ι........ ..,. .....c t' 、'、, .‘-、" ,、3 ..u.ι. 、, Solicitors and Notaries Agcnts For Tr ademarks & Patents B. Sc. Solicitor NOluy Pu bli c: •. Office B , 9位1 Floor, Heog Shan Centre, 145 Queen's Road East , Wanchai, Hong Kong. Tel: 25450212 (4 Li oes) Fax: 2541 3854 E-mail: ptyeung.tang@yahoo.com.hk 紛彼得律師 直線 "i輯:必45 15Q2 hυ 呵,- e GEe mLU 叮 ZJ Dι DA m 口。 PY-4495 /7 545/14 •• YOURREF: Mr.L羽 Chik Kun Michael Chairman PW Ching Alumni AssociatioD 80 Waterloo Road Kowloon Dear Sir. We act for the Baptist Convention ofHong Kong. We are ins甘ucted 曲的 by a letter dated 3吋 September 2014 issued by you circulated ω various alumni of Pui Ching Primary School ("也eAlwn削"), you alleged that: . Pui Ching Academy is oflow level; 2. our client negJected andlor delayed to respond to 也e request of the Alumni regarding the change ofname ofPui Ching Academy; 3. alleged that Pui Cbing Pri mary School was acting like an "automatic teller machine"ωits reso田'Ces have been misappropriated; 4. alleged that thE: School Managers of Pui Ching Primary School has transferτd the interests and benefits ofPui Ching Primary School to 。由er entities. You made such a1 lt:gation despite yo山 knowledge that our clients on 15th August 2014 resolved 由at PW Ching Acadcmy would not be using Block K of Pui Ching Primary School and 由at our client would deal with the matter relating to change of name of Pui Ching j~C8demy after the disposition of the civil action against our client instituted by Mr. K0 1) Ming Kown. Turning a blind eye to the actions 個ken by our client and 甜11 issuing the said letter cont:aining 由e afonsaid untrue and misleading statements could resu1t in libel proceedings being taken against you. 楊彼得律師行 P. T. YEUNG &TANG PBTER P. T. YEUNG OURREP: ,... .. ιd 可".J U 叫『 四五瓷 F來 -品 T唔唔兩仔皇后大進 aB 童 缸山中心九 O-三, 一 A, 電誇 品,且詞 4五四-三入五四 圖文件真 Prlnc:lpa1: • 111. 、3 的r 電子郵件 -dqg品 -g個 3@378.目 B酬 附件二 ‘'‘ ιv... ...,. ~IC',... V~ .&.u.ιd I I ‘-、" I 、:1 CX 皂, 、,-. .、J ‘」﹒、,-. 1 1 111 、, 附件二 P. T. YEUNG & 1:'ANG ,.,﹒ ι 楊彼得律師行 Solicitors and Notaries Agents For Trademarks&主旦旦丘 We bereby give yO \l notice 也at uruess you issue a letter to the Alumni withdrawing the false aJlegatiom﹒ 的 aforesaid. 。也 clicnt shall consider taking appropriate legal steps to protect its Ínt叮'ests. AU our client' s righ1s 缸e hereby expressly reserved. Yours faithfu11y 2
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