GA SAF-ACF Meeting - October 20th, October 21st - Registration... I have attached the registration packet for the GA SAF-ACF...

GA SAF-ACF Meeting - October 20th, October 21st - Registration Packet!
I have attached the registration packet for the GA SAF-ACF Annual Meeting in
Tifton, GA on Monday, October 20th and Tuesday, October 21st. We have a great
block of speakers, and we hope to see you there. I have included a few highlights
below. Please note the unique education opportunity for Wednesday, October
22nd; it is limited to only 20 spots, so sign up quickly if interested.
- Please sign up before the early bird ends, it is cheaper for you and will help our
- 8.5 CFE Hours Available
- We have a golf outing planned for Monday morning.
- Cocktail Reception will include light hors d'oeuvres and 2-3 drink tickets. Dinner will
be on your own. I will include a restaurant guide in future registration
- Please join us for breakfast on Tuesday. Menu will consist of biscuits, sausage
gravy, bacon, fruit, scones, coffee/juice.
- FORISK's Applied Forest Finance Course will be on Wednesday, October 22nd at
the same venue (UGA Tifton Conference Center). Those who register for the SAFACF conference can also register for this course at the reduced price of $299. It is
limited to only 20 spots. Rob Routhier, with F&W, ( will be
handling the registration for this class. I have included registration materials at the
end of this packet. Once you sign up for the conference, complete the FORISK class
registration material and email Rob. Note: You can still take advantage of the
reduced Hilton Garden Inn rate on Tuesday night. 7.0 CFE Hours.
- We need Silent Auction items! All donations would be appreciated.
If you have questions, please give me a call.
Jason Little - SAF State Chair
Monday, October 20th
9:30 am: Golf Outing
2:30-4:00 pm: GA ACF Chapter Business
Meeting (Tifton UGA Conference Center)
2:30-4:00 pm: GA SAF Executive Committee
Meeting (Tifton UGA Conference Center)
4:00-5:30 pm: Who will manage the Forest? Dave
Walters, SAF National President (Please join us for
valuable insight into serious issues facing the forest
industry & SAF.)
5:30-7:00 pm: Cocktail Reception
Tuesday, October 21st
Please contact GA Division SAF Chair Jason Little for additional
information and questions: or (478) 745-4910.
7:00 am: Registration/Continental Breakfast
7:45 am: Call to Order, Welcome – Jason Little,
GA SAF Chair
8:00 am: Timberland Market Trends – Brian
Stone, Forest Resource Consultants, Inc.
8:45 am: Economics of Converting Timber to
Agriculture in the Southeastern US – George
Motta, GMO
9:30 am: Tree Nutrition & Forest Fertilization in
the South – Dr. Tom Fox, Virginia Tech
10:15 am: Break
10:30 am: The Value of Tree Improvement &
Advanced Genetics – Chris Rosier, Arborgen
11:15 am: Logging Cost Trends in US South –
Dr. Dale Greene, University of Georgia
12:00 am: Awards Luncheon
Service Awards Presentation
Georgia Division Business Meeting
Gail Westcot – Education Update
University & Organization Updates
1:30 pm: Pine Health Issues & Associated Abiotic
& Biotic Factors in the Southeastern US – Dr.
Kamal Gandhi, University of Georgia
2:15 pm: Who will log it? Changes in Southern
Logging Capacity - Dr. Dale Greene, University
of Georgia
3:00 pm: Opportunities for Natural Gas in
Georgia’s Forest Industry – Tom Putnam,
Langdale Forest Products Co.
3:45 pm: Break
4:00 pm: Wood Flows & Capital Flows: Forest
Industry Investments in the US South – Dr.
Brooks Mendell, FORISK
5:00 pm: Closing Remarks and Adjourn
This meeting is centered on three general themes: Harvesting,
Land, and Trees. Speakers will discuss research, market
conditions, technologies, and more on each respective topic.
These are relevant issues and research that will give us
valuable insight in our professions. We have sought out
quality speakers with the goal of providing a high-quality
educational experience for our membership.
Accommodations: While the meeting will be held at the Tifton UGA Conference
Center in Tifton, GA, the hotel accommodations will be at the Hilton Garden Inn
(Exit 62-Two Exits South of Conference Center). A block of rooms has been
reserved for the nights of October 19th – October 21st. Please mention “Society of
American Foresters” when booking your room to receive the special conference room
rate ($99+local taxes & fees). Call (229.382.8484) or Visit: - Direct Link May Not Work. If not, just navigate to Tifton Hilton
Garden Site via the Hilton Garden Homepage or paste the above link into your Google
Search. Choose dates, add special rate code (you may have to choose more options to find
this feature), Group Code: SAF, check availability.
Cut-off date for special room rate at the Hilton Garden Inn is September 29, 2014
Please review the registration
form attached herein for
details on registration.
You can register online or by mail!
Online: Follow Directions on
Attached Form & Visit:
Mail: Follow Directions on
Attached Form.
Continuing Forestry
Education Credits
SAF National President –
Who will manage the Forest? –
Monday 1.5 CFE Credits
General Session: Tuesday
7.0 CFE Credits
Total – 8.5 CFE Credits
Fee Schedule
Early Bird Registration Fee (until September 29th) – Includes Monday Reception, Tuesday Breakfast, Tuesday Lunch and all breaks.
Registration Fee (after September 29th) – Includes Monday Reception, Tuesday Breakfast, Tuesday Lunch and all breaks.
Student Registration Fee $50 – Includes items noted in regular registration. (Student must be registered in college degree program.)
Adult Luncheon Ticket $25 – For those attending only the awards luncheon and business meeting.
Child Luncheon Ticket $15 – (Ages 4-10) Children under 4 are free.
REQUIRED for registration. Please check any that apply.
* An informal (non-tournament) golf outing will start on Monday morning at 9:30 AM at the ( - Estimated cost will be $26 - This will not be handled via online registration,
but you will just pay when you arrive. For organization purposes, please email Jason Little ( by October 15, 2014, if you plan to play.
You can easily register online at the Tifton UGA Conference Center homepage!
1) Navigate to the homepage (
2) Click on Registration.
3) You will find a user-friendly menu that will take you through the above Fee Schedule options.
Note: Please reserve your hotel accommodations via the Hilton Garden Inn website or front desk. Refer to the meeting announcement for details.
1) Print this form, Complete the requisite information in the Fee Schedule Section above.
2) Fill out payment options and personal information below.
3) Mail With Check or Credit Card Information Information to: ----------------->
(Note: If you are paying with a credit card, we would prefer you take advantage of the online registration.)
Enclosed is check#_________________
*Please make checks payable to: UGA TCCC/SAF-ACF
Attn: Renae Woods
2360 Rainwater Road
Tifton, GA 31793
Please charge to my: ___ American Express___Master Card___Visa___Discover
City:________________ State_________ Zip:____________
Cardholder (please print) ____________________________________________
Card #:_______________________________________
Signature:_____________________________________ Expiration Date:___________
Name(s) as they should appear on badges:
Exhibitor $275 – Includes exhibit space and 1 full registration
Bronze Sponsor $100 – Includes print and verbal recognition
Silver Sponsor $250 – Includes print and verbal recognition
Gold Sponsor $500 – Includes exhibit space, 1 full registration and print recognition
We need your help! Any and all silent auction items are welcome.
You can bring items. Or, you can donate monies and our silent auction
committee will purchase items for the auction.
A registration form for the silent auction is included.
Registration for Exhibitors and Sponsors is handled via a separate form and process.
Please review and complete.
Please see the Exhibitor/Sponsor Form that is included.
Please contact Georgia Division SAF Chair Jason Little for additional information and questions: or (office) 478-745-4910 or (mobile) 912-614-3704.
If you have issues with online registration, please contact Renae Woods at the Tifton UGA Conference Center:,386,3416.
2014 GA Division SAF/ACF Annual
Georgia Division
Company Name:
Contact Name:
Email Address:
Suggested Sponsorship Investment Levels
Bronze Level……………$100.00 (Includes print & verbal recognition)
Silver Level……………..$250.00 (Includes print & verbal recognition)
Gold Level……………...$500.00 (Includes exhibit space, one meeting
registration, verbal & print recognition)
Name of attendee: ___________________ Exhibiting: Yes____ No ____
Exhibitor…………… …..$275.00 (Includes exhibit space & one meeting
Name of attendee: ___________________
Note: If sponsorship level includes a meeting registration, please include the name
of the individual attending. This individual will not have to register for the conference
but will have to make hotel accommodations.
Make checks payable to: Georgia Division of Society of American Foresters
Fax or Mail the Check or Credit Card Authorization Form to: 1-877-775-4684 (fax)
Attn: Sharon Dolliver
SESAF Business Manager
829 GA HWY 57, Gordon, GA 31031
478-628-1196 (Office) Email:
2014 GA Division SAF/ACF Annual Meeting
Silent Auction
Donation Form
Georgia Division
Individuals and companies who generously donate items make this popular event successful. You can
also consider a tax-deductible monetary contribution that can be used to purchase items for the
auction if you desire. Craft items are always a big auction item. If you have a special talent or know
someone who does, the Silent Auction is a great place to show it off! Money raised from this year’s
auction will be used to provide scholarships for students at the University of Georgia and our newest
student chapter at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC). Once we reach our goal for the
student scholarships, any additional money raised will be used to support the Billy Lancaster Forestry
Youth Camp.
We hope you will support these valuable programs through a donation. Please fill out the form below and
return it to: (Any submissions submitted by October 10, 2014 will be listed in our meeting packet)
Gail Westcot
Georgia Division SAF
Warnell Forest Education Center
5960 Hwy 17 S
Guyton, GA 31312
912-330-0531 (phone)
912-330-0781 (fax)
------------------------------------------------------------------------I will donate CASH to be used to purchase an item for the auction in the amount of: $__________
(Please make checks payable to Georgia Division SAF).
I will donate an ITEM(s) for the auction. A brief description of the item(s) & value:
Please indicate below how you would like to be listed in the program packet Name & Company will be used
Contact Name: ___________________________________________________________
Company: _______________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
City_______________________________________ State____________ Zip: __________
Phone Number: _____________________Email:__________________________________
Applied Forest Finance Course
Sponsored By: Florida & Georgia ACF Chapters
Conducted by: Forisk Consulting LLC, Brooks Mendell
Where: UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center
15 RDC Road, Tifton GA / 229-386-3416
When: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 (following GA SAF meeting): 7:45am – 4:30pm
Cost: ACF Members (Firms) Early Registration $239, After 9/1/14 $269
Non-ACF Members $299
Breaks and Lunch Included
****************** Limited to 40 Participants ******************
Continuing Education Credits: 7 hours: Forester, Real Estate, and Appraisal
(Forisk is in the process of applying for these credits, Florida RE and Appr. are tentative)
Send Payment: GA Chapter ACF
c/o Rob Routhier
P. O. Box 3610
Albany, GA 31706
Include names of attendees and firm
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ See Attached for Tentative Outline $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Forisk Consulting
Applied Forest Finance - Expanded
Course Outline
Presentation Title
Presentation Description
Length of Time
Brooks Mendell,
Introduce instructor and course outline
(15 mins)
Brooks Mendell,
Key Concepts of Forest
Unique attributes of forest finance, time
value of money, nominal vs. real rates;
Cash flows: common mistakes and how to
correct them.
(1 hour)
Brooks Mendell,
Forest Economics
Faustmann and Bare Land Value
(1 hour)
Financial criteria: ranking investment
options; Case study: maximizing returns
from existing stands
(1 hour 45 mins)
Marginal analysis: When does forest
management pay? Case study: when do
we clearcut for pulpwood versus manage
for sawtimber?
(1 hour 15 mins)
Brooks Mendell,
Brooks Mendell,
Financial Criteria
Marginal Analysis
Brooks Mendell,
Discount Rates
Discount rates: estimating risk
(1 hour)
Brooks Mendell,
Local Timber Forecasts
Key considerations: inflation, data sources,
localizing prices
(1 hour)
Total Hours 7.0
Forisk Consulting LLC – PO Box 5070 – Athens, GA 30604 – 770.725.8447 –