IT-Security Portfolio consulting, project support and services networker, projektberatung GmbH

IT-Security Portfolio
consulting, project support and services
networker, projektberatung GmbH
support &
mobile security
Technical IT-Security I Analyses
Threat-/Risk Analyses
Where are the actual risks and threats through assaults or outages onto the daily business of your
enterprise to be found? Which priorities should you apply to which areas of your business,
infrastructures, activities or processes?
project start
by request
analysis and
display of ithreat
threat analysis
end of project
Adapted Business Impact Analyses [BIA]
Which mutual dependencies are there in your company between processes and/or business areas/
departments in case of an IT-Security incident?
What are the restart times of processes in the company?
Technical Safety Analyses
Our technical safety analyses stretch across penetration tests and source code audits of applications,
hardening of operation systems and security audits/configuration check of databases.
! i.e. operation systems, applications and databases
Automated IT-Security Analyses and Monitoring
At low cost, we automate penetration tests and IT-Security analyses of applications and their
infastructure (switch, router and server).
Technical IT-Security I Audits, Evaluations and Mobile Security
Design Evaluations and Reviews
Do applications, gateways, infrastructure, servers and databases comply with the up-to-date „best
practice“ and do any IT-security risks arise from this design?
Do new IT-projects, concepts or designs comply with the IT-security standard?
Security Audits of the IT-Infrastructure (LAN, WAN, ITK)
Review of network segmentation and port-security according to 802.1x.
Security audits of facility integration and VPN‘s, as well as the inspection of telephone systems [VoIP]
and Unified Communications [UC] solutions.
Security Audits of web gateways and Cloud solutions
Logic- and penetration tests of web- and Cloud-gateways according to OWASP. IT-Security audits of
Cloud- and Hosting-solutions and their infrastructure. Inspection of the availability- and backupstrategy of Cloud- and hosting-solutions.
Mobile Security
Support of planning and design of mobile IT-solutions, as well as the implementation of Mobile
Device Management [MDM] solutions with the focus of IT-security. Safe expansion of IT-infrastructure
on mobile devices.
IT-Security Processes I Consulting and Compliance
Strategy Advice (multivendor)
Conzeption, planning, design and process advice for your IT-security-strategy: Which solutions fit
your requirements or processes best? Which design can be implemented by which solution, in order
to comply best possible with your company‘s demands?
Business Processes and Compliance
Consulting and support when introducing IT-security processes and the conformance of the
respective compliance requirements. Recommendation for the implementation of processes and
compliance requirements according to „best practice“ in the IT-security area.
Concepts for the implementation of IT-security designs and processes, in dependence on the BSI
basic protection catalogue and on ISO 2700x suite. Preparation for the BSI / ISO certification and ITsecurity audits for inspection of the implementation.
IT-Security Processes I Support and Training
Biddins and Requirment Management
Consulting, draft and support at the point of the compliation of IT-security bidding documentation.
Execution and project management of biddings, consisting of IT-security solutions, projects and
Integrated Project Management
Assumption of the project lead in IT-security projects according to ITIL® and Prince2®, from single
project management up to multi project management.
Customer specific trainings and eLearning
As per customers‘ request generated IT-Security Trainings. eLearning solutions in the area of safe
application development.
! i.e. IT-security awareness, safe programming in C++ and secure development life cycle
Eschborner Straße 4
D-61476 Kronberg/Ts.
Senior Account Manager
Telefon +49 (0) 6173 / 99 89 3 - 0
Telefax +49 (0) 6173 / 99 89 3 - 20
Mobil +49 (0) 171 / 5611 320
Thomas Schramm