Sonny Owens (256) 762-1846 (Home) Charles Kretzer (256) 757-3521 Charles Beavers (256) 229-5200 (Home) Youth Minister: Eddie Matthews (256) 366-5741 Ministers Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAI D Florence, AL 35630 Permit No. 556 Deacons Bill Broadfoot -Tim Elam - Eric Faires - William Huggins - Gary Muns MORNING WORSHIP ASSEMBLY Welcome Song Leader The Lord's Supper Price Lansdell Rinsa McCord Bible Reading Opening Prayer Sermon Closing Prayer Steve Daniel Eddie Matthews Eric Faires Roy Dowdy Seth Bullock Tim Elam John Clark Sonny Owens Bill Broadfoot Welcome Song Leader Bible Reading Opening Prayer Sermon Closing Prayer Communion Operate A/V Equipment Food Committee Nursery Steve Daniel Eddie Matthews Andrew McGee John Clark Sonny Owens Will Daniel Eric Faires Tyler Huggins Kacy Johnston Louise Rogers John & June Clark Howard Hyde Greeters should be here by 8:45 on Sun AM & 4:45 on Sun PM Return Service Requested Eastwood Bulletin FROM THE SONNY SIDE Keeping the most important the most important EVENING WORSHIP ASSEMBLY Greeters EASTWOOD CHURCH OF CHRIST 102 North Leland Drive Florence, AL. 35630 Elders Charles Beavers (256) 229-5200 — Steve Daniel (256) 757-9159 David Fenn (256) 757-6236 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2014 Josh & Andrew Elam Gary Muns (256-366-2055) Please call the office if you cannot serve. Office Phone: 256-766-4514 Visitors’ Cards Deacon in charge: On Sunday morning, Steve Daniel laid out for us where we are financially. It is not a good picture. Without question, we have hit hard times financially. There are many reasons: failed economy, job losses, death, homebound members and there is that age old problem of not giving. Two causes for not giving: 1.) A lack of understanding on what the Bible says about giving. Sometimes this lack of understanding comes from not studying scripture. Sometimes it comes from a lack of teaching at the local church level. 2.) Not keeping the most important the most important. When this happens, we fill our lives with wants and wishes and do not fill the collection baskets. Of course, there are things we must do in family life and work life, but to give to the Lord as we prosper, and to plan our giving, is what we are called to do as Christians. With work schedules and time we have to travel and be gone, it is imperative that we make up when we are not at Eastwood. Our budget is made on all of us giving, each week, to the Lord. When over a third of the congregation is out most Sundays, it is a must for our budget’s sake, that we make it up or give in advance. As Steve said, “There will be changes made.” Let’s all, you and me too, honor these changes and do better. Paul wrote to the Colossians in 3:17, “And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” May God bless Eastwood Church of Christ, and may we bless God in our giving. TIME OF SERVICES SUNDAY Bible Study - 9:00 a.m. Worship - 10:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY 7:00 P.M ATTENDANCE SUNDAY 10/05/14 … 90 Bible Classes: 9:00 a.m. Worship: 10:00 a. m. … 137 5:00 p. m. … 96 Wed. 10/01/14 … 95 Contribution: Weekly Budget: $3,674.00 $3,700.00 PRAYING FOR FAMILY SERVING IN MILITARY Colin Hauer, son-in-law of Charlene Barnett McDaniel, stationed in Ft. Lewis, WA; Matthew Dale Cox, brother of Joan Muns, Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan; Gry. Sgt. Clint McNatt, grandson of Jean McNatt; Daniel Ochoa, son of Nancy Ochoa, Beale AFB, Sacramento, CA. THOSE TO SERVE Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Song Leader: Bible Reading: Opening Prayer: Invitation: Announcements: Closing Prayer: Eddie Matthews Gunnar Sherrill Andrew McGee Will Daniel Charles Beavers Tim Elam CARE GROUP MEETING Care Group #1 will meet in the Activity Center Sunday, October 12, following our 5:00 PM service for a meal & meeting. Please bring finger foods, drinks and desserts. We encourage everyone to attend. SHOALS AREA YOUTH SERIES Sunday, October 12 at Killen Church of Christ 6:00 p.m. LADIES ENGLISH TEA PARTY Saturday, Oct. 18, noon—2 p.m. in our Activity Center. Wear your hats, gloves and dress up. Any questions, see Ruth Broadfoot or Pat Thompson. THANKSGIVING MEAL GIVE-AWAY Lists in the foyer, or donate $. Start bringing donations now, deadline Nov. 16, Give-Away Day is November 22. NEW LOOK Thank you, Brenda Kilpatrick and Mary Harper, for doing such a wonderful job with redecorating our foyer and auditorium. We also thank you ladies who have donated items and monetary gifts. Anyone else wishing to contribute to this project should contact Brenda or Mary. PHILIPPINES AID Our ladies class is collecting needed items for a help box to send to the Philippines. Please pick up a list of the needed items in the foyer and bring and place in the box in the foyer. OUR SICK HOSPITAL: George David Thompson (brother of Cliff Thompson), Keller, Room 349; Nathan Wright, ECM, Room 552. Why Study The Bible? 1. To be approved of God - 2 Tim. 2:15 2. To establish and increase our faith - Rom. 10:17; John 20:30-31 3. To receive food for the soul - 1 Pet. 2:1-2; Heb. 5:12-14 4. To obtain freedom from guilt - John 8:31-32; 1 OTHER FACILITIES: Larry “Butch” Gifford, Florence Nursing & Rehab, Room 212; Della Watkins, Lauderdale Christian Nursing Home, Room 30; Calvin Stevenson, Glenwood Nursing Home, Room 323; Lois Tate, River City Rehabilitation Center, Decatur; Winona Spires, Wellington Place of Muscle Shoals (assisted living ~ Room # 203B); Esther Presley (sister of Linda Kelsoe), Mitchell Hollingsworth; Carolyn Joiner (friend of Carolyn Dowdy), Glenwood Rehab, Florence, room 110; Leonard Morris, Glenwood Rehab, room 200; Harty Hacker, Lauderdale Christian Nursing Home, Room #32. RECENTLY DISMISSED FROM HOSPITAL: Lucille Collins—to M/H Rehab; David Dowdy (son of Roy Dowdy). OTHERS SICK AT HOME: Eloise Davis; Leonard & Lois Cole; Doyle Dougless (brother-in-law of Eric & Connie Fenn) ~ cancer; Marty Segler, (friend of Lucille Collins), cancer; Pam Townsend, (daughter of Fred & Carolyn Dowdy); Dorothy Srygley; Curtis Magouirk; Donnie Prestage (brother of Mike Prestage); Geneva Brewer (home of David & Cathy Fenn & is attending services some); Colleen Morris; Tommy Russell. Remember these & others in prayer. NOTE: Please report any changes in this list to Charles Kretzer @ • 256-766-4514 (church) • 256-757-3521 (home) • 256-710-8893 (cell) Pet. 1:22 5. To see God's view of ourselves - James 1:21-25 6. To arm ourselves for hardships - Rom.15:4; Isa.40:28-31 7. To be able to comfort and edify others - Col. 4:6; 1 Thess. 5:14 8. To view all of God's good works - 2 Tim. 3:16-17; 2 Pet. 1:3 9. To be capable workmen - 2 Tim. 2:15; 1 Pet. 3:15 10. To safeguard against error - Acts 17:11; 1 John 4:1 11. To discern between good and evil - Heb. 5:14 12. To be wise - Psalm 19:7 13. To be able to teach others - 1 Pet. 3:15; 2 Tim. 2:2 14. To obtain light and understanding - Psalm 119:130 15. To be purified and sanctified - John 15:3; 17:17; Psalm 19:7 16. To more fully obey God - Rom. 12:2 17. To be strengthened and encouraged - Acts 20:32; Rom. 15:4 18. To be saved eternally - 2 Tim. 3:15; James 1:21 19. To know the standard – John 12:48; Rev. 20:12 Copied MAILED BULLETIN ENDING Beginning with the October 26 bulletin, we will no longer be sending the bulletin by mail. The bulletin will be handed out at the Sunday services at Eastwood. It will also be posted to the Eastwood website at: We can also email the bulletin to you if that is how you prefer to receive it. We will be emailing it to the email addresses of members which we currently have on file. If you are not a current member at Eastwood and would like to receive the bulletin via email, please send email message to:
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