Welcome to OCTOBER 12, 2014 Pastor Kenneth and Lynette Hagin RhemaBibleChurch.com fb.com/rhemabiblechurch @rhemabible @rhemabible Speakers: 2014 NOV. 6–8 Kenneth W. Hagin, Craig W. Hagin, Dale C. Bronner & Andy Thompson Cost: 60 $ Men, it’s time for us to walk in the victory God has already provided. Join us for amazing services and workshops that will help you conquer in every area of your life. Let’s live a life of victory! Attention Ladies: Luncheon Volunteers Needed Register Today! Ladies, let’s be a blessing to the men of our church. Thirty volunteers are needed to assist with lunch on the above day. Please sign up in the North Lobby. Note: No confirmation calls will be made. If you sign up, please be at the NRC at the appropriate time. Sign up at the North Lobby Information Booth or at the kiosks in the North, West, and East lobbies. Or register online at rhema.org/cta. We can’t wait to see you there! Special Water Baptism Service Sunday, October 26 During Morning Service Interested in being baptized in water? Just stop by the North Lobby to sign up and pick up your Water Baptism Instruction Sheet. Note: Baptism participants must be 9 years of age or older. Friday, November 7 10:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. NRC Harvest Carnival Friday, October 31, 6:00–9:00 p.m. NRC Harvest Carnival is a western-themed children’s party that offers a safe, action-packed, candyfilled alternative to traditional Halloween events. Open to all children of Rhema Bible Church and the community, the carnival features 80 game booths and 5,000 pounds of candy! It’s not only fun, it’s free! So gather all the kiddos you know and come ready to enjoy all the treats without the tricks. See inside for details on how you can get involved! We-Care Items of the Week › Peanut Butter & Jelly Swirl › Ritz or Saltine Crackers › Canned Mixed Vegetables › Boxed Meals › Cereal › Applesauce Cups › Canned Chili › Body Wash › Towel Sets › New Blankets In order to help more families in our community, regular-sized food products (rather than wholesale club sized products) are best. Please—no expired food items. Also, We-Care only accepts clothing and household items that are laundered and in clean bags or on hangers. Thank you! Pray for RBC Members Deployed Overseas Airman Alohi Torres—Navy (Japan) Senior Airman Joshua Adams—Air Force (Undisclosed Location) PFC Gabriel Ayele—USMC (Korea) LTJG Lucas Spinazzola—Navy (Japan) Know an RBC member deployed overseas? Pick up a Prayer Deployment Information Sheet in the North Lobby. Attention: ORU Students On Sunday mornings, a Rhema Bible Church van will pick up students at 8:30 a.m. in front of the Security Office at the Hamill Student Center. The van will return to ORU immediately following the morning service. Launch Your Guide to All Things Rhema Bible Church Our newest edition is now available! Stop by the kiosks located in each lobby and pick up yours today. A Halloween Alternative Needed: 5,000 Pounds of Candy Amount Collected: 779 lbs. Harvest Carnival will be here before we know it, and kids LOVE candy! That’s why we need your help! Just bring in individually-wrapped, commercially-packaged candy and drop it off in the East or West Lobby. Or if you’d like us to shop for you, just write “candy” on the Other line of your offering envelope. Thank you for helping with this exciting outreach! Volunteer! Come and be a part of all the Harvest Carnival fun! Sign up in the Resource Room (located off the East Lobby) to work a booth, concessions, or other areas. Then attend the mandatory volunteer meeting on Sunday, October 26, at 6:00 p.m. in the RCA Chapel. Thanks for being a part! Traffic Team We’re looking for 30 volunteers to join the Harvest Carnival traffic team and help us keep the parking lot running smoothly! Get info about volunteer times and sign up to help in the North Lobby. THE Isaiah Project “ ‘Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.’ ” // Isaiah 54:2 (NIV) Construction is well underway for our new multipurpose building. It’s going to be a place where groups of all kinds can get together to hear the Word or just hang out and fellowship. We believe this building will help us reach people from every generation—youth and adults of all ages. But we can’t finish it without you! Will you be a part? It’s easy! Stop by the North Lobby or visit RhemaBibleChurch.com today! Student Ministries Synergy Children’s Ministry (Nursery–4th Grade)—All Services JV Youth (5th–7th Grade)—All Services Varsity Youth (8th–12th Grade)—Sun. & Wed., 7:00 p.m. School of the Bible is available for all ages. Tuesday, October 14 7:00 p.m. RMA JV Iron Gate Outreach Keep Up With Synergy! JV Youth is partnering with Iron Gate, an organization that allows kids to help kids. Each week (through Wednesday, October 22), we will take up a special offering. With the money we raise, we’ll buy food. (Just $5 will feed a child a hot meal.) And on Saturday, October 25, we’ll help pack it up and mail it to children in need. Be a part! JV Lock-In Friday, October 17–Saturday, October 18 6:00 p.m.–7:00 a.m. JV Youth Building & NRC Cost: $25 Bring a friend and join us for games, skating, inflatables, dodge ball, and much more! Sign up by Wednesday, October 15. Varsity Fall Retreat Return: Sunday, October 12 6:00 p.m. Varsity Auditorium Varsity October Series Ghost Stories Wednesday Nights We’ll be talking about the miracles and works of the Holy Ghost! Don’t miss it. Varsity Gym Night Sunday, October 12 7:00 p.m. NRC Varsity Paintball Wars Saturday, October 25 10:30 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Cost: $15 Sign up and pay by Wednesday, October 22. Don’t Miss an Event! Varsity Youth Rhema / JV Youth @VarsityYouth / @JVYouth Next Service SYNERGYatRhema @Synergy_RHEMA @rhemasynergy Sports Fall Break Skating Thursday, October 16 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. NRC Skating Rink Cost: $5 RBTC Blue and White Game Saturday, October 18 Lady Eagles: 6:00 p.m. Eagles: 8:00 p.m. Employment Opportunities To learn more about the positions below or to apply, visit rhema.org/employment. Job descriptions and applications are also available in the Administration Building Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m. › Full-Time Groundskeeper* › Full-Time Cashier* › Full-Time Writer* › Full-Time Mechanic › Full-Time Setup Crew Member* › Full-Time Media Duplication Department Clerk* › Full-Time Software Developer › Full-Time Web Developer › Full-Time IT System Administrator › Full-Time Housekeeper* › Full-Time NRC Kitchen Helper* *Will not work with RBTC student schedule Ministry Opportunities Join a Rhema Bible Church Prayer Group! Orientation Wednesday, October 15, 11:30 a.m. or Sunday, October 19, 6:00 p.m. Prayer and Healing Center Auditorium Want to learn how to pray effectively with others and pray out the plan of God for these last days? Attend (only) one of the above orientation classes and choose the prayer group that’s right for you. Each group meets once a week. Teens 16 and older may also join a group. Note: If you recently went through the prayer group curriculum classes, you do not need to attend this meeting. Just call the Prayer and Healing Center at (918) 258-1588, ext. 2980. Prayer Line Ministry Help us bless those who call into the prayer lines! The Prayer and Healing Center has a Thursday morning opening for a telephone prayer partner. You must be a member of Rhema Bible Church to volunteer. We will train you! Pick up your application in the North Lobby. Or stop by the Prayer and Healing Center Monday–Friday, 8:15 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Nursing Home Volunteers Want to gain vital ministry experience and make a difference that will last for eternity? Help us as we minister to local nursing home residents. We need those who can sing, play the piano, teach and preach the Word, or just give someone a hug and a smile. Come on . . . visit the North Lobby and fill out an application today! Van Drivers Needed Be a blessing to our ORU students. We need volunteers to drive the Sunday morning shuttle van to transport students between the university and Rhema Bible Church. You can help whether you drive every week or just once a month. Contact the Church Office for more details. Traffic Team Valet Parking Attendant Help out and bless our senior adults before and after Sunday morning services. Stop by the North Lobby and fill out a volunteer application for the Traffic Team today! Discovery Group Addiction Recovery Program R.O.C.K.—(Rhema Bible Church, Overcoming and Conquering Addictions by Knowing God’s Word) Thursdays, 7:00–9:00 p.m. FAC Doors Open at 6:30 p.m. This program is for all those seriously desiring to overcome addictions and relational dysfunctions in their lives. It is a 12-week, continuous program that one can begin at any time. Because of the nature of the topics, children are not permitted, but we welcome anyone 17 or older. Class leaders are able to sign court-order papers and provide documentation of attendance if needed. The Scripture-inspired, faith-based curriculums “Milestones” and “Boundaries” are used. * Remember to check in at Rhema Bible Church on Facebook. Or tweet and let your followers know you’re @rhemabible. Date Night (Married 40 & Under) L.I.N.K. Teams Siegi’s & Starbucks Saturday, October 18, 6:30 p.m. 2nd Sunday Lunch Bunch RSVP Christian: cdamron@rhema.org Spaghetti Lunch Sunday, October 12, Noon Rhema Student Housing Clubhouse Bring a side and drink to share. Email Leanne: lboone622@yahoo.com Photography Step & A2J (Stomp—Ages 13–30) Team Practice & Recruitment Sunday, October 19, 4:30 p.m. We will start beginner steps and hold tryouts. Email Kalon: steplinkteam@gmail.com Thursday, October 16, 7:00 p.m. NRC Skating Rink Stay-at-Home Moms Carmichael’s Pumpkin Patch Wednesday, October 22, 9:30 a.m. 171st & Mingo in Bixby Email Phil: panglin@rhema.org Music Composers Friday, October 17, 7:00 p.m. The Tabor’s House Meet at the main entrance. Email Bethany: michaelbethanycowan@yahoo.com Email Karla: composerslinkteam@yahoo.com Pinterest, Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking Rhema Tread (Running) Saturday, October 18, 7:00 a.m. Turkey Mountain Parking Lot (71st & Elgin) Email Tom: tomdogsteam@att.net Aviation Food & Fellowship Saturday, October 18, 7:00 a.m. Burke’s Kenosha Cafe Cost: $7–$10 for Food Friday, October 24, 7:00 p.m. FAC Bring your current project and a snack to share. Invite someone new to join us! Email Candy or Jennifer: scrapbookjunkieslink@hotmail.com School of the Bible Singles 28–35—SDC 2, Room 213 Email Greg or Christi: rbc.aviation.link@gmail.com First-Class Breakfast Club Fellowship Sunday, October 19 Date Night (Married 40 & Over) Broken Arrow Scavenger Hunt & Dinner Saturday, October 18, 3:00 p.m. Meet in NRC Parking Lot Singles 36–55—SDC 2, Room 203 Saturday, October 18, 3:30 p.m. Panera Bread (Aspen & Detroit) Book: Skid by Rene Gutteridge Lunch at Goldie’s Sunday, October 12 Following Morning Service Southwest Corner of 91st & Elm Lunch at Olive Garden Sunday, October 26 Off Kenosha in Broken Arrow Email Mary: rbcfictionfunctionlink@gmail.com Marrieds 30–39—SDC 2, Room 201 RSVP by Wednesday, October 15. Email: datenight40link@gmail.com Fiction Function (Ladies’ Book Club) In-Class Breakfast Sunday, October 19 Sunday—10:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. n Wednesday—7:00 p.m. School of the Bible classes meet Sunday at 9:00 a.m. and are available for all ages. Church Office: (918) 258-1588, ext. 2314 n Emergency Number: (918) 607-1289
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