classified ProPerty Community events ServiCe

TurTLe iSLand newS
i KenTénha / oCTober 8, 2014 i
page 22
C L a S S i F i e d d e a d L i n e i S 1 2 : 0 0 p. m . T u e S d a y T o
P: 519-445-0868
this papeR
F: 519-445-0865
ThanK you
Avon representative Amy
Catherwood. Ph 519-717-4791
pL aCe
CL aSSiFied
houSe For SaLe
Thank you to our families and
friends for joining us in our
wedding celebration. Special
thanks to Family Traditions
Catering, Heavenly Sweets,
Rosewater Crafts, Big Poppa
the D.J. Ivan and Ben, Christina
B. for our traditional wear, Darla
M. for the beaded keepsake
and Cher and Jay for the help
Nya:weh to Hubert Skye. The
wedding party and our flower
girls looked great Nya:weh,
Corey, Corry, Lexie and Dezlin
Large, two-storey house for
sale on corner lot. Five bedrooms, huge kitchen, huge
living room, two bathrooms,
family room, laundry rooms,
garage. Large barn and third
building; could be used for
store. Excellent location for
business or home.
Serious inquiries only.
Call 519-445-0868.
Land For SaLe
19 Acres on Sour Springs Rd. For
more information,please call 905871-4290. Leave a message and
your call will be returned.
Look to Turtle Island
News for all your print
needs call: 519.445.0868
Community events
Call for prices to advertise your community event:
519-445-0868 or e-mail
Veterans Day Ceremony will
be held on October 19,2014 at
12pm at Veterans Park in
Ohsweken, followed by a parade to the Community hall
and luncheon. The organization and sponsor of this special occasion is by the Six
Nation Veterans Association.
Numerous veterans organizations from the area will participate in respect to our veterans
past and present. Many of our
native warriors have served
and given their lives during
world conflicts to maintain
freedom and our way of life. If
you can please come out and
show your support for our
Veterans on this special day.
Leslie R. Carpenter, retired
U.S.A.F. Proud supporter of
the Six Nations Veteran Association.
Community Invitation: the
Six Nations Veterans Association invites the community
to the annual Remembrance
Day parade and service to be
held on Sunday October
19,2014. Family wreath laying will take place in Veterans
Park at 12:25pm. Prior to the
parade If a family member
wishes to lay a wreath, please
call Vera Monture at 905768-1406 by Friday October
17, 2014. The parade to Veterans Park will take place at
12:30 sharp from the Community Hall. The veterans
service takes place at
1:00pm in the park. The Harvard Aircraft flyover and the
Minute Gun Salute will also
take place during the service.
A luncheon will take place at
the Community Hall after the
parade and service. Thank
Food & Bake. Saturday Oct 11,
2014 at the Barn, 2298
Chiefswood Rd. 10am - 2pm
or until sold out. Draws on
Scratch Board 50/50 Turkey
basket filled with all the trimmings. Proceeds to Colton
“Chub” Martin - my lil starving college student. Donnations accepted
Puppies wanted. Looking for
unwanted puppies. Will be
checked by my vet. Call Betty
at 289-260-1519.
Troy Greene is available for
readings. Call 905-768-4479
to book an appointment time.