For distribution to all soldiers The following information concerns wearing of the Army Green uniform and updates to the Promotion LOI. 1. Wear of the Army Green Uniform Reference: DA Pamphlet 670-1, Guide to Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia, dated 31 March 2014. Paragraph 13-1 (a) The Army Green Uniform wear out date is 30 September 2015. Paragraph 13-1 (b) Army Blue Uniform (old) The wear out date is 30 September 2015. Paragraph 13-1 (c) Army Service Uniform (blue) The mandatory possession date of this uniform is 1 October 2015. What this means is that the Arm Green Uniform is authorized for wear until 30 September 2015. 2. Changes or clarification of the 2015 Promotion LOI and Appendix. Authorized by LTC (CA) Burge, DCS Personnel, HQ SMR. Appendix 1 has been revised to reflect the following changes. A. Evaluations: Submit the THREE most recent, consecutive evaluations. Prior Service SM may submit OER/NCOERs as part of those three. Appendix 1 B. Dress Blue Uniform is acceptable for the required photo. Appendix 1 C. Waiver Requests: DO NOT SEND ANY waiver requests directly to the CG. LOI paragraph 5 3. Command Guidance - COL (CA) Thornley, CDR RSCS A. RECOMMENDED BY: Appendix 2, Form 13A Promotion Recommendations paragraph 6 Promotion recommendations will be made by the designated Commanders/CSM/CCMS. 1) Unit Commander - The Brigade commander shall be the recommending officer for soldiers in his command. 2) Unit CSM/CCMS - The Brigade CSM/CCMS shall sign for all Enlisted personnel in his command. 3) Senior/Major Command - The Commander, RSCS shall sign ALL promotion recommendations. 4. Recommendations: The Form 13 paragraph 4, Other Events states “Participation in significant projects, missions,, and/or events reflecting on your qualification for promotion”. This section will normally be completed by the SM requesting promotion consideration. Since most SM are not conversant in this type of entry, I strongly recommend that Unit Commanders for officers and the Senior Unit NCO review these entries with the intent of providing guidance on what should be entered. The Form 13 paragraph 5, Commander’s Recommendation and Justification for Promotion Action, should be completed by SMs commander, which may be different than the signature guidance. If at all possible this information should be entered on the form prior to the SM signing. This will allow the contents to be typed. It is the Commands intent that no packets be rejected because the requirements of the LOI or Appendix was not followed. If you have any question regarding the process or required information contact your immediate superior for clarification as soon as possible. Do Not wait until the last moment. COL (CS) Runyon DC, RSCS Computing your Date of Rank BASIC COMPUTATION EXAMPLE (with no converting or borrowing): Thru date of Board Date of Rank - Time in Grade YR 2015 2014 MO 01 01 DY 31 30 1 0 01 BORROWING EXAMPLES: If the number of days in the top line is less than the second line, borrow 30 days (It doesn’t matter if the next month has 31 or 28/29 days – BORROW 30 DAYS) and add to the days on the top line. Thru date of Board Date of Rank - Time in Grade YR 2009 2009 MO 05 04 02 DY 17 47 19 0 02 29 If the number of months in the top line is less than the second line, borrow 12 months from the year and add to the months on the top line. Thru date of Board Date of Rank Time in Grade - YR 2015 2014 2009 MO 01 13 02 DY 20 19 5 11 02 Appendix 1 2015 CSMR PROMOTION SELECTION BOARD (PSB) PACKET CHECKLIST Name: _________________________________________________ Rank: ________ Print Clearly: Last, First Unit: ______________________________ Component: Army / Air Circle One Major Subordinate Command: CSMR-HQ RSC-N RSC-S CCMH ISC YCPTF TNG TC Appendix S-1 ASC Circle One Tab A B C D E F G H I J DO NOT INCLUDE EXTRANEOUS DOCUMENTS Checklist CA SMR Form 13A Biographical Summary Signed Medical Release Dated NET 1 Sep 2014 Provisional Promotion (If Applicable) Officer Specialty Directorate RFP (If Applicable) 4 most recent and consecutive evaluations Civilian Education Diploma Military Education Certificates Official Photograph Dated NET 1 Sep 2014 CDR 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes: TAB C: Include copies of your CSMR initial accession and current promotion orders. Prior Service should include copies of your final DD214 or equivalent service documents to validate TIS/TIG. TAB E: If the military education courses required for promotion were unavailable, defined as the required military education courses were not provided during the time period between the Service Member’s last promotion and the date for submission of the promotion packet. A course is available if it was provided during that time period, even though the individual was unavailable to attend when it was provided. TAB F: Specialty Directorates complete and sign for officers assigned as JAGs, Medical or Chaplains. TAB G: Evaluations must be signed by the CSMR Chain of Command, not the service member’s Full-Time Supervisor. TAB I: Include copies of certificates for all military education including BOC, OES, NCOES and professional development courses. TAB J: Submitted photos will be as follows: ¾ length color photo (2 inches above head and below hands), ¼ turn to the right; No cover; White background Army: Class A uniform (Green) or the blue Army Service Uniform (ASU) ; Air: Service Dress Attached to an 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper; Signed and dated in the bottom right corner Signed:_____________________ (Service member) 1-1 Appendix 2 FORM 13A PROMOTION RECOMENDATION Under the provisions of CSMR Regulations, the following individual is recommended for promotion consideration by the CSMR 2015 Promotion Selection Board. 1. IDENTIFICATION DATA NAME (Last, First, Middle Initial) SSN: (last 4 digits) DOB: CURRENT GRADE: DOR: CURRENT TDA ASSIGNMENT: (para, line) DUTY TITLE: AUTH GRADE: f. PROPOSED DUTY ASSIGNMENT (if different from above) GRADE: g. CURRENT MAILING ADDRESS/TELEPHONE Street or P.O. Box City Home Phone Business Phone ZIP 2. HEIGHT AND WEIGHT CERTIFICATION: The Unit Commander/CSMR Chief of Staff/ CSMR General Staff Director certifies that service member meets the height and weight standards of CSMR REG 600-9. 3. CSMR PARTICIPATION RECORD Total cumulative hours of CSMR Volunteer Service: _____ Hours (Note: This is in addition to the hours of drill attendance) Summary of Participation as of: Volunteer Hours (1) Current Calendar Year 2014 (2) Previous Calendar Year 2013 (3) Previous Calendar Year 2012 Note: As certified on service members CSMR Form 20s. Do not attach the Form 20s. 4. OTHER EVENTS Participation in significant projects, missions, and/or events reflecting on your qualification for promotion. This provides the Promotion Board with additional information that has the potential to favorably reflect as to whether or not the SM is qualified for promotion. 2-1 Appendix 2 FORM 13A PROMOTION RECOMENDATION By signing, service member certifies that all the information contained in this packet is true and correct and is a true and correct representation of the service members civilian education, awards, decorations, and achievements and completion of Military Education Courses, Branch Qualification Courses, FEMA Courses, Emergency Qualification Courses, and other military training courses. Service Member: ____________________________ Printed Name _______________________ Signature/Date 5. COMMANDER’S RECOMMENDATION FOR AND JUSTIFICATION FOR PROMOTION ACTION Show summary of SM’s prior performance of duty and reasons for recommending promotion at this time. The commander’s recommendation and justification is significant to the Promotion Board’s assessment of whether or not the SM is qualified for promotion. 2-2 Appendix 2 FORM 13A PROMOTION RECOMENDATION 6. RECOMMENDED BY: By signing below, I recommend the SM for promotion and certify that I have reviewed this packet and find that this packet is complete and adheres to the Promotion Boards Letter of Instruction. For Unit-Level Applicants Only: (No designee signatures) ________________________________ Unit Commander Printed Name __________________________ Signature/Date ________________________________ Unit CSM/CCMS Printed Name (For Enlisted Promotion Packets) __________________________ Signature/Date ________________________________ Senior/Major Command (i.e. RSC) Commander Printed Name __________________________ Signature/Date ************************* For HQ CSMR Applicants Only: _______________________________ Directorate or Special Staff Officer Printed Name __________________________ Signature/Date _______________________________ CSMR CCM/CSM Printed Name (For Enlisted Promotion Packets) __________________________ Signature/Date _______________________________ CSMR COS Printed Name __________________________ Signature/Date 7. ENDORSEMENTS: 2-3 Appendix 3 SAMPLE BIOGRAPHICAL SUMMARY SMITH, John A. XXX-XX-6789 Captain, CSMR Date and place of Birth: 01 August 1975, Midlothian, VA Present Assignment: Battery Commander, E Battery, 111th Field Artillery, 29th Infantry Division (L) Army National Guard, Sandston, VA 23150 Enlisted Service: Simultaneous Membership Program (Cadet E-5), C Company, 276th Engineer Battalion, West Point, VA Commission: Army ROTC at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA. 15 May 1999 Years of Commissioned Service: 12 years, 9 months Total Years of Service: 14 years, 4 months Military Schools Attended: US Army Airborne School, Basic Parachutist Course US ROTC Leadership Development Assessment Course USAFAS, Field Artillery Officer Basic Course (FAOBC) USAFAS, Field Artillery Officer Advanced Course (FAOAC) CSMR Basic Orientation Course (BOC) FEMA Courses Completed Completed IS-100.b – (ICS 100) Introduction to Incident Command System IS-200.b – (ICS 200) ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents IS-700.a – National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction Emergency Qualification Courses Completed ARC Standard First Aid Course ARC CPR Course Year Completed 1998 1999 1999 2004 2006 Year 2006 2006 2007 Date 16 September 2012 22 September 2012 Civilian Education: Local High School VCU, Richmond, VA Duke University, Durham, NC 3-1 US Decorations/Badges: Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM) Army Achievement Medal (AAM), 3 awd Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal (AFEM) Armed Forces Service Medal (AFSM) Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal, with 1 Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster (ARCAM) National Defense Service Medal, with Bronze Service Star Device (NDSM) Armed Forces Reserve Medal, with Bronze Hourglass, “M” Device, and “2” Device (AFRAM) Army Service Ribbon NATO Medal Basic Parachutist Badge Army Superior Unit Award State Decorations/Badges: California Medal of Merit, with 1 Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster (CAMM) Virginia Commendation Medal Virginia Service Ribbon with Two Dogwood Blossoms (12 years) Chronological list of Appointments: SMP Cadet E-5 ARNG Second Lieutenant ARNG First Lieutenant ARNG Captain ARNG Captain CSMR 30 October 1997 15 May 1999 30 May 2002 26 May 2005 1 January 2006 Chronological Record of Duty Assignments: From: To: ARNG - Not on Active Duty SMP Cadet E-5 Oct 97 Sep 98 USAR - Not on Active Duty USAR Control Group William & Mary ROTC USAR Control Group (delayed) Sep 98 May 99 May 99 Jul 99 ACTIVE DUTY Student Officer, USAFAS Jul 99 Jan 01 ARNG - Not on Active Duty Recon/Survey Officer, HHSB/1-246 FA, 29 ID (L) Fire Direction Officer, A/1-246th FA, 29 ID (L) Jan 01 Apr 03 Apr 03 May 05 ARNG – Active Guard and Reserve (AGR), Title 32 Officer Strength Manager, Det 4 (R&R), STARC Oct 03 Oct 05 CSMR – S-3, Troop Command Jan 06 Present 3-2 Appendix 4 MEDICAL RELEASE CSMR Member Name: Social Security (Last Four Digits): Unit: Rank: Assignment: Description of Duties: I have completed a medical assessment for the individual named above and attest that he/she can safely participate in his/her normal activities as described. Signature ____________________________ Date: ________________ Name and Organization Stamp Here: NOTE: The Medical Release may be signed by a duly licensed MD, DO, Physician’s Assistant (PA), or Nurse Practitioner. 4-1 Appendix 5 PROVISIONAL PROMOTION I, ________________________________, understand that if the CSMR Promotion Board selects me for promotion to the next higher rank that it will be on a provisional basis pending completion of the next available qualifying course(s) for the new grade. Course(s) required but unavailable since last promotion: _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ I further understand that if I fail to complete the next qualifying course(s) when made available to CSMR members that my provisional promotion will be revoked and I will immediately revert back to my previous grade. ______________________ Signature ______________________ Date _____________________ Unit Commander Print ______________________ Unit Commander Signature ______________________ Date 5-1 Appendix 6 OFFICER SPECIALITY DIRECTORATE RECOMMENDATION FOR PROMOTION CSMR Member Name: Social Security (Last Four Digits): Specialty: Medical Rank: JAG Circle One Unit: Chaplain Assignment: Description of Qualifications for Promotion: I have reviewed the promotion application for the SM named above and support his/her promotion to the next rank. My signature below indicates the officer is fully educationally qualified, both civilian and military to be promoted. _________________________ Printed Name __________________________ ________ Signature Date Note: Must be signed by the Command Chaplain, Command Surgeon, Command Staff Judge Advocate or their deputy, as appropriate. 6-1
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