379th MKA ALL BREEDS CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW 380th MKA ALL BREEDS CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Sunday, 12th October 2014 st Time: 09:30 am Venue : Zone A, 1 Floor, CityONE Exhibition Centre, CityONE Megamall, No.1 Jalan Song, Kuching. 20% discount on ENTRY FEES made Online!!! ENTRY DETAILS One breed per entry form BREED MKA use Only MKA Registered Name of Dog Sex 1st DOG MKA Reg. No Mal Bred or Imp (State Country) Date Whelped Microchip No. MKA use Only Registered Name of Sire Registered Name of Dam MKA Registered Name of Dog Sex 2nd DOG Name of Breeder MKA Reg. No Mal Bred or Imp (State Country) Date Whelped Microchip No. Registered Name of Sire Registered Name of Dam Name of Breeder Mark (X) under entry column for the class(es) you wish to enter your dog(s). Classes Offered MINOR PUPPY PUPPY JUNIOR INTERMEDIATE VETERAN OPEN MAL. BRED Entry 1 Definition Of Classes Entry 2 ENTRY CLOSING DATE: th 6pm, MONDAY 6 October 2014 Dogs above 3 months - 6 months Dogs above 6 months - 10 months Dogs above 10 months - 15 months Dogs above 15 months - 24 months Dogs above 6 years old Open to all Dogs above 24 months Dogs whelped in Malaysia & above 6 months old Online Entries for these shows can be made at www.dogsmalaysia.my Check-in Time on 12/10/14 : 8.30am to 9.30am Important note: * Should you wish to enter your dog in different classes for each show, please use a separate form. Otherwise your dog will be entered in the same class for both shows. You are NOT obliged to enter both shows should you wish not to enter both shows. Name of Show th 379 MKA ABC SHOW th 380 MKA ABC SHOW Name of Judge Please Tick Shows you wish to Enter Entry 1 Entry 2 Entry Fees Per show Mr. Brett Thompson (Australia) – All Groups & BIS GENERAL SPECS. Ms. Katrina Santas (Australia) – All Groups & BIS GENERAL SPECS. Please see overleaf for prices of Entry Fees - Total Entry Fees : RM____________________ For online entries go to www.dogsmalaysia.my DETAILS OF EXHIBITOR(S) Name of Exhibitor(s) MKA Memb. No. Telephone DECLARATION: I/We undertake to abide by the Show Rules/Regulations of the MKA and accept any liability of disqualification of my/our dog(s) whether or not I/We are aware of any breach of Show Rules. I/We also declare that all details given on this entry form are to the best of my/our knowledge and belief true and correct. I/We have read and accept all the instructions and notices printed on the reserve of this form. I/We declare that I/We take part in the show at my/our own risks and hereby indemnify the MKA and all other parties involved in the organization of the show against any and all claims and liabilities that may result from any untoward incident or consequences of our/my participation in the show. Date : ………………………………………………… Signature(s): …………………………………………………………………………………………. Proudly Sponsored by : MKA USE Total Entry Fees MKA Official Receipt No. RM INSTRUCTIONS General Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. This Entry Form is to be used by Members of the MKA only. Details of the Exhibit(s) & Exhibitor(s) must be as shown on the MKA Certificate of Pedigree. The transfer or application for transfer must be submitted together with the entry form if the Exhibit is not yet registered with the MKA or transferred to the Exhibitor’s name. The Exhibitor must countersign all alterations and corrections on the Entry Form. Entry Forms that are incomplete or those with incorrect details or without the appropriate fees will be rejected. The exhibitors Pass must be collected by MKA members only. Entry forms, together with the appropriate fees are to be submitted to the following address on or before the closing date: The Malaysian Kennel Association, No. 8A, Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad 2, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, 60000 Kuala Lumpur. The entry fees are as follows: th 1st Dog 380 MKA ALL BREEDS CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW RM 30.00 RM 10.00 RM 20.00 RM 10.00 RM 30.00 RM 10.00 RM 20.00 RM 10.00 First Class Subsequent Class(es) First Class Subsequent Class(es) 2nd Dog th 379 MKA ALL BREEDS CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW 20% discount on ENTRY FEES made Online!!! Entries via Facsimile (fax) will only be accepted if the total entry fees have been paid into the Association’s bank account and a copy of the bank-in slip faxed together with the Entry Form(s). Payment is to be made to the following account: Name of Account The Malaysian Kennel Association Name of Bank (branch): Affin Bank Berhad (Taman Tun Dr. Ismail branch) Account no: 100-280-008-133 Fax No. 03 7728 2312 Email : admin@mka.org.my SWIFT CODE - PHBMMYKL General Show rules 1. General Cleanliness at Shows - Exhibitors are reminded that it is their responsibility to pick up/clean their dogs poo and pee at ANY show venues. Exhibitors who trim/groom their dogs at shows are also responsible for picking up their dog fur. Exhibitors caught breaking these cleanliness rules will be given an automatic two show ban. All dogs owned and co-owned by them at the time of the offence, will also automatically be suspended from two shows, even if they are transferred to new owners. 2. Illness - The MKA shall not be liable for any form of illness or disease that dogs may contract at a show. Exhibitors are required to take every reasonable precaution to prevent the introduction of diseased or sick animals to the Show. The sale of young puppies at the show venue is strictly prohibited. 3. Any dog entered must not have been registered or recorded as having been owned, boarded or handled by the Judge within the period of six (6) months immediately preceding the show. The only exception shall be in the case where an emergency Judge is appointed to replace the advertised Judge. 4. Withdrawal of Exhibits - Exhibitors who have won In-Group Awards do not wish to stay for BIS Specials, must fill up the Leave of Absence form and submit it to the Show Manager. This is to save the CRS and Calling Stewards from wasting time calling for your exhibit numbers during the BIS judging. If the Leave of Absence form is not submitted, then any awards and points won by your dog during the entire show will be revoked. 5. Back to Back Shows - Exhibitors entering Back to Back shows have to pay for entries for both shows. However exhibitors are not obliged to exhibit at both shows should they not wish to. Awards won in one ring will not be cancelled if the dog is not exhibited in another ring at the same Back to Back show. 6. Exhibition of Imported & Malaysian Bred Dogs - Imported dogs whose application for re-registration is past the 6 month grace period and who have not yet obtained a local MKA registration number cannot be exhibited. All Malaysian bred dogs above 6 months old without MKA registration numbers also cannot be exhibited. 7. Collecting Ring – MKA members who are not exhibiting their dogs are not allowed into the collecting ring. Non MKA members and members of the public are also prohibited from entering the collecting area for their own safety. 8. Non MKA Member handlers - If a Handler is not a Registered Member of the MKA, the registered owner/s of the dog will be responsible for the actions of the handler. Expelled or suspended members of the MKA are not allowed to Handle dogs in the ring. All foreign exhibitors who are showing here temporarily can do so, so long as they are registered members of their respective local Canine authorities that are recognized and have reciprocal agreements with the MKA. If a Handler is not a Registered Member of the MKA, they will be required to sign up as a Day Member of the MKA on the day of the show on the prescribed form. Charge for Day membership is RM20. 9. 3 Calls Rule – It is the responsibility of exhibitors to have their dogs ready at ringside for judging. If exhibits are not presented on time for judging, upon 3 calls by the steward of your exhibit number, your exhibit will be automatically scratched from further participation (even in subsequent classes). THE MALAYSIAN KENNEL ASSOCIATION (000457-K) No. 8A, Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad 2, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 03-77292027, 03-77297822 Fax: 03-77282312 e-mail: admin@mka.org.my website: www.dogsmalaysia.my
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