Group members Casper Computer science graduate specialized in IT security and wireless hacking. Two years of working experience at Novo Nordisk as an IT supporter. Fie Graduated as a Multimedia designer in 2013, after studying international communication and multimedia at HIH in Jutland. Nanna Graduated as a Multimedia designer in 2013, after graduating as an Animator at 3D college degree in Jutland. Working as a graphic designer for Caritas Denmark. Barbara Three years of a double degree in media studies and advertising with public relations in Madrid. Exchange student in International Communication at RUC Martin Graduated as a Multimedia designer in 2013, after spending four month in the military as a private in Vordingborg. Dovile Graduated as a Multimedia designer in 2013, after studying at VGTU University in Lithuania. Working as a web designer at Aw-media marketing company in Copenhagen. 2 Index 1.0 Introduction4 2.0 Client goal4 3.0 Concept discription and digital solution 5 3.1 Before visiting Svanholm 5 3.2 During the visit at Svanholm 7 3.2.1 The Ecohero’s guide to Svanholm 7 3.2.2 The Ecocam9 3.3 After visiting Svanholm 9 4.0 Budget10 5.0 Project mangement breakdown10 6.0 Comclusion12 3 1.0 Introduction How can Svanholm attract families and schools to learn about their sustainable lifestyle and ecological mindset? Our mindset goes back to our childhood. Driven by the fun factor, the concept will be inspired by the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, a comic radio series from 1978. As we are trying to explain the need of a sustainable and ecological mindsets a good approach is to use storytelling. Svanholm is an ecovillage that can teach sustainable lifestyle activities to adults and children. Through the concept of a guide the solution will be divided in three steps. The first one is a more visitor-friendly page inside the website, the second one would be the launch of a Game “The Ecohero’s guide to Svanholm”, and to round up the concept the barn located inside the ecovillage will become an EcoCamp. This new space would be the base for the potential visitors and participants of the Ecohero’s guide to Svanholm. Svanholm invites families and schools to visit the Ecovillage: playing eco-logic while Learning “The main character is the child”. Thus we are trying to create a space inside Svanholm for children where they can learn while being free to use their imagination 2.0 Client goal (Recap of the Brief made on the 12 of September 2013) With 1 million DKK of budget Svanholm wants to educate families and schools about their sustainable lifestyle. In a period of time of 2 years the solution must be long term valuable. What Svanholm need is to reinvent the concept of the educational service inside the ecovillage: reuse and reinvent the installations available to create a space that will bring people, mainly schools and families to Svanholm The task is to produce an interactive product online that reflects the educational purpose of Svanholm: Sustainable, Eco-Logic and Fun. Whilst having the opportunity to combine this solution with a new concept that will add a use to the space available inside the ecovillage which is a barn 3,000 m2. 4 3.0 Concept description and digital solution Svanholm needs to create a new concept that will attract families and schools to the ecovillage. The main purpose of it is to teach children about Ecology and Sustainability. Targeting families and schools the concept solution will be focused on teaching through experience that interacts in between the game, the printed guide and the space. 3.1 Before visiting Svanholm Before going to Svanholm the website of the ecovillage will provide the information needed in order to plan the visit. At the moment Svanholm has an existing online website which is focused only on the Svanholm collective. Based on our analysis of the site: is very text-heavy and is not playful for children. The use of pictures is small and the navigation is not intuitive. As we want to promote the Eco Camp for schools, families and children. 5 A separate website solution for this new initiative is needed. In order to integrate all the new content. Without interfering with the existing data on – instead the focus should be a playful, informative and descriptive solution for the new knowledge center, which will be denominated as an Ecocamp. The site should be easy for children to navigate through From you should be able to navigate to the other website, e.g. to the domain www. From the website you can find necessary information and order tickets or book tours to the center. You can also print the “DID YOU KNOW” cards that function as some appetizing fun-facts cards revolving sustainability and ecologic living. These cards are part of the learning lessons inside the app and game content. 6 In order to accommodate the different needs of the target group, we have developed different plans for the schools and families to buy. They have the possibility to overview the options and book them. On one hand Svanholm offers 3 plans for families: A package: 1 day trip from 10 am to 14 pm (4 hours) With a bus ride (1h of a bus ride from 9am to 10 am) + Lunch Bus ride home (1h of a bus ride from 14pm to 15) pm) B package: 1 day trip from 10 am to 18 pm (8 hours) With a bus ride (1h of a bus ride from 9am to 10 am) + Making lunch as Ecohero inside the EcoCamp Bus ride home (1h of a bus ride from 18pm to 19 pm) C package: 1 weekend stay (2 days, 1 sleep over) Bus ride (1h of a bus ride from 9am to 10 am) + Ecohero life (game + responsibility) + Ecohero food lessons + “Your greenhouse” workshop” (how to create your greenhouse and grow ecological vegetables) On the other hand Svanholm offers 2 plans for school classes: A package: 1 day trip from 10 am to 14 pm (4 hours) With a bus ride (1h of a bus ride from 9am to 10 am) + Lunch Bus ride home (1h of a bus ride from 14pm to 15 pm) B package: 1 day trip from 10 am to 18 pm (8 hours) With a bus ride (1h of a bus ride from 9am to 10 am) + Making lunch lessons as ecohero Bus ride home (1h of a bus ride from 18pm to 19 Furthermore primary school classes can participate in the Svanholm “Ecohero annual guide for sustainability” and receive an actual book to help educating sustainable practices to the children at the schools. The reason why schools cannot order weekend tours is due to the space limitations and maximum number of visitors per day. A ticket booking system should be implemented in the website. This would help to manage and control human flow circulating in and out the ecovillage. Thus this will respect the community member lives. It is also possible to print a map so if the visitors are no able to access to a digital device they can still participate in the tour. 3.2 During the visit at Svanholm 3.2.1 The Ecohero’s guide to Svanholm During our interview we discovered that children enjoys to play games on tablets/smartphones, so to create an App called “Ecohero’s guide to Svanholm” as a digital version is an important part of our solution. Children like to play and interact with games so having an interactive map, which would be accessible to learn from the Ecohero everywhere. 7 The Ecohero’s guide will contain the following elements: Play, Learn, Rate and Ecocamp. In each section you can prepare yourself and learn some interesting facts before you visit Svanholm. Creating the concept of becoming an Ecohero and try to change your mindset is possible by gaining new knowledge. In order to learn one has to prepare and be ready to take the challenge. At first it might sound boring, but we want to make it attractive for children to learn through the interaction. An example for a task for Ecohero to solve is: You find a cabbage with a worm in, and the question will be what would you do? - Use fertilizers? - Use aroma plants? - Use manpower to collect worms? You have to solve the task by choosing and dragging the tools you want to use to the cabbage. Another example on a task for Ecohero to solve is: Ups your cow made a poop, what do you want to do with it? - Throw it out in the garbage? - Save it in the house for later use? - Use it for the strawberries to grow? You have to solve the task by choosing and dragging again. The Idea of the “ECOHERO INTERACTION MAP” is children can click on certain places and interact with the map and try to get to know the route at Svanholm. This interactive map would help the participants to find their way around Svanholm’s knowledge center, and thereby hidden tasks and small quizzes and suggest some possible answers when solving them. The best way to teach children to learn about ecology is through playing, so we think that this is the best way to have the fun and the wow factor. The Play function in the app will be structured the following way. You will start at Level 1 with a small animal and after the knowledge you have obtained at Svanholm you can move up in levels and have responsibility of larger animals all the way up to 5th level where you have to take care of a virtual cow. 8 3.2.2 The Ecocamp The barn available today will be transformed into an Ecocamp. This would be the location and base for the visitors. The space will be a wide-open room for the children to learn about the different processes inside the ecological farming. How does the windmill works? Where does ethanol comes from?this will be inspired by the disposition of activities in places such as the Experimentarium. The Ecocamp will have a small workshop where one could create things such as a small greenhouse. But it will also be a place to elaborate food from some of the products available at Svanholm. What about having a small machinery to make your own Hansens Ice-cream? Both adults and children can interact and make food together as a social practise. This could be guided by some of the members of the community. The Ecocamp will be the shelter for the visitors and the playground for the children. All covered and dressed by the storytelling of the Ecohero´s guide to Svanholm. 3.3 After visiting Svanholm After educating yourself, playing games, solving quizzes and gaining knowledge about sustainability, ecology and healthy lifestyles children and adults would be rewarded. The price is becoming “Kong Gulerod” level. This scale will measure each child and adult in order to attract children and schools to learn more about sustainability and to challenge them. Depending of their Ecohero level, families would be rewarded with smiley faces, bronze, silver and gold stars. This digital online game will be connected with Svanholm profiles plus the status of Ecohero level would be updated depending on the game achievements. Families and schools will be able to create profiles and track the learning and upgrading process, here including a proud factor for separate classes and separate families to be proud and representative of their knowledge. In this way anybody could come to the profile page and share with their friends and be proud of the knowledge they are holding. 9 4.0 Budget 5.0 Project mangement breakdown Our project can be summed up to hands on experiences, while our team have focused intensively on field research. We have used a lot of the time during our research phase to observe competitors and target groups to understand the actual field the project was concentrating on. We had a lot of assumptions before starting the project and figured the best way to explode these assumptions was to go out and find out how the reality actually looked like. We used different tools during this project. At first a group contract was made in order to clarify expectations, meeting times, ambitions etc. by composing the contract we drew up the lines of the field in which we were playing. We decided to meet everyday from 9-14 to make sure that all the tasks were done accordingly to our expectations. Illness was reported on the Facebook group, which also was used as communication platform for sharing documents, pictures, sketches etc. We used Google docs, which gave everyone a nice overview of the project process. However while Google Docs is an effective document to work in simultaneously, there is a lot of hassle converting the document to Word without losing page structure and layout. We have not used any type of scheduling plan for organizing the project. In retrospect using GANTT or another planning tool would have come in handy. For getting a leaner flow, overview and execution of our working progress, milestones and deadlines, but also taking advantage of the resources in our group better. In our workflow we used sketching to visualise our thoughts and ideas. Working in the group on the school perimeter has worked best for us. We have used the whiteboards a lot to illustrate, 10 for sketching out the final concept. One of the great benefits from using the whiteboard was the brainstorming session combining words from different categories and ending up with some key words towards the solution, as shown in the picture below. In order to get inspiration, the team went on field research to the main library, to observe the child section and sort of getting a feeling of the childhood experience. In the children books, the team got inspiration of the visual style for the sketching and layout of the project. 11 6.0 Conclusion Families and Schools visiting Svanholm will be able to share their journey by posting their picture on the site. The different activities inside the game both in real and virtual life will give each family or school group scores to become the Best Ecohero The message is directed to adults but through the narrative of a fiction child-friendly character, the Ecohero. Both Parents and Tutors will have the chance to participate in the game of an eco-logic journey. The game enables that adults and children will be able to understand the sustainable lifestyle at Svanholm while interacting with the learning process of the child. All together playing will with Svanholm. 12 Appendix 1.0 INTERVIEW Toke 37år arbejder som kommunikationskoordinator for Caritas Danmark, har Isabella på 4år med hans bolivianske kone. Bor i en lejlighed på Amager og ejer ikke en bil. Hvor ofte tager i på familieture, eksempelvis experimentariet, museer eller andet? Ikke så ofte, men måske en gang om året. Vi har været i zoologiske have. Og så rejser vi meget til Bolivia. Hvor finder i inspiration og informationer til attraktioner/familieture? På internettet. Har børnene indflydelse på hvor i tager hen? Ja, engang i mellem Lægger i vægt på at der skal være noget at lære når i tager på familietur? Både det men også om det er sjovt. Hvor lang tid er i villige til at bruge på transport, når i skal besøge en attraktion? Omkring en time. Hvor ofte er jeres børn med skole/børnehave på udflugter? Hvor har de været henne? En gang om måneden ca. de er mest på tur i parker men har også været i zoologiskhave for nyligt. Er det vigtigt for jer at jeres børn lærer om økologi og bæredygtighed? Ja, men vi ved desværre ikke selv så meget om det. Ville i sende jeres børn på sommerlejr på et økologisk landbrug? Ikke uden forældre, men det lyder som en sjov oplevelse hvis vi kunne tage med. Har jeres børn en ipad? Hvad spiller de? Vi har en som vores datter spiller på engang i mellem. Hun spiller Sound Touch og andre lignede spil. Er det vigtigt at de spil jeres børn spiller er lærerige? Ja Kender i Svanholm? Nej Efter at have fortalt om Svanholm, kunne i så finde på besøge det? Det lyder meget spændende. Vi vil helt sikkert tage derud en dag. Hvis Svanholm havde en app/spil, til at bruge før, under og efter besøget. Ville det have interesse at bruge den? Hvis det er interessant og hvis det ikke er for tidskrævende. Er i villige til at betale for mobilspil til børnene? Ja, hvis de ikke er for dyre. Kimmie 40år arbejder som nødhjælpskoordinator for Caritas Danmark, har Sofie på 7år og Rasmus på 12år. Bor i en lejlighed på Østerbro og ejer ikke en bil. Hvor ofte tager i på familieture, eksempelvis experimentariet, museer eller andet? Vi gjorde det meget da børnene var mindre, de gider ikke rigtig så meget mere. Hvor finder i inspiration og informationer til attraktioner/familieture? Mest på internettet tror jeg. Har børnene indflydelse på hvor i tager hen? Ja ellers gider de ikke med. Lægger i vægt på at der skal være noget at lære når i tager på familietur? Ja Hvor lang tid er i villige til at bruge på transport, når i skal besøge en attraktion? Ikke alt for lang tid. Hvor ofte er jeres børn med skole/børnehave på udflugter? Hvor har de været henne? Rasmus er sjældent, men Sofie er af sted engang i mellem, de var bl.a. i den blå planet da de åbnede. Er det vigtigt for jer at jeres børn lærer om økologi og bæredygtighed? Ja meget, vi spiser kun økologisk og jeg prøver at lære dem ikke at smide mad ud og huske at slukke for lyset. Ville i sende jeres børn på sommerlejr på et økologisk landbrug? Tror ikke de gider, men synes det lyder som en rigtig god ide! Har jeres børn en ipad? Hvad spiller de? Ja, de har begge en ipad. Ved ikke hvad de spiller. Er det vigtigt at de spil jeres børn spiller er lærerige? Ja, men det tror jeg ikke de er. Kender i Svanholm? Nej Efter at have fortalt om Svanholm, kunne i så finde på besøge det? Ja jeg vil meget gerne have mine børn med derud. Hvis Svanholm havde en app/spil, til at bruge før, under og efter besøget. Ville det have interesse at bruge den? Måske Sofie ville finde det spændende Er i villige til at betale for mobilspil til børnene? Det betaler de selv.
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