You´ve been tagged Thursday PRECAMP Friday PRECAMP Saturday PRE CAMP PRE CAMP Sunday Monday Tuesday 9.30 - 10.00 Devotion 9.30 - 10.00 Devotion 9.30 - 10.00 Devotion 9.30 - 10.00 Devotion 9.30 - 10.00 Devotion 9.30 - 10.00 Devotion 10.00 - 12.00 Sport and games 10.00 - 12.00 Performance and fun 10.00 - 12.00 Freaky and extreme 10.00 - 12.00 Stupid and nerdy Scan the QR-code or enter and add the mobile page to your main menu. Then you can watch pictures and read a lot of things in Danish – but don’t worry everyone is ready to translate for you! 10.00 - 12.00 Smart and creative Friday 14.00 - 16.00 Arrival 14.00-16.30 Activity zones 16.00 - 17.00 Get together games 16.30-17.30 Ten Sing concerts Wonde rd PRE CAMP ay LUNCH 12.00 - 14.00 20.00 - 21.00 Evening show 20.00 - 21.00 Evening show 22.00 Go Go Berlin 21.00 - 24.00 Activity zones 21.00 Kris Herman 21.00 - 24.00 Activity zones 23.00-24.00 Gudstjeneste And contribute yourself by adding #kfumkfuk to your newsfeed on Facebook, tweets and Instagram pictures. Watch al content from social media at Follow Wonderful Days in social media 24.00 - 01.30 Disco in the church tent Cafés are open Contact Wonderful Days Dyrskuepladsen Halvorsmindevej 31 9800 Hjørring, Denmark Phone: +45 3614 1533 Bank It is possible to withdraw small amounts by Visa-cards in the Information tent and in the Cafés. For bigger amounts you must go to the ATM’s in central Hjørring (the street is named Østergade) Forgotten things Do you lose anything during the week you can go to the Information tent where forgotten things are stored. Medical assistance Go to ’the camp hospital’ where nurses can be found (watch the map) or go to the Information tent Regulations ∙ Bringing along and/or consuming alcohol or drugs is prohibited ∙ Girls and boys must be accommodated separately ∙ You cannot leave the festival area between 12 PM and 8 AM and during this period there shall be absolute silence in the living area. ∙ You are only allowed to smoke at specially marked places. Saturday 24.00 - 01.30 Disco in the church tent Cafés are open 21.00 - 24.00 Activity zones Kl.22.00-24.00 DJ Bruun 24.00 - 01.30 Cafés are open »Det bedste år i mit liv« m Kvist Willia Fodbold Prayer and brunch Clara vieira volleyball JaKob Green Håndbold steensberG arendseGymnastik Goodbye 14.00-16.30 Activity zones 14.00 Visitors’ Day begins 14.00-16.30 Activity zones 14.00-16.30 Activity zones 14.00-16.30 Activity zones 16.30-17.30 Ten Sing concerts 16.30-17.30 Ten Sing concerts 16.30-17.30 Ten Sing concerts 16.30-17.30 Ten Sing concerts D I N N E R 17. 3 0 - 1 8 . 4 5 HIS logo 19.00-19.30 Evening debate 19.30-20.30 Service 17.30-20.00 Dinner 20.30 - 21.00 Evening show 20.00 - 21.00 Fundraising show 20.00 - 21.00 Evening show 20.00 - 21.00 Evening show 21.00 - 24.00 Activity zones 21.00 Concentus 23.00 Rangleklods 21.00-21.30 Visitors’ Day ends 21.30-22.00 Skumringstime 22.00 - 24.00 Activity zones 22.30 Noah 23.00 Human O Project 21.00 - 24.00 Activity zones 21.30 The Green Lives 23.30 Sofia Hedia 21.00 - 24.00 Activity zones 21.30 Vinnie Who 23.00 Jazz Kvartet 23.00 Koncert Festivalband 24.00 - 01.30 Cafés are open 24.00 - 01.30 Cafés are open 24.00 - 01.30 Disco in the church tent Cafés are open Information 6.-13. juli 2013 HJøRRING Thursday BREAKFAST 8.00 - 9.30 19.00-20.00 Evening debate You´ve been tagged Wednesday Visito rs’ Day 19.00-20.00 Evening debate 19.00-20.00 Evening debate Med skygge Uden skygge - i pantone 1805 From Wonderful Days to a Wonderful Year… Sort/Hvid HEX: b42a2c RGB: 180, 42, 44 CMYK: 21,96,92,11 24.00 - 01.30 Cafés are open Evening debate Evening debate is something which takes places every evening. Here you will meet with your group and discus the theme of the day. The theme of the day will be presented every morning. During the evening debates there will also be time for singing, praying and relaxation. Gud, du har sat dit tegn som en strålende bue i skyen Skinnende gennem regn når solen den kommer til byen Se og hør mig – giv mig nu dit mærke lad mig flyve som en sommerlærke Og på mit hjertested i det hemligste rum af dem alle lagde du en evighed til spiring når regnen vil falde Der gror det i solens skin når dit løfte rammer min kind Alle dage her – lysende stjerne helt tæt og nær – og vil så gerne Kom fra det fjerne – lys lige her og lys vores øjne op Alle dage her – lysende stjerne helt tæt og nær – og vil så gerne Kom fra det fjerne - lys lige her og lys vores øjne op Når mørket tar mit navn og når håbet er sodet og sværtet står du med åben favn der hvor regnbuen lander i hjertet Der gror det i solens skin når dit løfte rammer min kind Alle dage her – lysende stjerne helt tæt og nær – og vil så gerne Kom fra det fjerne – lys lige her og lys vores øjne op Rød farve Bomærke alene Med skygge The Wonderful Days’ song Visitors’ day On Wednesday from 2 PM till 9 PM the festival area will be open for visitors and a lot of parents, grandparents, siblings and friends will come by. During the afternoon it will be possible for you to go to the beach together with all other international participants. Ikke tilladte versioner Tlf. 56 31 20 50 Alle dage her – lysende stjerne helt tæt og nær – og vil så gerne Kom fra det fjerne – lys lige her og lys vores øjne op Arne Andreasen, 2012 MOD NYE MÅL rtslig, er til rockspade Du er sproglig eller spo eller matematik, ik kan me eller møggreb, … – eller noget helt andet ærk håndværk eller kunstv selv! Men du tør udfordre dig ? Vi tør udfordre dig! Tør du Ring allerede i dag på telefon 97 76 41 28 eller læs mere på Uden skygge 1 Café K In the café you can buy all sorts of goodies. There will also be a lot of activities like painting a sofa, being a part of a pillow factory, a You Tube night and a lot more. Café K is open every day 10 AM - 12 AM, 1 PM - 17.30 PM and 9 PM - 01.30 AM. 2 Café Mokka The target group for this café is volunteers and the oldest participants. Here you can relax, have a cup of coffee and a little to eat. During the week there will be singing, music and much more. Café Mokka is open every day from 10 AM - 01.30 AM. Sports Hall 3 Fairbar Fairbar is located in the Lounge. Here you can enjoy bubble tea or something sweet and relax in the loungy atmosphere. Fairbar is open every day 10 AM - 12 AM, 2 PM - 16.30 PM and 21 PM - 12 PM. Sports area 4 Information tent The employees in the information tent know almost everything and they are always ready to help you. In the tent you can for instance charge your cell phone for 5 DKR or buy merchandise. The Information is open every day from 9 AM - 7 PM and again from 8 PM - 12 PM. 5 Activity zones Five different activity zones have temping things to offer you during the festival. The zones are open every day (except Monday) 2 PM - 16.30 PM and 21 PM - 12 PM. 6 ’Freaky and extreme’ Are you extreme or just freaky? In this activity zone you can do everything that you are not allowed to anywhere else! We set new records, push boundaries and challenge destiny and each other. PARKING Volunteer’s camp 7 ’Sport and games’ Do you like all sorts of sports and games this is the place for you. You can compete in wheelchair sports, soccer, UV-Volley, soapbox car Le Mans and much more. 8 ’Performance and fun’ In the P.O.F. tent there is room for Hollywood stars, useless reality-divas and you who are crazy about music, dancing and theater. Childrens’ camp 9 ’Stupid and nerdy’ Does your stomach explode if you drink a coke after eating a Mentos? Can you walk on water? Do you faint after eating the hottest chilly plant on earth? Enter the experimental ’Stupid and nerdy’ tent if you want to test your limits. 11 Indoor stage 10 ’Smart and creative’ This is the place to express your more creative site. You can make trinkets, pimp your phone, create new clothes or tag yourself into the festival wall. Your own imagination is the only limit! 14 3 13 Outdoor stage 9 Beach volley 7 Beach volley 12 12 utdoor stage O Stand up in front of the scene and go crazy while listening and dancing to the music from Go Go Berlin, Vinnie Who, Sofia Hedia, Noah and the rest of our visiting artists. The Ten Sin groups will also perform on stage. 13 Lounge The lounge is for you! You can play traditional games, Wii, playstation or table football, sing or jam together. The lounge is open all week 10 AM - 12 AM, 2 PM - 16.30 PM and 21 PM - 12 PM. 14 Living areas All participants stay in tents or caravans in the living areas. One living are contains approximately 100 participants. Each area is cut into smaller groups with about 20 participants who meet with each other and their festival guides in the discussions groups every night. 15 Dining tent Breakfast, lunch and dinner are prepared by ‘Rudis kokkeservice’ and served in the dining tent. Breakfast is from 8-9.30 PM, lunch is from 12 AM - 2 PM and dinner from 5.30-6.45 PM. Remember to bring our own Eating equipment every time. 16 The church tent This is the place where you are in focus! You can hang out, have a powernap, ask big questions, talk to God, be creative with LEGO, get a take-away prayer or take part in one of the daily devotions or workshops. There are to daily devotions; at 2 PM: ‘Everyday God’ and at 3 PM: Taizé devotion. The church tent opens with a service Saturday night at 11.30 PM. God has tagged you! If you have any questions you can write a SMS to a pastor on either +45 2821 3811 or +45 2427 8154. 17 Camp hospital The festival has a 24 hour hospital with nurses ready to help you if you get injured or feel sick. If you are injured please go to the camp hospital (in Danish ‘Lazaret’) or go to the Information tent. Help can be reached anytime by calling +45 5184 1664. 18 The International tent Participants of all nationalities gather in this tent. Lot of funny stuff will takes place all week, and this is also the place where a nice and helpful international festival guide always can be found. Jamstage · fairbar Lounge Information 14 11 Indoor stage At 9.30 AM we have Morning Prayer where all participants and volunteers gather for singing, praying, and reflecting about today’s theme. Every night at 8 PM there is a big evening show in the tent. Everything which takes places in the tent is translated in to English. 8 ’Stupid and nerdy’ 4 16 Church tent 15 Prague festival Dining tent PARKING ’Sport and games’ 5 ’Performance and fun’ 18 ’Freaky and extreme’ 17 ’Smart og creative’ 10 Camp hospital 6 2 International Café Mokka 1 Café K ENTRANCE 14
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