Volume 51 No. 10 October 2014 CAR OF THE MONTH Special Fire Prevention Month Vehicle 1925 American LaFrance Pumper THE BRASS LAMP - OCTOBER 2014 THE BRASS LAMP is published monthly by and for the members of the Genesee Valley Antique Car Society, Inc. GVACS is a region of the Antique Automobile Club of America. PROOFREADER NANCY HUFFMAN 538-4690 GVACS OFFICERS FOR 2014 GVACS STAFF FOR 2014 PRESIDENT PAT THORPE 657-4729 pathorpe@rochester.rr.com 4 WHIPPET RUN, BLOOMFIELD, NY 14469-9300 ANNUAL SHOW JERRY HUFFMAN DON DEAR Jhuffman1@aol.com 538-4690 cdchrisdear1@gmail.com 872-4141 VICE PRESIDENT DON DEAR 872-4141 cdchrisdear1@gmail.com SECRETARY 538-4690 NANCY HUFFMAN nphuffman@aol.com TREASURER 538-4690 JERRY HUFFMAN jhuffman1@aol.com CLUB ENGRAVER 377-1634 HISTORIAN 225-8996 CHAPLAIN 352-4157 GVACS BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIRMAN PHIL THURLEY 377-1634 pmthurley@yahoo.com 14 WHITE OAK LANE, FAIRPORT, NY 14450 377-4379 DICK BARRETT rbarret11@rochester.rr.com 657-6358 NELSON THORPE pathorpe@rochester.rr.com 586-8570 BOB DILGER bcdilger56@yahoo.com 872-4141 CHRIS DEAR cdchrisdear1@gmail.com BOB DILGER bcdilger56@yahoo.com SUNSHINE/REPORTER SUSAN SMITH 594-2565 suziesgardens@aol.com 513 STONY POINT ROAD, SPENCERPORT, NY 14559-9718 JERRY KIER mmkier@aol.com ROBERT GAYLORD dotnbob@rochester.rr.com RAY CUBITT WEBMASTER DAVID DEVINE 919-304-4282 chevyiiman@earthlink.net 409 N THIRD STREET, MEBANE, NC 273022407 MEMBERSHIP CHAIRPERSON NANCY HUFFMAN 538-4690 nphuffman@aol.com STAFF PHOTORAPHER 585-545-9522 BRIAN & MARY MOON 32 ROSELAWN AVE, FARIPORT, NY 14450 bmoon14450@hotmail.com PLEASE SEND ANY ITEMS FOR PUBLICATION TO THE BRASS LAMP EDITOR JIM BURLINGAME, BY THE 1st OF THE MONTH. EDITOR JIM BURLINGAME 385-1762 jimburlingame@rochester.rr.com 210 NORTHWOOD AVE. EAST ROCHESTER, NY 14445 ADVERTISING 872-3244 PHIL THURLEY pmthurley@yahoo.com If you know of an illness or a death in any GVACS family, please contact SUSAN SMITH @594-2565 BRASS LAMP STAFF MAILING 586-8570 nphuffman@aol.com ADS RUN FREE TO ALL MEMBERS FOR A PERIOD OF 3 MONTHS AND THEN REMOVED FROM THE BRASS LAMP. LET THE EDITOR KNOW IF SOLD BEFORE THEN SO THAT OTHERS MAY HAVE A CHANCE TO RUN THEIR ADS. ONLY AUTO RELATED ITEMS MAY BE ADVERTISED. SUBMISSION OF MS WORD DOCUMENTS AND JPGS, VIA EMAIL ARE ENCOURAGED. The Editor reserves the right to reject any items submitted for publication if it is not in the best interest of THE BRASS LAMP. Any item in THE BRASS LAMP, originated by a GVACS member, may be reprinted if proper credit is given. Articles belonging to outside authors or publications have been printed in THE BRASS LAMP with permission and proper credit, and cannot be copied without additional express consent of the authors or other publications. Note: Unless otherwise stated, all “Indoor” meetings are held at the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, 3736 St. Paul Blvd., Irondequoit, NY. Also, unless otherwise stated all meetings start at 7:30pm. **** 2 **** THE BRASS LAMP - OCTOBER 2014 THE BOARD REPORT At its meeting on August 26, 2014 the Board of Directors... ... approved the minutes of the July 9, 2014 meeting of the Board of Directors ... approved the Treasurer's report ... welcomed Jim Burlingame, Editor and thanked him for his first issue of The Brass Lamp. We're glad to have him as a team member. ...noted that GVACS Membership currently stands at 170 member units with 3 applications in process awaiting verification that the applicants are AACA members. (5 applications came in from the Annual Show program book) ...reviewed and updated the GVACS Activities Calendar ... approved the slate of nominees for Officers and Directors for 2015. (See article in this issue) ... reviewed a report from webmaster, David Devine on usage of the website and use of the Member Only Log In section. 60 members have created logins. 13 who created a log in have never used it. Only 6 members have logged in since January 2014. The report also indicated that there were 120 downloads of the Annual Show flyer and 12 downloads of the membership application. The Board noted that the maintenance required to monitor who is eligible to create a member login (membership changes occur throughout the year) is time consuming considering the amount of use. Further, the Log-in process is confusing. Finally, once in the Members only section, it is difficult to determine what is different from the main web site. Thus, given the use, we will advise David Devine to eliminate the Member Log-In section of the GVACS web site. . Further, the current issue of The Brass Lamp which was available only via the Members Only Login, will be now be posted on the web site along with past issues. .... clarified and affirmed that the GVACS Membership Directory, published in March each year, will continue (as is current practice) to be disseminated only to our members via electronic mail or US Mail. ...heard a report from Jerry Huffman, Treasurer highlighting Annual Show statistics. Spectator attendance: 539 (vs. 1257 in 2013, and 863 in 2012), Car registrations: 122 (vs. 210 in 2013, and 119 in 2012), Program ads obtained: 103 (vs. 111 in 2013, and 135 in 2012). Only 10 club members secured ads. Bill Karr obtained 40 ads, Chris Dear obtained 32 ads (which generated the highest revenue for ads), and Bob Dilger obtained 12 ads. 7 other members obtained a cumulative total of 19 ads.),Program ad revenue: $7,055 (vs. $7,575 in 2013, and $9005 in 2012). The Board noted that our show is weather dependent which proved to be true this year. Although drizzle on the show field stopped by noon, there were numerous showers in the surrounding area all day. The Board also noted the continuing downward trend in Program Ad revenue and the small number of members (less than 10) who were willing to obtain ads. Total show revenue after all bills are paid is anticipated to be significantly reduced this year when compared to previous years. ... approved issuing a check to Bill Karr $150 for securing the most program ads. The Board expressed thanks for the time, effort, and mileage that Bill volunteered in obtaining his ads. ... approved issuing a check for $50.00 to Dale Kier for the use of his golf cart ... approved issuing a check for $100.00 to the American Legion Brayman Post 1229 for use of the facility for the Show Worker's Picnic held 8/6/14. ... approved issuing a check for $200 to First Baptist Church of Fairport for the use of their tent for the Annual Show. ...noted that we may have to find another provider for GVACS member badges ... established the next Board meeting to be Monday, October 13, 2014 at 12 Noon at the Browncroft Family Restaurant, 2501 Browncroft Blvd. Respectfully Submitted, Nancy Huffman, Secretary **** 3 **** THE BRASS LAMP - OCTOBER 2014 FROM THE EDITORS DESK Jim Burlingame OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS Hello For all you non-firematic people October is Fire Prevention Month As a past fire chief (East Rochester) I am using this opportunity to highlight the 1925 American LaFrance Pumper I restored a few years ago as the car or in this case truck of the month. It was quite a project and was featured in the national publication “Antique Automobile”. I must confess that the September issue of this publication was a little off base in the layout. As the new editor I was not aware of adhering to a series of requirements to be eligible for national recognition and awards. I was (in a friendly way) informed of the requirements and I hope this issue meets them. 02 02 04 04 04 05 05 06 06 09 Irini Karipidis Phil Mendola Betty Ferrante Phil Thurley Leslie Crane Georgia Buccini Pat Walther Jennifer Jensen Judith Rose Marilyn Gilbert 09 10 12 14 15 17 17 22 31 Mike Karipidis Peter Honsberger Bud Peters Judy Keenan Carol Hutkowski Mary Antonacci Mary Moon Ann Barrett Roman Lucyszyn HAPPY ANNIVERSARY For you members that receive the hard copy of this publication in black and white I am suggesting you contact a friend in the club that has Email and have him or her print out a copy in color for you. Then you can see and enjoy the color version of the Brass Lamp. 10 David & Barbara Wild 55 yrs 13 Frank & Chris Battaglia 30 yrs 13 Dick & Pat Walther 58 yrs 16 John & Karen Martin 48yrs Until next month - See you around………….. 17 Jeff & Jennifer Jensen 27 yrs Ted Pisarek's mother Gwennie passed away on August 13, we would like to express our sympathy to him. 22 Robert & Patty Spinelli 37 yrs 22 Richard & Alma Stowe 65 yrs 28 John & Carol Ross 42 yrs 31 Nick & Betty Ferrante 50 yrs SUNSHINE REPORT Ray Cubitt had surgery on his heart on August 25, he is now in rehab at Unity Hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery. Thanks for all the well wishing, and kind e-mails, phone calls and greeting cards after my recent medical "surprise". I'm on the path now to a complete recovery. Bill Boudway **** 4 **** THE BRASS LAMP - OCTOBER 2014 THE presidents REPORT As you’re reading this, the Poker Run is now over, and I’d like to thank Chris & Don Dear for another job well done. I’d also like to thank the folks who hosted the 1,000 mile tour. A special thank you goes to GVACS member Doug VanDuser. Recently I got a letter in the mail (that the post office didn’t lose) and in it was a note from Doug and some momentos from the 1975 Glidden Tour. Thank you Doug, and I apologize for not getting a letter back to you sooner. Also, due to my work schedule, I was not able to attend Gerd Herrmann’s memorial service. I’d like to thank those who took the time to honor Gerd, and I also have to apologize to Diane for my inability to attend. With my work schedule I’ve been averaging 50 hours of overtime each and every month. Preston Tucker was ahead of his time, but the federal government and the other car manufacturers prevented him from putting those cars together. Your AACA membership affords you free admission to see this display, so a trip to Hershey this year allows you to see the “Greatest Show on Earth” as well as see a great museum with the largest Tucker display on earth as well. Fire Prevention Week also falls in October, in honor of Fire Prevention Week, it is only fitting that for the seventh consecutive year that the October car of the month features an antique fire truck. The antique fire trucks allow us to combine our hobby, discuss local history, as well as promote the importance of fire prevention and safety. See you on the road - Pat As we progress into October, I’d like to ask that you get your reservations in for the Fall Picnic. It’s hard to believe that the old car season is almost over. Get every last minute that you can before the weather turns bad because October will be our last outdoor activity for 2014. The deadline for the Fall Picnic is Sunday, October 12th. You can either contact the Case’s, or myself, or even catch up with me at Hershey. My best advice for those of you going to the picnic?? Bring your appetite and a spare dish for leftovers!! If you leave hungry, it’ll be no one’s fault but your own. The good thing about October is that it means that it’s time for Hershey. Time to find that part that you’ve needed for your car, to see the friends from across the country that you haven’t seen since last year, get to admire the fall foliage from the drive from here to Hershey and home, and it also serves as a celebration of another fun filled year with AACA!! This year’s Hershey will be more special than in years’ past. This year the AACA Musuem will open the Tucker Display. This display will be second to none and it will allow you the chance to see and learn more about Preston Tucker, his company, and the incredible cars that he pioneered nearly seventy years ago. **** 5 **** THE BRASS LAMP - OCTOBER 2014 GVACS Awards -- Call for Suggestions At the GVACS Year End Party to be held in January 10, 2015, awards are presented to deserving members who are selected by the Board of Directors. The Board would welcome suggestions from the membership. If you wish to suggest a person for the Board to consider for any of the awards listed below, please send a note to the Chairman of the Board, Phil Thurley by November 1, 2014. Include the information below: 1. Name of the GVACS member (s) you are suggesting for the Board's consideration. 2. Name of the Award to be given 3. A paragraph that lists the person's qualifications for the particular award (i.e. why that person is deserving). GVACS Annual Meeting and Election of Officers and Directors Friday, November 14, 2014 The GVACS Annual Meeting and Election of Officers and Directors for 2015 will take place at our indoor meeting at the Church of the Resurrection, 3736 St. Paul Blvd., Rochester NY. at 7:30 PM. The Board of Directors has approved the following slate of nominees for GVACS Officers and Directors for 2015. They will be presented at the Annual Meeting. At that time, nominees from the floor will be called for. (Note that persons being nominated from the floor should have agreed to be nominated.) Be sure to attend the Annual Meeting and participate in the election of Officers and Directors. Officers: President: Pat Thorpe Vice-President: Don Dear Treasurer: Jerry Huffman Secretary: Nancy Huffman The Awards and their criteria are described below. The Allan G. Nagle Memorial Trophy Established: 1960 Qualifications: The winner is a person who, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, has done the most to better the club or the most in the way of assisting other members or for the best restoration of an antique car. The winner may be outstanding in one or more of these qualifications. The D. W. Price Sr. Memorial Trophy Established: 1965 Qualifications: This trophy is presented to an individual who has given much service to the club. The Billy Knipper Award Established: 1970 (at the Club's 20th Anniversary Dinner) Qualifications: The cup was designated to be used annually as an award for outstanding achievement of a club member with extra consideration going to a long-standing members. The GVACS Outstanding Tour Award Established: 2001 Qualifications: This is awarded to the person(s) who organize an outstanding tour. (Not necessarily to be given each year.) Directors: (Elect 5) Dick Barrett Chris Dear Ron DeGroff Bob Dilger Nelson Thorpe Phil Thurley Winter storage space for rent; Six Valleys Vehicle Storage Mark Adams 7970 Hickory Bottom Road Naples, NY 14512 (585) 374-6119 Items For sale: 1923 and 1924 NYS Chauffeur's license badges. $25.00 each 1937 Chevrolet owner's manual. $20.00 1924, 13th edition of Dyke's manual. $65.00 Early issues of Road and Track Magazines. $8.00 ea 1949 Edition of Audel's Automotive Guide. $18.00 Reese trailer hitch parts: Draw bar with 2 -5/16 " ball, load leveling bars, and sway control damper. $150.00 Bill Boudway (585) 394-6172 **** 6 **** THE BRASS LAMP - OCTOBER 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS AND NOTICES FOR SALE DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING YOU WANT TO SELL? PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO: Jimburlingame@rochester.rr.com 1931 Cadillac Rumble Seat Coupe Please contact Jim O'Brien @ (585) 402-3891 or jobrien3@rochester.rr.com For Sale: Open, single axle, antique (or other) car trailer, originally designed for Model T or Model A automobiles or something of that size. It weight about 1200 pounds empty and has electric brakes. Can provide pictures or more information as desired. $850.00 or Best Offer. "Lead from GVACS member Carolyn Burke." Anson Johnson, Palmyra, New York 315-5979244 or Email ansnan@yahoo.com GREAT HOUSE FOR AN ANTIQUE CAR OWNER!!!!! ASO What: Antique Car Show at The Landing of Brighton Where: 1350 Westfall Road, Rochester, NY 14618 When: October 1st What Time: 4pm-6pm Who to contact to reserve. Erin Reed, Engage Life Director / (585) 271-1925 / erin.reed@atriaseniorliving.com / Deadline for reservations: Wednesday September 24th Special details: Hot dogs, Hamburgers, coleslaw, potato salad, and soda. Live music has yet to be booked (a Frank Sinatra genre is what I will be looking for to book) This property is being sold by a friend of ours and would be great for GVACS members. The barn has heat and can be expanded if desired, to any size due to the 5 acre lot size. MLS# 254004 The house is completely updated and is lovely. Address: 1043 State Road, Webster, NY 14580. Year built: 1987, Lot size: 5.03 acres, Colonial Webster schools, Almost 3000 square feet. 4 bedrooms upstairs, 3 full bathrooms, office/den/5th bedroom on main floor (used as in-law apartment) Huge sun room, Double convection ovens and gas cooktop. 20x40 barn with 2 garage bays and a workshop!!!!! Inground heated pool with cabana. dog watch fencing around the entire back and side yards for dog lovers. Minutes from shopping! Contact:.Tony Bingo Realtors, phone 585-721-7113. **** 7 **** THE BRASS LAMP - OCTOBER 2014 A few photos from the August Car Show Attention -- Your AACA Membership Renewal Form for 2015 came with your September/October 2014 issue of Antique Automobile. Remember that your AACA dues must be paid to AACA by December 31. **** 8 **** THE BRASS LAMP - OCTOBER 2014 Want to locate a GVACS member at Hershey???? Below is last year's (2013) listing of GVACS members' flea market spaces at Hershey. If you would like to update or add your name to the list, contact Nancy Huffman nphuffman@aol.com immediately but no later than close of business Thursday, October 2nd. She will update the listing and eblast it out by October 4th GVACS Members Flea Market Space numbers -- Hershey 2013 In alphabetical order by last name. Almekinder, Ed & Gwynne C2I 79-80 Boudway, Bill C2I 44 Burton, Fred and Anne RWB 29-30 DeGroff, Ron GBK 35-37 Buick Club of America Hospitality Tent Devine, David GAF 20-21 Has space with his parents, Ron andJudy Devine, former GVACSmembers. Space is near the Packard balloon. Franko, Ed and Bonnie CI 79 Huffman, Jerry and Nancy C2I 81 Joseph, Bob CJ 71-73 Keenan, Bob and Judy OBF 31-32 Kniffin, Wray GBK 35-37 Buick Club of America Hospitality Tent Lucyszyn, Roman and Kim CN 62-64 Selling fasteners and wiring supplies Martin, John C2I 45 Pisarek, Ted CI 78 Reilly, Marty and Betty OBG 8-9 Sharp, Howard CS 69 Brass and general auto early Sherry, Bud and Jean C2I 77 Thorpe, Pat and Nelson RCA 1-5 Opposite corner from HorselessCarriage Car Club of America tent White, Pete C2I 84-89 Zappone, Tony RCH 38-49 Pierce Arrow people sharing booth **** 9 **** THE BRASS LAMP - OCTOBER 2014 A Do It Yourself Fire Truck By Jim Burlingame OCTOBER CAR (IN THIS CASE TRUCK) When you want to own a fire truck – an antique fire truck that is – you first have to go out and find one. This I did back in 1965 and I succeeded in locating an attractive and most desirable 1925 American LaFrance Type 75 Pumper. The first project was to tow the truck to the my garage, which was found to be too small. After rebuilding the garage, the truck was moved inside and completely stripped down to the chassis and motor. OF THE MONTH The truck had been the first commercial fire truck purchased by the Village of East Rochester, New York in the spring of 1925. It cost the village $12,500 of those more valuable 1925 dollars, and required five months to build from order to delivery. When the I acquired the truck, it had been residing in a field for more than a year after having been retired by a small fire department which had purchased it from East Rochester in 1960. Much of the body was rusted and all accessories, i.e. the hand siren, grab rails, spot light, hose, etc., had long before been stripped by vandals. To add more problems to the damage, the truck had been altered to use as a tournament rig for local fireman's pumping contests. Oh' did I mention it was also full of bullet holes. After much research into A.L.F. Records, the I came up with an original delivery photograph of the truck, plus all the original purchase papers and even the bid proposal sheets! After the truck was completely dismantled and closely inspected, it was decided to try to find a similar rig to be used for parts as many were too worn to be repaired. Another old truck was located in a junkyard in Geneva 50 miles away. This was purchased and moved to a lot closer to my home. Still another was purchased from the Lyons Fire Dept. Many of the missing parts were fortunately on these trucks and others were procured by much letter writing and advertising in various antique publications. The two extra trucks were later sold for various parts and the receipts from the sale of these items paid for the majority of my restoration expenses. Once dismantled, all parts were sandblasted,filled, primed and stored in various places around my cellar and garage awaiting final assembly. Next Month’s “CAR OF THE MONTH” Bruce Winters 1965 Pontiac GTO **** 10 **** THE BRASS LAMP - OCTOBER 2014 When the body was assembled prior to final painting, the truck was sent to a body shop to have over two dozen bolt holes filled. These holes were drilled in different places over the years to hold various non-original pieces of fire fighting equipment. The truck was then painted with tree coats of primer and three coats of red enamel. The engine was partially dismantled. Due to extreme size and weight a complete motor overhaul was not done. A compression check was run and all was O.K. The starter, generator, magneto, and clutch were all rebuilt and all new wiring was installed. All wiring except the ignition wire is single conductor armored cable. This truck has a double six volt ignition system with two sets of spark plugs for each of the six cylinders. One set is fired by a magneto, the other by a coil and distributor. If one fails the other keeps the rig going. After this, the most difficult job began – the striping and lettering. More than 150 feet of 24 karat gold leaf were used. By referring to different photos of other trucks along with the original photo of this truck, the striping and lettering were as close to the original design as possible. The price of gold in 1968 was a lot less than today. Finally in Spring 1968, with the installation of all the various bright-work, which had been ground, buffed and replated, the job was completed. The truck was now ready to take part in volunteer fireman's parades and antique auto shows in western and central New York. Most of the original dash equipment was missing and had to be replaced. The original gas tank and water booster tank were also changed somewhere along the line. An original gas tank was found but a 40 gallon chemical tank was substituted for the water tank, This was a factory option at that time. The wooden spoke wheels were in good condition and required only a good sanding and some filling. Four good tires were obtained between the two trucks. This was almost a must as new 40x8 or 900x24 tires are by no means cheap! Finally, in July, 1967, reassembly began. The truck was given its initial road test using a five gallon can for a gas tank, as the rear body which supports the original gas tank was yet to be installed. In I988 after 20 years of ownership and enjoyment I donated the truck back to it's original owner, the East Rochester Fire Department where it is on display in a room of it's own today. They still drive it in local parades and are winning prizes for the oldest fire truck still running under it's original power. No. of Cylinders – 6 Displacement - 850 cubic inches Wheelbase – 156 1/2” Height - 8' Approx. Weight – 10,000 lbs. Miles Per Gal. - 5 Radiator Capacity – 10 ½ gal. Horse Power – 105 Gas Capacity – 30 gal. Tire Size – 40x8 or 900x24 Pump Size – 750 gal. Per min. Crankcase Capacity – 5 gal. Bore – 5 1/2” Stroke – 6” Cost in 1925 - $12,000 **** 11 **** THE BRASS LAMP - OCTOBER 2014 NEW MEMBERS GVACS Member Spotlight-- Welcome John and Margaret Krizan GVACS Member Spotlight-- Welcome Bill and Liz Dingus John and Marge own a Dark Red Metallic 1989 Chevrolet Cavalier Z24 2.8L, 3-speed transmission, overdrive VG with multi-port fuel injection. John decided to restore this car in November 2004. The outside was completely repainted. All inside components were rustproofed, new wheel wells constructed, new mag wheels, new rocker panels, and custom striping and chrome lettering were done. He completely restored the interior which included lining, seat covers, carpet, rubberized floor, new original radio, seat glides, all new windows and an added security system. John's car has been displayed in the Holley, NY VFW Car Show where in August 2005 it won first place. John has an electrical engineering background and is knowledgeable in mechanical and electrical systems. Bill and Liz Dingus own a 1957 Thunderbird and they belong to the local and national Thunderbird clubs. Bill previously owned a 1958 Chevy, and 1967 Plymouth convertible and a 1967 Dodge Dart. In addition to the antique car hobby, Bill and Liz enjoy gardening. The Dingus' have five children. John and Marge have 2 daughters, 8 grandchildren, and 1 great grandchild. They are looking forward to making new friends, showing their car, taking a role in events, and exchanging information with other GVACS members about restorations. John also has a country band! Bill grew up on Seattle, WA. He lived in Tennessee, Jew Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Louisiana before settling in Scottsville. Bill, a dentist, has a private orthodontic practice in Spencerport, NY. As they become involved in GVACS, Bill and Liz look forward to the fellowship our club offers, working on events, and seeing and learning about vintage cars. The Dingus' can be contacted at 32 Main St., Scottsville, NY 14546, 585-749-1168, wedingus@hotmail.com. LOST AND FOUND John and Marge contact information is P.O. Box 44, Clarendon, NY 14429, 585-738-2991 mapleglo.360@aol.com. Found on the show field hanging on a cone at the Annual Show at Roberts College in August: a green and black Stearns Outdoors Dry Wear rain jacket. Size large. Is it yours ? Call Jerry and Nancy Huffman 585-538-4690. **** 12 **** THE BRASS LAMP - OCTOBER 2014 Special multi-club visit to a Fireboat - Organized by Paul Kron Photos by Jim Burlingame On a rainy day in August a group of members from the Batavia Club, GVACS and the Model A Club met at a Buffalo restaurant, followed by a visit and a 1½ hour voyage on the Edward M. Cotter, a fireboat based in the Buffalo harbor. The weather cleared just in time for the trip and here are a few photos of the experience. **** 13 **** THE BRASS LAMP - OCTOBER 2014 GVACS REGION, AACA–2014 & 2015 ACTIVITIES ALL INDOOR MEETINGS START @ 7:30 PM UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Dates 2014 Event/Speaker October 19 Fall Picnic Onanda Park - Gorham Lodge 4965 West Lake Road, Canandaigua, NY November 14 GVACS Annual Meeting Hosts Cases and Pat Thorpe Dears and Thurleys Election of Officers and Directors And indoor activity. Church of the Resurrection 3736 St. Paul Blvd. 7:30pm December 12 Christmas Event - Church of the Resurrection - 7:30pm - P & N Thorpe Dates 2015 Event/Speaker January 10 Year End Party Lillians Resturant and Pub. 2200 Penfield Road Penfield, NY Frankos and Almekinders February TBD Winter Picnic Need Volunteer ASAP March TBD Indoor Activity TBD April TBD Indoor Activity TBD May TBD Brunch Run Walthers THE CLUB THANKS ALL OF OUR ADVERTISERS FOR THEIR SUPPORT **** 14 **** Hosts THE BRASS LAMP - OCTOBER 2014 GVACS ANNUAL FALL PICNIC Sunday October 19, 2014 AT 12:00 Noon, Lunch served at 1 pm - Gorham Lodge, Onanda Park 4965 West Lake Road, Canandaigua, NY Your choice will be, barbecued chicken, hamburgers or Italian sausage with peppers onions, beans, cheese, rolls and butter. Bring your appetite. Table service, drinks, coffee and dessert will be provided. Please let us know by October 13th if you plan to attend. Send check in the amount of $16 per person payable to GVACS to: Pat & Stephanie Thorpe, 4 Whippet Run, Bloomfield, NY 14469 (585) 657-4729 OR Bob & Loretta Case, PO Box 167, Canandaigua, NY 14424 (585) 394-7716 NOTE: Handicapped parking is limited, so if you have mobility issues, please consider arriving early or car pooling. DIRECTIONS TO ONANDA PARK FALL PICNIC Onanda Park is located at 4965 West Lake Road (County Road 16) Canandaigua, NY. Drive to Canandaigua. Going south on South Main Street (Route 332), turn right on Parrish Street (Sunoco Gas Station on the corner). Go .5 miles and turn left on West Lake Drive (first left hand turn). West Lake Drive becomes West Lake Road at city limits. Drive 6.6 miles to Onanda Park on left. Parking on the lake side of the road is limited – we may have to park some vehicles on the opposite side of the road in a parking lot on the hillside. **** 15 **** THE BRASS LAMP - OCTOBER GVACS HEADS WEST TO OHIO By, Murray Stahl On a bright, sunny morn in mid-August we set out for Sugarcreek Ohio. There were 29 GVACS members in 15 cars. The Libby’s drove 750 miles from Maine to tour with us making their overall tour mileage a 2500 mile round trip. The weather forecast for the week was dire, calling for high percentages of rain each day. As it turned out we had quite heavy downpours most nights well after we bedded down for the night while our days were pretty much dry and sunny. I’m sure the pleasant daytime weather was just another aspect of the “fine-job” done by the tour planning committee. We have always called our bi-annual trek the “1000 miler” and I clocked it at 1024 miles door to door. The planning for our tour started last year in September by an all Female committee composed of Caroline Burke, Chris Dear, Dot Gaylord, Nancy Huffman and Betty Reilly. I list them all by name because they deserve kudos for a really outstanding job. It’s not easy to plan a week of accommodations, venues and directions that are fun for all. The host hotel in Sugarcreek was outstanding and they somehow obtained a rate that I wouldn’t have guessed possible in a resort area in-season. Antique car tours are actually kind of a unique activity. You leave your very modern, quiet, airconditioned vehicle home and head out for an adventure in your “old-iron” with people that are as old car addled as you are; you should never try explaining all this to your non-car guy friends lest they think you slipped a cog or two. The area of Ohio we toured was extremely hilly and a surprise to most of us that thought of Ohio as very flat; it was very like West Virginia than the rest of the state. The area we toured couldn’t be more Amish; we heard it was 80% Amish ranging from strict “old-Order” to a much looser interpretation of Amish lifestyle. This was bought home to us one night when we looked out the window of a restaurant and saw an Amish buggy going through a bank ATM drive thru. As you might expect in the largest Amish community in the country we dodged buggies wherever we went. They seemed to always be packed with little kids (perhaps due to the lack of TVs in their homes) and invariably the kids waved at us. I know our old cars look strange now but I wouldn’t have thought that little Amish kids would recognize that we were different; it’s kinda nice not to be the only curiosity in an area. Our daytime venues ranged from a plant producing steel farming equipment for Amish farms to a cheese factory and of course an antique car museum that provided a Lady Guide that was as funny as a standup comedienne and also very knowledgeable, a rare combination. I’ve been on many tours and sometimes they are pretty frenetic. On this tour the Ladies built in some “free” time to shop, swim or just visit that little place only you're interested in; this is a great idea. On one of these free afternoons the Libby’s were with us as we stumbled into a dingy little shop in Middleburg that actually was listed as an alternate in our tour book. It was a woodworking shop that was run by a young guy who wasn’t Amish but built furniture on contract completely by hand. We spent well over an hour there as he showed us how to plain rough lumber then smooth it like a pane of glass with a thin piece of sharp steel scraper. It was done very fast and his explanations were detailed. It’s the kind of thing you stumble into when you're away if your very lucky As in any tour that involves driving machinery that can charitably be called “middle-aged” there were problems that go beyond our propensity to get lost; BTW, I actually got confused leaving the hotel to go for gas and ended up in the opposite direction to the great entertainment of the two guys with me. We had a few mechanical problems like vapor-lock, loose wires and a lost hubcap but essentially all was well until the last day when the blue Cadillac from our GVACS outpost in northern Maine succumbed to vapor-lock severe enough to get the Clubs touring “flatback” award. We traveled together back to Rochester and I can report that they earned one more of these awards on the thruway because of a dying fuel pump heading home. All in all a very pleasant tour with pleasant people; You can’t ask for more. A photographic record is on the next two pages - Photos by Mary Moon **** 16 **** THE BRASS LAMP - OCTOBER 2014 The clubs August trip through Ohio in pictures **** 17 **** **** 18 **** THE BRASS LAMP - OCTOBER 2014 **** 19 **** THE BRASS LAMP Genesee Valley Antique Car Society Inc. Mr. Robert Dilger 43 Harvest Road Fairport, NY 14450-2831 Address Service Requested Web Site: WWW.GVACS.COM Volume 51 No. 10 October 2014 HERE IS YOUR LATEST ISSUE OF THE AWARD WINNING PUBLICATION “THE BRASS LAMP” OLD CARS WEEKLY GOLDEN QUILL AWARD HONORABLE MENTION 2013 Published by the Genesee Valley Antique Car Society, Inc. AACA AWARD OF EXCELLENCE 2013
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