Registration is necessary to plan appropriately for meals,
hand-outs and continuing education credits. The American
Heart Association will be providing CEU’s & CME’s for physicians, physician assistants, nurses, and EMS professionals.
Objective 1: Inpatient aspect of management of AMI from the field to cath lab
Obective 2: Use of devices & stats in STEMI
Objective 3: Understand Takatsuki Cardiomyopathy
Objective 4: Understand spontaneous coronary artery dissection
Objective 5: Discuss the appropriate role for thrombolysis in current treatment
To Register : Not available at this time—Registration
information will be emailed out once it is available.
guidelines for STEMI
5th Annual Kansas
STEMI & Stroke
Objective 6: Review the indications and contraindications for thrombolytic therapy
If you are interested in registering for this program
please email Dawn.Noland@heart.org to ensure you
receive registration information.
Objective 8: Discuss recommendations for dosing and monitoring potential
adverse effects
Objective 9: Identify pathophysiologies of ischemic & hemorrhagic stroke and the
benefits of rapid treatment of both kinds of stroke including intra-arterial tPA, mechanical clot retrieval and coiling
Objective 10: Describe recommendations for initial neuroimaging of pt w/ suspected acute ischemic & hemorrhagic stroke
STEMI & Stroke Summit:
Objective 11: Summarize role of the interventional endovascular procedures in
acute stroke care
Objective 12: Perform a basic & advanced neurologic exam on a pt & assign an
NIH stroke scale score appropriately
Objective 13: Identify key tips & techniques for a difficult neurologic assessment
Objective 14: Differentiate between the care of an ischemic stroke pt & a hemorrhagic stroke pt.
Objective 15: Discuss the role of thrombolysis in current treatment guidelines for
Objective 16: Review the indications and contraindications for thrombolytics
Objective 17: Discuss appropriate dosing and monitoring for adverse effects
Objective 18: Introduced to the team based, choregraphed approach to prehospital cardiac arrest management
Objective 19: Recognize & act in a timely fashion to an ST elevation MI
For your convenience we have reserved a block of rooms at a
discounted rate. To reserve a room, contact the hotel at the
phone number listed below and ask for the American Heart
Association block rate.
Click on link below to book online
Room must be reserved by September 14th to receive
discounted rate.
Objective 20: Recognize pitfalls in ECG interpretation of STEMI
Objective 21: Understand the emergent management of Ischemic stroke based on
the most recent AHA/ASA guidelines
Objective 22: Understand the emergent management of Hemorrhagic Stroke, both
intracerebral hemorrhage & subarachnoid hemorrhage, based on the most recent
AHA/ASA & Neurocritical Care Society Guidelines
Objective 23: Goal driven alliance
Objective 24: Describe implementation process for STEMI & Stroke programs
between agencies
Objective 25: Understand 3 components of HeartSafe education
Hilton Garden Inn Manhattan —Phone (785) 532-9116
Objective 26: Identify the resources available for HeartSafe education
Objective 27: Telemedicine Process—How connection from doc to doc occurs
Objective 28: Implementing a successful program
Objective 29: Understand the importance of identifying last KNOWN well of pt
Objective 30: Compare types of stroke and immediate care.
For questions contact:
Dawn Noland
American Heart Association
Phone (913)652-1918
Thursday, October 9th
10:00 am - 7:30 pm
Friday, October 10th
8:00 am - 11:45 am
Hilton Garden Inn Manhattan & Manhattan
Conference Center
410 South 3rd Street
Manhattan, KS 66502
Phone: (785) 532-9116
9:00—10:00 am
THURSDAY (cont.)
EMS Breakout Sessions
Registration / Check in / Vendors
(breakfast available)
10:00—10:20 am
Welcome & Introductions
STEMI State of the State
Dr. Dennis Allin; The University of Kansas Hospital
10:20—10:40 am
Stroke State of the State
History of EMS
Tina York; HCA Midwest Health Systems
11:40—1:00 pm
Primary TARGET: Staff from Resource-Limited
1:00—2:40 pm
EMS Cardiac Arrest Pit Crew
2:40—3:00 pm
Break/ Vendor Exhibits
3:00—3:50 pm
Use of Action Registry to Improve Quality in
Hospitals and EMS—Kay Brown; AHA/ASA
Dr. Colleen Lechtenberg; The University of Kansas
10:40—11:40 am
Cardiovascular Leadership
Emergency Physicians
STEMI/Stroke Coordinators
5:00—6:00 pm
Awards & Dinner
6:00—7:30 pm
AHA Healthy Hearts Research
Kay Brown; AHA/ASA
Vendors / Lunch on your own
Dr. Priyantha Ranaweera
Cath Lab Nurses
EMS Regional Leadership & Medical Directors
EMS Field Staff
STEMI Breakout Sessions
1:00—1:50 pm
1:50—2:40 pm
Acute MI
Dr. Ujjaval Patel; HCA Physician Services, Midwest Heart
& Vascular Specialists, LLC
STEMIs In Women
Break / Vendor Exhibits
3:00—3:50 pm
Use of Action Registry to Improve Quality in
Hospitals and EMS—Kay Brown; AHA/ASA
3:50—4:40 pm
Fibrinolytic Therapy for STEMI
Endovascular & Interventional Procedures in the
Management of Acute Ischemic & Hemorrhagic
STEMI Recognition
8:00—9:30 am
Dr. Seshu Rao; Stormont Vail HealthCare
9:30 - 10:30 am
Reaching the Rural
Dr. David Burt; University of Virginia
Patricia Howard, Pharm D; The University of Kansas
Stroke Breakout Sessions
Registration / Check in (breakfast available)
STEMI Breakout Sessions
Dr. George Pierson; Overland Park Regional Medical
2:40—3:00 pm
1:00—1:50 pm
7:00—8:00 am
Stroke Breakout Sessions
8:00—8:50 am
Acute Management of Ischemic & Hemorrhagic
Dr. James Walker; Via-Christi Hospitals
8:50—9:40 am
How Telemedicine Allows Rapid Specialized
Assessment in Rural Communities
Megan Canter; Director of Telemedcine, HCA
Dr. Coleman Martin; Saint Luke’s Hospital
1:50—2:40 pm
Nursing Care of the Ischemic & Hemorrhagic
Stroke Patient: Tips & Tricks for a Great
Neuro Exam
9:40—10:30 am
Cristina Speaks, RN; Angela Welch, RN; Ransom
Memorial Hospital; Nick Robbins, MICT; Franklin County
Angela Hawkins, BN, RN, CCRN, CNRN, SCRN; Saint
Luke’s Hospital Marion Bloch Neuroscience Institute
2:40—3:00 pm
Break / Vendor Exhibits
3:00—3:30 pm
Fibrinolytic Therapy in Stroke
3:30—4:00 pm
4:00—4:40 pm
A Community Alliance: Strengthening Bonds
to Save Lives
General Session
Patricia Howard, Pharm D; The University of KS Hospital
10:30—10: 45 am
Break/ Vendor Exhibits
Posterior Circulation in Stroke
10:45—11:30 am
How to Make Your Community a Heart Safe
Dr. Colleen Lechtenberg; The University of KS
Jerilyn Rodgers,RN, MSN, CNL; The University of KS
Hospital Christina Barber, EMT; Greeley County
EMS—The Critical Link
Linda Bayless, MSN, APRN-BC, FNP, CNRN
11:30—11:45 am
Closing Remarks
To Be Determined