LIBA LIBA L I N C O L N I N D E P E N D E N T B U S I N E S S A S S O C I AT I O N OCTOBER 2014 BOARD Chairman David Pauley Chairman-Elect Steve Hughes Vice-Chairman Ray Stevens Secretary John Berry, Jr. Treasurer Jim Christo Directors Robin Eschliman Darlene Fletcher Matt Fox Scott Neal Charlotte Ralston Corrine Sturdy Kent Thompson Doug Wyatt Jack Zohner Past Chairmen Mark Hunzeker Joe Bolubasz Tim Cox Doug Carey Connie Hilligoss Dean Hoag John Hoppe Jr. Tom Klein Peter Katt Jeff White Richard Meginnis Connie Jensen Steve Bowen Randy Harre Hub Hall Larry Anderson Pat Kahm Joe Hampton Russ Bayer Debby Brehm Ron Ecklund Bruce Bailey Fred Duven Arlene Sorensen Bob Bryant Ron Lockard Scott Stewart Hank Buis Marty Miller Dan Roth Ken Wentz Bob Sikyta Jack Lorenzen President & CEO Coby Mach Legal Counsel Bill Harding COMMITTEE CHAIRS Advisory Mark Hunzeker Budget Monitoring John Baylor Convention David Pauley Foundation Larry Anderson Government Caucus Jason Christensen Membership Debby Brehm PAC Bruce Bailey Public Relations Phil Young School Liaison Wanda Caffrey Legislative Action Ken Svoboda Youth Dustin Lottman Luncheon Program Amy Dickerson, Director of the Lancaster Event Center, will talk about $2.5 Million in new improvements for the Center. Monday, October 20, 11:30 am Holiday Inn Downtown, 9th & P As always, the monthly LIBA LUNCHEON is open to all LIBA Members and their guests with no advance reservation required. The buffet line will open at 11:30 am, the meeting begins at 12:00 noon and ends promptly at 1:00 pm. The luncheon cost is $11.00, but there is no charge to just attend the meeting. There is free parking in the Holiday Inn Garage while it lasts. LIBA Luncheon Host: Save The Date! LIBA will be hosting their annual poker tournament Thursday, October 16th at Heidelberg’s South See pg. 15 for details! Let LIBA Members Know Who You Are. Consider advertising in this newsletter. For a wide range of rates & details, call 466-3419 Dear LIBA Members: As I write this article we have been enjoying some of those magical, crisp, early fall days with the temperature in the mid-70’s, low humidity and just a hint of a breeze. I’m looking forward to the beautiful and gradual change in the palette of our landscape as the trees, shrubs and grasses morph into their colors of deep crimson, vibrant oranges and golden yellows. Early fall is also the season where LIBA has its annual membership drive. I want to extend a special “welcome” to our newest members of the Lincoln Independent Business Association. You have made a wise decision in joining our vital and growing organization. Please be sure to take advantage of the wide-ranging incentives that were offered as part of your membership package. While these extra membership incentives are great for you and your employees to enjoy, these are only the tip of the iceberg in terms of the value of your membership in LIBA. We have great networking opportunities through our monthly membership luncheons and our free monthly after-hours social events held at various members’ businesses. Other benefits include: free job postings on our LIBA website; free use of our LIBA conference center where you can make client presentations, hold staff meetings or interview prospective employees; a new member profile authored by you about your business that will be in a LIBA monthly newsletter; several annual college scholarships open only to you and your employees; and the opportunity to serve on a LIBA committee. Check out the “What’s Happening With LIBA” section in this newsletter to get an update on our committee activities. If there is a committee that piques your interest, please give Coby a call to see when the committee meets and how you might become involved. As for what’s happening in the local political scene, there has been a lot of discussion about funding a new emergency radio system and the relocation of fire stations, as well as building new fire stations. These projects are expected to cost over $34 million. While the Beutler Administration was pressing the City Council to put a public safety bond issue on the November ballot to fund these projects, the Council voted wisely to slow down the process and not rush the public into voting on this bond issue in November. 2 With respect to replacing the aging emergency radio system, our elected officials need sufficient time to get answers to many questions such as: Should other entities such as the UNL, Lincoln Public Schools or smaller communities within Lancaster County share in the cost of this new radio system? If so, what would be a fair way to allocate their respective shares in this communications system? Is there a possibility of getting federal grants to offset a large portion of the overall cost of this system if it was purchased through the Nebraska State Patrol? Is one of the 3 alternatives suggested in consultant Elert and Associates’s study the best option technologically and economically, or could other vendors come up with a better option? What is the best way to fund this new radio system? As with the proposed new radio system, we are faced with unanswered questions regarding the plan to relocate existing fire stations and add new ones. Councilman Jon Camp has floated the idea of seeing if our community could gain efficiencies by having the Rural Fire Districts work with Lincoln Fire and Rescue. While the recent reaction to Mr. Camp’s suggestion from the Rural Fire Districts’ attorney was not particularly positive, I believe there is merit in at exploring this idea. Assuming the Beutler Administration and the City Council can agree on a plan to relocate and build new fire stations, then they again are faced with the question of how best to finance these fire stations. Should they raise property taxes? Could this be financed through a shortterm increase in the sales tax? There are no easy answers to these questions. Please join us on Monday October 20th at 11:30 AM for our monthly luncheon at the Holiday Inn Downtown for what should be a lively debate between Mike Foley and Jane Raybould who are the candidates for Lieutenant Governor. Finally, I encourage you and your employees to help fulfill your civic responsibilities by learning about the issues and candidates who are running for political office, and then voting on November 4th. As we have seen in some recent local elections that were exceedingly close, your vote really does count! David Pauley Chairman October 2014 October 2014 3 Hi! I'm From the Federal Government and I'm Here to Help! by William A. Harding HARDING & SHULTZ, P.C., L.L.O. LIBA General Counsel Words like this probably started the compliance review meeting for an Oklahoma City Coca Cola bottler in June of 2009. At that time, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) started the compliance review of the Coca Cola bottler which held multiple federal contracts including contracts to provide soft drink vending at Tinker Air Force Base. As a result of the audit, Bill Harding the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced on September 4 that the bottler has entered into a $475,000 conciliation agreement with OFCCP. The process, the analysis and the results should be of interest to any LIBA member with current federal government contracts or hopes to have those contracts in the future. THE HIRING PROCESS The bottler used three different hiring processes during the two year period involved in the compliance review. One process involved paper. A second process involved the telephone and the third process involved kiosk applications. OFCCP investigators interviewed employees and found a "widespread perception that women were not suited to certain jobs because of their physical nature" which included "heavy lifting." The company also used a "pre-employment assessment test" which focused on job duties of the position and the abilities of the applicant. NO TEST Under the Uniform Guidelines and Employee Selection Procedures (Uniform Guidelines), which the OFCCP adopted in 1978, a federal contractor with a selection procedure which is determined to have an adverse impact on a protected group must show that the hiring criteria are both "job-related and consistent with business necessity." Employers may demonstrate the job-relatedness of a selection procedure under the Uniform Guidelines through "test validation" analysis. That analysis procedure is outlined in some detail in the Uniform Guidelines. During the compliance review, OFCCP discovered that the bottler did not have a validated pre-offer test "to back up" the perception that female employees were unable to perform more physically demanding job duties such as heavy lifting. THE ANALYSIS OFCCP completed a statistical analysis on the bottler's hiring process and concluded that 20% of male applicants were hired as drivers compared to only eight percent of female applicants. The OFCCP analysis of driver applicants showed a standard deviation of 7.19. OFCCP noted that a standard deviation of 6 indicates only a "two in one billion chance" that the female job applicants would have experienced the same outcome and a completely fair process without discrimination. THE SETTLEMENT The settlement entered into between the bottler and the OFCCP involved the payment of $475,000 and the offer of positions to up to 16 qualified female class members. The company has also moved its application process to an entirely electronic system which will allow the company to report to OFCCP on the accuracy and consistency of the hiring process. CONCLUSION Securing a contract with the federal government can be financially rewarding. However, federal government contractors are also required to comply with Executive Order 11,246 which prohibits discrimination. OFCCP periodically conducts compliance reviews for federal government contractors. Any LIBA members with a federal government contract or desiring to have such a contract in the future should become familiar with the requirements of the Uniform Guidelines. Failure to do so might result in an expensive lesson as it did in this situation. Editor’s Note: This article is not intended to provide legal advice to our readers. Rather, this article is intended to alert our readers to new and developing issues and to provide some common sense answers to complex legal questions. Readers are urged to consult their own legal counsel or the author of this article if the reader wishes to obtain a specific legal opinion regarding how these legal standards may apply to their particular circumstances. The author of this article, William A. Harding, can be contacted at 402/434-3000, or at Harding & Shultz, P.C., L.L.O., P.O. Box 82028, Lincoln, NE 68501-2028, 4 October 2014 October 2014 5 Managing IT Through SPECIFIC PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE. Professionology P&L Technology applies Nology to what’s unique about your profession’s technology environment. Our vast experience with a wide array of small to mid-size businesses and non-profits takes out the IT learning curve while improving your efficiencies. MAXIMIZE THE POTENTIAL OF YOUR OFFICE TECHNOLOGY. Learn by visiting or call 402.742.0118 Run your business on NOLOGY. It’s so much more than tech. 4001 S. 8th St - Suite 101 | Lincoln, NE 68502 | 402.742.0118 | 800.698.1686 6 October 2014 NEWS RELEASE Berry Law Firm is pleased to announce the hiring of Jerusha L. Hancock as an associate attorney. Jerusha is a 2008 graduate of UNL’s College of Law. During her time at UNL, Jerusha clerked for the Lancaster County Attorney’s office. Prior to joining Berry Law Firm, Jerusha served as a term clerk for Chief Justice Heavican of the Nebraska Supreme Court, and worked as an attorney for Nebraska Appleseed in its Health Care Access Program. Jerusha has her master degree in counseling from Denver Seminary, and a bachelor degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Jerusha will work in the firm’s Veterans’ Benefits section at the Berry Law Firm’s Lincoln office. The Berry Law Firm, was founded in 1965 by John Stevens Berry, and since then has represented thousands of clients in a wide range of legal areas. In addition to veterans’ disability benefits, the firm also represents clients in matters such as criminal defense, civil litigation, personal injury, and family law. Berry Law Firm has offices in Lincoln and Omaha. Contact Berry Law Firm for a free consultation regarding your legal issue by calling 1-888-883-2483, or through the website at ### *** *** A pioneer when it started,, an online store for dog food and supplies, faced a very crowded market and a changed competitive landscape since its founding in 1995. That led owner Monte Froehlich, CEO Jill Liliedahl and the SitStay team to take an unusual step for a company with nearly two decades under its belt: act like a startup. From June to September 2014, SitStay participated in Straight Shot, a business accelerator launched by former Hayneedle co-founder Mark Hasebroock. The program included intensive mentoring and coaching for ecommerce businesses. Straight Shot typically mentors new companies, and found a unique partnership with the 19-year-old SitStay. As with startups, SitStay is crafting a new direction and building the company for future, scalable success. SitStay has long-standing relationships with service dog trainers, both as customers and referral sources. By focusing on this group, SitStay provides a unique array of products and can reach customers more cost effectively than dog supply stores marketing to a less focused audience. Few other companies deliver both customized service dog vest options as well as the ability to subscribe to regular orders of food and treats. SitStay serves as a product and information recommendation source for people new to having a service dog as part of their families. Future improvements at will introduce a customizable recommendation engine (think Netflix) for service dog owners. They can purchase the gear they need and place orders for food or treats needed on an ongoing basis. For more information, visit, email at or call 402-467-3426. October 2014 7 Sex and the Workplace By Perry A. Pirsch, Esq BERRY LAW FIRM, PC September 26, 2014 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in the terms, conditions, or privileges of employment based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin by employers with 15 or more employees, states and political subdivisions, and educational entities. When “sex” was added by amendment to the legislation on the floor of the House of Representatives, it was done by amendment by a southern Democrat who wanted the bill to fail, but it was adopted without much discussion. Courts have identified one type of unlawful discrimination as quid pro quo (Latin for “something for something”). You cannot require an employee to submit to terms or conditions of employment different than similarly situated employees of another gender (race, religion, etc.). Offering raises in exchange for sex is just one example. Nowhere in Title VII was there mention of what is known now as a “hostile work environment;” however, in 1986, the U.S. 8 Supreme Court decided Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson. The Court found Title VII was not limited to quid pro quo discrimination, but the entire spectrum of disparate treatment of men and women in employment, including "discrimination based on sex has created a hostile or abusive work environment." The Eighth Circuit (where Nebraska is located) has clarified, in order to qualify as a hostile work environment, the harassment must be so pervasive and severe it actually alters an employee’s terms or conditions of employment and creates an abusive working environment to any reasonable person. A boss who is a jerk to everyone or an employee with poor taste in humor is not sufficient. files discrimination charges, or even participates in an investigation, even if the allegations are unfounded. Discrimination against pregnancy is also now protected. It is interesting to note courts have not interpreted “sex” to include sexual preference and Title VII does not protect against discrimination against homosexuals; however, courts have interpreted Title VII to protect against discrimination based on gender stereotypes, such as hairstyles and clothing. Even if Title VII does not protect homosexuals directly, many states and local jurisdictions do. Furthermore, nothing in Title VII makes it unlawful for coworkers to date, or for a manager to date a subordinate (although an employer may have a policy against it). The sexual conduct must be unwelcome. Further, cities, such as Lincoln, and states such as Nebraska have their own provisions that make discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin unlawful for employers with less than 15 employees. They may also add protected classes, such as marital status in Nebraska. Under Title VII, retaliation is also unlawful. Note: employees have a right to be wrong when accusing their employers of discrimination. An employer must not retaliate against an individual who While most discrimination in employment is not unlawful – it is not unlawful to discriminate against a terrible employee – proper documentation helps. Call Berry for a free consultation. October 2014 October 2014 9 New Members Welcome to LIBA! A Healthy Choice Massage Therapy & Day Spa Deb Parker 1800 S. 58th Street Lincoln, NE 68506 402-486-3032 Alm Construction & Remodeling Jerry Alm P.O. Box 93 Adams, NE 68301 402-988-8400 Bagels and Joe Jonathan Hasse 4701 Old Cheney Road Lincoln, NE 68516 402-423-7797 Benak's Heating & Cooling, Inc. Sheila Benak 6939 Naples Drive Lincoln, NE 68526 402-489-0500 Braille Transcription Services Jolene Boshart 5135 South Street Lincoln, NE 68506 402-483-5088 Brooks, Pansing Brooks, PC, LLO Patty Pansing Brooks/ Loel Brooks 1248 O Street, Suite 984 Lincoln, NE 68502 402-476-3300 Bryson Airboat Tours Tim Bryson PO Box 939 Fremont, NE 68026 402-968-8534 CenturyLink Melissa Tierney 1314 Douglas Street Omaha, NE 68102 402-422-6930 Ear, Nose & Throat Specialties, PC Kristin Waller 1500 S. 48th St., Ste. 200 Lincoln, NE 68506 402-488-5600 x 278 Edge Men's & Women's Apparel Nikki Saathoff 1501 Pine Lake Road, Suite 11 Lincoln, NE 68512 402-328-0151 10 Farmers Insurance Grant Trierweiler 225 N. Cotner Blvd., Ste. 106 Lincoln, NE 68505 402-484-0225 Granite City Michael Behrens 6150 O Street Lincoln, NE 68510 402-466-1900 Greta's Gourmet Butcher Shop, Deli & Catering Kevin Mandigo 5560 S. 48th St., Suite 2 Lincoln, NE 68516 402-420-MEAT Harris Academy of the Arts Vicki Train Harris 2935 Pine Lake Road, Suite C Lincoln, NE 68516 402-423-7121 Home Real Estate Chuck Waldon 2128 N. 67th Street Lincoln, NE 68505 402-202-7552 Home Real Estate Talli Kratochvil 5901 N 27th Street Lincoln, NE 68521 402-405-1281 Keller Williams Realty Logan Schnitker 5539 S. 27th Street, Ste. 206 Lincoln, NE 68512 402-460-6874 Kenl Inn Downtown Morgan Brehm Mardock 2019 P Street Lincoln, NE 68503 402-323-6700 Kettle's On Vending Beverley Kettleson 6112 NW 5th Street Lincoln, NE 68521 402-430-3794 Manzitto Real Estate Sam Manzitto, Jr. 3341 Pioneers Blvd. Lincoln, NE 68516 402-483-2301 McCombs Commercial Realty Julian Tyler 6333 Apples Way #115 Lincoln, NE 68516 402-432-7030 Mellow Mushroom Debra Ann Nelson 601 R Street, Suite 110 Lincoln, NE 68508 402-261-3362 Merry Maids Lincoln Julie Roberts 1314 N 66th St. Lincoln, NE 68505 402-434-2199 NADI-New Age Design Incorporated Nicki Burnham 440 N. 8th Street, Suite 130 Lincoln, NE 68508 402-474-0400 NebraskaLink Sheryl Vogle 3900 NW 12th Street, Suite 100 Lincoln, NE 68521 402-489-3092 NGC Group, Inc. Lindsey Klug PO Box 22750 Lincoln, NE 68542 402-718-9237 Pizza Ranch Jess Meekma 8420 Lexington Ave. Lincoln, NE 68505 402-261-8039 Red Dirt Running Company Lori Borer 7701 Pioneers Blvd., Ste.2 Lincoln, NE 68506 402-940-4648 Red Thread Adam Kroft 1201 O Street, Suite 306 Lincoln, NE 68508 847-544-8628 Riddle's Jewelry Jeremy Hildebrandt 6100 O Street, Suite 340 Lincoln, NE 68510 402-261-5456 Rosie's Sports Bar & Grill Ryan Rosenstiel 1501 Center Park Road Lincoln, NE 68512 402-420-6262 Supreme Surfaces & Counter Tops Todd Nelson 5601 S. 50th Street Lincoln, NE 68516 402-464-2525 University of Nebraska Omaha - NBDC Jason Bousquet 285 S. 68th Street Place, Suite 210 Lincoln, NE 68510 402-472-1177 Youth for Christ/Campus Life Matt Schulte 6401 Pine Lake Road Lincoln, NE 68516 402-420-7475 Brock Smith 4760 Union Hill Rd Lincoln, NE 68516 816-726-4986 Lona Ferguson 7516 Plum Creek Dr. Lincoln, NE 68516 308-440-2720 Roger Kolar 325 S Cotner Blvd. Lincoln, NE 68510 402-327-2340 Connie Duncan 2975 South 24 Street Lincoln, NE 68502 402-419-0070 October 2014 IS IT REALLY CHEAPER TO FLY FROM OMA INSTEAD OF LNK? It’s time for a head-to-head comparison. Take the challenge at FLY HOME. BE HOME. CHECK LNK EVERY TIME YOU FLY. October 2014 11 12 October 2014 Treasurer's Office Highlights By Andy Stebbing A NOTE FROM LIBA PRESIDENT COBY MACH - The LIBA Budget Monitoring Committee is often impressed with how elected officials are able to save taxpayer money and improve services. After meeting with the County Treasurer, the committee asked Andy Stebbing to write the following OpEd for our newsletter. Enjoy! The theme for my first term in office has been to become the best County Treasurer’s Office in the nation blended with a commonsense approach. My office is very proud that we reduced the number of staff, reduced expenditures, increased morale, implemented Andy Stebbing new policies and created efficiencies that have improved all aspects of the Treasurer’s Office. What have we done? Well, to begin with we reinvented the Treasurer’s Office website. It receives 30,000 to 50,000 web hits per month. With more information easily there, this resulted in fewer incoming phone calls. This decrease in calls has lead to the removal of twenty five phone lines that has saved the office over $20,000.00 over four years. Another large expense that I was able to reduce was banking fees. I negotiated a reduction in the contract fees from $88,000 annually to $38,000. That has produced a savings of $150,000 over three years. The Lancaster County Treasurer's Office had not bid-out the banking services for twelve years. Through the bidding process, we found a bank that has reduced the fees even further and proved my office with free needed equipment. (Another savings of $125,000 over the next four years). Another area I focused on was sick leave use. I was able to reduce the number of sick leave hours from 4,000 hours per year to 2,000. Over four years this has saved the taxpayers $200,000. This means more people at the counter window to help serve our customers, the taxpayers of Lancaster County! On a lesser scale, I asked my staff to no longer discard old, scrap license plates. These plates are worth .10 cents each. Over four years we have collected and turned into the scrap metal yard $8,000 in aluminum plates. The money has been given to the County General Fund. With the help of the City Information Services, the Lancaster County Treasurer has built a state of the art, world class internet based tax program for a third of the cost of the tax packages being sold across the country. This tax program has combined all of the functionality of tax collections under one system as well as increasing automation of tax collections and distributions. I did not need almost one million dollars typically being paid October 2014 for these systems. In fact, I returned almost $300,000 to the County Board of the $500,000 that had been set aside since 2004 for the implementation of a new system. With all of these different types of efficiencies, I have been able to reduce our staff numbers from 45 to 39 employees without jeopardizing processing and wait times. In fact the wait times at my three locations have been reduced to virtually no waiting at all. In order to provide the best opportunities for our employees, I encourage continued education and on the job training. All employees have been provided with email accounts to effectively communicate internally as well as with citizens. Also name tags are given to every staff member in order to provide a level of customer service accountability as well as citizen surveys that are available for comments. We have implemented an organizational chart, policy and procedure book as well as an internal control audit manual. The newly authored polices cover everything from cashiering, to dress code expectations and are highly sought after by other county departments in Nebraska. We accept applications from interns who would like to volunteer or job shadow to learn more about government accounting and finance. In order to keep the landscape and areas around our buildings looking pleasant, I have initiated volunteer projects at no cost to the county. For example, people who were serving hours of community service assisted in litter pick up, and landscaping projects including the planting of fifty trees donated by the UNL Forestry Service. I also coordinated a Girl Scout project with the help of Home Depot to build an outdoor sitting area at our West O location. In addition many small changes have been well received by the public. We implemented a system to allow for debit and credit cards. We added license plates to the West O location as well as to our downtown location. We expanded our hours and added a drop off and pick up service. We added a small business and farmer process to expedite their transactions. We will continue this theme for another four years. Thank you LIBA for allowing me to highlight our office and changes. We really do want to be the best in the Country and it is truly an honor to serve the citizens. 13 14 October 2014 October 2014 15 16 October 2014 Bizco Biznet – Join us for free food and networking at our October 16th Bizco Biznet. The Biznet runs from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. and is hosted by Heidelberg’s Sports Bar & Restaurant located at 1601 Normand Ct. The event is free and open to all LIBA members and their guests. LIBA Poker Tournament – The LIBA Poker tournament will take place at Heidelberg’s Restaurant on October 16th at 6:30p.m. immediately following Bisco Biznet. There is a $20 entry fee and participants must be over 21 years of age. All members receive a gift tote with entry. LincTrack Coffee & Contacts: Join us for coffee, breakfast and networking at LincTrack Coffee & Contacts Tuesday, October 28th from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. October’s event is hosted by Nebraska Farm Bureau and Le Cupcake at the Farm Bureau office located at 5225 S. 16th Street. This networking event is free of charge for LIBA members and their guests. LIBA Movie Premiere: LIBA will host a movie premiere of “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, NO GOOD, VERY BAD DAY” Saturday October 11th at 9:30 a.m. The movie is hosted at the Lincoln Grand Cinema located at 1101 “P” Street. Tickets are $15 and include popcorn, the movie and a voucher for a free sandwich from Dickey’s Barbecue Pit. Call the LIBA Office at 402-466-3419 to reserve your ticket. Budget Monitoring: In September the Budget Monitoring Committee discussed public safety projects and how best to finance them. Also, the give security . Join us. October 2014 committee heard from County Treasurer Andy Stebbing about his Office and the measures he has implemented to improve efficiencies and save tax payer money. Lunch is $11 for non-corporate members but there is no cost to attend the meeting. Parking is available in the Holiday Inn parking garage and is free while it lasts. In October the committee will hear from the City of Lincoln Planning department about the potential to bring bike share to Lincoln. Don’t forget to connect with LIBA on Facebook, Twitter (@LIBALincoln) and LinkedIn! Government Caucus: In September the Government Caucus committee invited Chairman of the Nebraska Republican Party J.L. Spray and Chairman of the Nebraska Democratic Party Vince Powers to debate why Small Businesses should support their parties. In October LES will speak to the committee about their proposed 2015 budget. Legislative Action Committee: In September the Legislative Action Committee began its discussion about 2015 legislative priorities. In October the committee will continue this discussion and identify priorities to share with State Senators at LIBA’s December Legislative Luncheon. School Liaison Committee: This committee reviewed the District Goals identified at the LPS Board of Education retreat. LIBA Luncheon: October 20th LIBA will host a debate between Lieutenant Governor Candidates Jane Raybould, Scott Zimmerman and Mike Foley. This is the only Lt. Governor debate this election cycle. The Luncheon is Monday October 20th at the Downtown Holiday Inn at 9th and Q Streets. The buffet line opens at 11:30 a.m. and the meeting begins at 12:00 p.m. JO HN HE NR Y ’S 435-5555 No Overtime - 7 days a week - 7am-7pm 24 hr. service is available “Request Work Online at” 17 18 October 2014 For Immediate Release September 16, 2014 Contact: 402-217-1831 Lincoln Based Architect Firm Marks One Year Anniversary Peace Studio Architects, Inc. a privately owned, Lincoln-based, architectural and design firm is marking its one year anniversary this month. Since opening in September 2013, the firm, owned and operated by Gill and Samantha Peace, has a client list that continues to grow by leaps and bounds. Their projects run the gamut from small projects for individual home improvements, to large scale ground breaking projects for new multi-use commercial buildings and structures throughout Lincoln, and across the Midwest. . Owner-architect Gill Peace has more than two decades of experience designing some of the architectural centerpieces of the city of Lincoln, including the Pinnacle Bank Arena, where he was the lead designer for the exterior envelope. He designs structures that compliment and integrate Lincoln's unique culture and hospitality. "We are pleased to offer our wide range of talents and capabilities to this vibrant and innovative city," said Gill Peace. "We are eager to be a part of this energetic city's continued growth." Peace is a Lincoln native, was raised in the Randolph neighborhood and earned a Master’s degree in Architecture from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He is serving his second term on the Mayoral appointed Urban Design Committee. Peace Studio Architects projects include: Pinnacle Bank Arena (design leader for the exterior envelope); the Marriott Courtyard Hotel in the Haymarket area; Bread & Cup, Frontier Bank, and the new Bubbles & Blocks Daycare in Glynoaks Plaza. The design firm’s projects can be viewed through its active on social media footprint. October 2014 19 20 October 2014 Renewal Members Remember to do business with LIBA Members! 48 Bowl, Inc. AlarmLink USA Allied Insurance Amigos/Kings Classic Associated Anesthesiologists Barry's Bar & Grill Bayer Family Partnership Baylor, Evnen, Curtiss, Grimit & Witt, LLP Beacon Hills Big Red Self Storage Brewsky's Food and Spirits Brokerage Services Transamerica Buckley & Sitzman CPA Cada Law Cada Law Cameron Townhomes II Capital Humane Society Century Link Champions Fun Center Chase Suite Hotel Claritus, Inc. Compass Financial Resources Crazy Cracker Fireworks L.L.C. Culligan Water of Lincoln Custom Machine & Design da Vinci's da Vinci's da Vinci's da Vinci's da Vinci's Design Associates Doane College Duey's Computer Service EMO Flooring Co. Ernies Travel Adventures Farm Bureau Financial Services Fort Western Stores Frank, Fox & Hoagstrom Financial Group G & M Window Service, LLC G.E. Peterson, Inc Geary Engineering Inc. Glenn's CARSTAR Body Shop GP Customs Great Western Bank Hampton Enterprises, Inc. HBE Becker Meyer Love LLP, CPAs HBE Becker Meyer Love LLP, CPAs Heartland Communications Heritage Builders HiMark Golf Course & Banquets Home Instead Senior Care Home Real Estate Home Real Estate HyVee Image Inflators Indian Center, Inc. Innovations Siding and Windows John Baylor Test Prep Kenl Inn KFOR Radio Krein Real Estate Latsch's, Inc. Liberty First Credit Union Lincoln Education Association Lincoln Glass Inc. Lincoln Industries Lincoln Tool & Design McCord & Burns Law Firm LLP Meininger Fire Protection, Inc. Midland Medical Supply Co. Midlands Mechanical Midwest Door & Hardware, Inc October 2014 Bill Hoppe R.J. Lipert Mike Pollard Jan Moore Scott Tinkham Kevin Duffy Gwen Bayer Stephen S. Gealy Anne McVeigh Danielle Smith Brian Kitten Neal A. Thomas Kyle L. Sitzman Ed Hoffman Linda Jewson Blake Collingsworth Robert A. Downey Bob Obst Jordan Schindlebeck Josh Erikson Richard Zierke David Herbert Brian Luther Pat Egan Dave Harker Mike Schafers Kelly Knudson Kelly Knudson Kelly Knudson Kelly Knudson Kelly Knudson Bruce Bailey Janice Hadfield Susan Rocker Andrew Duey William Richter Ernest R. Scheffert Michael Kastens Steve Wohlfarth Cory Hoagstrom Valarie Parris Greg E Peterson Ron/Ann Geary Allan Hillhouse Robert Peinado Joe Bolubasz Adam Olson Ron Ecklund Kristie Locke Steve Rerucha Gerald Kort Amy Wieseler Monica Kuhns Don Dahlquist Jeff Johnson Jeff Quandt Chris Johnson Clyde Tyndall Tony Nolan John Baylor K.Q. Allen Joy Patten Barb Tyler Mike Decker Angie Schreiner Dan Studer Michael Romberg Scott Miller Rick Wagner Julie Shipman-Burns Christopher Meininger Al Borchardt Gabriel Ronk Dick Selig 2555 S. 48th St. 2431 Fairfield Street P.O. Box 80758 4200 S. 14th St. 6911 Van Dorn, Suite 2 235 N. 9th Street 633 S. 112th St. 1248 O St, Suite 600 5353 N. 27th St, Suite 1 609 Van Dorn St. Ste A 8528 Park Drive 2121 Winthrop Rd. 3901 Normal Blvd, Suite 100 1024 K St. 1024 K St. 9435 Hollow Tree Ct. 2320 Park Blvd. 8400 Hollynn Ln. 1555 Yolande Ave. 200 S. 68th Place 4201 Progressive Ave. 7916 Medicine Hat Rd. 7825 Viburnum Dr. 445 N. 66th St. 5020 N. 57th St. 1431 S. 33rd St. 1431 S. 33rd St. 1431 S. 33rd St. 1431 S. 33rd St. 1431 S. 33rd St. 1609 N St. Ste 2 303 N. 52nd St. 3701 O St., Suite B2 4815 S. 14th St, Suite 2 5300 S. 66th St Cr 2455 Pine Lake Road Ste 100 5601 South 56th Street 300 N. 44th St., Ste. 202 2045 South Folsom P.O. Box 457 7800 'O' Street, Suite 100 2051 K St. 8410 Executive Woods Drive 1235 N Street 3400 Plantation Drive, Suite 110 7140 Stephanie Ln P.O. Box 23110 1015 N 11th Street 5950 Van Dervoort Dr, Suite B 8901 Augusta Dr. 8101 S. 15th St, Suite A 7211 S. 27th St. 4919 Union Hill Rd. 6001 Village Dr. 14800 Yankee Hill Rd 1100 Military Rd. 5011 S. 16th St., Ste 9 P.O. Box 30792 10241 E. Old Cheney Rd. 3800 Cornhusker Hwy. 4750 Normal Blvd Ste 3 200 Oak Creek Dr. 501 N. 46th St. 4920 Normal Blvd. 1624 S. 17th St. 600 West E St. 5801 N. 57th Street 251 Capitol Beach Blvd, Suite 20 2521 W. L St, Suite #4 P.O. Box 6037 4817 N. 56th St, Suite 31 5001 Russell Cir. Lincoln, NE 68506 Lincoln, NE 68521 Lincoln, NE 68516 Lincoln, NE 68502 Lincoln, NE 68506 Lincoln, NE 68508 Lincoln, NE 68520 Lincoln, NE 68508 Lincoln, NE 68521 Lincoln, NE 68502 Omaha, NE 68127 Lincoln, NE 68502 Lincoln, NE 68506 Lincoln, NE 68508 Lincoln, NE 68508 Lincoln, NE 68512 Lincoln, NE 68502 Lincoln, NE 68512-9552 Lincoln, NE 68521 Lincoln, NE 68510 Lincoln, NE 68504 Lincoln, NE 68505 Lincoln, NE 68516 Lincoln, NE 68505 Lincoln, NE 68507 Lincoln, NE 68506 Lincoln, NE 68506 Lincoln, NE 68506 Lincoln, NE 68506 Lincoln, NE 68506 Lincoln, NE 68508 Lincoln, NE 68504 Lincoln, NE 68510 Lincoln, NE 68512 Lincoln, NE 68516 Lincoln, NE 68512 Lincoln, NE 68516 Lincoln, NE 68503 Lincoln, NE 68522 Denton, NE 68339 Lincoln, NE 68510 Lincoln, NE 68510 Lincoln, NE 68512 Lincoln, NE 68508 Lincoln, NE 68516 Lincoln, NE 68516 Lincoln, NE 68542-3110 David City, NE 68632 Lincoln, NE 68516 Lincoln, NE 68526 Lincoln, NE 68512 Lincoln, NE 68512 Lincoln, NE 68516 Lincoln, NE 68516 Bennet, NE 68317 Lincoln, NE 68508 Lincoln, NE 68512 Lincoln, NE 68502 Lincoln, NE 68526 Lincoln, NE 68504 Lincoln, NE 68506 Lincoln, NE 68528 Lincoln, NE 68503 Lincoln, NE 68506 Lincoln, NE 68502 Lincoln, NE 68522 Lincoln, NE 68507 Lincoln, NE 68528 Lincoln, NE 68522 Lincoln, NE 68506 Lincoln, NE 68504 Lincoln, NE 68507 402-483-7763 402-483-1479 402-419-7777 402-488-8500 402-484-4452 402-476-6511 730-0634 402-475-1075 402-476-5300 217-5381 402-323-8800 402-483-4138 402-484-7676 402-477-2233 402-477-2233 730-5838 402-441-4482 402-560-7711 402-434-7066 402-483-4900 402-421-2323 402-467-0531 202-9370 402-476-3351 402-464-9595 402-475-1111 402-475-1111 402-475-1111 402-475-1111 402-475-1111 402-474-3000 402-466-4774 402-475-3839 402-420-2323 402-419-1655 402-420-7453 402-620-3678 402-423-7505 402-477-1337 402-432-4461 402-489-7627 402-475-8441 402-421-0888 402-473-6392 402-489-8858 402-423-4343 402-423-4343 402-483-4000 402-421-3333 402-488-7888 402-423-8119 402-429-5342 402-432-0756 402-421-2462 402-499-2379 402-438-5231 402-423-8831 402-475-7737 402-488-8190 402-466-1234 402-432-8381 402-323-7222 402-465-1000 402-489-7500 402-475-6785 402-475-3671 402-464-2166 402-474-2736 402-466-2616 402-423-8877 402-466-2772 402-464-6348 21 Renewal Members Continued Mutual of Omaha - Troske Financial Group National Pharmacy National Research Corporation NATS Detasseling, Inc. Nebraska Republican Party Nebraska Safety Council NeighborWorks Lincoln New Traditions Home & Realty New Ventures Olsson Associates Parkway Lanes Pavers Inc. Pharmacy Solutions Pinnacle Bank Pioneers 66 Inc. Prairie Shoulder, Elbow & Hand Center, PC Prairie Wealth Advisors, Inc PRIMESITES, LLC Progressive Electric Quick Nick's Snappy Lube RE/MAX Real Estate Concepts Roper & Sons Funeral Home Rustad Dermatology, PC Sadoff Iron & Metal of Nebraska Senior Benefit Strategies Speedway Motors Speidell Body Works Stonybrook Homes The Bridge Behavioral Health The Harry A. Koch Co The Lexington Assisted Living Center The Philip M. Young Company Tiger Rock Academy Triumph Home Health Supplies Tuffy Auto Service Center Two Men And A Truck U.S. Property Underfoot, Inc. Union Agency Union Bank Voice News Waddell & Reed Wagey Drug Walker Tire / Quick Nick's Service Centers West Gate Bank West Gate Bank West Gate Bank Western National Bank Whitehead Oil Company Williams Cleaners, Inc. Willmar Electric Service Wolf Professional Realty, PC Woods Bros Realty Woods Bros Realty - Country Club Woods Bros. Realty Woods Bros. Realty World of Green, Inc Wright's Jewelers Inc. Yankee Hill Country Club & Banquet Facility 22 Dana Troske Lyndon Leitner Kevin Karas Dawn Buell Bud Synhorst Laurie Klosterboer Michael A. Renken Lea Barker Doug Nelson John Olsson Earl Kaup Jim Buel Lyndell White Mark Hesser David Royal Patrick T. Hurlbut, MD Craig D Hundt Sr. Jeff L. Luthy Michael Klockenga Nick Vuko, Jr Mike & Polly Figueroa Jodi Finch Elliott Rustad Steve Napoleone Bob Grundman Betsy Branscombe Todd Speidell Troy Karsting Phil Tegeler Mike Gray Sara Engelhaupt Phil Young Jeff Dousharm Joe Frey Rick Hein Jason Christenson Monte Froehlich Kayla Bates Dickinson Chris Smith Jan Sheridan Linda Bryant Nolan Rathe Gary Rihanek Nick Vuko Jordan Moehlenhoff Brock Shelton Emily Martin George Dallen Mark Whitehead Linda Hubka David Winter Dave Chapin Scott Wolf Arla Meyer Thane Jensen Jon Rademacher Debra Wagner Larry Burklund Thomas Wright Amy Wieseler Mary Jo Bousek David J. Shively Sheryl Snyder Chad Wright, Jr Drew Miller Larry Hudkins, County Commissioner Andy Stebbing Todd W. Hohlen DDS Nancy Loftis Morgan Mardock Jack Schneider D.D.S. Craig Urbauer Faith White Bernie Heier John Spatz Judy Halstead 6940 O St, Suite 314 3306 A St. 1245 Q St. Ste 100 900 Twin Ridge Road 1610 N Street 3243 Cornhusker Hwy, Suite A10 2240 Q St. PO Box 22787 6031 S. 58th St., Ste C 1111 Lincoln Mall 2555 S. 48th St. 12303 Hwy 6 5750 Hidcote Drive 18081 Burt Street 4235 S. 48th Street 1730 S. 70th St, Suite 100 5960 Vandervoort Dr, Suite 100 5631 S. 48th St, #280 3420 N. 35th Cir. 830 M St., Ste 2 7031 S. 33rd Street 4300 O Street 1919 S. 40th St., Ste. 330 5020 NW 39th St 7412 Karl Dr. P.O. Box 81906 4900 Rentworth Dr, Suite 6 8159 Windmill Drive 721 K St. 233 S 13, Suite 1650 5550 Pioneers Boulevard 233 S. 13th St, Suite 800-F 5900 S. 85th St., Suite 100 3233 Cornhusker Hwy., Ste. A 1525 Pine Lake Rd. 6400 Cornhusker Hwy. #225 129 N. 10th St 360 Bruce Drive 4719 Prescott Ave P.O. Box 82535 P.O. Box 148 1001 S. 70th St., Ste 201 800 N. 27th St. 5535 Arbor Rd PO Box 82603 P.O. Box 82603 2037 S. 17th St 401 Main Street 2537 Randolph 2541 N. 48th St. 1441 Adams St. 5220 S. 48th Street, Suite 1 7141 "A" Street 3737 S. 27th St 7141 A Street 7141 A St. 6030 S. 57th St, Suite A 4101 Pioneer Woods Dr, Suite 100 7600 San Mateo Ln 2001 S. 24th St. 6401 Boxelder Dr. P.O. Box 4555 451 Glenhaven Dr. 4000 S 56th St., Apt. 117B 555 So. 10th St 6211 A Street 6825 S. 27th St., Ste 203 5533 S. 27th St., Ste 203 3711 Faulkner Drive #308 5310 S. 56th St, Suite 3 4700 Hawthorne Drive 4940 S. 48th Street 3901 Firethorn Court 1505 Moreland Ct. 7633 Bobcat Cr Lincoln, NE 68510 Lincoln, NE 68510 Lincoln, NE 68508 Lincoln, NE 68510 Lincoln, NE 68508 Lincoln, NE 68504 Lincoln, NE 68503 Lincoln, NE 68542 Lincoln, NE 68516 Lincoln, NE 68501 Lincoln, NE 68506 Waverly, NE 68462 Lincoln, NE 68516 Omaha, NE 68022 Lincoln, NE 68506 Lincoln, NE 68506 Lincoln, NE 68516 Lincoln, NE 68516 Lincoln, NE 68504 Lincoln, NE 68508 Lincoln, NE 68516 Lincoln, NE 68510 Lincoln, NE 68506 Lincoln, NE 68524 Lincoln, NE 68516 Lincoln, NE 68501 Lincoln, NE 68516 Lincoln, NE 68507 Lincoln, NE 68508 Lincoln, NE 68508 Lincoln, NE 68506 Lincoln, NE 68508 Lincoln, NE 68526 Lincoln, NE 68504 Lincoln, NE 68512 Lincoln, NE 68507 Lincoln, NE 68508-3666 Lincoln, NE 68510 Lincoln, NE 68506 Lincoln, NE 68501 Hickman, NE 68372 Lincoln, NE 68510 Lincoln, NE 68503 Lincoln, NE 68514 Lincoln, NE 68501 Lincoln, NE 68501-2603 Lincoln, NE 68502 Summerfield, KS 66541 Lincoln, NE 68510 Lincoln, NE 68504 Lincoln, NE 68521 Lincoln, NE 68516 Lincoln, NE 68516 Lincoln, NE 68502 Lincoln, NE 68510 Lincoln, NE 68510 Lincoln, NE 68506 Lincoln, NE 68506 Lincoln, NE 68516 Lincoln, NE 68502 Lincoln, NE 68503 Lincoln, NE 68504 Lincoln, NE 68505 Lincoln, NE 68506 Lincoln, NE 68508 Lincoln, NE 68510 Lincoln, NE 68512 Lincoln, NE 68512 Lincoln, NE 68516 Lincoln, NE 68516 Lincoln, NE 68516 Lincoln, NE 68516 Lincoln, NE 68520 Lincoln, NE 68521 Lincoln, NE 68523 402-465-5888 Ext. 222 402-476-6231 402-475-2525 327-8743 402-475-2122 402-483-2511 402-477-7181 402-432-9784 402-420-0088 402-458-5631 402-483-7763 786-5900 402-486-3383 402-697-5954 402-488-5115 402-489-4700 402-488-4477 402-441-4085 402-466-4222 402-742-6873 314--5609 402-476-1225 402-484-6222 402-470-2510 402-489-9171 323-3253 402-423-3038 402-610-6587 402-477-3951 402-323-3710 402-486-4400 402-475-7445 402-483-1011 402-434-5080 402-421-1900 402-466-4669 402-875-9100 402-483-1502 402-483-4527 402-323-1519 792-2255 402-710-2975 402-476-3341 402-476-3388 402434-7810 323-8902 402-323-8916 785-244-6211 402-435-3509 402-464-7447 402-464-1877 402-499-0925 402-450-4241 402-450-2004 402-434-3800 402-440-1314 402-441-4321 402-474-0774 402-421-1700 402-475-1449 402-441-7311 402-434-5426 402-408-9798 402-432-0800 796-2254 540-3057 402-261-5213 402-476-1111 402-805-2600 402-423-2900 703-677-2060 730-2843 402-483-6070 402-440-2496 402-420-1730 October 2014 NEW MEMBER PROFILE CREATING A TRUE HUSKER GAME DAY EXPERIENCE Blur Parties is continually evolving to bring new elements to the hospitality tailgate experience! Whether private or public tailgates, corporate groups or individual fan, creating high energy events that bring the true spirit of the Husker game day experience is their goal. Beyond the home games, Blur Parties will be heading to Chicago in October to host their second public tailgate prior to the Nebraska @ Northwestern game, steps from Ryan’s Field. Since its inception, Blur Parties has expanded beyond the Huskers to include annual CWS hospitality tailgates and a wine festival called Toast Nebraska. If you want to experience a Blur Parties event or have them create a private event, contact Stacy Leners at 402-882-2448 or HR MANAGEMENT AND PAYROLL SOLUTIONS Complete Payroll Processing Services Small and medium size businesses and not-for-profits Dennis H. Stelzer October 2014 474 -1740 23 Lincoln Independent Business Association 620 North 48th Street, #205 Lincoln, NE 68504 (402) 466-3419 FAX: (402) 466-7926 Presort Std. U.S. Postage PAID Cornerstone Address Service Requested October-November MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1314151617 Advisory Committee, Nebraska Club, 11:45 a.m. Youth Committee, LIBA Office, 11:45 a.m. Bizco BizNet and Poker Tournament, Heidelberg's South, 4:30 p.m. 2021222324 LIBA Luncheon, Holiday Inn Downtown, 11:30 a.m. Budget Monitoring Committee, LIBA Office, 7:30 a.m. Public Relations Committee, LIBA Office, 11:45 a.m. 2728293031 Government Caucus, The Steak House, 11:45 a.m. Coffee & Contacts, Farm Bureau, 7:30 a.m. November 3 4567 Membership Committee, LIBA Office, 11:45 a.m. School Liaison, LIBA Office, 11:45 a.m. Legislative Action, LIBA Office, 11:45 a.m. 1011121314 Youth Committee, LIBA Office, 11:45 a.m. Board of Directors, Nebraska Club, 11:30 a.m. Foundation, LIBA Office, 11:45 a.m. Bizco BizNet, TBA, 4:30 p.m. 1718192021 LIBA Luncheon, Holiday Inn Downtown, 11:30 a.m. Advisory Committee, Nebraska Club, 11:45 a.m. Budget Monitoring Committee, LIBA Office, 7:30 a.m. 2425262728 Government Caucus, The Steak House, 11:45 a.m. Public Relations Committee, LIBA Office, 11:45 a.m.
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