For Residential customers Steps to resolve your Complaint We aim to make sure that we handle all complaints fairly and efficiently. We will always handle your complaint confidentially. What counts as a complaint? A complaint is any contact from, or on behalf of, a customer or potential customer who is not satisfied with any part of our service. We will not respond to mass lobbying campaigns as it affects the overall service our customers expect from us. How we manage your Complaint We work hard to try and stop things going wrong so that you don’t have to complain, but we know we’re not perfect and when things aren’t right we need you to tell us. Step 1 Contact us using one of the options below, let us know what the problem is and we will aim to fix it straight away: • Call us on 0345 300 6301 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 6pm on Saturday • Email via our website: • Write to Customer Service Centre, E.ON, PO BOX 7750, Nottingham NG1 6WR • Minicom 0800 056 6560 textphone suitable for deaf customers. A translation service is available: 0845 055 0065 We will always do our very best to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction immediately. In some cases we’ll need to find out more before we can fix the problem. We’ll tell you what will happen next and if needed we’ll put you in touch with a manager or a complaints specialist. If you’re not happy with the resolution, then you can proceed to step 2. Step 2 Call 0345 300 6301 to get a copy of ‘Steps to resolve your complaint’ in braille, large print, a different language or on audio cassette. We may record phone calls from time to time to help improve the quality of our service. Following Step 1, if you’re not happy with our decision contact our Directors Office, who will independently review the decision: • Call us on 0345 302 4340 • Email our Director of Customer Operations via our website at • Write to E.ON PO Box 9069 Nottingham NG1 9BU. We will come back to you within 10 working days. The Ombudsman Services: Energy Our standards of service This is a free independent service and will give you help and advice about your complaint. If you still aren’t satisfied after step 2 and we’ve issued a deadlock letter, or if the problem has been going on for more than 8 weeks you can contact the Ombudsman. (We’ll write to you and let you know that you can take your complaint to them). You may be referred back to us if you haven’t escalated your complaint via our formal complaints process outlined in steps one and two. If your complaint is investigated and you decide to accept the Ombudsman’s decision then the outcome of this is binding on us. The Energy Ombudsman will carry out an independent investigation on your behalf. As part of resolving your complaint they may ask us to do one or more of the following – apologise, give an explanation, take remedial action, award compensation. Where appropriate, here’s how to contact the Energy Ombudsman: Phone: 0330 440 1624 or 01925 530 263 Textphone: 0330 440 1600 or 01925 430 886 Email: Website: Our Standards of Service set out the standards of service that you should receive from us. If we, or your gas and electricity network operator fail to meet these standards, you may be entitled to compensation. You can find the details of your electricity or gas network operator on your bill. Citizens Advice Need more advice If you’ve already spoken to us but would like to get some free, confidential and impartial advice on consumer issues you can at any point visit or call the citizens advice consumer helpline on 08454 040506 (0845 404 0505 for Welsh speakers). Useful contacts The following organisations may be able to offer you specialist advice and information. Age UK Phone: 0800 1696565 Website: Home Heat Helpline The Home Heat Helpline advises energy customers concerned about paying their energy bills and keeping warm during the winter. It also gives advice to low-income households in need of heating help and advice. Helpline: 0800 336699 Website: Energy Saving Trust The Energy Saving Trust is organised as a social enterprise with charitable status. Gives independent and impartial advice to communities and households. Phone: 0300 123 1234 Website: National Debtline The helpline that provides free confidential and independent advice on how to deal with debt problems Phone: 0808 808 4000 Website: The Disabled Living Foundation Is a national charity that provides impartial advice, information and training on daily living aids. Phone: 0845 1309177 Website: The Money Advice Trust Advice based on your personal situation can help you create a financial statement if you have to go to court Phone: 0207 653 9743 Website: Learning from complaints We are committed to continually improving our customer service and we take account of any customer complaints to help with this. We may also ask you for feedback on the service that you have received. If you do have any suggestions or ideas on how we can improve, please let us know. Complaints reporting information You can get free information on how well we are meeting these regulations from our annual residential complaints report by visiting our website or by calling our Customer Service Centre 0345 059905. We also produce additional complaints information four times a year around the number of complaints we have received and the reason for the complaint. Details of this can be found on our website: Complaints handling procedure Our complaints handling procedure is governed by the Consumer Complaints Handling Standards Regulations 2008. You can read these Regulations at Residential sales complaints Our face-to-face sales people comply with regulatory codes, including the Doorstep Selling Regulations and condition 25 of our supplier licence. They also comply with the EnergySure Code of Practice. The Code ensures a high standard of service including that all salespeople go through a robust recruitment process and ongoing training. On the rare occasion that any E.ON salespeople breach any of the Codes, we will carry out an investigation. Following this, you may be entitled to compensation depending on the circumstances. Face to face complaints To discuss making a complaint in person, call 0345 302 4340. Our codes of practice We operate codes of practice on: • Help and advice for paying your bills • Services for prepayment customers • How we enter your home or business premises • How we give advice to customers about energy efficiency • Help and advice for customers with special needs. You can get a free copy of these documents on our website at: or by calling us on 0345 059 9905. E.ON Energy Solutions Limited Registered Office: Westwood Way, Westwood Business Park, Coventry, CV48LG. Registered in England and Wales No: 3407430 CHPRES/10/12
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