C LUB N EWS O CTOBER /N OVEMBER 2014 So be a kid! See Page 13 for details on the Adult Only Halloween Party! Kids Rule On Halloween PGCC Staff Richard Rowell General Manager rrowell@pecangrovecc.com Rick Partain Golf Course Superintendent rpartain@pecangrovecc.com Brian Ward Head Golf Professional bward@pecangrovecc.com Connie Scott Membership Director coscott@pecangrovecc.com Bernadette Perez Catering Director bperez@pecangrovecc.com Denys Moreno Service Director dmoreno@pecangrovecc.com Donna Rivera Controller drivera@pecangrovecc.com Gilbert Rodriguez Clubhouse Maintenance Supvr. Rod Cabato Director of Tennis & Fitness rcabato@pecangrovecc.com Board of Governors: Jimmy Bates, President P AGE 2 Prime Rib Night Friday, October 10th Join us for a season of Make Your Reservation Now! football and tailgating food! Burgers and Brew Friday Night Omelet Bar October 31st & November 21st Live Music Join us in the Grille for our Omelet Bar featuring Made to Order Omelets, Biscuits, Fresh Fruit, Bacon, Sausage and Breakfast Potatoes all for $6.95++ per person. Make Reservations Now!!! Mike Murphy, SMGA Marilyn Ewing, WGA Donnie Streiff, MGA Steve Lutz, Tennis/PGTA Dennis Gregory, at Large Buddy Boone, At Large Gary Cooper, At Large David Rider, Chairman’s Cabinet The Omelet Bar is open every Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Hours Of Operation Food & Beverage Catering Office Business Office Tennis Pro Shop The Grille Tues.—Sat.: 9am—5pm Accounting Fitness Center Tues.—Fri.: 9am—5pm Mon.—Fri.: 5am—9pm Clubhouse 281-342-9940 Fax281-342-9618 Golf Pro Shop Membership Tues.—Sun.: 7am—5:30pm Tues.—Sat.: 9am—5pm Sat.& Sun. 7am—7pm Golf Pro Shop 281-342-9945 Tues.: 11am—3pm Wed. thru Fri: 11am-9pm Sat.: 6:30am—9pm Sun.: 6:30am—5pm Phone Numbers Tennis Pro Shop 281-342-9000 P AGE 3 M EMBERSHIP N EWS ... Welcome New Members! B.R. Naidu Dr. 'AK' & Santosh Aiyer Keith & Shauni Gelfand Alex Hyatt & Morgan Rutledge Larry Tucker & Melissa Turner Terry & Cheryl Pemberton Scott & Katrina Sayes Randy Thornton Thomas & Carrie Cruickshank Keith & Loree Walker Sr. Antonio & Emily Garcia James & Merri Gellispie Greg & Carly Miller Beverly Church Jack Cole Freddy & Amanda Lopez Gary & Natalie Gutierrez Todd & Lisa Richey Dave & Marion BeBee Gerard & Trayce Moore Arthur & Ashley Diestel Charles Aulbach Orlando & Kathy Garcia Troy & Roxanne Simmons John & Lillian De La Cruz Earl Cosma Jako & Elda Fijan Jason Tracey Eugene & Patricia Kettlewell Warren Cates Matt Johnson David Rider Jimmy Bates Mack Almendariz George MacDonough Margaret Constance Brad Desplinter Loree Walker Buddy Boone Lisa Jacobs Grant Qualls Chuong Nguyen Joel Lane Mark & Hanh To Steve Lutz Attention PGPCC Members! Only Sixty-Five Golf Memberships Left to being FULL WITH A WAIT LIST!! Stand in your driveway and look left and right...are your neighbors Club Members?? By referring your friends and neighbors to become a member, you could receive $83 - $379 per membership. Invite them to the Club yourself for a lunch or dinner on us. It would take 5 minutes for you to think of two or even 3 friends. If all three of those friends join as social members you get a $249 club dues credit ($83/member)!! All three join as golf, you get $1.137 sponsor reward ($379/member)!! This is an easy task and all parties will be rewarded! Your friends and neighbors will get a free meal and possibly a Club Membership. If they join you get a new friend at the Club and some free dues credit!! Thank you in advance for being a huge part in this "Phone a Neighbor/Friend Campaign". We truly appreciate your support and thank you for being a member! P AGE 4 Club within the Club News Pecan Grove Mah Jongg YOGA at Your Club with Jill Underhill (National Mah Jongg League Card) Every Tues. & Thurs. Tuesdays 9am—2pm Advanced at 8:30am Lessons Available (832) 595-1791 Less Intense at 9:45am Meets upstairs in the Ballroom Basket Weaving Classes 1st Two Thursdays Each Month If Interested Contact Fay Davis @ (281) 238-4061 No Reservations Required. Any Questions contact jill.h.underhill@gmail. com Fitness Center Hours: Monday - Friday 5am - 9pm Saturday - Sunday 7am - 7pm P AGE 5 G OLF S HOP N EWS Oct 2 – Last Par 3 Party of the Season - 5:30 PM nd Congratulations Oct 3rd - WGA Club Championship – Round 1 Oct 4th - WGA Club Championship – Round 2 Oct 7th - SMGA Playday – 9:00 AM Oct 8th – WGA Playday – 9:00 AM Oct 9th – Complimentary Guest Day Oct 10th – Friday MGA – 1:00 PM Oct 12th - Couples Golf – 1:00 PM Oct. 14th – SMGA Championship – 9:00 AM Oct 15th - WGA Playday – 9:00 AM Oct 16th – SMGA Championship – 9:00 AM Oct 18th – MGA Octoberfest – 9:00 AM Oct 19th – Junior Golf - TBA Oct 21st – SMGA Playday – 9:00 AM Oct. 22nd – WGA Playday – 9:00 AM Oct 25th – 9 Hole Glow Ball Tourn – 7:00 PM Mark James 2014 Men’s Club Championship Nov 2nd – Daylight Savings Time Ends Nov 5th – WGA Playday – 9:00 AM SAVE THE DATE! Nov 6th – SMGA Playday – 9:00 AM Nov 7th – MGA Friday – 12:00 PM Nov 9th - Couples Golf – 1:00 PM Nov 11th – Troy Nehls Fundraiser Nov 12th – WGA Playday – 9:00 AM Nov 13th – SMGA Playday – 9:00 AM GLOW BALL October 25th Nov 15th – Saturday MGA – 9:00 AM Nov 18th – SMGA Playday – 9:00 AM Nov 19th – WGA Playday – 9:00 AM Nov 20th - Complimentary Guest Day Nov 25th – SMGA Playday – 9:00 AM Nov 26th – WGA Playday – 9:00 AM Nov 26th – Golf Shop taking Tee Times for Nov 28th Nov 27th – Thanksgiving – 8:00 Shotgun P AGE 6 SMGA N EWS Fabbro Is Senior Match Play Champ – Again For the second consecutive year, Mark Fabbro captured the SMGA Senior Match Play Championship, defeating Paul Benton (2&1). The final round pitted two tigers of senior match play golf. Fabbro won consecutive titles in 2013 and 2014 while Benton captured match play titles in 2009 and 2011. Making it to the fourth round semifinals in the 2014 match play event were Bart Little and Steve Brown. Making it to the third round quarterfinals were Bill Norris, James Aaron, Joe Bergaila, and Bob Nunnery. The final round of the 2014 Senior Match Play tournament was played the second week of September. The first rounds were played the second week of June. Bower Tops Most Improved List Larry Bower sits atop the Most Improved list for SMGA golfers as of September 2014, edging out Michael Clark, Ron Ness, and Fred Hicks. It is based on improvement of handicap to prior year. At the end of the year, the most improved senior golfer is feted at the annual SMGA awards banquet. Most improved to date are as follows: Larry Bower Improvement 22.58% Michael Clark 21.91% Ron Ness 20.97% Fred Hicks 20.41% Mike Rylander 18.29% Joe Dombrowski 16.16% David Foster 16.08% Mark Fabbro (left) nipped Paul Benton to take the 2014 Senior Match Play Championship Tim Brown, Steve Downey Lead Player Of The Year Points Tim Brown, with 75 points, leads all other SMGA golfers in Player of the Year competition through September 2014. Steve Downey is a close second with 73 points. To date standings are as follows: 1. Tim Brown Points 75 2. Steve Downey 73 3. Bob Ewell 66 4. Fred Hicks 65 5. Clay Anderson 64 6. Jack Grimes 64 7. Tom Holton 62 8. Ike Massey 61 9. Al Jackson 60 P AGE 7 MGA N EWS Well, unfortunately the rain played havoc on this year’s Ryder Cup. The cook off had to be adjusted, the kids movie night and games had to be cancelled, and most importantly, we had to cancel the Golf and Tennis Matches. Fortunately, we have found a date to re-schedule, and I believe, we have found a great alternative to keeping the spirit of the Ryder Cup alive, in playing the tournament on October 18th, and playing the tournament during the OktoberFest Tournament. The OktoberFest Tournament is traditionally one of the more favorite tournaments the MGA has each year. With the scramble format, and the fun course set up, it always seems to be a popular day. We will be sending out info to all the players in the club detailing how the tournament will go. We look forward to playing this tournament during October, and want to express appreciation to everyone involved, playing and volunteering, in understanding the re-scheduling of the events. On a different note, please help us congratulate Mark James for winning this year’s Club Championship. Mark James played two great rounds to win this year, not only battling it out to the final hole against Mark Carrigan, but had to endure a lengthy rain delay on the final day, with only a few holes left to play. A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Mark James, well done!! Finally, the MGA elections are approaching. Any man interested in running for the MGA Board, who is an active member of the MGA can apply. Nominations will start in October, and need to be in by the end of October. If interested, please talk to any member of the MGA Board, or you can e-mail Donnie Streiff at donnie.streiff@conti-na.com. Thank you to all members of the MGA this year. You all helped make 2014 a great year in tournament golf at Pecan Grove Plantation Country Club. We look forward to finishing out this great year, and doing all over again in 2015! Donnie Streiff WGA N EWS P AGE 8 2014 Member – Guest The WGA held their annual Member-Guest September 10th with a Step Back Scramble and Western Theme followed by an awards luncheon. The winners were: 1st Place First Flight with a 7 hole scorecard playoff – Maria Chaffardet, Dewi Ammerman, Anita Morales and Veronica Silva. 2nd Place First Flight winners were Lee Stone, Sharon Schlauch, Jeanne Vondearu and Debra Rylander. 1st Place Second Flight and Best Dressed Team were Julie Huber, Louise Walton, Lori Griffith and Tania MacLean 2nd Place Second Flight winners were Beverly Lindquist, Nancy Lemke, Kim Hood and Karen Valikonis. Closest to the Pin Member – Cathy Lutz Closest to the Pin Guest – Michele Hurlbut Straightest Drive Member – Nancy Stevens Straightest Drive Guest – Michele Hurlbut WGA News (Cont’d) P AGE 9 MY MYRTLE BEACH EXPERIENCE Deborah Massey The Myrtle Beach World Amateur Handicap Tournament was held this year August 25-29. Over 3,400 golfers from 48 states and over 40 countries world-wide participated on 59 golf courses in North and South Carolina. This was the 31st year of the tournament. The event boasts the world’s largest 19th hole at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center where players and guests convene at each day’s end. Walking around, enjoying the food and drink, it’s difficult not to run into someone you know to either commiserate with how a particular hole was played, share a “high five” for successfully negotiating 18 holes or winning your flight for that day. This was the fourth consecutive year for me and husband, Ike, to compete in the event. We were introduced to the World Amateur Handicap Tournament by Roger and Linda Fuller in 2010. At that time, Roger had participated every year since the event had begun in 1984 and he and 12 other fellow-competitors were honored in 2013 for competing 30 consecutive years in the event. The experience is unforgettable. Ranging from the courses to the food to the camaraderie, it’s almost impossible not to return from the event with a story or two. Left to right, Deborah Massey, Ike Massey, Linda Fuller and Roger Fuller at the 2013 Myrtle Beach World Amateur Handicap Tournament Ike has played on some interesting courses. One boasting a 700 yard par 6 hole in which part of the course is in North Carolina while the other part is in South Carolina. The two states have different liquor laws so the cart girls must know in which state they are while driving the course. It’s the people I meet that make it special for me. I played with a young lady this year from South Africa who is a chef on a private yacht. I met two ladies last year from Montreal with whom I have kept in touch throughout the year. I have met a veterinarian surgeon, retired postal carrier, former psychologist, mail fraud investigator, international mediator, and Wall Street analyst. From all walks of life, it would be difficult not to find out something very interesting each day about your fellow-competitors. To determine the winner of the World Amateur Handicap Tournament, you have to win your flight (net). There are approximately 50 competitors in each flight and between 65-75 flights. The net winner of each flight then competes on Friday for the championship title. So, to win this event is a pretty impressive accomplishment. What else is impressive, and perhaps a little known fact, is that Pecan Grove Plantation Country Club can brag of not one, but two, World Amateur Handicap Tournament Champions - Jerry Berghauser, a former PGPCC member, won it in 1996 and Linda Fuller won it in 2009. WGA News (Cont’d) 2015 Nominating Committee Marilyn Terrell – Chair Page 10 Things Happening in October! Welcome our Newest Member Diana Gorsha Chris Bergaila Cathy O’Leary Norma Prine Bili Shelburn Contact one of these members if you are interested in serving on the 2015 Board or Advisory Committee PGTA News We held our Member Guest tournament September 6th and had a good Men’s turnout of 9 teams. Consolation winner was Dan Schenck and his guest Branden Mei, runner up was Bob Howe and his guest Blake Lannom and our 2014 winner was Ron Gerhards and his guest Ben Farmer. We will play Ryder Cup Tennis on October 18th and are expecting to have a very competitive event! Please contact Steve Lutz if you would like to play. Singles Championships are scheduled for November 1st. Please sign up for this event. Dee Casserly is coordinating the annual Dinner Dance this year. More to come on this shortly. It’s time again to fill our Board positions for 2015. Please consider participating on the Board next year, we have 4 positions – President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary and supporting positions of Tournament Chairperson, Socials Chairperson, Communications Chairperson. These positions don’t take much time and make a big difference in coordinating tennis for everyone! See you on the Courts Steve Lutz October 3 & 4th –WGA Championship October 6th – Rally for the Cure P AGE 11 T ENNIS , F ITNESS & P OOL N EWS Twenty–six (26) years in the Fitness Industry, PFIT & AFFAA certified. Boot Camp training, TRX suspension training, body sculpting, circuit training & sports training. Gift Cards galore available 713-875-0755 for stocking stuffers HASTY FITNESS BOOT CAMP GOING ON NOW!!! Monday & Wed @ 5:15 a.m. or 6:00 p.m. AND Tuesday & Thursday @ 9:30 a.m. ONLY $150.00 - 2x a week (6 Week Sessions) It’s a great chance to jump start your health and reach your own personal goals! Contact Patty Crawford Hasty Fitness Introduces Anna Alvarado, Licensed Massage Therapist Introductory Special of $50.00 Call for appt: 832-419-7873 at 713-875-0755 for sign up ASAP! Dear Tennis Members, Well the League Season is now in “Full Swing” and all teams are doing well. We don't have specifics on each team, but I will say, from what Rod and I have seen, all ladies are looking good. We started a “C” team this season and the team is full. Though their name is “Nutzy Ladies”, don't let that fool you. They are the most incredible group of lovely ladies...and a fun, fun group to be around. If you all have not met any of them, please take a moment to introduce yourself. Let’s all help them to feel welcome to League Play!! If any of you are cooks, please feel free to “Steal” some herbs and peppers that are planted on the other side of the “bar” area at the courts. There is Basil, Rosemary, Fig Trees (just little sprouts), peppers of all types, Chives and Olives. Please do not eat an olive right off the tree as they have to be brined first. I found that out the hard way! I can plant flowers and herbs but that sure does not qualify me to know anything about them. Anyway, I have bought and planted those for the members’ enjoyment. Take all you want. If you want anything specific, please let me know and I will have it planted the next day. Rod & I are still running our junior drills from 5:30 to 6:30 on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. If you have a child who wants to start playing tennis or one who has played some and is interested in improving his game, please bring him/her out. We split the kids up by ability level, so each player gets the attention and drills best suited to his/her ability. If you have any ideas that would better our tennis arena, please speak up. We are trying to make this club more attractive to members and future members alike. We want to hear your ideas. Don’t be shy or just share ideas with your buddies. That doesn't help us improve. Thanks. Good Luck to all League Players. Show those other teams how good we are. Until next time, keep that racquet swinging…….Rod and Lisa P AGE 12 Friday November 14th 7-9pm Come have a great night with the girlseat, drink, and paint! $45++ per person Includes Instruction and supplies, 2 glasses of wine, and light hors d’oeuvres. Reservations Required RSVP Now– Space is Limited– 281.342.9940 Painting of the Night P AGE 13 6pm-9pm Wednesday, October 22, Movie Friday, November 28th Movies Kids Movie Night is $7++ per child, which includes a kid’s dinner, popcorn, and lemonade. Dining Specials Downstairs for Adults. Extra Fees added for Late Pick Up. P AGE 14 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 2 Pot Of Gold Night 5 6 Omelet Bar Course & Clubhouse Closed Game Day Tailgate 12 Omelet Bar Couples Golf 1:00 pm 13 Course & Clubhouse Closed Omelet Bar Game Day Tailgate Course & Clubhouse Closed Jr. Golf TBA 26 Game Day Tailgate 8:00 am Mammosafe Screening Course & Clubhouse Closed WGA 9:00am 15 Pasta Night WGA Club Par 3 Party-5:30pm Championship End of Season Party Rnd 1 Yoga: 8:30/9:45am 21 Mah Jongg SMGA 9:00am WGA Club Championship Rnd 2 2 for $39 Dinner Special Omelet Bar Pasta Night Life Line Screening Prime Rib Night 22 Pot Of Gold Night Pasta Night 23 Yoga: 8:30/9:45am MGA Octoberfest 9:00 am Fresh Catch Ladies Night Out 29 30 Kids Pot Of Gold Night WGA 9:00am Boo Bash 6-8pm Pasta Night 2 for $39 Dinner Special 25 Omelet 24 Bar 9 Hole Glow Ball Kids Movie Pasta Night Night WGA 9:00am Dinner Special Bar Champion Rd 2 WGA 9:00am 2 for $39 18 Omelet 17 SMGA 9:00 am Mah Jongg Yoga 8:30/9:45am 4 Omelet Bar 11 Pot Of Gold Member Mixer Night Yoga 8:30/9:45am 28 10 Comp Guest Day 16 Yoga: 8:30 /9:45 am SMGA 9:00am 27 Omelet Bar 14 Fajitas & Ritas Sat MGA 1:00 pm Mah Jongg SMGA 9:00am Championship Rd 1 20 Night Yoga: 8:30 /9:45 am Fri 3 8 Pot Of Gold 9 SMGA 9:00am Game Day Tailgate 19 7 Thu Adult Halloween Party 31 Burgers and Brew 2 for $39 Dinner Special P AGE 15 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Omelet Bar 2 for $39 Dinner Special 2 Daylight Savings Time ends Omelet Bar Game Day Tailgate Omelet Bar 9 Game Day Tailgate 3 4 Course & Clubhouse Closed 10 Course & Clubhouse Closed Game Day Tailgate 23Omelet Bar Game Day Tailgate 30 Mah Jongg 6 Pot Of Gold Night 17 Course & Clubhouse Closed Course & Clubhouse Closed 7 Wine Sale Steak Night WGA 9:00am SMGA 9 am MGA 12:00am 12 Yoga: 13 8:30/9:45am 14 8Omelet Bar Jr. Clinic 12 Noon 2 for $39 11 Yoga: 8:30 /9:45 am Corks & Canvas Pot Of Gold Mah Jongg SMGA 9:00am 18 19 20 Mah Jongg 25 Yoga: 8:30 /9:45 am Pot Of Gold Pot Of Gold Night Yoga: 8:30/9:45am Pasta Night WGA 9:00am Comp Guest Day 26 27 8:00 am Shotun Pot Of Gold Mah Jongg SMGA 9:00am 15 Omelet Bar Pasta Night WGA 9:00am Yoga: 8:30 /9:45 am Dinner Special Saturday MGA 9 am Fundraiser SMGA 9:00am 24 Yoga: 8:30/9:45a Pasta Night Troy Nehles Couples Golf 1 pm 16 Omelet Bar Yoga: 8:30 /9:45 am 5 Thanksgiving Buffet WGA 9:00am 2 for $39 Dinner Special 22 Omelet 21 Bar Burgers & Brew Early Bird Specials 2 for $39 Dinner Special 29 28 Left Over Omelet Bar Friday Kids Movie Night 2 for $39 Dinner Special P P AGE 16
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