In the Gujarat Value Added Tax Tribunal at Ahmedabad Hon'ble Mr. Justice K.A.Puj (Retd.), .president IVIr. Y.P.Bhatt, Member Mr. N.A.Achuryu, Member SECOND APPEAL NO. 347 OF 2013 M/S STAR INDUSTRIES ...Appellant v/s The State of Gujarat .. ..Respondent Shd Apurva Mehta , the learned advocate for the appellant Shri R.S.Parmar, the learned govt. representative for the respondent Date:j2.09.2014 JT]DGEMENT Per: Hon'ble Mr.Justice K.A.Puj (Retd.). president The appellant has filed this appeal against. the order passed by the learned Deputy Commissioner of Commercial Tax, Appeal-7, Rajkot on I4/3/I3, whereby the appeal filed' before him came to be partly allowed and the appellant was granted refund of Rs.1,83,788/-. The appellant was however not granted any interest on this refund. The appellant hps, therefore, challenged the said order before this Tribunal requesting this Tribunal to hold that the appellant is eligible to interest on refund u/s 54(lXaa) and Sec. 54(IXb) of the Act. The appellant has also prayed for deletion of penalty levied by the as'sessing officer and/orretained by the learned D.gty commissioner u/s 45(zXc) of the Act. 2. It is the case of the appellant that the appellant is a partnership firm working in the name and style of "Star Industries" having its principal place of business at Rajkot and branch at Pune. The appellant is engaged in manufacture and trading of bearings, rollers, etc. The appellant was duly registered as appropriate point of time under the Gujarat Sales Tax accounts Act, a dealer at the 1969. The books for the yeat 2005'06 were duly closed, adjusted and audited. of The premises of the appellant were surprisingly visited/searched by the officials of the Commercial Tax Department on 816/07. No discrepancy in the books of accounts or stock difference was observed. No unaccounted transactions, loose notes or any other incriminating materials were found. No seizure was effected. However, it was found that the appellant had effected certain branch transfers, which, had been duly recorded. However, purchase tax u/s 15B of the Act on raw or processing materials or consumable stores used in manufacfure of the goods so transferred was not paid. Purchase tax.u/s 15B is also allowed as a set off under Rule 42 of the G.rj arat Sales Tax Rules, IgTl,provided the manufactured goods are sold within the state or in the course of inter state trade or in the course of exports. Therefore, as such, a dealer would not pay any tax u/s 158, however, this is not so in the case of branch transfers. The appellant being under a bonafide belief that he was not liable to pay any purchase tax because of above position of law and having effected branch transfers for the first time during F.Y. 2005-06, !s had, not paid the 3 same. As soon as the aforesaid default was explained and brought to the notice of the appellant by search parties, he'immediately agreed to pay the tax on the same along with interest. It is also the case of the appellant thatthe notice was issued on the appellant proposing to frame provisional assessment u/s 41B of the Act. Accordingly, the provisionu, assessment was framed on the appellant on 2311112007 assessing the appellant to purchase tax u/s 15B and interest thereon was also charged. The appellant did not agitate the said issue in the course of assessment nor was the said issue carried out in any appeal. However, the assessing officer imposed penalty @ L50% u/s 45(2)(c) of the Act which was neither stated during surprise visit nor any cheque to that extent was obtained. The appellant carried the aforesaid issue passing of regular in first appeal which became infructuous assessment order u/s because of 4I(3) of the Act by Commercial Tax Offrcer on 12/6/08. The appellant has, therefore, filed first appeal against the regular assessment order challenging the levy of penalty u/s a5Q)@) of the Act. The said appeal came to be partly allowed and the to 50Yo. pena$ was reduced from I50% The appellant was also not granted any interest despite the fact that as a result of the appellate order the appellant was entitled to refund. 3. Nk. Apurva Mehta, the learned advocate appearing for the appellant has submitted that as per the decision of this Tribunal in the case of iWs Saurashtra Ltd. vs State of Gujarat in SA No. 603 of 2007 decided on I/8114, the 4 appellant is entitled to interest on refund granted to the appellant as a result of the appellate order. He has further submitted that the learned Deputy Commissioner has erroneously confirmed the penalty to the extent of 50yo of the tax by ignoring the fact that there is no concealment or furnishing inaccurate particulars transactions were duly ,.rori.d as in the books of accounts and the claim was made under the bonafide belief. The appellant is therefore not guilty of any contumacious conduct which make the appellant liable to penalty u/s a5Q)@) of the Act' He has, further submitted that the position in law with regard to levy of penalty u/s 45(Z)(c) is well settled. For this purpose, he relied on the decision of Hon'ble Apex court in the case of commissioner of Income-tax vs Reliance Petroproducts P\4. Ltd. (2010) 322 ITR 158 (sc), State of Tamil Nadu and another Q009) 23 state of orissa' 25 src 211 (sc) vsT Shree Krishna Electricals vs 24g,Hindustan steel Ltd. vs The and the decision of Hon'ble Gujarat High court in the case of Banu Hasim vs State of Gujarat in Tax Appeal No. lg42of 2010 decided on 6/7112 as well as Amulakh Appeal No' 1613 & company vs state of Gujarat in Tax of 2010 decided on 29/6ltz. Based on these decisions as well as facts of the case x{r. Mehta has submitted that entire penalty is required to be deleted. 4. \4r. R.S.Parmar, the learned government representative appearing for the respondent, on the other hand has relied on the orders passed by the authorities below. So far as the grant of interest on refund as a result of appellate order is concerned, he has relied on the ,earlier orders of this Tribunal against which reference filed by the dealers are pending before the Hon'ble Gujarat High Court. He has also submitted that the leamed Deputy Commissioner has rightly retained the penalty of 50Yo levied is purchase tax u/s 15B of the of the Act. The appellant has not paid Act on the branch transfers which is contrary to the statutory provisions and hence bonafide a5(2)(c) it cannot be said that the appellant belief. He has, therefore, was under a submitted that the penalty retained by the learned Deputy Commissioner is required to be confirmed. 5. We have considered rival submissions and the facts of the case. We have also gone through the orders passed by the authorities below and the decisions relied upon by the parties. So far as issue regarding grant of interest on refund due as a result of appellate order is concerned, the said issue was considered in great detail in the case of IWs Saurashtra Chemicals Ltd. vs State of Gujarat in Second Appeal No. 603 of 2007 decided on I /8/14 and as per the said decisions, we hold that the appellant is entitled to claim interest u/s 54(1)(aa) of the Act on the refund granted to the appellant as a result of the appellate order. The paru nos. 18, 1 g 23 , &24 of the said decision are reproduced "18. as under:- With regard to true nature and scope of section 54(1)(aa) of the Act, this Tribunal is of the view that the purpose of the provision is to grantinterest on refund of excess money paid by the assessee. Restriction is that interest is payable where assessment proceedings are'carried out u/s 41 and not u/s 50 or any other provision. Assessment order is the result of assessment proceedittgr. The refund arises in appeal instead of original expression "order stage of assessment is covered within the of asserr-.nt r:/s 4I". The phrase does not give restricted meaning as "original order of assessment r.r/s 4I" or "order of assessment u/s the first assessing officer". added the word or words If the legislafure so intended 4I of it would have certainly to give such restricted meaning. Therefore, provision must be read reasonably and fulI meaning must be given to the words of statute as the object is to grant interest on the excess amount paid becomes refundable as a result of an original order of assessment passed by first assessing officer or corrected/modified order of assessment passed in appeal. 19. In the opinion of this Tribunal, the assessment order passed t/s 4I includes original order passed by first assessing authority as well as modified assessment order in appeal. Under an appeal the jurisdiction of the original order appealed against is exercised and therefore the order passed in appeal is corrected/modified order under the provision under which the appealed order is passed. The order passed assessment order u/s in the appeal against original assessment order u/s 41 is 4I and the original order of assessment merges in it. The intention of the legislature cannot be presumed that the refi:nd arises at the first stage of assessment is only eligible for interest and orders of assessment passed at subsequent stages resulted in to' refimd are not entitled proceedings are continuing single proceedings passed in appeal of to interest. Appeal assessment. Therefore, order is an order of assessment u/s 41. The intention is of paying interest on refund arises in order of assessment u/s 41 and the modified assessment order passed in appeal is also covered under the clause (aa). The close scrutiny clause (aa) reveals that the dealer is eligible for interest on refund arises in assessment proceedings carried out u/s appeal is continuing proceedings of of the 4I of the Act. It is further held that the assessment and therefore the provisions applicable to the original order of assessment are also applicable to the modified order of assessment. The restricted meaning of the word "an order of assessment u/s 41" will create discrimination between the situations of the matters of similar facts, one gets refund in original stage of assessment and another gets refund in appeal. The Hon'ble Supreme Court held that the interpretation, which leads discrimination, must be avoided. The restricted interpretation to the first assessing authority will give discretion to make available the interest to the assessee. Similar situation will take place in appeal, if the appeal is decided by remand to the first assessing authority who passes the order .of assessment in form 3 9 following the direction and refund arises, the dealer is entitled to interest. However, instead the matter, the appellate authority decides the matter in appeal and passes modified order of assessment the appellant will be prevented from interest even though he gets refund. The interpretation, which makes the provisions unworkable, should be avoided. If the phrase "assessment order r:/s 4I" is not interpreted reasonably and the narrow and restricted meaning as "original assessment order" is given, considerable chaos, confusion, uncertainty and conflict would arise. The legislature never intends to deprive the assessee from entitlement where refund does not arise because of the effoneous original assessment order which modified in appeal and resulted in to refund. The appellant cannot be put to loss for the mistake of the first assessing authority or for the reasons beyond control of the appellant. The n€urow and restricted meaning will defeat the purpose of clause (ua) for which it is inserted. The accepted principle in interpreting a provision is that a construction, which would defeat its purpose2 should be avoided. Even if more than one construction is possible that which preserves its workability and efficiency should be preferred to the one, which would render it otiose or sterile. 23. It is, therefore, held that power to grant interest u/s 54(1)(aa) of the Act is liable to be exercised by every authority who has jurisdiction to deal with assessment in one way or another, and at one time or another. It is not confined strictly to the assessing authority alone as a prescribed authority. The appellate authority has also jurisdiction to allow interest at the appellate stage. Ths appellate 9 authority is in continuation of the assessing authority and it can exercise such powers conferred u/s 54(1Xaa) of the Act. The term order of assessment should not hold any restricted meaning of assessment only. Provisions made u/s 54(1)(aa) of the Act are benevolent provisions and they are inserted by the legislature with a view to compensate the financial loss to be incurred to assessee. Only with a view to prevent the future default and to make the assessee absolutely free about his tax liability, the provision has been inserted. . Passing of appellate order is merely a rectification or coffection in original order. It is simply a merger as there cannot be more than one operative order governing the same subject matter. The strict interpretation of section 54(lXaa) as was done earlier by this Tribunal leads to manifest unjust result which could never have been intended by the State Legislature and therefore it is necessary to put a construction which modihes the meaning of the words used in section 54(lXaa) of the Act so as to grant interest even if refund becomes due to a dealer as a result of order passed in appeal or revision. 24. We are mindful of the fact that the department has heavily relied on the decision of this Tribunal in the case of l\zUs Gayatri Tiles vs State of Guj arat wherein this Tribunal has given strict meaning to the words "by virtue of an order of assessment uls 41" and held that the said clause uls 54 was inserted by Guj arat when the refund has arisen in appeal then the appellant is not l0 entitled to interest as seen from the wording of section 54 of the Act. With respect, the said ratio laid down by this Tribunal does not seem to be corect in view of the above discussion and also in view of the fact that the provisions relating to interest on delayed payment of refund have been consistently held as beneficial and nondiscriminatory. It is, therefor", h.ld that the appellant is entitled to the interest on delayed payment of refund, irrespective of the fact whether such interest is payable by virtue of an order of assessment or even by virrue of an order passed in appeal or revision. It is, therefore, held that in case of IWs Mahavir Expo Chem Ltd. vs State of Gujarat, this Tribunal vide its order dated 22/4/02 passed in 336 SANo. 335 & of 2006 has adopted a very n€rrow meaning of the word used in S4(IXaa) of the Act and held that the entitlement of interest r.r/s section 54 is from I/4193 and only on such refund amount which has arisen in the assessment order u/s 41 of the Act and not at the appellate stage. With respect, this is not correct proposition of law and it cannot be considered 6. as binding precedent." So far as the issue relating to leqy of penalty u/s a5Q)@) of the Act is concerned, we are of.the view that the appellant has not concealed any particulars of no transactions or transaction liable deliberately furnished inaccurate particulars of arry to tax. The transactions were duly recorded in the books of t accounts and the same were duly reflected in the returns filed by the appellant. Because of the bonafide belief of the appellant, the appellant has not paid purchase l1 tax u/s 15B on the transaction of branch transfer. However, as soon as this fact was brought to the notice of the appellant, the tax was immediately paid along with the interest. The appellant has neith er agitated this issue in the assessment nor in the appeal proceedings. Despite fact the assessing officer has levied penalty at 150% of the tax u/s a5Q)@) of the Act which was reduced by the learned Deputy Commissioner by 50% of the tax. This is also not justified in view of the settled legal position. In the case of Commissioner of Income-tax vs Reliance Petroproducts Pvt. Ltd. (supra) it is held by the Hon'ble Apex Court that where there is no findings that any details supplied by the assessee in its return are found to be incorrect or elroneous or false there is no question of inviting the penalty r.r/s 27(IXc) of the Income-tax Act, l96L A mere making of a claim, which is not sustainable in law, by itself, will not amount to furnishing inaccurate particulars regarding the income of the assessee. Such a claim made in the return cannot amount to furnishing inaccurate particulars. In the case of Shree Krishna Electricals vs State of Tamil Nadu (Supra) it is held by the Hon'ble Supreme Court that since the items'were found incorporated in the appellant's account books though it had not included them in its turnover, penalty could not be imposed merely because the exemption claimed by the appellant was disallowed. In the case of Hindustan Steel Ltd. vs the State of Orissa (Supra) it is held that the penalty will not be imposed unless the party obliged either acted deliberately in defiance of law t2 or was guilty of conduct confumacious or dishonest or acted in conscious disregard of its obligation' Pen alty will not also be imposed merely because it is lawful to do so' whether penalty should be imposed for failure to perfonn a statutory obligation is a matter of discretion of the authority to be exercised judicially and on a consideration of all the reli:vant circumstances. Even if a minimum penalty is prescribed' the authority competent to impose the penalty will be justified in refusing to impose penalty, when there is a technical or venial breach of provisions of the Act or where the breach flow from a bonafide belief that the offender is not liable to act in the manner prescribed by the statute. In the case of Banu Hasim vs State of Gujarat (Supra), the Hon'ble Gujarat High court has held thatthe appellant was litigating under the bonafide belief that the goods exported were exempted from payment of sales tax and for the first time, the goods become taxable after the decision of Hon'ble Apex court in the case of yasha overseas vs commissioner of Sales Tax and others (2008) g scc appellant deposited the tax, interest and penalty. 6g 1 and thereafter the It was, therefore, held that the penalfy could not have been imposed on the appellant and that there wbs no intention of the appellant to evade the payment of sales tax. The penalty imposed by the authorities was therefore held as not justified and hence the amount of penalty paid was liable to be refunded to the appellant. In the case of Amulakh & company vs State of Guiarat (Supra), the Hon'ble Guj aratHigh court has held t3 that in the absence mens rea, to evade payment of sales tax, all the authorities below were not justified in levying penalty. 7 . In view of the above decisions, as well as the facts of the case, we hold that the learned Deputy Commissioner is not justified in retaining penalty of 50oh levied u/s 45( z)(c)of the n.t. The entire penalty is required to be deleted and it is accordingly deleted. 8. We, therefore, pass the following order:- ORDER This appeal is allowed. The appellant is entitled to interest on the refund granted to the appellant as a result of the appellate order on the applicable rate. The penalty levied by the assessing officer u/s 45(2)(c) and retained by the learned Deputy Commissioner is hereby deleted in toto. There'shall be no order as to cost. Pronounced in open court on this 2"d day of Sept .,2014. sd/(Mr. Justice K.A.Puj) President sd/(Mr. Y.P.Bhatt) Member sd/- (Mr.N.A.Acharya) Member Rpp THUE COFY
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