HENT PDF - Romantikstudier

Hovedvagtsgade 8, 3. sal
1103 København K
+45 33 12 24 04
Ko r t f a t t e t cv
Uddannelse ved
Københavns Universitet (ph.d.)
Københavns Amtssygehus i Glostrup/Rigshospitalet
Københavns Tandlægehøjskole
Udvalgte hverv
Underviser på Københavns Universitet (forelæsninger)
Konsulent (kirurgi), almen praksis
Kursusgiver Tandlægeforeningen
Reviewer for flere internationale tidsskrifter
Bedømmer for Patientforsikringen
Referent for Medicin.dk, Dansk Lægemiddel Info
Medlem af Statens Antibiotikaråd
Niels Ulrich Hermund, Ole Donatsky, Henrik Nielsen, Christian Clausen, Palle Holmstrup. Longterm changes in graft height efter sinus floor augmentation with mesenchymal stem cells in a randomized clinical trial: radiographic evaluation with a minimum follow-up of 2.5 years. Journal of
Dentistry, Medicine and Medical Sciences. 01/2013; 2(1):5-14.
Niels Ulrich Hermund, Andreas Stavropoulos, Ole Donatsky, Henrik Nielsen, Christian Clausen,
Jesper Reibel, Bente Pakkenberg, Palle Holmstrup. Reimplantation of Cultivated human bone cells
from the posterior maxilla for sinus floor augmentation. Histological results from a randomized controlled clinical trial. Clinical Oral Implants Research 09/2011; 23(9):1031-7.
Ole Donatsky, Jens Bjørn-Jørgensen, Niels Ulrich Hermund, Henrik Nielsen, Michael HolmqvistLarsen, Paul Henrik Nerder. Immediate postoperative outcome of orthognathic surgical planning,
and prediction of positional changes in hard and soft tissue, independently of the extent and direction of the surgical corrections required. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 07/2011;
Ole Donatsky, Jens Bjørn-Jørgensen, Niels Ulrich Hermund, Henrik Nielsen, Michael HolmqvistLarsen, Paul Henrik Nerder. Accuracy of combined maxillary and mandibular repositioning and of
soft tissue prediction in relation to maxillary antero-superior repositioning combined with mandibular set back. A computerized cephalometric evaluation of the immeiate postsurgerical outcome
using the TIOPS planning system. Journal of canio-maxillo-facial surgery 02/2009; 37(5): 279-84.
Niels Ulrich Hermund, Søren Hillerup, Thomas Kofod, Ole Schwartz, Jens Ove Andreasen. Effect
of early or delayed treatment upon healing of mandibular fractures: a systematic literature review.
Dental Traumatology 03/2008; 24(1):22-6.
Christian Clausen, Niels Ulrich Hermund, Ole Donatsky, Henrik Nielsen. Characterization of human bone cells derived from the maxillary alveolar ridge. Clinical Oral implants Research 11/2006;
Hovedvagtsgade 8, 3. sal
1103 København K
+45 33 12 24 04
Ko r t f a t t e t cv
Publikationer, fortsat
Christian Clausen, Niels Ulrich Hermund, Ole Donatsky, Henrik Nielsen, Kurt Osther. Homologous activated platelets stimulate differentiation and proliferation of primary human bone cells.
Cells Tissues Organs 01/2006; 184(2):68-75.
Niels Ulrich Hermund, Morten Schiødt. Klinisk oral status hos patienter med hoved-halscancer ét
år efter fokussanering og strålebehandling. Tandlægebladet 11/2004; 108: 902-907.
Morten Schiødt, Niels Ulrich Hermund. Management of oral disease prior to radiation therapy.
Supportive Care Cancer 02/2002; 10(1): 40-3.
Medlemskab af professionelle organisationer
EACMFS – European Association for Cranio-Maxillof-Facial Surgery
FSTMK –Foreningen af Specialtandlæger i Tand-, Mund- og Kæbekirurgi
DSTMK – Dansk Selskab for Tand-, Mund- og kæbekirurgi