosum ____ 8. Pineal body Figure 2 6. Referring to the brain areas listed above, match the appropriate brain structure with the following descriptions. ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ Site of regulation of water balance and body temperature. Contains reflex centers involved in regulating respiratory rhythm in conjunction with lower brain-stem centers. Forms the cerebrospinal fluid. Important relay station for afferent fibers traveling to the sensory cortex for interpretation. Connects the third and fourth ventricles. ________________ Large fiber tract connecting the cerebral hemispheres. ________________ Contains autonomic centers, which regulate blood pressure and respiratory rhythm, as well as coughing and sneezing centers. ________________ Responsible for regulation of posture and coordination of skeletal muscle movements. ________________ Secretes melatonin and is involved with the sleep-wake cycle and some aspects of mood. ________________ Secretes nine major hormones. 7. Mark true or false for each of the following statements. If the statement is false, correct the underlined term by inserting the correct term in the answer blank. The primary sensory area of the cerebral hemisphere(s) is found in the precentral gyrus. Cortical areas involved in audition are found in the occipital lobe. The primary motor area in the temporal lobe is involved in the initiation of voluntary movements. A specialized motor speech area located at the base of the precentral gyrus is called Wernicke’s area. The right cerebral hemisphere receives sensory input from the right side of the body. Damage to the thalamus impairs consciousness and the awake/sleep cycles
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