PREMIUM LISTS FSS OPEN SHOW CONFORMATION ENTRIES CLOSE: 12:00 NOON MDT, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014 ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED AT THE SHOW SECRETARY’S OFFICE, AND CANNOT BE ACCEPTED, CANCELLED, ALTERED OR SUBSTITUTED AFTER THIS TIME AND DATE. NO DAY OF THE SHOW ENTRIES. NATIONAL SHOW SWEEPSTAKES PRE-ENTRIES CLOSE: 12:00 NOON MDT, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014 Day of show entries accepted up to 30 minutes prior to Sweepstakes Judging. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014 ABLA Greeley, CO 2014 FSS OPEN SHOW CONFORMATION EVENT #2014126326 FOR BELGIAN LAEKENOIS ONLY EIGHTH NATIONAL SPECIALTY SHOW EVENTS CENTER • ISLAND GROVE REGIONAL PARK NORTH 11 TH AVENUE & " D" STREET GREELEY, COLORADO - THESE EVENTS ARE UNBENCHED AND HELD INDOORS TOTAL SHOW HOURS: 7:00 AM TO 10:00 PM CONSULT JUDGING PROGRAM, WHICH IS MAILED WITH ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ENTRY, FOR TIMES OF JUDGING. ROBERT MILLER, SHOW SECRETARY 15281 WEST ARCHER DRIVE • GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401-5076 (303) 278-8384 • FAX (303) 278-2779 • EMAIL: Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet Saturday evening, October 25, 2014 In the Events Center, Pawnee Room, Island Grove Park Cost: $25.00 per person Reservation Deadline: October 25, 2014 I will be attending the Awards Dinner: Name:_________________________________Phone: ______________________________ Number Attending:____________@$25.00 each = ________________________ Payment Enclosed: $____________Payable to: ABLA Send Reservation Form and Payment to: Sonja Ostrom 3505 Newton Street • Denver, CO 80211 Information: Gladys Cataline has again generously donated a beautiful Four Belgian Breed Photo Blanket, for a special fundraiser raffle, to be completed at the ABLA Awards Banquet Saturday evening, October 25, 2014 Thanks, Gladys! Tickets are $5.00 each or 6 for $25.00 You need not be present to win. Order your raffle tickets from Sonja Ostrom ( Send your payment for tickets to: Sonja Ostrom 3505 Newton Street • Denver, CO 80211 Continental Divide Herding Association Show Lunch and Munch - Friday, October 24, 2014 Plan on joining us on Friday, October 24, 2014, for a ringside potluck lunch and munch. Share your favorite recipes or, if traveling, your favorite deli snacks or munchies, with other old and new friends. We’ll have drinks, plates, utensils, napkins, etc. available. Time will depend upon the judging program. Page - 2 - American Belgian Laekenois Association • October 24, 2014 THESE EVENTS ARE HELD UNDER AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB RULES AND REGULATIONS. President ......................................................................................................Kelly Goodman Vice-President.............................................................................................Sonja J. Ostrom Treasurer ........................................................................................................Sheila Walker Secretary ......................................................................................................Karyn Cowdrey 709 East Smith Road, Bellingham, WA 98226 -- Email: American Kennel Club Liaison .......................................................................Sheila Walker AMERICAN BELGIAN LAEKENOIS ASSOCIATION Diane Koontz-Bresee • Sharrii Hunt • Lana Teresi BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers of the Club and Members of the Board of Directors Show Chairperson ..................................................................................Sonja J. Ostrom 3505 Newton Street, Denver, CO 80211 (720) 347-8571 • Chief Ring Steward ......................................................................................Kelly Goodman Trophy and Awards Committee.............................................Sonja J. Ostrom, Chairperson Judges Education Committee ...............................................Sonja J. Ostrom, Chairperson Raffle Committee....................................................................Kelly Goodman, Chairperson Herding Trials and Herding Tests Chairperson...........................................Sonja J. Ostrom Herding Coordinators and Herding Hospitality ....................Sharrii Hunt and Diane Bresee SPECIALTY SHOW AND FSS OPEN SHOW COMMITTEE OFFICIAL SHOW PHOTOGRAPHER .......................................................SARA NUGENT 15421 Lakeside Drive, Houston, TX 77040 -- Phone: (713) 937-0412 OFFICIAL SHOW VETERINARIAN (ON CALL) .......................DAYNA EDWARDS, DVM 5240 W. 9th Street Drive, Suite 400, Greeley CO 80634 • (970) 515-6405 Directions from show site to Edwards Veterinary Care: Take 11th Ave. south to 9th St., turn right. Drive approximately 3.5 miles west (9th St. becomes 10th St. at 23rd Ave); turn right on 52nd Ave. Ct., turn left on W. 9th Street Dr., Edwards Veterinary Care is on the left (2nd building). AFTER HOURS VETERINARIAN....PET EMERGENCY TREATMENT SERVICE (PETS) 3629 23rd Ave., Evans, CO 80620 - Phone (970) 339-8700. Directions from show site to Pet Emergency Treatment Service: Go south on 11th Ave., turn right onto 9th St. (US-34 Business Route), go west on 9th St. (US-34 BR), turn left onto 23rd Ave., go south on 23rd Ave. to 36th St.; clinic is located on the west side of the street. Approximate distance 7.5 miles. EMERGENCY PARAMEDICS WILL BE ON SITE THROUGHOUT THE EVENT JUDGES AND THEIR ASSIGNMENTS ABLA FSS OPEN SHOW CONFORMATION MS. TAMI WORLEY 17700 SW Kramien Rd., Newberg, OR 97132 FSS OPEN SHOW FOR BELGIAN LAEKENOIS ABLA SPECIALTY SHOW SWEEPSTAKES MS. CYNTHIA HUTT P. O. Box 5128, Denver, CO 80217 ALL NATIONAL SPECIALTY SWEEPSTAKES CLASSES Entries Close: 12:00 Noon, Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Page - 3 - FSS OPEN SHOW CONFORMATION CERTIFICATION Permission has been granted by the American Kennel Club for the holding of this event under American Kennel Club rules and regulations. James P. Crowley, Secretary FSS OPEN SHOW CONFORMATION FOR BELGIAN LAEKENOIS ONLY EVENT #2014698803 JUDGE: MS. TAMI WORLEY FSS OPEN SHOW CLASSIFICATION REGULAR CLASSES Puppy Dogs (4 mos.-under 6 mos.) Puppy Bitches (4 mos.-under 6 mos.) Puppy Dogs (6 mos.-under 9 mos.) Puppy Bitches (6 mos.-under 9 mos.) Puppy Dogs (9 mos.-under 12 mos.) Puppy Bitches (9 mos.-under 12 mos.) Open Dogs Open Bitches FSS OPEN SHOW BEST OF BREED FSS OPEN SHOW BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST OF BREED Entries must be received at the Show Secretary’s office, and cannot be accepted, cancelled, altered or substituted after time and date of closing. NO day of the show entries. ENTRY FEE: $25.00 for each entry. Entry fee includes $2.00 AKC Event Service Fee. Entries must be on the standard Official American Kennel Club Entry Form, with FSS Open Show Class indicated in the “Dog Show Class” space. ENTRIES CLOSE: 12:00 NOON MDT, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014. OPEN SHOW ENTRY RESTRICTIONS Dogs less than 4 months of age are ineligible to be on the grounds of licensed or member shows during AKC licensed or member events. Dogs are required to be vaccinated in accordance with their veterinarian’s protocol (including rabies vaccination) in order to avoid inadvertent transmission of illness by/to puppies not yet fully immunized. No dog that is an AKC Champion of Record may compete in an Open Show. Professional handlers are not permitted to exhibit in Open Shows. Professional handlers are defined as any person who belongs or has belonged to a professional handlers’ organization, distributed rate cards, or otherwise advertised or represented themselves as handling dogs for pay. No dog is to be judged if it is brought into the ring bandaged, taped, glued or stitched anywhere including ears or tail. These dogs must be excused from judging but, at the judge’s discretion, may return to be judged after the tape or bandage is removed. Dealing with Misconduct will be applicable to any person and dog entered in this competition. • • • • • • First Prize..............................Rose Ribbon Second Prize.......................Brown Ribbon Third Prize ..................Light Green Ribbon Fourth Prize ...........................Gray Ribbon *Best of Breed ............................................................................................Orange Rosette *Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed..................................................Lavender Rosette *Rosettes for the above awards are sponsored by Sharrii Hunt and the generosity of an ABLA Member. FSS OPEN SHOW RIBBON AND ROSETTE PRIZES Page - 4 - American Belgian Laekenois Association • October 24, 2014 FSS OPEN SHOW CONFORMATION FSS OPEN SHOW CONFORMATION PRIZES FSS OPEN SHOW BEST OF BREED: A Director’s Camp Chair, sponsored through the generosity of an ABLA Member. FSS OPEN SHOW BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST OF BREED: A Four-Foot Braided Show Leash, sponsored by Sharrii Hunt. FIRST THROUGH FOURTH PLACE IN EACH FSS OPEN SHOW BREED CLASS: A Fleece Sheep Dog Toy, sponsored by Kelly Goodman, Cottonwood Acres. The American Belgian Laekenois Association reserves the right to substitute any prize with one of equal or greater value. All awards must be accepted on the day of the show, none will be mailed. ABLA SPECIALTY SHOW SWEEPSTAKES JUDGE: MS. CYNTHIA HUTT SPECIALTY SWEEPSTAKES CLASSES Note - Altered Dogs and Bitches are eligible to compete in all Sweepstakes Classes. PUPPY • VETERANS • ALTERED • WORKING SWEEPSTAKES PRE-ENTRY, ENTRY FEE: $20.00 for first Sweepstakes entry, $10.00 for each additional Sweepstakes entry of the same dog. Entries must be received at the Show Secretary’s office by 12:00 Noon MDT, October 8, 2014. SWEEPSTAKES DAY OF THE SHOW ENTRY, ENTRY FEE: $25.00 for first Sweepstakes entry, $15.00 for each additional Sweepstakes entry of the same dog. Entries must be on the National Specialty Entry Form, with each class entered, listed on the form. Sweepstakes age divisions and Working Sweepstakes class divisions must be clearly indicated on the entry form. PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES SWEEPSTAKES CLASSIFICATIONS Puppy Dogs (6 mos. - under 9 mos.) Puppy Bitches (6 mos. - under 9 mos.) Puppy Dogs (9 mos. - under 12 mos.) Puppy Bitches (9 mos. - under 12 mos.) Junior Dogs (12 mos. - under 18 mos.) Junior Bitches (12 mos. - under 18 mos.) BEST IN PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST IN PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES Best in Puppy Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Puppy Sweepstakes will be chosen from the first place winners of the six (6) classes. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES Veteran Dogs (7 yrs. - under 9 yrs.) Veteran Bitches (7 yrs. - under 9 yrs.) Veteran Dogs (9 years and older) Veteran Bitches (9 years and older) BEST IN VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST IN VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES Best in Veteran Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes will be chosen from the first place winners of the four (4) classes. ALTERED SWEEPSTAKES Altered Dogs Altered Bitches BEST IN ALTERED SWEEPSTAKES BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST IN ALTERED SWEEPSTAKES Best in Altered Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Altered Sweep-stakes will be chosen from the first place winners of the four (4) classes. Sweepstakes Classes continued on Page 6 Entries Close: 12:00 Noon, Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Page - 5 - WORKING SWEEPSTAKES NATIONAL SWEEPSTAKES CLASSIFICATIONS (Continued) Obedience/CGC Dogs Obedience/CGC Bitches Agility Dogs • Rally Dogs Agility Bitches • Rally Bitches Tracking Dogs • Herding Dogs Tracking Bitches • Herding Bitches Coursing Ability Tested Dogs Coursing Ability Tested Bitches Service/Therapy Dogs Service/Therapy Bitches Protection Dog Sports Dogs Protection Dog Sports Bitches BEST IN WORKING SWEEPSTAKES BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST IN WORKING SWEEPSTAKES Best in Working Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Working Sweepstakes will be chosen from the first place winners of the sixteen (16) classes. GRAND SWEEPSTAKES WINNER Grand Sweepstakes Winner will be chosen from the Best in Sweepstakes winners of four (4) Sweepstakes catagories. SPONSORED By AMERiCAN BELGiAN LAEKENOiS ASSOCiATiON. NATIONAL SPECIALTY SWEEPSTAKES RIBBON PRIZES First Prize..............................Rose Ribbon Second Prize.......................Brown Ribbon Third Prize ..................Light Green Ribbon Fourth Prize ...........................Gray Ribbon Grand Sweepstakes Winner........................................................Maroon and Gold Rosette Each Sweepstakes, Best in Sweepstakes ...........................Pink and Light Green Rosette Each Sweepstakes, Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes........Lavender Rosette SWEEPSTAKES RIBBON PRIZES NATIONAL SPECIALTY SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES Unless otherwise indicated Sweepstakes Prizes are “Lambchop” Dog Toys in varying sizes. PUPPY • VETERANS • ALTERED • WORKING GRAND SWEEPSTAKES WINNER: A Plush Fleece, Sherpa Blanket, sponsored through the generosity of an ABLA Member. BEST IN EACH SPECIALTY SWEEPSTAKES: A Sheep Dog Toy (Lambchop), sponsored through the generosity of an ABLA Member. BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST IN EACH SPECIALTY SWEEPSTAKES: A Sheep Dog Toy (Lambchop), sponsored through the generosity of an ABLA Member. FIRST THROUGH FOURTH PLACE IN EACH SPECIALTY SWEEPSTAKES CLASS: A Sheep Dog Toy (Lambchop), sponsored through the generosity of an ABLA Member. The American Belgian Laekenois Association reserves the right to substitute any prize with one of equal or greater value. All awards must be accepted on the day of the show, none will be mailed. CATALOG ADVERTISING Help support our National Specialty with an ad in the Show Catalog! Full Page Ad (7.3” x 4.4”) .......$35.00 Quarter Page Ad (2” x 4.4”)....$15.00 Half Page Ad (3.5” x 4.4”) ......$25.00 Additional Charge for Color....$20.00 Camera-ready ads preferred. Ads requiring more than minimal layout work will be professionally produced at an additional fee of $15.00/hour. Send ad copy and pictures, with check payable to ABLA, to: Sonja Ostrom • 3505 Newton St. • Denver, CO 80211 Email: --- Advertising Deadline: Sept. 30, 2014 Page - 6 - American Belgian Laekenois Association • October 24, 2014 FSS OPEN SHOW CONFORMATION & NATIONAL SPECIALTY IMPORTANT NOTICES TO EXHIBITORS ENTRIES CLOSE: 12:00 NOON MDT, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014, FOR FSS OPEN SHOW AND NATIONAL SWEEPSTAKES PRE-ENTRIES. Entries must be received at the Show Secretary’s office, and cannot be accepted, cacelled, altered or substituted after time and date of closing. National Specialty Show Sweepstakes, DAy OF THE SHOW ENTRiES, can be made up to 30 minutes prior to the start of Sweepstakes judging. ENTRY FEES: FSS Open Show Conformation, Each Entry ...............................................................$ 25.00 Pre-Entry, National Specialty Show Sweepstakes, First Entry ......................................20.00 Pre-Entry, National Sweepstakes, Each additional entry of the same dog....................10.00 Day of the Show Entry, National Specialty Show Sweepstakes, First Entry .................25.00 Day of the Show Entry, Nat’l Sweepstakes, Each additional entry of the same dog.....15.00 iF A DOG iS ENTERED iN MORE THAN ONE CLASS the entry fee will be calculated on the highest priced class first. (The FSS Open Show entry fee includes the AKC event service fee of $2.00 for each entry. These fees are to be collected for all AKC licensed and member club events, by the event-giving club, and forwarded to the AKC. Re: Chapter 2, Section 5, AKC Open Show Regulations.) MAKE ALL FEES PAYABLE TO: AMERICAN BELGIAN LAEKENOIS ASSOCIATION (ABLA) Fees must be in U.S. funds. Foreign entrants must submit fees by checks drawn on a U.S. Bank, or with international money orders in U.S. funds. Returned checks do not constitute a valid entry. Cash payment of the face amount of the returned check plus a collection fee of $25.00, will be required before the entrant is allowed to compete. MAIL ENTRIES WITH FEES TO: ROBERT MILLER, SHOW SECRETARY 15281 WEST ARCHER DRIVE, GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401- 5076. UNSiGNED, CONDiTiONAL, OR iNCOMPLETE ENTRiES; AND ENTRiES WiTHOUT FEES CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. FSS Open Show entries not on the Official American Kennel Club Entry Form, and National Show entries not on the National Show Official Entry Form, and COPIES OF ENTRY FORMS WITHOUT THE AGREEMENT AND RULES ON THE REVERSE SIDE ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. FAX AND EMAIL ENTRIES ARE ACCEPTABLE. PLEASE CALL ROBERT MILLER, SHOW SECRETARY, AT (303) 278-8384 FOR PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE FAXING OR EMAILING YOUR ENTRY. FAX: (303) 278-2779 • EMAIL: A service charge of $3.50 per dog will be added to the entry fee total. Unpaid fax and email entries are considered incomplete entries. Proof of transmission is not proof of receipt of a legible or complete transmission (under AKC Rule, Chapter 11, Section 4). OPTIONAL TELEPHONE AND ON-LINE ENTRY SERVICES Entries in this event can also be made through the entry services listed below. Subscriber and/or service fees will be charged by the service provider. TELEPHONE ENTRY SERVICES: BEST iN SHOW ENTRy SERViCE ..............................................................(800) 247-7005 ENTRiES ON TiME ENTRy SERViCE .........................................................(800) 992-8955 SHOW TiME ENTRy SERViCE....................................................................(800) 798-5531 ON-LINE ENTRY SERVICE: MBF, iNC., (MBF requires entries to be made before noon EDT, Monday, October 6, 2014) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ENTRiES will be made as soon after the closing date as practicable. if not received in a reasonable time, please notify Robert Miller at (303) 278-8384. Important Notices continued Entries Close: 12:00 Noon, Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Page - 7 - FSS OPEN SHOW CONFORMATION & NATIONAL SPECIALTY CHANGES, ADDiTiONS, OR CORRECTiONS to entries already received MUST be in writing, delivered by: hand, mail, express service, email, or facsimile, and received prior to the time and date of closing. Changes cannot be made by telephone. IMPORTANT NOTICES TO EXHIBITORS (continued) ENTRy FEES WiLL NOT BE REFUNDED in the event of errors, entering the same dog twice, cancellation of entries after the published time of closing; nor in the event that a dog is absent, disqualified, excused by the Veterinarian or Judge or barred from competition by the Show Committee. if because of riots, civil disturbances or other acts beyond the control of the American Belgian Laekenois Association, it is impossible to complete this event, no refund of entry fees will be made. DOGS MUST BE READy FOR JUDGiNG. The Club and its Show Secretary will not be responsible, and are not obligated to furnish any service for notifying exhibitors or their agents of breed or class judging. Judges will not wait for any dog holding up a class. Owners or agents alone are responsible for the presence of their dogs in the judging ring. Dogs need to be at the show site only at the scheduled time of judging and may leave immediately thereafter, unless required for further judging. THE SHOW SiTE WiLL BE AVAiLABLE to exhibitors for parking from 12:00 noon to 10:00 pm on Thursday, October 23, 2014. The show site will be available from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm on Friday, October 24, 2014; from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm on Saturday, October 25, 2014, and from 6:00 am on Sunday, October 26, 2014. Dogs must be removed from the show site immediately following the Best in Show judging on Sunday, October 26. PLEASE REFER TO THE BUCKHORN VALLEY KENNEL CLUB PREMIUM LIST FOR ALL RULES, REGULATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS WITH REGARDS TO THEIR SHOWS ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 AND 26. THE PREMIUM LIST IS AVAILABLE FROM ONOFRIO DOG SHOWS: (405) 427-8181 • WWW.ONOFRIO.COM iN ADDiTiON TO RESERVED GROOMiNG SPACE, THERE iS AMPLE FREE GROOMiNG SPACE. Roping off or saving spaces will not be permitted, unless authorized by the Buckhorn Valley Kennel Club Show Committee; this will be strictly enforced. EXERCISE PENS ARE ALLOWED IN THE LIVESTOCK BARN ONLY. Crates must be stacked whenever possible. NO DOGS MAY BE LEFT UNATTENDED IN SOFT-SIDED CRATES. Exhibitors are responsible for keeping their areas clean and must clean-up after the dogs they are exhibiting, or which are under their care. This requirement includes both while in the ring or at any location on the show site. Clean-up supplies will be available. DOGS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED OVERNIGHT IN THE BUILDINGS. All dogs must be removed from the buildings by 10:00 pm each night. NO security will be provided from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am. A CRATE HOLDiNG AREA NEAR THE RiNG will be available and marked in the Events Center and Exhibition Building. Exhibitors may use this area a few minutes before, to immediately after, their breed is judged. Grooming, scissoring, etc. will not be permitted in this area. NO GROOMiNG OR CRATiNG within 10 feet of judging area, or between rings. NO GENERATORS to operate within 100 feet of any ring during judging times. NO ELECTRiCAL HOOKUPS in the outdoor Open Grooming Area. DOUBLE HANDLiNG will NOT be permitted at these shows. individuals who attempt to double handle from outside the ring will be subject to action by the Show Committee. THERE SHALL BE NO DRiLLiNG, NOR iNTENSiVE OR ABUSiVE TRAiNiNG OF DOGS ON THE SHOW GROUNDS. DOGS MUST BE UNDER CONTROL AT ALL TiMES, THiS iNCLUDES USE OF FLEXi-LEASHES. UNENTERED DOGS ARE NOT PERMiTTED WiTHiN THE SHOW LiMiTS DURiNG SHOW HOURS. SPACE FOR UNENTERED DOGS WiLL NOT BE PROViDED. PLEASE, NO BABy STROLLERS iN THE SHOW BUiLDiNGS. EXHiBiTORS SHOULD FOLLOW THEiR VETERiNARiAN’S RECOMMENDATiONS to assure their dogs are free of external or internal parasites, any communicable diseases, and have appropriate vaccinations. EXTREME WEATHER AND/OR HAZARDOUS CONDiTiONS bring varying concerns to our events. These situations must be considered for the health and safety of all show participants, officials and dogs. The AKC believes the well-being of all involved is of paramount importance, and a club may take such action to cancel a show when necessary. Page - 8 - American Belgian Laekenois Association • October 24, 2014 FSS OPEN SHOW CONFORMATION & NATIONAL SPECIALTY THE SHOW-GiViNG CLUBS RESERVE THE RiGHT TO REMOVE ANy ANiMAL iN DiSTRESS FROM A PARKED VEHiCLE OR CRATE By ANy MEANS NECESSARy. THE SHOW-GiViNG CLUBS SOLELy DETERMiNE iF SAiD ANiMAL iS iN DiSTRESS. ALL PERSONS ATTENDiNG THESE SHOWS HEREBy WAiVE ANy CLAiM FOR DAMAGES AGAiNST THE SHOW-GiViNG CLUBS FOR SUCH REMOVAL. THE AMERiCAN BELGiAN LAEKENOiS ASSOCiATiON, iTS MEMBERS, AGENTS, EMPLOyEES, ETC., AND SHOW SECRETARy ASSUME NO RESPONSiBiLiTy for any personal injury or death of any person; theft of personal property; theft, injury, or death of any animal; or the loss of, or damage to, any property while at this show or on the show grounds, or in transit to and from the show site. Please do not leave valuables unattended. THE AMERiCAN BELGiAN LAEKENOiS ASSOCiATiON RESERVES THE RiGHT TO MAKE ADDiTiONAL RULES ON THE DAy OF THE SHOWS, as long as these rules do not conflict with those of the American Kennel Club, the Buckhorn Valley Kennel Club, nor the island Grove Park Management. CITY OF GREELEY ORDINANCE: NO SMOKING IN ANY PARK BUILDINGS. ROUTES TO ISLAND GROVE REGIONAL PARK FROM THE NORTH Take Highway 85 south to the 11th Avenue Exit, proceed south on 11th Avenue to “D” Street, turn right on “D” Street into the park. NORTH FROM THE SOUTH Take Highway 85 north to the 5th Street Exit; proceed west on 5th Street to 11th Avenue. Take 11th Avenue north to “D” Street, turn left on “D” Street into the park. FROM INTERSTATE 25 Exit at Highway 34 East. Take Highway 34 east to Highway 85; take Highway 85 to the 5th Street Exit; proceed west on 5th Street to 11th Avenue Take 11th Avenue north to “D” Street, turn left into the park. ABLA INDOOR CONFORMATION RING AREA (EVENTS CENTER) GENERAL PARKING INSTRUCTIONS SPECIALTIES AND ALL-BREED SHOWS THE ONLY ENTRANCE INTO THE SHOW SITE WILL BE OFF OF 11th AVENUE. 14th AVENUE WILL BE CLOSED AT “B” STREET, WEDNESDAY THROUGH SUNDAY. LOADING AND UNLOADING AREAS HAVE A 20 MINUTE TIME LIMIT. DO NOT LEAVE VEHICLES UNATTENDED. VEHICLES IN NO PARKING ZONES, FIRE LANES OR WITHIN 20 FEET OF A FIRE HYDRANT WILL BE TICKETED AND/OR TOWED AT THE OWNER’S EXPENSE. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2014 THROUGH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2014 THERE WILL BE NO DOUBLE PARKING ANYWHERE ON THE SHOW GROUNDS. DAY PARKING: The paved lot south of the stadium (approximately one block from the Exhibition Building) is available for day parking. There are no electric hookups in this lot. Additional day parking is available FREE OF CHARGE on the east side of the park and west of the show buildings. These are gravel lots. Day parking will no longer be allowed on the south side of “D” St., west of the unloading areas. R.V. sites that are not filled by Saturday, from 7:00 am to Best in Show judging, may be used as day parking. Entries Close: 12:00 Noon, Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Page - 9 - OVERNIGHT PARKING RESERVATION RESERVED GROOMING FOR THE WEEKEND SPECIALTIES AND BVKC ALL- BREED SHOWS MAIL RESERVATIONS TO: MARY A. HERNANDEZ, BVKC GROOMING CHAIRPERSON 2180 East 18th Street, Loveland, CO 80538-4385 To use Paypal, please visit - Online Store THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2014 THROUGH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2014 Vehicles in the park before Thursday, if not in their assigned parking spot, will be asked to move to their spot on Thursday, October 23, 2014. you will be parked at the direction of the BVKC Parking Staff and Show Committee. Please stop at the R.V. reservation tent at “D” Street and 14th Avenue, as you enter the park. for directions to your parking spot. If you wish to park next to a friend, mail your reservations and fees in the same envelope. RESERVATIONS FOR OVERNIGHT PARKING MUST BE RECEIVED BY NOON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014. Reservations received after noon, October 8, will not be accepted, and will be returned. Requests for refunds of parking fees can be made up to noon, October 20, 2014, after which time refund requests will not be accepted and refunds will not be made. yOU WiLL NOT RECEiVE CONFiRMATiON OF yOUR RESERVATiON By MAiL. ONLiNE RESERVATiONS WiLL RECEiVE AN EMAiL RECEiPT. PERSONS PROVIDING INCORRECT RIG LENGTH OR INCOMPLETE PARKING RESERVATION FORMS will be moved to overflow parking or best available spots at the time of arrival. R.V’s MUST BE iN RESERVED SiTES By 9:00 PM, FRiDAy, OCTOBER 24, 2014. The Buckhorn Valley Kennel Club will not hold reserved sites after that time, and sites will be reassigned. if you go in and out, you must reserve your site with some type of identification (cones, rope-off, etc.). All slide-outs must be flagged or coned for safety. The show site has some RV sites west of the buildings and in the east parking lot, if the need to be closer to the buildings is more important than electrical power. Due to the season, water hook-ups are not available. There is a free dump station on site. Make checks payable to: Buckhorn Valley Kennel Club (U.S. funds only). Mail to: Rod Chapin, BVKC Parking Coordinator, 4609 Meining Rd., Berthoud, CO 80513 To register and pay with PAYPAL, please visit - Online Store BVKC OVERNIGHT PARKING RESERVATION FORM Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:______________________________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________ Length & width of rig with slide outs extended: ________________________(R.V. Sites are 50’ x 20’) Please circle one: 50 amp 30 amp 20 amp No electric. Other requests: ____________________ Veh. License # & State: _______________ Handicap parking permit # (if applicable): _____________ Number & breed(s) of dogs in the shows: ________________________________________________ RV sites are 50’ x 20’. if parking on a grass site is requested: Rigs over 50 feet in length will require 2 spaces. Requests for grass sites will be filled in order of receipt. if a site on the grass is not available at the time of your request, you will be assigned the best spot available at the time, and a refund for the second site will be made. No unauthorized vehicles allowed on the grass. you may have multiple vehicles within your site(s), but all vehicles must be iNSiDE your marked site(s). Slide-outs protruding into the roadway must be flagged or coned for safety. It is suggested that tandem sites be coned or otherwise held, to avoid encroachment from neighboring rigs. FEE ENCLOSED: $________ PLEASE INDICATE CHOICE AND NUMBER OF SITES ■ through Sunday (3 nights for one R.V. site) ■ 12:00 noonTotalThursday Fees: $75.00 with electric (if available) Friday through Sunday (2 nights for one R.V. site) ■ 12:00 noon Total Fees: $50.00 with electric (if available) 12:00 noon Thursday through Sunday (3 nights for two tandem grass sites) Required for rigs over 50’. Total Fees: $150.00 with electric (if available) All overnight parking locations with electric hook-ups are based on time and date of reservation request, on line or by mail. No phone calls or email reservations will be accepted. Page - 10 - American Belgian Laekenois Association • October 24, 2014 RESERVATIONS CLOSE: OCTOBER 19, 2014 Reservations are limited. Each reservation must bear the signature of a responsible person. Requests for adjoining spaces must be mailed in the same envelope. Reservations accepted by BVKC online or by mail only. No fax, email, telephone, nor walk-in reservations will be accepted. Spaces will be assigned in order received. Reserved grooming space is available in the heated Exhibition Building, beginning Friday, October 24, 2014. Setup is open at 6:00 am, on Friday. NO EARLY SETUPS. RESERVED GROOMING SPACES ARE $35.00 FOR THREE (3) DAYS. NO PARTIAL DAY RESERVATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Reserved spaces will be held for all three (3) days. NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE. Reservations will be confirmed via online or by mail, if a Self Addressed, Stamped Envelope is provided. Spaces are approximately 8 x 8 feet. Some spaces may be irregular due to wall pillars. Electrical outlets are available, but must be shared; no space will have exclusive use of any outlet. DOGS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED OVERNIGHT IN THE BUILDINGS. All dogs must be removed from the buildings by 10:00 pm each night. NO security will be provided from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am. Grooming areas will be monitored. Exhibitors are responsible for keeping their areas clean and must clean-up after the dogs they are exhibiting, or which are under their care. This requirement includes both while in the ring or at any location on the show site. Clean-up supplies will be available. iN ADDiTiON TO RESERVED GROOMiNG SPACE, THERE iS AMPLE FREE GROOMiNG SPACE ON THE WEST END OF THE LiVESTOCK BARN. NO EXERCISE PENS, PUPPY PENS, NOR COCKER PENS ARE ALLOWED IN THE EXHIBITION BUILDING. A DOG WASH AREA WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE. Grooming spaces must be vacated immediately after BIS on Sunday, October 26, 2016 BVKC THREE-DAY GROOMING RESERVATION FORM Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________________________ Email:_____________________________________ Phone: ___________________________ Primary Breed(s) ______________________________________________________________ ■ NUMBER OF SPACES AT 35.00 EACH - Checks payable to BVKC__________ Please include a stamped, self addressed envelope for confirmation, Reservations will be returned, if all spaces are filled. i, the undersigned, understand that this reservation will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, and that i will accept the space i am assigned. i further understand that the reserved grooming space is a privilege that can withdrawn if the BVKC Show Committee deems a violation has occurred. Signature of responsible person(s) (required) ___________________________________ Entries Close: 12:00 Noon, Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Page - 11 - PLAN TO ATTEND • SAME WEEKEND SAME SHOW LOCATION - ISLAND GROVE REGIONAL PARK MAKE RESERVATIONS EARLY DUE TO CONFLICTING EVENTS. AREA ACCOMMODATIONS THAT WILL ACCEPT DOGS CONTINENTAL DIVIDE HERDING ASSOCIATION AMERICA’S BEST VALUE INN - EVANS .....................................................(970) 339-2492 800 31st St., Evans, CO (Approx. 15 minutes from show site) ($10.00 per pet, per day) Belgian Laekenois Judge: Mr. Elizardo Valadez BEST WESTERN PLUS, CROSSROADS INN .............................................(970) 667-7810 5542 W. US Hwy. 34, Loveland, CO (Approx. 30 min. to show site)($18.00 per pet, per night) LIMITED BREED HERDING GROUP SHOW WITH BEGINNER PUPPY COMPETITION Friday, October 24th ••• BUCKHORN VALLEY KENNEL CLUB, INC. BACK–TO–BACK ALL–BREED SHOWS WITH OBEDIENCE TRIALS AND RALLY TRIALS Saturday, October 25th Belgian Laekenois Judge: Ms. Bonnie P. Threlfall Sunday, October 26th Belgian Laekenois Judge: Mrs. Donnelle Richards Superintendent: Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C. P.O. Box 25764 • Oklahoma City, OK 73125 (405) 427-8181• ABLA AKC ALL-BREED HERDING TESTS AND TRIAL Thursday, October 23rd Valdemar Farm, Ft. Lupton, Colorado Two Herding Tests, Two Pre-Trial Tests, One Trial Plus HIC’s Judges: Sue Haase and Kathy Howse. For more information and premium, contact: Sue Scott, Event Secretary, 28485 Mid Jones Rd., Calhan, CO 80808 (719) 338-0065 -- Belgian Laekenois Judges Education Seminar The Belgian Laekenois Judges Education Seminar will be presented early Friday, October 24, 2014, prior to the Open Show and Specialty, at the show site (time to be set after judging program is published). This is the official AKC Judges Seminar and is for prospective and current judges of the Belgian Laekenois, with PowerPoint presentation, judges’ packets and hands-on with dogs. American Belgian Laekenois Association members are also welcome. Ring-side mentoring will be available at the Specialty and on Sunday, October 26, during the regular Buckhorn Valley Kennel Club show. For information and to reserve a space, contact Sonja at Page - 12 - American Belgian Laekenois Association • October 24, 2014 AMERICINN - WINDSOR...............................................................................(970) 226-1232 7645 Westgate Dr., Windsor, CO (Approx. 20 minutes from show site) (Non-refundable $15.00 per pet per day. Limit 2 dogs, under 30 lbs.) CLARION HOTEL & CONFERENCE CENTER - GREELEY ........................(970) 353-8444 701 8th St., Greeley, CO ($25.00 per stay. Maximum combined weight of dogs 90 lbs) CANDLEWOOD SUITES ...............................................................................(970) 330-2333 530 W. 29th St., Greeley, CO ($75.00 one time pet fee) COMFORT INN - GREELEY..........................................................................(970) 330-6380 2467 W. 29th St., Greeley, CO ($30.00 fee per stay for 1-2 dogs; $50.00 for 3-4 dogs) COUNTRY INN & SUITES BY CARLSON - GREELEY................................(970) 330-3404 2501 W. 29th St., Greeley, CO ($40.00 one time pet fee. No pets over 90 lbs.) DAYS INN - GREELEY ..................................................................................(970) 392-1530 5630 W. 10th St., Greeley, CO ($15.00 per dog, per night. Limit 2 dogs.) EMBASSY SUITES - LOVELAND .................................................................(970) 593-6200 4705 Clydesdale Parkway, Loveland, CO (30 min. from show site) ($25.00 one time pet fee, 2 large or 4 small dog limit) HERITAGE INN - EVANS...............................................................................(970) 395-7400 3301 W. Service Road, Evans, CO ($20.00/1 dog - $50.00/2 dogs. one time pet fee) RESIDENCE INN BY MARRIOTT ..................................................................(970) 622-7000 5450 McWhinney Blvd, Loveland, CO (Approx. 30 min. to show site) ($75.00 on time pet fee, 2 dog limit) RODEWAY INN, EVANS ................................................................................(970) 351-6482 3015 8th Ave., Evans, CO (Approx. 15 min. to show site) (No pet fee, 2 dog limit) SELECT STAY - EVANS ................................................................................(970) 356-2180 3025 8th Ave., Evans, CO (Approx. 15 min. from show site) ($15.00 One time pet fee per stay for 1-2 dogs; $25.00 for 3-4 dogs) SUPER 8 - GREELEY ....................................................................................(970) 330-8880 2423 W. 29th St., Greeley, CO ($45.00 one time pet fee, limit 5 dogs) SUPER 8 - WINDSOR ....................................................................................(970) 686-5996 1265 Main St., Windsor, CO (Approx. 20 min. to show site) ($15.00 per dog, per day, limit 3 dogs) ROVER RUN PARK, Greeley Dog Park - 5207 F St. ..........(Large park for off-leash exercise) Motel policies regarding dogs are subject to change, verify policy when making reservations. The future of our sport is in your hands. You must clean up after your dogs. Please do not damage the hotel rooms or grounds! Exhibitors will be subject to disciplinary action by the Show Committee for any reported abuse of hotel/motel property. Do not bathe dogs in rooms. Use heavy plastic under crates. NO DOGS MAY BE LEFT IN ROOMS UNATTENDED, WITHOUT BEING CRATED. NOTE: The lawns at the Greeley Tribune Building are OFF LIMITS to dogs. City of Greeley Ordinance: dogs are not allowed in any city parks, except Island Grove Regional Park. VIOLATORS MAY BE TICKETED. Entries Close: 12:00 Noon, Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Page - 13 - OFFICIAL AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB ENTRY FORM BOTH SIDES OF THE ENTRY FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED FSS OPEN SHOW CONFORMATION AKC Event #2014126326 PARENT CLUB FSS OPEN SHOW CONFORMATION FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014 AMERICA BELGIAN LAEKENOIS ASSOCIATION ISLAND GROVE REGIONAL PARK • NORTH 11th AVE. & "D" ST. • GREELEY, CO ENTRIES CLOSE: 12:00 NOON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014, at the Show Secretary’s office, after which time and date entries cannot be accepted, cancelled, altered, or substituted; except as provided for in Chapter 11, Section 6, of the AKC Rules Applying to Dog Shows. (NO DAy OF THE SHOW ENTRiES) ENTRY FEES: FSS Open Show Conformation, Each Entry ......................................................$ 25.00 (Entry fees include the $2.00 AKC Event Service Fee). I ENCLOSE $____________ for entry fees. Make fees payable to: AMERICAN BELGIAN LAEKENOIS ASSOCIATION (ABLA) Mail entries with fees to: ROBERT MILLER, 15281 W. ARCHER DR., GOLDEN, CO 80401- 5076 IMPORTANT - Read Carefully instructions on Reverse Side Before Filling Out. Numbers in the boxes indicate sections of the instructions relevant to the information needed in that box. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE CLEARLY BREED (5) VARIETY (1) BELGIAN LAEKENOIS DOG SHOW CLASS (2) (3) SEX CLASS DIVISION Weight, Color, Etc. (3) NAME OF JR. HANDLER(if any)(See Back) JR. SHOWMANSHIP CLASS JR. HANDLER NO. JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP NOT FULL NAME OF DOG Enter Registration Number Here c AKC® REG. NO. c ILP NO. c PAL NO. c FOREIGN REG. NO & COUNTRY BREEDER(S) OFFERED DATE OF BIRTH PLACE OF BIRTH: c USA c Other List Country______________________ SIRE DAM ACTUAL OWNER(S) (4) OWNER’S ADDRESS c New Address CITY NAME OF OWNER’S AGENT (IF ANY) AT THE SHOW STATE Telephone # ( Page - 14 - ) AGREEMENT i (we) agree that the club holding this event has the right to refuse this entry for cause which the club shall deem sufficient. in consideration of the acceptance of this entry and of the holding of this event and of the opportunity to have the dog judged and to win prizes, ribbons, or trophies, i (we) agree to hold the AKC, the event-giving club, their members, directors, governors, officers, agents, superintendents or event secretary and the owner and/or lessor of the premises and any provider of services that are necessary to hold this event and any employees or volunteers of the aforementioned parties, and any AKC approved judge, judging at this event, harmless from any claim for loss or injury which may be alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly to any person or thing by the act of this dog while in or about the event premises or grounds or near any entrance thereto, and i (we) personally assume all responsibility and liability for any such claim; and i (we) further agree to hold the aforementioned parties harmless from any claim for loss, injury or damage to this dog. Additionally, i (we) hereby assume the sole responsibility for and agree to indemnify, defend and save the aforementioned parties harmless from any and all loss and expense (including legal fees) by reason of the liability imposed by law upon any of the aforementioned parties for damage because of bodily injuries, including death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by any person or persons, including myself (ourselves), or on account of damage to property, arising out of or in consequence of my (our) participation in this event, however such, injuries, death or property damage may be caused, and whether or not the same may have been caused or may be alleged to have been caused by the negligence of the aforementioned parties or any of their employees or agents, or any other persons. I (WE) AGREE THAT ANY CAUSE OF ACTION, CONTROVERSY OR CLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE ENTRY, EXHIBITION OR ATTENDANCE AT THE EVENT BETWEEN THE AKC AND MYSELF (OURSELVES) OR AS TO THE CONSTRUCTION, INTERPRETATION AND EFFECT OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE SETTLED BY ARBITRATION PURSUANT TO THE APPLICABLE RULES OF THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION. HOWEVER, PRIOR TO ARBITRATION ALL APPLICABLE AKC BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES MUST FIRST BE FOLLOWED AS SET FORTH IN THE AKC CHARTER AND BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS, PUBLISHED POLICIES AND GUIDELINES. INSTRUCTIONS 1. (Variety) if you are entering a dog of a breed in which there are varieties for show purposes, please designate the particular variety you are entering i.e., Cocker Spaniel (solid color black, ASCOB, particolor). Beagles (not exceeding 13 in., over 13 in. but not exceeding 15 in.). Dachshunds (longhaired, smooth, wirehaired). Collies (rough, smooth). Bull Terriers (colored, white). Manchester Terriers (standard, toy). Chihuahuas (smooth coat, long coat). English Toy Spaniels (King Charles and Ruby, Blenheim and Prince Charles). Poodles (toy, miniature, standard). 2. The following categories of dogs may be entered and shown in Best of Breed competition: Dogs that are Champions of Record and dogs which according to their owners’ records, have completed the requirements for a championship, but whose championships are unconfirmed. The showing of unconfirmed Champions in Best of Breed competition is limited to a period of 90 days from the date of the show where the dog completed the requirements for a championship. 3. (Event Class) Consult the classification in this premium list. if the event class in which you are entering your dog is divided, then, in addition to designating the class, specify the particular division of the class in which you are entering your dog, i.e., age division, color division, weight division. 4. A dog must be entered in the name of the person who actually owned it at the time entries for an event closed. if a registered dog has been acquired by a new owner, it must be entered in the name of its new owner in any event for which entries closed after the date of acquirement, regardless of whether the new owner has received the registration certificate indicating that the dog is recorded in his name. State on entry form whether transfer application has been mailed to AKC (For complete rule refer to Chapter 11, Section 3). 5. Mixed Breed dogs entering classes for Agility, Obedience and Rally trials should mark Breed as AKC Canine Partners Listed Dog “All-American Dog/Mixed Breed.” Variety, Breeder, Sire, Dam information shall remain blank for mixed breed entrants. ZIP + 4 i CERTiFy that i am the actual owner of the dog, or that i am the duly authorized agent of the actual owner whose name i have entered above. in consideration of the acceptance of this entry, i (we) agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club in effect at the time of this event, and by any additional rules and regulations appearing in the premium list for this event, and further agree to be bound by the “Agreement” printed on the reverse side of this entry form. i (we) certify and represent that the dog entered is not a hazard to persons or other dogs. This entry is submitted for acceptance on the foregoing representation and Agreement. i (we) agree to conduct myself (ourselves) in accordance with such Rules and Regulations (including all provisions applying to discipline) and to abide by any decisions made in accord with them. SIGNATURE of owner or his/her agent duly authorized to make this entry AKC Rules, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines are available on the American Kennel Club Web site: \ E-mail Address American Belgian Laekenois Association • October 24, 2014 JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP NOT OFFERED Entries Close: 12:00 Noon, Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Page - 15 - OFFICIAL ABLA NATIONAL SPECIALTY ENTRY FORM BOTH SIDES OF THE ENTRY FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED ABLA NATIONAL SPECIALTY SHOW SWEEPSTAKES AMERICA BELGIAN LAEKENOIS ASSOCIATION PARENT CLUB NATIONAL SPECIALTY SHOW FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014 ISLAND GROVE REGIONAL PARK • NORTH 11th AVE. & "D" ST. • GREELEY, CO NATIONAL SPECIALTY SHOW SWEEPSTAKES PRE-ENTRIES CLOSE: 12:00 NOON MDT, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014, at the Show Secretary’s office, after which time and date entries cannot be accepted, cancelled, altered, or substituted. National Specialty Sweepstakes DAy OF THE SHOW entries can be made up to 30 minutes prior to the start of Sweepstakes judging. ENTRY FEES: Pre-Entry, National Specialty Show Sweepstakes, First Entry ......................................20.00 Pre-Entry, National Sweepstakes, Each additional entry of the same dog....................10.00 Day of the Show Entry, National Specialty Show Sweepstakes, First Entry .................25.00 Day of the Show Entry, Nat’l Sweepstakes, Each additional entry of the same dog.....15.00 if a dog is entered in more than one class, the entry fee will be calculated on the highest priced class first. I ENCLOSE $____________ for entry fees. Make fees payable to: AMERICAN BELGIAN LAEKENOIS ASSOCIATION (ABLA) Mail entries with fees to: ROBERT MILLER, 15281 W. ARCHER DR., GOLDEN, CO 80401- 5076 IMPORTANT Read Carefully instructions on Reverse Side Before Filling Out. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE CLEARLY BREED SEX BELGIAN LAEKENOIS NATIONAL SPECIALTY SWEEPSTAKES CLASS SWEEPSTAKES CLASS DIVISION ADDITIONAL SWEEPSTAKES CLASS(ES) SWEEPSTAKES CLASS DIVISION ADDITIONAL SWEEPSTAKES CLASS(ES) SWEEPSTAKES CLASS DIVISION FULL NAME OF DOG Enter Registration Number Here c AKC® REG. NO. c ILP NO. c PAL NO. c FOREIGN REG. NO & COUNTRY BREEDER(S) DATE OF BIRTH PLACE OF BIRTH: c USA c Other List Country______________________ SIRE DAM AGREEMENT i CERTiFy that i am the actual owner of this dog, or that i am the duly authorized agent of the actual owner whose name i have entered on this entry form. i further acknowledge that the Rules and Regulations of the American Belgian Laekenois Association governing this event have been made available to me (us) and that i am (we are) familiar with their contents. in consideration of the acceptance of this entry, i (we) agree to conduct myself (ourselves) in accordance of this entry; i (we) agree to conduct myself (ourselves) in accordance with all such Rules and Regulations (including all provisions applying to discipline) and to abide by any decisions made in accord with them. i (we) further agree that the above named dog is entered in and will be at this event at my (our) own risk and that i (we) will hold the American Belgian Laekenois Association and its Affiliate event-hosting clubs, as well as the members, directors, governors, officers, show secretary, agents and judges of the American Belgian Laekenois Association and/or the event-hosting clubs, free from any liability for any claims arising out of the entry of the dog or its presence at the event, including any claim for damage or injury to the dog, from whatsoever cause (whether negligent or non-negligent). in addition, i (we) hereby assume the sole responsibility for and agree to indemnify and save the aforementioned parties harmless from any and all loss and expense (including legal fees) by reason of liability imposed by law upon any of the aforementioned parties for whatsoever reason arising out of or in consequence of my (our) participation in this event. I (WE) AGREE THAT ANY CAUSE OF ACTION, CONTROVERSY OR CLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE ENTRY, EXHIBITION OR ATTENDANCE AT THE EVENT BETWEEN THE AMERICAN BELGIAN LAEKENOIS ASSOCIATION AND MYSELF (OURSELVES) OR AS TO THE CONSTRUCTION, INTERPRETATION AND EFFECT OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE SETTLED BY ARBITRATION PURSUANT TO THE APPLICABLE RULES OF THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION. HOWEVER, PRIOR TO ARBITRATION ALL APPLICABLE AKC BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES MUST FIRST BE FOLLOWED AS SET FORTH IN THE AKC CHARTER AND BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS, PUBLISHED POLICIES AND GUIDELINES. INSTRUCTIONS (Event Class) Consult the classification in this premium list. if the event class in which you are entering your dog is divided, then, in addition to designating the class, specify the particular division of the class in which you are entering your dog, i.e., age division, color division, weight division. A dog must be entered in the name of the person who actually owned it at the time entries for an event closed. if a registered dog has been acquired by a new owner, it must be entered in the name of its new owner in any event for which entries closed after the date of acquirement, regardless of whether the new owner has received the registration certificate indicating that the dog is recorded in his name. State on entry form whether transfer application has been mailed to AKC (For complete rule refer to Chapter 11, Section 3). ACTUAL OWNER(S) OWNER’S ADDRESS c New Address CITY NAME OF OWNER’S AGENT (IF ANY) AT THE SHOW STATE ZIP + 4 i CERTiFy that i am the actual owner of the dog, or that i am the duly authorized agent of the actual owner whose name i have entered above. in consideration of the acceptance of this entry, i (we) agree to abide by the applicable rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club in effect at the time of this event, and by any additional rules and regulations appearing in the premium list for this event, and further agree to be bound by the “Agreement” printed on the reverse side of this entry form. i (we) certify and represent that the dog entered is not a hazard to persons or other dogs. This entry is submitted for acceptance on the foregoing representation and Agreement. i (we) agree to conduct myself (ourselves) in accordance with such Rules and Regulations (including all provisions applying to discipline) and to abide by any decisions made in accord with them. SIGNATURE of owner or his/her agent duly authorized to make this entry Telephone # ( Page - 16 - ) \ E-mail Address American Belgian Laekenois Association • October 24, 2014 Entries Close: 12:00 Noon, Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Page - 17 -
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