From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 1994 84: 4354-4360 Molecular analysis of the structure and expression of the RH locus in individuals with D--, Dc-, and DCw- gene complexes B Cherif-Zahar, V Raynal, AM D'Ambrosio, JP Cartron and Y Colin Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. Molecular Analysis of the Structure and Expression of the RH Locus in Individuals With D - - , D C - , and DC"- Gene Complexes By B. Cherif-Zahar, V. Raynal, A.-M. D'Arnbrosio, J. P. Cartron, and Y. Colin Rh blood group antigens of the D. Clc. and Ele series are carried by at least three red cell membrane polypeptides encoded bytwo highly related genes, RHDand RHCE. Homozygous individuals carrying the D--, DC-, and DC*- gene complexes are characterized by atotal or partial lack of expression ofthe RHCE-encoded antigens. Analysis of the molecular genetic basisof these rare conditions indicatesthat complete or partial expression defect of Cc/Ee antigens result from different alterations at the RH locus, but not from gross deletions. No rearrangement or mutation of the RHCE gene could be detected in donors homozygous forthe D-complex, suggestingthat thelack ofthe Cc and Ee antigens might result from a reduced transcriptional activity of the RHCE gene. The DC- and DC- gene complexes, however, exhibited an important rearrangement of the RHCE gene. Instead of the normal RHCE gene, both variants carried a hybrid RHCE-D-CEgene in which exons4 to 9 (DC- complex) and 2 (or 3) to 9 (DC" complex) of the RHCE gene, respectively, have been substituted by the equivalent region of the RHD gene. These gene conversion events provide an explanation forthe well-described abnormal antigen profiles associated with the DC- and DC"- complexes, like the increased expression of RhD,the reduced expressionof RhCl c or RhC", and the absence of RhEle. 0 1994 by The American Society of Hematology. T Rh structures present in most individuals (except themselves and R h n u l l cells) that may be responsible for harmful reactions,10,13.14 HE RH SYSTEM is a major blood group system in transfusion and clinical medicine, the molecular basis of which is beginning to be clarified.' It is well established that the RH locus, located on chromosome lp34-~36,'.~ is composed of the homologous RHD and RHCE genes in RhDpositive individuals but of the RHCE gene onlyin RhDnegative individuals4 The RHD gene encodes the RhD protein, and the RHCE gene encodes both the Cc and Ee proteins, most likely by a process of alternative ~plicing.~ The Rh antigens of the D, C/c, and E/e series, therefore, are carried by at least three distinct but homologous hydrophobic proteins that are neither glycosylated nor phosphorylated, but are major fatty acylated components of the red cell membrane.h-R Although the molecular genetic basis of the RhC, Rhc, RhE, and Rhe antigens have been clarified recently:very little is known about the defect(s) responsible for the lack of C/c and/or We antigen expression in gene complexes defined as D", DC-, or D C - . " Homozygous individuals for these rare gene complexes all exhibit a larger amount of RhD antigen than that expressed by common RhD-positive individuals. Moreover, in DC- and D C - complexes, the RhC/c and RhC" antigens are often weak, with variations from one family to another. The RhE/e antigens are absent, although a weak form of Rhce and occasionally of Rhe antigens have been associated with some DC- complexes.lC'' After immunization by transfusion or pregnancy, these donors develop complex antibodies directed against ill-defined From theUnite'INSERM U76, Institut National de Transfusion Sanguine, Paris, France. Submitted April 12, 1994; accepted August 23, 1994. Supported in part byNATO Grant No. 0556/88and by the Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie des Travailleurs Salaritk Address reprint requests to Baya Cherif-Zuhar, PhD, Unite' INSERM U76, Institut National de Transfusion Sanguine, 6 rue Alexandre Cabanel, 75015 Paris, France. The publication costsof this article were defrayedin part by page chargepayment. This article must therefore behereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with I8 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1994 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/94/8412-00I 1$3.00/0 4354 To elucidate which gene alteration may explain these gene complexes, unrelated individuals homozygous for the D - -, DC-, and DC'" haplotypes were investigated by Southern blot analysis with probes specific for each RH gene and by nucleotide sequencing of the Rh transcripts isolated from blood cells. MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials. Restriction enzymes, bacterial alkaline phosphatase, andpUC vectors were from Appligene (Strasbourg, France). T4 polynucleotide kinase, DNA polymerase I Klenow fragment, and radiolabeled nucleotides were from Amersham (Bucks, UK). Avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV) reverse transcriptase was obtained from Promega Biotech (Madison, WI), and Thermus aquaticus polymerase (Taq polymerase) was from Perkin-Elmer-Cetus (Nonvalk, CT). The random priming labeling kit was from Boehringer (Mannheim, Germany), andthe sequencing kitwas from Pharmacia (Uppsala, Sweden). Blood samples. Blood samples from Rh-deficient patients were collected on EDTA. Blood samples from rare homozygous Dc(Bol.), D-- (Gou.), and D C - (Glo) donors, were provided by Drs Majorel-Rivibre (Centre de Transfusion Sanguine [CTS], Valence, France), J.P. Saleun (CTS, Brest, France), and A. Chung (Ottawa, Canada), respectively. Genomic DNA analysis. Human DNA extracted from peripheral leukocytes was digested with restriction enzymes (10 Ulpg DNA), resolved by electrophoresis in 0.8% agarose gel, and transferred onto Zeta probe GT nylon membrane (Biorad, Richmond, VA), as de~cribed.'~ DNA probes used for hybridizations were: (1) the full length RhIXb cDNA encoding the Cc/Ee proteins"; and (2) amplified sequences specific of exons 1,4, S, 6, 7, 8, and exons 9 and 10 of the RHCE gene." Hybridization with DNA probes (lo6 cpdmL) was performed for 20 hours at 65°C in 7% (wt/vol) sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 500 mmol/L NaHP04, 1 mmoW EDTA. Final washes were performed at 65°C for 45 minutes in 5% SDS, 40 mmol/L NaHP04, 1 mmol/L EDTAand for 30 minutes in 1% SDS, 40 mmol/L NaHP04, 1 mmol/L EDTA. Reverse transcription coupled withpolymerase chain reaction ampliJcation (RT-PCR). Total RNAs were extracted by the acidphenol-guanidinium method'* from 5 mL of peripheral blood. RNA (0.5 pg) was incubated for 40 minutes at 42°C in a reaction mixture (SO pL) containing 100 mmoVL Tris (pH 8.3), 140 mmol/L KCl, Blood, Vol84, No 12 (December 15). 1994: pp 4354-4360 From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. ANALYSIS OF D", DC-, 4355 AND DC"" GENE COMPLEXES Table 1. Reactivity of D", DC-, and D C - Red Cells With Rh Alloantibodies Reactivity With Antibodies Against Red Cells D C C" c E e - - - - - - - (+) ((+)) (+) - - + - + + - - - + Variants D--ID-(Gou) Dc-/Dc- (Bol) DC"-/DC"- (Glo) Controls DCCee ddccee + + - - - -c + + Abbreviations: +, enhanced reactivity; (+l, weak reactivity; ((+)), very weak reactivity. A weak Rhe or Rhce reactivity may be occasionally observed. 10 mmol/L MgCl?, 30 mmol/L &mercaptoethanol, 1 mmol/L of each deoxynucleoside triphosphate (dNTP), 40 U of ribonuclease inhibitor (RNasine). and10 U of AMV reverse transcriptase. The cDNA products were then subjected to PCR in 50 mmol/L KCI, 10 mmol/L Tris (pH 8.3). 0.01 ?hgelatin, 0.2 mmol/L of the four dNTPs, 50 pmolof each primer, and2.5 U of Tu9 polymerase. Primers based on the Rh cDNAs were as follows (+ 1 representing A of the initiation ATG codon): J: nucleotides (nt) -19 to -2 and K:nt 1350 to 1330, corresponding to the 5' and 3' untranslated regions, respectively, which are common to both RHD and RHCE genes; L: nt 801 to 784; M: nt 498 to 5 15; and N: nt 1382 to 1361, corresponding to CE-specific sequences. PCR amplifications (30 cycles) were performed under the following conditions: l-minute denaturation at 94°C. l-minute primer annealing at 55°C. and 2-minute extension at 72°C. Amplification products were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis and hybridization with D or CE oligonucleotide probes. Relevant PCR fragments were purified after agarose gels electrophoresis, phosphorylated with polynucleotide kinase, and subcloned in pUC 18 vector. DNA sequencing. Inserts from recombinant pUC18 vectors were sequenced onboth strands using the dideoxy chain termination method." RESULTS The reaction of red cell samples from the individuals homozygous for the D--, DC-, and DC'" gene complexes with specific anti-Rh antibodies are summarized in Table 1. The results show the increased amount of RhD, the weakest reactivity of Clc and C", and the absence of expression of We antigens as compared with controls. Southern blot analvsis of the RH locus in the DC- and D-- gene complexes. Genomic DNA from homozygous D - - and DC- individuals was subjected to Southern blot analysis withRh-specificprobes.DNA from Rh-positive (DCCee)and Rh-negative (ddccee)donors were used as controls. The zygosity for the RHD gene in the D - - and Dcsamples was first investigated by Southern blot analysis of Hind111 digests with an exon-l-specific probe that hybridized to both the RHD and RHCE genes."' As shown in Fig 1, the D and CE fragments of 2.2 and 2.0 kb, respectively, were detected with the same intensity in the homozygous DD control sample (peak ratio, 0.85) and in the D - - (peak ratio, 0.81) and DC- (peak ratio, 1 ) samples, whereas a 1:2 gene dosage effect (peak ratio, 0.60) was observed in the control Dd DNA. These results indicated that the D-- and DC- haplotypes under investigation each carried one copy of both RH genes. The BamHI hybridization pattern obtained with the RhIXb cDNA probe'6 was next examined (Fig 2A). As the coding regions of the two RH genes present in Rhpositive genomes are 96% homologous,"." restriction fragments originating from both RHCE and RHD genes (23, 19, 7.3,5. I , 4.0, and 2.1 kb) were deleted with the RhIXb cDNA probe. In the Rh-negative DNA,which carries onlythe RHCE gene: the D-specific bands at 19 and 4.0 kb were missing (Fig 2A). The hybridization pattern of D - - and Rh-positive (DCCee) DNAs did not differ either after BamHI digestion (Fig 2A) or after EcoRI, Pst I, and Hind111 cleavage (not shown). These results suggested thatthereisno obvious alteration like a gross deletion of the structural RH genes organization associated withthe D - - gene complex. In contrast, the DC- DNA showed an altered hybridization pattern with respect to the Rh-positive control. Indeed, the two comigrating fragments of 23 kb that carry exons 7-8 and exons 9- 10 of the RHCE gene17 were missing, and the 5.1 kb was understochiometric (Fig 2A). Concurrently, two unusual bands of 21 kb (better shown in Fig 2B) and 4.3 kb, respectively, were detected. To better characterize these fragments, BamHI digests werehybridizedwith several exon-specific probes designed from analysis of RHCE gene ~tructure.'~ Comparison of the different patterns obtained with the DCCee, ddccee, and DC- samples indicatedthat only the RHCE gene was altered in the DC- gene complex, since the 23 and 5.1 kb CE-specific bands detected by the exon 7, 8, 9, and I O and exon 4, 5, 6 probes, respectively. were missing in this variant (Fig 2B). In addition, the polymorphic bands of 4.3 and 21 kbfoundonly in the Dc- Ueriantt Controls Hind1I I Fig 1. Determination of the zygosity for the RHD gene by Southern blot analysis. Genomic DNAfrom donors with the indicated genotype for the RHD gene and from homozygous D-- and DC- individuals was digested with the Hindlll restriction enzyme and hybridized with an exon 1 probe. Gene dosage effect was estimated by determination of t h e relative intensity of 2.2/2.0k b fragments corresponding to the RHD and RHCE genes, respectively, following densitometry analysis of the autoradiogram (see Results). From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. CHERIF-ZAHAR ET AL 4356 B EHON PROBE - kb 0 0 n u - kb 23 - 19 - 23, e21kb c2lkb 19, 7.3 - R' 5.1 4.0 2.1 - -4.3kb - = - - BamHl 19- - t '<S u Fig 2. Southern blot analysis ofthe RH locusfrom individuals with D-- and DC- phenotypes. DNA from Rh-positive (DCCeel and Rh-negative (ddccee) donors was used as a control.Samples were diaested with BarnHl restriction enzyme and hybridized on Southern blot with the full length RhlXb cDNA probe (A) or with Rhprobesspecificof the exons indicated in boxes (B). Asingle probe was used for exons 9 and 10 (9 10). Arrows indicate polymorphic bands (4.3 and 21 kb) in the DC- DNA. - . . 5*14.0- 4 m- 4.3kb + BamHl sample corresponded to the genomic region encompassing exons 4-6 and exons 9-10, respectively. The absence of the 23-kb fragment after hybridization with exon 7 or exon 8 suggested either a deletion of the relevant regions of the RHCE gene in the DC- gene complex or the presence of an unusual band comigrating with the 19 kb D-specific fragment. The exon-specific probes used in these experiments also revealed abnormal bands in the EcoRI, HindIII, Taq I, and Pst I restriction patterns of the DC- sample (not shown). This strongly suggested that the DC- gene complex was associated with an important rearrangement of the RHCE gene. PCR amplijcation and sequence analysisof Rh transcripts from DC- and D-- genecomplexes. Total RNAs extracted from peripheral blood of DC-, D--, and DCCee donors were copied to cDNAs, then amplified by PCR. Amplifications were performed between oligonucleotides J and K (see Materials and Methods), which are common to the RHCE and RHD genes. Three amplification products (1.36, 1.22, and 1.06 kb) identified under UV light were found in all samples (Fig 3). In addition, minor bands at 0.96 and 0.90 kb could be detected by hybridization with cDNA probes. The PCR fragments were characterized either by nucleotide sequencing andlor by Southern blot analysis with oligonucleotide probes specific for all exons of RHCE or RHD genes. The results are summarized in Table 2. In the ddccee sample, PCR products corresponding to the full length RhCE transcript (1.36 kb), as well as to several isoforms (1.22, 0.96, and 0.90 kb) described previously: were found, but as expected, no RhD transcript could be detected. In the DCCee sample, the predominant transcripts identifiedincluded full length RhD and RhCE species of 1.36 kb. Isoforms of both the RhD (1.22 and 1.06 kb) and RhCE (1.22,0.96, and 0.90kb) messengers were also present as minor species. When the D - - sample was examined, only the RHD gene transcripts were identified by hybridization studies (Fig 3 and Table 2), although the overlapping region of RhCE transcripts could be amplified fromthe reticulocyte preparation with two pairs of CE-specific primers (J-L and M-N, see Materials and Methods), but not as full length messengers (perhaps explainable by competition between D and CE templates at the first steps of the PCR reaction). In the DC- sample, RhD transcripts-like those identified in the DCCee and D - - samples-werefound (Fig 3 and Table 2). In addition, hydrid RhCE-D-CE transcript species were present, the structure of which wasestablished both by sequencing and hybridization with exon-specific probes. The full length RhCE-D-CE hybrid transcript was composed of exons 1 to 3 from the RHCE gene, followed Q) Q) Q) kb U I I U U I x 0 0 0 Q) U U U kb Fig 3. RT-PCR analysis of Rh expression in homozygous DC- and D-- donors. PCR products amplified from DCCee, DC-, D", and ddccee samples were resolved on 0.8% agarose gel and visualized under UV light after staining with ethidium bromide. Sizes of the amplification products are indicated. DNA size marker (M) is a 100bp ladder. Fragments amplifiedfrom ddcceecDNAswere analyzed on a distinct gel. Asterisks indicate nonspecific amplification products. From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. ANALYSIS OF D", 4357 Table 2. Rh Gene Transcripts Identified in Reticulocytes FromRh Variants Size (kb) E 67) DC-, AND D P - GENECOMPLEXES D(67), DCCee Full length* CE1.36 lsoforms CE-D-CE(b7) 1.22 1.06 0.96 0.90 ddccee D" D, D(67). 5, D(67) D(67-9) CE(64, 8) CE(64-6) CE-D-CE D Dc- D, CE(67) D(67-9) D(b7-9), CE-D-CE(67-9) CE(64, 5, 8) CE(64-6) Abbreviation: 6, exon deletion. * 10-exon structure. by exons 4 to 9 from the RHD gene, and terminated with exon 10 from the RHCE gene. Moreover, isoforms of the hybrid gene were also identified by sequencing analysis (Table 2 ) . Among the different cDNAs sequenced, some were found to contain a 44-bp insertion (GGGCTGGGAAGTCTGCATGCTGTCTATAAATCCAGAACCAGAAG) between nucleotides 148and149. This position corresponds to the boundary junction of exons 1 and 2.'7As hybridization experiments indicated that this 44-bp sequence was located within intron 1 (not shown), these cDNAs were supposed to derive from aberrantly spliced mRNA. This insertion was identified in both RhD and RhCE transcripts derived from all phenotypes under study. Restriction analysis of the RH locus from the DC"- gene complex. As no transcripts were available, each exon of the RH genes was examined to determine its CE or D origin, either after amplification between allele-specific primers (PCR-ASP) or after amplification between common primers followed by restriction length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) or sequence analysis. Genomic DNA from DCCee, ddccee donors and the DC- variant were used as control. In PCR-ASP experiments, exon 9 sequence specific of the RHCE gene was amplified from the DCCee and ddccee DNAs but not from the DC- and the DC" samples, whereas exon 10 specific of the RHCE gene was amplified inall samples (not shown). Cloning and sequence analysis of the PCR-amplified exons 1, 2, and 3 from the DC'"- DNA indicated that the exon 3 products carried only the D specific sequences, whereas exon 1 products contained both the D and C specific nucleotides at position 48.' The C-specific exon 1 contained in addition an A G nucleotide substitution at position 122 resulting in an amino acid change (Glu -+ Arg) at position 41 of the RHCE encoded protein. The D or C specificity of exon 2 could not be determined, as the RHD gene and the RHC allele share the same sequence in this coding region.' PCR-RFLP experiments were performed on exons 4 to 7. PCR amplification of exons 4, 5, 6, and 7 generated fragments of 149, 166, 191, and 134 bp, respectively. In agreement with the nucleotide polymorphisms between the RHD and RHCE specific coding s e q u e n ~ e s , ' ~ ,the ~ " ~149 ~ (exon 4) and 166 (exon 5) bp fragments in the Rh-positive sample (DCCee) were cleaved by the restriction enzymes Avu I and Tuq I, respectively, when originating from the + RHD gene but were not cleaved when issued from the RHCE gene (Table 3). The 191-bp fragment (exon 6) generated three Rsu I restriction fragments when originated from the RHD gene but only two fragments when issued from the RHCE gene. The 134-bp fragment (exon 7), on the contrary, was cleaved by Hph I only when originating from the RHCE but not from the RHD gene (Table 3). In the Rh-negative sample (ddccee),cleavage of the PCR products was in accordance with the presence of the RHCE gene only (Table 3). Similar PCR-RFLP analysis performed with the D C " and DC- samples indicated that, in all restriction patterns, the fragments corresponding to the RHCE gene were missing (Table 3). DISCUSSION The structure and organization of the RH locus from rare individuals homozygous for the D - -, DC-, and D C " gene complexes were examined. The results established that the lack of the Cc and/or Ee antigens at the surface of D - and DC- or D C - red cells, respectively, originated from different alterations of the RHCE gene. As expected, however, the RHD gene structure was found to be normal for the three variants. During these studies, a main transcript containing the 10 exons of the RHD gene was identified as well as two previously unreported isoforms lacking exon 7 and exons 7 to 9, respectively. The putative RhD proteins encoded by the shortened transcripts have not yet been characterized. Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA from the Dcsample showed an important rearrangement of the RHCE gene. This was confirmed by transcript sequencing analysis, which indicated that the DC- locus included a normal RHD gene and a hybrid RHCE-D-CE gene composed of exons 1 to 3 from the RHCE gene, followed by exons 4 to 9 from the RHD gene and exon 10 from the RHCE gene. A similar hybrid RHCE-D-CE gene structure most likely also occurred at the D C " locus, as it has been shown that sequences specific of exons 3 to 9 of the RHCE gene are absent from this gene complex. We could not determine whether exons 2 and 8 of this hybrid gene originated from an RHC or RHD allele because these exon sequences are identical between the two genes. The hybrid genes may have arisen either by double crossing-over or by homologous recombination, via the mechanism of gene conversion, involving a segmental replacement of DNA encompassing exon 4 to 9 or 2 (or 3) size) From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 4358 ET AL CHERIF-ZAHAR Table 3. RHD/RCE Typing of Exons 4 to 7 by PCR-RFLP Size (bp) of Gene Fragments From RHD and RHCE Genes DC- Complex Rh-Negative Rh-positive Exon E4 (149 bp) Ava I E5 (166 bp) Taq I E6 (191 bp*) Rsa I 45 E7 (134 bp) x Hph I D CE CE D 88 61 106 60 85 61 45 134 149 149 166 166 146 146 59 56 19 45 59 56 19 88 61 106 60 85 61 45 134 DC*- Complex CE D CE 88 61 106 60 85 61 45 134 The 191-bp fragment includes 50 nucleotides from intron 7 in order to generate distinguishable restriction fragments. to 9 from an RHD (donor) gene to an RHCE (acceptor) gene in the DC- and D C - complexes, respectively (Fig 4). Homologous recombination involving RH genes was previously reported for the D"' phenotype (type 11) where a reverse conversion scheme producing an RHD-CE-D hybrid gene (in which exons 4 to 6 of the RHD gene have been replaced by exons 4 to 6 from the RHCE gene) was associated with the lack of epitopes Dl, D2, D5, D6/7 and D8 of the major D antigen.'4 The hybrid protein encoded by the DC- gene complex includes amino acids 163 to 417 (62% of the polypeptide sequence) specific of the D protein (as the coding region of exon 10 from the RHCE and RHD genes are identical). The hybrid protein encoded by the D C - gene complex would contain even more D-specific sequences (73%, from amino acid 113 to 417). It is expected that these unusual proteins should express several (if not all) of the nine epitopes presently known to compose the D antigen.'"'' These structural features provide a clear explanation for the serologic properties determined by the DC- and D C - complexes, which are characterized by a greater than normal amount of D, a reduced expression of c (or Cw),a weak Rhce (Rh6) reactivity in many instances (DC- only) and total absence of Ee.'" Indeed, in addition to the normal D protein, these complexes produce a hybrid protein carrying both D and Cc epitopes, but the C/c reactivity is lower than normal. The C/c polymorphism is predominantly associated with a SerPro substitution at the exofacial position 103 (encoded by exon 2 ) of the RHCE encoded proteins (Mouro et a1' and Salvignol et al, manuscript in preparation). However, the presence of the CE-specific amino acids encoded by exons 1 and 2 of the RHCE-D-CE hybrid genes in the DC- and DC'" complexes cannot restore full expression of c or C", presumably because these antigens are conformation-dependent structures. Most likely, they need an appropriate configuration which is optimally found only in the native (wild type) RHCE gene product. This may also explain why the D protein, which exhibits a serine at position 103, is not reactive with anti-C antibodies.' The E/e polymorphism is associated with a Pro226Ala (E + e) substitution encoded by exon 5 of the RHCE gene.' This epitope is conformation-dependent since the RhD protein, which carries an Ala residue at position 226, is unreactive with anti-e antibodies.' The RHCE-D-CE hybrid genes lack exon 5 and cannot obviously produce proteins with E/ e antigenicity (Fig 4B). The weak Rhce specificity frequently detected in individuals carrying the DC- complex, however, may result from some interaction between the Rhc-specific region of the hybrid protein and the Ala residue present in the D-specific region of the molecule (Fig 4B). The CE-D-CE hybrid protein schematically drawn in Fig 4B is characterized by new junctions between CE- and Dspecific amino acids within the third extracellular loops. It is expected that these junctions might create new Rh epitopes recognized by as yet unidentified antibodies, which may further characterized the DC- gene complex. Among the different DC- and D C - cases reported, only one DC- variant exhibited neither an increased RhD reactivity nor a reduction of Rhc expression.'x It is possible that this variant may result from a point mutation or from a gene conversion event involving only few nucleotides. The absence of Cc and Ee antigen expression in the D - - variant resulted neither from a deletion or a rearrangement of the RHCE gene nor from point mutations within the coding region. Experimental evidence indicated that the D transcripts were normally present, whereas the CE transcripts were only poorly represented in D - - reticulocytes. This is in agreement with recent immunochemical studies performed with anti-peptide antibodies indicating that Cc- and Ee-related proteins are not detectable onred cell preparations from D - - individuak2' It has been postulated that the Rh antigen structure is a large membrane complex containing RhandRh-related proteins as well as other unrelated glycoproteins. Rhproteins, and/or some other unidentified component(s) are required for the correct transport of the Rh complex to the cell membrane.' Therefore, the lack of the RHCE-encoded proteins, by releasing sites within the Rh complex, would be directly associated with the overexpression of the D antigens at the red cell membrane of the D - - variant. This From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. ANALYSIS OF D", DC-, AND D P - GENE COMPLEXES D gene C€ gene exons 4-9 D m -<-l 4359 RHD gene and of a silent RHCE gene as also found in the Rhnullamorph chromosome.However, it is notknown whether the downregulation mechanisms of this gene in both conditions are identical. Further study should determine whether the lack of expression of the Cc and Ee antigens on D - - red cells might result from mRNA instability or to a mutation within transcription cis-acting elements located outside the proximal promoter region. ACKNOWLEDGMENT C€-D-C€ gene D + We thank Drs Majorel-Rivikre (CTS, Valence, France), J.P. Saleun (CTS, Brest, France), and A. Chung (Ottawa, Canada) for the generous gift of Rh-deficient samples. REFERENCES 1 Hybrid CE-D-CE Protein of the DC- complex [162/1631 Pro / .Ala 226 Fig 4. Model of gene conversion and predicted membrane topolof a homologous ogy forDc- gene complex.(A) A directional transfer DNA segment encompassing exons 4 to 9 (indicated by the double arrows) from the RHD gene (donor) to the RHCE gene (recipient) generated the hybrid RffCf-D-C€ gene structureof the DC- complex. A similar directional transfer of exons 2 (or 3) to 9 generated the D C - complex (not shown). While the recipient gene (either from an Rh-positive or an Rh-negative chromosome) is converted into a recombinant. The donor gene restores its native structure bya repair synthwis. (B) Predicted membrane topology of the De- gene-encoded protein. The bold line represents the polypeptide sequence specific of the D protein. Open circles refer to amino acid substiiutions that diatinguishDfrom CE proteins. Closed cirde indicates amino acids associatedwith the C/c (103 = Ser/Pro) polymorphisms. Alanine (Ala) at position 226 of the D protein is indicated. 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