16 Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin Officers of the Pasadena Bodies Lodge of Perfection Herbert E. Rohwer, Jr., 330 Venerable Master Chapter of Rose Croix Arthur S. Beddoe, 330 Wise Master Council of Kadosh Jack Carlson, 320 KCCH Commander Consistory Armin Schulhof, 320 KSA Master of Kadosh All Bodies Gregory J. Gabriel, 320Almoner Miles H. Bresee III, 320Treasurer William F. Rook, 330Secretary Stephen R. Miller, 320 KCCH Organist Keith Kramer, 320 KSA Tiler Time dated material Pasadena Lodge of Perfection 150 North Madison Avenue Pasadena, CA 91101-1710 Periodical aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Scottish Rite Calendar Keep Friday Nights for Scottish Rite OCTOBER Friday, October 3 4:00PM Cathedral Board 6:30PM Dinner 8:00PM Stated Meeting Women’s Association Monday, October 13 7:00PM Band Practice Saturday, October 18 Reunion Rehearsal 10:00AM to 11:30AM – 4th & 5th 11:30AM to 1:00PM – 4th 1:00PM to 1:30PM – Lunch Break 1:30PM to 3:00PM – 18th Saturday, October 25 9:00AM Discussion Group (19th Degree) Reunion Rehearsal 10:00AM to 11:30AM – 28th Degree 11:30AM to 1:00PM – 30th Degree 1:00PM to 1:30PM – Lunch Break 1:30PM to 3:00PM – 32nd Degree Monday, October 27 7:00PM Band Practice Made in the USA Pasadena Scottish Rite Vol. 77 Valley Valley ofof Pasadena Pasadena - July/August - October 2014 2014 No. 97 2 Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin (USPS 422-600) 150 N. Madison Ave. Pasadena, CA 91101-1710 626.795.4213 Fax: 626.795.1487 http://www.pasadenascottishrite.org bill@pasadenascottishrite.org Reservations: mary@pasadenascottishrite.org Official publication of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry Second Class Postage Paid at Pasadena, California No Subscription Price Published Monthly Except July/August Combined Editorial Staff Ronald W. Alcorn III, 32º KCCH Editor Pat Meyer, 32º Mail Manager Change of Address Please notify the Secretary’s Office of your correct mailing address including ZIP CODE when moving. We will notify the Scottish Rite Journal. Allegiance The Bodies of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite sitting in the Valley of Pasadena, Orient of California acknowledge and yield allegiance to the Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of the Inspector General Knights Commander of the House of the Temple of Solomon of the ThirtyThird and last degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of the United States of America. IN MEMORIAM Herbert E. Rohwer, Jr., 330 Venerable Master, Lodge of Perfection 150 N. Madison Ave. Pasadena, CA 91101 Ph. 626.795.4213 John J. Coyle, Sr., 32º, Burbank #406 August 11, 2014 May Almighty God, in his infinite mercy, Grant that we may meet again, to part no more. Arthur S. Beddoe, 330 Wise Master, Chapter of Rose Croix 150 N. Madison Ave. Pasadena, CA 91101 Ph. 626.795.4213 Language Center News As Halloween approaches, the children visiting the Language Center have been talking about costumes and, of course, candy. This year we are sure to see many princesses and super heroes arriving at our door. Jack Carlson, 320 KCCH Commander, Council of Kadosh 150 N. Madison Ave. Pasadena, CA 91101 Ph. 626.795.4213 Ronald A. Seale, 33° Sovereign Grand Commander Frank Loui, 33° Sovereign Grand Inspector General in the Orient of California Michael J. Bess, 33° Personal Representative of the Sovereign Grand Inspector General in the Orient of California 15 The Language Center continues to provide a greatly needed service to our community. While we serve many children, we are never without a waiting list, great or small. Thank you to all who so generously donate to the Center so that we may continue our mission to serve children and families. This month the Language Center evaluated six children, discharged eight children, and provided 131.5 hours of therapy for the 31 children on our caseload. Thank you, Armin Schulhof, 320 KSA Master of Kadosh, Consistory 150 N. Madison Ave. Pasadena, CA 91101 Ph. 626.795.4213 The Language Center Staff 14 Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin Have you brought in a new member lately? Herbert Rohwer 33° 3 Venerable Master Lodge of Perfection Brethren, I hope everyone has enjoyed the summer time with friends and family and maybe even stopped to marvel at a sunset. Once again we return to the coat and tie dinner attire. We’re looking forward to a busy fall season in our refurbished auditorium, with wonderful fellowship over great dinners and continued Masonic enlightenment. Please continue to support and enjoy your Scottish Rite here in Pasadena. Mission Statement Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, USA It is the mission of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, to improve its members and enhance the communities in which they live by teaching and emulating the principles of Brotherly Love, Tolerance, Charity, and Truth while actively embracing high social, moral, and spiritual values including fellowship, compassion, and dedication to God, family and country. This month’s Feast of Tishri is based upon the Jewish Festival of Sukkoth, which is a celebration of the harvest of the land during the seventh month of the Jewish calendar (Leviticus 23.) When King Solomon, whose name is derived from the Hebrew word shalom meaning peace, dedicated his temple, it became known as the Feast of the Tabernacle. Under the statues of the Supreme Council, enacted in 1866, the Feast has become an obligatory observance and an essential part of the Fourteenth Degree. This month we will be observing this Feast of Tishri which is the Hebrew equivalent of our Thanksgiving or Harvest festival. It was a time for introspection and reflection, as well as a time for thoughtful evaluation and gratitude for our many blessings. Thus in observing the Feast of Tishri we reaffirm our dedication to human accord and brotherhood of all men in a world of peace. As individuals and as Brothers in the Rite, we resolve to build, as Solomon did, through harmony and cooperation, ever seeking peace for all mankind. Lastly, the law, legendry, peace, equality, unity and fellowship of the Feast of Tishri combine to make this the most Masonic feast of feasts. In a common voice of thanksgiving where every man can share his attitude and express his sincere thanks to Him who made all things, the Deity has given us life, the strength to live it fully, and the joy Continued Page 4 Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin Venerable Master Continued... of sharing the beauty and goodness of His creation with our fellowmen. Most of all, He has given us freedom. The Feast of Tishri celebrates this freedom which the Israelites won with the guidance of Providence, despite the shackles of Egypt and the armies of the Philistines. This ancient victory celebrated in dedication of Solomon’s Temple is kept forever fresh through our keeping of the Feast of Tishri. It promises to men that the burdens of tyranny are temporary, that the darkness will yield to light, that knowledge will conquer ignorance, and that the Creator intended men to be free. Please mark your calendars for the October rehearsals, in preparation for the November Reunion class. Let’s do our best to make the reunion degree performances spot on and memorable for our new candidates. Women’s Association News 4 In November we take great pleasure in presenting the meritorious “Roy Henville Award” to Illustrious Kenneth L. Christianson 33⁰. Brother Ken is very active in many facets of the Pasadena Scottish Rite, as well as several other Masonic Organizations. He was instrumental in establishing a Masonic Discussion Group based upon the Scottish Rite Degrees, which meets the last Saturday of each month in our library. Please come out and join us in presenting this distinguished award to Brother Ken. During the December Meeting we will be welcoming our New Fall Class Members with the Capping Ceremony, and on Saturday, December 13th we will host the Childhood Language Center Christmas Party in the dining room. Congratulations again to the 25 & 50 year members we recognized this past month. We thank you for your Masonic dedication. Herb 13 October, the month of Goblin’s, Black Cats & Ghosts, a subject I am all too familiar with having grown up in the most haunted city in Europe, as history will have us believe. Friday Oct 3rd. we will have some boutique items for sale before and after the stated meeting dinner. Hand Made items such as crows & reindeer plant decorations, pumpkins, knitted items, canvas craft, aprons. etc. All proceeds from sales will be donated to the Language Center. Please come early and shop this will be our only fund raiser this year. Margaret Beddoe President October Dinner Menu Pick your main course: Wiener Schnitzel OR Pan Seared Salmon OR Spinach Strudel Served with the following: Cheese and Crudités Baskets German Potato Pancakes & Spago’s Braised Cabbage Rustic Pear Tart for desert. Number of Reservations at $10.00 Per Person.................. Last Day for reservations: Wednesday, October 1st Remember - a reservation made is a reservation paid. mary@pasadenascottishrite.org or 626-795-4213 12 Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin Pasadena Childhood Language Center Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin 5 The Secretary’s Memo Pad Ill. William F. Rook, 33º Kristin Hoffman, M.A., CCC-SLP Director/Clinician Becky Griffiths Office Coordinator Donations may be made by a group, an organization, a couple, or an individual. They may be made In Honor of…, In Memory of…, as a member of the 365 Club, or as Friends of the Center. All donors are recognized in the bulletin (unless they are donations made with the dues.) Thank You to Our August 2014 Donors 365 Club William Rook, Harry Sprague. Memorials In Honor of Friends of the Center Philip George, D. A. Oliphant, John Simonian, Leon Chant Hayatyan, Albert Boyajian. Language Center Wish List Gift card for new books (Amazon or Barnes & Noble). We have arrived at our first stated meeting of the Fall and the Feast of Tishri. More concerning the Feast will be found later in this bulletin. You should have or will soon receive your dues notice for the 2015 year. Let’s look at 2014 year first. As of September first our membership stood at 1002. Of that 104 are endowed members, 81 senior life members, 26 remitted dues members, which leaves 791 annual dues paying members. Of those 791 members 79% or 625 have paid their 2014 dues. That leaves 21% or 166 members still unpaid for 2014. Sixty (60) of the 166 are soon to be three (3) years delinquent and facing suspension come January 15 of 2015. Please Brother if you are one of these 60, please give me a call. October heralds the fact that the fall reunion is soon upon us in November. As of September 2, we have 10 applications, a little short of our goal of 60. So get to cracking and let achieve our goal. REMEMBER 60 APPLICATIONS IS THE GOAL. Also remember if you are the first line signer on five application, you will be given your stated meeting dinner for free for one (1) year. But all must complete the 32° at the fall reunion. Reach out and sign ten applications as a first line signer for the fall reunion, with completion of all ten receiving the 32°, your 2015 dues will be waived. A little carrot to dangle there in hopes we have some real go-getters out there. I will repeat again all reservations for any dinner, stated, reunion, installation or special event the reservation need to be made to Mary in the office by the Wednesday before the event. She may be contacted at (626) 795-4213 or mary@pasadenascottishrite.org. REMEMBER A RESERVATION MADE IS A RESERVATION PAID. Contined Page 7 6 Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin The P.R.’s Corner Feast of Tishri Ill. Michael J. Bess, 33º Be sure and mark the date for the October Stated Meeting Dinner and try to attend as the Lodge of Perfection will present the annual Feast of Tishri a most solemn occasion where we reaffirm our dedication to Masonic peace and harmony and brotherhood towards all mankind throughout the world. I hope you enjoyed your summer, a time for relaxation and celebration of all the holidays with family and friends. However, now is the time to look forward to the 2014 Fall Reunion. More information will be forthcoming on degree rehearsals and schedules for the degrees. All cast members should attend the rehearsals. Practice only makes for better degrees, and, thanks to the Master of the Work, all Degree Masters, Cast and Crews, our Valley does have some of the best degrees in the Orient. And, don’t forget, the success of our Valley and Reunions lies in new members. We are always looking for more members that want to participate in the Valley’s various activities and functions. Your Childhood Language Clinic is doing well, but contributions are always appreciated to assure the clinic maintains its high standards of care for the children. Thanks to all for your continuing support. On a more somber note, I have been informed that the Valley of Oakland sustained some damage in the resent Napa earthquake. They are in the process of evaluating the damage and will start making repairs shortly. Going through a similar, although on a much smaller scale, we can all appreciate the time, effort and expense it takes for repairs. I hope you are all looking forward to the fall season and getting out of the HOT weather. Michael J. Bess, 33º Personal Representative 11 As the children of Israel were led through the wilderness, God decreed the celebration of a seven-day feast in the Jewish month of Tishri, during which they were to live in “sukkahs’” (shelters or Booths) – He decreed that this feast be celebrated annually to forever remind the Israelites that He had rescued them from Egypt. This “Feast of Tishri” (or “Feast of Succoth”) is thus a symbol of freedom. Some 450 years after its origin, the Feast of Tishri was utilized in dedicating the newly completed King Solomon’s Temple, and this asociation led to its adoption by Scottish Rite Masonry to symbolize our dedication to brotherly love and human accord in a peaceful world. This adaptation is evidenced in lessons taught by the Third Degree lecture (Blue Lodge), wherein we learn that David, King of Israel, was denied the privilege of building the Temple of God due to the “many wars and much bloodshed” associated with his reign. On his death, Solomon (his son) ascended the throne and brought peace and tranquility in the world through wisdom and righteousness – God thus chose him to perform “so great and glorious an undertaking” as that denied David. And so it was that through Solomon, construction of the Temple was seemingly guided by the hand of God – for indeed it was. Association of the Feast of Tishri with the dedication of the Temple of Solomon led to its third name – the “Feast of the Tabernacle”. The Feast of Tishri thus epitomizes the character, principles and purposes of Scottish Rite Masonry, all being consistent with the dictates of the God who spake it into existence. 10 Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin Pasadena Scottish Rite Cathedral Association The Secretary’s Memo Pad Continued... Remember in October to come to the stated meeting dinner and the Feast of Tishri, and also to see our newly painted Cathedral exterior and or completed work on the auditorium with a repaired and painted ceiling and new lighting. Things are brightening up at the Rite, become a part of it. The repair of our auditorium ceiling is progressing. It took five days to erect the scaffolding. The contractor is replacing any plaster that is not firmly attached to the underlying metal mesh. The contractor is also repairing the plaster that has water damage. A primer coat will be applied to all the plaster surfaces. Two coats of paint will then be rolled on all of the surfaces. The colors will be as close to the existing paint scheme as modern paint will allow. We are also replacing the incandescent lights in the soffits with LEDs. The pictures from the previous page clockwise from the left are: 1) A strip of LEDs in the soffit on the left compared to the incandescent on the right; 2) Indicates the space the workman have to work; 3) The staircase up to the working level about thirty-five feet; and 4) The area that started all the concern. Two flagpoles have been ordered and will arrive early in September. They will be emplaced in the areas where the light poles are now located. Lights will be emplaced in the cement around the poles. They will be directed on the flags and the building. We are planning a formal flag raising ceremony, the time and date to be announced later. Work is continuing in the kitchen. In order to obtain a permit to operate several modifications will have to be made. The most expensive item will be an external or outside grease-pit. We hope to have these accomplished and permit granted as soon as possible. Please come early at the next Stated Meeting and view the Pasadena Scottish Rite building from the outside. The fresh new look is amazing. Curb appeal is everything. Rees Padfield Cathedral Board President 7 Until November, Bill Music Notes The saxophone is characterized by a fairly wide body made from a conical tube of thin metal commonly brass, which is expanded at the open end with a small flare. it has 18-21 tone holes of graduated size all of which are controlled by keys that enable the instrument to over blow at the octave. The mouth piece which is fitted with a single reed was originally made of wood. but is now commonly of ebonite or brass. The saxophone was patented in 1846 by Adolphe Sax (1814-1894). Although his combination of a single bleating reed with a conical body was not entirely new. The saxophone was the first successful instatement of this type. The idea has first been used by William Meikle a scotsman who in 1825 had produced a now virtually forgotten “Alto Fagoto”a modified small bassoon played with a clarinet mouthpiece. Notable players of the saxophone are, Coleman Hawkins. Charlie Parker, John Goltrane, Johnny Hodges and Stan Getz. Your pasadena Scottish Band is in need of a Eb Baritone, Bb Tenor and Eb alto saxophone. If any one brother Master Mason or Scottish Rite Mason attend our 2nd and 4th Monday rehearsals the band will enjoy there time spent musically. Please call (626) 795-4213 for further information. Musically yours, Don Johansen 33° Band Manager Rehearsal-Monday October 13th and 27th 7:00-9:00pm 8 Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin Auditorium Repair Auditorium Repair Photos Clockwise from Above Left. 1) A strip of LEDs in the soffit on the left compared to the incandescent on the right; 2) Indicates the space the workmen have to work; 3) The staircase up to the working level about thirty-five feet; 4) The area that started all the concern. 9
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