5th Annual Hospital Management Conference Alberto Sanna Achieve Excellence in Management Practices Director e-Services for Life and Health Scientific Institute San Raffaele Milan, Italy Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Banfi Scientific Director IRCCS Galeazzi Hospital in Milan, Italy John Drew Partner McKinsey & Company, Uk Mag. Dr. Dietmar Ranftler 9th & 10th of October, 2014 Vienna Director of Organizational & Clinical Development KABEG, Austria Dr. Ángel Giménez Managing Director Marina Salud, Spain Dr. Axel Paeger CEO AMEOS Hospital Group, Zurich, Switzerland Hospital management and business processes in hospitals have changed considerably over the past twenty years. Every hospital want to be on top in terms of revenue and quality of care. It is tough enough to get to the top but tougher still to stay there. The primary responsibility for hospitals across the globe is to ensure that patients are treated in the most effective manner and, provide the finest quality care. Meanwhile a healthy competition is driving hospitals to provide quality care at a reasonable cost. Hence the challenge for hospitals is to provide quality care for enhanced patient satisfaction while achieving this at lower costs and higher efficiencies. This conference aim is to analyze strategies which can meet their growth and quality care objectives, and by bringing together a unique group of experts and practitioners to help gain a firm understanding of the current management concepts. Key Conference Topics: • • • • • • EU Regulations & their impact on the healthcare system Hospital benchmarking and process optimization for higher quality and efficiency Finding the balance between quality of services, patient safety and cost reduction Health workforce management Using information technology to help raise productivity and enable change Public Private Partnership for hospitals Partners: Dr. Juraj Gemes Vicepresident F.D. Roosevelt University Hospital, Slovakia Tarmo Martikainen CEO Joint Replacement Hospital Coxa Oy, Finland Dr. Martin Holly Hospital Director Bohnice Psychiatric Hospital, Czech Republic Ast. Prof. Wojciech Plazak, MD, PhD Cardiac and Vascular Department, John Paul II Hospital Jagiellonian University Medical College, Poland Paolo Giordano Secretary General European Union of Private Hospitals (UEHP), Belgium Dr. Erland Lofberg Senior Medical Advisor Stockholm County Council New Karolinska Solna University Hospital, Sweden Peter Ford Senior Vice President, International Product Line Manager Healthcare Allied World Assurance Company, UK Herbert Hubl Head of International Business Schrack Seconet AG, Austria 5 th Annual Hospital Management Conference Day 1, 9th of October 2014 vienna 8.30 Registration & Morning Coffee 13:00 Networking Lunch Great opportunity to interact with market leaders in relaxing environment, exchange ideas, discuss innovations in hospital management arena and build 8.50 Welcome & Opening Remarks from the Chairman 1. MODERN HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT – FINANCIAL CHALLENGES IN HEALTHCARE 09:00 Emerging Areas of Risk: Why Healthcare Professionals Need to Understand Claims Hot Spots and Litigation • Explore the Current Landscape for Medical Malpractice Claims • Identify Heightened Areas of Risk • Highlight the importance of Culture and Documentation in the Healthcare Setting Peter Ford - Senior Vice President, International Product Line Manager Healthcare Allied World Assurance Company, UK 09:40 Return of Investment: Increasing Profitability by Improving Patient Satisfaction • Identifies opportunities to better meet the needs of patients • Strategies to create sustainable hospital financial improvement 10:20 Morning Coffee & Networking Break 11:00 Health Economics Center In A High-Ranking Clinical And Research Setting • Role of health economics in a big hospital and research center • Hospital-based health technology assessment • Horizon scanning in translational research MD Prof. Banfi Giuseppe Scientific Director IRCCS Galeazzi Hospital in Milan, Italy 11:40 Measuring and Benchmarking Clinical Performance • Benchmarking tools for reducing costs of care • Improve clinical and financial well-being of your organization 12:20 Strategies for Hospitals to Approach Cost Management • Understand the organization’s readiness for cost management • Define cost-reduction goals based on the organization’s capital shortfall • Understand and focus on the key drivers of staffing and productivity problems Dr. Axel Paeger CEO up new business 2. QUALITY IMPROVEMENT STRATEGIES 14:00 Tools and Strategies for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety • Solutions to help drive measurable improvement in patient outcomes across your organization • Measures and benchmarks 14:40 Data Management and Quality Assurance • How big data could be used to predict patients future • Personalized healthcare for every NHS patient 15:20 Afternoon Coffee & Networking Break 3. CROSS-BORDER HEALTH CARE IN THE EUROPEAN UNION 16:00 EU Regulations and Their Impact on the Healthcare System (Including the Cross Border Patient Directive) • EU regulation impact on the hospital sector and cross border directive Paolo Giordano Secretary General European Union of Private Hospitals (UEHP), Belgium 16:40 Medical Tourism - A Rising Opportunity? • Understanding the European and global market for health services • Opportunities & challenges of medical and health tourism • What are the issues in medical tourism and how we can handle them? • The Alpe-Adria-Region as the new market for Carinthian Hospitals • The Lymphological Rehabilation Wolfsberg/Austria as a concrete example for successful market strategy in the public sector Mag. Dr. Dietmar Ranftler - Director of Organizational & Clinical Development KABEG, Austria 17:20 PANEL DISCUSSION: Health Care Cost Containment and Medical Innovation Panelists from around Europe will discuss and share experience on pre-selected topics 17:50 Chairman’s Summary & Closing Remarks AMEOS Hospital Group, Zurich, Switzerland UNIGLOBAL 2013 tel. + 420 226 538 130 fax + 420 226 538 122 www.uni-global.eu 5 th Annual Hospital Management Conference Day 2, 10th of October 2014 VIENNA 08.30 Re-registration & Morning Coffee 08.50 Welcome & Opening Remarks from the Chairman 4. ORGANZATIONAL ASPECTS OF HEALTH CARE 09:00 Organizational Structure and Productive Efficiency of Public Hospitals • New challenges and opportunities in public hospitals • Current approaches and best practices for measuring performance 09:40 Health services and economics in rare diseases • Rare diseases in European Parliament and European Council Programmes • Orphanet Project • Effectiveness and costs of rare diseases treatment • Ethical aspects of rare diseases financing • The impact of mass-media and patients’ organizations on rare diseases management Ast. Prof. Wojciech Plazak, MD, PhD Cardiac and Vascular Department, John Paul II Hospital Jagiellonian University Medical College, Poland 10:20 Coffee & Networking Break 11:00 Health Care Work Environments, Employee Satisfaction and Patient Safety • Key drivers of healthcare employee satisfaction • The influence of employee satisfaction on patient satisfaction and safety • Improving work environments in health care 11:40 Different Models of Care • How models help staff to plan care • Day to day management of the hospital 12:20 Peering Into the Future: Pediatrics in a Changing World – case study • Best practices that are advancing in pediatrics in 2020 • The role of technology • Prevention on care of pediatrics Alberto Sanna - Director e-Services for Life and Health Scientific Institute San Raffaele Milan, Italy 13:00 Strategic Interactive Lunch Interactive lunch, where participants will be discussing preselected topics in small groups, with the contribution of a table moderator to make the discussions more energetic. UNIGLOBAL 2013 tel. + 420 226 538 130 5. EMERGING HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES 14:20 Technology: The Cure for Rising Healthcare Costs? • Use of the right technology to cut the overall cost of medical treatment and improve patient outcomes 15:00 Virtual Reality Based Rehabilitation and Game Technology • Innovations and technological advances in rehabilitation • Successful examples of applied technologies for rehabilitation 6. PUBLIC-PRIVATE HOSPITAL JOINT VENTURE 15:40 Integrated Management of Health Department with Public-Private Partnership • Evolution of PPP in health • Successful models • Challenges to overcome Dr. Ángel Giménez - Managing Director Marina Salud, Spain 16:20 PANEL DISCUSSION • Rehabilitation Research • Developing practical solutions to real-life challenges 17.00 Closing Remarks & Chairman’s Summary 17.10 Post Conference Coffee & Refreshments Uniglobal is a leader in focused, tailor-made business events serving a wide range of industries in the financial sector. We cooperate with decision makers and senior-level executives all across the globe. Our objectives are to inform, educate, train and entertain in order to provide our clients with a high degree of satisfaction and profitability. Uniglobal strives to increase your company’s business intelligence through its unique, highly focused, industry and client driven international conferences. fax + 420 226 538 122 www.uni-global.eu 5 th Annual Hospital Management Conference Registration Form | 9 & 10 th th of October 2014 vienna REGISTRATION DETAILS PLEASE COMPLETE THE FORM USING BLOCK CAPITALS AND FAX BACK TO +420 226 538 122 or email: gelevski@uni-global.eu with ATTN to: Mr. Kiril Gelevski! PAYM EN T 1500 EUR + 20% VAT = 1800 EUR Please complete a separate Registration Form for each delegate. You can make photocopies of this form if necessary. Group discounts are available, for more information please contact Registration Desk: kgelevski@uni-global.eu or +420 226 538 130 DELEGATE DETAILS Please charge my: Full Name: .............................................................................. Job Title: ................................................................................. Company: ............................................................................... Direct Tel.: ............................................................................... Mobile: .................................................................................... Fax: ......................................................................................... Email: ...................................................................................... Signature & Date: ................................................................... 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Number: .................................................................. 500 EUR + 20% VAT = 600 EUR CONFIRMATION Once a conference space has been allocated to you, we will write to confirm the date and receipt of your payment. Limited number of exhibition space and other packages are available for leading solution providers to attend the conference For further inforation, please contact: Kiril GELEVSKI, Marketing director tel. + 420 226 538 130|email: kgelevski@uni-global.eu Accommodation Hotel accommodation and travel expenses are not included in the registration fee. WITH THANKS Uniglobal would like to than everyone who assisted with the research and organisation of this conference, particularly the speakers for their support and commitment. UNIGLOBAL Conference code: 5th Annual Hospital Management Conference_EN_PANIK_20140423_m Terms & Conditions 1. Substitute delegates are welcome, but at least 3 day’s notice of the change must be given. 2. If Uniglobal decides for any reason to cancel the event, the full refund of the registration fee will be made to the registered customer. However, no refunds or part refunds shall be made by Uniglobal for changes in event programme, dates, venue, or speaker composition. 3. In the event that Uniglobal changes the dates or postpones the Conference, delegate payments at the postponement date will be credited towards the rescheduled date. 4. If the delegate is unable to attend the rescheduled event, the delegate will receive a 100% credit representing payments made towards a future Uniglobal event. 5. Cancellations received in writing within a period of 5 working days following the date of registration, will be refunded in full less 25% service charge. After this date, no refunds will be given. 6. All cancellations must be done in writing stating the mailing date. 7. Registered delegates who cancel their attendance or do not show at the event will receive conference documentation. UNIGLOBAL 2013 tel. + 420 226 538 130 fax + 420 226 538 122 www.uni-global.eu
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