INDIA METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT MAUSAM BHAWAN SATELLITE METEOROLOGY DIVISION LODI ROAD, NEW DELHI File No. F-23012/03/14-15/SM (I&P) TENDER NOTICE / DOCUMENT Director General of Meteorology, India Meteorological Department (Sat.Met.Division), Mausam Bhawan, New Delhi, invites sealed tender in two bids pattern (technical & financial bids separately) for the Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of “10 KVA UPS make UNILINE ENERGY SYSTEMS “ for five years installed at Earth Station , Lodi Road, New Delhi. The quotations for technical bidding & financial bidding should be in two separate sealed envelopes enclosed in single cover and super scribed as “QUOTATION FOR AMC OF 10 KVA UPS FOR IMD.” Tender should be accompanied with a Bank Draft of Rs. 3000 (Rupees Three thousand only) as Earnest Money Deposit (EMD), drawn in favour of Asstt. Meteorologist (DDO) Office of DGM, New Delhi payable at nationalized Bank at Delhi or Bank guarantee of equivalent amount. . Last date of receipt of Tender is 10-11-2014 (03:00 p.m.). Technical bid will be opened on the same day at 3.30 p.m. Date of opening financial bid will be intimated later on. D.G.M., IMD reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders received without assigning any reason. The details of the Equipment are enclosed at Annexure-I. Terms and Condition of AMC:Subject: Terms & Conditions for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of 10 KVA UPS for five years installed at Earth Station, Lodi Road, New Delhi. TECHNICAL 1. (a) The firm should have been in existence for the last 2-3 years in the trade with the maintenance business (Service business turn over) of more than Rs 1 Lakh per annum during the last three years. (b) Should have at least 2 years of working existence in the similar nature of work in any Central Govt. organization/State Govt./Govt. Undertaking/Reputed private firm.(Certificate having satisfactorily performed the work in the said organization should be attached). (c) The firm should not have been blacklisted by any Govt. Organization. 2. The firm has to cover the entire system at New Delhi and provide the support for smooth functioning of the system. 3. Firm shall provide comprehensive maintenance services consisting of remedial maintenance including preventive maintenance, repair/replacement of defective components, sub assemblies at site and ensure that equipments is kept in best working condition. For this purpose special cleaning, preventive maintenance will be carried out by the firms representative at the site fortnightly and get a certificate from the user to the effect that the equipment is in good working condition failing which a penalty of Rs.500/= will be imposed at each time. 4. If the firm concludes that the system is not repairable at site and is required to be transported to their service centre for repair, it shall be the responsibility of the firm to transport the part or whole of the equipment installed at Earth Station Unit, Sat Met Division, Lodi Road, New Delhi to and fro from the factory at its cost and risk. 5. Firm will position its maintenance personnel at New Delhi. On receipt of report of unserviceability, he shall attend breakdown call within two hours for the system installed at IMD HQ and shall make it operational/working within 24 hours failing which a penalty of Rs.500/= per day will be charged from the date and time of reporting the problem . 6. Defective item(s), component(s) or sub-assembly/Sub-assemblies shall be replaced with genuine and same make parts by the firm. In case of spare parts that require change is not available the same should be replaced with a higher level of parts that is compatible with the system. The AMC includes all the items in Annexure-I. 7. The vendor has to submit back to back support agreement with Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) for availability of spares and critical support during AMC period. A letter of agreement of authorization from OEM has to be submitted with technical bid in this respect. FINANCIAL TERMS 1. The Contract will be awarded for a period of five years. No demand for revision of rate on any account shall be entertained during the contract period. 2. It may also be noted that in case of contractor backing out in midstream without any explicit consent of this Department, he will be liable to recovery at higher rates, vis-à-vis, those contracted with it, which may have to be incurred by this Department on maintenance of machines for the balance period of contract through alternative means. 3. The above act of backing out would automatically debar the firm from any further dealing with this Department and the EMD amount would also be forfeited. 4. No advance payment in any case would be made. However, quarterly payment after satisfactory completion of each quarter would be made. 5. The contract can, however, be terminated by the Department any time without assigning any reason. If the work of the contractor is found to be unsatisfactory and the contract is entrusted to any other party at the risk and expenses of the defaulting contractor, the contract is liable to be cancelled. 6. The successful tenderer/firm will be required to furnish Performance security as a Bank Guarantee to “The Director General of Meteorology” for an amount of 5% of the contracted value within 21 days after award of AMC. 7. The earnest money deposit of Rs. 3000/= (Rupees Three thousand only) through a demand draft on any scheduled bank in Delhi/New Delhi drawn in favour of Asstt. Meteorologist (DDO), O/o The Director General of Meteorology must accompany the “Technical Bidding” quotation letter. Quotation received without earnest money will not be considered. Earnest money received from the tenderers will be returned without interest immediately after the process of selecting the suitable bid is over. The other requisite documents shall be accompanied with quotation letters. The price bid/financial quotation will be considered only after fulfilment of technical bid as stated above. 8. Interested firms may submit technical documents satisfying the technical bid requirements along with compliance matrix duly signed on firm’s letter head and documents relating to acceptance of all the terms and conditions in a sealed cover super scribed with “Quotation for AMC of 10 KVA UPS for technical bid”. The other sealed envelope containing the quoted rates may be submitted super scribed with “Quotation for AMC of 10 KVA UPS for financial bidding”. Both the envelopes should be enclosed in single cover and super scribed as “QUOTATION FOR AMC OF 10 KVA UPS” to Shri R B Verma, Director (I & P), Sat. Met. Division, Earth Station, Ground Floor, Sat. Met. Building, New Delhi-110003 by 3.00 p.m. on 10-11-2014. Technical quotations will be opened on the same day at 3.30 p.m. in Conference Hall 1st floor of same building. After scrutiny and satisfactory technical bidding specifications, the Department will shortlist eligible bids and the date of opening of Financial Bid will be intimated later on. If interested, the firm representative may be present at the time of opening of “Technical” and “Financial” bids. 9. Quotations received after due date, those received without separate sealed cover and rates not quoted on specified Performa will not be accepted. The Director General of Meteorology reserves the right to reduce or increase the number of items offered for maintenance contract during the period of AMC. The Director General of Meteorology also reserves the right to reject any or all quotations without assigning any reason. 10. Bid may be submitted in sealed cover and the validity of bid should be for six months. 11. The bids are to reach latest by 3.00 PM on 10-11-2014 and shall be opened on the same day at 3.30PM. 12. The firm must be registered with the Registrar of Companies and in the Service Tax department for works contract Tax. 13. Income Tax returns for last two years must be attached. ARBITRATION CLAUSE In case of any dispute arising out of the above the jurisdiction of the settlement will be Delhi only and the sole arbitrator will be appointed by DGM. (R B Verma) Director (I&P) Sat. Met. Division For Director General of Meteorology ANNEXURE - I 10 KVA UPS 10 KVA UPS – Make Uniline Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd. has a provision of half an hour back up through 60 No’s, 12V, and 45AH battery bank. This UPS has to supply uninterrupted power round the clock i.e. 24x365 hours to the Digital Meteorology Data Dissemination and ground reception equipments at Earth station. The replacement of defective battery is out of scope of this tender however vendor has to support during their physical replacement and integration with UPS. Vendor can physically inspect the system before quoting the tender. DETAILS OF THE FIRM FOR E – PAYMENT & E – RECEIPT (MANDATORY) Name of the firm : Bank Name & Address : IFSC Code No. : Full Bank Account No. : MICR Code : PAN No. :
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