Junior Beta Club Officer Application Special election for Secretary and Treasurer There are five officer positions in our Chapter of the Junior Beta Club: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Historian. Secretary: The secretary should be detail-oriented and willing to keep excellent records of membership along with detailed notes from monthly meetings. These notes will be kept organized in a notebook and returned to the club advisor at the end of the year as a record of activities for the year. This person should also be willing to write thank-you notes to adults and organizations that assist the Beta Club during the term of office. Treasurer: The treasurer will be responsible for reporting the balances in the club account periodically throughout the year. This person will maintain a spreadsheet of expenses and funds collected. The treasurer will also help organize any fundraisers the club does throughout the year. All officers should be willing and able to occasionally meet before or after school to plan club activities. This is usually no more than once a month. Timeline: 1. Applications & recorded speeches completed by October 20 at 3:30 p.m. This is a HARD DEADLINE. Make arrangements with Ms. Cox for a time before or after school to record your speech. (Students may also create a campaign video on their own outside of school, but it still must be submitted to Ms. Cox by October 20.) 2. October 21- Applicants will be notified if they were selected as a candidate. 3. October 23-28- Candidates will run their campaign for office. (See list below for guidelines on the campaign.) 4. October 29- Voting will take place in the cafeteria during lunch. 5. October 30- Winners will be announced. Running your campaign: Each candidate’s campaign speech will be played for students in 7th and 8th grade. Candidates will be allowed to create and post THREE posters around the school. Candidates can speak to fellow Beta members and recruit friends to help campaign for them. You must run a positive campaign. Attacking the other candidates will not be tolerated. Jr. Beta Officer Application 2014-15 Student’s Name: __________________________________________ Phone #: _______________________________ Parent’s Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper in paragraph form, and attach the answers to this application. Answers may be typed or hand-written. Put an X beside the office for which you want to run. __Secretary __Treasurer Please list two teachers who will recommend you. 1. ______________________ 2. ______________________ All applicants must answer these two questions. 1. What officer position are you applying for in Junior Beta Club? Why do you want to hold this position in Beta Club? 2. What qualities do you have which make you the best candidate for the position for which you are applying? Answer this question only if you are applying for the position of Secretary. 3. Since a Secretary is responsible for maintaining records of what has been discussed, what has been decided, and keeping a notebook with all handouts which have been distributed at meetings, what skills do you possess which would ensure that our written records are being accurately maintained, and can be accessed at any time? Answer these questions only if you are applying for the position of Treasurer. 4. The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining records of our club's money. What skills do you possess which would ensure that our written records are being accurately maintained, and can be accessed at any time? 5. List ideas you have for fundraisers for the Beta Club and explain how you would implement your ideas. All applicants: If you are running for office, you must deliver a 1 to 2 minute campaign speech describing who you are, your leadership skills, what makes you the best candidate for the position and what specific ideas you have to make UMS's Jr. Beta club the best in the areas of service, leadership and scholarship. Your speech must be submitted by Monday, October 20. Applications & speeches must be turned in to Ms. Trena Cox by 3:30 pm, Monday, October 20.
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