MMEA 2014 Fall In-Service Day Schedule - Subject to Change MMEA Fall In-Service Day Schedule - Subject to Change Friday, October 17, 2014 Long Reach High School (Howard County) 6101 Old Dobbin Lane, Columbia MD 21045 7:30-8:30 AM Registration 8:00 AM Chorus; All Levels Men’s Demonstration Chorus Rehearsals 8:00 - 11:00 AM (Closed); Presentation 11:50 AM, Stage, Auditorium Clinician: Frank Albinder, Director, Washington Men's Camerata Accompanist: Jim Turk, DeMatha Catholic High School The Men’s High School Demonstration Chorus will meet at 8:00 AM, rehearse all morning in closed session, break for lunch, and present a session at 11:50 AM (Stage, Auditorium). Observe some of Maryland’s finest young men as they demonstrate techniques for developing the male voice through choral literature. Concert Program (11:50 AM, Stage, Auditorium) Medieval Gloria, Vijay Singh, TB, Belwin African Processional, D.V. Montoya and Carah Reed, TTBB, Pavane Publishing I Have Had Singing, Ron Jeffers, earthsongs 8:30-9:20 AM Sessions 8:30-9:20 AM Band; Middle School Level Band Room, A136 Now What? Tips and Strategies for the Middle School Jazz Band Clinician: Mike Kamuf, Montgomery County Sponsor: Alfred Music Presiding: John Stevenson, Carroll County This session will discuss techniques to maximize rehearsal time and provide a positive experience for middle school jazz students. 8:30-9:20 AM Chorus; All Levels Cafeteria Keep Calm and Sing On Clinician: Krystal Rickard McCoy, College of Southern Maryland Presiding: Terry Eberhardt (MCEA President-Elect), Howard County The flow of energy is a vital element in all music making. Choral conductors are responsible for the energy flow of group dynamics in addition to the energy flow associated with vocal production. Rehearsal techniques can aid in maintaining a positive flow of energy throughout the choral rehearsal and gestural vocabulary can promote a continuous flow of energy and release for singers. This session will introduce the practices of positive group dynamics and Tai Chi, and discuss their value for developing musicality in the choral setting. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE MMEA 2014 Fall In-Service Day Schedule - Subject to Change 8:30-9:20 AM Chorus; Elementary School Level Room 224/226 Choir for Little People Clinicians: Carla Wardell and Anne DuBose, Montgomery County Presiding: Lauren Walker, Anne Arundel County Choir for Little People will provide an overview of techniques for directing a choir of K-2 students. Topics will include repertoire, warm-ups, choreography, and rehearsal structure, with the goal of providing the youngest singers with a positive first choral experience. 8:30-9:20 AM All Areas; All Levels Room 230 Demonstrate Growth, Celebrate Success Clinicians: Brian Folus, Harford County; Steve Silvius, Co-Founder and COO, Three Ring, Baltimore Presiding: Angela St. Pierre (MGMTA Immediate Past-President), Anne Arundel County In this session, participants will learn about Three Ring, Maryland’s popular digital tool for documenting and sharing evidence of student growth. Participants will receive a brief technical tutorial before being shown real-life examples from Maryland music classrooms demonstrating classroom routines, the process of gathering qualitative evidence, integration with SLOs, and more. 8:30-9:20 AM General; Elementary School Level Dance Studio, A141 Teaching Music Concepts Through Puppetry Clinician: Thomas Pierre, Prince George’s County Presiding: Sao-Fan Treat, Carroll County Engage, teach, reinforce, and assess musical concepts with children through puppetry. Children from pre-school through secondary school will gain an enduring understanding of musical concepts when engaged through puppetry. The clinician will demonstrate how to use puppets to broaden children’s musical experience and to develop skills across the curriculum. This engaging session is targeted for both the seasoned and novice teacher. 8:30-9:20 AM All Areas, Guitar; All Levels Room B112 Beginning Guitar for the Non-Guitarist Clinicians: Kevin Hawk and Sally Burns, Prince George’s County Presiding: Ashley Ashman, Montgomery County In this session, geared toward educators with limited or no guitar experience, participants will learn how to build a class guitar program in their school and how to teach guitar with a limited knowledge base. Topics such as setting up a guitar classroom, planning the class period, and instruction using basic guitar techniques will be covered. Suitable method books and websites will be reviewed to aid the educator in selecting music literature for the course. Please bring your guitar; only a few guitars will be available. MMEA 2014 Fall In-Service Day Schedule - Subject to Change CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE 8:30-9:20 AM Orchestra; Elementary, Middle School Levels Room B115 Measures of Success for Strings: Unlock the True Potential of Your Beginning String Students! Clinician: Brian Balmages, Director of Instrumental Publications, The FJH Music Company. Sponsor: The FJH Music Company Presiding: Katie Hunt, Baltimore County Discover Measures of Success for Strings, an exciting and powerful new string classroom method that combines time-tested pedagogy with outstanding sequencing and repertoire. Designed to foster musical growth by focusing on the presentation of new concepts through repertoire, Measures of Success for Strings systematically presents and reinforces musical techniques in a practical and positive way. Prepare to experience a new level of "success" with your beginning string students! 8:30-9:20 AM Special Education; All Levels Room 234 A Multi-Sensory Approach to Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: From Theory to Practice Clinician: Angela Guerriero, Teacher, Virginia Presiding: Janet Montgomery, University of Maryland, College Park Teaching music to students with special needs can be challenging. Participants will gain greater understanding of how to structure lesson plans, how the sensory system impacts a student's ability to learn, and how to plan long-term projects and performances. 8:30-9:20 AM General; Elementary School Level Room 240 Non-Traditional Materials for Traditional Holiday Celebrations Clinician: Donald Snyder, Prince George’s County Presiding: Kathy Saxton, Carroll County Attendees of this session will enjoy learning new and innovative uses for well-known orchestral music and familiar songs, suitable for use in the classroom and fall/winter concert settings. In addition, compositions that can be used for teaching musical concepts will also be included. A resource list will be provided in the session handout. 8:30-9:20 AM General; Elementary School Level Room B116 Kindergarten Zooseum Clinician: Cheryl Smoker-Arellano, Montgomery County Presiding: Stephanie Thompson, Calvert County Looking to find new ways to connect student learning across disciplines? Come explore an integrated approach to connecting kindergarten classroom art and music curriculums. Learn how kindergarteners connect music skills such as keeping a steady beat, creating and performing long/short and high/low patterns, imitating rhythm MMEA 2014 Fall In-Service Day Schedule - Subject to Change patterns on instruments, singing music within a limited range, and performing finger plays. Students use art skills such as creating an illustration of their animal and its environment in a collage inspired by the work of Eric Carle, which is coordinated with study of zoo animals in their classroom. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE 8:30-9:20 AM All Areas; All Levels Tech Lab Overcoming Your Fear of Building a Website! Clinician: Mary Pitta (MODA President-Elect), Anne Arundel County Presiding: Wesley Thompson, Baltimore County Everyone has a website and everything is on the web now. Having a website where your music community can access information on the web is essential, but building a website can be intimidating or costly. This session is designed to give you FREE, SIMPLE options for building a website. This session will cover the basics of using web-based building programs and look at design elements that can give you a professional looking, fully functional site. 9:30-10:20 AM Sessions 9:30-10:20 AM Band; Middle, High School Levels Band Room, A136 Big Band Warm Ups: Having Fun While Developing Fundamentals Clinician: Brent Weber, Frostburg State University Presiding: Philip Klickman (MMEA Collegiate Membership Chair), Frostburg State University The session will discuss warm-up techniques for instrumental jazz ensemble groups. Such fundamental aspects as rhythm, intonation, feel/groove, dynamics, and improvisation will be covered. These concepts, developed with Dr. Weber’s work with Frostburg State University's Jazz Orchestra, may be used with ensembles of varying ability levels. 9:30-10:20 AM Band; All Levels Stage/Auditorium New Band Music Reading Clinician: David Matchim, Howard County Demonstration Group: Centennial High School Wind Ensemble, David Matchim, Director Presiding: Rebecca Braukus, Howard County This session will present newly published music for grades 1-6 that is new to the Maryland Band Literature List. The compositions will be played by the Centennial High School Wind Ensemble. PERFORMANCE PLUS 9:30-10:20 AM Chorus; All Levels Cafeteria Building Community Within your Choirs Clinician: Paul Heinemann, Montgomery County Demonstration Group: Rocky Hill Middle School Choir Presiding: Katie Murphy (MMEA President-Elect), Montgomery County MMEA 2014 Fall In-Service Day Schedule - Subject to Change Fostering a sense of community within a choir has numerous benefits to individual members and the ensemble. Developing a nurturing environment in your classroom will leave your students feeling more connected to themselves and each other, and the choir more motivated and dedicated to the groups’ goals and the learning process. This nurturing environment will result in memorable and inspiring experiences and CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE performances. This session will feature tips and strategies for the regular rehearsal and activities that can be used as a break from the norm. A demonstration choir will model, testify, and answer questions about the effects of this sense of community, and how it has influenced their performance. 9:30-10:20 AM Chorus; High School Level Room 224/226 High School Reading Session: New Gems for High School Mixed Choruses Clinician: Jeffrey Davidson, Montgomery County Accompanist: Stephen Holmes, Artistic Director, The Maryland State Boychoir Presiding: Michelle Rafter, Washington County One of the most important aspects of our job is to find music for our choruses that is interesting, relevant, educationally sound, beautiful, fun to teach and sing, and NOT tired. If you are searching for fresh, high quality literature for festival and beyond, this session is for you. The focus will be on recently and newly released pieces of various styles and genres with difficulty levels/grades 3 through 6. 9:30-10:20 AM All Areas, Guitar; Middle, High School Levels Room B112 Advanced Guitar Techniques For the Non-Guitarist Clinicians: Kevin Hawk and Sally Burns, Prince George’s County Presiding: Mary Pitta (MODA President-Elect), Anne Arundel County In this session, geared toward educators with limited guitar experience, participants will learn advanced classical guitar techniques. Topics such as proper left and right hand techniques, playing position, classical guitar music repertoire, left and right hand warm ups, and scales will be covered during this session. Please bring your guitar; only a few guitars will be available. 9:30-10:20 AM Orchestra; All Levels Room B115 African-American Fiddle Tunes Clinician: Ben Kepler, Montgomery County Presiding: Felicia Burger Johnston (MMEA Editor), Upshur County, WV (retired) This session is geared towards the strings specialist. Many of the folk and fiddle tunes we already perform are steeped in African-American history. Come to learn accessible string and vocal versions of the tunes that may result in a deeper musical connection for your students. Bring a stringed instrument or something to strum. We'll review alternate tunings that enable "1-finger" chords for instant accompaniment, no matter what level "strummer" you are! 9:30-10:20 AM General; Elementary School Level Room 234 (Room D in our ad.) Do Recorders Play Well in the Classroom? (Quaver K-5 Curriculum Overview) MMEA 2014 Fall In-Service Day Schedule - Subject to Change Clinicians: Otto Gross, Songwriter,; Graham Hepburn, Co-Creator, Sponsor: Presiding: Marci Fleck, Calvert County CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE What do you get when you combine the seriously fun interactivity of QuaverMusic™ and your yearly recorder emphasis? A new, fun and engaging way to teach everyone’s favorite 400-year-old woodwind instrument! 9:30-10:20 AM All Areas; All Levels Room 230 Music Group Travel: Your Trip, Your Kids, Their Money! Clinician: Bryan J. Stevenson, President, Complete Custom Itinerary Service, Inc. (CCIS) Sponsor: Complete Custom Itinerary Service, Inc. (CCIS) Presiding: Phillip Barnes, Montgomery County This session will examine many different facets of traveling with your ensemble, all presented in a non-biased, purely educational manner. Attendees will also receive a complimentary copy of the presenter's eBook. 9:30-10:20 AM General; Elementary School Level Room 240 Maestro of Games Clinician: Judith Hawkins, Prince George’s County Presiding: Melody Kegerreis, Washington County The Maestro of Games is an interactive session designed for elementary general music teachers. Participants will experience games that allow the teacher to assess student’s ability to read, respond, write, and perform music. These games are easily adaptable for any classroom or cart setting. Also included in the session handouts are suggestions to incorporate reading strategies in the music classroom. Don’t miss out on the giveaways! 9:30-10:20 AM General; Elementary School Level Room B116 Magic Music Manipulatives Clinician: Jennifer Kauffman, Allegany County Presiding: Kecia Hayman, President-Elect MGMTA, Montgomery County Magic is fun for students - so why not use these magical manipulatives as hands-on techniques to gain attention, motivate, assess, and excite all levels of general music, band, and orchestra students? Through the use of magical (and cheap!) music manipulatives, you can help students actively engage in the classroom, using games and other enjoyable activities to facilitate understanding, repeat learned practice, and/or assess student achievement. Discover how to incorporate these manipulatives into the Universal Design for Learning ‘toolkit’ to reduce learning barriers for all students and help foster greater understanding of objectives as visual, kinesthetic, varied tools. Abracadabra! 9:30-10:20 AM Technology; All Levels Tech Lab The ABCs of Sibelius™ (Beginner/Intermediate) Clinician: Robby Burns (MMEA Technology Chair), Howard County Presiding: Denise Wann (MMEA Past Technology Chair), Howard County MMEA 2014 Fall In-Service Day Schedule - Subject to Change Proficiency with music notation is a basic requirement of every music teaching job. Software such as Sibelius™ has the potential to create the cleanest notation possible at a fast pace. Unfortunately, this software often creates barriers CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE between conceiving music and getting it onto the screen. This session will provide an overview of Sibelius™ features by learning keyboard commands for them. Whether you want to learn the basics or speed your existing work, this session aims to lessen frustration and allow you to concentrate on what really matters: the music. A hands-on approach will allow participants time to practice the keyboard commands throughout. 10:20-10:50 All - Break Visit the exhibits in the Atrium, Main Floor. 10:50-11:40 AM Sessions 10:50-11:40 AM Band; Middle, High School Levels Band Room, A136 New Jazz Ensemble Music Reading Session Clinician: Pete BarenBregge, Jazz Materials Editor, Alfred Music Publications Demonstration Group: Montgomery County Public Schools Faculty Big Band Sponsor: Alfred Music Presiding: Mike Kamuf, Montgomery County Pete BarenBregge will lead a reading session of new jazz ensemble music that will focus on grades 1 - 3 literature. The MCPS Faculty Big Band will be performing the selections. 10:50-11:40 AM Orchestra; Elementary, Middle School Levels Stage/Auditorium Literature for Elementary/Middle School String Orchestra Clinician: Megan Howell, Charles County Demonstration Group: General Smallwood Middle School Orchestra Presiding: Lindsey Zimmerman, Baltimore County String Orchestra works, grade 1/2-2, will be introduced and performed. The majority of the compositions are recent additions to the Maryland Orchestra Literature List. 10:50-11:40 AM Chorus; Middle, High School Levels Cafeteria How to Build a Music Cluster Powerhouse: The Secret to Collaborative Relationships That Work Clinician: Michelle Searle and Katie Archer, Montgomery County Presiding: Nathan Carns, Cecil County This session will focus on building your music program by thinking outside the box and using creative strategies to recruit and retain students, and to foster positive relationships within your feeder schools. 10:50-11:40 AM Chorus; Middle, High School Levels Room 224/226 Music that MOVES You! Integrating Elements of D-O-K in Choral Classrooms Clinician: Kate Simon, Towson University MMEA 2014 Fall In-Service Day Schedule - Subject to Change Presiding: Arian Khaefi, Towson University The approaches of Dalcroze, Orff, and Kodály (D-O-K) are traditionally used in elementary general music classrooms, but the fun doesn’t have to stop there! Explore a CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE variety of strategies incorporating elements of D-O-K to energize and engage your students in each and every choral rehearsal. Discover the benefits of an eclectic approach as singers of all ages say, sing, move, and play their way into active music making! 10:50-11:40 AM Band, Orchestra; All Levels Room B112 Encouraging Individual Musicianship in Instrumental Ensembles Clinician: Stephanie Prichard, University of Maryland, College Park Presiding: Chris Winters, Howard County Instrumental ensemble directors often find themselves falling into a pattern of teacherdirected musical decision making. This session will present a variety of studentcentered techniques intended to promote individual decision making, expressiveness, and success in independent practice. Come learn how to tweak instruction to encourage individual musicianship skills without hindering rehearsal time or performance quality. 10:50-11:40 AM All Areas; All Levels Room 234 Young Composer's Project: Presentation Moderator: Richard A. Disharoon (MMEA Composition Project Chair, MMEA Past President) Students submitting winning entries in MMEA’s composition project competition will be honored. Winning compositions will be heard via live performance or recordings. 10:50-11:40 AM Orchestra; All Levels Room B115 Sound Approaches to Teaching Literature for Non-String Teachers Clinicians: John Stevenson, Carroll County; Sarah York, University of Maryland Center for Young Children (College Park), Highland Park Christian Academy (Landover) This session will demystify bow weight/pressure, speed, and placement as well as when and how to utilize common bowings to achieve characteristic styles. Concepts and skills will be applied to several common selections on the Maryland Orchestra Literature List. Additionally, participants will learn exercises to teach and reinforce these concepts and skills. 10:50-11:40 AM Band; Middle, High School Levels Room 240 Help Wanted: Booster Club for Growing Band Program Clinician: Walter Harley, Prince George's County Presiding: Jackie Freeburger, Baltimore County Learn how to organize and maintain a functional working booster club organization. Discover the many professional skill sets your parents have in assisting the boosters' club organization. Learn how to interact with them and how they can positively influence the development of your music program. MMEA 2014 Fall In-Service Day Schedule - Subject to Change CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE 10:50-11:40 AM General; Elementary School Level Room B116 Pop! Goes the Schulwerk! CANCELLED Clinician: Eric Young, Price's Fork Elementary School, Blacksburg, VA Presiding: Carol Howell, Montgomery County Does your music room need some POP? Look no further! This session will explore fresh ideas for incorporating popular music into the music classroom. Classic OrffSchulwerk processes will be utilized and given a fresh, popular music twist. Come ready to rediscover the art of child's play. 10:50-11:40 AM All Areas; High School Level Tech Lab An Integrated, Collaborative Approach to Teaching Guitar, Part 1 [Part 2 of this session, 11:50, Tech Lab.] Clinician: Daniel Roberts, Howard County Presiding: Robby Burns (MMEA Technology Chair), Howard County This session will present an overview of a fresh approach to teaching high school guitar classes with beginning-to-advanced students. It covers new open-ended approaches to guitar-centric technique, ear training, theory, reading/writing, composition, arranging, collaboration, and performance that can be easily differentiated for the needs of each of your students and classes. Integrating technology such as the Fishman TriplePlay™, GarageBand™, and ProTools™ when designing and presenting lessons and projects in standard guitar class format and in technology labs will be discussed. 11:50 AM-12:40 PM Sessions 11:50 AM-12:40 PM Orchestra, Band; All Levels Band Room, A136 No More Limitations! Composing and Choosing Band and Orchestra Music for All Levels Clinician: Brian Balmages, Director of Instrumental Publications, The FJH Music Company. Sponsor: The FJH Music Company Presiding: Rachel Long, Baltimore County Music for younger ensembles is often held to a different standard than music written for advanced groups. This clinic will provide a tangible list of elements that can and should be included in any piece, regardless of grade level. Gain insight into repertoire selection and see how these elements impact the way a composer writes for various types of ensembles! 11:50 AM-12:40 PM Chorus; Elementary School Level Elementary School Choral Reading Session Clinician: Alyson Shirk, The Bryn Mawr School Accompanist: Patricia Hammer, Howard County Chorus Room, A127 MMEA 2014 Fall In-Service Day Schedule - Subject to Change Presiding: Emily James (MMEA Elementary Demonstration Chorus Manager), Anne Arundel County Participants will sing through elementary choral music. Several of the pieces will be used for the Elementary Demonstration Chorus at the Annual In-Service Conference, Baltimore, MD, in February. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE PERFORMANCE PLUS 11:50 AM-12:40 PM Chorus; All Levels Stage, Auditorium Men’s Demonstration Chorus Presentation Clinician: Frank Albinder, Director, Washington Men's Camerata Accompanist: Jim Turk, DeMatha Catholic High School Presiding: Zayna Burnham (MCEA Past President), Washington County The Men’s High School Demonstration Chorus will meet at 8:00 AM, rehearse all morning in closed session, break for lunch, and present a session at 11:50 AM. Observe some of Maryland’s finest young men as they demonstrate techniques for developing the male voice through choral literature. Rehearsals 8:00 - 11:00 AM (Closed); Presentation 11:50 AM, Stage, Auditorium Concert Program Medieval Gloria, Vijay Singh, TB, Belwin African Processional, D.V. Montoya and Carah Reed, TTBB, Pavane Publishing I Have Had Singing, Ron Jeffers, earthsongs PANEL DISCUSSION 11:50 AM-12:40 PM Collegiate; All Levels Room 218 Traits of Successful Job Applicants Panelists: Maryland Music Supervisors Presiding: Philip Klickman (MMEA Collegiate Membership Chair), Frostburg State University College student music education majors will hear from County Music Supervisors from around the state about what they are looking for in a job applicant. The students will have an opportunity to ask questions. 11:50 AM-12:40 PM Chorus; Middle School Level Room 224/226 Middle School Choral Reading Session Clinicians: Ellen Doring, Howard County; Ken Elpus, University of Maryland Accompanist: Tammy Mills, Baltimore County Presiding: Penny Renoll, Anne Arundel County Participants will sing through tried and true pieces appropriate for middle school choirs. 11:50 AM-12:40 PM All Areas; All Levels Room 230 Ten Things You Can Do To Save Your Job Clinician: Sally Wagner, Prince George’s County Presiding: Ron Frezzo (MMEA Advocacy Chair), Montgomery County This experienced teacher will offer suggestions for teachers at all levels, including tips for becoming part of the faculty instead of just being the visiting music teacher. MMEA 2014 Fall In-Service Day Schedule - Subject to Change CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE 11:50 AM-12:40 PM Band; Middle, High School Levels Room B112 Fostering Student Leadership Clinician: Marc Decker, American University Presiding: Alexander Scott, Anne Arundel County This session will explore selecting, encouraging, and nurturing leadership in your ensemble. 11:50 AM-12:40 PM Band, Orchestra; All Levels Room B115 Practice Makes Habits: Practice Journals as a Vibrant Learning Device Clinician: Margretta Williams, Prince George’s County Presiding: Kate McFadden (MODA President), Baltimore County In this discussion we will explore methods that instrumental teachers may use to enhance student learning with monthly practice journals. Exemplary journal pages and an expeditious, simple grading system will be presented. Let's explore variations on this idea, tempered by the array of teaching situations that we each represent. 11:50 AM-12:40 PM General; Elementary School Level Room 234 Making Music...Virtually: How to Integrate a Student-Centric Blog into Your Classroom Clinician: Anne Kasab, Montgomery County Presiding: Jennifer Harrill-Taylor, Montgomery County Do you want to boost student, family, and school engagement with your music program and the curriculum? In this session, participants will learn about the benefits of having a classroom blog, how to create a blog, and learn tips to record and post student work as a means to promote home-to-school communication, foster community and collaboration, and support reflective learning skills through a learner-centered classroom. All levels are welcome; minimal technology experience is recommended. 11:50 AM-12:40 PM General; Elementary School Level Room 240 Cute is Not Enough! Teaching the Pre-School Music Curriculum Clinicians: Janet Montgomery, University of MD; Paul Waskiewicz, Howard County Presiding: Julie Olson, Anne Arundel County With the increased attention on pre-school education, more music teachers are responsible for teaching music to very young children. Participants will observe and engage in musical activities (creating, performing, and responding to music) that are appropriate for pre-schoolers. 11:50 AM-12:40 PM General; Elementary School Level Teaching with Connections from Beginning to End Clinician: Shoshanah Drake, Montgomery County Presiding: Lindsay Rabe, Montgomery County Room B116 MMEA 2014 Fall In-Service Day Schedule - Subject to Change This session will look at different ways to engage students by creating a connected lesson plan that flows throughout the entire lesson. Each activity, from the activator through the summarizer, will connect through subject matter and transitions, to help students understand the big picture and to build musical skills. Participants will have the opportunity to share ideas and create lesson plans in a similar way. CONTINUED 11:50 AM-12:40 PM All Areas; High School Level Tech Lab An Integrated, Collaborative Approach to Teaching Guitar, Part 2 [Part 1 of this session, 10:50, Tech Lab.] Clinician: Daniel Roberts, Howard County Presiding: Denise Wann (MMEA Past Technology Chair), Howard County This session will build on the concepts from "An Integrated, Collaborative Approach to Teaching Guitar, Part 1” by analyzing content development, personal guitar skillbuilding, and integration of technology such as the Fishman TriplePlay™, GarageBand™, and ProTools™ into your planning and teaching process. Luncheon 12:45 PM Luncheon: All Areas; All Levels Cafeteria Sponsor: MD Music Educators Association (MMEA) Participants: $10.00 - Order with Pre-registration Collegiate Students: Complimentary; Indicate on Registration Form First & Second-Year Teachers: Complimentary; Indicate on Registration Form Meet MMEA board members and teachers who are teaching in your area of expertise. The luncheon is an excellent way to connect with your state professional organization. We are here to support you in your journey as a music educator! Be sure to check the appropriate place on your registration form, so we will know that you are coming to the luncheon.
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