Voice of the Volcanoes L

Voice of the
From the Principal’s Desk
Jeff James, Principal
competence is the gradual release
ast month I provided a of control from the teacher to the
brief overview of the 7 C’s of resil- student through of the “I do, we
iency and how they can help build do, you do” model. The teacher
healthy habits in our children.
introduces new content to the
This month we are focusing upon
class. Then the teacher works
Competence: When we notice
with the students while they begin
what young people are doing right applying the new material taught.
and give them opportunities to
When the students have demondevelop important
strated the abilskills, they feel
ity to properly
competent. We
make use of this
undermine compenew information
tence when we
or skill, the
don't allow young
teacher then has
In Children and Teens
people to recover
the student work
themselves after a
independently to
demonstrate their competence.
Competence is the ability
This teaching model proor know-how to handle situations
vides support for students and aleffectively. It's not a vague feeling lows them to be successful in an
or hunch that “I can do this.”
academic program, but how can
Competence is acquired through
we help foster competence in
actual experience. Children can’t
other aspects of our children’s
become competent without first
developing a set of skills that alIn thinking about your child’s
lows them to trust their judgcompetence and how to fortify it,
ments, make responsible choices,
ask yourself:
and face difficult situations.
 Do I help my child focus on
Chester Junior/Senior High
his strengths and build on
School is dedicated to developing
competence in our students. We
 Do I notice what he does
focus upon academic competence
well or do I focus on his
in the areas of English, mathematmistakes?
ics, history and the sciences in our
 When I need to point out a
core program. One strategy often
mistake, am I clear and
used in the classroom to foster
(continued on page 2)
H o m e o f t h e V o lc a n o e s
Chester Jr. Sr. High
612 First Street
Chester, CA 96020
Volume 5, Issue 6
October 10, 2014
Upcoming events…
 10/11 Class of
2015 Yard Sale/
 10/13-10/17 Spirit
 10/15 PSAT
 10/17 Homecoming v. Esparto and
Homecoming Parade
 10/18 Homecoming Dance/912/Gym
Class of 2015
Yard Sale
October 11
Ayoobs Parking Lot
Volume 5, Issue 1
Page 2
Let MHSA Hear Your Voice
Laura Kincaid, Student Services Coordinator
In last week’s newsletter there was a link to a
survey being conducted by Mental Health about
the perceived mental health needs in our various
communities. Originally we were given a deadline
of October 10th to have these surveys completed
but that deadline has been extended to October 14th in hopes of
encouraging as much participation
as possible.
The Lake Almanor Basin has just
recently lost our ABC Center and it
seems like our services on this side
of the county are dwindling. I have
heard concern from staff, students,
and parents alike on this issue and
am personally grateful we have this
opportunity to voice the diverse needs in our
community. As Student Services Coordinator, I
see a great need for more services available in
our immediate area, prevention and intervention
efforts, as well as possible transportation to services outside of the Basin for our youth. In order
for Plumas County Mental Health to have accurate data to meet our community’s needs, these
surveys need to be completed in honesty. They
are 100% confidential.
When filling out these surveys it is important to
not only be thinking of ourselves and the children
in our home, but also as a community in whole.
For instance, your child may not have an issue
with depression, but if you know other children in
the community that suffer from depression,
please indicate so on the survey. In the same
regard, your family may not face
the issue of drugs and alcohol, but if
you are aware of other families in
the community that face this issue,
please indicate so. When we are
personally completing this survey
with our entire community in mind,
our entire community will benefit.
I greatly appreciate your time and
participation with this survey and
look forward to informing you next
week of an opportunity to voice your opinions
and suggestions at an upcoming MHSA Forum
here in Chester.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding
completing this survey, or any questions or concerns about services in our community, please
feel free to contact me!
Please click this link to be taken to the confidential MHSA
From the Principal’s Desk
(continued from page 1)
focused or do I communicate that I believe he always messes up?
Do I communicate in a way that empowers my child to make his own decisions or do I undermine his sense of competence by giving him information in ways he can’t grasp? In other
words, do I lecture him or do I facilitate his thinking?
 Do I let him make safe mistakes so he has the opportunity to right himself or do I try to protect
him from every trip and fall?
 As I try to protect him, does my interference mistakenly send the message, “I don’t think you
can handle this?”
For more ideas about the 7 C’s of resilience and how to build competence in children please go to
Page 3
Voice of the Volcanoes
Counselor’s Corner
Carol Bernard, Counselor
HOBY is here –“Leaders are not simply born;
they’re chosen, nurtured, and developed.” This
motto is the foundation for the Hugh O’Brian
Youth Leadership program - the nation’s foremost youth leadership development. Their Programs provide youth with unique leadership
training, and now is the time for your sophomore to apply. We will be conducting interviews to select ONE sophomore to represent Chester Jr/Sr High School at the June 11 leadership camp. If your student is interested in applying, he/she needs to submit a one page letter of interest explaining what leadership means and why he/she should be chosen. This letter is due by Oct. 30th to the counselor. Interviews will be set up and a candidate chosen.
See Mrs. Bernard if you have questions.
Attention 10th and 11th graders – PSAT is Oct. 15. Please sign up outside the counselor’s
office if you’d like to take it. Cost is $14 – make checks payable to PUSD. Spots are limited,
and fees must be paid before the test.
ASVAB – all 11th graders and interested 12th graders will be taking the ASVAB test on
Wednesday Oct. 22nd in the library. We will have a representative on campus a few weeks
after the test to help students understand their scores and align these with possible career
Important Dates:
Oct. 1-Nov. 30 College Application Window (students can work on applications now – be
ready to submit starting Nov 1)
Oct. 15 PSAT test –10th/11th graders (good practice for SAT & 11th could qualify for
MERIT scholarship)
Oct. 22 ASVAB test for ALL 11th graders and any interested 12th graders
Oct. 25 – Chico Preview Day info@csuchico.edu
Nov. 8 SAT test
Dec. 6 SAT deadline is Nov. 6 for regular registration
Dec. 13 ACT deadline is Nov. 7 for regular registration
Check out www.CSUMentor.edu for college applications. This site has information on all
CSU campuses, financial aid options, admission requirements, as well as exploration tools for
all campuses. Juniors should begin looking now….Seniors should be applying now….
Scholarship Information: See Chester High School Counseling for an updated scholarship list. These will be updated weekly, and announcements will still go out in the
weekly newsletter. https://sites.google.com/a/pcoe.k12.ca.us/chs-counselors-corner .
Page 4
Voice of the Volcanoes
The Road to Significance
Michael Josephson Commentary
he most traditional way to measure the
quality of one’s life is to evaluate success by
listing accolades, achievements, and acquisitions. After all, in its simplest terms, success is
getting what we want and
most people want wealth
and status.
Yet, as much pleasure as these attributes can
bring, the rich, powerful, and
famous usually discover that
true happiness will elude
them if they do not have
peace of mind, self-respect,
and enduring loving relationships.
Peace of mind doesn’t preclude ambition or desire for material possessions or high
position, but it assumes a fundamental foundation of contentment, gratitude, and pride — a
belief that whatever one has is enough and an
attitude of active appreciation for the good
things in one’s life.
Feeling successful can generate satisfying emotions of self-worth, but feeling significant — that one’s life really matters – is much
more potent. Peter Drucker, the great management guru, captured this idea when he wrote of
the urge many high achievers have to “move
beyond success to significance.”
The surprise for many is that
one of the surest roads to
significance is service. It
doesn’t have to be of the
Mother Teresa missionary variety. Parents who sacrifice
their own comfort and pleasure for their children are performing service, as are teachers, public-safety professionals, members of the
military, and volunteers who work for the common good.
In addressing graduates, Albert
Schweitzer said, “I don’t know what your destiny
will be, but one thing I do know: The only ones
among you who will be really happy are those
who have sought and found how to serve.”
Have you ever dreamed of traveling to a
foreign country?
Rotary is looking for outbound exchange students
and the deadline is coming up fast
Check out the program at:
Contact Kellie Bainbridge
at 256-3294
Page 5
Voice of the Volcanoes
Jeff James, Principal ext. 102
Cheryl Henry, Secretary ext. 100
Nicole Peterson, Registrar ext. 101
Carol Bernard, Counselor ext. 103
Paul Hardig, Athletic Director ext. 105
C h e st e r Jr . S r . H i g h
Phone: 530-258-2126
Fax: 530-258-2306
E-mail: jjames@pcoe.k12.ca.us
Chester High School Fundraisers
Turn in your Amerigas receipts and they will donate 2¢ per gallon to our Chester High School Student Body.
Buy your CHS script cards at CHS office in $100.00 and $25.00 increments. If you place
your order by email, address it to gpixler@pcoe.k12.ca.us with Holiday Script in the subject line. Make checks payable to CHS ASB. Holiday Script and students will have your
order ready to pick up at the CHS office.
Using your Target Debit REDcard will give you 5% off your purchase and Target will donate 1%
to Chester High School...and you won’t have another credit card to worry about! Free shipping for
orders placed online using your red card. Check online or at your local Target for info.
From cereal to school supplies, look for Box Tops throughout your grocery store! Just clip the
Box Tops and bring them into CHS Office, where they'll be submitted and redeemed for
It is SO easy—sign up online for free, then shop the merchants listed (like Safeway, Sierra Trading Post and online stores like Amazon and iTunes) and a percentage of your purchase will be donated to Chester High.
October/November 2014
Powder Puff
Volleyball @ Mercy
Powder Puff
16 Volleyball @
Girls Soccer v.
v. Esparto
Dance 9-12/Gym
Volleyball v. Los
Girls Soccer @
23 Volleyball @
Redding Christian
Football BYE
Biology Field Trip
Volleyball @ PHS
7/8 Science Field
Volleyball v. Liberty
Volleyball v. GHS
Girls Soccer League
Volleyball v. Mercy
Biology Field Trip
Volleyball @ Los
Girls Soccer @
Picture Retakes
Girls Soccer @
Football @ QHS
Girls Soccer League
Last day 1st quarter
Football v. PHS
Sadie Hawkins
Dance 9-12/Gym