Delvo®Cheese CP-200 The Pasta Filata you expect We make it happen Pizza and cheese snacks, such as string cheese, are enjoyed by people around the world. With the demand for these types of products increasing, cheesemakers need consistent quality and reliable Pasta Filata cheese production. The Pasta Filata category groups together cheeses, such as provolone, mozzarella, kashkaval, string cheese and ‘pizza cheese’. Attributes such as shelf life stability, texture and taste help producers of these cheeses to create higher value products. DSM has designed a new series of cultures for the production of Pasta Filata in Europe: Delvo®Cheese CP-200. Thanks to a careful strain selection process, these cultures provide the cheesemaker with a robust and reliable production and add a clean, fresh taste to the cheese. The low proteolysis over shelf life creates flexibility in processing and improved functional benefits like optimized stretch and cheese browning. Why Delvo®Cheese CP-200? Reliable and consistent acidification • Delvo®Cheese CP-200 cultures (Streptococcus thermophilus) for Pasta Filata are robust cultures with independent rotations for continuous cheese production • Controlled acidification in 3 to 4 hours depending on application Functional advantages • Consistent cheese browning • Optimized cheese stretching • Extended shelf life with the same attributes A total Pasta Filata solution - Synergy with Maxiren® XDS The combination of our new coagulant Maxiren® XDS and Delvo®Cheese CP-200 turns out to be the perfect marriage. Maxiren® XDS further enhances the benefits of Delvo®Cheese CP-200 and results in: • Consistent shredding, slicing and dicing with lesser fines and cheese losses over extended shelf life; • Even more reliable browning and stretching on, for example, a pizza; • Reduced dosage of the coagulant and because of the low thermostability and its specificity, this new bovine coagulant results in minimized enzyme activity in the whey. With over 100 years of knowledge and experience in developing and producing cultures, we have helped many cheese producers to develop unique products. Our team of experts has the knowledge and expertise to help you formulate Pasta Filata with real consumer appeal. Please contact us if you need more information or assistance: More consistency Clean, fresh taste Consistency in your operations is key to minimize cheese losses or production downtimes. Our robust cultures guarantee a consistent and reliable cheese production time after time. Controlled acidification contributes to a flawless continuous cheese production. Fasta Filata is enjoyed on pizza, but also in a salad or as a cheese snack on plate. The taste of the cheese is part of the success. Delvo®Cheese CP-200 is a culture that contributes to a clean, fresh taste which consumers love. Browning & Stretching Consumers love pizza and the stretchy and browned cheese on top of it. To produce cheese with the perfect stretch and ideal browning is a delicate job. Delvo®Cheese CP-200 is a culture that helps the cheese shreds to result in the right browning with an optimum stretch. Extended shelf life The low proteolysis over shelf life of Delvo®Cheese CP-200 is the reason why the shelf life of your Pasta Filata can be extended and why your cheese is better suited for further processing such as shredding. The processing of your cheese is more flexible as it can be processed in earlier as well as later stages of its shelf life. Add Maxiren® XDS and Delvo®Cheese CP-200 together for accelerated benefits Our recently introduced coagulant Maxiren® XDS and Delvo®Cheese CP-200 work synergistically together. The combination of these two ingredients into Pasta Filata will result in more efficient Pasta Filata processing, such as slicing, dicing and shredding, thanks to the low proteolysis of both products. Furthermore, Maxiren® XDS also reduces residual rennet in the whey because of its high thermolability and high specificity to the alpha casein cutting. This increases the whey value for cheese producers. The perfect combination for your Pasta Filata Proteolysis of CP-200’s in Mozzarella cheese Maxiren® XDS Coagulant with long lasting texture Delvo® Cheese CP-200 Cultures for unique cheese flavors & texture Solutions suitable for mozzarella, pizza cheese, provolone, kashkaval, string cheese %amino nitrogen/total nitrogen 2.50% 2.00% 1.50% 1.00% 0.50% 0.00% day 7 day 30 Delvo®Cheese CP-200 day 60 day 90 Market Reference = error bars indicate the range of proteolysis across rotations Over time, the ratio of non-protein nitrogen in total protein of Delvo® Cheese CP-200 is lower compared to market reference. This indicates a lower proteolysis over time. For more information, contact us now: | Although diligent care has been used to ensure that the information provided herein is accurate, nothing contained herein can be construed to imply any representation or warranty for which we assume legal responsibility, including without limitation any warranties as to the accuracy, currency or completeness of this information or of non-infringement of third party intellectual property rights. The content of this document is subject to change without further notice. Please contact us for the latest version of this document or for further information. Since the user’s product formulations, specific use applications and conditions of use are beyond our control, we make no warranty or representation regarding the results which may be obtained by the user. It shall be the responsibility of the user to determine the suitability of our products for the user’s specific purposes and the legal status for the user’s intended use of our products. © DSM Food Specialties B.V. 2014 | A. Fleminglaan 1 | 2613 AX Delft | The Netherlands | Trade Register Number 27235314
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