e n g l is h 4 1 0 2 e n u J -18 7 1 h Cp Progr amme Practical Information Registration: • Sending your registration form by post or fax • Scanning the registration form and emailing it to info@trapezegroup.eu • Visiting our online registration site: www.trapezegroup.eu/euc2014 Dear customer all Trapeze Group gle User Conference for sin a run ve ha we ade y For more than a dec conferences have been ver veys we know that these sur r ou m Fro . ers tom Europe cus successful. ething new have decided to try som Nevertheless, in 2014 we for our German speaking conferences: one in Berlin o tw er off l wil we r yea This inavian speaking for our English and Scand n age nh pe Co in e on d customers, an customers. cessful, but ing that has proven so suc eth som e ng cha to ing It is of course challeng of attendees, ultimately can increase the number we t tha ve lie be we s by doing thi benefits of attending. come along and get the to ers tom cus re mo g lin enab Monday evening event structure. On the the eak tw to d ide dec This year we have also s and snacks. The full ing reception with drink ork tw ne al orm inf an ng we are offeri Wednesday. run on the Tuesday and conference will then be Not everything changes ns, ence format, with sessio g the well-known confer pin kee be rse cou s, of l We wil employee and as ne meetings with Trapeze o-o e-t on s, ion tat en res speakers, demo-p e. ing and having a good tim always, time for network eceived by our and hope it we be well-r up set w ne s thi t ou ab d We are very much excite penhagen. you in either Berlin or Co ing see to rd wa for k loo customers. We Best regards, Trapeze Group Europe You can register by: Your registration is binding and can only be terminated in writing before 6 June 2014 Payment: If you register before 11 April you will benefit from a discounted price: Registration before 11 April: Registration after 11 April: 1 day for 250 EUR (1.870 DKK) 2 days for 400 EUR (2.990 DKK) 1 day for 350 EUR (2.615 DKK) 2 days for 500 EUR (3.735 DKK) We will send you an invoice according to your Customer Care agreement. The participation fee includes: All sessions, reception on Monday evening, lunch, coffee/tea breaks, welcome package, sightseeing and dinner on Tuesday evening as well as meetings with Trapeze employees. Guide to the programme: The programme is divided into tracks and numbers which let you easily find the sessions which are relevant to you. But do have a look through the entire programme. There might be sessions in several tracks that could be of interest to you. Book a meeting: If you wish to meet with a Trapeze employee during the conference you can specify it on the registration form. We will do all we can to meet your request. The meetings will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, 17 and 18 June. However, if this is not possible we will offer you a meeting before noon on Thursday, 19 June. The meetings will be allocated on a “first come, first served” basis. Evening activities: Monday, 16 June, 20:00-22:00 Before the real start of the conference we would like to invite you to an informal reception on Monday evening, 16 June. Here you are able to register and meet Trapeze employees as well as colleagues from the transport industry. Tuesday, 17 June, 18:30-22:30 Experience a guided tour to Carlsberg brewery where you can enjoy food and beverages in the historic brewery. Please note that you have to sign up for all evening activities. Please see the registration form. Programme Sessions – Primarily targeted / Sessioner – Primært rettet mod: 100: Planning System 500: Demand Response/Bestillingskørsel 200: Operations Management 600: General topics/Generelle emner 300: Planning and Operations Management 800: CavPlan (Sweden/Sverige) 400: Fylker (Norway/Norge) 900: Train Operations/Togdrift Monday 20:00 22:00 Registration and reception (remember to sign up for the reception) tuesday 09:00 10:00 Plenum 800 SE 10:30 11:15 11:30 12:15 Cavplan Tjänstgöringsscheman (Automatiska intervaller) 500 DK Cavplan Automatiskt OB-hantering 501 DK Automatiskt OB-hantering för löneberedning. 12:15 13:00 201-1 DK Best practices inden for brug og vedligeholdelse af skabeloner. Ny funktionalitet för bättre hantering av schemautrullningar. 801-1 SE Vedligeholdelse af skabeloner i Novus DR Rapporter i NOVUS DR En gennemgang de nye standard rapporter i NOVUS DR Operations Mangement System – Nyheder 307 UK Vi viser de nyheder, der er kommet i driftsprogrammet siden sidste brugerkonference. 201-2 DK Operations Mangement System – Nyheder Cavplan Automatiskt OB-hantering Automatiskt OB-hantering för löneberedning. 13:00 13:45 308 UK Dashbords showing status in the planning and allocation proces 205 DK Statistikker/rapporter direkte fra database 201-1 DK – fortsat 502 DK/ UK NOVUS DR TripImporter Vi belyser emnet med udgangspunkt i en kunde case. 200 DK Cavplan Löneexport (integration) Ny löneexportsmodul inkl. OB-hantering. 14:00 14:45 803 SE 515 DK/ UK Egendefinerede rapporter i CERT NEW 202-1 DK Define your own reports in CERT NEW Avtalshantering Køreplanskifte af køreplaner og vognløb i Trapeze System Gennemgang af hvordan man kan få udskrifter af oplysninger, som ikke ligger som en fast udskrift – men som kan trækkes direkte fra databasen via SQL/MS Query. 309 UK Står det næste køreplanskifte lige for døren? Kom og se hvordan dette kan gøres i Timetable Planner for køreplaner og vognløb med funktionen Køreplanskifte, så du kan være endnu bedre klædt på til næste skifte. 202-2 DK Cavplan Regelkontrol Duty Planner 3/Roster Hidtil har regelkontrol i Duty Planner og Roster været baseret på faste regler med parametre. Nu er det muligt at benytte den fleksible forlønopsætning i disse programmer til at programmere egne regler. We shed light on this subject based on a customer case. 802 SE Möjlighet att hantera flertal avtal med olika löneberäkningar. 406-1 NO Et dybt dyk i NOVUS FX Få det meste ud af NOVUS FX. Kom og få en genopfriskning af de funktioner, du ikke lige bruger hver dag. Vi viser også nogle letopsættelige kortfunktioner, der kan forbedre din kortoplevelse i hverdagen. 406-2 DK Et dybt dyk i NOVUS FX 403-1 DK / UK Q&A – OPEN SESSION 105 UK System maintenance – SQL Server 602 UK • Time tables and stop tables • User-defined formats • Info Publisher integrated directly in Trapeze Planning System • Images/logos stored in database • XL and PDF format System setup to secure data and minimise response times. 406-1 – fortsat Info Publisher Passenger Information 516 DK/ UK Focus Group meeting for CERT users 901 UK Rail Modelling & Planning solutions NEW Køreplanskifte af køreplaner og vognløb i Trapeze System Web-portal for document management and communication NEW Kom og mød Trapeze-konsulenterne med dine spørgsmål og udfordringer i Trapeze-systemerne. 400 DK Come and meet our Trapeze consultants, bring your questions and challenges for the Trapeze programs. 403-2 DK / UK Info Publisher i NOVUS FX Vi vil i denne session komme ind på følgende emner: holdepladstavleformater, designvalg, Compose, køreplanudskrifter, tavleudskrifter, parametersæt, noter, dobbeltdestinationer, og endelig vil vi komme ind på, hvordan I kan arbejde med jeres egne tavledesigns. Q&A – OPEN SESSION An overview of Trapeze Group Rail’s software solutions and how they address the Railway Undertaking’s operation 105 UK 403-1 – fortsat / continued Cavplan CrewWeb & CrewApp (PersonalWebb – PersonalApp) 301 DK 202-1 – fortsat Helt ny möjlighet för kunderna – Trapeze CrewApp (mot CavPlan). 505 DK Udsend SMS fra NOVUS DR Send en besked til kunden 15 min før opsamling, eller dagen før, eller send SMS til chauffør om arbejdsstart dagen efter? Vi viser mulighederne 203 DK Idriftsætning ved: Planskifte, ændringer af tjenester, ændringer på turnus mv. FAQ til hvordan du gør i Duty Planner, Roster og idriftsætningen ved planskifte, ændring af enkelte tjenester, forlængelse af planer, opdeling af planer. Hvorfor opstår dobbelte data? Lønmæssige konsekvenser ved forskellige disponeringer i Operations Management System 519 UK 514 UK Focus Group Meeting for PASS users NEW NUT generalforsamling og årsmøde Topics for this session: • SUTI interface • Fleet management and operator portal • Service lines and travel planner integration • Web Booking and other self-service applications • Certification • Our plans for future .NET applications Guided tour to Carlsberg brewery (remember to sign up) 201 UK Operations Mangement System – What’s New We will show the latest news in the operations program since our last User Conference NUT generalforsamling og årsmøde 17:00 17:45 System maintenance – SQL Server 520 UK New features in CERT There are many new features in CERT: • a new tool for designing your own forms which can be attached to an application. • new email agent which lets you send bulk emails. • Improved management of case status and changes regarding changing schools or addresses. • Student Portal – a new web portal for intermediate students CERT – Family Portal and School Transport A presentation of the complete CERT solution for Bus Éireann. Follow the entire case history from when a parent sends in an application for school transport, to the transport has been planned, the fare is paid and the ticket is issued. Implementation during: plan change, changing duties, rosters etc. FAQ about how to use Duty Planner, Roster and implementation when creating plan changes, creating changes in individual duties, extending plans and splitting plans. Why is there a risk of duplicate data? 600 UK System setup to secure data and minimise response times. Konsekvenser i løn: Vi ser på de konsekvenser forskellige disponeringer kan have for lønberegningen i Trapeze. Hvad kan man gøre for at minimere evt. fejl inden endelig disponering? 804 SE 203 UK Employee Communication CrewApp and CrewWeb Our main focus is on the new shift board feature, improved tablet support, upload of time sheets for the employee and the iOS version of CrewApp Make checklists, forms, documents, etc. available for your employees and for your external co-operations partners. 15:00 15:45 18:30 22:30 NEW ITS / Betriebssteuerung und Fahrgastinformation basierend auf Cloud-Computing- Technologie. Lunch break 801-2 SE 16:00 16:45 ITS in the cloud 900 UK Train Plan and Duty Manager We now have a fully integrated rail management and operations system, combining Train Plan and Duty Manager. 204 UK Roslab (Roster optimisation) How to use the algorithm for generating optimal rosters or improving existing rosters. Programme Sessions – Primarily targeted / Sessioner – Primært rettet mod: 100: Planning System 500: Demand Response/Bestillingskørsel 200: Operations Management 600: General topics/Generelle emner 300: Planning and Operations Management 800: CavPlan (Sweden/Sverige) 400: Fylker (Norway/Norge) 900: Train Operations/Togdrift wednesday 805 SE Cavplan Automatisk omplanering Långtidsplanering/Omplanering för personal. 517 DK / UK Cavplan Presentation CavConnect (EconomyConnect) NEW 300 DK We look at what’s new and share the many examples from various solutions, such as; • TomTom Dispatch • Trapeze SUTI Mediator • Trapeze DriverMate • Trapeze SupervisorMate • Trapeze FlexMate 8:30 9:15 806-1 SE What’s new in mobile computing and dispatch 508 DK Kapacitetsplanlægning 402 DK Kapacitetsplanlægning: • Hvad kan den bruges til? • Hvordan bruges den? • Hvordan læser man de forskellige info? • Udtræk af nøgletal Hastigheder i NOVUS DR 100 UK Optimisation 102 DK Automatisk vognløbsplanlægning i Block Planner og andre nyttige funktioner Hvordan kontrollerer du dine planlagte data for udtræk, produktionsberegning, RegTopp-eksport og kvalitetssikring? Få svar her 511 UK Tjek køretider, og tilpas hastigheder. NOVUS FX – Schedules og datakontrol PASS: What’s new in version 14 NEW Lön + Ekonomiintegration. 9:30 10:15 806-2 SE 10:30 11:15 Cavplan Presentation CavConnect (EconomyConnect) 507 DK 11:30 12:15 Cavplan Presentation Alkolås- integration 302 DK Lettere tilpasning og oprettelse af egne rapporter med den ny rapport wizard Lön + Ekonomiintegration. 807 SE Report Designer for NOVUS DR og PASS 509 UK / DK Nya möjligheter för att integrarera alkotest till signin i CavPlan. Datawarehouse – Technical Insight Normbalance – betydning for løn og planlægning 512 UK Vi ser på de forskellige dagtypers betydning i normberegningen. Forskellige beregningsmæssige konsekvenser, visning af saldo i Month Planner mv. 303 DK Crew Web 206 DK Hvad er en times arbejde? ’Open Data Source’ with KPI for Business Intellligence and invoicing. Medarbejderportal. Generel gennemgang af hvad Crew Web er og kan anvendes til. Trapeze School for authorities NEW Oveview of our soluition for planning and managing school transport 403-1 DK / UK Q&A – OPEN SESSION Kom og mød Trapeze-konsulenterne med dine spørgsmål og udfordringer i Trapeze-systemerne. 104-1 DK In this session we will look at the fixed-route optimistation module from Trapeze. The module can be used for optimising either the vehicle blocks, the duties, or a combined optimisation where the vehicle blocks are recombined in a way to make more effecient duties. The talk will cover both basics settings, as well as some of the more advanced settings and possibilities. 404 UK News in NOVUS DR 304-1 UK Vehicle Manager 8: Timetables and blocks 300 UK Capacity Planner 301 UK Consequences in wages caused by different allocations in the Operations Management System News around time table and block planning in Vehicle Manager 8 like some import options, Timetable Planner, orders, global and master blocks Forum for Kommuner Et forum, hvor vore kunder blandt de danske kommuner opfordres til at udvikle erfaringer og ideer med NOVUS DR 304-2 UK Vehicle Manager 8: Timetables and blocks We look at the effects caused by different allocations during wage calculation in Trapeze programs. What can you do to minimise potential errors before final allocation? 302 UK 304-1 UK – continued PASS & NOVUS-DR – Learn about the new ad-hoc reporting tool 518 UK An introduction to CERT for NOVUS DR and PASS NEW 403-2 DK / UK Q&A – OPEN SESSION 403-1 – fortsat / continued 104-2 DK Forum for Kommuner 902-1 UK Trainplan / Duty Manager workshop 104-1 – fortsat Standard time balance – significance for wages and planning We will look at how the various day types effect the standard time calculation. Different calculation consequences, displaying a balance in Month Planner etc. Come and meet our Trapeze consultants, bring your questions and challenges for the Trapeze programs. 517 UK Capacity Planner: • What is it used for? • How is it used? • How do you read the information? • Extracting key figures 305 UK Vehicle Manager 8: Rostering and preparing for Duty Planner. 303 UK CrewWeb 306-1 UK Vehicle Manager, daily dispatching, statistics, interaction with DM7 206 UK What is an hour’s work? 207 UK Printing duties in a Gantt chart for Excel and how to set this up Employee portal. Basic overview of CrewWeb and what you can use this program for. ’Open Data Source’ med KPI til Business Intellligence og fakturering. 12:15 13:00 Lunch break 808 SE Presentation nyheter beställningstrafik 510 UK / DK Nya funktionalitet för charter modulen. 13:00 13:45 Cavplan Fordonshantering CavAdmin (VehicleAdmin) 519 DK Full kontroll och översyn på företagets fordon. 520 DK 15:00 15:45 6 SUTI Communication – Technical Insight Exchanging trip information between systems. Udveksling af turoplysninger mellem systemer. 809 SE 14:00 14:45 Cavplan Nye features i CERT Der er mange nyheder i CERT. Vi præsenterer et nyt værktøj til at designe egne formularer, som kan knyttes til en ansøgning. Se den nye e-mailagent, som gør det muligt at lave masseudsendelse af emails. Bedre styring af sagstilstande og ændringer ved skoleskift/ adresseændringer. Student Portal – en ny webportal for videregående skoleelever. CERT – Family Portal og skoletransport En præsentation af den komplette CERT løsning til Bus Éireann. Følg hele sagsforløbet fra en forælder indsender en ansøgning om skoletransport til transporten er planlagt og billetten til skoleeleven er betalt og udstedt. 207 DK I denne session beskriver vi de forskelige former for tidsbegreber i Trapeze Planning og Operations Management System, f.eks. betalt tid, effektiv tid og nominel tid, samt deres rolle i norm- og lønberegningen. Udskrifter af tjenester i et Gantt-diagram og andre nyttige funktioner i Duty Planner NEW Gennemgang af case study: Vi viser flowet fra omløb til oprettelse af tjenester i TrainPlan, via interface til Duty Manager til videre bearbejdelse. Fremtidens turnusoptimering Præsentation af forskellige idéer til en eventuel ny algoritme. Deltagere får mulighed for at komme med input og give deres mening til kende. Get your trips on the vehicles, manage vehicle absences, deliver statistics for the vehicles, handle daily problems, interact with the people dispatching from Duty Manager 7. Review of case study: We show the flow from train block to creating duties in TrainPlan, via interface to Duty Manager for further processing. 513 UK PASS & Novus-DR – TripBroker NEW 405-1 NO TripBroker – alternative way of dispatching your trips. Rapportopbygning og data udhentning i NOVUS FX I denne session ser vi på, hvordan du selv kan oprette egne definerede rapporter og redigere eksisterende rapporter med NOVUS FX’ rapportmodul. Hvordan du kan hente forskellige data ud af databasen f.eks. data omkring kort, køreplaner og lignende og ind i f.eks. Excel. Igennem sessionerne vil vi henvise til NOVUS FX’ databasestruktur og gennemgå dele af den. I denne session kigger vi på både den nye funktion til at udskrive tjeneste til Excel og andre nyttige fif i Duty Planner, herunder filtrering af vognløb. Udskriften til Excel findes for både tjenester og vognløb, og kan lette planlæggerens arbejde i dagligdagen 208 DK NEW 405-2 NO Rapportopbygning og data udhentning i NOVUS FX 601-1 – fortsat 902-2 UK Trainplan / Duty Manager workshop 902-1 – fortsat / continued NEW 306-2 UK Vehicle Manager, daily dispatching, statistics, interaction with DM7 306-1 UK – continued In this session we describe the various time concepts in the Trapeze Planning and Operations Management System, e.g. paid time, effective time and nominal time and their roles in wage calculation. Now you can print duty plans to a Gantt chart in Excel format. This can be very useful in many contexts. In this session we will display this feature and show users to change the printout on their own plans. 208 UK Optimising rosters in the future Presentation of varous ideas for a possible new algorithm. Participants can bring their input and ideas. 7 Organiser: Trapeze Group Europe Søren Frichs Vej 38 K, 2 DK-8230 Åbyhøj info@trapezegroup.eu +45 8744 1600 l iral Hote Cop m d A o t e Welcom y of d the Cit ip n a e id s e port flagsh tel is a ce on th o n H e l id a s ir e r n Adm royal penhage org, the o b C n e e li h t a , oard With Am uring on starb n e g a h tels. neighbo n o d h n l a a Cope n s io g area internat aves shoppin r among la u interwe p l o e p t o , t h ites. ic y tre distr s and su agen cit a m h e o n h o e t r p e o 6 h C in t in all 36 ns, the Located service ttractio a d t n a is r n u , desig major to , culture e c n ie n conve el iral Hot n Adm enhage -28 gade 24 Toldbod openhagen K 3C DK-125 4 14 33 74 1 k Ph. +45 dmiralhotel.d a l@ a ir adm DKK) (1.370 R U E 5 8 ice of 1 d with your rable pr u ke o o v o a b f el when t the om is a o r s e m the hot h o T h o r . it f w m o o s ly o direct ouble r number limited 590 DKK) per d sts of the room a d e k o . o pre-bo EUR (1 le the c We have room and 215 t you will sett u le b ration, per sing e regist c n e r e f con ck out. you che We have pre-booked a limited numbers of rooms at the favourable price of 185 EUR (1.370 DKK) per single room and 215 EUR (1.590 DKK) per double room. The room is booked with your conference registration, but you will settle the costs of the room directly with the hotel when you check out. l Hote dmiral A n e g a h Copen ) t (Metro avnen s h ft u L : rds Depart ay towa irport: alk 2 Subw agen A M h : n n etro). W e o p M ti ( o c From C lk. Dire ytorv st a N w s n s n e e in g g 5m e: Kon openha – about From C o). Arriv en, 8 mins. st (Metr t e u s o anegård lø b b n a Va : Hoved de 24 – rt broen. a a s g p u d e o D th b e: Kvæs to Told us 66 – iv B rr : part: A n . io Stat 1A – De usbroen Central Kvæsth ins. Bus : m n . 2 o ) s t ti c u u ire – abo p st (b Tivoli. D gade 24 : Helleru – Toldbod irection D to . gade 24 ) d lk s o a u b W Tivoli. to Toldb ården ( , g lk n e a e n W a rd å b Hoved Palæet. dbaneg e w v o o ll alk to H e W F : . Odd Depart Børsen Arrive: Arrive: us 2A – . B ) . s s u b in ( m n st about 5 vsparke . n: Lergra 13 mins t u o b Directio e 24 – a d a g d o Toldb Copyright 2014 Trapeze Software ULC, its subsidiaries and affiliates. All rights reserved. Any trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.
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