TERRACE VOL 42 No. 30 | 9 October 2014 Red Thunder Drumline members caught up with Ralph Nader from the US (second from left) at a clinic over the holidays. Pictured with Ralph and teacher Mr Matt Cocking are Patrick Sharkey, Mark Wolhuter and Charles Carter. STOP PRESS 0 Change is inevitable. Benjamin Franklin was one of the founding fathers of the United States. Commonly known as the ‘First American’, he was a leading author, printer, political theorist, postmaster, scientist, inventor, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat. Another of his oft-repeated quotes was: He is the person responsible for such literary gems, each of which you would be familiar with in one way or another, as: In 2015, education, nationally and here at Terrace, will undergo significant change. “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. and “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.’’ “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Since then, the word ‘change’ has been added as one of life’s certainties. This week we have had Orientation evenings for both our 2015 Year 7 and Year 8 students and parents. Year 7, for the first time, is to become the first year of secondary school in 2015, one reason for this being to cater for the introduction of preparatory year in 2007 and the extra year of schooling. Continued on page 2. StStJoseph’s Joseph’sCollege College Gregory GregoryTerrace Terrace Ph: 3214 5200 – Fax: 3832 5427 Ph: 3214 5200 – Fax: 3832 5427 Email: enquiries@terrace.qld.edu.au Email: enquiries@terrace.qld.edu.au Web: www.terrace.qld.edu.au Web: www.terrace.qld.edu.au SPORT/CULTURE PHOTOS • Photos for Sport and Culture for the 2014 yearbook will be taken next Thursday 16 October. • All students, except Open 1st sporting teams, will be photographed in their College uniform. • 1st sporting teams will need to bring their full 1sts uniforms, including correct shoes/boots. • Further details will be communicated next week. CELEBRATION OF EXCELLENCE • The 2014 Celebration of Excellence on 10 November at QPAC Concert Hall, will be a fully ticketed event. • Please note the change of venue and entry requirements. • Further details, including restrictions due to the G20 Summit, will be communicated closer to the event. TERRACE 0 Change is inevitable. (cont’d) Another change, inevitable but not finalised, will be a new assessment and university entrance ranking system to replace the 20-plus years old OP system. An independent review conducted over 12 months, has resulted in a number of recommendations from the Australian Council for Educational Research. He is a great acquisition for St Pat’s. As you are aware, Dr Michael Carroll will take over next year as Principal here at Terrace. Chris’s replacement as College Dean will be an internal appointment, initially for 12 months. I will keep you informed. Boys – 1954 (Friday) and 1974 (Saturday) will return to the College as part of their reunion celebrations. Our current students will this term be involved in many co-curricular activities from Track and Field and Gymnastics to Jazz Night at the Tivoli, the Year 11 SemiThe central focus for all though Formal, Chamber Music Concert and Any changes will be brought in over should be to finish off the academic pre-season training and clinics for a number of years and will not im- year on a high to ensure that the hard Cricket, Rowing, Volleyball and Swimpact on current Years 11 and 12 stu- work and study reaps a just reward. ming. dents. Continuing our theme of change, the cele- The central focus for all though should be The final report recommendations are avail- bration of Excellence on 10 November will to finish off the academic year on a high to able at: http://www.acer.edu.au/queens- this year be held at the QPAC Concert Hall. ensure that the hard work and study reaps It also, for the first time, will be a ticketed a just reward. land-review event. Details on how this will be done will My thanks to all those who were involved Next year our College Leadership Team also be relayed to you shortly. in co-curricular activities in Term 3 and will have a new look. Our College Dean Mr Chris Mayes this week was named as the This term is short and sharp, filled with over the holidays from coaches, Old Boys, events, occasions, sport, culture and of coaches, referees to supporters. new Principal of St Patrick’s for next year. course a final push towards academic With best wishes. Chris has been a much-valued member of achievement. the College’s Leadership Team for the last six years. Having worked closely with him, The Cardinals’ Parent and Son Dinner will previously at St Pat’s and here at Terrace, be held tomorrow night with special guest I know that his contribution has not only Professor Ian Frazer. On 25 October the been extremely beneficial to our College, Terrace Timor Fiesta will be held. Peter Chapman but exceedingly well received by the TerCOLLEGE PRINCIPAL Over the next two days some of our Old race Family. 2 TERRACE 0 College Dean, Mr Chris Mayes Welcome back to the final term for 2014. I each young man’s feeling of belonging and disappointed to be leaving Terrace, I am am still trying to work out where the rest of makes them feel that their thoughts and looking forward to the challenge of the role this year has gone. I hope that the holiday opinions are valued. This is important to of College Principal at St Patrick’s. I am period was an opportunity for some families young adolescent men and if they don’t get also very proud that I have been given such to spend a little extra time together and it from their families, they may well look to a role in another EREA school. relax and enjoy each other’s company. other places for a sense of belonging. The Our four American exchange students Although sometimes this idea can be “Liberty means to be able to arrived back in Australia on Monday a lot easier said than done with busy reflect on what we do, to know morning. From the feedback I have work schedules, training sessions for how to appreciate what is good and received from their respective schools children and any other interruptions that what is bad, to choose always the in the USA, they have been outstanding appear to be more and more frequent. good. We are free for the good.” ambassadors for Terrace. I am sure The problem also can be somewhat repercussions to this can be concerning if they have grown from the school experience exacerbated as the young men grow older they seek belonging in the wrong places. and spending time with a new family in and more likely to give single syllable As adults we work hard with our children to another country. We also still have Andrew responses to questions rather than help them get organised, maybe this is a Butterworth at Konan College in Japan. indulge in the art of conversation. I often case of practising what we preach if we feel Andrew was “left behind” after the Year 10 Immersion and will remain there until the think after some weeks it would be an that quality time is important. end of this term. Three more students will fly interesting exercise to record how much quality time is spent with loved ones. I have recently been appointed as the new to France at the beginning of the December Author Steve Biddulph in his book Raising Principal for St Patrick’s College Shorncliffe holiday period to participate in exchanges Boys, discusses the importance of parents commencing in 2015. After six year working in schools in Bondues and Nantes. (particularly fathers) finding some time at Terrace, I will take many fond memories each week to spend quality time with each of the staff, young men and families from child. The one-on-one scenario enhances this great school community. Whilst I am 0 Dean of Students, Mr Damien Fall Welcome back to our final term for the year; this are an opportunity for our young men in 2015. We have invited psychologist I hope our families managed to get some to interact in an environment that is very Dr Paul Gibney to speak with parents rest and relief from the routines of lunches different from the usual. It is a chance about functional households and parent/ and uniforms. Term 4 is traditionally fast and to practice some old-fashioned values child relationships, as we believe these furious, with a number of significant events such as manners and courtesy. There is are aspects critical for student success. Mr Damien Cuddihy, Dean of crammed into a relatively short With the weather noticeably warmer, it Waterford Place, will present some period of time. This week, we is timely to ask for parent support in ‘big-picture’ information about have held Orientation evenings ensuring that all students have a hat Waterford Place but the evening for students entering Years 7 and that is in presentable condition and that is not specifically about Waterford 8 in 2015. With Year 7 moving it is worn to and from school every day. Place. More specific information to secondary schooling, we will have a large intake of students who are new always a place in society for the qualities will be presented at an evening for Year 10 to the school, particularly in Years 5, 7 and that we associate with a gentleman. I look parents early in the new year. 8. As a community, it is important that we forward to seeing our young men conduct make the transition to Terrace as smooth themselves in an exemplary fashion on the With the weather noticeably warmer, it is as possible for all who are new. This is a evening. Just a reminder that both the day timely to ask for parent support in ensuring responsibility shared by staff, students and of the semi-formal and the following day are that all students have a hat that is in presentable condition and that it is worn current families as we all have a role to play full school days for all students. to and from school every day. It would be in ensuring the Terrace journey is positive On Tuesday evening, 14 October, we will appreciated if you could ensure your son and rewarding. hold an information evening for current walks out the door wearing his hat every On Monday of next week, the Year 11 Year 9 parents, commencing at 5.45pm. day. students will attend their semi-formal at This event is aimed at assisting families Fridays function centre. Events such as with their transition to Waterford Place 3 TERRACE 0 Dean of Studies, Mrs Julie Quinn Welcome back to Week 1 of the final term for 2014. I trust that families and, in particular students, have had time to relax and refresh ahead of another busy term. As I often explain to our boys, our school terms are short “sprints” and, as such, a commitment needs to be made to homework, practising of skills, assignments and exam revision from the very first day of the term. Dealing with Academic Setbacks “When you make a mistake in answering a question in class or do poorly on an exam, there is the temptation to tell friends how badly you did or to ruminate on the Today reports have been posted home. error. If you do this, you end up My congratulations to the many Today reports have been posted home. unconsciously rehearsing the students who have invested time My congratulations to the many students error over and over. Instead, in their academics and performed who have invested time in their academics rehearse success. For example, so strongly. and performed so strongly. ask yourself “what was the These reports show an academic outcome Following our current practices, an problem” or what skills do you need to for Term 3 plus a cumulative result for academic summary of the outcomes of develop to do better the next time. Instead Terms 1,2,3. Students also have received Term 3 reporting is compiled and analysed. of recounting the failure, say how you will feedback on their application, homework This summary identifies students who have do it successfully the next time. If you watch and behaviour. Where teachers have gained or lost academic ground as well as elite athletes when they are interviewed believed that students are finding challenges benchmarking assessment outcomes for after making a mistake, they will usually in these areas, they have indicated this on all subjects. House Deans and Heads of avoid rehearsing what they did wrong and the report also. I do encourage families to Faculty will have follow-up meetings with will focus on how one does it better.” make contact with the staff where these students who have substantially either gained or lost ground. Any students in Finally, congratulations to Wen Zhang, our concerns have been made apparent. Years 11 or 12 who have failed to meet a Year 8 student who has been awarded a Students received a copy of their minimum of a C minus will be interviewed medal in the 2014 Australian Mathematics assessment calendars on the first day of by the Head of Faculty or class teacher. competition. Obtaining these medals is the term. These calendars are essential The meetings are to set new strategies or, a significant and rare event. Wen will be tools in planning and organisation around in the case of students who have improved, presented with his medal at a ceremony at Government House on 7 November. My strong outcomes. I encourage parents to to affirm current practices. thanks also for the support offered by Mrs review these calendars with their sons and ensure that they plan well for submission I include the information as acknowledged Cath Griffin and Mr Noel Covill. of assessment allowing time for drafts, by the University of Notre Dame: feedback and revision for exams. Wen Zhang, awarded a medal in the 2014 Australian Mathematics competition. 4 TERRACE 0 Middle School, Ms Susan Hinton & Mr Michael Stewart We have started a busy last term by a positive mind frame and clear goals for camp, these students must be mindful of welcoming our newest students for the the coming weeks. This week all Years 8 this time away from the College in relation to when assignments are due and 2015 academic year at our Years 7 With only seven weeks until exams it start now to work around these dates. and 8 Orientation evenings. This is a is imperative students start the term chance for new families to get a taste with a positive mind frame and clear Reports for Term 3 will be mailed today of what is in store for them next year goals for the coming weeks. and will be received early next week. and to meet the House Dean and House groups. A special thanks must go and 9 students will be issued with a Study As always this is a chance for reflection and to current Year 8 students, Daniel Harris, Planner for the term in the hope they will to engage in conversation as to what can Tom Ayala, Riley Sela and Henry Silvey use it to plan steady progress towards be improved and how this may be achieved. who shared their own experiences of what timely completion of their assignments These thoughts and conversations should the first year of high school has in store and revision in time for exams. It is hoped inform and help develop a rigorous study and what opportunities are available at the that by doing this the boys will reduce the and revision program for the coming weeks. stress and anxiety that can be associated College. with short timeframes and assignment and With only seven weeks until exams it is exam due dates. There also are a number imperative students start the term with of Year 9 classes away during the term on 0 Exceptional Learners, Ms Karin Coleshill Congratulations to Wen Zhang in Year 8 who was awarded with a medal for the 2014 Australian Maths (AMC) competition. This is a very prestigious award with limited recipients so we would like to recognise the outstanding result achieved by Wen. Challenge Program Classes - Maths Honours and Future Problem Solving classes started this week on the usual timetables. English Honours will begin again for Week 2. All boys who receive an A for Maths and/or English are invited via Tours. Terrace Writers - Year 6 young writers need to email their final copies to me this week for final checks before their early departure to camp. The Year 5 writers need to email me their drafts as soon as they finish it. Any other year level can also send me their creative writing for publication at the end of the term. The only criteria is that the content needs to be suitable for younger readers. karincoleshill@terrace.qld.edu.au Learning Enrichment - Remember to log onto Moodle to see the weekly updates and scaffolds your son can access to reach their academic potential. There are also organisers available for boys to download and use to plan their study time at home. Boys need to ensure their work is size 12 Arial font, there is no need to justify lines. Their title can have colour, pictures and be size 16. This needs to be emailed to 0 Library, Ms Melinda Egan Indigenous Literacy Foundation Book donate them to the Book Swap. There encourage new members to attend. More Swap - Next Thursday 16 October, Reidy is a collection station in the Library for all information can be found at the Book Club and Treacy Houses will host the Indigenous donated books. Books should be suitable blog http://terrahsbookclub.wordpress. Literacy Foundation Book Swap to raise for school students from Years 5-12. com/2014/08/26/meeting-22-august/ funds to support education in The recommended books for the During House Assembly the boys will Indigenous communities. During next Book Club are available in the hear from a guest speaker, exchange House Assembly the boys will hear Terrace Library. The next meeting is books, and enjoy a sausage sizzle from a guest speaker, exchange on 17 October at the Terrace Library. and drink for their donation of $5. books, and enjoy a sausage sizzle Please RSVP to me.They will receive and drink for their donation of $5. Many Book Club - Book Club is back again this a book, and a sausage and drink for a students have donated books already but term for students in Years 10, 11 and 12 donation of $5. we need more to make the day successful. from both All Hallows’ and Terrace. It is a This weekend, all Terrace families are social afternoon for boys and girls who encouraged to find pre-loved books at enjoy reading. The Book Club meetings home that they no longer require and last term were very successful. I would 5 TERRACE 0 Dean of Identity, Mr Chris Ryan of the nine House communities. Finally, on day three, the entire year group, in House groups, spend a full day in service of their Term 4 is always a time that is rich in House Friendship group across a variety of liturgy and ritual with the transition of sites. This final phase of the retreat aligns Year 12 students and departing staff and wonderfully with our College motto that the welcoming of Year 5 and new Year 8 students arriving for orientation As I did on the news of Mr Chapman’s reminds us that to serve the love of God is true wisdom. We wish the programs and this year, new Year appointment to EREA earlier whole cohort the very best for this 7 fellows. It was delightful this week this year, I join the community in experience and for the process of to welcome new students and their congratulating Mr Chris Mayes on discernment in selecting our College families to the Terrace Family. his appointment as Principal of St and House leaders for 2015. Patrick’s College, Shorncliffe. Another signpost ritual of this time of year will be facilitated in just over a week’s the events of day one by re-visiting our As I did on the news of Mr Chapman’s time in the form of the Year 11 Leadership College Mission Statement and the four appointment to EREA earlier this year, I join Retreat program at Runaway Bay. We touchstones of the Charter for Catholic the community in congratulating Mr Chris gradually build up to this special time Schools in the Edmund Rice tradition. Mayes on his appointment as Principal of St through the exploration of the concepts As we explore how we might bring these Patrick’s College, Shorncliffe. Mr Mayes is of leadership through a series of guest documents to life through our actions in the a living example of a lay person’s response speakers during the year. The Leadership ordinary every day of school life at Terrace, to Edmund Rice’s invitation to follow the Retreat has three primary phases: firstly, we we spend time planning in House groups Gospel path; a good man in the true sense engage an external group called yLead that led by the House Deans and planning for of the words and he will be greatly missed. deepens discussion around the philosophy the year as a whole group and as leaders Welcome to a jam-packed Term 4! that leadership is action and the importance of all Seniors taking on the responsibility of leadership and positive influence. They do this creatively with a range of engaging physical problem solving activities and challenges. On day two, we contextualize TERRACE social events • Cardinals Parent & Son Dinner 2014 - Primary Quadrangle Terrace – Friday Oct 10 • Year 6 Parents EVENING - BRISBANE Brewhouse, WOOLOONGABBA, Saturday, Oct 11 2014 • Year 11 Semi Formal Parents’ function - Blackbird Bar Eagle St Pier, 13 October • Year 10 coffee morning - Vic Park Gold Club, Friday 17 Oct at 9 am. pH. Lisa 0414 327 049 • Terrace jazz night, - The Tivoli, fortitude valley, 24 October 2014 • Terrow Welcome Night - Saturday, October 25 2014 • 2014 TIMOR VILLAGE FIESTA, - The TERRACE CAMPBELL CENTRE, 25 October 2014 • Year 8 Parents EVENING - Iceworks, Paddington, Saturday, October 25 • Year 12 Mothers Lunch - DATE SAVER - Friday 7 November, Tattersalls Club • 2014 Valedictory Dinner - Royal International Convention Centre, Friday, Nov 21 2014 Further information AND REGISTRATION FOR social events VISIT THE COLLEGE WEBSITE UNDER College Events HERE: http://www.terrace.qld.edu.au/college-events 6 TERRACE The Terrace Family The Terrace Family is asked to pray for the repose of the souls of the following people. Mr Leo DAVIDSON (GT 1947), grandfather of Ben Savage (5B) Mr John Desmond VICKERS (GT 1936-41) Mr Donald Wesley PRICKETT (GT 1943) Mr Marcus Edwin HOARE (GT 1990-94), brother of Andrew (GT ’88) and David (GT ’87) Mr Thomas Arthur Hugh HICKEY (GT 1943-50) Mr James Doyle MC HUGH, grandfather of Flinn McHugh (7R) The Terrace Family is asked to continue to pray for the welfare of, Mr Simon Davidson (GT 1987), Mr Robert Maitland (GT2000); Mr Barry Bobart, Director of Music and father of Ryan (GT 2011) and Linford Hulin-Bobart (11U); Mr Brian Cahill, grandfather of Darcy (12M) and Lachlan (9M) Rhodes, Nicholas Vilgan (10R), stepfather of Mark Vilgan (GT 1977) 0 Ministry, Mr Paul Antenucci Big Brekkie and Food Bank Food Drive - Just before the busy exam block occurred at the end of last term, two Year 11 students made an extra trip on Big Brekkie to wish one of our patrons a Happy Birthday in a special way and it will be one he’ll never forget. make the day special for Ray and decided to buy a few simple gifts to surprise Ray on another Big Brekkie the following week. I was on Big Brekkie Tuesday morning this week. Ray hardly waited until I stepped out Food Bank Food Drive - The staff and students are being challenged to support a great cause that assists thousands in Queensland and Australia who have fallen on tough times. People come to Eddie’s Van at Wickham Park each morning for a variety of reasons that have lead them to challenging times in inner city Brisbane. A number of our patrons come for more than a simple meal – the comfort of conversation and interaction with young people, staff and other members of the Terrace Community. After a few times on Big Brekkie, you start to recognise familiar faces and even begin to re-engage in conversations with certain patrons who enjoy chatting around the barbeque. Two Year 11 students learned that a gentleman named Ray with whom they enjoyed chatting had a birthday at the end of last term. The boys wanted to make a world of a difference to someone’s day and life. The students gave a little extra time and resources to bring joy to Ray’s life. It is our challenge to give of ourselves and share the same joy on a daily basis with those around us. Suitable items include: Bags of rice and pasta (last year, many families donated 10 kg bags of rice) and canned goods. All items should come in by Monday 13 October of the van to tell me, with a big smile on his face, about the boys’ surprise. If every student brings in two items, we have almost 3000 donations, which will certainly make a difference to families in need. Thank-you for your support. What seems like such a simple gesture can 7 TERRACE 0 Director of Culture, Mr Neil Wharton Welcome back to Term 4. As with all terms at Terrace, this will continue to be a busy one for Culture and so I would like to draw your attention to the items listed at the bottom of this article. Gallipoli 2015 - My thanks to the wonderful support from the Gallipoli fund-raising committee and all the parents who helped make a great start for our fund-raising for the Centenary Gallipoli tour. It was a very profitable venture which will help towards subsidizing our students. Extra Gallipoli performances - As per the original contract with the DVA, the opportunity has been presented to us to do further performances in Turkey and Australia next year to commemorate the Anzac Centenary. The DVA requires another choir to accompany the international premier of the Gallipoli symphony in Istanbul in August 2015. Whilst in Turkey, they will also travel to Lone Pine to sing at the centenary of the Lone Pine battle on 6 August. This will be followed by an Australian premier in Brisbane on 23 November, 2015. This is another fantastic opportunity for our schools and hence both Principals have agreed to fulfil this request. Audition notices for interested students will take place this term. Further details will be forwarded in the next two weeks. The August campaign will not be available for Year 12 students and the choir make up will be a similar format to the April campaign. • Thursday 16 October, Culture/Sport Photo day and Chamber Music concert – 7pm, Waterford Place • Tuesday 21 October, Inter-House Chess – 3.20pm, Room 5.5 • Wednesday 22 October, Gallipoli Parent Evening – 6.30pm, GT125 Theatre • Friday 24 October, Jazz Night – 7pm, The Tivoli (tickets still available) Important Dates: Week 3-5 – 2015 Debating Trials: • Monday 14 October , TPA Supporters’ group meeting – 7pm, Callan Centre • Wednesday 15 October, Debating Supporters’ group AGM – 6pm, Rush Room 0 Music, Mrs Genevieve Claffey Welcome back to Term 4 our shortest but no less busy term. As always in Music there are lots of events happening featuring our popular performers. This week our Big Band, Waterford Strings, Junior and Intermediate Vocal Ensembles have performed at the Orientation Evenings. On Friday night vocalists will perform at the Parent and Son Dinner as well as choristers performing in Old Boys’ Masses on Friday and over the weekend. The final Chamber Concert for the year will be held on Thursday 16 October at Waterford Place. This is an excellent opportunity for students to perform as soloists and in small groups. Please advise your instrumental teacher if you would like to perform. Our ensemble photos for all students in music ensembles will be taken on Thursday 16 October during the school day. Please ensure you know when you are required. On the holidays the Red Thunder Drumline had the opportunity of performing with Mr Ralph Nader a world renowned expert in Drumline. Our students thoroughly enjoyed the experience. We thank Mr Cocking for organising this event. If you have any concerns with your son’s involvement in our program please contact me on 3214 5280. We welcome Mr Neill Thacker who will take on instrumental students as well as Year 9 Music. His contribution to Terrace is most welcome. We wish Mr Brad Esbensen a restful long service leave during which will • Year 11 and 12 teams Week 4 Term 4 (27-30 October) • Year 10 Week 3 Term 4 October) • Year 9 Week 5 Term 4 (3-5 November) (21-23 hopefully be able to enjoy travel as well as his beloved Bikram Yoga. As always we ask that you keep Mr Barry Bobart and is family in your prayers. Coming Events: • TPA meeting 13 October 7 pm Callan Centre • Cultural Photos 16 October • Chamber Music Concert Thursday 16 October 7pm Waterford Place • TJO auditions 5 November after school • Jazz Night 24 October Tivoli Theatre. Year 8 student Matthew McDonald with US drumline expert Ralph Nader. 8 TERRACE TERRACE Performing Arts Today the TPA helped to provide a lovely lunch and a gift to our Senior Performing Arts gentlemen. My thanks to the helpers and to Mrs Imogen Brown for making this a success. Please don’t forget to book your tickets for the Terrace Jazz Night at the Tivoli Theatre at Bowen Hills. It is only a couple of weeks until this fantastic event.. you wouldn’t want to miss out! My thanks and appreciation goes to the families of our Terrace/All Hallows’ Gallipoli Choir for running a very successful canteen/bbq day at Tennyson during the holidays for the All British Car Show. Everyone worked hard and the day was a great fundraiser and team building event. My special thanks to Mr Al Kennedy at Tennyson for his hard work over that weekend for us too. Next Tuesday evening we have our 2nd last TPA meeting for the year. It is on a Tuesday as the Terrace Semi Formal is on the Monday night.. please join us for a drink and informative meeting from 7 pm in the Callan Staff Room. Thursday 16 October - we have a Chamber concert at Waterford Place for small ensembles. More information is available through the Music Department but if your son/s are performing, please let me know if you are able to help serve a beverage at the start. Please also join us for this evening of entertainment. Please contact Nat on: nataliescalia@gmail.com JAZZ NIGHT Terrace @ the Tivoli Friday 24 October 6.30 pm Big Band; TJO; NJC Jazz Band Featuring the Brisbane Big Band with our own TJO Register @ College Events Adults $65 Students $35 inc. 2 course meal Enquiries to Nat Scalia nataliescalia@gmail.com REGISTER VIA COLLEGE EVENTS: http://www.terrace.qld.edu.au/college-events/jazz-night Terrace @ the Tivoli Friday 24 October 6.30 pm Big Band; TJO; NJC Jazz Band 9 TERRACE St Joseph's College Gregory Terrace requests that you SAVE T HE DATE for the GT140 Gala Ball 1875 - 2015 to be held on Sat ur d ay 23 r d M ay 201 5 Royal International Convention Centre Brisbane Show Grounds GT140 GALA BALL SPONSORSHIP AND DONATIONS T h e GT140 B a l l w i l l c e l e b r a t e t h e C o l l e g e ' s 140 t h y e a r a n d t h e C o m m i t t e e would like to invite members of the extended Terrace Community to support this important historic social event through sponsorships and donations. Funds Raised from the ball will be used for a proposed renovation project to the entrance of the school and Duhig Place. For further information regarding the event and sponsorship opportunities please contact: S u s i e P a r k e r : spar0742@bigpond.net.au 0 Sport, Mr Damian Wright Past, Present, Future At Assembly during the week I spoke to the boys about the three concepts listed above. The Past referred to the reflection of the good work that more than 1000 boys who were involved in Rugby and Basketball had completed –up to and including the final round fixture. The boys had the opportunity to publically thank staff and coaches at the Assembly for their time involved. The Future referred to the enormous excitement that currently engulfs the Term 1 Activities of Volleyball, Cricket, Rowing and Swimming – all of which have activated their pre-competition phase involvement, with skill camps, early season training and tour preparations all coming into focus. The Present is what I focussed on and reminded the boys that the most important sports in front of everybody at current time are Gymnastics and Track and Field. The gymnasts will have their championships in three weeks’ time and, with them being such a superb skill set that needs to be learned and honed over a long period of time, the community can best serve them by support at the Championships on Saturday 25 October. Track and Field c0ommitment is No.1 until the Championship finish on Thursday 30 October for Years 5 to 7 and Friday night 31 October for Years 8 to 12. However each and every boy can get fully behind and involved in Track and Field now their Rugby and Basketball commitments have finished. If any boy is confused or receives a different message from any other coach please feel free to discuss with me personal. Track and Field is the grand final for the year for all the boys from all sporting endeavours. year. Well done to these boys. I have actively moved through the boys during Term 2 and Term 3 identifying boys who have wonderful natural talent and could be strong representatives for Terrace in Track and Field. Now is the time to step up and get fully involved. The most important message delivered was that if there was a clash for Track and Field training and any other activity then Track and Field training takes priority. Selections in Term 1 activities will not be jeopardised or under threat – the boys, and coaches have been told this and the message is clear. Coaches - This weekend is the final weekend - at home - and is the ideal opportunity for boys to show their appreciation to their coaches with a gift. To the coaches, I say thank-you for your time and efforts of the season. To the leaders of the programs, Tyron, Sam, Matthew, Anthony and Emma – thank you for your patience and diligence to your sports. Thanks also to the supporters’ groups wonderfully led by the two hardest working Presidents I have known in Darren Round and Judy Soong – you both will be sorely missed next year. 10 TERRACE 0 Volleyball, Mr David Mandall The 2015 Volleyball pre-season has officially begun. 2015 A/B trials will occur in Weeks 1 and 2 this term. At the end of Week 2, A teams will be selected to train for the remainder of the term in preparation for National Schools Cup in Melbourne. For more information please go to the Volleyball tab on the Parent Lounge. During the off-season the Terrace Volleyball program reached new heights once again. For the first time since the sport’s inception 2015 Volleyball A/B Trials Venue -‐ AM Monday Tuesday 2015 OPEN FIRST Campbell Centre VI TRIAL 2015 9A/B Trials 6:00AM -‐ 8:00AM Waterford Place 6:00AM -‐ 8:00AM Venue -‐ PM Upcoming dates: into GPS in 1994, Gregory Terrace’s First VI qualified for the Open Boys Honours division at the Queensland Senior Volleyball School’s cup which occurred in Toowoomba over the first weekend of August. The Terrace team won four out it’s six games throughout the weekend and as a result finished the year ranked as the 5th best team in Queensland. Congratulations to this year’s First VI. Monday Wednesday TRACK AND FIELD TRAINING 2015 10A/B Trials Tuesday Volleyball Gym Volleyball Gym (4:15-‐5pm) Campbell Centre 2015 8A/B Trials Waterford Place 2015 11A/B Trials 3:15PM -‐ 5:00PM • Queensland Junior Schools Cup – 1719 October • Holiday Volleyball December, 2014 • National Volleyball Schools Cup, Melbourne (Current Years 8,9 and Clinics Friday 2015 OPEN FIRST 2015 9A/B Trials VI TRIAL – 1-3 2015 10A/B Trials Wednesday Thursday Friday Volleyball Gym (4:15-‐5pm) 2015 11A/B Trials Ist XV Captain and Australian Schoolboys flanker Connor Moroney – a member of the 2014 Terrace Barbarians. 2015 A/B Trials – Weeks1-2, Term 4 Thursday 0 Rugby, Mr Tyron Mandrusiak A weekly Terrace Barbarians Team is selected by the coaching staff during the GPS season. This is in recognition of any player who makes an outstanding contribution to their team both at training • and in a game. I am pleased to announce this year’s Season Barbarians. Can the below boys please see me in the Sports Office to collect their Canterbury Clothing t-shirt. POSITION Congratulations to all boys who played Rugby this year on their contribution to a very successful season.Open First VI only), 7-12 December.I look forward to seeing to out at QSAC. Season Barbarians 2014 1 Fergus Cummins 11A 2 Henry Tancred 2nd XV 3 Lachlan Duffy 13D 4 Ryan Gassman 15A 5 Benjamin Chatwood 11C 6 Nicholas Nohreiter 16C 7 Connor Moroney 1st XV 8 Tyran Tuton 13C 9 Nicholas Houlahan 14A 10 Harry Forster 10A 11 Tom Keyser 15D 12 Will Conry 3rd XV 13 acob Montaner 13F 14 Declan Sela 5th XV 15 Isaac Deng 14E COACH Will Trendall 13E COACH Liam Wallace 13E 11 TERRACE 0 Captains Corner, Vice Captain, Joe Connolly. Earlier this year I made what I deemed to That weekend after I did much begging and onto Internationals Oval through a tunnel of be an important decision - a decision that pleading, my team reluctantly welcomed Seniors, deep in war cry mode with those made me unpopular among many but one me back for the State High away game. who have played earlier in the day waiting I felt was right. I decided that I would not All wanting me to realise that I should not around to cheer them on. Yet the boys in go to my Cricket match against Nudgee but have done what I had; they urged me to the 6ths Rugby team, the ones who are the would instead fulfil a promise to the Captain accept my wrongdoing. It was like being in heart and soul of these tunnels, had never of Boats Ben Rogencamp that I would front of a merciless jury; not one of them experienced such a feeling themselves. So Matt put it out to the Seniors: Be make the drive to Kawana and support my Rowing brothers at the These moments in our Terrace chapter there at 7.55am to tunnel on the 6th highlight that the true strength of the XV for the first and last time of their Head of the River. Terrace Family lies within the support Terrace Rugby career because it Now it cannot be said that Terrace of one another. would truly mean the world to them. Rowing had it’s most successful could understand why I had done what I So, in the early hours of Saturday morning, year, with our first crew finishing in the latter had. However, my response did not come the 6ths ran out onto the main oval through half of the field. The utter devastation, teary in the form of a structured rebuttal but a tunnel of 30-plus plus boys screaming disappointment and shocked silence that rather the image of the Captain of Boats, at the top of their lungs for their brothers. was felt as the first crew came into shore Ben Rogencamp, striding toward the field The energy was palpable. The 6ths were created a somewhat eerie lull amongst in full school uniform set to support the 3rd electrified by the loud chants of their mates the Terrace crowd as a victorious rival XI Cricket team. Everyone was shocked by who had answered the call. The 6th XV was team hysterically cheered. No one quite his arrival for we all understood his deep, one of only two open teams to be victorious knew what to do and a strange feeling of passionate hatred of Cricket, and without against Nudgee that day. helplessness enveloped the Terrace area. saying a single word, or even muttering a When my First 8 Captain (a broad chested, single hello, he walked straight over to me These moments in our Terrace chapter big armed, deep voiced young man) had his and gave me a hug. Nothing more, nothing highlight that the true strength of the shoulders slumped and tears rolling as he Terrace Family lies within the support of one less . . . just a hug. stood there beside his boat, all I did was another. It is through knowing that they are hug him . . . nothing more, nothing less; just This strength of the Terrace Family and this forever bound to the Terrace Family that our a hug . A hug that let him know that we were depth of the band of brothers was further Seniors can take comfort in exiting school there for him, we were there to be proud displayed during the recent Rugby season. in seven weeks’ time, and our newest of his crew’s efforts, we were there to be On the Thursday night prior to their last ever members next year can take reassurance proud of their unquestionable commitment official round of Rugby for Terrace, Matt from knowing that they will enter this lifetime to trainings, we were there to let them Smethurst, the captain of the 6ths, put out family of care, support and mateship. know that despite the result all those early on social media a plea to all Seniors. Matt mornings were worth every bit of blood, explained that each week boys in the higher sweat and tears . . . we were there for them. teams are given the privilege of sprinting TERRACE SHOP • Umbrellas $35.00 • USB Sticks 4GB $10.00 • Water Bottles $ 5.50 • TRACKPANTS $50.00 • Track & Field Singlets $40.00 • TRACK & FIELD Shorts $45.00 OPEN 7.30AM - 3.15PM MON - FRI (07) 3214 5258 terraceshop@terrace.qld.edu.au * STUDENT ID CARDS CANNOT CURRENTLY BE USED at THE TERRACE SHOP UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE * 12 TERRACE Thursday 16th October 2014 ON LY 2 wee ks to go ! STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES TRAVEL REBATE Semester 2, 2014 • • Does your child have a verified disability that requires transport assistance to and from school? Has your school’s learning support teacher assessed your child’s travel capability rating as ‘semi-‐independent’ or more dependent? Visit our website to see if you qualify for financial assistance to help with the cost of transport and apply at www.schooltransport.com.au by 31 October 2014. Late applications cannot be accepted. 13 TERRACE UNIT 7, 836 Boundary Road, Coopers Plains, QLD, 4108 2015 stationery ORDERS • The Terrace Shop is only able to stock basic items of stationery. Parents are therefore requested to order their son’s stationery items by completing the stationery list online via: www.directstationerysupplies.com.au • Book lists will be on-line as of Monday 8 September through Direct Stationery Supplies. • A guide to ordering stationery through Direct Stationery Supplies and creating a login can be viewed via the Terrace Shop page of our website. • Any questions regarding orders must be made to Direct Stationery Supplies. Worldwide Marriage Encounter A weekend away for married couples in peaceful, picturesque surroundings – away from the distractions of everyday living. Take time out of your busy schedule, to invest in your most precious asset . . . your Marriage! This is a unique opportunity to recharge your relationship batteries, refocus on each other and fall in love all over again! Weekend date: 31st Oct – 2nd Nov 2014 Venue: Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston QLD (on Brisbane’s bayside) Bookings/details contact: Tamara and Scott Menteith, ph (07) 4634 3559, stjmen@aapt.net.au Website: www.wwme.org.au 14 TERRACE TERRACE LADIES GROUP • The TLG AGM will be on this Monday 13 October , at which we will call for nominations for the positions of President and Vice-President. This will be our final TLG meeting for the year. • We will be farewelling Peter Chapman at our TLG end of year mass on 7 November, as he is unavailable to attend Monday’s meeting. • We are calling for volunteers to help in the Terrace Shop in November to help fit uniforms for the many new students starting at Terrace in 2015. If you can help, please email terraceshop@terrace. qld.edu.au Date Claimers Thursday 9 October – Year 8 2015 Orientation 4.30pm Monday 13 October – TLG AGM 9am (Final meeting) Friday 7 November – TLG End of Year Mass 9.30am Friday 7 November Year 12 Mothers Lunch, Tattersall’s Club. Invitation to follow. Saturday 8 November – Farewell to Peter Chapman, Tennyson 3pm Chris Watt : Contact chriswatt68@gmail.com.au Free dental check-ups and treatment available now! Regular dental check-ups and early preventive care are an important part of good oral health. Metro North Oral Health Services are offering your child a dental check-up through the Stafford Dental Clinic or one of our school based dental facilities. They will also receive additional appointments if any treatment is needed – all free of charge! There have been some changes to who we can now offer dental care to. The following children are eligible for our service now: • ALL Students 4 years of age through to year 10 • Students in Years 11 and 12 who have a current Centrelink Card, Healthcare Card or Pension Card • 2 – 3 year olds whose parents have a current Centrelink Card, Healthcare Card or Pension Card • 2 – 17 year olds who are eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS). To check your eligibility visit the website at my.gov.au or phone 132001 This offer of care is an opportunity to provide your child with more timely access to public dental care and we also now have the ability to offer more regular recalls for children who attend our service. So if it has been more than six months since your child’s last check-up ring us up now. Call 1300 300 850 between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Tuesday - Friday and our friendly staff will arrange an appointment for you at the Stafford Dental Clinic or one of our school-based dental facilities. 15
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