New Year’s Eve celebration offers international fare

An official publication of the Recreation Centers of Sun City West
New Year’s Eve celebration
offers international fare
Come join us for a fabulous New Year’s Eve at
Palm Ridge Rec Center.
Food service begins at
7:30 p.m. Wednesday,
Dec. 31, and closes at
There will be four food
stations offering selections from around the
world - Italian, Asian,
Greek and American.
There also will be a
dessert bar. Non-alcoholic beverages will be
provided and hors d’oeuvres will be available at
each table.
A 3-piece band will entertain during the social
hour and an 8-piece band,
Cold Shott and the Hurri-
cane Horns, will take the
stage at 9.
All attendees will receive a complimentary
glass, photo and party favors. As always, BYOB
and any additional snacks
you might want. Doors
open at 7 p.m.
Continued on Page 5
Cold Shott and the Hurricane Horns
Toys for Kids is
Won’t you help to make a
child’s Christmas brighter?
Join the Women’s Social (its
24th year) and Boomer’s Clubs
as they host their annual “Toys
for Kids” event. Each year they
put together this event to help
children in the area.
Please bring any new, unwrapped presents to the
Women’s Social Club at
Kuentz Recreation Center from
11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Nov.
24 to Thursday, Dec. 4. Items
Inside this issue:
October 2014
All States Club..............................11
Club Contacts...............................10
Club Corner............................21-27
Community News..........................9
Entertainment..........................17, 20
Governing Board.............................4
Phone Numbers............................10
Village Store...................................16
added to
Top Hat
series show
Donna Huber, who performs a Shania Twain
Tribute Show on the Top
Hat entertainment series
this coming season has
added a “Friend” to her
performance. Adam D.
Tucker will present a Tim
McGraw tribute performance.
Tickets for the Shania
Twin & Friend Show are
$25 and may be purchased
online or at the Rec Centers box office starting
Oct. 7.
for children ages newborn to
12 years are greatly appreciated.
Join them from 9 a.m. to 1
p.m. Dec. 5 for cookies, punch
and coffee. Santa and the kids
from Nadaburg School are
there from 10 a.m. to noon.
The kids will be singing to us
and we are looking forward to
adults helping the kids pick out
Toys go to Dysart CommuContinued on Page 5
Board fills vacant
director’s seat
Seven current members of the
Governing Board for the Recreation Centers of Sun City West
selected resident Jack Steiner to
fill the Governing Board vacancy created when Marshall
Oaks resigned his directorship in
early July. Unavailable for this
special meeting was Director Nolan Reed who was
on an excused absence.
Steiner, who previously served on the Sun City
West Governing Board, was appointed to be the
Public Relations Chairman, the position he chaired
when that committee created the Volunteer Mural
Continued on Page 5
Phoenix Opera
Singers & Orchestra
offer holiday tunes
Happy Holidays
celebrate the season
with the Phoenix
Opera Singers and
Orchestra as they
Deck the Halls of Palm Ridge Rec
Center at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec.
Enjoy holiday favorites from the
“Hallelujah Chorus” to “O Holy
Continued on Page 5
Page 2
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
October 2014
Rec Centers plans month
of weekend entertainment
Saturday movies, Sunday concerts fill October
Everyone loves getting
something for nothing; who
doesn’t want free stuff? Well,
come October, Sun City West
residents will get a month full
of weekend freebies!
The Free October Weekend
Festival offers free movies
every Saturday night and free
evening. No tickets are required for either event in
Beardsley Park. Gates open at
5 and the movies begin at
dusk, concerts at 7 p.m.
Concessions are available
at all events. For the Saturday
movies, ice cream, popcorn
and beverages will be available for purchase. Starting at
5 p.m. Sundays, concert concessions include brats, hotdogs, hamburgers, beverages,
chips, popcorn and ice cream.
The movies will be shown
on the 16 feet by 9 feet screen
with the following schedule:
Oct. 4: “Now You See Me”
– An FBI agent and an Interpol detective track a team of
illusionists who pull off bank
heists during their performances and reward their audiences with the money. PG-13
Oct. 11: “The Monuments
Men” – Based on the true
story of the greatest treasure
hunt in history, the film is an
action drama focusing on an
unlikely World War II platoon, tasked by FDR with
going into Germany to rescue
masterpieces from Nazi
thieves and returning them to
their rightful owners. PG-13
Oct. 18: “Chef” – A chef
who loses his restaurant job
starts up a food truck in an effort to reclaim his creative
promise, while piecing back
together his estranged family.
R (some strong language)
Oct. 25: “Million Dollar
Arm” – In a last ditch effort
to save his career as a sports
agent, JB Bernstein concocts
a scheme to find baseball’s
next great pitcher. Hoping to
find a young cricket pitcher
he can turn into a major
league baseball star, JB travels to India to produce a reality show competition called
“Million Dollar Arm.” He
discovers Dinesh and Rinku,
two 18-year-old boys who
have no idea about playing
baseball, yet have a knack for
throwing a fastball. As the
boys learn the finer points of
baseball, JB, with the help of
his charming friend, Brenda,
learns valuable life lessons
about teamwork, commitment and what it means to be
a family. G
The free concerts will be
performed in Beardsley Park
every Sunday on the following schedule:
Oct. 5: Mix – This duo provides an energetic blend of
vocal harmonies and guitar.
They present an unexpected
array of familiar songs sure to
appeal to both young and old.
Their music selection spans
blues to rock, country and
western to sweet ballads and
folk songs. Mary Alberts’
smoky alto voice blends well
with Rick Jordan’s tenor renditions of selections from
Roy Orbison, Garth Brooks,
Jay and the Americans, The
Eagles KT Tunstall and many
Oct. 12: SilverKats – A
local group of five musicians
performing classic Rock and
Oct. 19: C Steve – C Steve
offers up a Johnny Cash tribute show, with a soulful delivery of some of the Man in
Black’s most haunting and
timeless tunes.
Oct. 26: Second Wind –
Bryan Whiteside and Pete
Hirschthal are local guitarists
playing folk, country and
Mark your calendars so you
don’t miss any of these free
weekends of entertainment!
C Steve
October 2014
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
Page 3
2nd show added to Veterans Day performances
A second show has been added to the Westernaires Chorus
Veterans Day performance at Palm Ridge Recreation Center.
Shows will be at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 11. The
Jazzy Poms group of the Rhythm Tappers also will perform.
Doors open one-half hour before each concert. Tickets are
$2.50 and are limited to Sun City West residents only.
Tickets are limited and will be available until the room’s
capacity is reached. A portion of the proceeds will be donated
to the Wounded Warrior project. Bring your rec card to the
Rec Centers box office to purchase two tickets per card, if
No concessions will be sold. The event is not open to the
public. Tickets will not be sold at the door.
Save the date
Kuentz Happy
Hour returns
6 p.m. Nov. 11
Bring your
own chair
Time to get spooky
at Halloween dance
It’s the right night for a fright night! Join us for the Halloween
Dance, which strangely enough, will be on Halloween night, Friday, Oct. 31, at Palm Ridge Recreation Center. Doors open at
6:30 for the 7 p.m. dance.
Wear your costumes and plan to Monster Mash the night away
to the music of the 8-Tracks. Ticket price is $10 and tickets go
on sale Sept. 9. Tickets will be sold at the door, if there are any
Prizes will be awarded for best costumes. You can be the judge.
BYOB and BYO snacks.
‘Evil Waze’ aims to provide
ultimate Santana Tribute
The Ultimate Santana Tribute Experience, Evil Waze,
comes to Beardsley Park at 7
p.m. Nov. 5. The band features
Mike Torres on guitar. Torres,
who lives in Phoenix, not only
sounds strikingly similar to
Santana, but is a mirror image
of the guitar legend as well.
Learning guitar from his father at age 7, Torres has spent
the better part of the last five
decades mastering it. He has
played with stars such as
Michael McDonald, Al DiMeola and Spyro Gyra.
Based in Las Vegas, Evil
Waze band members include
some of the finest musicians
from Mexico, Puerto Rico and
Cuba. With lead singer Carlos
David, who has performed
with the likes of Ricky Martin,
Carlos Santana, Jennifer
Lopez and Alejandro Sanz, no
other Santana tribute band
matches the realism of Evil
Santana Tribute Band Evil Waze will perform at Beardsley Park
Nov. 5. Phoenix resident Mike Torres heads the group.
Tickets are $12.50 and may
be purchased at the Box Office
or online. The show is open to
the public. Gates open at 5 the
night of the show and full con-
cessions – brats, hotdogs,
hamburgers, beverages, chips,
popcorn and ice cream - will
be available for purchase.
Dancing will be allowed.
Quilters happy to help centenarian celebrate
The 8-Tracks will provide the musical entertainment for the Halloween Dance at 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 31 in Palm Ridge Rec Center.
Palo Verde Patchers was pleased to help Isabelle Margeson celebrate her 100th birthday
with cards, cake and a special quilted wall hanging. Isabelle moved to Sun City West in 1981
when Palo Verde Patchers was just beginning.
She was eager to take that first quilting class and
join the club, thus being one of its first members.
Isabelle loves doing hand work of all kinds
and recently worked on applique for the 2015
Raffle Quilt for the group’s 2015 Biennial Quilt
Show set for Feb. 28 and March 1 at Palm Ridge
Recreation Center. She enjoys both piecing and
applique for her quilt work and has completed
many quilts for friends and family.
Born and raised in Connecticut, Isabelle first
learned to quilt there. Her first quilt was a
Grandmother’s Flower Garden. Isabelle is a fa-
Isabelle Margeson celebrated her 100th birthday with friends at Palo Verde Patchers.
miliar face each week at Palo Verde Patchers
and she is often showing another member a
hand work project or helping them in some other
Page 4
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
October 2014
Management & Governing Board
Governing Board
We survived another
All Directors:
Marion Mosley
James Young
July 2012-June 2015
July 2014-June 2017
Budget & Finance Chair
Nolan Reed
Nancy Landwert
July 2012-June 2015
Bowling Chair
July 2013-June 2016
Chartered Clubs Chair
Diane Cheney
Jack Steiner
July 2014-June 2017
Long Range Planning Chair
July 2014-June 2016
Public Relations Chair
Wanda Schnabel
Kay Williams
July 2014-June 2017
Golf Chair
July 2013-June 2016
Properties Chair
summer! Now it’s time for
fall fun and Board work
Summer is gone and we are crossing parking lots that was
now back in the swing of a concern during the summer.
things. For those of you who
Residents and outsiders
have not had access to
seem to be using Fry’s
our E-News and local
four entrances without
any issues.
Board Manager Sharon
Our Sun City West
Schomer announced her
Governing Board met
retirement, effective
with our sister city, Sun
Jan. 2, 2015. Sharon
City, in September.
has served with the Marion Mosley The two boards rePRESIDENT viewed several topAssociation for 16
years and will be greatly ics that appeared to be of
Congratulations, issue in both communities.
Sharon, we will be awaiting Well before my time in Sun
the time when you decide you City West, the two boards
are too bored and need to get used to meet.
back into a volunteer role.
With so many things hapThe summer months were pening in our environment,
as expected - hot and humid. we felt it important to restart
The monsoon storms helped these discussions, starting
some, especially the golf with Gov. Brewer’s signing of
courses. We got a break from the Golf Car Bill in late Auwatering the courses for a few gust. That bill, which allows
days. There were, unfortu- residents to drive on the
nately, some areas that shoulder of the roads without
flooded, affecting traffic flow. getting a citation, benefits
Speaking of traffic flow, both communities.
Fry’s grand opening over the
The national elections will
Labor Day weekend was a be here before you can say,
roaring success. Three days “Oh no, not already!” The
of entertainment and free primaries went pretty much as
goodies at the store went over expected, with so many unwell.
contested positions. There
As for the traffic, that ap- were a couple of surprises. I
pears to be OK. We haven’t won’t go into details other
seen much of drivers criss- than to say that you will see
Copyright © 2014
All Rights Reserved
General Manager - Michael Whiting, 623-544-6110;
Editor - Katy O’Grady, 623-544-6027;
News Asst. - Claudia Sherrill, 623-544-6644;
Member Services - 623-544-6100
more Sun City West residents
on the ballots.
October brings with it the
need to review 2015 budget
requirements. As I mentioned
before, we also will be looking at policy updates to allow
for investment and reserve
studies. The goal is to be able
to identify a reserve cap and
investment program. I know
what you are thinking, and in
answer to your concerns: No,
we are not going at this willynilly. Nope, our approach will
be very conservative!
I almost forgot to ask - how
do you like our new looks?
The Metal Club building got
updated early this summer
and R.H. Johnson is currently
being updated. Let us know
what you think.
By the way, the Meet the
President program is in effect
again this year. Hours are 9 to
11 a.m. every Monday. Feel
free to stop by, and be safe
out there, especially in your
golf cars.
The next Governing Board
Workshop is at 9 a.m. Friday,
Oct. 10, in the Lecture Hall.
The next regular Governing
Board meeting begins at 9 a.m.
Thursday, Oct 23, in the
Social Hall. The public is invited
to both sessions.
The Governing Board will meet
Mondays with the General
Manager in its Operations
Meetings at 1:30 p.m.
Mondays, Oct. 6 and
Oct. 20.
These sessions, which are open
to the public, are in the
Governing Board Conference
Room in the Administrative
Membership as of July 1, 2014: 28,341
David Wilson
July 2012-June 2015
Special Projects Chair
Board Manager
Sharon Schomer
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
19803 R.H. Johnson Blvd., Sun City West, AZ, 85375
Sun City West is a senior community for individuals 55 and older.
Printed by Independent Newspapers.
The meeting schedule is subject
to change. Call 623-544-6115 for
meeting dates and other
Governing Board information.
Residents also are encouraged to
check and sign up for
the e-newsletter.
October 2014
resume in the
Join us in the Kuentz Courtyard Monday,
Oct. 13 and Oct. 27 for the third season of
“Jam Sessions.” If you play a guitar, fiddle,
banjo, mandolin, ukulele, harmonica or
just want to listen, come out and enjoy
We supply the sound and chairs for the
musicians. The courtyard has seating for
the public.
For information, call Dori Miller at 623544-6193.
From Page 1
“Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer” will be performed. There
will be something for everyone!
Tickets are $20 and go on
sale Oct. 14 online and at the
Rec Centers box office. Doors
open at 6:30 and complimentary holiday cookies and refreshments will be available
Tickets for New
Year’s Eve dinner
party on sale
this month
From Page 1
Ticket price is $60 and
residents may purchase tickets in person at the Rec Centers box office beginning
Oct. 14. Online ticket sales
begin Oct. 29 for residents
and non-residents alike.
Tickets will not be sold at
the door.
There is limited seating,
so don’t miss out on the celebration. Get your tickets
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
Talent lines
up to
in Kuentz
Join us as we begin
the fourth season of
local talent performing
in the Kuentz Courtyard.
The ad asking for talent in the March Rec
Center News generated
a great response and the
slots were filled in just
two weeks.
There will be new talent plus many favorites
Starting at 11 a.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 7, here is
your line-up for October.
Oct. 7: Marce Fast,
Oct. 14: Tony Miller,
Oct. 21: Betty Dorsey,
Oct. 28: Second Wind,
singers/guitarists Bryan
Whiteside and Pete
For information, call
Dori Miller at 623-5446193.
Newcomers coffee
introduces residents
to Rec Centers staff,
service groups
and clubs
The Newcomers’ Orientation & Coffee will be at 9:30
a.m. Thursday, Oct. 30.
Doors open at 9 a.m. at the
R.H. Johnson Social Hall.
This is an opportunity to
promote our clubs and help
new residents get acquainted with all the community has to offer.
Ninth director named
to fill vacancy
From Page 1
project currently displayed outside of Member Services.
Director Steiner will serve
through June 30, 2015. The
March 2015 elections will be
held for the three director positions which expire in June plus
a 2-year term position, which
will complete Oaks’ remaining
Residents may visit with the
clubs and service groups
until introduction of staff at
9:30 and the power point
presentation that follow.
If you are not a new resident but have never attended the Newcomer’s
orientation, you are welcome as well.
Make plans for
Toys for Kids
From Page 1
nity Center, MIHS El Mirage
Family Health Center, Army
(Veterans Group) and Nadaburg School District.
For information, call Kay
Benz, president of the
Women’s Social Club at 623544-6704.
Page 5
An Art and Photography Expo
is coming to Sun City West
Saturday, Jan. 31, 2015.
Local artists and photographers
will display their finest work,
with something for every
taste and budget.
More about this next
Two options for club officers
to attend mandatory meeting
The mandatory Chartered
Club Officers Meeting will be
offered two days, from 6 to
7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 1
and 8 to 9:30 a.m. Thursday,
Oct. 2 in R.H. Johnson Social
This meeting will review
Rule, Regulations and Procedures. It is every Club’s re-
sponsibility to provide a minimum of one officer to represent their club in order to
protect the club’s charter as
well as its IRS exempt status.
Please confirm your club’s
attendance by calling Peggy at
623-544-6031 or emailing her
Kuentz clubs await
open house visitors
Join us Saturday, Oct. 11 for Kuentz Chartered Clubs’ annual open house. Visit with the clubs that use the Kuentz
Recreation Center on a regular basis. Some of our golf clubs
will also be there. We will have demonstrations by the clubs
and refreshments by the Rec Centers.
We will have entertainment in the courtyard by various
clubs from 10 to 11:45 a.m. for you to enjoy while visiting
the rooms.
You have the opportunity to head over to the Stardust Theatre at 11:45 a.m. for the Ambassadors of SCW. They will
be giving you a sampling of the upcoming season’s productions.
Clubs participating include Basketeers, Boomers, Calligraphy, Creative Silk Flowers, Creative Stitchers, Cribbage,
Dancing Arts, Decorative Art, Leather Carvers, Mac-CroKnit, SCW Men’s Niner’s Golf, Musicians, Palo Verde
Patchers, Rhythm Tappers, SCW Art, Softball, Tennis, Theatre West, Weavers West, Westernaires, Women’s Social and
Questions? Contact Dori Miller at 623-544-6193.
Page 6
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
July Financials (Preliminary)
Cur Month Total Revenue
Cur Month Total Expenditures
Membership Fees
Recreation Fees
Golf Fees
Bowling Fees
Ancillary Revenue
Special Events
Asset Preservation Fee
Merchandise Sales
Food and Beverage
Interest Income
Facilty Investment Fee
Other Income
YTD Total Revenue
YTD Total Expenditures
Wages & Benefits
Repair & Maintenance
Interest & Financial
Legal & Professional
Taxes & Insurance
Supplies & Services
Landscape Maintenance
Employee Related
Total Expenditures
Excess (Deficit) Revenue over
Capital Project Expenditures
Complete financial statements are posted monthly on (Reports section)
Bowling Lineage by Quarter
Tennis Courts
Resurface Outdoor Walking Track
Fitness Equipment
Arts & Crafts Foam Roof Repair & Re-Coat
Restroom Expansion, Pickleball
Pool liners & spas, Palm Ridge indoor
Replace Theatre Seating & Carpet
Maintenance Equipment
129,566 104,493
Deer Valley
130,073 134,142
Echo Mesa
Arts & Crafts Restroom Remodel
Palm Ridge
Cost YTD Total
Parking Lot Lighting (Social Hall to Library)
Pool Locker Rooms Remodeled
Computer Hardware
Pool U.V. Filtration
Color and Stripe 7-Tennis Courts
RH Johnson
Total Resources
Operating Expenditures
Revenue: Funds available to RCSCW
Expenditures: Costs incurred by RCSCW
Fiscal Year 2014-Capital Projects $50,000 or Higher
October 2014
Editor’s note: These are preliminary financials,
contingent upon completion of our annual audit.
favorable to budget
unfavorable to budget
Desert Trails
Well Replacement
Energy Conservation
Safety & Structural Integrity
Changing Demographics
Equip Replacement (A/C, boilers, etc)
Grandview Pro Shop Remodel
RHJ Underlayment Replacement
Pebblebrook Lake #4
Stardust Cart Paths, Maint Yard Slurry Seal
201,265 150,843
127,752 118,909
Golf Rounds by Quarter
October 2014
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
SCW Tennis represented
at USTA sectionals
Page 7
With any newly formed
team, the beginning of the
season is a telltale sign for
the remainder of the year.
Expectations were high in
Tennis CenJanuary after seeing the imter in May,
mense talent on a team with
the three
players from around the
will comValley.
pete at the
But three women on the
USTA 8.0 team, Sun City
West residents Peggy Sue
Kruger, Lindsay Davidson
Albuand Carol O’Brien, playing
out of the Surprise Tennis
N.M., Sept.
Center, prevailed over the
unknown by winning match Carol O’Brien practices in Canada, her home country, to R e s u l t s
compete at the USTA Sectionals in Albuquerque.
after match
will be in
throughout the season. By winning the USTA the November issue of Rec Center News.
Oct. 24-Nov. 9, “Social Security,” presented by Theatre West.
Evening shows Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.
Matinees Thursday and Sunday.
Nov. 21-23, Greaseland Variety Show,
presented by the Rhythm Tappers
Evening shows Friday and Saturday. Matinees Saturday and Sunday.
Dec. 11-14, My Favorite Holiday Things,
presented by the Westernaires
Box office hours: Monday through Thursday,
10 a.m. to noon. Tickets $7 each
Every Thursday, Friends of the Library
present movies, 7 p.m., $2 donation requested.
Need a new rec
Peggy Sue
Kruger, who
says her serve is
her best
weapon on the
court, aims to
win at the Sectional tournament to play at
Nationals which
will be contested in Surprise in
All Rec Centers members are reminded they can get a
brand new rec card if their old one is faded or worn out.
With more and more facilities swiping member cards,
you might find your card won’t read easily or has an outdated member number style.
Simply bring your old card to Member Services between
8 a.m. and 3 p.m. weekdays, and we’ll take an updated
photo and issue you a new card. If you don’t have your old
card, there is a $10 replacement fee.
Lindsay Davidson, an aggressive net
player, was an integral player on the
team to capture the District championship.
Concert in the Park, 5 pm
Concert in the Park, 5 pm 13
Concert in the Park, 5 pm 20
Concert in the Park, 5 pm
GM Ops 1:30 pmBoard
Conf. Room
Chartered Club Officers, 2
6 pm Johnson Social Hall
Chartered Club Officers,
8 am Johnson Social Hall
Properties 9 am
Long Range Planning 1 pm
Stardust Movie 7 pm
Bowling 9 am
Golf 1:30 pm
Stardust Movie, 7 pm
Rec Center News
Movie in the Park 7 pm
Board Workshop 11
9 am Lecture Hall
Kuentz Open House, 10 am
Movie in the Park 7 pm
Budget & Finance 9 am
Public Relations 1 pm
You Think You Have Talent,
11 am Kuentz Courtyard
Tour Kuentz 9 am
Jam Session, 1 pm
Kuentz Courtyard
Tour Beardsley 9 am
Investment, 9 am
Chartered Clubs 1:30 pm
You Think You Have Talent,
11 am Kuentz Courtyard
Tour RH Johnson 9 am 16
Tour Palm Ridge 9 a.m.
Stardust Movie 7 pm
Movie in the Park 7 pm
GM Ops 1:30 pm Board
Conf. Room
Budget & Finance 1 pm
You Think You Have Talent,
11 am Kuentz Courtyard
Board meeting
9 am Social Hall
Stardust Movie 7 pm
Movie in the Park 7 pm
Jam Session, 1 pm
Kuentz Courtyard
You Think You Have Talent,
11 am Kuentz Courtyard
Newcomers Coffee,
8 am Johnsocn Social Hall
To confirm events, call 623-544-6032. To confirm Governing Board activities, call 623-544-6115.
Halloween Dance,
7 pm Palm Ridge
Page 8
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
PORA/Community News
October 2014
October 2014
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
Page 9
Community News
Community Fund
of SCW provides vital
help to residents
The Community Fund of Sun
City West provided vital financial
help to Sun City West residents in
the amount of $47,779 in the first
six months of 2014. According to its
President Jerry Overton, the Community Fund paid bills for its confidential clients after reviewing
their financial conditions and their
inability to pay for these vital needs.
As an example, a plumbing bill of
$1,495, a HVAC repair of $837, and
a heater replacement of $356 were
paid by checks to their
vendors. More frequent invoices
paid were for mortgages, rent, property taxes and utilities.
The Community Fund operates
only in Sun City West and is an allvolunteer 501c3 corporation. It operates using donated funds and,
after expenses related to the annual
fundraising campaign, approximately 95 percent of its remaining
revenues are used to pay bills for its
Its funds come from fundraising
from Sun City West residents, donations from churches and organizations such as PORA, Rotary,
Kiwanis, etc. In 2013, the fund
raised $100,000, far less than it paid
Knowing that the need is growing, the Community Fund is increasing its efforts to raise
revenues. It has a new web site that
will accept donations by credit
cards after Oct. 1 —, or donations may be sent to Community
Fund of Sun City West, 13940
Meeker, Suite 115, PMB 613, Sun
City West, AZ 85375.
Sun City West residents who need
financial help and believe we might
be able to help them can call the hot
line, 623-546-1122.
Call Center offers
volunteer opportunity
Answer calls and provide personalized assistance in our call center. Provide information about available transportation services in the area to link
callers to available transportation services. Provide warm transfers to connect callers to transportation partners. Shifts of 4 hours are available. Call
Kathy Chandler 623-282-9300 or email Call Center is based at the Benevilla office in Surprise.
Community service organizations
PORA: 13815 Camino del Sol; 623-584-4288
PRIDES: 14630 R.H. Johnson Blvd.; 623-584-2878
Posse: 20450 Stardust Blvd.; 623-584-5808
Foundation: 14465 R.H. Johnson Blvd; 623-584-6851
Community Fund: 623-546-1122 (leave a message; calls
will be returned)
Friends of the Library: Call the library at 623-5446130
If your community group has news about Sun City
West, send it to
before the first Friday of the month
prior to publication.
A woman’s ring was turned in to the
front desk at PORA Nov. 15, 2012.
The person turning in the ring did not
leave a name or telephone number but
said they found it near 145th Drive in
Sun City West.
We have posted notices regarding
this ring in our e-newsletter more than
once and to date, no one has come forward to claim the ring.
If you think this could be your ring,
we will need for you to call 623-584-
4288 or come by the PORA office
with a detailed description of your
For information, call Karen Bertelsen, PORA Marketing Coordinator,
at 623-584-4288, Ext. 414.
Page 10
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
October 2014
Phone Numbers
19803 R.H. Johnson Blvd.
Fitness Center: 544-6107
Swimming Pool: 544-6106
Tennis Reservations: 544-6151
Mini Golf, Table Tennis, Wii,
Arcade, Racquetball, Bocce:
Ceramics: 546-0975
Lapidary: 584-8952
Lawn Bowls: 584-0617 or
Men’s Club; 544-6150
Metal Club: 584-0150
Model Railroad: 544-6148
Rip ‘N’ Sew: 546-4050
Silvercraft: 584-8153
(located at R.H. Johnson
Rec Center)
Data Resource Center: 544-6644
Memo’s Bistro: 544-6116
12755 Beardsley Road at Stardust
Pool/Fitness/Mini Golf: 544-6525
Bridge Club: 544-6529
Clay Club: 544-6530
Copper Cookers: 544-6532
Photography: 544-6520, 544-6521
14401 R.H. Johnson Blvd.
Swimming Pool/Fitness:
Softball: 544-6157, 544-6158
Stardust: 584-7025
Weavers: 544-6515
Women’s Social: 546-4236
Woodworking: 546-4722
13800 W. Deer Valley Drive
Swimming Pool/Fitness:
Computers West: 214-1546
Stained Glass: 544-6586
Tee Time Confirmation:
Tee Time Reservations:
Course Conditions: 544-6175
DEER VALLEY: 544-6016
ECHO MESA: 544-6014
GRANDVIEW: 544-6013
Crooked Putter: 544-6090
STARDUST: 544-6012
TRAIL RIDGE: 544-6015
General Manager: 544-6110
Human Resources: 544-6123
Member Services: 544-6100
Rec Center News: 544-6644
Website: 544-6133
Recreation Manager: 544-6114
Tours & Scheduling: 544-6129
Box Office: 544-6093
Club Contacts
Arts & Crafts
• Art - Sun West, Virginia
Miller, 214-7912
• Basketeers, Penny Plass:
476-5151/Jean Lytle: 518-4714
• Beaders, Arlene Hall: 4667735
• Calligraphy, Dale
Hornyan-Toftoy: 546-8502/Judy
Ross: 584-8698
• Ceramics West, Nancy
Dobbins: 792-8993
• Clay Club, James Herr:
• Copper Enameling
and Glass Arts, Janette Gricol: 584-1465
• Creative Stitchers,
Leone Jung: 546-2643
• Decorative Art, Kathy
Capps: 546-5924
• Encore Needle &
Craft, Joy Hicks: 584-4846
• Johnson Lapidary,
Glen Renshaw: 602-552-6802
• Leather Carvers, Donald Fordyce: 606-7102
• Mac-Cro-Knit, Mary
Kocha: 556-5929
• Metal Club, James
Bergstrom: 546-6856
• Palo Verde Patchers,
Karen Justus: 251-7893
• Photography West,
Donald Robinson: 556-9618
• Porcelain Painters,
Kaye Renshaw: 602-582-5308
• Rip ‘n’ Sew, Eva Weisberg: 792-7186/Linda Gran: 5845046
• Scrapbooking, Papercrafts & More, Elyse Soffer:
• Silk Flowers, Wauneita
Haupt: 546-0665
• Stained Glass
Crafters, Rose Waldon: 602885-7222
• Toy-ki Silvercraft, Norman Drutman: 433-9008
• Weavers West Guild,
Pat Mader: 214-5703
• Woodworking, Tim
Flynn: 505-3259
• Zymurgy, Gary Dawson:
Cards &
• Bridge-Kiva West Duplicate, June Heuser: 5845851
• Bridge-One Partner,
Eugene Mitofsky: 505-7206
• Bridge-Tuesday Contract, William Lafave: 5336440
• Bunco, Viv Hennessey:
• Canasta West, Arlene
Rozmus: 546-3803
• Club 52 Card Club,
Raymond Langlois: 602-9996688
• Cribbage, Mary Brokaw:
• Euchre Card Club,
John Bellinger: 602-793-6755
• Five-Hundred Card,
Marcel Mantha, 466-5115
• Mah Jongg, Norma
Platt: 214-0767
• Pan Card Club,Barbara
Harris: 975-4501
• Pinochle, Jim Thompson:
• Saturday Night
Gamesters, Vard Miller: 5845396
• Sheepshead, Jim
Linzmeier: 262-424-6281
• Country Western, Darris Larsen: 975-6241
• Hillcrest Dance & Social, Joe Oliver: 214-6801
• International Social &
Dance, Anna Besmer: 5215701
• Latin Ballroom, Wilbur
Lider: 584-8543
• Line Dancers, Martha
Williams: 556-9093
• Westerners Square
Dance, Ralph Kwapiszeski:
Health &
• Arthritis Club, Barbara
Sumner: 544-7775
• Dance for the Health
of It, Pamela Spears: 602-6794220
• Energetic Exercise,
Joan Hawkinson: 255-6358
• Fitness Club, Andrea
Ellen Green: 249-7911
• Handi-Capables, JJ
Jones: 520-518-2173
• Water Fitness, Alicia
Kelley: 975-3070
• Yoga, Patricia Snodgrass:
Hobbies &
• Agriculture, Keith Morrow: 546-3080
• Automotive Restoration, Tom Jones: 503-8873430
• Broadcast Club,
William Parsons: 546-4946
• Coin & Stamp, Fred
Bubeheimer: 377-6621
• Computers West,
Bruce Merrihew: 584-7440
• Garden Club, David
Hodgins: 584-5962
• Investment Club, Barry
Hoke: 322-0909
• Model Railroad, Bob
Rose: 826-3448
• Recreational Vehicle,
Diane Thoene: 214-5534
• Rockhounds West,
Marcia Dorris: 738-9337, Linda
Blakley: 425-760-0022
Music &
• Dancing Arts, Marie
Farmer: 544-7842
• Karaoke, Betty Dorsey:
• Musicians Club, Tony
Miller: 556-9720
• Organ & Keyboard,
Ronald Aron: 537-9092
• Rhythm Tappers, Kaye
Prokosch: 651-755-5690
• Stardust Theatre
Council, Lu Gay: 584-0094
• Theatre West, Al Lombardos:: 546-3689
• Westernaires Chorus,
Jim Blexrud: 544-8381
• Boomers, Sue Fitzsimmons: 234-1696
• Canine Companions,
Diane Sullivan: 363-4909
• Club Español, Mary Ann
Jasken: 701-866-9460
• Friends of the Library, Larry Woods: 556-8949
• Men’s Club, Bob Ringhofer: 566-1026
• Singles Club, Carol
Sarna: 255-4965
• Sunshine Animal
Club, Robert Stebbins: 5442356
• Women’s Social Club,
Kay Benz: 544-6704
Sports - Golf
• Deer Valley Men, Ronnie Skogrand: 518-3546
• Deer Valley Women,
Pat Emswiler: 206-550-3713
• Desert Trails Men,
Carl Wenger: 309-854-1687
• Desert Trails Women
18ers and 9ers, Donna
Claudon: 584-9024/Sue Geller:
• Echo Mesa Men, Mick
Waas: 584-4948
• Echo Mesa Women,
Norma Stout: 544-9759
• Golf Council SCW,
Karen Hunter: 544-6986
• Grandview Men,
Joseph Holt: 322-9524
• Grandview Women,
Julianne Kleager: 755-8853
• Lady Putters SCW,
Janette Gricol: 584-1465
• Men’s Niners, Howard
Allnut: 214-0583
• Men’s Putting, Wayne
Bergin: 606-7427
• Pebblebrook Men,
David Campbell: 518-4871
• Pebblebrook Women,
Claudia Evans: 214-1349
• Pebblebrook Ladies
Niners, Elyse Wiegand: 2555324
• Stardust Men, Bob England: 556-8306
• Stardust Women,
Charleen Johnson, 546-6495
• Stardust Women Niners, Pauline Phillips: 975-0912
• Trail Ridge Men, Gary
Bosak: 556-4812
• Trail Ridge Women,
Deb Hodnett: 249-7585
• Bocce, Michael Schlaff:
• Bowlers Association,
Dale Stoltenow: 612-360-4371
• Crestview Bike Riders, Greg Swift: 503-981-2951
• Horseshoe, Jerry Metcalf: 323-972-4689
• Johnson Lawn Bowls,
John Preston: 251-1006
• Men’s Billiards, Don
Nicks: 433-8524
• Mini-Golfers, Sue
Williams: 337-4558
• Mis-Cues Ladies Billiards, Judy Malm: 556-1528
• Pickleball, Ken Holtz: 2155854
• Racquetball/ Handball/Whisperball, Jan Warren: 214-3760
• Shuffleboard, Charles
Inman: 980-2658
• Softball, Bob Dobbins:
• Sportsman’s, Tom Sloan:
• Tennis Club, Janet Simcic: 214-8935
- Platform Tennis, Ron
Gliot: 584-7838
- Table Tennis, Jack
Wetherbie: 547-6263
- Tennis, Mal Jacobson:
- Volleyball, Dawn
Wakefield: 271-8511
Chartered Clubs leadership is subject to
change. The list will be
updated as necessary.
Call 544-6031.
October 2014
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
All States Clubs
Submit All States Club
news by the first day of each
month (for the next month’s
publication) to All submissions for November
2014 are due by Oct. 1. If
you do not have a computer,
please print and mail to
22211 Lobo Lane, Sun City
West, AZ 85375.
Welcome back to all the clubs
that were dark for the summer; the
news about all their new events is
coming in daily and it sounds like
they are all prepared for a great
opening season.
The All States Club will sponsor
the annual meeting in January or
February for all the presidents of the
various clubs and their social chairpersons, all presidents will be notified by mail in December as to the
date, time and place for the meeting.
These meetings are always very
informative as all presidents have an
opportunity to get up and talk about
what their club is doing, pass on tips
about fun things they have done,
etc., to other presidents. We encourage all presidents and chairpersons
to attend.
Refreshments will be served.
Information: 623-214-8150.
Welcome to all new and former
members. Those who are not yet
members, we look forward to your
joining us in re-establishing the
club. This is a joint project and we
look forward to working with
The board has been busy planning programs to kick off the new
year. “Meet and Greet” will be Nov.
8 in the Quail & Coyote Rooms in
the SCW Foundation Complex. We
will gather between 4 and 6 p.m.
Come and share your stories about
where you lived, what you did as a
kid, where you went to school and
where you worked. Do you remember the U505 German submarine being pulled out of Lake
Michigan and across Lake Shore
Drive to be placed in the Museum
of Science & Industry?
We will have board members
ready to take your dues ($10 per
person, which includes a new
badge). If you wish to join sooner,
applications are in the Visitors Center and on the website. Go to and click on
Membership. There you will find a
link to the application. Also, share
your suggestions on what you
would like to do as a club. There are
so many things to do in Arizona bring your ideas.
We look forward to seeing everyone and know you will help us
make the Illinois State Club the
friendliest club in the West.
Information: Diane, 623-4660512 or Sandy, membership, 623850-3610.
The Iowa Club meets for breakfast every second Monday of each
month throughout the year at 8:30
a.m. at Tivoli Gardens, 12535 W.
Bell Road. No reservations required
and you need not be a member to
attend. Cost is $8.50 inclusive.
Membership is $10 per year. The
Fall Harvest Picnic is set for Nov.
15 in Beardsley Park Ramada
1. Tickets are $10.
Information: Mary Ruddy, 623258-8061.
Summer is over and now the fun
begins for Minnesotans who are in
SCW for the great fall, winter and
spring months.
As plans for a welcome back
breakfast have changed, please
mark the date change for the November event now. The date has
been moved to Friday, Nov. 14,
rather than earlier in the month, as
was announced in last month’s Rec
Center News. We know that many
more winter visitors will have returned by then. There also is a location change, and breakfast will be at
the Elks Club on Union Hills Drive
in Sun City. The time remains 9
a.m. Cost will be the same as last
year, members $10 and guests $12.
We are looking for volunteers to
help plan and help with the events
If you have some computer knowledge we could really use your help.
Information: Jean, 623-5460557.
Montana Club Valley of the Sun
will kick off the 2014-2015 season
with the Annual Fall Picnic Nov. 13
at Beardsley Park. Beverages at
noon, lunch at 12:45 p.m. Cost is
$19 per person. An array of chicken,
BBQ beef, beans, salads, dessert
and beverages will be offered. Send
your reservation and check to Linda
Gran, 21008 N. Bola Court, Sun
City West, AZ, 85375. Phone 623584-5046 for information.
In addition, join us Dec. 7 at the
Del Webb Center for Performing
Arts in Wickenburg for a 2:30 p.m.
performance of “Deep in the Heart
of Christmas,” by the Texas
Tenors. Price is $45 per ticket, and
only 40 tickets are available. Reservations to Karen Munson, 20002 N.
87th Drive, Peoria, AZ 85382, no
later than Oct. 5. For information,
call 623-362-8622.
Welcome Back Pizza Party is at
5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 14 at Sun
City West Foundation. Cost is $10
for members and $13 for guests.
Make checks payable to Nebraska
Club and mail to 14524 W. Robertson Drive, SCW, AZ 85375-2833.
Nebraska Fest is at 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 11 at the Sun City
Elks Lodge, 10760 W. Union Hills
Drive in Sun City. Cost is $12 for
members and $15 for guests. Make
checks payable to Nebraska Club
and mail to 13006 N. 98th Ave., Sun
City, AZ, 85351-3224.
The men meet each Tuesday at 6
a.m. at Hole ‘N One Restaurant in
SCW. Co-ed breakfast is each Saturday at 8 a.m. at Tivoli Gardens on
Bell Road. Ladies bridge is at 11:30
a.m. the third Friday each month at
Briarwood Country Club. Reservations are required by calling 623975-1792 or 623-322-2442.
Dues are $10 per person. Mail
checks to 13945 Rico Drive, Sun
City West, AZ 85375-2800.
Ohio Club activities planned for
October 2014 are as follows:
Monthly Club Breakfast at 8:30
a.m. Monday, Oct. 6, at Tivoli Gardens, 12555 W. Bell Road, Surprise.
Octoberfest ‘Welcome Back’
Luncheon/Party is at 1:30 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 16, at Haus Murphy
Restaurant, 5739 W. Glendale Ave.,
Glendale. Reservations are due by
Oct. 8, $ 27.50 per person. Call Bea,
623-584-5410 or Ruth, 623-5845813. All members and guests are
Information: Ruth Laymon, president, 623-584-5813; membership:
Richard Borczak, 623-214-6201.
The State of Oregon Club will
have a Welcome Back party, Friday,
Nov. 14 at the Foundation Hall in
Sun City West in the Quail/Coyote
Rooms. The approximate cost will
be $13 per person including the $5
annual dues. More details will be
available in mid-October when the
Snowbird planning committee returns to Arizona. If you would like
to participate in this or other State of
Oregon Club activities email All
current or past Oregon residents,
families, and others with an interest
in Oregon are welcome.
Information: Penny, 623 9337021 after mid-October or 503 5804636 (cell) anytime.
Reservation forms for the Welcome Back Party will be available
by email or mail in late
October. This year, the club decided
to turn things around and hold a different “Free Members Event.” We
hope all our members will join us
Wednesday, Nov. 12 for a free,
catered spaghetti dinner provided
by Sharko’s. Doors open at 4:30
p.m., and dinner is scheduled for 5.
The buffet menu will include: penne
pasta with marinara sauce, meatballs, tossed salad, rolls and butter
and dessert. Coffee will be provided, but you may bring any other
We will be asking for a $5 reservation deposit per person. Since we
will be opening up the 2015 dues at
this event, you may use the $5 deposit toward next year’s dues, or it
may be refunded to you. We are trying to wrap up 2015 dues early this
The “Sociable Singles” table will
be available for those who wish to
socialize with other singles.
For new membership information or renewal, call Jack at 623975-0561. Deadline for this event is
Nov. 7.
Well, it’s getting to that time of
year when all the Snowbirds start to
return to the warm nests they vacated for the summer.
Planning for the fall season is almost complete, we will begin our
new season Oct. 27 at Beardsley
Park with Famous Dave’s meal of
roasted chicken, ribs, barbequed
chicken, with beverages, sides and
cookies, followed by a Treasure
Hunt with prizes for the winners.
The time will be announced in the
club newsletter along with your
coupons for reservations.
The Christmas event is at Broadway Palms Dinner Theater, for dinner and the well-known story of “A
Miracle on 34th Street.” The date is
Dec. 11, and the trip will include
round-trip transportation, dinner and
the wonderful play, so mark your
calendar for that also. The price will
be in the newsletter. If you are not a
member, give us a call and we will
do the rest, the only requirement is
that you or your spouse or friend
must have lived in Washington
State at some time in your life. The
dues are $10 per person a year and
we would love to have all of the
Page 11
newcomers from Washington State
join our group - it’s the best.
Nov. 30 will be the annual meeting and election of new officers in
Summit Hall A in Palm Ridge. This
will be followed by a taste of the
grape along with some great imported cheeses and a chance to meet
all of our new members. Mark that
on your calendar also, this is a complimentary function and all members are invited to join us. More
information on this and all upcoming events may be found in the September club newsletter.
We are looking for volunteers to
serve on the board. If you feel you
would like to serve or you have
membership questions, please call
623-214-8150. We are looking forward to seeing everyone again in
October and wishing all a safe and
pleasant return.
You know you are a true Wisconsinite when you stayed the entire
summer this year. Plenty of mosquitoes and hot, muggy, foggy, rainy,
rainy weather. Everything was so
lush and green into the fall—makes
for a fun time at the Badger games.
Go Badgers.
Welcome back Wiscos. Hope
you all had a great time and are
ready to enjoy the exciting upcoming club events. The first event will
be the “Welcome Back” picnic at
Beardsley Park, Ramada’s 1, 2, &
3, at noon Friday, Nov. 14. Texas
Roadhouse will be catering the
event. Members pay $9, guests pay
$11. You should be receiving your
information flyer soon. There will
be no entertainment or games this
year but we will have a 50/50 raffle.
Call Sue at 623-594-1893.
Holiday dinner at Briarwood with
musical entertainment by Stan
Leavitt will be Tuesday, Dec. 9. This
event always fills up early. Call
Linda, 623-399-8237.
Enjoy breakfast with fellow Wisconsinites at 8:30 a.m. the second
Monday of the month at Tivoli Gardens, 12535 W. Bell Road, Surprise.
Order off the menu. Individual
checks. Be sure to wear your Wisconsin name badge for a drawing
for a free breakfast. Call Carol, 623214-6661 by the Friday before to
reserve a space.
We welcome any Wisconsinites
new to the area or who just want to
join our club for the great fun you
hear about. Call the membership
chairwoman, Pat, at 623 -546-0853.
Information: President Bob, 623399-8237,
Page 12
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
Ocyober 2014
SCW Mentors host
‘First Swing’ clinic
Stardust Golf Course in Sun City West will
host the popular November “First Swing” golf
clinic structured specifically for persons who
want to learn to play golf. Taking place from
12:30 to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 15, this
hands-on clinic will be free to Sun City West
residents who have current rec cards, and to
Controlled Neighborhood Play card holders
from other senior communities, if room is available.
The Sun City West Mentors will host this spe-
Reid-West Golf
Academies Clinics
cial day to encourage friends and neighbors who
are interested in learning the game, and those
who have not played in a long while, to come
out and learn some basic skills. The hands-on
instruction will cover woods, irons, putting,
chipping and basic information about playing
the game of golf.
Space is limited to 60 people, and reservations
must be made by sending an email request to or calling 623-5446618.
Couples set
through end
of year
SCW Sunday Couples kept
busy through the summer
months with the players who
stayed here at home. We hope
all of you had a great summer,
and as you return to Sun City
West, you will again look forward to golfing with us. Here
is the schedule through the end
of the year.
Oct. 12 – Pebblebrook
Oct. 26 – Stardust
Nov. 9 – Trail Ridge
Nov. 23 – Echo Mesa
Dec. 14 – Desert Trails
Dec. 28 – Deer Valley
To sign up for an upcoming
Sunday, use the sign-up book
at the course we will be playing or call Jean Serr at 623214-1501.
Rule 16-1e & definition of “line of putt”
Q: A player reaches across the hole to tap in a
short putt (the hole is between the
player and the ball). Is this a breach
of Rule 16-1e, Standing Astride or on
the Line of Putt?
A: No. The line of putt does not extend beyond the hole. There is no penalty for making a stroke in this manner, provided the ball is
fairly struck at and not raked into the hole.
Core Clinics
October: 11 a.m.-noon
Friday, Oct. 3 - Echo Mesa Driver
Saturday, Oct. 4 - Echo Mesa
Tuesday, Oct. 7- Echo Mesa Putting
Friday, Oct. 10 - Echo Mesa Sand
Tuesday, Oct. 14 - Echo Mesa Irons
Friday, Oct. 17 - Pebblebrook
Tuesday, Oct. 21 - Deer Valley
Friday, Oct. 24 Grandview Driver
Tuesday, Oct. 28 - Grandview
Friday, Oct. 31 - Deer Valley Sand
November: 11 a.m.noon
Monday, Nov. 3 - Grandview Irons
Wednesday, Nov. 5 - Echo Mesa
Friday, Nov. 7 -Pebblebrook Driver
Monday, Nov. 10 - Grandview Putter
Wednesday, Nov. 12- Echo Mesa
Friday, Nov. 14 - Pebblebrook
Monday, Nov. 17 - Grandview Sand
Wednesday, Nov. 19 - Echo Mesa
Friday, Nov. 21 - Pebblebrook
Monday, Nov. 24 - Grandview
Wednesday, Nov. 26 - Echo Mesa
Friday, Nov. 28 - Pebblebrook
If you would like to schedule your
own clinic, give us a call and we can
set one up for you. 623-687-4333
Clinic prices
Resident, $20; non-resident,
Each Core Clinic is an hour
long and teaches the basic fundamentals of the clinic title.
Questions: call 623-6874333.
4-week Beginners
Wednesdays from Oct. 1 to
Oct. 22, 1 to 2 p.m.
Wednesdays from Nov. 3 to
Nov. 25, 1 t0 2 p.m.
Cost: $95 residents, $100
AimPoint Express
We also are offering Aimpoint
Express. What is the perfect
balance between simplicity and
accuracy? This read can be
learned in minutes and will give
you reliable reads with little
time invested. Perfect for any
golfer who wants increased accuracy with a non-technical solution.
You may also form your own
group and shcedule your own
clinic at your own day and
time.Minimum of 2 and maximum of 8 students. Please
Call 623-687-4333 or visit
Note: Clinics are subject to
change; check the website at
for the most updated list. For information, call Reid West, 623-
Holes in One
Ricky James
Logan Cordell
Kenneth Ruck
Kip Baker
Bob Lovell
Jerry Barbero
Paul James DeGraeve
Pamela Barnes
Harold J. Allen
Frank Bagnato
Golf Course
Deer Valley
Echo Mesa
Desert Trails
Deer Valley
Deer Valley
Echo Mesa
Echo Mesa
Echo Mesa
7 iron
5 iron
6 iron
Hybrid sand wedge
6 iron
9 iron
5 iron
5 iron
Pitching wedge
Pitching wedge
October 2014
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
Page 13
Men of October
tourney returns to SCW
Octogenarian Players issue challenge to media, pro athletes
This fall marks the fourth
year that the Rec Centers of
Sun City West will host the
United States Racquetball Association (USRA) sanctioned
Men of October tournament,
which features singles and
doubles players, both men and
women. The players must be
at least 80 to participate.
The three-day, round-robin
format starts at 9 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 23, and continues
through Saturday, Oct. 25, at
the R.H. Johnson Racquetball
This event was established
to show respect and admiration for senior athletes who
love racquetball and have a
lifelong commitment to fitness through sports.
Tournament Director Greg
Steger, who started the event,
also instituted the logo and
motto for both the tournament
and the club: “You don’t stop
playing because you grow old,
you grow old because you
stop playing.”
SCW Racquetball Club
President Jan Warren credits
Steger with “doing an outstanding job of making these
senior players feel welcome in
the club and in the community. He has also provided a
tournament full of fun, competition, and camaraderie.”
Warren adds, “All players
across the country in this age
bracket are aware of this great
event, and they look forward
to participating each year.”
The players who participate
in this tournament come from
all over the country and are
the best in their age group.
This year these players have
issued a challenge: “Age-Experience-Skill vs. YouthSpeed-Ego” to any Valley
sports or news announcers and
any pro sports players, to
come out and play against
some of these senior talents.
Their challenge is to play two
games to 11 points per game.
In the event of a tie score after
the two games, the tie goes to
the oldest player on the court.
The challenge will take place
during lunch break on the first
day of the Men of October
tournament, Thursday, Oct.
23. Interested challengers may
contact Greg Steger at 563271-3053
or, for
more information.
The Men of October Tournament entry deadline is Oct.
11. In the event too many entries are received, the earliest
received applications will receive priority. A $40 entry fee
must accompany the entry
form. Checks should be made
payable to: SCW Racquetball
Club. Mail entry form and
check to Jan Warren, 12303
W. Prospect Court, Sun City
West, AZ 85373, to arrive no
later than Oct. 11.
Ladies night
is back!
Date: Oct. 11
Location: Echo Mesa
Time: 3-6 p.m.
Format: 2-person teams
Cost: $20 per person
(Must pre-pay by Oct. 6)
Please bring a putter, ball and extra cash
for 50/50 pot and raffle prizes.
$20 includes dinner, one drink
and putting.
Must pre-pay at Grandview
or Echo Mesa
Summer Michelob Ultra Senior Challenge Cup a huge success
The 2014 Summer Michelob Senior Challenge Cup
that began June 14 and
ended Aug. 9 was enjoyed
by all 70 or more who participated in the four events.
There was a Men’s and
Women’s Division with
gross and net flights determined by the number of
players that day.
All entry fees were paid
back with SCW Gift cards
for gross and net winners in
each flight.
Also, cash prizes for optional skins and closest to
the pin were distributed after
each event.
The gross and net winners
for each event were as follows:
Grandview; June 14
Men’s 1st Flight
1st Gross John Hernandez,
1st Net Glenn Warrington
2nd Gross Kent Potts, 2nd
Net David Eikner
3rd Gross Mike Stogsdill,
3rd Net Mike Bowser
Men’s 2nd Flight
1st Gross Ed Williams, 1st
Net Duane Streit
2nd Gross Don Mellen,
2nd Net David Helm
3rd Gross Jack Johnson,
3rd Net Mick Burke
Men’s 3rd Flight
1st Gross Joe Holt, 1st Net
Royce Hall
Women’s 1st Flight
1st Gross Barb Howson,
1st Net Kathleen Howell
2nd Gross Anette Petersen,
2nd Net Janice Kent
Deer Valley, June 28
Men’s 1st Flight
1st Gross Dirk Prather, 1st
Net Richard Martin
2nd Gross John Hernandez, 2nd Net Glenn Warrington
3rd Gross Kent Potts, 3rd
Net Jack Johnson
Men’s 2nd Flight
1st Gross Duane Streit, 1st
Net Mike Burke
2nd Gross David Helm,
Men’s 2nd Flight
1st Gross Duane Streit, 1st
Net Don Mellen
2nd Gross Dan Studley,
2nd Net Mike Burke
3rd Gross Lynn Elliott, 3rd
Net Ed Neibauer
2nd Net Dan Studley
3rd Gross Hay Scanlan,
3rd Net Ed Neibuaer
Men’s 3rd Flight
1st Gross Paul Petersen,
1st Net Ron Weinmann
Women’s 1st Flight
1st Gross Anette Petersen,
1st Net Sandy Scanlan
2nd Gross Barb Howson,
2nd Net Janice Kent
Pebblebrook, July 19
Men’s 1st Flight
1st Gross Mike Stogsdill,
1st Net Jim McJoynt
2nd Gross John Hernandez, 2nd Net Joe Whalen
3rd Gross Kent Potts, 3rd
Net Paul Saccomando
Men’s 3rd Flight
1st Gross Royce Hall, 1st
Net Ron Weinmann
2nd Gross Mike Dory, 2nd
Net Larry Anderson
Women’s 1st Fight
1st Gross Anette Petersen,
1st Net Barb Howson
2nd Gross Teresa Smith,
2nd Net Kathleen Howell
Deer Valley, Aug. 9
Men’s 1st Flight
1st Gross Bob Deede, 1st
Net Verne Keeney
2nd Gross Dirk Prather,
2nd Net Paul Saccomando
3rd Gross Glenn Warrington, 2nd Net Ed Jordan
Men’s 2nd Flight
1st Gross Mike Burke, 1st
Net Duane Streit
2nd Gross Ed Williams,
2nd Net Mike McCord
3rd Gross Ed Weslowski,
3rd Net Bob Collins
Men’s 3rd Flight
1st Gross Lynn Elliott, 1st
Net Brian Lewis
2nd Gross Ed Neibauer,
2nd Net Royce Hall
3rd Gross Dean Gray, 3rd
Net Ron Weinmann
Women’s 1st Flight
1st Gross Anette Petersen,
1st Net Teresa Smith
2nd Gross Barb (Howson)
Mellen, 2nd Net Janice Kent
Congratulations to the following Overall Champions:
Overall 4 Event winners:
Duane Streit and Anette Petersen.
Overall 3 Event winners:
Mike Burke and Barb (Howson) Mellen.
Low Gross winners: John
Low Net winners: Glen
Warrington and Janice Kent.
Page 14
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
October 2014
R.H. Johnson Library
The very imaginative ladies
of the Mac-Cro-Knit Club of
Sun City West have created an
extraordinary surprise. See it at
the library during the month of
October. Even if you are not a
regular patron, you will not
want to miss this!
The R.H. Johnson Library hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.
A valid Rec Card is necessary to check out items and use
the Data Resource Center. Web site:
The Library has two exterior return boxes at the horseshoe drive - one for books
and one for media. To prevent damage, please take the time
to rubber band your materials before depositing.
Writers Association’s Seven
Her other mysteries include
“When Death Intervenes,”
“Where Secrets Lie,” “When
Colette Died,” and “Who’s
Susan?” Her books have made
the Barnes & Noble Top Ten
Bestseller List and have been
featured on Oprah’s Online
Reading Café.
In addition to mysteries,
Hayden is the author of the
number one Kindle Angels
Best Seller, “Angels Around
Us,” the sequel to the WordWright Best Seller “When Angels Touch You.” Both are
spiritually uplifting books
about miracles and angels.
The library is pleased to
present award-winning author
L.C. Hayden at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 19 in the Acacia
Room of the Palm Ridge Rec
Center. Hayden’s talk will be
“A Humorous Look at Some of
the Amazing Things that Happen to Authors.” For your convenience, her books will be
available for purchase and autograph. Complimentary tickets will be distributed at the
library to members of the
Friends of the Library beginning Oct. 28 and to Sun
City West residents beginning Oct. 30.
L.C. Hayden is a popMEMBERSHIP
ular speaker. She hosted
“Murder Must Air,” the
The Friends of the Lilive talk show sponbrary will have a very
sored by Mystery Writimportant membership
ers of America, and she Jane Kauzlaric
meeting at 1:30 p.m.
can be found sailing the Library Director
Monday, Oct. 13 in the
world as a featured
Social Hall. Plan to be there
speaker on several different
and urge other members to atcruise lines.
tend. A quorum is necessary in
Hayden is a member of Sisorder to elect club officers.
ters in Crime, Mystery Babes,
and the El Paso Writer’s
League. Her latest book,
“When the Past Haunts You,”
series of “Chat
rose to the number two spot in
Kindle’s Police Procedural
Best Seller List. The books
from her Harry Bronson series
have been the finalist for the
talAgatha Award for Best Novel
(“Why Casey Had to Die”) as ented local writers in an inforwell as finalist for Left Coast mal setting. Although authors
Crime’s Best Mystery (“What may bring copies of their
Others Know.”) She has re- books, you are never required
peatedly captured first, second, to make a purchase.
and third place status for her
Sun City West resident Adriworks at the annual El Paso
R.C. Carpenter will
Writers’ League, and won the
“Laughing-Cryingcoveted Best of the Best
in Love with
Award. She also garnered a
second place in Tallahassee’s
- Online catalog
- Event photos
- Friends of the Library info
- Back issues of the enews
- Thursday Night Movies
- Endowment Fund
her 43-year spiritual journey
and provides guidance for others on their own journeys. She
was a volunteer chaplain in
hospitals and retirement homes
before moving to Sun City
Award-winning children’s
author Charline Profiri has
written stories and poems for
children of all ages — everything from board books to novels. Her stories, articles and
poems have appeared in
“Highlights for Children,”
“High Five,” “Pockets” and
“My Friend,” among other
magazines. She will sign
“Counting Little Geckos,”
“Guess Who’s In The Desert,”
and “Rain, Rain, Stay Today:
Rhymes.” She grew up in
Phoenix, lived in Tucson,
Saudi Arabia, California, New
Mexico, New York, and Wisconsin; traveled to 15 countries
and now resides in Sun City
The Friends of the R.H.
Johnson Library will have the
next book sale from 8 a.m. to 2
p.m. Saturday, Nov. 1 at the
Social Hall. All proceeds are
used to purchase books,
ebooks, audiobooks, DVDs,
digital resources, and other
items for the library because
we do not receive financial
support for our materials from
either the Recreational Centers
of Sun City West or a governmental agency. Our community,
demonstrated an outpouring of
support by donating enormous
quantities of gently used
books, movies, music, audiobooks, and puzzles. Just in
time for the holidays, this sale
could help you to complete
your gift buying early!
Don’t Miss a Beat!
Stardust Movies
OCT. 2
“The Monuments Men”
Based on the true story of the greatest treasure hunt in history, “The Monuments Men” centers on an unlikely
World War II platoon, tasked with going
into Germany to rescue artistic masterpieces from Nazi thieves and returning them to their rightful
owners. In a seemingly impossible mission, they find themselves risking their lives in a race against time to avoid the destruction of 1,000 years of culture. Starring George Clooney,
Matt Damon and Bill Murray.
OCT. 9
The world's most powerful empire is in
crisis. Three sons struggle to win their father's favors well as his crown. King Henry
II (Peter O'toole) and his queen, Eleanor
(Katharine Hepburn), engage in a battle of
royal wits that pits elder son Richard (Anthony Hopkins)
against his brothers, while the cunning King Philip of France
(Timothy Dalton) takes advantage of the internal fracturing in
his bid to destroy their kingdom.
“The Lion in Winter”
OCT. 16
“National Treasure”
Ever since he was a boy, Gates has
been obsessed with finding the legendary Knights Templar Treasure, the
greatest fortune known to man. Now
in a race against time, Gates must steal
one of America's most sacred and
guarded documents - the Declaration
of Independence - or let it, and a key
clue to the mystery, fall into dangerous
OCT. 23
“Strike up the Band”
Hey, gang! Let's put on a swell show and
call it “Strike Up the Band! “Yes, it's the irrepressible Mickey Rooney, teamed up
again with Judy Garland to show the
grownups how to do things right. This
time, Rooney wants to organize a highschool band.
OCT. 30
“The Phantom of the Opera”
This spectacular retelling of Gaston Leroux's immortal tale stars Claude Rains as
the masked phantom of the Paris opera
house - a crazed composer who schemes to
make a beautiful young soprano (Susanna
Foster) the star of the opera company and
wreak revenge on those who stole his
music. Nelson Eddy, the heroic baritone, tries to win the affections of Foster. This lavish production remains a masterpiece not only of the genre, but for all time.
Kuentz R.C. (Johnson Blvd. @ Stardust Blvd.)
$2 per person donation - 7 p.m. doors open at 6 p.m.
Sponsored by the Friends of the R.H. Johnson Library.
Hearing-assisted devices are now available for your use.
Please, no food or drink in the theater.
October 2014
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
Page 15
Bowling & Fitness
Leagues are
in full
swing, you
still can join
The fall season is in full
swing with 90 percent of all
leagues having started the new
season. If you are still interested
joining a
league, it’s
not too late.
There are a
that need
bowlers, so
Barry Hardesty
Sports Pavilion
center at
623-544-6140 for information.
Mel’s Red Pin No Tap will
be at 5:30 p.m. Oct. 25. This
event is usually a sell-out, so
sign up early. The cost is $16,
and that includes bowling, beverages, food and prize money.
All the prize money is paid out
that evening. The Shuffleboard
Room, located inside Johnson
Lanes, will host a happy hour
every Friday and Saturday
from 4 to 8 p.m. NFL football
has returned to the Shuffleboard Room every Sunday
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Watch
your favorite team on one of
our seven screens.
Bowling Tip of the Month:
Don’t forget the spare
The spare shot is just as important as the strike shot. Too
many bowlers take the spare
for granted and make a poor
shot. Roll your spare shot with
confidence and do not lose
Beginning and intermediate
bowlers should use their strike
ball release at all spares to ensure consistency. With multipin spares, the ball needs some
entry angle to keep from deflecting away from the back
pin in the grouping.
When shooting at any spare,
the ball must hit the front pin.
When practicing, shoot all
your spares to simulate league
or tournament competition. To
keep your focus sharp, use visualization and see the line
from your bowling arm to the
pin you want to hit. If you are
rolling a straight ball this will
Tips for Seniors by Daily Fitness
Why is posture important?
“Good posture is necessary to keep the
body aligned correctly. As we age, shoulders
slump and the head moves forward. This phenomenon takes a serious toll on the spine,
shoulders, hips and knees,” said Dick Fortier,
fitness professional for Daily Fitness. “Poor
posture can lead to a cascade of structural
flaws, resulting in back and joint pain, reduced flexibility and compromised muscles.
When the body is poorly aligned, joints function incorrectly, causing some muscles to
work harder than others. Overworked muscles become tense, while others weaken.
These muscular imbalances slowly devolve
into poorer posture.”
The cycle of poor posture can be broken,
with consistent attention to the following fitness objectives:
• Strengthen core – which includes abdominals, lower back, obliques, and hips. If any
core muscles are weak, other muscles have
to compensate, resulting in loss of motion,
balance and stability.
• Fix rounded shoulders – which result
from sitting at a desk or computer, driving a
car, watching TV, reading, cooking, working
at the sink, etc. In these forward positions
the muscles in the chest, shoulders and hips
shorten as the muscles in the upper and middle back weaken.
• Neutralize tilted hips –a condition that
develops from sitting too much or spending
hours in activities where the legs are bent.
An anterior pelvic tilt in the hip area indicates weak hamstrings, gluts and abs and
tight hip flexors and thighs.
• Retract a forward head – this head align- Jackie Wasil gets some tips from trainer
ment develops after hours, days and years of Dick Fortier on the correct postural aligndriving a car, watching TV and sitting at a ment for standing and walking.
computer. These activities tighten the front at creating exercise programs to address posand side neck muscles, while weakening the ture issues, or any other issues that concern
deep, rear muscles of the neck. Muscles in a client.
the front of the neck must be strong enough
To find out more about working with a
to hold the head so that the ears are directly Daily Fitness professional, call 623-256-7901
over the shoulders.
or visit
Daily Fitness personal trainers are masters
allow you to visualize the path
the ball needs to take to make
the spare.
Charting your strike and
spare percentage will allow
you to identify areas to practice
See you on the lanes!
Daily Fitness presents monthly
group equipment demonstrations at
each of the Rec Centers’ fitness centers for individuals new to the community or new to using a fitness center.
Exercise professionals provide a halfhour tour of the facility one Tuesday a
month, demonstrating basic use of various machines.
October Fitness
11:30 a.m. Oct. 7,
Palm Ridge
4 p.m. Oct. 14,
4:30 p.m. Oct. 28
R.H. Johnson
Page 16
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
October 2014
Village Store
Fall Craft Fair approaches,
sales tax now included in prices
The newly
Discover, cash and plants that survive our harsh summers, but
checks. This will ones that bloom for only a day. The care and
R.H. Johnson
be the first time concern of the gardeners to keep our comRecreation
that all venues will munity green is appreciated.
Not only have the multiple sales venues
include sales tax in
home to the
the price. Cus- boosted the income to the club and the Vilfair. Display
tomer’s receipts lage Store, but it has allowed them to imareas include
are available upon prove and expand the greenhouse and
outdoor growing areas.
Hall, CourtBe sure to stop by the Greenhouse at the
yard - includBeardsley Rec Center from 8 to 10 a.m. the
first Friday of the month, excluding NoCLUB
rooms, front
vember and July. You will be amazed at the
driveway and
variety and reasonable prices of the plants
the Village Garden Club Greenhouse and shade structure.
nurtured by our own community members
In April 2009,
The fair attracts collectors of the Sun City West Garden club
certain artists. They come specif- began selling plants in the Village
ically for the color scheme or style Store. Although the club had been
of that artist and to see what is involved with the Arts and Crafts
new. Many of the items are sold fairs for years, the idea of selling in
in the Village Store and the fair the store was foreign. I convinced
but because of size constraints, the club and it snowballed.
In May 2010, the club began selllarger items often are sold only at
out of their greenhouse at the
the fair. If you are looking for a
Rec Center. After adjustlarger piece, be sure and keep that
they settled on the first
in mind.
month and it snowParking and admission are free
see a trend here?
and open to the public. ConcesThe
of Garden Club
sions will be available for a nomplants
over the com- The Sun City West Garden Club now has an exSteve Sabo, left, and Louise Pierce discuss im- inal price. Accepted forms of
tended sale area in the Beardsley courtyard
payment are Visa, MasterCard, munity. Not only do they grow which they use during the club’s monthly plant
portant plant issues.
Excitement is building
for Sun City West’s 36th
Annual Arts and Crafts
This popular tradition
will be Saturday, Nov. 8,
which is one week later Katie Van Leuven
Village Store
than the normal first SatSupervisor
urday of November.
From 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.,
more than 20 participating clubs offer pottery, jewelry, clothing, art work and so much
more. This is the ideal time for purchasing
Christmas gifts, furnishings for your home
or finding that special new baby gift.
Square Dance Club offers lessons in November
Square and round dancing are fun. Do
you want to learn and join the fun?
Come to the Westerner’s Square Dance
Club in November. This is a special
year because the club is offering beginner dance lessons. So, this is the year to
join the fun.
Square dancing is a dance where
groups of eight people working as a
team perform routines as directed by a
person known as a caller. Square dancing is fun! It’s great physical and mental
exercise. There’s a friendly atmosphere
and a great place to meet people and
make friends. Walking is one of the
most natural things we do. Square dancing is similar and there is no fear of men
stepping on the toes of ladies. Just follow what the caller says to do. You’ll be
surprised at how easy it is.
Round dancing is choreographed
couple dancing. A dance cuer (similar
to a square dance caller) directs the
dance, just follow what the cuer says to
do. As in ballroom dancing, there are
different rhythms, such as two-step,
waltz, tango, jive and cha-cha.
The Westerners Square Dance Club
meets at the R.H. Johnson Social Hall
Monday evenings for round dancing
and Thursday evenings for square dancing. No special clothing is required.
Round dance lessons begin at 5 p.m.
Monday, Nov. 3. Square dance lessons
begin at 5:45 p.m. Thursday Nov. 6. As
a special incentive, the first square
dance lesson will be free. Come and try
it. There will be a charge for the round
dance lessons. For information, call
Ralph Kwapiszeski at 623-688-0670.
having fun, no
fancy clothing
is required.
dancing is a
group activity,
no fear of
stepping on a
partner’s toes.
October 2014
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
Page 17
Entertainment & Events
Individual Top Hat and Cruise Ship show
ticket sales begin this month
Indiviual show tickets for
the 2015 edition of the popular
Top Hat and Cruise Ship entertainment series begin in October. The entertainment is
outstanding. Both series offer
an assortment of different
types of entertainment, designed for the enjoyment of
Sun City West residents and
the general public.
The Top Hat Series 2015
consists of four shows: Mark
Russell, Jan. 15; Tom Mullica
as Red Skelton, Feb. 12;
George Dyer, Feb. 26; and
Shania Twin, starring Donna
Huber, March 12. Individual
show ticket price is $25 and
tickets go on sale Oct. 7. Tickets may be purchased at the
Box Office in the Administration Office from 8 a.m. to 2
p.m. weekdays.
Mark Russell
before Jon Stewart and Steven
Colbert, there was Mark Russell, daring to joke and sing of
the often absurd political
process. He started in a little
piano bar on Capitol Hill, right
across from the lawmakers
themselves. He began knowing little about politics, but
was an immediate hit because
he could find humor in anything. Until he retired in 2010,
Russell played off the day’s
headlines, performing standup comedy while accompanying himself on the piano. With
impeccable timing, twinkling
eyes and shock-of-recognition
insights into American politics, Russell draws merriment
from the pomposity of public
life. And his answer to the frequently asked question, “Did
you have any writers?” was
“Oh, yes, I had 535 writers;
one hundred in the Senate
and 435 in the House of Representatives!”
SKELTON – Tom Mullica
has been entertaining since
he was a young boy, eventually developing his own
magic and variety show he
performed in countless venues around the U.S. He even
had his own club, The Tomfoolery Magic Bar Theatre.
The Tom-foolery was visited
by many notables, including
a longtime favorite of his,
Red Skelton. The two developed a close friendship, and
Skelton even offered Mullica
career advice when asked. In
1996, Mullica began writing
“Tom Mullica as Red Skelton
– The Legend Continues,”
which is now featured in theaters throughout America and
GEORGE DYER – His operatic prowess notwithstand-
Tom Mullica as
Red Skelton
ing, George Dyer is a gifted
performer of musical theater;
he has enchanted countless audiences in the United States
and Europe with solo concerts
that feature a delightful mix of
opera and Broadway favorites
such as the music from “Phantom of the Opera.” If you
enjoy the music of Andrea Bocelli and
J o s h
e n j o y
D o n n a
Huber put in countless hours
practicing to sing like Shania
Twain, watching her videos
over and over, studying to emulate her moves and the way
she presented herself. Huber
then met with an agent, and
after listening to her sing – not
to mention her uncanny resemblance to Shania, it was obvious that Donna was about to
embark on something that
would change her life forever.
Even Shania Twain commented after seeing a poster of
Donna, “I thought that was
me! Donna is the best Shania
Twain Tribute out there.” Also
appearing on the show with
Huber is Adam D. Tucker, who
will present a Tim McGraw
tribute performance.
The Cruise Ship Series
2015 consists of six shows:
Beachfront Property, Jan. 9;
Dana Daniels, Jan. 23; Dunlap
& Pennington, Feb. 6; Jim Van
Slyke, Feb. 20; Todd Oliver &
Friends, March 6; and “Assisted Living: The Musical,”
March 20. The individual
show ticket price is $15. Individual show tickets go on sale
Oct. 14.
Shania Twin & Tim Tribute
George Dyer
Tickets may be purchased at
the Box Office in the Administration Office from 8 a.m. to
2 p.m. weekdays.
BEACHFRONT PROPERTY – With a sound like
The Manhattan Transfer meets
The Modernaires, this California quartet, Beachfront Property, combines superb vocal
harmony with unique combinations of high energy and artfully expressive sophistication
through their music and show
presentation. From the American Songbook of Jazz Classics
to the No. 1 hits of Pop and
Rock ‘n’ Roll, Beachfront
Property does it all.
Daniels, teamed with his Psychic Parrot Luigi (yes, a psychic parrot) has been
headlining in Las Vegas, Maui
and major corporate events
around the country. With Dana
as the comedian and Luigi as
the straight bird, the duo never
fails to fracture an audience
with laughter. Daniels sets out
to prove his little green friend
Continued on Page 20
Page 16
Stop by Tours and Scheduling between 8
a.m. and 3 p.m. weekdays or call 623-5446129 or 623-544-6032 for details on these
upcoming trips.
Saturday, Oct. 25
The final collaboration between Rodgers &
Hammerstein was destined to become the
world’s most beloved musical. When a postulant proves too high-spirited for the religious
life, she is dispatched to serve as governess for
the seven children of a widowed naval captain.
Her growing rapport with the youngsters, coupled with her generosity of spirit, gradually
captures the heart of the Captain and they
marry. Set against the backdrop of Germanoccupied Austria, the swelling musical score
provides one of the most thrilling and inspirational finales ever presented in the theater.
Cost is $99 per person and includes round-trip
transportation, show ticket to Hale Theatre,
lunch at La Calabria Italian Restaurant, gratuities for driver and guide.
Monday, Oct. 27
These food tours started on the idea that
when history, cultural, food, and people combine, something very exciting is born. This is a
walking tour through the streets of Old Town,
where many mom and pop shops offer a much
different look inside this old western town.
There is truly something for everyone here.
History is brought to life with demonstrations,
samples and stories, making this a great,
behind the scenes look at one of the
Southwest’s greatest destinations. Restaurants
are subject to change without notice. There is
moderate walking on this tour. Cost is $95 per
person and includes round-trip transportation,
food samplings and demonstrations, guided
tour and all taxes and gratuities.
Tuesday, Oct. 28
We will stop at a fast food restaurant in Gila
Bend in the morning; you can get breakfast or
just coffee. (Coach will also stop in Gila Bend
on the return.) We should arrive at the border
about 11:30 a.m. The motorcoach parks on
the U.S. side and you walk about 100 yards to
cross the border into Mexico. Valid passport
required. In Algodones you will have four
hours to spend bargaining, shopping or just
enjoying the different culture. We have plenty
of room in our coach’s luggage bays to bring
home your purchases. There are several nice
restaurants in Algodones for lunch. Cost is $65
per person and includes round-trip transportation and tour guide. Participants are responsible for knowing U.S. and Mexico customs laws.
Valid passport is required.
Monday, Nov. 3
Sabino Canyon tour offers a narrated, educational tour into the foothills of Santa Catalina
Mountains. The trams have nine stops along
the tour with several restroom facilities and
picnic grounds near Sabino Creek. The tram
turns around at Stop No. 9 and heads back to
the Visitors Center, and riders may remain on
board or hike back down. The rows of cottonwoods lining the creek below are a beautiful
sight. You will have a few hours to explore the
canyon on your own, so take your time and
enjoy a box lunch at your leisure at one of the
many picnic area in the canyon. Cost is $90 per
person and includes round-trip transportation,
tram tour, box lunch and driver gratuities.
Tuesday-Friday, Nov. 4-7
Join the fun south of the border in beautiful
Rocky Point, Mexico. Located on the Sea of
Cortez just 66 miles from the U.S border,
Americans frequent Rocky Point to enjoy the
beaches, gorgeous sunsets and fresh ocean
breeze. The tour guide is very experienced
with Rocky Point and will make the tour a
memorable one. Cost is $435 per person double occupancy and $615 single occupancy. The
trip includes round-trip transportation, four
days and three nights at the Penasco del Sol
Hotel, three breakfasts, one dinner, welcome
drink at the hotel, baggage handling and minimum driver and guide gratuities. Valid passport is required to enter Mexico.
Wednesday, Nov. 12
Experience the magnificence of both desert
Flgstaff Thanksgiving
beauty and natural wildlife at one of the
Valley’s hidden treasures, spectacular Saguaro
Lake. The Desert Belle has been plowing the
waters of Saguaro Lake for more than 40
years. Relax, sit back and enjoy this 90-minute,
narrated public cruise and see Arizona wildlife,
towering canyon walls and dramatic desert
vistas. Dinner (included) will be at the
Cheesecake Factory after the cruise. Cost is
$95 per person and includes round-trip transportation, Desert Belle cruise, drink coupon,
dinner and driver and guide gratuities.
Friday, Nov. 14
Get to know the Phoenix area – there’s a lot
to learn about your hometown. This tour will
include the past and present of the metro
Phoenix area. The tour will include such newer
and older buildings as Chase Field
(Diamondbacks,) U.S. Airways Center (Suns,
Mercury, Rattlers,) Federal Court House,
Arizona Center and State Capitol. From the
Capitol building, the tour continues to
Scottsdale and Old Town Scottsdale where
there will be time for lunch (on your own) and
plenty of time to browse. After lunch we
depart for Tempe, the home of Arizona State
University, Sun Devil Stadium and Gammage
Auditorium - designed by Frank Lloyd Wright,
Tempe Town Lake and the Light Rail. Cost is
$40 per person and includes round-trip transportation, water, snacks and driver and guide
Friday, Nov. 21
Just in time for holiday shopping, we’ll arrive
when the doors open at Nordstrom’s Rack at
the Promenade Shopping Center in
Scottsdale. You will have about two hours to
shop before lunch (included) where we have
reservations at Maggiano’s Restaurant to
enjoy an Italian-American tradition. Lunch will
include appetizers, main course and dessert,
all served family style. Cost is $78 per person
and includes round-trip transportation, shopping at Nordstrom’s Rack, lunch at Maggiano’s
and driver and guide gratuities.
Wednesday – Friday, Nov. 26-28
Kick off the Christmas season with the 20th
annual Holiday Lights event at Little America
Queen Mary Hotel
Flagstaff. Just like a scene out of a favorite holiday movie, the 500-acre property of beautiful
forest at Little America Flagstaff will be lit with
more than a million Christmas lights. The
experience is the only one of its kind in the
United States, providing Flagstaff guests and
residents a most unique Christmas adventure.
Enjoy a glorious Thanksgiving dinner while at
the Little America. Take a step back in time on
the Sedona Trolley, a fully narrated tour of the
Gallery District with a stop at the inspirational
Chapel of the Holy Cross. Sit back, relax and
enjoy this three-day adventure to the high
country for the holidays. Cost is $555 per person double occupancy or $700 single occupancy. The trip includes three days and two nights
at the Little America in Flagstaff, round-trip
transportation, Thanksgiving dinner, two
breakfasts, two lunches, Sedona Trolley tour,
Christmas lights, Prescott Tour, driver and
guide gratuities, snacks and bottled water.
Thursday, Nov. 27
Come with us for a special Thanksgiving Day
– a matinee show that gets rave reviews
throughout the Valley, Arizona Opry, where
everyone has fun. The Opry gang will entertain
you with more than 50 different instruments
and almost any style of music. This is bound to
be a fun-filled day at the Arizona Opry, which
is a top-attended theater. Enjoy a hearty,
home-cooked meal served at your table, then
sit back, relax and prepare for an unforgettable event of musical variety, comedy and
wholesome family fun. Cost is $99, which
Thanksgiving dinner, matinee performance
and gratuities.
Page 17
Wednesday, Dec. 3
Join in on some holiday cheer as we begin
with an old fashioned festive dinner at a
favorite Phoenix restaurant, Durant’s, followed by a visit to the Mormon Temple in
Mesa to view the holiday lights. Cost is $99,
which includes a choice of dinner selections
from Durant’s holiday menu, more than
500,000 festive multi-colored lights at the
Temple, round-trip transportation, and all gratuities. There is very little walking on this tour;
it has been specially designed so anyone may
take part. Wear casual clothes and comfortable walking shoes so you don’t miss any of
the holiday fun.
Friday, Dec. 5
The Tempe Festival of the Arts consistently
ranks among the Top 200 art festivals in the
nation by Sunshine Artist Magazine and has
received the prestigious Pinnacle Award from
the International Festival and Events
Association. The spring and fall events each
attract nearly 225,000 visitors to the Mill
Avenue District over the course of a three-day
weekend. Cost is $40 and includes round-trip
transportation, guide, and all taxes and gratuities. More than 700 applications are received
from independent artists in 16 different visual
arts categories ranging from wood to photography to ceramics, wearable art, jewelry and
other categories. During the festival, the best
overall artist and top artist in each category
receive cash honoraria awards.
Sunday, Dec. 7
More than 100 million people tuned in to
NBC’s “America’s Got Talent” in 2009 to see
The Texas Tenors become the highest ranking
vocal group in the history of the show. From
Alabama to Puccini, John Hagen, Marcus
Collins and JC Fisher bring their unique blend
of country, gospel, classical and Broadway to
the stage. With breathtaking vocals, humor
and cowboy charm, The Texas Tenors have
traveled the globe performing more than 500
concerts in the last four years. Cost is $85 per
person which includes round-trip transportation, concert ticket and driver and guide gratuities.
Thursday, Dec. 11
Many restaurants say they serve American
comfort food, but nobody does it quite like
Don & Charlie’s. Raised on the North Side of
Chicago with a love of sports and the restaurant industry, Don moved to Arizona in 1981
and brought his two passions along with him.
Tonight, an early dinner will offer a choice of
barbecue ribs, barbecue chicken or prime rib.
The restaurant is a virtual shrine to all sports
with more than $1 million in memorabilia on
the walls. After dinner we’ll enjoy holiday
lights in the Phoenix area. Cost is $95 and
includes round-trip transportation, dinner at
Don & Charlie’s, local holiday lights and all
taxes and gratuities.
Tuesday, Dec. 16
The Phoenix Zoo is completely lit with 3.7
million multi-color lights plus more than 700
shimmering light displays just for the
Christmas holidays – a true must-see! This is a
walking tour through the zoo, so dress warmly
as desert evenings can be chilly. An extra jacket or sweater can be left on the bus if not
needed. From ZooLights, a private home holiday light tour is on the schedule for viewing
pleasure. Cost is $65, which includes roundtrip transportation, ticket for zoo admission,
tour guide and all gratuities.
Wednesday – Saturday, Dec. 24-27
Come along for a special time of year,
Christmas in San Diego! This year we have
reservations for Christmas Eve dinner in the
Gaslamp District. Enjoy Holiday Dinner at
McCormick & Schmick’s at the Omni Hotel,
downtown. The daytime Harbor Cruise is fully
narrated with more than 50 landmarks to see.
If you love spectacular Christmas lights, we’ll
tour the areas that are well known for their
holiday displays. Cost is $750 per person double occupancy or $1,050 for single occupancy.
Cost includes four days and three nights at the
Embassy Suites by the Bay; three breakfasts,
Christmas Eve Italian dinner, Christmas holiday
dinner; cocktails and snacks nightly; narrated
harbor cruise; area tour with Christmas lights;
round-trip transportation, snacks and water,
and gratuities.
Sabino Canyon
Tuesday, Dec. 30 – Friday, Jan. 2
Enjoy a Happy New Year by visiting
Pasadena and attending the 2015 Rose
Parade! This is the 126th Anniversary of the
parade, and the theme is “Inspiring Stories.”
Cost is $999 per person double occupancy or
$1,399 per person single occupancy. The cost
includes round-trip transportation; four days
and three nights at Hilton Los Angeles near
Universal City; three breakfasts; a luncheon
cruise; Rosemont Pavilion Float Barn Tour;
reserved grandstand seating for the Rose
Parade at 550 E. Colorado; souvenir program
and official cloisonné pin; baggage handling;
snacks and water on the motor coach; and all
taxes and gratuities.
Thursday-Saturday, Feb. 12-14
A unique adventure gives participants an historical perspective of a grand ship that not
only carried royalty and celebrities, but also
was stripped of her luxurious amenities and
pressed into service as a troop ship in World
War II. This trip, priced at $615 per person
double occupancy or $740 for single occupancy, includes three days and two nights on
board the Queen Mary Hotel; a guided tour of
the ship; a day trip to Catalina Island with a
bus tour; and an early Valentine’s Dinner at
“Sir Winston’s” while on board. Please note,
no two cabins are alike. Tour cost also includes
round-trip transportation, lunch at JW
Marriott in Palms Springs, breakfast each
morning; snacks and water, and minimum
driver and guide gratuities.
Page 20
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
October 2014
Entertainment & Events
Individual show ticket sales start next month
From Page 17
is truly clairvoyant by performing incredible magic
blended with rapid-fire clean comedy and audience
DUNLAP & PENNINGTON – “Two pianos, four
hands” is how they describe Dunlap & Pennington.
The duo performs mega hits of Broadway, cool pops,
hot jazz and stunning classical favorites. Mix in their
style, witty humor
and extraordinary
talent, and audiences jump to
their feet wanting
more by the end
of the show.
Whenever stage
size permits, large
video screens and
multiple cameras
ensure you don’t
miss any of the
live action, emotion, humor and
artistry that is
Dunlap & PenJim Van Slyke
JIM VAN SLYKE – Celebrating the music of pop
icon Neil Sedaka, Jim Van Slyke lends his beautiful
voice and charm to the intimate melodies of Neil
Sedaka. He lights up the stage with this intoxicating
tribute to this pop music legend and his five decades
of Top 40 hits including “Laughter in the Rain,”
“Hungry Years,” “Solitaire” and classic Sedaka hits
such as “Oh
Up is Hard
B i r t h d a y,
Sweet Sixt e e n , ”
“Where The
Boys Are”
hit, “Love
Todd Oliver & friends
Will Keep
Beachfront Property
Us Together.”
TODD OLIVER & FRIENDS – Have you ever
met a talking dog, a real talking dog? Get ready, because you’re going to meet two of them at this show.
Irving and Lucy, with a little help from their friend,
Todd Oliver, are going to talk up a storm. If you ever
how a dog
looks at life,
these little
are going to
give it to you
straight from
mouth. They
won’t mince
words and if
they do it’s
Todd’s fault
he’s a ventrilDunlap & Pennington
With his band, The Smiling Eyes, Oliver composed
all the songs and put together a combination of comedy and music that tells the story of a kid growing up
in America with an idea, a dream and a chance to
spend a lifetime chasing a rainbow.
ASSISTED LIVING: THE MUSICAL – Somewhere nestled in all our futures is The Pelican Roost:
an active retirement community. On this, our tour, we
meet the resident Roosters and discover their eccentricities, desires and what gets them to and through
the night. On the tour, we’ll meet 18 characters, all
played by two cast members, along with an accom-
Dana Daniels
panying pianist. There’s Naomi, the unsinkable and
oft-widowed resident, an aging TV lawyer who offers
to sue someone-anyone-including himself. In the
Kumbaya Community Room, we hear from Ben
Younger, a retired Catskills comedian who experiments with yoga. Baby Boomers and their parents
think about growing older. We took these thoughts
and set them to music. We make people laugh. “Assisted Living: The Musical” is for anyone who is
growing older or thinking of doing so some day.
Assisted Living - The Musical
October 2014
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
Page 21
Club Corner
The deadline for Club Corner submissions is noon the
first Friday of each month for
the following month’s publication.
Deadline for NOVEMBER Rec Center News is
noon Friday, OCT. 3.
Club news must be submitted every month. We prefer
submissions by e-mail, so
send them to Please, in
the subject line, show your
club name and the month.
Submissions must be 200
words or less.
Garlic can be planted in October. Plant it everywhere - it’s
a great pest deterrent.
Your broccoli and cabbage
transplants should be ready for
a permanent spot, use row
cover to keep cabbage loopers
and aphids off your plants.
Onions sets that were too
small to use last season can go
in around your tomato plants
and other unused spots in your
plot. Remember shortly before
harvest, onions need to have
water shut off, so don’t put
them with a crop that needs
constant watering.
Small seeds can be placed
over pieces of toilet tissue - it
keeps them from sinking too
far into the soil where they
could rot. A sprinkling of sand
will keep the soil from crusting.
Snip herbs when they’re
about 6-inches tall for kitchen
use. Cilantro and parsley will
grow well in winter.
Eggplant and peppers should
begin fruiting again with
cooler nights; fertilize them
and your tomatoes every two
weeks with fish emulsion or
fertilizer of your choice.
Alyssum attracts predatory
insects that feed on aphids
You can be a winter visitor
and have a garden; we plant
two gardens a year.
Plots are at 17800 N. 137th
Information: Jim, 623-5841465.
This is a wonderful club. The
friends we make are solid and
last through the years. Whether
you are new to Sun City West
or have been here a while,
please join us. The club meets
at 8 a.m. Monday, Wednesday
and Saturday at the Beardsley
We have volunteer instructors and have a lot of fun doing
the hokey pokey and other low
impact water exercises.
Arthritis is not a requirement. Dues are $10 per year.
We have many outings during
the year which everyone enjoys.
Information: 623-544-7775.
The Automotive Restoration
Club of Sun City West was
formed to provide members in
Sun City West a place to work
on, and learn how to work on
automobiles, as well as sharing
the enjoyment of classic automobiles. Along with our passion for cars, is our passion for
others. ARC is committed to
making a difference in our
world through sharing our
knowledge and giving back.
We are accepting pledges
and raising funds to build a facility for our club, which will
include a showroom, classrooms, service bays and a paint
booth. The building will be on
a lot between the walking track
and the Men’s Club at the
Johnson Recreation Complex.
Time is running out to purchase a Porsche raffle ticket at
the Rec Center Offices.
Meetings are at 2 p.m. Oct. 7
in the Lecture Hall and Oct. 21
in the Social Hall. Monday
morning breakfasts to talk cars
meet at 7 a.m. at Memo’s.
Information: Tom Jones,
503-887-3430 or on the web at
Rip ‘n’ Sew club member
June Racus shows off the
holiday wall hanging she
made using different
sewing techniques. Many
members use the summer months to begin
winter projects.
Are you interested in trying a
new hobby? Have you always
wanted to make beautiful jewelry?
We have all levels of beaders, from new to expert.
Whether your passion is bead
weaving, bead stringing, bead
embroidery or kumihimo, you
will be inspired.
Free lessons and mentoring
are offered. We meet at the
Beardsley Rec Center in Sagebrush Room 5, from 6 to 9 p.m.
Mondays; and from 10 a.m. –
4 p.m. Wednesdays. Visitors
are welcome.
Information: Arlene at or stop
by during club hours.
Our room looks lovely, and
except for a few things we still
need, we are pretty well set.
Although we have been informed we will be sharing the
room in the future, we did have
to give up a wall of cupboards,
so we had to shove and
squeeze and give up things, but
we made it for now. Stop on
over and see our lovely room
and the window display with
sale items. We also have lovely
things inside, so step in and see
what we are doing. In the future, we will be using the room
Monday, Wednesday and
Thursday; also one Saturday,
when we host the Cactus
Brushes. Kaye is always looking for new people interested
in learning how to paint on
china. Call her at 602-5825308; she offers three free
Early morning yoga classes meet at 7:15 a.m. Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays in the Beardsley Chicory and
Mesquite Rooms beginning Oct. 1 with instructors Carol
Fuller and Kim Fiegelist.
classes and supplies. She will
be able to answer any questions you have about the club.
The exciting new season is
off and running with “Walk In
Open Bocce” every Monday
and Wednesday evening. Join
us at 6:30 p.m. for fun under
the lights. Show up at the
courts with your rec card. All
club members and non-club
members (and their guests) are
welcome. Come see why more
than 660 club members invite
you (couples and singles) to
experience this wonderful
sport called bocce.
Following are important future club dates;
Oct. 4: Captains Meeting at
the Lecture Hall at 9 a.m. Saturday.
Oct. 6: Fall/Winter League
play begins. Monday through
Tickets are on sale now for Theater West’s production of “Social Security.” Trendy Manhattan art gallery owners Barbara
and David Kahn finds their life upended when her sister
Trudy deposits their mother, Sophie, on the couple’s
doorstep while she and her uptight husband head to Buffalo
to rescue their sexually precocious college student daughter.
Barbara and David introduce Sophie to suave nonagenarian
artist Maurice Koenig, who offers to paint her portrait and
soon begins to brighten her life in ways she never expected
in her twilight years. Seated are Bernie Meagher and Cheryl
Posner. Standing are Tom Stratton and Janice Lombardos.
The cast also includes Judy Ross and Jim Reed.
Oct. 11: Bylaws Q & A at the
Courts, 9 a.m. to noon
Oct. 25: Bylaws Q & A at
Courts, Noon to 3 p.m.
Nov. 9: Fall Kickoff Meeting/Dinner in the Social Hall at
4 p.m. Proposed Bylaws will
be voted on at this event. Tickets are available from your
Those interested in learning
about Bocce can come to our
evening Open Bocce nights or
contact President Mike at 623414-1830 or visit the website at Instructors are available and will be
glad to help you get started, or
if instruction is not needed, our
Player Coordinator will help
get you on one of our fun,
friendly leagues.
Two No Tap events are on
the calendar for club members
in October, Saturday Oct. 4 and
Saturday Oct. 18. Both events
will begin at 5:30 p.m.; the
Oct. 18 event will be preceded
by the club’s annual Hall of
Fame banquet at 3:30 p.m. in
the Shuffleboard Room. This
year’s inductees are Terry
Hamman for bowing proficiency and Sheryl Sutherland
for meritorious service. Entry
fee for both No Taps is $10 and
sign-up books are available in
the Sports Pavilion. Tickets for
the Hall of Fame dinner are $5
for members and $7 for guests
and are available from Ernie
Prindle at 623-546-6779.
If you are new to Sun City
West, give us a try. It is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the
sport of bowling while creating
and fostering friendships with
fellow bowlers and residents.
Membership fee is $7 per year
and is open to all Sun City
West Rec Card Members in
good standing.
Information: Sheryl Suther-
Continued on Page 22
Page 22
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
Club Corner
Fall class offerings include:
Introduction to Calligraphy –
learn the basics. Most members begin with this class and
then take other classes as time
goes on. Class sessions are
from 9 to 11 a.m. Fridays, Oct.
17, 24, 31 and Nov. 7 in Room
3 at Kuentz Rec Center.
Dip Pen Basics will be from
9 to 11 a.m. Friday, Nov. 14.
Register by calling the number
Information: Mary, 623-5565929.
From Page 21
land, membership, 623-3222220.
If you enjoy playing contract
bridge, we would like to invite
you to the Tuesday afternoon
game at Beardsley Rec Center,
Card rooms 1, 2 and 3. You
don’t need to bring a partner
and no advance reservation is
needed. Arrive by 11:30 a.m.
for registration and table sign
up. Play begins promptly at
noon. Four rounds of six hands
each are played with a mix of
partners. Play ends at 2:30
The cost of the game each
week is 50 cents for members
and $1 for guests. Membership
is $3 per year with a valid rec
card. Resident guests may play
two times before joining
Information: Bill Lafave,
All SCW residents are invited to join us each Wednesday night at the Beardsley Rec
Center Card Rooms 2 and 3,
for contract bridge.
You must have a partner to
play and both partners must be
in attendance before purchasing their tally. The cost is 50
cents per person and tallies
must be purchased on the day
of play. Signup begins at approximately 5:30 p.m., and
play begins between 5:45 and
We suggest you arrive early
to insure an available table. In
case there is no table remaining
to make a final foursome, you
will not play that day, but you
will be guaranteed to play the
following week.
We play four rounds of six
hands, allowing 35 minutes per
Encore Needle & Craft Club members are preparing for the Breast Cancer Awareness Celebration Oct. 3. More than 65 pink afghans will be presented to the American Cancer Society
for patients receiving chemotherapy and radiation. Pictured are Encore members who are
also cancer survivors.
Your membership is $3 per
person with a valid rec card.
Guests accompanied by a
SCW member are welcome to
play at a cost of $1 per person.
Guests are allowed to play
three times and then must be a
SCW resident and officially
join the club.
Information: Gene Mitofsky,
Attention! Are you ready to
dig in your heels, learn new
skills, and get your creative
juices flowing? The Broadcast
Club is just the spot for you.
Club member Warren Gerecke
has created a series of radio
theater shows that will be used
as a tool for teaching new
broadcasting and production
skills. In the new series, titled,
“Dusty Trail,” the main character, named Dusty Trail, leads
his colorful pals as they set out
to capture the spirit of Old Sun
City West, which they call
“Heaven on Earth.” Get involved and join the fun as we
Hillcrest Dance & Social Club members Addie Willbanks and
John Goebel invite you to the October Fest Dance from 7
to 10 p.m. Oct. 18 and Halloween Dance from 7 to 10 p.m.
Oct. 25 in R.H. Johnson Social Hall. create shows and learn how to
run a radio station. You do not
have to have broadcast experience to chime in. All you need
is a sense of humor and an interest in having fun. Come see
what it’s all about.
Membership is free in 2014.
Again, if you want to have fun,
and work on a project that will
impact the community in a
meaningful way, please join us.
Remember, KSCW, the Senior Voice of Sun City West, at
103.1 on your FM radio dial.
Information: Stay tuned.
October 2014
SCW Bunco Club meets
from 6 to 9 every Wednesday
evening at the Beardsley Rec
Center, Chicory and Mesquite
rooms. Membership is $5
yearly with a valid rec card.
Everyone is welcome.
Information: 623-556-4818.
Calligraphy West meets at 1
p.m. Monday in Room 3 of the
Kuentz Rec Center. Various
lettering styles, card making
and paper arts techniques are
explored, complete with workshops. More extensive mixed
media classes are at 6 p.m.
It’s going to be a boo-dful fall. The Snowbirds are
winging their way back and we
are glad to have them. We miss
them when they’re gone.
We have a busy fall coming
- a new Beginners class started
in September and will finish
this month. A class on how to
paint a turkey is this month and
the fall craft fair is Nov 8. Dry
brush classes are from 9 a.m. to
noon Tuesday mornings and
Mayco color techniques from
noon to 4 p.m. Wednesdays.
Come check us out – this is a
great club – we have fun and
there are many friendly people
who are willing to help.
Beginner classes are available to anyone who’s never
done ceramics or might want to
refresh their skills. With thousands of molds there is plenty
of greenware. We also have
tools, paints, slip, etc., at reasonable prices.
Hours: 8 a.m. to noon Monday for work or firing. The
club remains open from noon
to 4 p.m. for project work only;
8 a.m. to noon Tuesday to Friday; and then 4 to 8 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday. Tours of the
ceramic facility are available
as well, just stop by.
Information: 623-546-0975.
The Coin Section will have
its first fall meeting Oct. 7.
Chairman Mel Roselman will
open the meeting. Bring your
rec card and join us!
The Stamp Section will meet
Oct. 14; the club will have
a Show and Tell meeting where
members bring in or talk about
their favorite area of collecting.
If you have an interest in
stamps, bring your rec card,
Meetings are from 6:30 to 8
p.m. Tuesdays in Kuentz Rec
Center, Room 3.
Information: Fred, 623-3776621.
Rip ‘n’ Sew member Shirley Brumley is show with a table
runner she made using several different fabrics and techniques.
Computers West, at the Palm
Ridge Recreation Center (623214-1546), is the parent organization of two user groups:
Continued on Page 23
October 2014
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
Club Corner
From Page 22
MacsWest and the PC Group.
Room A is open from 8 a.m. to
4 p.m. weekdays. Both PC and
Mac computers are available
for club members’ use. Club
website: Next general meeting is at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Oct.
14 in Summit Hall A at Palm
We need your old Cell
Phones for “Cell Phones for
Soldiers!” Phones are recycled,
and phone calling cards are
distributed to service members
overseas. Collection boxes are
at CW and around Sun City
PC Group: The next PC
Group meeting is at 1 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct, 14, following the
CW meeting in Summit A. The
PC Group provides instructional programs, including
hands-on classes, presentations, and discussions. Watch
for classes and walk-ins at
MacsWest meets 1 p.m.
Tuesdays (Question & Answer) and Fridays (Meeting &
Program) in the Palo Verde
Room. There is always something to learn. Check our website,, for
this month’s topics, scheduled
classes, current Mac Message
and iPad Basics.
New location, fresh paint,
updated kilns and instructors
ready to share, demonstrate
and teach the art of Copper
Enameling and Glass Art.
Using the heat of a kiln we
“slump” glass – instructors
teach how to select, cut, fuse
and slump beautiful pieces of
glass art.
Using the heat of a kiln we
“enamel” copper – instructors
teach the art of applying glass
enamel/powder to copper, fire,
and apply special techniques to
the copper to create beautiful
copper art. We have many different shapes of copper ready
for creative enamel application.
If you are new or returning to
Sun City West, and interested
in expanding your artistic talents, visit the Beardsley Recreation Center and take a tour of
our studio.
Information: 623-544-6352
or visit the club from 8 a.m. to
4 p.m. Monday to Friday.
The Sun City West Country
Western Dance Club’s first
monthly dance will be from
6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Saturday,
Oct. 11 at Palm Ridge Rec
Center. Come and celebrate the
Thursday evening movies are presented by the Friends of the Library at Stardust Theatre.
beginning of our new season
with a fun club. Our DJ, Jerry
Cutbirth, will be playing great
country music for your dancing
and listening pleasure. Cost is
$5 for members and $8 for
guests. You can join the club if
you are a Rec Card holder for
$5 for the year. Snacks, ice and
coffee are provided, but you
are welcome to bring your own
Lessons will begin at 6:30
p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 1 at R.H.
Johnson Social Hall. This will
be a six-week session on Arizona Two-Step with the last
lesson Nov. 5. Classes on Beginning Waltz will follow Nov.
12 with another six-week session. A Beginner’s Cha Cha
Class will start Jan. 7. This
four-week class at 6:30 p.m.
Karen Ellinwood and Jim
Allen, photo at right, will
entertain at the next Musicians Club meeting. The
pair present “Sentimental
Journey,” music from the
1940s through the 1960s.
will be followed by a 7:30 Intermediate Waltz Class for
those who want to add to their
basic dance steps. Kort Kurdi
will be the instructor, and costs
for beginning classes will remain $4 for members and $6
for guests. Intermediate classes
will be $5 each for both members and guests. The new
brochures will be available as
soon as we receive confirmation from the Rec Centers for
all dates and places.
Information: Darris Larsen,
623-975-6241 or
Creative Stitchers Club
meets Mondays in Room 5 at
Kuentz. Open stitching is from
8 to 11:30 a.m., brown bag
lunch at 11:30, and classes,
when scheduled, begin at
12:30 p.m.
Club members are focused
on the art of fine hand needle-
work. Techniques practiced by
our members include needlepoint, counted cross stitch,
Hardanger, redwork, blackwork, silk ribbon embroidery,
Brazilian embroidery and
miniature Russian punchneedle, to name a few.
Creative Stitchers will be
participating in the Kuentz
Recreation Center Open
House, from 10 a.m. to noon
Saturday, Oct. 11. Please mark
your calendar for this fun
event, and join us in Room 5 to
learn more about our club, and
observe demonstrations of various needlework techniques.
Creative Stitchers welcomes
all who would like to join us. If
you are an experienced
stitcher, bring your current
project and stitch with us. If
needlework something you
want to try, visit us Monday
mornings for an up-close look
at the projects our members are
For a calendar of club events
and classes, stop by and view
the changing displays in the
Courtyard windows of Room 5
at Kuentz, or join us Monday
mornings to see members’
works in progress.
Visitors and new members
are always welcome.
Monthly “Boogie Nights,”
’70s and ’80s Rock ‘n’ Roll
Dances and Dance/exercises
Classes are all part of the fun.
Singles and couples are invited to enjoy our “Boogie
Nights” Rock ‘n’ Roll Dance
Page 23
from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Friday,
Oct. 17 at Palm Ridge Summit
Hall A. Deejay and host, Kort
Kurdi, will spin the great
sounds of the ’70s and ’80s all the music that made these
decades of Rock ‘n’ Roll one
of the best dance eras. Cups
and ice provided. Bring snacks
and beverages. Cost is $5 for
members, $6 for guests.
In the dance/exercise classes,
Kort offers fun, energizing,
low-impact exercise through
learning basic dance steps and
rhythms like swing, rumba,
waltz, cha cha and more, using
his teaching techniques, sense
of humor and great variety of
music. Classes are for individuals. No partner is necessary.
Classes: Thursdays at Palm
Ridge, Summit Hall, 9 a.m.
Combo Levels 1 & 2 and 10
a.m. Combo Levels 2 & 3. Saturdays at Johnson Social Hall,
9 a.m. Level 1, 10 a.m. Level
2, 11 a.m. Level 3. Cost: $4
for one class; discount on additional classes the same day.
Membership: $5 per calendar
Information: or call
Fall is here and many are returning for the winter. Now is
the time to check out a new
club, time to try something
new and meet fun people. We
would love for you to stop by
Decorative Arts and see how
fun and easy it is to get involved. We meet at noon
Wednesday Room 3 at Kuentz
Center. Classes for October
will be a Halloween Surprise,
taught by Jan Rugg Oct. 1 and
8, followed by Reggie Oswald
teaching how to paint on glass
Oct. 15 and 22. Join us Oct. 29
for the general meeting with
Information: Kathy Capps,
Women’s league welcomes
all skill levels for 18-hole play
on Tuesday mornings on our
exceptionally beautiful executive course. Many games and
social events are offered
throughout the year.
Information: 623-554-9759
or 623-214-8657 and to
arrange play.
There is something for
everyone at our club. We meet
at 8 a.m. Friday in Rooms 4
and 5 at Kuentz Center. In addition to accepting donations
Continued on Page 24
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Recreation Centers of Sun City West
October 2014
Club Corner
From Page 23
of yarn, we also accept donations of fabric for chemo caps
that we donate to anyone in
need. We also help members
who have problems with knitting or crocheting. Come and
check us out some Friday
morning from 8 to 10:30 a.m.
Information: Joy, 623-5844846.
To stay mentally and physically active and independent,
we exercise. Exercising continues in air conditioned comfort
throughout the year for all residents.
Come join us from 7:55 to
8:45 a.m. every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday in the
R.H. Johnson Social Hall. Arrive a few minutes early to visit
with your friends. We use an
exercise mat and a PVC pole
for low impact body stretching
exercise. The fee is $3 per year.
Come join us.
Information: Joan, 623-2556358.
The Fitness Club offers land
and water classes for a $5
yearly membership. Class tickets available to purchase.
Jazzercise: R.H. Johnson Social Hall (9:15 to 10:15 a.m.)
Mondays, Wednesdays and
Palm Ridge Activity Center (8
to 9 a.m.) Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays-Sandra
Body Sculpting: Palm Ridge
Activity Center (9:15 to 10
a.m.) Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays-Sandra Sanchez.
Aqua Aerobics: Palm Ridge
Pool (9:15 to 10:15 a.m.) Mondays, Wednesdays and FridaysMitzi Cerecedes.
Aqua Zumba: Palm Ridge
Pool (8:30 to 9:30 a.m.) Saturdays;
Deep Water: (Jan. 6 to April
9 and Oct. 20 to Dec. 31)
Beardsley Pool (7 to 7:50 a.m.)
(April 14 to Oct. 15) R.H.
Johnson Pool (7:45 to 8:45
a.m.) Mondays and Wednesdays-Sherry Johnson Traver.
Wicked Water: (Jan. 2 to
April 10 and Oct. 28 to Dec.
23) Palm Ridge Pool (8:45 to
9:45 a.m.) (April 15 to Oct. 23)
R.H. Johnson Pool (7:45 to
8:45 a.m.) Tuesdays and
Thursdays-Lisa Friedman.
ABS: (Jan. 2 to April 10 and
Oct. 28 to Dec. 23) Palm Ridge
Pool (7:45 to 8:30 a.m.) (April
15 to Oct. 23) R.H. Johnson
Pool (6:45 to 7:30 a.m.) Tuesdays and Thursdays-Lisa
Information: Ellen Green,
623-249-7911; Judy Kafka,
623-214-9373; or website,
Marco Mendez will entertain at an Organ & Keyboard Club
concert starting at 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 27. The concert will
be in Summit Room A of the Palm Ridge Recreation Center.
When you go to a movie at
Stardust Theatre, you may see
the ticket takers, greeters and
announcers – these are the
“stars” on stage. But there are
dozens more behind the
scenes; men and women volunteers who put together the
Hollywood entertainment you
have come to enjoy in Sun City
West. These are the “silent
movie stars.” Film Committee
Chairman is Bill Hamel. and
the Film Selection Committee,
which consists of Bill Beach,
Gil Thoele, John Young, Ellen
Hobbs and Justin Kmiecik.
The Operating Schedule is
managed by Len Merraffino.
These volunteers are the keys
to the enjoyable experience of
attending Thursday evening
The SCW Garden Club
meets at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 7
in the Lecture Hall. An excellent program on water features
will be presented by Paul
Holdeman, co-owner of The
Pond Gnome. Paul is a thirdgeneration Arizona native.
Growing up in Arizona, he has
an intimate understanding of
the Sonoran Southwest’s microclimate. An avid outdoor
enthusiast, he and his son
spend much time enjoying the
Paul imitates Mother Nature’s water features by maintaining them organically. He
set out on a mission to specialize in creating urban wildlife
habitats and riparian landscape
systems for backyards.
Paul has attended numerous
courses and also attends continuing education courses by
experts in ponding and rainwater harvesting. His education is
applied in his trade for The
Pond Gnome, where his passion for organic water features
and native wildlife habitats is
apparent in the company’s
award-winning work.
The annual Club Picnic at
Beardsley Park will be at 4:30
p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 21 for social hour, and food at 5:30. In
addition to good food, there
will be a potting demonstration
The Westernaires concert directed by Janet
Hochstatter, left, and accompanied by Jim
Haller presents “My Favorite ‘Holiday’ Things.”
Ticket sales begin at 9
a.m. Monday, Nov. 3 in
the Stardust Theatre.
Numbers will be issued
earlier in the morning.
Tickets will be sold until
noon. Ticket price is $7
for reserved seating.
Ticket sales will continue from 10 a.m. to
noon Monday to Thursday in the theater lobby.
Matinee performances
are at 2 p.m. Thursday
and Sunday, Dec. 11
and 14; and 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Dec.
12 and 13.
Copper plate has been brushed with squeegee oil, dusted
with enamels and fired in a 1,450-degree kiln for 2-3 minutes. The process is repeated several times to create the desired pattern. by Steve & Steve. This outing
is one that all members can attend. Be there!
The next Plant Sale at Beardsley is from 8 to 10 a.m. Friday, Oct. 3.
Oom-pahh! Join us Saturday,
Oct. 18 for an October Fest
Dance with catered German
dinner at 5 p.m., a waltz lesson
at 6:15 and dancing from 7 to
10 at R.H. Johnson Social Hall.
Saturday, Oct. 25 is the annual
Halloween Dance Party and
costume contest with intermission Dessert Buffet and Additional Singles Program (call
623-544-0574 for information.)
October Dance Schedule:
Oct. 4 - Bobby Freeman &
Charlene, samba lesson
Oct. 11 - Blu Notes, waltz
Oct. 18 - Michael Carollo,
waltz lesson; October Fest
Oct. 25 - Danny Kealey,
waltz lesson; Halloween Dance
(costumes optional)
We host dances from 7 to 10
p.m. each Saturday evening,
September through July, at
Membership is open to Sun
City West residents with
Recreation Cards at $10 per
year. New membership rate for
September through December
2014 is $5. Admission: $4
members; $6 guests. Complimentary dance lessons are included with admission at 6:15
p.m. Singles and guests are always welcome. Coffee, tea,
water and are ice provided; you
may bring your own beverages
and snacks. Jackets and ties are
optional, however no shorts, Tshirts or tank tops are permitted.
Information: 623-546-6845
The Snowbirds are back.
Veteran club members are honing their pitching skills. Ralph
Stables is doing a great job as
Club Elder.
Anyone with a valid rec card
is eligible to join the club. The
club meets from 9 a.m. to
‘whenever” Monday to Friday
to play intra club games. The
one exception is when it rains
or snows. With the Snowbird
league beginning in January,
the club is always looking for
new talent. Come on down, try
a few games and see if you
enjoy it. If so, talk to Treasurer
Bob Elzinga about joining the
club. Dues are $10 annually,
collected at the fall picnic,
which is usually the first Friday in November.
Since we have no recent
members, we like to recognize
tenured members, like George
Corey for instance with four
years tenure, and Clyde Johnson, with 14 years tenure.
Lou Keller noted through
constant tutoring, he has improved Bill’s ability to pitch
horseshoes. Bill is able to keep
the shoe in the pit and – wonder of wonders – makes a
ringer occasionally – like once
a month. Lou definitely should
get a club award for infinite patience.
We are members who provide investors education to assist each other in making
informed investment decisions.
Club members make their
own financial decisions, using
their own financial resources.
We provide a forum from 6:30
to 8 p.m. each Monday for
guest speakers and club members with a variety of topics
each week.
The annual membership fee
Continued on Page 25
October 2014
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
Club Corner
From Page 24
is $10 with a one-time fee of
$20 for supplies and you receive a packet of portfolios
valued at 10 times your fee.
A broadband wireless is available for the use of guest speakers and members. We provide
free meals twice a season,
stock contest with cash prizes
and valuable door prizes every
week from October to May.
There is also a Las Vegas trip
in May and November to the
Money Show at special rates.
Oct. 6 the club meets at the
Johnson Lecture Hall. Oct. 6
speaker is Wayne Stutzer, radio
and TV personality, money
shows; Oct. 13 Stan Roberts,
precious metals; Oct. 20 Fidelity asset allocation; and Oct.
27 Paul Rizzo, financial advisor.
Information: Barry Hoke,
623-322-0909; John Sralik,
October is one of our favorite
months. The cooler weather
means many of our members
are returning and outdoor activities are resuming. This
month we will be having a
BBQ picnic at the Kuentz
Courtyard, catered by Famous
Dave’s. Be sure to make your
reservations. We may be in
costume for the last regular
Friday meeting in October
since that happens to be Halloween. Get ready to sing your
favorite witchy, ghoulish songs
and do the Monster Mash. Remember to bring a friend and
join the fun. We are in the
Ocotillo Room at Beardsley
Rec Center on Friday night at
6:30. Guests are always welcome (we love an audience).
Membership is $5 a year and
$1 a week to sing.
Information: Betty Dorsey,
The Lady Putters meet each
Wednesday morning at Grandview Golf Course putting
green for one hour. As of Oct.
22, the new start time will be
8:30 a.m. Check in times are
from 7:45 to 8:15. All skill levels are welcome. Be our guest
and join in the fun. Lady Putters has been a chartered club
since 2002. Welcome back to
all returning Snowbirds.
Information: Janette Gricol,
623-584-1465 or
The Latin & Ballroom Dance
Club will have a Cabaret dance
Thursday, Oct. 2. The October
theme (Halloween) dance is
Oct. 16. Both dances are at
Palm Ridge Recreation Center
from 7:15 to 9:30 p.m. Dress is
casual, but no shorts, jeans,
tank tops or T-shirts, please.
Light refreshments will be provided. Admission is $4 per person for club members and $6
per person for non-members.
Music by Dale Timberlake.
Dance lessons resume Monday Oct. 5 at Palm Ridge Rec
Center with instructor Elias Alvarez teaching beginning waltz
at 11 a.m. and intermediate
tango at noon. Lessons with
Paul Jack Tuesdays at R.H.
Johnson Social Hall will be beginning West Coast Swing and
cha-cha at 5 p.m.; silver nightclub 2-step at 6; and silver
samba at 7. Each 1-hour lesson
is $4 per person for club members and $6 per person for nonmembers.
The next beginner’s workshop meets from 3:30 to 4:40
five weeks starting Oct. 1. Instructor Kort Kurdi teaches the
fundamentals of line dancing
in a relaxed, fun and
friendly environment. All Oct.
1 classes meet at the Palm
Ridge Summit Hall and the remaining four Wednesdays
meet at the Johnson Social
Additional classes are offered on Mondays and
Wednesdays from beginner to
intermediate dance levels. Call
for current scheduling and fee
information at 623-556-9093
to In
addition, there is an evening
line dance from 6:30 to 9:30
Friday, Oct. 3 at Palm Ridge
with a lesson from 6 to 6:30.
The Mac-Cro-Knit club
meets from 8 to 11 each Thursday morning at Kuentz Rec
Center, Craft Room 3.
Our group is 100 members
strong. We enjoy sharing the
crafts of knitting and crocheting with each other. Members
exchange ideas and give help
to other members. If you have
ever wanted to learn to knit or
crochet, there is always someone to help you learn at our
club meetings.
You will find our group busy
making gifts for friends or
family, making items to sell at
the Village Store or making
items for charity. We donate
baby hats and blankets to Del
Webb Hospital; we give lap
robes to rehab centers; we
make warm winter hats for
children; and our special project is knitting or crocheting
“Friendship Bags” for an
abused women’s shelter in
Several times a year we fill
150 Friendship Bags with toi-
letries for this shelter.
October highlights include
welcoming back our winter
members, displaying samples
of our projects in the library
show case, and the Kuentz
Open House Oct. 11.
We welcome donations of
yarn for members to use in
charity projects.
Information: Mary, 623-5565929.
Welcome back if you were
gone for the summer. Want to
try a new game, join the Mah
Jongg Club of Sun City West,
which is open to SCW residents with a current rec card.
Dues are $10 a year.
The club meets from 11 a.m.
to 3:30 p.m. every Tuesday and
Thursday during the year.
Sign-in and social time is between 11 and 11:30 and games
start at 11:30. On the first
Thursday of each month (September-June) we have a short
business meeting with members supplying treats. We follow the National Mah Jongg
League rules.
Need to learn how to play?
Contact Joy Eisner, 623-2147307, or Toni Rhodes, 623546-2845. A series of six
lessons cost $45.
Information: Phyllis Hibben,
623-398-7771, or Norma Platt,
The SCW Men’s Niners Golf
Club was formed to fill a golf
need for residents who cannot
play 18 holes of golf because
of health reasons or time constraints, or who just want another fun day of golf.
The Club is sponsored by the
SCW Golf Council with support from Golf Operations and
has been formally recognized
by the Arizona Golf Association. All members establish a
nine-hole USGA handicap.
The annual fee is $25.
The playing schedule provides for competitive golf outings each Thursday at Stardust
Golf Course with tee times
starting at noon during the winter months. The club rotates
monthly between the two Executive Courses that are open
during the summer months
with tee times starting at 8:30
a.m. The club has its own monitor.
Information: Howard Allnutt, 623-214-0583 or Golf
Operations at 623-544-6037.
The next general membership meeting will be at 10 a.m.
Thursday, Oct. 9. The club will
open immediately following
the meeting. All members are
encouraged to attend.
Visitors are always welcome
during operating hours of 8
a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays and
noon to 4 p.m. weekends.
More than 300 pieces of metal
art are on display. Metal art
may be purchased at the Metal
Club or the Village Store.
Vacation/security mail boxes
may be purchased at the Village Store with installation
available at the Metal Club.
Custom work, including
metal art, cutting, sharpening,
welding, mill and lathe work
and other services are offered
to the community. Let us know
what you need.
If you are interested in joining the Metal Club, stop by for
a tour. A wide variety of new
skills can be learned from the
myriad of classes available.
Annual dues are $20. The club
also offers social opportunities
and free coffee.
The Metal Club is next to the
SCW Visitors Center on
Camino del Sol. Stop by for a
visit and tour.
Information: 623-584-0150
Please join us before 9 a.m.
Thursdays at the R.H. Johnson
Miniature Golf Course. We
will be teeing off at 9 after a
short meeting of club news.
If you do not have a putter or
golf ball, they have them at the
monitor station. Bring your rec
card and a happy face to play
with some fun people.
After playing 18 holes of
miniature golf, we will have a
drawing for a cash prize for
You may play twice without
being a member and then we
hope you will join our club.
The annual dues are $5.
Information:, the bulletin board at
R.H. Johnson course or 623337-4558 or 623-561-5002.
The club has returned to winter hours of operations as follows.
HO/N Scale meets from 9
a.m. to noon Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday; and
7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at the club
room in the R.H. Johnson Rec
Center Complex. The club is
open and free to all visitors, so
come on in and bring the kids
and grandkids, too. There are
scale HO and N layouts and
Thomas the Tank Engine on
his own track.
N-Scale: Work continues on
building a new shelf layout
featuring a double main line
with various industries for
switching and locomotive servicing facilities.
G-Scale (Outdoor Garden
Railroad) - The site at Beardsley has re-opened. Call 623544-1442 or the club room for
Page 25
specific days and hours of operation. The layout has continued to grow with new
locomotives, rolling stock,
buildings and bridges. Work
also continues on construction
of a new mountain area and an
industrial area featuring a coal
loading operation.
New members are welcome;
all you need is a current rec
card and $30 for the first year’s
dues. Annual renewal is $20.
We have 33 women members,
known as the Choo-Choo
Chicks. This is about one-third
of the club’s total membership.
Information: 623-544-6148.
The Musicians Club of SCW
is pleased to open the season
with Karen Ellinwood and Jim
Allen for a “Sentimental Journey” at 2 p.m. Oct. 8, at the
Stardust Theatre. You may remember them from shows
they’ve done around town, including Karen winning the
Senior Idol Contest and Jim
winning first runner up. They
have teamed up to sing the
songs of the ’40s, ’50s and
’60s for our “Welcome Back”
program. There will be a meet
and greet afterwards with refreshments served in the back
40. So start the fall season out
with a great, up-lifting show
and let them take you on a trip
down memory lane.
Are you looking for a fabulous evening of music? The
Organ and Keyboard Club is
the place for you. The club’s
goal is to provide members and
guests with fantastic national
and international artists in concert six times a year. Concerts
are typically the fourth Monday of the month in October,
November, January, February,
March and April. This month
the featured artist is Marco
Mendez, an internationally acclaimed organist and keyboardist.
Marco Mendez is a graduate
of the Curtis Institute of Music,
the best musical conservatory
in the world. He gained admission to this world renowned
conservatory at the age of 12.
He has performed in some of
the world’s most prestigious
halls and venues including the
National Shrine of Our Lady of
Czestochowa. He has toured
all over the U.S., Europe, Latin
America, South America,
Japan and China.
Marco will entertain starting
at 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 27. The
concert will be in Summit
Room A of the Palm Ridge
Recreation Center. The concert
is $2 for members of the SCW
Organ and Keyboard Club.
Continued on Page 26
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Recreation Centers of Sun City West
Club Corner
From Page 25
Guests are invited and encouraged to attend for $7 per person, payable at the door. Doors
open at 6:30.
Information: Ron Aron, 623537-9092
Photo info: Palo Verde
Patchers are busy making
preparations for the 2015 Biennial Quilt Show, titled “Quilted
Treasures.” Admiring the Raffle Quilt are Georgia Moses
and Phyllis Samuelson, cochairs of the show, which is set
for Saturday, Feb. 28, and Sunday, March 1, at Palm Ridge
Recreation Center. Tickets for
the raffle quilt will be available
at several upcoming events in
Sun City West. The quilt was
designed, pieced, appliqued
and quilted by members of
Palo Verde Patchers. It will be
among the more than 200
quilts which will be on display
both days of the show from 9
a.m. to 4 p.m.
As we continue into fall, the
Palo Verde Patchers offers a
variety of classes for members.
Included are a “Wickedly Simple” quilt; a “Charm Pack
Bag”; the star block of the
month (a ‘wonky’ star this
month); a paper pieced Santa;
“Quilted Skinnies”; and a
coiled basket. Our quilts for
causes will also have work
days: Quilts of Valor (second
Thursday of the month) and
Shelter Quilts for the New Life
Center (third Tuesday of the
month). We continue preparations for the upcoming February 2015 “Quilted Treasures”
Quilt Show. This will be a
great opportunity to see quilts
of all sizes, using a variety of
techniques as well as awardwinning quilts from other quilt
shows. It’s also a chance to do
a little shopping at the boutique
and participate in a silent auction. Our general meeting this
month will feature a trunk
show and discussion of “art
quilts” by award-winning quilter Betty Hahn. The following
afternoon Betty will give a
class in one of her techniques.
Check us out at the Kuentz
Open House from 10 a.m. to
noon Saturday, Oct. 11.
The Welcome Back Coffee
and general meeting will be at
9 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 29 in
the Acacia Room of the Palm
Ridge Center. You may bring
your checkbook to pay your
dues as you enjoy seeing
everyone who has been away
for the summer. Some
even may dress up in their
“witchiest” outfits to celebrate
the occasion. Plans for the fall
tournament will be discussed
and election of next year’s officers will take place.
Photography West at the
Beardsley Recreation Center is
a club for Sun City West residents who enjoy photography.
Photo/Video/Digital labs (623544-6520) are open from 9
a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays. In the
newly renovated lab, you may
use a dark room, mount and
mat pictures, sign up for
classes, get information and
pay dues, convert 8mm and
16mm silent, sound, or Hi 8
movies to DVD, make movies,
transfer slides and VHS to
DVD, work with Elements,
and transfer records or cassettes to CDs. Website:
Photography West meets at
10 a.m. Fridays at Stardust
Theatre. Solo Shows are in the
Photo Lab at 2 p.m. (Oct. 10
and 24) Photography is displayed at the Library, Lecture
Hall, Stardust, and Visitor’s
Center. Pictures and cards are
available for purchase at the
Village Store. Mark your calendar for the Art and Photography Expo Jan. 31, 2015.
Photography West is dedicated to helping its members
become better photographers
through instructional programs, workshops and mentoring opportunities. There are
two competitions each year for
beginner, advanced, master.
Prints due Oct. 31. Check website for travel opportunities,
classes, and competition dates.
Cool weather is on the way
and pickleball lessons will resume soon.
Watch for the lessons banners to appear at both Palm
Ridge and at R.H. Johnson
pickleball courts. Get ready to
join the 927 pickleball club
members who enjoy this great
game with the unusual name,
Pickleball. The club schedules
lessons two days each week
and the lessons are free of
charge. Just wear court shoes the paddles and balls will be
provided by the club. Lessons
are given at the Palm Ridge
Pickleball is still the fastest
growing sport in the nation. At
Sun City West we have 18
courts located at Palm Ridge
and three courts at R.H. Johnson. This is the perfect place to
perfect your game. In case you
travel, courts are now available
in every state. You can play in
Fairbanks Ak., Branson, Mo.,
Miami, Fla., Homer, Ak., and
Sun City West, Az. Learn the
game and play anywhere and
everywhere. The Sun City
West Club holds some type of
fun function every month. In
September it was an ice cream
social held on Sept. 12.
There is more to sewing than
a needle and thread. Our club
is more than people who sew.
There are many opportunities
to learn more about sewing
techniques and meet new
friends or lend a hand in a
community project. The calendar has lots of new classes for
those who are interested.
Members need to register for
classes. We have members who
inspire each other to create
new things in the realm of
sewing and quilting or machine
The club depends on members volunteering as monitors.
The club is open late on
Wednesday evenings. There
are sewing machines, sergers
and embroidery machines for
members to use if they complete the training to properly
use each piece of equipment.
The club room has a library of
patterns and resources available to members too.
The club room is adjacent to
the Village Store at R.H. Johnson Rec Center. Stop by and
check out the display windows,
and if you come when our
room is open, ask the monitor
for a tour of the club.
Rockhounds West is a geology club for people who are interested in gaining knowledge
of mineralogy and earth sciences as they apply to the
many spectacular areas of Arizona and the Southwest. We
collect and study rocks and
minerals and learn as we go.
Newcomers are always welcome and are taught by knowledgeable collectors.
The Welcome Back breakfast
will be Oct. 13 at the Links
Café in Sun Village. The October Rockhounds trip will be
Oct. 17, when we will go to an
amethyst mine.
Information: Mary Nelson,
membership, 623-556-9263.
Scrapbooking, Paper Crafts
and More Club meets in the
Agave Room at Beardsley
Center from 6 to 9 Wednesday
evenings; 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Thursday; and 12:30 to 4 p.m.
We continue make it take
its, card art, unique books and
specialty cards, open workshops and show and tell. A big
thank you goes out to all of our
members for sharing their talents and teaching us. On Oct.
3 there will be a club outing to
the Mesa Scrapbook Extravaganza, and Oct. 15 we’ll have
a club garage sale. Also during
October there will be an iris
folding class. The last two
Wednesdays in October, items
will be accepted for entry in
the Fall Craft Fair in November. There is something for
everyone. Information is available at the club’s website,
om and also on the calendar of
events posted at club sessions.
We welcomed several new
members this summer and are
anxious to see our winter members return. Please consider
joining us.
If you are interested in learning about scrapbooking, card
making, or other paper crafts,
you are invited to visit our club
room for more information.
Information: Elyse Soffer,
7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 2:
Bocce at R.H. Johnson Rec
Center, Quint H., 480-3368729 (first and third Thursday.)
4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 3: Fish
Fry and/or dinner at Fuzzy’s,
11340 W. Grand Ave., Surprise, Jimmy D., 623-3746366. Celebrating Jimmy’s
Noon Wednesday, Oct. 8:
Board Meeting at Palm Ridge
Rec Center.
1 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 8:
General meeting at Palm Ridge
Rec Center, arrive at 12:45 for
business meeting followed by
a program and cookies.
7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 16:
Bocce at R.H. Johnson Rec
Center (see above.)
5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Oct 28:
Mexican Train at Beardsley
Rec Center Chicory Room,
bring snack to share and
BYOB, Carol S., 425-7660945.
NOTE:9 Every Saturday
evening in October, SCW Singles will attend Movies in the
Park at Beardsley Park. You
are welcome to join us, just
bring a chair. Carol S., 425766-0945.
Play exciting senior slowpitch 12-inch softball. A new
three-league program begins
Oct. 28 based on skill ratings.
The Central league has been
added between the more advanced American league and
the more recreational National
league. Each plays two days
per week, no weekends. Join
any time. Emphasis is on fun,
camaraderie and many special
Play alternates between
beautiful SCW/SC fields. With
October 2014
official play from October into
April, there are about 34 teams
of 10-12 players, fewer in summer — ended Sept. 25. Normally 11 play at a time
including rover and four outfielders. Dues are $25 per year
($100 the first year) includes
uniform. We’ll help you get a
bat, glove and softball shoes.
Open practices, tournaments or
Green Team play on Saturday
and Sunday. Information: Bob
Dobbins, 623-792-8993 or
Coed League: Get ready to
play. Exciting fall ball starts
Oct. 31 on Fridays. Check the
web site above. To join, call
Barb Waddell 623-975-1781.
Women’s Softball: Meet new
friends and relive the good
times. Practice starts in October. Call Carol Bowden, 623337-5131.
70s Softball League: Club
members who are 70 or older
make six teams from SCW and
SC on Saturday mornings starting
Information: Jack Harrison,
Welcome to Club Español!
Attend our Reunion/Orientation Meeting at 10 a.m. Friday,
Oct. 17, in Johnson Lecture
Hall. You will learn about
classes (beginning, intermediate, advanced), conversation
groups, book discussion
groups (in English), fiestas and
movies. You will also meet
class facilitators and other students, view/buy your textbooks, and be able to join the
Spanish Club. Dues are $10 a
Most fall session classes will
begin the week of Oct. 20.
Classes and conversation
groups meet at Beardsley Center for two hours one morning
a week. Classes focus on introducing all aspects of the language; conversation groups
share stories, articles, books or
just chat. You do not need to
sing to enjoy a new class,
Learning Spanish with Music.
Upcoming events: Club Español has wonderful fiestas.
The Fall Fiesta will be Nov. 12
at Palm Ridge Center, and the
Holiday Fiesta will be Dec. 5
at Grandview. The fiestas are a
wonderful opportunity to greet
friends and to make new
friends in SCW.
Information: Joan, 623-2717689. Check the website,
for newsletters, class schedule,
description of classes, selfplacement guide for classes
and information about our
class facilitators.
Continued on Page 27
October 2014
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
Club Corner
From Page 26
Welcome back Snowbirds!
While the temps may be cooling off, the activities are heating up. Take advantage of the
knowledge and resources our
club can provide in the way of
outdoor activities. The list of
groups, group leader’s names
and phone numbers are shown
A meeting is held each
month starting at 1 p.m. at the
R.H. Johnson Social Hall. This
is your opportunity to meet
group leaders, discuss upcoming events and listen to interesting speakers. The next
meeting will be Oct. 20. This
month Ron Swarsky will present a video on “The longest
steam engine ride.”
See the website at for a
schedule of all the upcoming
Big Wheels - Gary- 623-2669512
Birding - Gail – 623-9756611
Fishing - Ron – 623-4559969
Hiking/Easy - De’Nae – 623556-5355
Hiking/Moderate - Les –
Horseback Riding - Judy –
Rafting - Steve – 623-8265322
Target/Trap/Skeet Shooting
in Wickenburg- Bill – 623214-1508
The club’s workshop is at the
Palm Ridge Recreation Center.
It is open for members use
from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday
to Saturday. Please stop by and
see what our members are
working on. Some of these
items are for sale in our display
window and also at the Village
Store. We offer beginning
stained glass classes where you
can learn stained glass crafting
and see if this is a club you’d
like to join. Stained Glass
Crafters offers members educational material and facilities
for practice of the craft, a library of instructional material
and patterns, use of specialized equipment that would not
normally be purchased by individual hobbyists and lots of
good fellowship. The club also
has kilns to use for slumping,
and fusing glass items.
Our club also makes angels
for the Chaplain at Walter Reed
Army Hospital to give to the
wounded service members.
whether a hobby as an artist
might be just the activity they
are seeking. Membership in the
Sun West Art Club offers the
opportunity to explore different media and produce works
of art. Beginners are welcomed. Every month classes
and workshops, taught by professional artists, offer instruction in watercolor, oils,
drawing, pastels, gourds, bookmaking and mixed media. Fees
vary from $15 for a three-hour
lesson, to $45 or $60 for a fullday workshop, depending on
the supplies provided. Classes
are listed in the Art Room at
Kuentz. Visitors can check the
listings during “Open Art”
from 9 a.m. to noon Wednesdays and Fridays and also view
the Kuentz Art Gallery, showcasing members’ works for
The next general meeting is
from 1 to 3 p.m. Thursday, Oct.
13 in the R.H. Johnson Social
Hall. After the business meeting, the program will feature
professional artist Malcolm
Blazer demonstrating watercolor techniques. Light refreshments will be offered. The
public is invited. On There will
be juried Fine Art and Photo
Expo from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jan.
31 at Palm Ridge. Art club
members may submit work to
be considered for the Expo.
What better way to one-up
your Snowbird tennis pals than
to improve your game over the
fall months? J.R. Lampley, the
tennis pro, will be having a
Skills and Drills Doubles clinic
at 7:30 a.m. Thursdays at the
Johnson courts. He also offers
a new Doubles Strategy Clinic
every Thursday evening at
6:30. There is a modest fee for
the clinics. For information,
contact J.R. at 602-7692192. Sunday morning DropIns at the RH Johnson courts
are now beginning at 8. Rumor
has it they have coffee and
Mark your calendars for
Sunday, Oct. 5 for the annual
Wind-Up tennis social. Signups will be at the tower at R.H.
The schedule for Platform
Tennis is now 7 a.m. for dropin play on Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Check the Tower at R.H. Johnson for afternoon session
Volleyball players, please
check the website for information on drop-ins.
Table tennis has it covered at
the Johnson facility, where
they offer free racquet and ball
rentals. Drop by from 9 a.m. to
9 p.m.
The next general meeting
will be Tuesday, Oct. 7, with
happy hour beginning at 4:30
and the general meeting at 5
p.m. Keep in touch with all the
fall news via
Club hours are 8 a.m. to 3
p.m. We are in the R.H. Johnson Rec Center. Members must
have a valid rec card.
Information: 623-214-8153.
Theatre West, the Community Theatre of SCW, is in the
Stardust Theatre at the Kuentz
Recreation Center.
The first play of the season is
“Social Security,” a comedy by
Andrew Bergman, co-directed
by Darlene Olejniczak and Jim
Reed. Tickets are on sale at the
Box Office in the Stardust Theatre from 10 a.m. to noon Monday to Thursday. Chair is
Jeanne Tarr, 623-584-7025.
Tickets are $7, cash or check
only. The run dates are 7 p.m.
Oct. 24, 25, 28, 29, 30 and 31;
Nov. 1, 5, 6, 7 and 8: and 2
p.m. Oct. 26, Nov. 2, 6 and 9.
You may send a check with a
SASE to Jeanne. Tarr at 19410
N 143rd Drive, SCW, AZ
The winter play is “Chapter
Two” and the musical will be
The next meeting will be at
1:30 p.m. Oct. 21. The entertainment will be “Last Laughs:
A Pocketful of Wry for the
Aging.” It is the perfect antidote to feeling out of place in
our youth-oriented culture by
Everett Mattlin, adapted by
Alan Olejniczak and directed
by his mother, Darlene. This
Reader’s Theatre features Bill
Benz, Bernie Meagher and Jim
Come join the fun! Membership is $5 annually.
Information: or President
The Westernaires Concert directed by Janet Hochstatter and
accompanied by Jim Haller
presents “My Favorite ‘Holiday’ Things.” Ticket sales
begin at 9 a.m. Monday, Nov.
3 in the Stardust Theatre. Numbers will be issued earlier in
the morning. Tickets will be
sold until noon. Ticket price is
$7 for reserved seating. Ticket
sales will continue from 10
a.m. to noon Monday to Thursday in the theater lobby. Matinee performances are at 2 p.m.
Thursday and Sunday, Dec. 11
and 14; and 7 p.m. Friday and
Saturday, Dec. 12 and 13.
In addition to the holiday
concert, the Search Committee
for a director is continuing its
work. Janet Hochstatter has
decided to retire after the
spring 2015 concert. If you or
anyone you know is interested
and qualified, contact Jim
Blexrud, President, 623-5448381; Jack Stiehl, 623-5846437;
623-388-9103; Joanne Lawson, 928-308-2779; or Jeannine Saltman, 847-727-2011.
Welcome back to our early
winter visitors, we’re glad to
see your smiling faces.
What happens in a basic silver class you ask?
In a basic class you will learn
how to saw, cut, solder and file
silver. The first project is making a ring, you’ll make a bezel
and set the stone. Another project is making a twisted wire
bracelet. There is usually time
to do another project - maybe a
pendant - using all your new
skills. The instructors are very
helpful and will guide you all
the way. The more you practice, the easier it gets. Come in
and sign up, classes are being
formed now.
The club also offers classes
in lost wax jewelry casting and
mini classes: maybe you’ll
learn to make a square ring, or
form metal into a cuff necklace.
Don’t forget the craft fair is
Nov. 9, great chance for early
Christmas shopping.
Beginner and refresher lessons are coming. During October, we will have square
dancing “plus level” refresher
lessons at 6 p.m. each Thursday. If you need practice with
the plus level calls, come during October. The regular mainstream and plus level dance
starts at 7 p.m. after the lesson,
with the incredible Lee Hailey
Beginner square dance lessons are being offered this
year. The lessons are not offered every year, so this is the
year to learn. The lessons will
begin at 5:45 p.m. Nov. 6, prior
to our regular Thursday square
dance. The first lesson will be
free. Come and see if you like
Round dance beginner lessons will begin at 5 p.m. Nov.
3, prior to the regular Monday
round dances which begin at 7
p.m. that day. The popular
Annie Brownrigg will be
teaching. Come and try it.
Square and round dancing is
lots of fun and easy to learn.
Square dancing is each Thursday evening all year. Round
dancing is each Monday
evening, November to April.
All dances are at the R.H.
Johnson Social Hall. Sun City
West residents and invited
guests are welcome.
Information: Ralph, 623-
Page 27
Check out our new schedule
of Yoga classes. We have
classes each weekday to meet
your individual needs. If you
have limited mobility, try our
Wednesday Chair Yoga class.
If you are considering trying
out a Yoga class, now is a great
time to start — we welcome
new members! Check our
for possible upcoming time
and location changes.
October Class Schedule:
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays:
7:15 – 8:15 a.m. Yoga
Mesquite Rooms) ($3)
8:30 – 9:15 a.m. Pilates/Yoga
(Beardsley Agave Room) ($1)
2 – 3 p.m. Beginning Pilates/Yoga ($1)
9:45 a.m. Audio Tape Yoga
(Beardsley Agave Room)
10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Yoga Plus
(RH Johnson Social Hall) ($1)
10:50 a.m. Chair Yoga
(Beardsley Agave Room) ($3)
Mondays and Fridays:
10 a.m. Audio Tape Yoga
(Beardsley Agave Room)
10:25 – 11:25 a.m. Yoga (RH
Johnson Social Hall) ($3)
Tuesdays and Thursdays:
7:20 – 8:20 a.m. Stretching
Class (Beardsley Agave
Room) ($1)
5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Yoga
(Beardsley Agave Room) ($3)
Come observe a class or try
one out - mats are available for
you to use. Membership is
open to Sun City West residents with Recreation Cards at
$5 per person annually.
Information: Pat, 623-2142494.
The Zymurgy Club is a beer
and wine-brewing craft club,
with a strong social aspect, fermenting grains, grapes and
friendships. Events include
monthly beer and wine tastings, brewing classes and on
the third Friday of the month,
there is MuZArt in the Kuentz
Courtyard that combines
music, art and wine. Admission
is open to non-members, but
all participants are asked to
bring a bottle of wine and an
appetizer to share. The club
also hosts a yearly wine trip in
the summer, Octoberfest, annual picnic and many other
Page 28
Recreation Centers of Sun City West
October 2014
Fall 2014 EXPLORE! classes - sign up today
Check out some of the many
EXPLORE! Adult Learning
Classes scheduled this fall:
Wednesday, November 12,
Palm Ridge Acacia Room; $10
fee; instructor Adam Harding.
END OF LIFE READINESS: 3-5p.m., Wednesday
November 5 and Thursday November 6, Palm Ridge Acacia
Room; $20 fee; instructor
Charlotte Fox.
FINDING UNBIASED FINANCIAL ADVICE: 68p.m., Wednesday, October 15,
Palm Ridge Acacia Room; $10
fee; instructor Scott Sandell.
Wednesday, November 19,
Palm Ridge Acacia Room; $10
fee; instructor Scott Sandell.
p.m., Mondays, October 13,
20, 27, November 3 and 10, Library Data Center; $35 fee for
five classes; instructor Cindy
Wednesday, October 22, Palm
Ridge Acacia Room; $15 fee
(includes tasting); instructor
Dean Lynn.
evening at the fabulous Amuse
Bouche Bistro: 3:30-7:30p.m.,
Monday, December 1, at the
restaurant, 17058 W. Bell Road
Suite #104; $65 per person fee
which includes the three course
meal and instruction; instructors are chefs, Kiersten and
Snir Mor.
Guided Adventure in Joyous
Painting: 2-5p.m., Sunday, October 26, RH Johnson Sports
Pavilion Shuffleboard Court;
$35 fee (fee includes wine,
snacks, canvases and art supplies); instructor Suzie Black.
9-11a.m., Saturdays, November 1, 8, 15 and 22, at Beardsley Agave Room; $28 fee;
instructor Rev. Kim O’Connor.
Mondays, October 13, 20, 27
and November 3, Palm Ridge
Acacia Room; $5 Fee (snacks
will be provided); instructor
Brenda Lowe, AuD., FAAA.
JAZZERCISE: 6-7p.m.,
Mondays, October 6, 13, 20,
November 3, 10, 17, December
1 and 22, Palm Ridge Summit
Hall A; $60 fee for eight
classes; instructor Sue Shewmake.
LINE DANCING: 4:307:30 p.m., Sundays, Palm
Ridge Summit Hall A; $24 per
four week session, Intermediate from 4:30-5:30 p.m.; Beginners from 5:30-6:30 p.m.;
Beyond Basics from 6:30-7:30
p.m. Session #1 September 21,
28, October 5, 12; Session #2
Oct. 19, 26, Nov. 2, 9; Session
#3 Nov. 16, 23, 30, Dec. 7; instructor Kort Kurdi.
GROOMING AT HOME: p.m., Thursdays, October 30
and November 6, Kuentz Craft
Room #3; $20 fee; instructor
Dr. Lorna Lanman, DVM.
p.m., Mondays, Tuesdays and
Thursdays December 1, 2, 4
and 8, 9, 11, at Beardsley
Small Lap Pool; $30 per session; instructor Bill Benson. 66:45
6:45-7:30p.m. Advanced Beginners and 7:30-8:15 p.m. Intermediate.
ALZHEIMER,S: 3-5p.m.,
Tuesday, November 18, RH
Johnson Lecture Hall; $5 fee;
instructor Martha Burruel.
AFRICAN SAFARI: 35p.m., Wednesday, November
12, RH Johnson Lecture Hall;
$10 fee; instructors Ramona
and Steve Boone.
LEWIS AND CLARK EXPEDITION: 6-8p.m., Thursday, November 20, RH
Johnson Lecture Hall; $10 fee;
instructor Todd Weber.
IN ARIZONA: 6-8p.m.,
Thursday, October 23, RH
Johnson Lecture Hall; $10 fee;
instructor TJ Reed, PhD
History and Beliefs of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism,
Judaism and Islam: 6-8p.m.,
Mondays November 3, 10, 17
and 24, Palm Ridge Palo Verde
Room; $30 fee; instructor
Linda Sweat, PhD.
TOUR: 8:30-10a.m., Saturday,
October 25, at the Nature Conservancy Preserve at 49614
Highway US 60, between Sun
City West and Wickenburg;
$15 fee includes entrance fee);
the tour will be led by trained
WITHOUT a Big Bang: 68p.m., Tuesday, December 9,
Palm Ridge Acacia Room; $10
fee; instructor Robert Farrell,
NIGHT SKY: 6:30-8:30 p.m.,
Wednesday, October 29, at
Beardsley Park; $20 fee; instructor Tony LaConte and
NOAH’S FLOOD, or the
Deluge: 6-8p.m., Wednesday,
October 8, 2014, Palm Ridge
Acacia Room; $10 fee; instructor Robert Farrell, PhD.
CLASS: 3:30-5:15p.m.,Tuesdays, October 21, 28, November 4, 11 and 18, Beardsley
Chicory Room #1; $30 fee; instructor Pat Canfield.
Kuentz Multicraft Room #5;
$10 fee (includes all materials);
FOR LOOKING FABULOUS AT ANY AGE: 68p.m., Thursdays, October 30,
November 6, 13 and 20,
Kuentz Multicraft Room # 3;
$30 fee; instructor Mary Jo
9a.m.-1p.m. Saturday, November 15, RH Johnson Shuffleboard Court, Sports Pavilion;
$5 Fee paid to the EXPLORE!
Program. In addition you will
need to bring a check made out
to AARP for $15 if you are an
AARP member and $20 for
non-AARP members; instructor Larry Anderson.
CLASSES: 6-8p.m., Mondays, November 3, 10, 17 December 1, 8, and 15, Beardsley
Chicory Room #1; $42 fee; instructor Mitchell Weisberg
SCARF: 6-8p.m., Tuesday,
October 14, Palm Ridge Acacia Room; $15 fee (fee includes yarn); instructor Eva
CLASS: 6-8p.m., Tuesdays,
October 21, 28, and November
4, Beardsley Mesquite Room;
$30 fee (includes beads, disc
form and other materials); instructor Eva Weisberg.
67:30p.m., Wednesdays October
15, 22, 29, November 5, 12,
19, Pool Room, RH Johnson
Sports Pavilion; $45 fee; instructor Don Hlousek
6:30-8p.m., Tuesdays October
28, November 4, 11, 18, 25,
December 2, 9, RH Johnson
Lecture Hall; $60 fee; instructors Kate Heiser and Gail
TEXAS HOLD EM- WINNING STRATEGIES: 68p.m., Mondays, October 27
and November 3, Men’s Club;
$20 fee; instructor Nancy Shubert.
EXPLORE! Class Registration Information: detailed
class descriptions are listed
on-line at,
EXPLORE! Classes.
At, click on
EXPLORE! in the left column;
if you are new to EXPLORE!,
sign-in and create your own account; if you are already a participant in the EXPLORE!
Program, log-in and input your
user name and password.
Once logged-in, you are able to
register for a class and pay online with your credit or debit
card. If you forget your user
name or password, contact
Tamra Stark at 623-544-6194,
or for
You can register for classes
at the front desk of the R.H.
Johnson Rec Center administrative office, 19803 R. H.
Johnson Boulevard, between 8
a.m. and 2 p.m., Monday
through Friday.
EXPLORE! Program Coordinator Tamra Stark can take
your registration by telephone
at 623-544-6194.
Payment is due at the time of
registration; we accept cash,
check or VISA, MasterCard,
Discover and American Express cards. Registration at the
class is available if the class is
not full. You must arrive at
least 30 minutes prior to the
class start time and bring a
check, cash or credit card to
pay at the door.