RED BAN! VOLUME XVIII. NO. 4 7 , RED B A N K , N . J ; ,W E D N E S D A Y , M A Y 2 0 , 1 8 9 6 , WOODSXOSESHISSUIT, __. THE GRAND JCTRY'S WORK; Justice Child Gives a Decision in THE TROOP INSPECTED. ' $1.50 P E R YEAR. NEWS FROM MIDDLETOWN. Mounted and Dlsthouiited Dt ills on Their Practice Grounds, A BICYCLE SMASHED BY A RUN. The troop of cavalry had a mounted AWAY. ' JFVew's Favor-tfrey l'ava the Bill. A SERIES OF ATHLETIC GAMES' CARS TO BE R U N ON DECORAGeorge Woods, Jr., was beaten in his TION DAY. ON HORSEBACK. drill and inspection at their practice suit againat Wm. P. Frey last Thursday. Mr, Woods brought auit to compel Mr. The TrolteuLInc Through Bed Bank grounds on Shrewsbury avenue last Timothy Beddington lias a Bun. An Interesting Programme of ConMany ofTliem Are for Selling Ll<*t<or Will Aot Be Run by That Time, Thursday. A dismounted drill was held away Adventure-AXetc Nail CarIllegally at AsburyParkanil Long Prey to pay him $18.50, which he said' tests-for Jted Hank's Cavalry But the Long Ilrancli and Red in the morning. The troops in this drill Troop on Decoration Day—Some rier-A Wagon Breaks DownBranch —Several Indictments waa Mr. Frey's part of the expenses of running the town election in May, 1895. of the features of the Sport, Bank Route is to Be in Operation. were armed with carbines, Babers and Sutnmer Residents. • Against Red Bankers. . revolvers. They wore thenfull dresB said he hadn't authorized the The Monmouth troop of cavalry is to Mr. Greenburg, the manager of the Jbe grand jury, which went in session Mr./Frey uniforms, with hemlets and white gloves. A team of horses owned by Joseph expenditure. T H E Y BRING I N T W E N T Y - T W O INDICTMENTS. • v _ - •• have a series of athletic games on Dec- trolley railroad, states that the first car Covert of Port Monmouth ran away on two weekB ago yesterdayyclosed up their Mr. Woods acted as hia own lawyer. oration Day which will be entirely dif- over the road between Eed Bank and They marched from the armory and Saturday. Mrs. William L. Bowman business for the term on Thursday. were inspected by the officials. The enHe put himself on the stand and testified Long Branch will probably be run on ferent from anything ever before seen They found 03 indictments. This is an tire troop, with the exception of four was riding on a bicycle on the.road : exceptionally large number for the May that he had spent somewhere from $28 to in this locality. All the events will be Decoration Day. The road through Red men, were present at the morning exer- when the runaways dashed by.. She 382 for wagons, wiisliey and poll workers on horseback, and-most of them will be Bank will not be conpleted by that time, was knocked from her wheel and waa term ol court.. cises. • ' • picked up unconscious. She was taken A very large proportion of the indict- for the election. He said he had written of a' character somewhat similar to the but the start will be made from the tue orders for whiskey himself, and that Two of the absentees were present at actual work of cavalrymen in the field.! corner of Monniouth street and Shrewsto a neighboring house where she slowly ments were for liquor selling at Long he paid for it, and that Mr. Frey promised" the mounted drill in the afternoon, leavbury avenue, The construction-of the revived. Her wheel was smashed. • The The, practice ground of, tho cavalry' Branch and.Asbury Park, particularly at to pay part of the bill but hadn't done ing only two absentees. Oneof these road through the. streets of the town horses were caught by Rudolph"Koop. troop on Shrewsbury avenue is very the latter place. . Fielder and David Bray tes- dusty, and they will endeavor to get the may be delayed a little by the work of was kept away by sickness and the other The wagon was not damaged. -• Several of the persons who were in- so. Frank that they had got the whiskey on use of Stoutwood Park for the games. laying the sewers, but i t is expected that was doing jury duty at Freehold. The Timothy Eeddington of Belf ord hired a dicted refused to plead, their counsel de- tified Woods's orders. Fielder said he had A committee was appointed on Monday oars will be run over the entire route, drill and inspection was very satisfactory horse from Capt. William H. Seeley last claring that there was no legal court Mr. taken what he got to Mr. Woodp's stables. and the men were complimented on their from the steamboat wharf to Long Wednesday, to drive to Atlantic Highbeing held. They said the constitution Mr. Woods denied this and said it had night fo make out a programme of appearance and manceuvers. Branch, early in July... lands. Reddington stopped near Leonrequired the court to consist of, a towbeen taken to the opera house sheds. events. Dr. Edwin FieWJs chairman of There was only one exciting'incident ardville on his way to Atlantic Highthis committee. '} A survey of the road from Eatontown judge- and two lay judges, and that The' was a long scrap between Mr. to Red Bank shows that, the rroute by in the afternoon. David Soffel had em- lands and tied the horse to a post, while persons indicted could not legally plead There Cavalrymen's athletic games have been and his witness over the place before Judge Conoyer alone. In each of Woods for many years, and there are way of Shrewsbury avenue, and going ployed a little colored boy to care for he called on a friend. The horse became where the whiskey had been placed, and held these caBes Judge Conover had a plea of Fielder certain events which are as "regular" through the fields south of Shrewsbury, his horse and the boy was on the horse's restless and pulled back. The halter finally eaid he couldn't rememnot guilty entered.'..'... in their way as the events in other lines is shorter by 600 feet than the road along back, walking it around, when .the horse broke and the horse started to walk ber exactly where he had put it, andtbat of .- Five persons who. were in jail charged raaybe One of the most important tha turnpike. On the route through the became frightened and ran away. The away. Eeddington was on the stoop in the opera house andsport, with having committed crimes were not sheds. it was put interesting of the series is cutting fields south of Shrewsbury, a road sixty little boy clung to the horse's neck and talking to his friend when the horse • . indicted and were discharged. They down wooden balls, which are set up on feet wide has been laid out. This will was carried around the field two or three Btarted, and he ran to catch itt He was O. B. Davis testified to the amount he posts, and held in place by small,pine be made a public road and will be graded times, and then fell off. He escaped in- in too great a hurry to open the gate and were Harmon Smith of t a n g Branch, he placed his hands on it and vaulted who was charged with perjury, Mary had'spent for the election. This was pins.. This is done while the cavalry- and graveled by the trolley company. jury. m »m over. His weight broke the gate. The Wally of Long Branch, stealing; and about $11, and was for two wagons, for man is at a full gallop. The pine pm Culverts the full width of the road have cra9h frightened the horse,.and it began • James Mulligan of Long Branch, Eliza one or two poll workers to give out tickets represents the neck of a man who "is to been put in. These culverts are eight NO SEWER CONTRACT JVIADE. to run. The wagon was overturned and Fishley and Feronioa Reevey of Mata- on election day, and for a box of cigars. be attacked by the cavalryman. The feet wide and seven feet high. I t is He hadn't seen any whiskoy, and did not posts are on each side of the course, expected that the fields on each side of Au Ordinance Slust Be Passed Be- one of the front wheels was broken. No wan, assault and battery.. fore Work Can Be Begun. of his own knowledge fiiat any and thexavalryrrian must make a down- •the road will be laid out in lots and will other, damage was done. The horse was Wilson.- Nixson of Freehold pleaded know bought or used. He said that after ward stroke at one pin, a stroke to the be sold for residence purposes as soon as No contract was made by the commis- caught near Atlantic Highlands by Wm. guilty to assaulting his wife. Judge was the election, he, Mr. Woods andMr. the tide of travel begins to set that way. right at another, and a stroke to the left sioners at their special meeting last night, Eoop of Belford. the tide of &nover-«videntty..has-no_flmpathxJ$ritL Frey"had-metmtr-Mr.-Woods'8-offlc&-to-The-trolley-people-say-that-their-returns which was held to receive bids for putbkerhemust-The-trolleywife^beaters, for he sent Nixson to state Bettle up the bills. Mr. Woods then had "atrffthird~Betweerreachrstrbke-hemust Jerry Singleton of Port Monmonth is regain his proper position and make a for f buying b i the land and making a public Ting down the sewers lrTTUonnTOUtlf now~eriipl5yecras mau carneT"Belwet5r prison for a year. • ' a memorandum showing that Mr, Davis road on each side of the' trolley track street, Broad street, Front street and the Port Monmouth postofflce and the thrust with his saber a t a three-inch ' Charles Williams was fined $20 inought to pay Woods $8, in addition to will be obtained by inducing building Wharf avenue. Edmund Wilson, the railroad station. each of» two cases'for selling beer from what Mr. Davis had already spent, to ring, which is suspended along the along line. The property on each counsel for the town, stated that before a wagor?\at Asbury Park. This is a even things up, and Mr. Davis paid him course. Should he succeed in getting side ofthe , A wagon owned by Lawrence Gaffey the trolley track south of Shrews- any contract could be made, an ordinthe ring on his saber he must get it on special punishment fixed by law for'this the $8. Mr. Frey had previously said and driven by Thomas York, broke bury is owned by Mrs. Georgianna Pat- ance must be passed by the commissionby a peculiar whirl of the blade before offense, afld no heavier penalty can be that he would pot pay a centr'toward down on the bridge at Locust Point last terson, Charles M. Patterson, Bernard ers, declaring that the town was going he strikes at the next ball: mposed. . Saturday. The wagon was loaded with getting elected/but that night he said Finkle, Jacob Shoemaker and the Bor- to put in sewers. This had not been a gas tank, which York was hauling Another event will show the expert- denB. Ueorge Hayes was fined $5 and-.costs he would pay his share. John S. Appledone when the other preliminary-work from Asbury Park to J. E. Ralph's place ness of the cavalrymen in getting ready for) assaulting Herman L. Maddox at gate appeared for Mr. Frey, and in reply was done last summer. The ordinance at Atlantic Highlands. The axle of the The trolley rood will use the tracks of :•:' AsDury Park. George Lanhorn pleaded fo Mr. Applegate's questions Mr. Woods for an attack. Their horses are at hand, will be passed next Tuesday night. Bids -guilty to assaulting Arthur C. MuUgn at Baid he didn't have any bills or vouchers grazing, and their blankets, bridles and the Southern railroad from the Red cannot then be received until twenty wagon was broken. C. A. Mount of Locust Point has bought Long Branch and was.sent to toe county to show the amount he had spent. He saddles are on the ground. At the Bank bridge to Hopping station. From days have elapsed. This would make jail for thirty days. Fred Stevens WBB had* had" them oncejind they were left sound of a bugle the cavalrymen will that point to Atlantic Highlands the June lGth the earliest date at which bids a barn of Mrs. Peter H. Valleau. Mr. fold -their-blankets, bridle,, and saddle trolley people will build a new track on Mount has moved the barn on his prop-:flned $15 and-costafor-unlawfully driv- in hia office.buff"he didn't kriow"what can be received. erty. Mr. Mount has buil^ a-new piazza ^ i n e Charles_H. ^Volcott's horse ot Free- had_become-of_them, .and he _wasn't their horses, mount and gallop a distance the right of way o f the Southern railContractors who were present last on his house and he will soon put a stone roocl^ alongside of the present _track. holdlSia for assanltihg'BenjrHolmesT— going to look -for them, and he wasn't The trolley wilFuse the old pier a r i l ? " night said-that-it-would-take about five sidgwalk-in-fronfr of-his storOr man who does this quickest and best. Deboradi Cole of Red Bank pleaded not going to get duplicates. Wrestling on horseback will be an- lantic Highlands and will connect with months to completo the entire sewer ByBguiltv to?keeping a' disorderly house in William H. Egolf, the principal of the Other witnesses testified that Mr. other feature of their sports. In this the the present pier with a bridge. By this tem of the town. The commissioners Navesink school, will move to Toms '• Bed Banm^The persons who were capmay decide to ask for bids for the whole Frey, previous to the election, had said means the trolley will connect direct men will ride barebacl, and the aim of tured in h&N'hause at the time it was River at the expiration of the, school1 work. This would give the town the term, where he will be employed as a raided by the police also pleaded not that he would not spend anything to get each contestent is to pull the other from with the boats to New York. elected, although one of tnem said he bis horse. It is not allowable to take guilty. w• . New ties have been put in along the use of the sewers by next winter. bookkeeper. Mr. Egolf and his wife to spend what- hold of a man's clothes, but the man Southern road from Red Bank to Hoply to « have .bought new bicycles. Matilda Fh'nn pleaded guilty to steal-' bad heard Mr. Frey say ping station and two thousand feet of ROBERT CARSON'S FARM SOLD. Mrs! John J. Earle of Newark, who ing a three-dollar gold piece from George ever was necessary, as he d i n't want to himself must be grasped. get beaten. , ''Thepursuit" is another interesting new rails have been laid. Fi o Hop has Bpent the past fpur summers at At- " B. Lamb of Red Bank. She will be Woods had Mr, Applegate and Mr. event. In this one man puts a rosette on ping station to Atlantic Hignlands the Patrick Kelly Bought Jt Last Sat- lantic Highlands, has rented the Captain sentenced June 18th, and was released many passages-at-arins. . tfr, Woods his left shoulder and two others pursue entire track will be new. Men are now T, H. Patterson house at that place for on bail. ' " \ urday for $lo;35O. . Lewis N. Smith, Adiner J. Eddleton continually Interrupted Mr Applegate him to get it off. The pursuers must employed putting the Southern railroad •The Robert Carson farm in Holmdel the coming.season. and John Eddleton pleaded not guilty to while the tatter was cross-exfimining the come up on the left side of the pursued bridge in good condition. New ties are township, near Beers's Corner, was sold Miss Mamie Francis and Albert Lamwitnesses, until JuBtice Child notified cavalryman and must piokon! the rosette to be laid on the bridge, the track is to stealing 3S.pigeonsfron) Charles Burd at at auction on S&tarday. The farm con- bertson of Morrisville, MiBS Eva Walling Bed Bank. They will be tried June 11th. him that Mr. Applegate hjd a right to without touching the man. ThiB must be lined up and new guard rails are to tains about 100 acres, half of ;which is of Keyport and Patrick Dane of Holmquestion the witnesses. Several times, be done within three minutes or the purbe laid. A hand rail is also to be built del have been visiting Miss Belle O'Brien Benjamin Lane pleSded^-guilty to alonf the sides of the bridge. This har 1 ! first-class land and the other half is of Port Monmouth. breaking int6 Nathen BrowrTs house too, Mr. Woods, on his o\v:i cross-exam- suers lose. lighter soil. The sale waa made by "Tent pegging" is a simple enough rail is more for appearance's sake tl near' luddlciown and stealing a pocket- ination, refused to anBwe- Mr. AppleHenry Wright has opened hi3 pavilion ~ " Walling, who has had charge of • boo book and at Locust Point for the season. Mrs. E. d some money. y He is now. out gate's questions,andhaalsc 'old'hiswit- thing to look at, but men who have tried for actual use, but in going over nessee not to answer SODT:.>* flvi quesf it ."• is not so e.">.9j-aa it I n k s , ' Bro;?fi "'• i*. WA aad wUTtyj aeutijshced aeutijshc JunerttttiirrRT"w" TV!?1* frrTftm?ffffflf Hobohen, "Mfelville P: Buck, who ptea'ded guilty tions; Justice CMcl, however, -dewiid tent pegs are struck in the ground and a bridge the appearance of being inclosed, ford for Patrick Kelly. Mr. Crawford spent a few days of last weekwitk Sir. • cavalryman rides by in a swinging gal- and will prevent dizziness on the part of to assaulting Kelson Armstrong at Free- that the questions must be answered. Wright. When Mr. Woods's witnesses had all lop, As he passes the tent stake lie the passengers. Eight iron frames will bid $10,850, and the farm was knocked hold, will also be sentenced June 18th, Rev. G. C. Williams and family of down to him. Mr. Kelly will take posThe persons who have thus far pleaded been henrd, Mr. Applegate moved for a must try to impale it oh the point of his carry the trolley wires across the bridge. session of the_farm n.ijxtj spring. The New Uonmouth started for Ocean Grove not guilty to illegally selling liquor, and non-suit. He said Mr.Frey was' entitled saber, pull it out of the ground and Linemen have been at work the past price is high, considering the small profit to-Uny. They the guests of Mr. the places where it is said to have been to a non-suit on several grounds, but carry it along with him. B: he does this two weeks putting up the poles and which calf be derived from farming at and Mrs. Fitzroy Walling while they are sold, are Larry McCormick, in Wall that one essential ground was that Mr. he gets the highest score possible. II be stringing tho wires from Long Branch there. . -*.' township; Jack Farrell, John Marshal!, Woods had not produced any bills or pulls it out and it afterward falls off his to Eed Bank. This work is now com- present. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Johnson, Patrick Rooney, David 'Wallace, Tony vouchers to show the, amount he hadsaber point it counts for something, and pleted on Shrewsbury avenue, j who have been living at San Domingo, A FOSTOFFICE ROBBED; if- he hits it at all he also scores someLuzardi, Daniel Mack, John Gorlies, Paul paid. The car house will bo located on a West Indies, for the past year, will reDeNunci, Frank D'Alcato, ThomaB Hug- Justice Child decided against Woods thing. little triangle of ground at the point Burglars Break Into the Fair Mia ven turn to Atlantic Highlands next June. gins, Isaiah Lane and Thomas Lefferls, onthis ground, and Woods said he would A team event is the double mount where tho trolloy road crosses tho South-' Rev. Wilmer Ma'cNair of Atlantic Office and Steal 80 Vents. In Asbury Park ; John Campbell, Martin begin suit over again. The next morn- ing. One man rides and another takes erarailroad track south of Shrewsbury. The postofflce at Fair Haven was Highlands will deliver a sormon to the Rafferty, Catharine Schleitn and Joseph ing Mr. Frey paioVtho amount demanded hold of the saddle and endeavors to This car house will be 50x180 feet and members of the Grand Army in the PresMaiming, in Long Branch: Charles Frey, to Justice Child. He eaid he didn't mount behind. This is done while the will accomodnte twenty cars, each thirty- broken into on Tuesday night of last byterian church next Sunday Dight. in Freehold; and Edward J. Noon, in think he owed it rightfully, but that horse is at a walk, at a trot and at a gal- five feet long. The foundations are dug week. The thieves gained an entrance Miss Sadie Despreaux and Miss Delia rather than lose any more Ume over it, lop. Then the two men change places and the broken stone and cement on through the front door and made their Belmnr. DeVesty of Navesink are delegates to which the foundation is to be built has exit through a window in the postofflce. the Epworth league convention, held at Other persons who have pleaded riot and rather than make his witnesses lose and try it over. any more time, he would pay the bill. , . A'cavalrymen's potato Irace is very been put in. This building will be of Only 3D cents was in the till. '"'This was guilty to indictments are 89 follows: to-day. This termination of the case put thesimilar to tho ordinary potato race, ex- brick with a truss steel roof. The en- stolon. A revolver and some cartridges, Trenton William Qnlnn, assault and battery oa Julia MorIra Gibson, Francis O'Brien, William costs on Mr. Woods. They amounted to cept that the cavalrymen have to pick gine to run the machinery has been put which were in a drawer, were also taken. Seifert, ton at Freehold. Joseph Carmen nnd Matthew James Fuller and Chnrlea Con;, Bteallng clothing $5.18. • up the potatoes one at a time and put in at the electric light works, and the No stamps were stolen. Tho thieves are Lehman of Fort Monmouth have .bought worth $110 from Joseph Carauaugh of Lonfr Branca. •• * •» them in a pail at the end of. the row generator, to convert the power into supposed to have been amateurs, from new bioycles. Joseph Foster, Harry Murray, JoMpb Patterron, electricity, will soon bo ready for use. the bungling work which they did. James Easaa and George Patterson, stealing watchwithout dismounting. STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. es, medicines and other goods from ttiu railroad station at EngUshtowti. Hughcy woW, assaulting Taorans n . Ward In Hillstonn township and stealing elder from Joseph T. Hencuickson ot that township. William Tyler, stealing watches and chains from Sarah M.Clart at Asnury Park, George Brower, stealing a borse. wagon and liarni-88 from William Burkholdt ot l/>ng Brunch. Gilbert Stewart, forging' John J. Ely's endorse moot lo a checlc. Lambert M.Clart, obtaining money under false pretenses from WHlnm Harris at Kojport. Annie Daniels, keeping a cltsordorly uouso at Long Brancti. • , Jamcq Barnes, assaulting John Carney at JlotaWOD. • Another event, which is easy to try, The second generator, which will be will show who rides the easiest and with used as a duplicate machine, to fall back 8260 Lost a n d Found. the least jolting. Each man entering on in case of accident, is expected to Mr. Howard of New York, representnrrive within the next two weeks. this event has a glass brirninlug f ull of The barn of Daniel Polhemus, near ing the Columbia Cyclo company, lost Scobeyville, was struck by lightning water. At the word of command the Mr. Greenburg expects to make cheap a pocketbook containing $250 on Saturabout five o'clock on Friday morning cavalrymen start off at a walk. Then rates to New York over the trolley road day while bicycle riding on the Rumson and was burned down." A quantity of they break into a trot and then into a in connection with the boats at Red Bank road. He afterward recovered the pockfarm machinery and tho other contents gallop. They ride from two to three and Atlantic Highlands. No arrange- etbook and money from another wheelof the barn were destroyed. The bolt minutes and the man who hns the most ment has yet been made with either of man, who had found it. The wheelman struck the side of the barn near the water in MB glass is declared the winner. tho steamboat companies providing for a declined to give his name and refused to cowhouse, which was attached to the Other events in addition to those de- trip ticket to New York from the towns take any reward, but Mr. Howard finally barn. A cow and a bull were standing scribed abovo will probably be put on along the route of tho trolley, but it is induced him to accept $20. alongside of the barn and they were the programme and some of the cavalry- thought that such arrangements can be Oeorgo Hutra and Edward Bliorman, assaulting struck by lightning and instantly killed. men are expected to enter in each. The made. Steamboat men in New York are Edward Pitcher at Long Branch The other cows that were standing in the games will be new to most of the people said to be anxious to make connections Ton Quarts o f Milk Lost. yard further from the born were not in- of Monmouth county, and a large num- with the trolley road ut the bay, shore, v AN ACCIDENT WHILE RACING. jured. The lightning set fire to the barn, ber of spectators are expected to be and will carry passengers from New A horso owned by Jacob C. Shutts of Shrewsbury ran away on River street and an attempt was made to extinguish present. York to the. bay shoro and return for a. Benjamin Jltattheira's Team Falls the flro with pails of water, While try- No prizes aro to be offered and the quarter. If this should bo dono the on Saturday, whilo the driver, Thomas Sagurton, was delivering milk at Miss in a Trench. ing to put the firo out other parts of the cavalrymen will Btrivo only for glory. round trip to Now York from Red Bank Mary Thompson's bouse. The bore ran Benjamin Matthews of Potlnr drovo building were seen to be on fire and by way of tho bay'shoro would probably up tho street nnd turned tho corner of to Bed Bank last Thursday in a farm offorts wore directed towards saving the bo forty cents, while round trip tickets Lbighton avenue, whoro tho wagon was A Card P a r t y and a D a n c e . wagon for a load of manure. Ho waa contents of the barn. All the horses and from Asbury Park to New York would upset. Lester Pope, who was in tho accompanied by his hired man, who a calf was got out, but only n small pnrt A danco and card party was given by probably bo about 75 cents. wagon, was thrown out. About ten drovo another wagon, and who also ex- of tho farm machinery could bo saved. Misses Florenco nnd Lilian Clindvvick nt Tho rales of fare for trolley, ridea have quarts of milk was spilled. pected to got a load of manure, Tho Mr. Polhomus estimates his loss at over their homo on Wallace atreet last week heeri decided on, The franchise granted owner of the tnanuro was not nt home, ,1,500. His insurance amounts to nbout Those present were Misses Jessie Acker. by tho town llxes tho into anywhere and after waiting until nearly dark they Charged With Assault a n d Fled. man, Alico Blnindell, Mny Busscll, Kama 1,825. witl|in tho town limits at five cents. A started homeward with empty wagons. Cnmwell, Florence Hojrormnn, Ktuilv ticket from Ited Bank to Shrewsbury or This is the second tiino that lightning II. V, Howe, tho superintendent of When they got near Shrewsbury they hns struck on his plncc. About two Trafford, Gruco Bishop, Edith Brailfoni, Eatontown will also coot five cunts, so Brookdulu farm near Lincroft, swore out bognn racing horses. I n front of A. H. yenrs ngo a woodshed on tho farm wiis flrnco Child, Madio \Vliito and Jlnttio that u person can ride an nhort a distance- a warrant against Patrick Conner lust Borden'aBtoro Mr. Mntthows's team Billed struck, nn<l Mr. Polheimm's wife, who Button, Joseph Blnisdell, Georfte Hrn- iw desired, or ho can malic tlio trip to WednoHilay night for as-Hnult. Connor to ono sldo of the road and fell in tho wan standing in front of the sited, wna (IricliBon, Lester L. -Pnch, John uml Eatontown if ho wnntH to, for live cents. wnH employed on the place. Before tlio tronch mado by tho gas company for Kolxjrt Fornylly>, Ooorge GolT, Percy A rido to LOUR Branch will rout ton warrant could bo nerved, Cornier (led iniitimtly killed. their now pipes. The horsoii were pulled Howe ami Ilarry Button. cents and a ride to Atlantic Highland)! ami linn not yet been caught. out of tlio tronch by residents of Shrewswill cost tho sumo amount. It in exGlammors Moot With a Mishap. . bury, nnd woro found to be unhurt. pected that the tlino table of tho trolloy The wagon wan broken. J. T. Tctloy's Homo Runs Awuy. Aaron W. Tllton, Sr., nnd John CrawStoaraboat and Trolley Sorvioo. road will bo HO arranged us to meet all ford, both of Tinloii Vnlls, went to John T. Tolluy'a homo utarted from Tl(o iron steamboat company will rim tho trainii on tho N o * York and Long Oceanic hint Friday on a clamming trip. 'itfi boats between New York and l,oii£ Branch railroad. In front of liIn Hewn Htoro on Hiiniluy A liongito Anniversary, They drove to Oceanic nnd went to tho Branch. Tho company hiw nrrnngi'il morning and ran down tho street. It Ltmt weolc Mr, ("Irciiilmrg withdrew Tho Epworth nnd Junior leagues held clamming grouudii in n bout. Crawford with tho trolloy company to carry pimbin application and petition for a dim- brought up at Mr. Totlcy'o burn, when} tliolr nlxtli nnnlvernary in tho LlttloHil- did the rowing nml Tllton offered to ru- HCIIRUIV from Anbury Park to "LOIII; chl.'io at Long Itinticli. It WIIH claimed it wan ciuif;lit, Thu (lainngo WIIH "light, vor Methodist rhurcli on Sunday nin;ht, llove him. Thu men got up, uud in paw- llnuich, at a price which will malto tho that iiomo of (he tei'liiiiciilitlcti of the W.II.Oufliart noted an jiroBldent of the ing ouch other the Ixmt iipnot. They round trip from Anbury Park to N' law hail not been compiled with. Mr. Confirmed a t Shrewsbury. meeting, An addrena wan mado by Hov, were then in the channel of the river, York rout only a dollar, Arran^i'moi (Ireonlmrgbollovoil tliatlilnpnperH would William Margerutn, which WIIH followed where the wntvr In deep. . C'rnvvford can- hnvo boon omdi' U> carry imiucnucni beMiiweii Hmilo Talliiiiin, Anaio Tallinan iitaiul tlio legal Until of tin' oourlii, but not Hwitii, bn,t he lmumged to grab the tween Anbury Park an Now York, by by winging ami rcoitatiotiH. ' anil Kdltli ilimlfonl wuro conlhnieil on nldo of thu bont. Tilton in quite u nwiui- connecting with tho boat at 1'loaniii" that It would bo quicker to withdraw Hundiiy in tin.1 Hlnowiibury Kpliioopal • i , , , Hi" application ami protiont anothor than •uer, but ho followed Ciawfonl'ii exittn- Hay, for 75 eontoi for (ho round tiip. e.liureli by Hinlioj) Scarborough. to KO to tho wuirlii with tlio cam), AnMil Oavlcton in Hcd f plo and hung on to llio limit. They othor petition wan immediately proTho pcoplo of lied llnnlc nro to huVo ft yelled for help, nml a man put out from Half tho bottler of lioimokceplut; In, anil it In prolmblo that another Hood MIOMCHI rnro treat Tunidny, May 2<Hh, when tho iihoro In another html nnd rciiciied thorn, fninoiui poet, Will C'lirlotou, will deliver They returned homo without any damn. duo to miorqiinlity, tou«h montn. AfcoM petition nuking for a frnnclilno for onWo liuvo Junt received a carload of uther routo In Ming Branch iiliio, will lie thin Ixilhor. Uuy your IIILMII lioru. You bin locturo, "Tho Drnnui of Hiiiiinn Na* linrneii. 'fluiy nro at T. L. Worthlur'H nro alwayn miro of tlio bwit quality, prcnontcd nt thu next meotliiK of tho HlabloM on llrouilway, Long Brunch. In turo," in tha Haptlut ohiiroli at olght whether you nro a jml|(o of nuwt or not, cominlwiloni'i'M of that plnoo, Hunt, o'clook. In connection with tlio leoturo tin) lot mo tiuvorul good honieii for Mr. Cnrlctou will rod to HOMO of )iln pop- Hornen run away nnd break down our Jo!ii'i>h Hyim, Broail iilieet,—Adv. Krwjory wa^mm ami gnnvriil himlnoiw, ulur ixwirin, iml(H)(l«nn from " Farm llal- funco, but utlll you ci»n llncl iihlrt vvnlnlii, «n<l wrvoral lino road lion/Hi. Thorn in the Ml-iYitt Hhirt II (liit liuhi," " Fnrm Fwtlvnln," oto, Thin In tho underwear, o l a , ut i'littowon &,Hpln\'u. t itrv Hood; WII noil woro mailo IIIIH year (11100), alno u trotU'r and a pnoor, both Uelnir (lint opportunity wo liuvo luwl of hearing nlng'ii,—Ado. No I Orpiinillcii, livwnitt Iliienn, illiiiltlen, with blnhop nleeveii that iiieimure 115 very fiuit. Tlio human nro all woil X ' tlilfi oolnlirnkd, Author, nml may Iw tho iilu., nt No. I Broad ntrtwt, Piiltenion <S> Inchon Around ! that'll tho point, Jonoph broken, lieiiilrlcloion & Tlco.—/1<JI>. liuit. Wo ono iihould mlmilti, Auniltmloii Dollnrt ft Lotmm'n enrboimttpi are IIic OpInulilK,—-Adv. HnlK, toil )h\nk,-—Adv. Daniel I'olliemiis's Barn Burned at " Scobeuvllle. At the ice cream nnd strawberry festival given by the Epworth league of Navesink on Satutdny night about $20 was cleared. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lebaire of PlainfH'ld spent Sunday with Mrs. Lebaire's mother, Mrs. Gertrude Johnson of Locust Point. An entertainment for the benefit of the Navesink public school will be given in Navesink hall on Friday night of next week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wymiin Birbeck of Locust Point1 spout Sunday with Mrs. Birbeck's mother, Mrs. J. H. Swan of Keyport. Mrs. Orvillo Johnson and Miss Jennio Crammer of Locust Point are visiting Mrs, J. H. Brainnrcl of tho same place. Thomas H. Fleming of Locust Point has bought a team of horses from D. Lano Conover of Atlantic Highlands. (Jharlos M. Johnson of Locust Point is now employed by William Bass as captain of Mr. Bass's catboat Baby. Henry KOIIORK of Cnpo Charles, Virginia, is viHiting his mint, Mrs. Joseph Coveitof Port Monmouth. Frank P. Church of New York will niovo to hia summer homo nt Locust Point about tho 20th of Juno. David Reiil and his brother, both, of Hohoken, nio occupying tl^eir Bummer homo at Ixxnint Point. William Johnson of Iloliolttn spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. E. J. Brainnrd of Locimt Point. MisH Mngfrio McDonald of NaviflinU spent a few dnyH of luttt week with frii'mlii at Brooklyn. Mitis Lucy Millio of Now York is visiting her aunt, Mm, Klizaboth II. Gibson of LociiHt Point. ltev, diaries Cook of Dlinmiuold'hiui boon visiting Rev. U, 0. Williams of New Moiimoiitli. C'onovor Applcgute of Loetint Point hni trailed borticn with Jubn Holmcti of Pint Mimmoiitli. ' Vincent LuMiiroho of Now York will move to Tlioman l\ Drnmloii'ii hoiino nfc l^iciiiit Point. Mm, J, Itoborlu of Now York him moved to Dr. Ciirtln'H houib at Atlnnllo lfilll ft'o On wrapper!! wlllnK this week for 50 coaiii, 7U coiitH ami OH cento nt tho dry Koodti utore of Joncph B»IK, Ited Hunk,-— Adv. Tlioro'ii nil i!iwell In Out wny ft ittory In fifty conln. Tlolii:tn nro now on trnlo at plutureii of Uwluy. Tliolr nhovJ cniie him thtt Hurra, told an In tho utory Itmlf, Tun Hmumrieit "WW h l U K ' l l T I I W ' iiomo nrtlntlo Hinxilmonti In It, J IKIKO for It anything thnt'iiKoliiK on lit worth tellIf you wnnt all tho ntnvit, ou will Unit , Ho urn tho lino fihlrt wnlntn nt l'uttor- tclln nil there In to toll itml k'Hn it rlttht. younioU nnd jjlvo them u lrl«l./-vl<Iv.. ing, yoii'lHtml It in Tilm ftitoniTitil,--j1<(t'. It only hi Tint Itr.dioruit.—/ Adv. nou & HplnriltiK'ii.—/ti/v, -Adv. •• NO MEMORIAL DAY RACES. B E D BANK'S KIDEBB "TO RACE ELSEWHEftE. The Project to Hold Mtaces on the Stontttood Park Track on Decoration Hay Practically Alton,doned. The plan to, hold a series of, bicycle races by the Ked Bank Wbeelmefl on the track at Stoutwood Park on Decoration Day has been practically abandoned because almost all of Bed Bank's riders have entered raceB^wluch will be held •""elsewhere' 65 "Hiatfday. The" track "has' . not yet been put in order for racing, and this will have to be done by the bicycle club, if it is done at all. The arrangement mode by the proprietors of Stoutwood Park with the bjcycle club was that the owners of the track would do all the work necessary on the track except rolling and scraping, and would put the rood leading to the track in good order for vehicles and bicycles. They were, to get in return half the proceeds of the races. On Saturday Mr. Stout was in town and said"'that the bicycle club would have to put the track in condition it races were to. beheld there on Decoration Day, as he could not spare the time to do it. 1 • Many of Red Bank's crack riders have entered the raceB to be held at Plairifield. A series of races is to be held there which will comprise events over courses of different lengths, Most of the races will be handicaps, and novices and those who have won no important races will thus be given greater advantages. Charles Robbins \Q11 race at Plainfleld and will enter several of the events. Other. Eed .Bankers who will race at Plainfleld are George Hawkins, Reginald Bennett, Joseph Johnson, Al. Chambers, John Ferrari and Abbott Worthley. A large number of Eed Bank bicyclists, who are not racers but who are interested in racing, will go to Plainfield to witneBS the races. Frank Boskey will ride in the Irvington-Milhurn road race. A twenty-five mile race has been held on the same • course for a number of years, and Eed Bankers have taken partjnjt a number oFiimes,~but noMioTflfenTlraTeverTvoii a prize. A NEW TANDEM. t i s Geared to 8 8 and Will Arrive in Town In a Few Davt>< Allie Miller and Frank Woolley have ought a new tandem Stearns bicycle, rhich is expected here in a few days. he tandem is one. of a new pattern. Che front Bprocket-wheel chain connects with a sprocket in the middle of the rear barrel, giving a direct power to the driving chain, This is said to make the machine somewhat faster than the former machines, as well as easier to ride. The bicycle is geared to 88 and it will lave nn eight-inch crank. The owners 3ipobt to • boat-overything-in-the.cQunty. with their new machine. Red B a n k e r s Defeated. baseball nine made up of young Bed Jankers played a game with a Long Sranch clubon Saturday and were beaten iy a score of 25 to 13, The Bed Bank ilayers were Rufus Errickson, Lou Tetey, George'Johnson,-Henry Oramman, fames Bradley, Ed, Wise, John Patteron, John Lane and George Decker. )uring the game Lou Tetley fell and mrt his knee cap, but the injury was not erious. A return game will be played it Bed Bank oh Saturday. Ii BICYCLE TALKERS. 4 What Other Salesmen Have Jo Say: •> A New Kind of Fish. A fisli of unknown species was caught iy James Wallace at Deal Beach last •eek. Thefishweighed 150 pounds and 'as four feet long and two feet broad. Y it was of peculiar shape and had a very arge mouth. When caught the 8sh was m loundering in shallow water, A spike ^ as driven in its head and it was pulled ip on 'shore. The .fish lived two hours iter being caught, ; •> LOCAL SPORTS LOSE MONEY. Last week the Barnes and Remington men told you about their Wheels, and our Repair man had his say. Our other salesmen now take their turn: What they have to say is well worth reading. THE RAMBLER MAN. Eor seventeen years Gormally & Jeffrey have been building Kambler Bicycles. The '96 Eambler is as perfect a Bicycle as experience can make i t '— Every little part that enters into its construction is thoroughly tested. The Kambler sells for $100. It comes in weights from 19 to 25 pounds, and in frames of different heights. I can tell you more about the Eambler if you will Btep in. that are found in the.ordinary wheels. '4 '4 4 An A l l - N i g h t EoliiiK P a r l y , Une nielli hint week John Cruwfoii Oeorgc Cniwl'ord mill l'Vanlt Hoilen ( Tiiiton I'll I In wont to Hvvimmiiig Iiiver t cnlcli eels, Thoy nlaycil nearly nil i i i l und cini^lil only 01111 eel. Odtlu u n d E n d s The Arli.'lbieynleclub iif Anbury l'urli which in ciiniiKiiii'il iiolely nf glrln 1111 wniui'ii, linn jiilneil (hi1 ly('ii|;ueof Anier ciui Whi'i'liiien. ' - ' • • • • - Reil'Estatoani Insurance Apnti Hi:It JIlMi, A. J, Accommodations Many wiioolinuu, whilo in town ou imsiiu'HH or oUierwiHO oii^agod, liuvo no placo to Htorc NEW YORK. in the bottle enables you to plnco uflt the required amount of' powder, lust where you wont it. No trouble, IO waste. Try it. DR. B O R D E N ' S Ball Bearing Bicycle Shoe, «- Q. W. WOODWARD, Red Bank, N. J . The Patent Bulb Top ^ - SEWING MACHINES. $20, S25 and 830, warrnnUid by tbo Compnnytor10 vcore. Other agents would ask yon 850 and SOO or a machine not so Rood. 1 have sold hundreds of machines In Monmouth County, and all tlio machines have sold liave given the hest satlsractloa. K you'want a machine or a hlcycle, give me a call. You know I am the only agent that knows how to repair oil makes of machines. All work guaraneal. Bicycles anil Sewing MucUlnea to hire. , . .,,« " I also sell the Darling Fertilizer. A'l farmers know this Is tho best. Orders taken for Coal and Wood. OFFICE: NO. 83 MAPLE AVENUE. PostoracoBOX,403. " IFezELX-IfcLyii. S l a i j © Hiaia-H-d-r'sr T-ULTD. 43 EAST 59th STREET, IDEAL DENTIFRICE. 50 •repnred by W. B. PARSONS. Sold by all druggists—25c. 32.75 Tho best bicycle sboo on the market. It's mado of soft Kangaroo lcntlicr, flto like n glove. Any size from 5 to 10, Threo widths. High cut, $2.75; low cut, $2.60. Otnor mabo blcyclo sliocs, both tnn nnd black, $1.25, $1.60 and 81.75. T T f BERGEN, T T Broad Street. 400 V A few words about the Veterans, Attention! • It seems hardly necessary to tell G. A. R. men, who know Blue flannel Suits at $5, $7, $8 and $10. T ty y ty tt M. M. DAVIDSON, tTy BROAD STREET/ RED BANK. t y FOUR HUNDRED COFFEE t and a few of the many reasons why you should buy it: T /(in the Old Govern incut Java and Mocha Coffee grown. It in packed in anc-phmitl airtight cartons an noon as roanled. In them airtight pia-kagea all it.i delicate aroma, rich flavor and uniform cup quality in retained. II in packed in the whole grain; you mh grind it each time, it in used, or ii'e will grind it for yon. It gocn farther and in better than any other. usual qualities are what we emphasize, 3 Buttep Olitirlen Ilarrlii heut .lulin Kludiveiit I tlioir WIIODIH. I luivo luul proa ton-mill) bicyclit nico at Anbury I'm vidod for l.liuir UHO raclcH vvhon on Huliinluy. Tim winner |;ol twi nieihiln. llioy can lt«ivo•i.liom und l»o por! lialf-pint or ill smull livc-ccn llu; The Now .lernev HiuinHiitod bleyel cliilm will Inilil thmr iinnuiil century mi f(!(:tly Hitfo, i n : ( l illk> " " ll111 v'll'""ll from Newark to Anbury I'lirlt on ,lni Inks fur oidiimry uses, ink i,|] t! | AH ai'o invitort to iiialco unoof A 1 l A n . llOtli. I Tho liloyok' path from Anbury Turk I (or copying, mid indelible inks, at Ticnliin In oxprolcd to )>» reaily Tor im tlioni. 'J'lioy arc froo ill; early In Jit no. Tlilrty-iinvmi blirvclcii Inive been not in lj<)Hff llrnnrli (luring tho 'Hint Hire Iloil IIiuili, N, J k l<cd Ilikilk. rout Ollltio 27 llronil Street, W Tk. T W / JOHN H. COOK'S, t- t what a good clothing store we keep, that we have looked X f out for'their wants tfor Decoration Day. We would want t *!* r' no better introduction to those win have not as yet become y t acquainted with us than our t T T T |T Lovoi'H of a.good cup of coll'co nhoultl givo a packago <»f it a trial. y y y An extra set of G. A. R. Buttons with each suit. Broad Street, Red Bank. I I 4 4 ICYCLE FOR $59. MARBLE. AND SLATE"WORK. , ^TA. I have tur*?.,,' Jted, at'uSJxisf' II, lu good order. Send fofu'eal Mantels, Tiling and Fireplaces. . . . $ - -a & •PATTERSON ARNOLD^ WILSON, THOS. DAVIS. Jr.. CUIITIS'S HAT STORE, - 1 ! I Bicycle Accidents. Kidiiif; on tho oliluwalk, not currying light al night unil a hell in tin; duy-tini anil riiling a bicyolu through tho Hlreet faster than eight injlen an hour, are enc Hiiljji'ct to a line of !•>">, Driving a liors faster limit eigbt niili-H an hour IIU'OUH the.1 HtreetH of the town in ulno prohibiti.1 under njieiinlty of the Hiunr amount. • . • Windsors are faultless Better Roads For Bicyclists • • . : • .-• -JRED BANK AND SEABRIGHT. and (lawless inside and out. Much Hotivu Wauered on the llant C. C. SMOCK, Agent, InnH-lldiKliiprhiij Have. Red Bankers who bet on horseraces l'UONT STHEF-T, KED BANK, N. J . lost a lot of money ln'st baturduv on tin1 Near Southern Railroad. big nice between Hustings and Hand spring at Morris Park. The nice wa for tliu Withers stakes mid Huntings was the favorite. This horse is owned-b; Gideon & Duly, mill was truii'u.'d at tbei farm ni'iir llolindel. Local pride as wel Will result from warm weather. The Inily as the belief that they had a sure thing lilcyclhtn.H-411 need sninotliliiR chic.for tlio induced local sporting man to put up 1 tvlii'Ol. We know the propor tiling to wear gooil deal of money. The .nice was und liow to make It. very close und Hu nd spring won by 11 ° Our designs for spring costutm'a nnd sninmer nose. Kowns are nuw anil BLyllsli and we can adjua Since Moiimouth Pnrk closed num. tliem In nil. people from this part of the county sund Wo odor tliu saino Indueouiunts In our cutmoney to tliu tracks in New York stai tliig nail (lttluK ik'partinent. A (town cut, to be placed on the liorsus. Men win flttal and stitched for ono-thInl tho cost of are knuivn to tliu bookmakers need onh milking complcto. telegraph the-amount of uionuy they 'want to put on aliy rlici?' nii'U the bookIVINS MODISTES, maker forwards a check or a bill, accord 21 Brcalitt:ot, Borgta tslldligi Ed Daok, U. I. ing to whether, llu* horse bet on wins 0 loaes. Men who are not known to tin bookmaker.-), or whoje credit in not good, iniirtt tend the cash to tin.* truck. Some money is Kem almost every rue day. On occnsioiiH-of big "riices thesi amounts are largely ineiviiHed, and it i Haiti that local BportHinen lojt nearly Every lilcyclo rider is liable to '$1,000 on' Saturdny'n race. One or tw meet with nn accident Chat will Ked Binkers han the llumlHjinng md lay him up for a time. A policy of the belting and they have lioeii Hiuiling ever eince. in nn accident insurance) compa•«» ny, such na I represent, will payFroohold's Bicycle OidlniUico. ' $5 to $0!j a woelc in enso of suoli The ciinnnisHioneiH of Freehold Imv nccldent, HH long na tlio man la phased an oiilinnnoe relative to bicycl disabled, The prico of fmeli inrilling mill the driving of IIOI'HCB, an this ordinance in to be strictly enfurced mirance in low, • 4 4 4 f" 4 OUR SUNDRY MAN. I'm a modest man, as far aa profit is concerned. I , T have reduced the prices of Lamps, Cyclometers, m Bells, etc., to where profit1 ought to-be from the & buyers' point of view. I keep selling more and @ •-inere-all-th^imer-as-eyfllers^earn-more^nd^nore'^aulrrn^ OUR GENERAL SALESMAN. my prices. Here's an example: The 20th Century Lamp M I look after the Victor and Eagle at $100; the sells regular for $4, $4.50 and $5. My prices are $2.75, & Diana at $65; the Ideal at-$50; and the second- $3,50 and $3.75. Everything else is in about the same M hand weeels from $20 up. If you want a wheel proportion. . •' ,' . «v ;' other than those sold by the salesmen who have talked to you, come to me, perhaps I can suit you. Are free from all those little weaknesses of construction and design THE CRESENT MAN. The Orescent people are the largest bicycle makers in.the country. They make all sizes of wheels. I can fit oul the whole family—the six-year-old boy to the six-foot father. I don't ask $100 for our best Crescent, .-because I can afford to sell : it for $75. The other sizes sell from that amount down to $40. ° Step. in the store and let me point out Ihe little things about the Crescent that make it the equal of any bicycle THE PIERCE MAN. • The Pierce was very much in evidence in this section last year. . Over seventyfiveof these wheels were sold here, and they stood all the tests hard riders put them to. The 21:pound Pierce costs $100; the 25-pound wheel costs $75. " 1» p that the programme of sports will be held under the. direction of the Jlotnuouth boat club. If the club should bo unwilling to arrange the races, they will be helil under.the direction of a committee of townspeople who are interestyd in sports. . > _*_ built. H e n r y C. White Wins t h e B a d g e . At last Friday's match of the Riveride gun club the badge was won by Henry C, White, who killed 0 birds out f 7 shotot. In the second event White nd Phil Daly, Jr., tied. Daly and W. H. Conklin tied in the third ovent, and in the last match of the day J. B. Ber en, Daly and White tied. Baseball a t Atlantic H i g h l a n d s . Two games of baBoball will be played t Atlantic Highlands on Decoration FOURTH OF JULY SPORTS. Day between the Acorns of Brooklyn Preparations Already Bvlng Made nd the Atlantics of Atlantic Highlands he morning game will commence at for the Occasion. 1 Fourth of July this year comos on ileven o'clock and theafternoon game a hiee o'clock. Saturday. An effort in to bo made to make it a gala day in Red Bank in a sporting way. A road face for bicyclists A Surprise In West Red B a n k . is wanted, but this inay be dropped beA surpriso party was given to Annie cause many riders object to entering road lUcas at her homo on LocuBt avenue last races here, on account of the impossi- Wednesday night. The surprisers played bility of having a clear track, arious games until midnight, when reAn elaborate programme of water reshments wore served-and the guests sports is certain to. be arranged. It is departed not known whether the ^ Shrewsbury yacht club will hold a sailing race or T r a i n i n g a t Oceanic. •not. None of. the yacht owners along Frank, Slavin, tho noted pugilist, the river have been apprised of the race, . or liiipw anything about it, find there is training at Joseph Little's . hotel al a rumor that.the clubhouse will not be Oceanic. His training consists of a tenopened, If the yacht club does not hold mile walk twice a day, two baths in the a race, one will bo got up by the boat river, and bag-punching and other exeris'es. owners along the river. ^-» » In addition, to the sailboat race, other Shooting a.t Elkwood. races and water events will bo held. A courso for iv rowing rncejiyill be. laid out A Berie3_pi_sl.iqoting.,matches at clay off the steamboat wharf and down the birds was held a t Elkwood Park losl river, Several ^rowing events are con- week. Seven events were shot. Al, templated, among them being a rowing Ivins of Ked Bank and Phil Daly, Jr., 0 race for girls. 1 Long Branch won most of the events. Thero will also be a swimming race probably of a hundred yards. Other events will be diving, fetching, fancy — •> t T t T f T T 1 Other dealers may offer you suits at the same prices, but don't let that form the basis of your comparison—our un- You'll Be a Long Time Dead. That's the reason you ou|(ht to' get all the enjoyment you can while you live, You can find no greater pleasure than Hicycle riding. No one is better equipped to nerve you than we, and no fil'in lins a stronger dciiiie to treat you fairly. BKRRANG & ZACIIARIAS,Asbury Park and Lakcwood, N. J. A Illryelc U a Money-,Haver, BUILDING AT WATER WITCH. Mlayicnril &> Co. to Builtl the Xetv Clubhouse. .-.'•• Hayward & Co. received the contract last Saturday to build the new clubhouse - at Water Witch Park. The clubhouse will coat'about $7,000 and work on it was begun on Monday. It is to be completed in time for use this year. Hayward & Co. also received the contract on Saturday for building J . H . McArthur'a house on the Water Witch property. This VWT Vw> •>e foiU^fcbWSjpo fousajviU^esjibouWSjpo, , Frames are already up for five nouses on this property, and a start has been • made on three others, which are partially "faised. A sale o£ lots on the Water Witch tract is to be held on Decoration Day. I have as fine a stock of Ready-Macie Clothes as I have ever shown, I have men's clothes as low as $5 per suit; pretty good wearing clothes, too. They run from that price up as high as you care to go. , Suits for young men cost anywhere from #4 to $12. They are cut in the latest styles, and arejn the fashionable shades. I have children's suits as low as 75 cents, and you can get a very handsome suit" of clothes forachild for #2.50 to $4. . -,, : ..; " Children's knickerbocker trousers as low as 10 cents! Better ones at prices a little higher, and a wonderfully well-made pair'of boys'pants,-material and cut of the best, for ^1.00. . ' • • ' . ' Improvements a t Oceanic. Ehrick Partnley of Oceanic recently had two of the houses on his place roofed with eteel. The houses are 34x48 and 80x43 feet. The wooden gutters on the bouses were also removed and galyonized steel gutters and cornices, and corrugated galyaDized steel leaders were put on in their placea. Mr. Parmley was so well pleased with the work that last week he had two other buildings roofed with galvanized^ steel. The work was done by Daniel H. Cook of Tinton Falls. ' mim -^ The MoMahon Building Bold. Miss Mary McMahon has sold her lot and building on Front street to William O'Brien. The lot is 42xl50.feet and runs back to Dugan alley. A three-story - brick building is on the lot. Half of the first floor is occupied by Mr. O'Brien as a plumbing shop and the other half* is occupied by Ernest Grote as a saloon. Both of the upper floors are rented as dwellings. The rental amounts to a little over $1,000 per year. Mr. O'Brien paid. $10,100 for the property. - ^ ^ - C L O T H E S TO ORDER. * •:•« ^ : My made-to-order clothes have always been popular. • The little inequalities of the human figure are arranged for, and a suit cut to measure always feels comfortable and usually outlasts ready-made clothes costing the same. There is no annoyance over ripped seams, or buttons coming off, for the clothes are made as strong as it's possible to make them. Suits-to order cost $14 to $30. Trousers, $4 to $9.. BICYCLE SUITS. A New A r t e s i a n Well. George and Jesse Matthews, the artesian jweil drillera^will jjut down_anju>_ tesian well^onTITWTAlexanHeTs summer place near Seabright. The well will be three inohes in diameter and will be snnk to a depth of about 850 feet. Work vt&s begun on it last week and it is to be completed next week. This to the ninth well that this firm has put down in the immediate .locality, all of which nave proved very successful. 1 I make bicycle suits to your own measure for $4. to $15. These, suits stand the wear and tear of hard riding. They fit, and that renders them comfortable^ We also keep bicycle suits ready made, and a full line of sweaters and other bicycle wearables. , > " New styles in negligee or outing shirts cost 22 cents to 75 cents. .' T h e S h e r i d a n B o u s e Licensed. Judge Covover granted a license to the . Sheridan house last Thursday. A strong fight was made both for and against the license.' The place has always been a resort for bicyclists and men interested ; i t h t ' U Bicycle stockings in blacks and"grays, 25 cents and 56 cents; "JustTEhe thing for men's bloomer'bicycle suits. Golf stockings, plaids and fancy colors, % 1.50, These are stylish, and with a golf suit they look handsome and striking. . . . .• ' . Golf caps at 25 cents and 50 cents. These come' in plaids and stripes, in blues, blacks and grays, or to match any suit. . ( Yachting caps, gray, blue or black, for women or men, 25 cents, 50 cents and #1.00. '" Crash and red Tarn O'Shariter caps for girls, 50 cents. . . . Money a t T h r e e P e r Cent P r e m i u m . At the meeting of the Red Bank building and loan association last week $3,600 was sold at a premium of three per cent. < SPORTY" STOCKINGS AND CAPS. i » Building Contracts. The following building contracts have, been ffled in the office of the county clerk . at Freehold for the week ending May 16th, 1898: , James Moses with 0. V. N. Wilson. Building at Long Branch, $3,700. Chos. A. Rich with Hay»\ *d k Co. Building at Water Witch Port, $1,250. Cbas. Francis with Joseph Itoublns, ng't. Build log at Long Branch, 81,20'. Alfred s. Campbell with H. c. Haryott. stable at Deal Beach, JiMs. Robert Austin with Win.Sewing, Jr. r BuUdlngat Ked Bank, $1,460. - ^ _ ^ The 'following real estate transfers have been filed in the office of the county clerk at Freehold for the week ending May ,16th, 1808: BHREWBBUBT TOWNSHIP. Herman Wronkoa to Chas. Althof. Piece ot prop- ,1 CLOTHIER, CORLIES , S a l e s or R e a l Estate. if fi it Broad Street, • Red Bank, N. J 6 MaryA. McMahon to A. O'Brien. Lot and buildIng at Red Bank, $10,100. Walter B. Barsons to Joseph Mlllward. Land nt Bed Bank, $39.03. 111DDIETOWN TOWSSniP. Webster Swan, adm'r t to John B. Swan. Piece ot roperty, $V,43O. property, $l',45O. Leonard to John B. Stvon. Pleco ot Cecilia M. Lee _. property, $134.18. 8134.18. JohnB. fSwan to Webster Swan. Piece of proper'Water Witch Club lo Frank A. Wright. Lot In Water Witch Park, 8250Minnie M. Swartz and husband to John W. Taylor. Lot at Sea Side, 8820. . ATLANT1O HiaHLANDfl. Richard Stout to Edmond H.Sentenno, LotSOoa Bowoe tract. 840(1. Tonles F. Moller to Edmond H.Sentenne. Lot 38 on Bowne tract, $450. JIATAWAN TOWKSIUP. Henry S. Terbune to Patrick A. Hagan. Piece of (Removed! - I have opened a Brst-clcss harness Branch office of theCitizens' Mutual Life Insurance. Company, removed from Spinning & Patterson's building to second floor -of Child's building, No. 5 Broad street, Red Bank. pr vvm. y A. Close to James VanBrackle. Plt^o of property, $100. "",'' v v N IURITAN TOWNBIHP. FolU Kedele to Lily J. Mount. Holmdel Harness Store. Lot at Kcyport, Abraham Hiwlar to Joseph William Mills. Lot at Lily J. Mount and huBband to Lottlo Post. Lotnt Koyport, $850. OCEAN TOWDBIIIP. Now Jersey Building, Loan and Investment Com pany to Joseph Byk. Piece ol property, 816.O0U. win. II. Durnefl to Andrew Mea/1. Lot at Long store at Holmdel. The public will Ond Wiring for Electric Lights. Battery, Magneto and Pneumatic Bells. Telephones d Specialty. hero everything In my lino, Including Branch Arenas, . Whips, Blankets, Sheets, 4c. Heavy Farm Harness, with Collars, 823 to $28 o set. A fine assortment of Single and DouMo Light Harness at low prices. JOHN W. HANCE, Holmdel,. , New Jersey. Location. L. T. ROSSITER, Matthias Woolloy, jherlff, to Edward T. Welch, Jr. Land at Long Branch, 81,087. Howard Green to John F, Peters, Lot at Long Superintendent. Louis O. Pettit to John 8. Silvers. 2 lols at Deal A good house In a poor location is Josopb Lewis to Sophia Lowis/Land nt South Elbcrou, 81, NEPTONK TOWNSHIP. , Dennis White to Bobert Wblto. l'ieeo of propor- worth less than a poor liouso In a good location. I bavo the sale ot a '- Schroeder's Hair Tonic does not affect the color of the hair. It contains no JnmoR A. Ilrwllny w "lihoch P. Davlron. Lot nt grease. It stops the hair WiiBhlngton Wlilffl to'Jamcfl A. Brndloy. Lot at from falling" out and preHonryC. WlnsorloKllzauctliDornn. Lotnt Went Anbury Turk, SI.200. , , , . . , „ . vents baldness. 50 cents John F. llawldnsto Elizabeth Jnmcs. Lot nt Wcat Aoliury l'ark, $800. bottle, at Schroeder's Win. K. llrnilnw to Ida It. Petletrcaii. Land at a Bradley Bunch. 8W00. • Wm.ll, llnulntir to Jemm llotro. Ijnitl at Ilmdloy Pharmacy. bella A. Barber ond others to Charles Packs. Land at Asbnty Park, $10,600. Ocean drove association to Melviim Bnremoro. Lot at Ocean Orovo, $87S. • Jamcn A. Bnidloyvto Washington White. Lot at Diilii'iroli A. Woollny and Inmbanil lo Wllllnin McMnltiH. I/it nt llnulloy lluniili, »1,K». MnltlilM Woollny, Kliorllf, lo Matllila Klllott. u i t nt ocijan Onmi, 11 fit*). WALL IOWNHIIIP, Comolhm l'oarco to Albert L. l'cnren. l'lei-e nf proi>ei'ty, JIM), ' Albert L. Penrco to Ilnutluy K. Mniialinii. PK™ > ot iimiHirty. 8 ^ o , (liuri™ J, Parker, iniuUir, to ltlclianl II. Cnmpbcill. Plocoot DHiiMirly, Jllm, Oronn Beach amioc.liulon U) JnniiMi L. llnyn. \AX nt lli'liiinr, $NI0. Kiillff 1', Hinock, sheriff, l<> Illclinnl IJ. t)iim|)boll Lot at Him Vlnw, im.Vl. .limmh L. Allnii l o Wnll d r a f t llniul. I/il nt AllmiwiMul, 81OI. Waller Ilcitt tn Wllllnin V,. Pnge. Lot at Avon, t l K. W. Arrownniltli, Jr., to Mary A. Arrowmnltli I/ii at Avon, $1, rilKBIIdl.llTOWNMllIP. Chan, T. Held to Doborah W. Llvuzey. U n i l a Kiwliulil, J l , JIOWKM.TOWNHIIIl1. A l l w l Wiwlley to Itnddun Clayton. Plwoof proi). city, $H>. That'll tho wliolo In dotiill—Fifty 01m ti\ n month IluildliiK "»<• I * » « Aiuioolatlon, ycnrii that I111H iilno roomwind the lot la 00il2.r> tect. Tills property can lm bought nt a fair prlco nnd tho buyer can loavo half 150 amount on mortgage, if 111) HU tfl'tiilTO. J . TR/VNK HAWKINS, At THK ItKaiHTKIt flfllfO. ninull montlily iinyiuunt umount/i to WNf, F. DUUlrAM, , AT HARRISON'S. 8T Ilro«a Blre»i, l u d tlmak, N. Jr. 5 Bcorolary. 4 4 ' '.J< P. 0. Box 818. 1ST Estimates for Contracts on Application. • 4 LOUIS PRATE, v NEXT TO R, F, WILUUri'S. Ilroad fjtm-t, Ibid Dank, N. J, A PPLEGATE & HOPE, COUNSELLORS AT LAW, RED BANK, M. H. SEELEY, Bills of Sale for Vessels. FRANK T. LENT, SHERIFFSSALE.-By virtue of a writ ARCHITECT, O of D. fa. to me directed, Issued out of the Court of Chancery of tho State of New Jersey, will be oxposed to sale at public vendue, ON WEDNESDAY, 94 Liberty Street, New York. THE 2 0 m DAY OF MAY, 18W, between the hours Special attention to Monmoutli County work. otWantl6 o'clock, (at 2 o'clock), in the afternoon ot said day, at tho Olobo Hotel at lied Bank, In tho P ^ Architect for the Casino, the residences of township of ShrowBbury, county of Monmouth. New A. II. Cooke, Ed. Janeen and others at Atlantic HighJersey, all the following described tract or parcel of lands; and for tho reslilenco of F. O. Moore, Naveland and premises situate, lying and being In the ink Highlands. The Bed of References. township of Shrewsbury, in tho county ol Monmoutn and State of Now Jersey, adjoining land of Frank ESTABLISHED 1673. Johnson on tho west, tho Swimming River on Iho north, land ot William McClnnc en the east, and tho Red Dank Iteal Batate and Insurance road, leading from Leodsvllle and Tinlon Falls road Agency, 21 Broad Street, Red Bank. Risks placed to Hod Bank on ttio soutti, and containing ono hun- In the Homo and other dret-clasa companies ot Lowdred aorta of land, be tho fume more or less. Being est Rates. P. O. Box 177. ALLAIRE 4 BON. tho samo premises conveyed to tho said Wliltflolii lloughrun by tho said Matthow Byrnes 11 ml wife, by HOME INSURANCE COMPANY dreu bearlnic even ditto with tho mortgage covering OF NEW YORK. tho fibovo described premise)*. 110 Broadway. Klghty-Flret SemiSeized as the property of Franklin P. Moberpo, et OOlco: No. Annual Statement, January, 1BSHJ. ut, ct als,taken In elocution nt the suit of Mntthuw CASH ASSETS 8»,8K),028.M Byrnes, and to bo sold by ALLAIRE 4 SON,, ADMITS. MATTHIAS WOOLLEY, Sheriff. ArTlKOATK & Horn, Sol're. COLLECTION OFFICES. Dated April 16th, 18110. . [85.10.] O N R U L E TO BAR CREDITORS. KXEOUTOtl'8 NOTICE. (leorgo F. HplnnlnK, executor of Ht'iijainlii \V. Spinning, deceased, by ontcr ot the surrogate ot the comity of Moiiiiioutl), hereby gives nutlei) lo tbo creditors of the snld dvocomxl to bring In llu'lnlohm, ili'inanili and CIHIIDB uguliist tho c.tintoot saldile(HHltnit, undur onLh or aniniuitlon, within nlno months from the twciity-Hjxtti duy of MIUTII. 1KH1, «r tuny will be fonivpr liarnxlnf nnynrtlun therefor ngalnat (lie Bald oxt'cnUir. (IKOUliK V. HI'INNIN'O. Notice to Delinquents. John I t l l l » , Jimtlco of tlio Peace nnd Police Juntlco ol Atlantic Highlands, N. J. Collection Department tharouglily organized. Twciity-Hvo years'' experlenci'. Cnrefiil altcutlfin to buslni'ss In every lmrt of the County or Slate. Notary l'ubllc. JIONMOUTH COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. JOHN S. APPLEGATE. FRED W. HOPE. E DMUND WILSON, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, (Successor lo NOFIUS 4 Wilson), RED BANK, N . J Offices: POST-OFFICK BUILDIKO. T ^ I L U A S I PINTARD, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Over Sutton'8 Sto?o Store. RED BANK. N. J . TAMES STEEN, \ tl COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for New York. EATONTOWN, N. J. TACOB SHUTTS, O AUCTIONEER. Spectnl attention given to sales of farm slock, farm Implements and other personal property. P. O. Address, SHREWSBURY, N. J. TAMES WALSH, STEAM SAW ANDMOLDING MILL, Manufacturer ot Bash anil Illinds. MECHANIC 8TIIEET, HED DANK, N. J . T N HEO. F. WHITE, HEAL F.BTATK AND INSUIIANCE. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Hendrickson lllock, H?:D BANK, N. J . Collection ot Hills a mu'eliilly. D U, It. F. HOKDEN, SttltdEON DKNTIST. MUSIC HAM, HltlLDlMI, RED BANK, N. 3. rurtk'iiliir iittt'iitlon given to ttto administration of AliiiHllirtlr.H. OTICE OF SETTLEMENT. K.HIJIII! lit Jiwe|)li K. C'liii'Kiiiiin, ihwawil. U, J. D . TIIKOCKMOUTON,-.Nollco IH iiiTdtty given iliat Hie accoiinU of the DKNTALSUIUiEON. HiiliKcribelH, rxt'ClltitrH i>f snld tUTi^iHed, will Ixi tilllilted anil slutrd by tl"' Hiinognte, nud ti'ixirti'd " Red Bunk, N. J. foi'Hcttli'ineut to the oritlmnH rourt of the county No. 5 Ilroiid Stnvt, uf MuniiiiHIIIl, "II •1'llUltHllAY, TUB TWKNTYR. WM. II. LAWKS, JR. KHiiri'il DAY (IK MAY, next. VETKUINAUY BtllKlEON. JOHN A. WOlt'l'llI.KY, (Inu)nntiMif Aiiii'i'lrnii Yi'ti'i'lunr* Colli-gf. N.Y. •* RO1IKHT It. MOUNT. 'Ki'HluViuv, Ki Pnmt Kln'i't. fled llanh. luliM Miuvli Hill, IHKI. D D Notice is hereby given to tho OTICE OF SETTLKMKNT. dolinquont taxjiiiycrs of tho i:»lulo of Henry II. Pinker, ilin'eaneii, (Flint lowiiHhip of ShrowBbury that Annum.) Notice IH hereby given Hint the iiccountH of Iho MilwrllxTH, I'XITIKIIIH ill mild ilri'ciiwil, will 11111111 uudor no circumstaiiccR will tho tlftcii mill Hinted by the Hiirnigalc, cmd reports naymont of tho costa and in-for mittliinicnt to tin) oiiilinn^ com t o t tlie counly Hootlngs of tho Board of - Health. way of IIUVIIIK nioiiny, . W N IIIM)^ Tliln In nn citny, (iiuilnul WALL PAPERS AS. s. MCCAFFREY, D. V. S. VETERINARY SURGEON. Graduate of American Veterinary College, N. r . Residence, Irving Street between Broad Street and Maple Avenue, Red Bant, N. J. PORT MONMOCTH, NEW JERBEY. Red Dauh, N. J. Notary Public. Soldiers* Vouchers Prepared toroat on doliiKjuoiit IUXOH ho pnyn fur uno iilmru in tlio Htntu oight block from llroml ntreot. Tlio liouso J of Muninimtli. on TllllltHDAY, THK 'I'WKNTYKKIHTII HAY t)l'" MAY, next. JOHN (I. l'AUKKIt, Where every kind of fruit wnivod or abated, but dolin' ,' and nuts can be found is ([UOiits will bo required to pay Duloil Murch, 18tii, UW. in full in till canes. r\lH)MU TO HIIOW CAUSK. . unusual. My store is un- By order of tho township com- V / Miiiiiniiulh OrpliaiiH' Court, Mnreh Illnl, In Jiiminry hinn, 1MM). usual-just on this account. mittee. lIlllHiil J, Crawford, oxeoulor or iJivtnln. (;mwfonl, dM^tuiod, having exliiblleil Ui thin court,uiiilcr A. 0. HARRISON, IHIIII, n Junt nnil trim account ol tlio ixmumul cnliitii The choicest of everything ileliUi of II111 italil lUi'iMlimt, whereby It ii|i|K'(iin Township Olork. nnil Hint tin) iHinKmnl wlatoot nalil IIM'<<HMHI In liiminimoderately priced. I'li'nt Hi (my her ilnhtii, nnd nituitited iho aid of Iho ntory eondoniicd, In Washington and Mcdranlo strcotx, Eood vlow ol Ura rlvor nnd only ono FRUIT STORE Fifty conln a month, clglit yftirti, ipl«0. good liouso In a good location; A The Same Story Told Two Ways. ELECTRICIAN. R. D. CHANDLKH, AltCIHTRCT. Slollt'H llllllillllg, (lli|ionlle<ll<il)i) llotl'l, I1KII IIANK, NK1V JKII8KV. W M. L. SNK1)KN,. CIVIL KNIIIKKKIl AND HtlllVKYOIt. Nn. 7 lllverHldi) Avi'iiuii, P. O. Hint 111. Itml llnnk, N. J. '•PHOMAHDAVIH.Jit., X MHIHIANCR AND KKAL KHTA'IK AdKNT, fRONT ST., I1KII IIANK, N. J. (I1. O. B i n VI.) liwinuiiri) |IIIU<H1 In UIII bent cninpanlen on mual T.3 S.HNYDI0R, !«• Kutnbllnhi'd 1(1711. 11KA1, WITATR, (IKNKHAI. INflUHANVK A LOANS Cwuimlmilomir of IKmln nnil Hiirv»y«r. Almi ln«urUMiknr fur Nnw York M i l Vicinity, ATHWTIU HKIIIHWIW, N . J , W nun I In tlui iin'inlni'n, It IN tliertiforo onlmwl Hint nil O.AUMHTUONO, M. I>. pvrgoun intertwtoil In Inndn, tmumiontJi, bcreiUtn• rilYNICIAN AND HUIHIKON ninnlit o( Ilin will ilmruiiMl, u|iii-ur Ixilnm tho itourt Niilloo In lirniliyglvon tiinln-uulnr inoctlngnof Ihn at tbo miirt liiiuwi In Vnwliold, on THUllBftAY, omco forninrly iMouplwl by Dr. Trnrrnnl. IH tinuA itrout, Htil Ilnuk, U.J, Ciin tw r s l M by toltptiuot JIINK r o i n i T i i , li««, t<i (.iii.wrmii«i wiir«j mucli IlOAItn OP", IfKAT/l'ff Olt' HIlKI'JWrtliny llniii^Jhi|«|ili(iiHi (llnlm I l i M , (>l tlui Imuln, UtiiiMiuiiiUi, lii'riilllaiiii'iita itm] rent m11UUY TOWNHHII1 lAin tit tint Rttld dix'oaiuid Hbalt not IMI mid nn will \m Will tm hulil <in tlio Hut mid third ttntunlnya of niirli niimilcntt»|wy li"r ilnbtii,or tliorrolduotlicroot, iiinntU, «t (tuininlmtiiiitin' Hull, lUnl Hank, N. ]., »l tlin CIUII limy wnilru, lly II'" court, F.OIATIIIO /our oVI*>olit i \ u . ANDHUItOEON. ' WiVrtUU I>Ayi!)H.l»UT)Slt, ITIUINTI1TUKKT, IISDUANE.K.J A. «. HAHIIIRON, H.(irol»rr. DK. oTiTM < TOWN TALK. -THE-RB0-4ANK REGISTER ( The taxpayers of Morimountb county JOHN II. COOK. Editor and Proprietor. will fipd their taxes up to the top notch, when they get their tax bills this year. o m C E ON FBONT STREET. Tho amounts demanded by the freeholders Heodrictsoa Block, .Adjoining tlio Tost-Offli-c, for county purposes make an aggregate :.< BKD BANK. N. J . much greater than has been raised in any previous year. The tax rate will ba 8VBSCHMPTIOX I'BICE: the highest levied in the county for many Oo&Toar .". . . . . . . . . . $10 BlxMontta. •• n years, and will probably be higher _th:m Three Montbs. « any levy .heretofore made, even'Tn war MniesT . • • • • / ' • .,„ _ WEDNESDAY. MAY 20, 1886. ^The Sewers. The delay in constructing the sewers of Red Bank, the non-publication of an ordinance, is unfortunate, but will probably cause no delay in the final completion of the work. The only work which waa proposed to be done under the bids advertised for last week was the putting down of the sewers in the Btreets where, the trolley company was to macadamize the road. The rest of the sewer work waa to be taken up as soon as this part of it was completed. ' Under tha new,conditions the commissioners will probably arrange to make a contract for the whole work, instead of for a portiotfof it. By 'doing this they •will be able to get the work done fully as soon as if it bad been done piecemeal, and the cost will probably be less than if done in the manner at first proposed. It •will be necessary, however, to lose no more time if the sowers are to be ready for use by next fall. The trolley company will put its tracks down in the streets at once, without waiting for the sewers to he first put in. The macadamizing of the road will not he done until the sowers are put in, in order that the road will not be disturbed when this work'is completed. . ROT. Thaddous Wilson Resigns. Rev. Tliaddeus Wilson, who has been pastor of the Presbyterian church at . Shrewsbury for many years, tendered his resignation on Sunday. Tho trustees of tho church will hold a meeting tonight [to cbnsidor his resignation. Mr, Wilson is advancing in years, mid his resignation was tendered because of his belief that the installation of a younger and more vigorous man ns pastor would be to the advantage of the church, There is a strong feeling among.the members of the church against accepting the resignation. " . « * . • ' It might liare been imagined that with ;imesr~a3~lrard~&s~tliey are nt presentyand wi(h tho farmers making practi:ally no money at all, the freeholders would, have tried to keep the appropriations down to the lowest possible amounts. But they seem to have taken he contrary course. They have increased tlie county tax to a figure which would make it oppressive and hard to pay, even in good times. Town Talk continued on page 0. PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE. Women Wilt Play for Glory, Prlxes and the Public Good. Cuurcb Men*. - - kkkkkkkkkkkA'AkkkkkkkkkAAk A-council was-called-at-the.. Pilgrim THE MWNDBtLMPR^ENX Baptist church on Monday for the pur" DOES GOOP WOBK, • pose of recognizing the church in the Because It has . - jounty association. A sufficient number Modem Machinery, >f delegates were not present to form a Expert Ifclr, '• •• [uorum and another meetingpwill have . Purest WasMne. Materials. 6 be called, . ; . "No reason why you shbnldiJ't have your The women of the Baptist church will laundry dOD9 as well as It U possible to oo It. My wasoD goes through every place near iold an afternoon tea at Mrs. ChampRed Bank eacb week. Drop a postal and I lin's-next-Wedneadayvaf ternoon. ..•: A ^pro» will call, or packages cdnb«ieit.Bt Moselle's, gramme of vocal and instrumental music las been arranged. A meeting of the young people's league 31 Broad Street, was held at. the First Metbodiat church on Monday night; -The principal speaker nED-DANK,-.-..-NEWJEBSEr.was Rev. Mr. Schock of Keyport. * Eev. E, C. Hancock will preach a' sermon in the First Methodist church next Sunday night to the members of ArrowBmith Post. V. B. SMOCK, CONCERT TO LET. Rooms for olllccs or baslneaa at 29 Broad street. PASTURE FOR HORSES. , Upland and meadoiv pasture, white clover bottom H. T. Ely. Holmdel. N. J. RYE STRAW WANTED. Fifteen tons ol rye straw wanted. Address I). II Wolcott i Co., Rod Dank, ISAAC H. SHERMAN HURT. 1H»-llea<lt'utititd-IHf)-BacIi-IiiJureil Itv .t'l Accident, lJUB! Li!*tS4BH8 W A C O N FORS A L E . . • . ; . , - • : ; / INTHE , . Furnished These may be good things "in their way, but for moat of na a nice-looking torse, with four sound .legs, i3 as good is we want to get around with, That' ;he sort of horses I keep and they will be s guaranteed or you can get your monoy-baok. ——-— - •-. - I have every desirable sort of a furnished house that anybody may wait. Some are in Red Bank, some in Fair Haven; .Oceanic and Litt^eSjlver.—Many-are-pnthe river. -The rents go from $150 up. WM. T . HENDRICKSON, ; , ' ' The " Kammer Muslk " Trio, . CARRIAGES! ALFRED A. .FAR-LAND ASSISTED BY- . HORSELESS \ Near Irwln's Mjlls, Between Middletown and Keyport. I Gasoline I Stoves. An'English mastiff, !) years old. Reasonable. p ; Stables in Ilddletown Township, The committee who have in charge A line young Jersey cow (orBale. JamM Dolnncy, TOWN HALL, RED-BANK, N. J. the progressive which is care ot R. L. llolknnp, Bcabrigbt, N. J. to be given on Friday for the benefit ON .' of the public library, report a large numBARN TO RENT ber of tickets sold and a corresponding Bam to rent on. Hio corner ot Broad and lion- Thursday Evening, May 2ist. number of entries for the event. Only moutli streets. Apply to Dr. J. H. Betu. women are to he allowed to play. Most CHOICE PICS FOR SALE. PRICES: 75c. and $1.00. of the prizes will be worth striving for, lot of cholco plus for sole very cheap. Henry although the glory of winning is sup- C.AMcLean. V. 0. address. Red Bank, N. J, posed, to be much more desired by the Dollar Tickets include Coat, Hat nnd Cloak Checks. ilayers than the prizes. Mrs. Thomas POLL PARROTS FOR SALE. Tickets are now on sale at Allstrom's. Davis, Jr., Mrs. Wm. T. Corlies and Miss I have two good Poll Parrota for sale. 0 . W J. E. C0LE5IAN, Business Manager. Mary B, French, who have the matter in tVoodward, 88 Maple avenue, Bed Bank, N. J . charge, expect that it will be fully as SAIL BOAT FOR SALE. great a success as the similar party held 'Perfect trim; lust been overhauled; 18 foet long. a few months ago in the town ball. The IV111 be sola cheap. J. T. Lovett, Little Silver. entire receipts of tho affair will go into the treasury of the public library and TABLE BOARD. reading'room, I Good table boniil. 88.00 per week. Blverslde CotDOC FOR SALE. . BY , JERSEY COW FOR SALE.. iuge. Front street, near Broad street, Red Back. . Property For Sale. I don't believe there's a street in town on which I haven't a house or a lot for sale. Some of these properties are very choice and some are very cheap. Molasses Creams 20 CENTS A POUND. This is a candy everybody likes. It's the finest old-fashioned molasses taffy, with'a center of peppermint cream. It's made by us and sold by no one else. Stop in and buy a pound to try. You'll be glad that we suggested it. Insurance. I re]p;resent some of the strongest insurance companies doing business .in this country. In placing your insurance it is well 'to.. have the policy written by an agent who is thoroughly familiar with insurance, in 6rder-that~there^will be~no dispute, over the payment of the loss, in case your property should be destroyed. GROVER, Confectioner, BROAD BTREET, NEXT TO ADLEM & COLE'S. New styles for 1890, combining ab- —-Bo\ate-safetyv/ith-comfortr-— \ Play Ball. Isaac H. Sherman was hurt last Thurs- Natural wood, two-seated, carries tour persons | Pratt's Stove Gasoline day by the overturning of an omnibus in comfortably. Apply to West End hotel, Bod Bank. Delivered free of charge within which ho was riding to the depot. The BOAR FOR SALE. omnibus collided with the delivery A Jersey Red five miles of Red Bank. Give Boar, thirteen months old. Price wagon of Adams express company, and S3. James McColgan Spaulding's Official League 4 Co., Atlautlc Highlands, N. J, us a call before going elsewhere. both wagons webs upset. Mr. Sherman Our prices will suit you. Ball; UBualprice> fll.50. Our was thrown against tho opposite side of SADDLE HORSES FOR SALE. the omnibus and was cut in several . Threo uno saddle horses, sound and kind In all price 75 cents. places about the head. The muscles of harness nnd under saddle. Address J. H. McLean, • ' his back and side werealsabadly strained. itedDunk. Reach's Official League He has been laid up since the accident, FOR SALE. but lie will be out in a day or so. Corn popper .and privilege at Highland Beacn for j [ 29 Washington and .7.Broad Street. J | Ball; usual price $1.35. Our on account of otlior business. Apply to Mrs Elijah Conk and William Smith of sale, 8; S. Sngues. -* price 85 cents. RED BANK, N. J . ' *. Holmdel, who were also in the omnibus, wero'slightly bruised. One of the panes MASTIFF FOR SALE. oooeoeaeoeeaseoeoaoeeeoeeo . I have three sums of "orglnsB llffhe omnibus was brokeri7bu£ Fuiri)lc<idaTOpls¥masU 9 m o n t h 5 b i T 6 l i — Other-balls and-bats-in-lilre —.: To-Morrow Night's Concert. no other damage to either wagon was or children and a good WIHC NOK, Box 111, Mldmoney to put^out on fust dletown, N. J. * proportion. Tho concert to be given in tho town done. bond and mortgage. These hall to-radrrow night by Alfred A. FarLAWN MOWERS land will be a treat to lovers of banjo Closing Exercises a t Riverside. Repaired and sharpened. BlacksmlthlnK In all in sums are $600, $1,000 and music. Mr. Farland's reputation places bmnches'Uonojit short notice. H. W. Woodwnrd Tho Riverside public school at Brown's 32 Whlto street.' him at tho head of performers on this $1,500. instrument. To many people the banjo Dock closed on Friday. Closing exercises HORSE MANURE WANTED. is a simple instrument, incapable of pro-5 were held, tlie programme) being as folI will exchange coal, wood, feed; hay or grain (or, ducing more than an ordinary ncconi* lows : horse manure. Thomas p . or L. E. Brown, Wharf paniinont, or a plinkity-plink sort of May sonK School nvenue, Red Bank, N. J. FOR Thomas Fltzmuurlce tune. Mr. Farland's performances show Recitation Myiu Allen that it possesses high musical merit. Solo A COOD BOARDINC HOUSE.; llecltatlon Itobert Allen There aro other attractive features of lU'iullllff Mrs. Margaret Thompson can accommodate a tew John Fltznmuriee the concert and a large number of tickets Bprliifr song Three children boarders at52 Spring street. Pleasant location, good table, comfortable rooms. ...' Ri'Htulloll , Lulu Reeves have already been sold. P. O. SOUR Primary scholars Recitation . j ^ , Nolllo Fltzmnurlco TRAINED NURSE. % SUCCESSOR TO ]. A. wonTHr.ET, UecltHtliHCTT^: Myiu Allen An experienced nurse in all diseases, l i i A F a l l Down S t a i r s . Red Bank, New Jersey. Song.... vj Primacy scholars recommendations from leading physicians. .vJ Wholesale nnd Retail Dealer In INSERTED AT OFFICE RATES * Howard Winter A.Ingalls.Lincroft.N.J. . -'i Mrs. Catharine Harvey of Tinton 'UeoItatlojJ Keyport's Best Restaurant. School Scranfon, LoliiRh, AVIIJkc§bnrro Falls, who is now living with her Gowt-Byfeong People vlBltlug Keyport can get a good meal at COW FOR SALE. daughter, Mrs. Richard Connor, Sr., of A immber of visitors were present a and Cumberland Coal. Tancey Anderson's restaurant. Good food and tnllcn years old; we! good service. Caterer for parties, weddings, etc. Swimniiug Kiver. fell down stairs on thejraercises, which were conducted by ffood milker. Apply to Thomas NolaD, near When Coal Is purchased by the carload the benefli Monday morning and was badly injured. tho teacher, Miss Virginia Patterson. .Coiiover's, Mlddletown, N. J. ol long Urns, 8,810 pounds, Is given. '. . Miss Patterson will not teach for the Mrs. Harvoy has been sick A long time and is quitu feeble. She made her first coming tivo years, as she will take a two Best quality of Hickory, Oak and Pine BOARDERS WANTED. ' attempt to go upstairs on Monday, and years' course at the Normal school at Two or three Orst-closs Imanlere wonted In sriml' Wood at moderate prices. family. Private hniise on Momnouth stre<>t. Ad. The Board of Township Committee ol Shrewsbury when iiour tin* top she inndc a misstep Trenton. dress Bo,x 1131), lied Bonk, N. J. township will hold regular meetings at Town Hall, and fell to the bottom of tho flight. LUDLAM'S . AND CROCKER'S FERTILIZERS on Momnouth street, Red Bank. N. J., on the first Insurance Company Changes. v Mrs. Ilnrvey is 88 years old. and third Saturdays of each month, from 4 to 5 P.M. * ~ CONSTANTLY ON HAND. FOR SALE. Several changes have lecently been Thnrouglitired colt, -**-#-^ — three years and ten months Yard at Worlliley's Dock, Red Bank A. C. HARBISON, AAAAAAkkAAAAkkkkAAAAkkkk mado in the local force of the Prudentia old; one heifer,cowing In prollt soon; two surreys, H e l d for Assault. B?niic?i Yard at Seahright, A". / . Tonnatilp Clerk. insurance company in lied Bank, Wm one phueton nnd ono backboard. 32 White slroct. Two boys were having a fight on thQ P. Zeiglor has resigned his position ant WANTED. street iu lied Bank a few days ago 'and! is now at West Stockbndge, Mass. ikkkkAAAAAAAAAAAkkkkkkkkkkAikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkki If you want a situation or want help, use these Vundurveur Crawford undertook to scp- Henry Precbt, a cigarmaker employed llttlo advertisements InTHE REOISTEU undfjou will aratotlicm. William Chandler, the father' by Samuel Cullington, is now employed get quick returns. Tuny cost 23 cents. of one of the boys, thought Crawford by tho company, Amos Bennett, who . Wo cannot give, but we can give was interfering unnecessarily and hit has been employed by the company ROW BOAT WANTED. 1 "Finest Creamery Butter at 22c. per pound him, his ideu being Unit the proper- thing sprained his nnkle on Monday nigh A Winchester rifle, Iu trade lor a row boat, flat or Good " " " 18c. " " to do is to lot boys fight their own battles. while, trying to stop his horse from run- round bottom. May add cnah. Addrt-ss offers to F. Best Evaporated Peaches " 10c. " " Crawford had Chandler arrested on a ning awnv. William Swannell has takgn A. Philips, Union street. Bed Bank, N. J. " " Apples, 3 pounds for 2,5c. charge of assault, and ho was livid to his place'in tho company's list of emCan be found in a light, pool, Negligee BOARDER8AND ROOMS. Good California Prunes, 5 pounds for25c. await tlio action of the grand jury, If you want board or want boarders,'try these ployees. George Dwight, who was for Good Flour per 25 pound bag at 55c. Shirt. Our neiv patterns in Madras, little advertisements In TUB IIEGISTHI. An advermorly an agent, has been promoted t< tisement tills size In this column costs 25 renU. Cbnmpaghe Cider on draught. Also sweet the placo of assistant superintendent. John C P a r k e r Fined. Oxford, Percale and Cambrics are the pickles nnd Chow Cliow' by measure. Call CRAVEL FOR SALE. Jolm C. Pnrkur of Red Bunk was nrand look at tho valuable prizes given away Fine quality, one-half mile- nearer Red Dank than choicest goods the market affords. rested on Monday night for being disorAtlantic Highlandg's Graduates. miy other pit. Special prlccs'forlnifo (iimntltles. with Baking Powder. derly on the Btrtcts. Ho was fined f5. made for delivering same. Address J. H. • . AT The commencement exercises of the Contracts A few days before lie was fined if'J for, Atlantic Highlands public Bchool will hi McLean, lied Bank. the suine offence. held in the schoolhouse on Thursday POSITION WANTED. June lltli. Tho exercises will bo the A youne man, 21 years old, Industrious, ol good Spending Money in Advertising. first to be held in tho schoolhousi'. In habits, business college education, two ami ntie half 27 Broad Street-, Bed Bank, N. J.18 Pearl Street. biifllne&iexptTienc0, ivmiti posfllon. loqalre It's geniTnlly n perplexing problem to the past the exercises have been held in atyears' HtaiBTKn office All goods delivered. thu smaller advertiser to determine just the temperance tolnplc. The graduating now much a-'.lviTtisiii); hu should do to class is composed of George Ralph, Fred NOTICE. get tho best returns. Every dollar lie Wenger, George Magee, George Cornell, On nnd after Juno 9th, 18W1, tho price of plots T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T spends_ mint lie CDiintud. carefully and Howard M. Colby, Arthur N. Davis from tlio top of hill to road In thfl While Kfdgo coiawill bo rui««l to 815. John 8. Uviugston, much planning dom; In insure the great- Daniel Leonard, Edward Carhart, Itioh- otcry, floxton, Entontown, N. J. . ' est results. urd Sherman, Edith Curtis, Bessio Patter It's b:ul policy for a rctiiil dealer, for HOII, Bertha Leonard, Leomi Patterson YQUNC MAN WANTED. insUiiice, to make up liis iiiiml to spend Sarah JICCICCH nnd Abliiu Leo-nurd. Youth aliout 16 years old. Must liavo fair education. Ono living In Red Dunk preferred. Btcnrt) justmi much money on nil wi'lislng every occupation and o|iiK>rtunlty for advHiic4iiiieuti Admonth and no more. Of course, its tlrras Ilex, care HKOISTKII ofllce. Ofllcors of tbo MuBoum better julioy to spend $2,!il) on advertisThe tpficliers' nnd pupils of tlie liigho ing to get ijUJ") worth of business rather WANTED. ttiiui spend $25 to g get |-.i,!i() worth of gnidea of the public scliool held u meet p $ | Hoard for man and wlto In nqulot fnmlly for throe bi BinoKH, but bt t iu dollar d l l is iHpont t ing yesterday and elected oflicurs of tli or four months. Plain tint substantial incnls reevery time Such was the verdict of hundreds.of women. Every ^ Location dialled wltliln live' walk advertising the advertiser can't llguro iniiHCHin. AB the work of malcing col quired.. of. Red Bank depot. Adilrcna, slntlng terras poi lections uill bo (i/iirat confined largely to tho fraction of a cent how much biwiday last week our counters were crowded, and we were $ wcolt, F. L. A., Noiv York Trllitino, ft. T, IH'HH he will net in return any more limn to the Hiihool children, moat of tho oil' taxed to our uttermost to rightly accommodate the steady ;j| * a flintier IMIII muiiMirt' his crop from corn elected were from (he eleventh every need HOWII. Tho ndvertiuer may grade. Richard Cane declined to Horv The MOIIIIKIIIUI Homorlnl HoHplUil lit Long Branc. stream of shoppers. ; * J iin president und Percy Howo of Lin get larger and he may get HIIIIIIIIT rc; jvlll soil (Ills yenr, (is I Iravo In the [Mint, tlio vor croft wan elected in his place, Lestei Is In Immediate nc«l of two young women bctwoo turns than he expected,. Everything mostly in Silk, Wash Fabrics, Shirt.$ the aRos of Si urn! 80 to Icnrn IIIIIHIIIH. The course Yoiirhiwini'HH will regulate bow inucli Lovetl, son of Jolm T. Lovett, wa£ in two yearn, anil graduation ciirtlllcutcH will be beot Farm Machinery ohtnlnnhlo. For early aprln work I have tho lollowlng: advertising you need from wuuktowi'vk, elected vice president. Tho secretary if Iraiied. For /nrtlior pnrtlculurM n|i|ily lo BuiH WniBts, &c, is here and at prices that had they not been gj lliigeiinijn, Kiclinrd (JUDO WII; jimt as tlio u-1'uthcrri.'giilali.'H tlio umouiil Florence 1 tendant Muiinioulh Mcmorlnl llospltnl, I.uiiK Ilnincli so extraordinary, would never have called forth tho im- & of fuel you need burn, or IIH your appi'tito mndi trciiHUi'er. Oliver, South ltoml anil IIIHEOII Cliillod N.J. regalud'H tho amount of food you nccil inenao. crowds of last week. For this week we put on $ 1'IOWH. cat, You wouldn't be overwiso if you A Long Walk Homo. Hindi) up your liiinil to burn hint HO sale goods at tho same tremendous reductions, that Will $ Lovbr All-Stcnl Jlnrrow*. Albert Megce of AllanUo Highland: much ciml every day in thu your in your I will Bell ut prlvnUi mlc, nt n 1 ,w prt«-i>, nn iiflliouAu furiUK'c, lei, tlie weutbi'i' lie hot or rode to Long Hiwuh on bin bicyole o miitmiint »( IIOIIHKIIOI.I) KllltNirilHK, CAR. Spring Tooth HurrowH, inako it a . & cold ; or if you nuule up your mind to Hiindny. Wliilo riding (held he collide l'K'l'H, Ac. Apply to Acino HnnowH. .' o/it jiirit HO iniiny iionndH of food every with a limn who WIIH crowing 1a street JtlltS, UATK TKAV.KV, Red Letter Day in Red Bank's Dry Goods Selling. . $ day iu tlio year, let your unpeliln he Mo WIIH thrown from hiii lilcyck and liii , Hoi Id nnd (.udiwiiy HnrrovrH. Hl(«!lllil llotlliKii. Wiilf Illll, OmilllKJtt, N.J. Htroiif; or weak. And thu need of |«lver- wheel WIIH broken. He went to the mi ' ' ' IVild WccK. *A rum! Hlatlon, but WIIH too late to cntc 1'IOWH nnd I'm rowing WCIIH. titling In proclmily tlniHame. Your buniIloyn' Knoo Punts, nold a t 25 c o n t o . . . . ; . . ••••••. 10c npnir. ^ neuij ni'i'ilH mold one tiino tlinu unollier, a train, nnd hi' had to walk home. Tin Olilldron'a W h i l e a n d Colored Drcnuon, worth DO conlfl C5o. enoli. % althoiigh it uiiiHt 1)0 fed it reiiHotinblu liHiiimviirri (rip wan nmde liy wny a AHplnvrnll Potato l'lnntcrH. amount nil (lie Unit'. Many tliingH will HeiibriKhl, Soft and Lumiclorodf lilrt Wnlnls, dollar kind , Alto, cacli. {•{ t amount of iidveilliiliiK your Wlinol ItnkcH, JIovtorH nnd IllmicrH. IT, nnd H. dollar Giirlmtu, but ono pitlr toftauotomcr liDo, n pair. • • < Nolllo Uiifcan Inoano. b n u ni'i'ilii—tlio condition of (lie IJIKIII, Modluni nii'd Diirlc Bilkn, valuo CO oontn 2Ho. aynrd. >J If you ni!i:il I iilno kito|i n full linn of vvrutbiT, tliu iitmHonitbloniwi of tho gooilii (jive me Nellie Diigan, who WIIII cniiiiniHitl I l'rliilii, CaitibrJcnj Apron nnd Dreuo Gingham, 8Jo. nynrd. J*J and tho dtmuiud for llu'iu. You inny the county jnll a nhort time ago nliarge need moil! tlilii week than you did limt wild iiNiiuullhiK her nlnlor, IIIIII been il< call, us I liavo .-ill tho new shade Lndlcn1 uii.l Cliildnm'n Bwiuii Illljbod Vento Ho. uftcli. |tj WDiik or will next WI'MIII. A wliw farmer elated ItlHiini! and linn been ncnt tn 111 It nut nmn'iilint lo rail nt my farm nt III HOWII only enough IHTII In a Held to K''l n iniiane aiiyliiin. And jnany. otlior wpcciala. (Wo have extra epneo and $ I'linlnni,mini u i»nilnlenni,nlnldiK wlmt foil yynn in Finis or Cups. (Jolf Cups good crop. Ho doiii'ii't MOW nioro need nml I will i|iiiil4i you pllK-n. " than l» ncct'imary, but ho will now Miou^li. oxtm liolp.) Nothing in tho Hub tlmt is not well nmde, $ already (alien n number o specialty, H'H not a KOIHI plan to iipreud yow ud- Wn have for iiioiiiiinciilii imil headiitoni and nofliitig Bkiinjtod but tho prices. | * J verllnlnK no thin thai you en n't neo It ordern In be placed Iu eeiiK'turleii by Decorallo iinil It In ii form of tironomy Unit In cx- day. New line:.of Outing Slihrtii just In ' j I'lm tliim in going flint. If you WIIII ]><IIIMIVI<, On thn oilier hand, It In not a by Hull, dnlii it would lio lien (rood plan to niirciid vour ndvurtiiiliiK no nto heiidtilone it now. W o can navo you in (lilok (lint It ''I wmiti'd. A dinner run leantorder twenty tier oont. Our work mi cnii now no much neml In ono Hold mi lo toritiM are iililm iiiillufnelory, Tlioimu liriiijf forth n ohokrid crop, mid not (join- MaiirioiiftKOII, Momnouth nlrf'i'l, )(< nieiiBUrftto with tlio WMMI planted, Money To Loan. PARLOR OIL CO., Tetley & Son. THEODORE F . WHITE, New York Papers. Coal and Wood. Real Estate and Insurance, WM. N. W0RTHLEY, Tetleys' News Depot. A Cold Dollar For fifty Cents Township Committee Meetings. Comfort CURTIS'S HAT STORE, Reilly's Grocery, FARM The Most Successful 1 Sale Ever Given! f MACHINERY WANTED. FOR SPRING. Household Goods For Sale Hat, or Cap?" HOPPING, VI'-TO-1)ATE UATTlUi WM. A. WALLING, PHALANX, N. J. 1', O. Aililrron, UKi) DANK, N. .). .' JOSEPH SALZ, f' Broad and Mechanic Streets, RED BANK, N. J , j | . THE RED BANK REGISTER. ••»••••»••••»•••••»•»••»»< WALTERS Don't be deceived with poor Sheet Metal RooDDg. Our Painted Tin-Shingles are mare durable tnan It Is possllilii to make a tin roof, put on In the old style. Our Galvanised Shinnies arc both BUST nnd BAIN PBOOF WITHOUT PA INTINQ. No otters are. Manufactured by THE NATIONAL SHEET METAL BOOFINB CO. Why use toinliustltito wood shingles when you can get the very best I'lre-proof Shingles at nlmut tho same iirlco? - OFFICE ON EJtONT STREET, HendriokBon Block, Adjoining the- Posi-Offlce, 1 R E D BAKK. N. J. I One Year .....' SlxMontlis TnreeMontlis............ •. :... .'.-. ;. GALVANIZED STEEL SHINGLES! Standard Painted Tin Shingles! JOHN Hi COOK. Editor and Proprietor. $100 75 -41) FRANCIS WHITER Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Office in R . T . Smith's Building, FRONT STREET, RED BANK, N. J. - : — J O H N B U T T O N . B e d B a n k . N .J . WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1896. A Clear Havana Cigar for 5 Cents. PAGES 0 AND 10.TOWNTAl^K. ; This year shows a new item of county expenses, which may become a permanent item in the county budget. This ia the cost of maintaining the turnpike whioh the county bought last year at a • cost of $10,000. The turnpike extends from Freehold to Matawani and. the people of the townships through which It passes wanted the county to buy it so that the people ueing the road, would not have to pay toll. The county thought that toll roads were a relio of a time when the public could not afford to pay for roads themselves, and that that day had gone by. They bought the road, it being the general understanding at the time that the road would be maintained in the same manner that other public roads are maintained^—that is, by the t townships throngh which it passes. * t * . BAILBT,' EED BANK, FREEHOLD AND MANlSQUAN, N. J rooms, $10. »••••••»••••»•»••»•»••»• Electric Wiring. .' I do all sorts of Electric wiring nml I Jo It well nnil cheaply. I put In Burglar A larmB, Electric Bolts,' Telephones, Speaking Tubes, etc. If you want any of this sort ot work done or if you want any small machinery repaired, give mo a trial. F. WEBERLING, GOAL AND .WOOD. Less Bother. In Cooking/^ Wagon Talk And Harness Hints. Second Hand Wagons. 300 . * * Wagons. Wo have over 000 wagons of a l l ' descriptions in our stock. We have every kind of vehicle, from the fttnoy trap to tho cheapest business wngon. Our leador is tho Cortland Manufacturingcompany's "Special" buggy. No other firm in tho county offers such a variety to select from, and no other firm can nintch our prices. Our Bluo Ribbon Harness at $18 ia tho best made for tho money. Wo make all our own harness—nmko it right and Hell it right. Besides, if women aro going to ride bicycles at all, thoy ouglit to wear uuitablo clothes. Exports and doctors say that it's much bettor and healthior for a girl to rido a boy's wheel than it ia to rido n girl's wheel, nnd if girls nro to rido bioyoles astride, tho only suitable clothcu for them to woar in a bloomer suit. When womon rido bicycles thoy SucccHHOfH to Aotr<fi; X> I'ltchcr, usually woar some kind of a riding iiabit, and while I don't protond to ho mi ox- MONMOUTII 8TBEET, RED BANK. port on women's olothoa, to my notion there's no couluuio HU Huitalilo nnd no modest for a woman to wear whon RIIO'H riding a wheel OH hloonmni. ## » But no matter whether a woman ride a mnn'n whool and iittj) luitriilo, or whothor HIIR rlileB a woiiinn'H wheel; no mattor whether iiho pjooa O | | i bloyollnc In blooinorn, or in a divided nkirt, or in a Double or single, breasted nhort iikirt and Ip^glup, or in a full drowi milt with n train ; MO long mi iiho 'we can sell you vvhtit you rides n wheel ut nil men oimlit to be want, made up in tlic best happy. Almont imy «ort of bloycln rliling will niako womon ulroiiirur nnd possible manner, of tjio best lionltliler; and whon tlioyKiiln In health and HtroiiKth thoy gut bolter looking. goods foi' Birdsall & Son, If iou Seed $ Hue Uniform, Tho noiiihiniid luinodtN of lwalth, iitroiiKlli (mil good lookii which womon Ret by bluyulu rldliiK oii|(ht to bo (inougli I,O malcit n limn fool happy ovory time ho neeu a woman on her wlii.'ol. Tim Vttm nf Ifann, l'mxir iui|)l(lnn nro now M I I K liunoly mml tor tliu norvliiK of ll^lit rofri'iiliiiiciiln iitlinvii iiiiillrii, ulmrolritooliiblt'ii, mid n(, (ilillilrcn H jmrlloii, Tlmy urn hii|»irtt-<l larKolv from .liipun mid urn iinunlly iiroiUly culoroil uml H|{itrwl. Tlmy cunl. Inn than IniiiidryiiiK ' ( l 1 ' tf'K»lnr Ilium iliiplilnn. I IHIIIKIII (1,0110of "Xlrii i|imllty im|Mir muililiin lnnt week. I um nolllni Ilium ut id <i<uilu lo !W oi'lilH u liiindrwl lew tlmtt n hiinilrotl m. II cmittt Ui 0 ii iloMii. Julm II. Oiok,—/li(i). $10 PER SUIT. While on llic subject of blue clothing, would like to cut your iitlcntion to our blue ' !iei({e!i for men ut $i),|!ia and $15, nil y,w><\ value:), A. LUDLOW, Stcoot, HodBunlf. . . Insurance in Best Companies. . WHITE. Diphtheria Is due in many cases to BAD PLUMBING. If the plumbing in your home is defective there is nb more opportune timethan NOW to have the trouble corrrected. We constantly employ a force of experienced men and are prepared to make repairs of any character on short notice— • at very moderate prices. Drop us a postal—we'll do the rest. THE-SANITARY PLUMBING GO., W. J. BROADMEADOTV, - - Manager. We Take i Kinds of Views. Both interior and exterior. We make a specialty of homes and landscapes. Have us take your summer home. We tise only the finest lenses— whjch insures accurate work. RED BANK, N. J . Warm Weather Wear , August 3d will have $2,000 to loan ; can arrange for it now. JOHN W. MOUNT & BRO.,'.. For *• Over one million dollars' worth of property at bottom prices, Fine house in 25tlr street, near Eighth avenue, New York, three-story an<T basement, worth $18,000, will sell for $15,500. We have all sorts of wagons taken [in trade. We have marked every one of them at a bargain price. HARNESS—Our harness department is replete witlTspecial good values. For instance : a hand made genuine^rubber mounted " harness at §iC. Surrey harness, §12 up."fCoach|harness, $5oup. Double surrey harness, $20 up. . Corner MaplB Avenue and White Street, . FOR SALE. There isn't any sort of a carriage made that we haven't got. Moreover, we're manufacturers, the biggest in this section; that accounts for a price difference ,in our favor. Here's a farm wagon at $35, across the room is a $900 opera bus and the betweens are scattered about the room. BUGGIES—We have top buggies from $5ceup to $185. We've a buggy that we. sell lor.$85. It's hung on Brewster or End springs. Your choice of plain or phaeton seat. We warrant this buggy4>e.cause we know we can safely do so. RUNABOUTS—This is a popular road wagon for light driving. It's :Stylish-and comfortable. We have these in different styles, "different colorings and seats, at prices ranging from $76Hto$15°- _ S. SABATH, • , On both sidea of the river, 18 houses, from $250 to $3,500. On Broad street, 8 houses, from $250 to $ 1,000. Twenty-one liouBes, from $75 to $1,500. for the seaJ son, in nearby places. " A new brand of Cigar, made of Clear Havana, at 5 cents straight. UNFUJINISHED-PER MONTH. Bailey's Combination, Exports and Sraoketts, the old reliable brands, Broad street, house, 12rooms, barn and fruit, $25; half a house, $14. lionI've been selling for B cents for yenrs. Bailey's Best Bouquet and El Mapa are tho best 10 cent cigars sold in mouth street, house, 10 rooms, barn, $25; house, 7 rooms, $18. Rector Hace, Red Bank. ,. •-, house, 10 rooms, "$20. River front, half a house, $12. Front street, house, 16 A few Houlton SeedJPotntoes for sale. Also Early Rose [and Beauty of rooms, barn, river front, $50 ; house, 10 rooms, barn, $22. Spring street, house, 8 Hebron Potatoes; ' — rooms, $15; house, 7 rooms, $12. Mechanic street, double house, $8 and $7 per month. Branch avenue, Queen Ann house, garden, 9 rooms, $10; old homestead, l i acres, $10. Beach street, largo house, $20. Oaldand street, two new houses, WHOLESALE DEALER, . * " all improvements, $18; one $10. House, Herbert street, f9. Locust avenue, 7 Photographs:; It now seems- that" the county was buncoed when tho road was bought. The turnpike right was extinguished, to the great benefit of the people of the •locality, but the county has a white elephant on its hands, which it must . Bupport. At the meeting of the freeholders last week Edward Farry of llatawan and" Charles E. Conover of Marl. Postal Telegraph Ofllco, boro, the freeholders of the townships —through'-'which-the--road-paB8e8v-a8ked FRON-TSTEEET,—-REO-BANKrNrJ, that the county appropriate $5,000 for maintaining the road this year. This request was a surprise to many of the freeholders, who thought the cfcunty hacTbeen very liberal with those townships when it bought the road and paid for it instead of lpakidg the townships pay for its own public roads, as every other township in the county has to do when it wants a road. C. Ewing Patterson, the legal counsel of the county, W. B. LAWRENCE,, reported tothe.board of freeholders that Dealer In Coal and Wood. as the county-owned the rood, the county • would have, to keep it in order. This ALSO FEED, CORN, OATS, HAY AND STRAW. was so manifestly an injustice, whatever Upper Lcliigh and all the First-Cluss Coals at might be the legal view of the matter, Lowest Prices. —that-some-of-tho freeholders opposed it When coal Is oirlond ttieJKmed! of long tons, 2,240 pounds. Is given. most vigorously.. YARD: Cor. front and West Sts., Red Bunk, N, J. .... . »..» * This opposition was led by George B. Snyder of Shrewsbury. He expo3ed the rank injustice and unfairness of compelling the county to maintain this road, while the public roads of the county were maintained elsewhere by the town• ships in which the roads were located, and his views were presented with so Those who haven't tried much clearness and vigor that the appropriation failed to be carried, the the easy cooking, method, vote standing 7 to C against it. The by using oil jtnd gasoline next morning, howover, when another meeting of the freeholders was held, Mr, stoves, have done much Farry renewed his demand for an approwork they might have priation, and this time ho was successful, the freeholders, by a vote of 10 to 5; avoided. There is no ashes, agreeing to.raise $3,000 to pay for keeping the road in order. ' ••••>•• no worry, with these stoves. •* Two burner stoves, $5.60. -^ Three burner, stoves, $8 and $10. Every taxpayer in the county outside Smallqr Bizes, smaller prices. of.the townships beneBted, and every taxpayer in those townships who believes in fairness and equity, will ba sorry that Mr. Snyder's opposition to this measure did not prevail. There is no more justice in requiring the county to maintain that Ffont Street, Red Bank road than there would bo in requiring it to maintain public roads in other townships and relioving those townships from this expense.' If the county owns the road, the very best thing that the county can do-is to close it up or pay the turnpike company for taking it back. Tho county can very much better afford to pay the turnpike company another $10,000 for taking it back, than it can afford to keep it. This is the most outrageous imposition on the taxpayers of tho county that tho freeholders have ever been guilty of, nnd if there is any way in which the Collection of this tax can bo resisted it should be done. Tho: editor of the Atlantic Highlands Press is a reformer in everything except women's clothes. He says the streots of Atlantic Highlands are lively with expert bicyclists and with people who are learning to ride, nnd then ho adds that there-are "lots of ladies, but no bloomers, thank God!" Exaotly why tho editor of the Press should find cause for thanking God because no Atlantic Highlands women1 woar bloomors, I can't understand. - Somopeoplo may not liko lloom ere, and some may, but 1 shouldn't think that either the one case or the other would ho of sufficient importance to givo riso to devout thanks. "= TO DEHART & LETSON, - 27 Broad Street, Red Banfe N. J. Wofflffl^^. >- "V. These warm days are sufficient hints to set you gathering warm weather wear. Everything that's pretty, scrvicable and a help to enjoyment of summery weather is here now. The newest styles in Lawn^Cambric and Calico wrappers. All the pretty colorings1 and effects in Lawns, Dimities and hot weather stuffs. The newest and prettiest effects in shirt waists with Bishop sleeves and detachable collars. . . Numbing, Steam and Gas Fitting. I SANITARY WORK A SPECIALTY. No. 27 Front Street, Red Bank, N. J. Children's Writing Paper. Children, as well as grown folks, have writing paper made especially for their use. The paper and the envelopes are much smaller than regular sizes. And whatever else you can think of that you and «c niiijht to have. .. . I have this paper in vai'ious styles, put up in pretty boxes, containing 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel- ADLEM & COLE. opes, at 15 cents to 35 conts a box. JOHN H. COOK. Last week we Minton's Compound Extract of Celery strongly advised the uso of "AUNT MARY'S SARSAP A R I L L A " as an invigorating tonic. Is a pure nervine, and tho best possible tonic for tlio nerves. 50 CENTS A I'WT BOTTLC. This Week we would call attention to the fact that the most roliablo moat nmrlcot in town, and COIIHOquently tho bent place, to. buy your nioain, poultry and vogolaliloM, in located on I'Yont Htrool, op|Ktnito Cnntml Hotol, and conducted by R O B I N S O N & C R A W F O R D , PROI-RIKTORS. No.3BroadSt, 'RedBank.NJ. felt £tnd Gravel Roofing. I Imvo put on wool-folt roofs for tho paofc 20 yourt), Thoy luvvo jjivoii porfoct Butiofaction. I will gimmntiM) Buch l'oofti for 2f> yoani if thoy aro kept coated. My Oonionfc and QumOortting Vj tho boBt that can ho uiiod, on tin and nhinglo roofti. I givo a lO-ycMir warranty on all roofa Hum coiitcd. , U'i\ki rliliniitiyn riM«l"»l. ami uMnm for unj wurk In my linn |ir<iiiipll)r iliinn. I'rU'w *rv ruuoiu bio. McCLASKEY, »•.». n»x 400. Red Bunk* N* .A. A MILLION dngle track, and the necessary turnouts or Bldlngs indBwltebes. That the tracks on said public streets, ft iveaues and public places hereinbefore mentioned ^ 'to 1 ' to located and laid thereon, so that the center )f said tracks shall be tho center line ofjald streets, It UBed to be, " Here/waiter!. A cold bottle and a small bird." Now it is Keep' at-theintersecUonof the a f o ^ I d streets, Moat of the goods stolen from the sumthe curves neccessary in passing from one of We have a storeful of household 'Scotch whiskey and soda I" Champagne has relinquished its seat to the smoky Rare, Curious, Current, IN STOCK. where *»!* f? 6 ? 1 " to t h e """er »baU ba so located and laid "' iner home of John P. Duncan at Sea. ALMOST CIVEN AWAY. that the tangente shall be In the middle of tbe streets necessities—things for kitchen use, leverage of Bonnie Scotland. The beat Scotch Whiskey in all the land iB that old Libraries bright have been recovered. They were Supplied Cheaper tlian at any Boo): Store asaloresald; «nd except further, where turnouts or found on Thursday by John Brehm, for the table and dining room, little reliable brand, In tho World. sidings are necessary when tbeyehnll be located and . ' • who keeps a hotel at that place. On iIBUAIUES AND BOOKS BOUGHT. aid as hereinafter provided, that iB to say: where things that help, to make the sitting turnouts or sidings are necessary, they shall be so ' 1IA1IU0TI1 CATALOGUE FREK : Thursday afternoon Mr. Brehm went wnstructed and located as to form an equilateral room and parlor more attractive and out to a shed in the rear of hia place umout or swlcb, the center line of the tracks of the things that you couldn't get' along and saw the end of an electric fan ;uraouta or switches to be the center line of the itreots aforesaid whereon the same are instructed — S I CHAMBERS BTItEET, sticking out of one of the barrels of ^without in the_bedroom;JBvyll imttlie turnouts' or'siaffigs shaU be Seated and* UDoor.Westrilcltjr-HallPart.-'—NEW-YOBK. onstructea emptytottles whlclrwaestored in-the In the following places on said streets There are. big savings for you, 25 shed. A little further search brought to viz.: on Morfprd Place only between Front street cent articles at other stores costa but and Riveralddnvenue.flftyfeetnorthofFrontstreet. light several of the rugs which had been nd from tbenco northerly on said Morford Place stolen from Mr. Duncan's house, and 10 cents here, arid usual 10 and 15 Bottled by the distillers, PEASE, SON # CO., established 1808. Sold at $1.25 a ,wo hundred and fifty feet. No slolng or turnout which bad also been hidden in^tlie barloll occupy a space 01 more than two nundred and will articles ran" be got bore for 5 Quart Bottle, by , rels. .The shed is used very little in the fty feet. That the rails used in tbo construction of Of doing business is a fair w a y - said rents. . • railway upon the public streets aforesaid shall winte*"ffi&jbjuid the only person known fair to you—fair to us. The high- be so laid that the top thereof shall be flush with the to bavo-iieen\in\tlio shed since the robrarface of sold mentioned publlo streets. That from est quality for the least possible i point where tho southerly end of West street lnterbery, outeidoipfsMr. Brehm himself, is socls the northerly side of Monmouth street aforeJack Farrell, wholias been around Seamoney, and full weight, too. said, to the Intersection of West street with Front trigbt for some time past, and who •' v street aforesaid, the sold Hallway Company shall several yeare ago was employed as a ballast with broken stone, the space between the rails, Including sidings and turnouts, and also a bartender for Mr. Brehm. Bpaceof Blxfeet along tbe outside of tho rails, on ' Mr. Brehm notified the authorities of both sides, to a deptlrof four inches. That the same ' ibnll be then top dressed with gravel; graded, and the place.that he had found some of the ;he whole rolled to a smooth uniform surface. Thnt stolen property, and Farrell was arrested N. B.—Dellwood Eye Whiskey is not a fad. The sale* of this popular whiskey [rom tho Intersection of said West street with Front on suspicion. He had a hearing before Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J . itreet, along Front Btrcot to Morford Flace,<4ho sold is always increasing. ' ' ' Mayor P. Hall Packer, who decided that lallwny Company shall Oil in such portion of sold itreet, from curb to curb, with broken stono, to a tlio evidence against Farrell was not sufepth of four Inches. That the same shall be top ficient to hold him, and he was disdressedwith gravel as aforesaid, graded, and'the charged. . wholo rolled to a smooth uniform surface. That from the intesection of Morford Place with said The commissioners recently, offered a 'ront street along said Morfojia1 Place to a point onreward of $50 for tho recovery of the wslte Riverside avenue, the said Railway Company »tolen goods. It«a believed that tho ihall fill in such portion of said MorYord Place, "rom curb to curbi with good gravel, grade arid reward will be paid to Mr. Brehm.' h "oil tho Bamo to a smooth uniform BUrfaco. The / whole work when finished shall conform to the grade now fixed noon the streets and parts of streets oftcrcatlngaheartymcal, and tho A MEMORIAL VOLUME. aforementioned, by tho grade map of tho towu. result Is a clironla caso of Indigesheretofore prepared by direction of tho Board of Joinmlsloners of said town and now on Die In tho tion, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, illlcedf tbo Town Clerk., Dyspepsia, or a bilious attack. 8. That In the construction of said railway nnd Half a dozen residents of Long Branch, quipment thereof, the materials employed anil headed bj; Bufus Blodgett, are preparing York done shall bo of tho best character, and It lall be the duty of the said Company to construct a memorial volume of tho yeterans'bf —. Sliitc llciirtlm, LinteU a n d Caps. the same so as not to Impede public travel unnecthat locality who took part in" the late ite Digestion, R e s o l u t e t h e essarily, and under the supervision of the Bald en. Liver and'Dowels, Partly war. The book is to consist of about firm is controlled by practical and responsible men. All work is done commissioners. Thnt it shall also be the duty of ooil, and arc a Positive, Cnre for said Company to restore the surface of all streets : three hundred pages, each sixteen by Constipation. Sick Headache, B i l >romptly and guaranteed and strictly in accordance with agreement. Our prices iousness, and all otbor Diseases arising and cross walks disturbed by. tho laying, of said • twenty inches in size. The book is to be re as low as the work can be done for to pay our honest debts, live and make 11 from a disordered condition of tbo Llvor anil tracks to their former condition, nnd to Keep thnt presented to James B. Morris Post of the Stomach. They act gently ;ct promptly, ami reasonable profit. .• * portion of the roadbed between its tracks, and for potfeotdtestlonfollowslholruso.-' , ilgbtecn Inches on each sldo thereof, on both sides, —Grand "Army;—AccordinKtotlie^ruleB—BinAnnrrnTmif>Hinirftt>iopi/\pftnf an'J£n|tlre Inijood-repalr.-aHlsown-expensovntnlltlmrann' ^~"~- n i o d 1 o I d o Obb~Bt. anU S T O R E : Near N e w Y o r k a n d L o n g B r a n c h R a i l r o a d Station. governing the organization of that Post, Bbould bo kojt for aso la joseof the failure of Bald Company to keep such when the membership is roduced to fire ovexy family. portions ol tho said streets last nbovo mentioned In PnOlUPT ATTENTION TO MAIL ORDBR8. the Post will disband. The book is then ;ood repair nml passable, condition at Its own e x Fries, CO Cents a box. At pense, asaforcsald, tho Commissioners may, by their to be given to tho town of Long Branch, ironer oOlccrs, cause such portions of said Btrocts to The mon who givo the book to tho town EIPA I Si g 0 8 H 8 ftfi r i^C 1 ^ ' to repaired nnd restored, and charge the expense 1 0 SPETOB ST., NEW YOBK. , evidently expect to get more glory out ihereof to, ana collect tho sdmo from, the said Railway Company. , tho veterans will get, for ac-. 4. That tbo said Railway Company shall have the cording to one of the Long Branch right to use electricity as tbo motive power (anil no papers "the donors will have their names other motivo power except In case of necessity) for the propulsion of lta cars and transaction of Its buslprinted in gold on the book, together iN OBDINAKCE grantlnif to THE ATLANTIC icss on said railway; thnt in tho equipment nnd opwith a brief sketch of their lives. The HIGHLANDS, RED BANK AND LONG BHANQH ration of said railway, said Company shall have the veterans, Svho fought in the war, will ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY, a body cor- right to uso tho overhead wire or trolloy system of Monnis, pnopiiiBTona, porate, organized and oxisting under and by virtue olectrlcn! equipment; that all overhead wires used probably have to be content with havof tho laws ol tho state of New Jersey, a location in connection therewith shall be placed at least ing their records in plain black ink. lied Sank, N. J. X Broad Street, of tbe tracks of tlio lino of Its railway, anil the eighteen feet abovo the grades of tho publlo streets poles and wins used lb connection therewith, aforesaid, the trolley wire to bo placed nt tho height A volume somewhat similar is to be upon and'aloog and In and through tbo public oforesaldjind In tho middle of said streets, tbo feed given to the Asbury Park Post by James Pulverizes, sows,, covers all at once. streets, avenues, and other public places within wire to bo attached to poles, located as hereinafter A. Bradley. 1 the limits of the town of Red Bank, in tho county provided, at thebelght aforesaid, on the west Bldo Saves time, men, teams, seed. A perfect of Monmouth and shite of New Jersey, and per- )f west street, tho south side of Front street, and mission to construct, operate and maintain lta said iio west sldo of Morford Plnco, the Bpan wires to bo success. Small Accidents. railway therein,1 and also other rights and privi- ittaclied to poles placed opposite one another on both leges incident thereto. A boy stuck a titick between the spokea ildesot said streets as hereitinfterprovlded.nttho SOLD BY "YIIKREAS, THE ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, RED eight aforesaid, and tho f cedcr-ln wire to be located of a bicycle ridden by John "Hamilton at BANK AND LONG BRANCH ELECTRIC RAIL- as hereinafter provided. That the nocessary poles Long Branch last week. Hamilton was. WAY COMPANY, a corporation formed undor the for sustaining and carrying tho wires for conducting thrown to the ground and was badly provisions of an act Of tbe legislature of the Slate ilectrlcity to Hie olectric motors shall bb placed beof Now Jersey, entitled "An Act to authorize the ween tbo curb Hues of said streets and the sidebruised. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'AAAAA formation of traction companies for tbe construc- walks thereof, one on either side of said streets, nnd "William Hendrickson, Jr,, of Long tion and operation of street railways, or railroads as near opposite one another ns practicable, and shall Branch, caught the. front wheel of hia operated as street railways, and to regulate the. bo placed on an average one hundred nnd twentysame," approved March fourteenth, eighteen hun- lvo feet apart, except on curves, where thny shall bicycle in the trolley track and broke it. dred and ninety-three, and tbo acts amendatory BO erected us hereinafter provided, a moro particuWalter Bryan, a young Asbury Park Do you wont plants for your farm nnd garden ? thereof and supplementary thereto, did, by Its pe- lar location of said poles and feeder-in wires being you do will and soo me, and learn what I boy, accidentally shot himself in the foot tition, bearing date tho fourteenth day of April, leslgnated on a map entitled, "A map of a portion , >r you. If you give youi* order before tlio 20th of A. D. eighteen hundred and ninety-sir, apply to if tho route of the Atlantlo Highlands, Red Bonk with a rifle. The wound was slight. tho Board of Commissioners of tho Town of Red ind Long Branch Electric Railway, In tho Town of Hirll for tlio plants you want you will savo from. "While ^learning to ride a bicycle last Bank, in tho county of Monmoulh and state of led Bank. New Jersoy," herewith Sled.with tho wook Benjamin S. VanHuol of Long 0 W !W per cent* on all you purchase. I hnvo tlie Now jersey, for a location of the tracks of the line lerk of said town of Red Bank nnd made apart [lass, tho room, and do the work mysolf, therefore of Its railway, conformably to the route designated hereof. Tbepolesusedshallbeofyellowplnewood, Branch fell and sprained his anklo. . In the description of tbe route of such line, and octagonal In shape, and shall be painted and kept James Houlihan of West End, Long an rnlsn better plants nnd can sell them cheaper tho map exhibiting tbo same, Hied In the oOlce of painted by the said Company. Branch, fell into a trench fifteen feet than tlicy who hnvo to hire tlio work done. I mine tbe secretary of state of New Jersey, at Trenton, 5. That the) said .Railway Company shall comply my own seed nnd-see" them growing and cannot New Jersey, and In Bald petition and map accom- with all reasonable ordinances or regulations which • deep and was badly bruised, panying tbe same, designated, and tor permission the said commissioners may make from time to time maVo a mistake and glvo you poor quality, I have ..... ..Jars. Gilbert Lane of Long Branch fell to construct, maintain and operate Its Bold rail- as to the rate of speed of the cars upon Bald public from a chair and dislocated her shoulder. nothing but tho best kinds and best bearers to offer way within the said town of Red Bant, In the streets, or any of them, and the manner of main- . county and state aforesaid, upon and across, and talnlng street crossings, and the removal of ice and Dr. George B. Herbert of Manasquan ion. Early and Lato Cabbage, Lcttuco, Faraloy and lu and through the streets, avenues and other snow therefrom. 'oranto Plants, Egg and Pepper Plants, Sweet Por ' badly wrenched his anklo lost week. public places hereinafter mentioned, which said 0. That the said Company shall not suffer or pertato Sprouts aud Celery Plants, all In their season. petition was duly signed by sold corporation, and by a majority of its directors, and duly Oled with mit Its cars, or any of them, to stand upon said Freehold's- Board of Trade, the clerk of said town of Red Bank on the four tracks in tho public streets aforesald.or any of them, teentb day of April, A. D. olgbteeu hundred and at anytime, except to receive nnd deposit passenThe Freehold board45f trado hold their ninety-six, and public notice of said application gers, and in taking on and letting off passengers its CHAPEL HILL. N. J . having been given to all parties Interested, hy cats shall not be stopped on said streets, or any Of annual meeting last "Wednesday night. publication In THE RED BANK REGISTER, a news- them, so as to unuecessarlly Interfere with tho freo Tho most important work accomplished paper published and circulating in sold town of and uninterrupted passage of travel. by tho board -last year was the scouring 7. That It shall be the duty of said Company to Red Bank, duly designated by sold Board of Comof two now railroad stations. The board missioners of the Town of .Red Bank to publish provide and keen upon each of IU cars wlillo in motion suitable anil proper bells, to give warning of lte said notice, and by posting said notice In live of will make strong efforts to have the troltho most public places In said town of Red Bank', approach, and also to provide and keop up proper , lBy road between lied Bank and Freelikewise designated, for at least fourteen days be- lights In each of Its said cars, and light the samo h o l d built this year. The officers elected fore the time fixed for a meeting of the said com- when Its cars are running at night; and In clearmissioners nt which said application would bo con- Ing away and removing snow and Ice from sold do not fail to examine tho latest Mason at the .meeting wero: sidered, specifying tho namo of the corporation tracks, it shall lie done In such manner as not to un& Hrnnlin models. Recent improvePresident—Frank P. Mcuormott. presenting such petition, tho date of filing the necessarily interfere with the rights and privileges ments render them unexcelled. Old Vlce-iiresldmit—Acton 0. Ilartshorno. same, the character of the rood In tended to be con- of- the occupants of tho property abutting on the Secretary—James V. Mukluon. structed, operated and maintained, tho motive public streets through or across which said tracks pianos or organs taken in exchange. Treasurer—J, W. Denser. power to be used thereon, and the public roods, are constructed, nor to obstruct public travel. Each Instruments sold for cash or easy paystreets, avenues and other public places through, car shall bo equipped on tho forward end when In ments. acrossand In and upon which tbo same would ex- motion with an appliance commonly kuown as a tend In said town of Red Bank, county and Btate fender,designed for tbo protectlonof thoIlfonnd Inspection a t Freehold. Catalogues and full information free. aforesaid, and specifying tho time and place of a imb of persons on foot wttb whom the cars shall Pianos of reliable makers from $200 Company E of Freehold was inspected meeting of the said board of commlssionera, ai come la collision. The style of said fonder employed which said commissioners would consider tho said shall be one of tbo most approved now in use. by Gol. D. B. Murphy on Monday night npwards. application: 8. That tbo said Company shall pay all expenses of lost week. The inspection consisted of preparing and advertising this ordinance within And the said corporation having filed with tho clerk thirty days after tho passage of the ordinance. of an exuminatlon of the uniforms, of tho sold town of Rod Bant tho consent in writ0. That sold Company shall be solely responsible equipments and arms. There was also ing of tho owners of moro than ono-half In nmoun for nil damages that may accrue on account of any a drill in guard inountinp;. Company E 136 FIFTH AVENUE, MEW YORK. in lineal feet of property fronting on tho pa/ta of accidents or injuries to any person or persons, or to tho streets, avonuesfind other public places In said his, her or tholr property, during tho construction ranks highest in tho regiment to which Town of Red Bank, upon and across and In and and operation of sold railway, by reason of tbo negit belongs. Howard Jonea and Harry C. Comer Broad and Front Streets, RED BANK, N. 3. through which a location of tho tracks of said ligence of said Company. Bedle were elected to membership in the company, and'. permission to construct, operate IU. That said Company shall run Its cars ovor tho company lust week, and tho names of and maintain said street railway. Is asked, duly abovo described route at Intervals not less Ihnn tho. acknowledged by the subscribers thereto, as nro following: From October fifteenth to May first, tliree'jpthera wore proposed for memberdeeds entitled to bo recorded, And having beard Wholcsalo and nctoll Dculor In from BIX o'clock, A. M., to elovon, p. N.. every sixty • uliip. • and considered the matter, tbo said Board of Com- minutes; that Is to say, ono car shall bo moved Mlsalonors of tlio Town of Tied Bank bos, on thl every Bixty minutes over tbo streets aforesaid, comthirtieth day of April, A. D. eighteen hundred am ing from the Intersection of the middle lino of MonGetting Bid of Clilclicn-Llco. ninety-six, bolng the date fixed by said publi moutb street wltb tho mlddlo line of West street, notices for tbo hearing of tbo said petition of salt toward and te Morford Place, and ono car shall be Itov. Percy Perinchief of Manouquan corporation, decided to grunt said application anc1 moved every sixty minutes over the streets aforefotinil tlmt his henhouso was infestm permission, upon tho restrictions hereinafter con said from Morford Place, toward mid to the Interwith chickon-lico. To get rid of thon lalncd; therefore section of tlio mlddlo lino of Nonmoutli street with Wo aro handling a largo quantity of lie set lire to some ncstf), Tiie flume He it onialncil by tho Board of Commissioners of tho mlddlo lino of West street. From May first lo the Town of ltcd Bank, In tho county of Monmouth October fifteenth, from nvo o'clock and thirty minspread and got beyond his control and and atnto of New Jersey, That tho eald application utes, A. M., to midnight, every thirty minutes; thnt burnt tho henhouse down. Mr. IYrinof tho ATLANTIC IIIQHLANDS, RED BANK AND Is to say, ono car shall bo moved every thirty minutes —ALSO— chicf has not Binco boon annoyed wltl: LONG BRANCH ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY, over tho streets aforesaid, coming from tho Intersecof tho vory host quality, a corporation fonnou under tho provisions of nn ncl tion of the middle lino of Monmouth street with tho tho cliickcn-licc. of tho legislature of tbo state of Now Jersey, entitled middle lino of West Btreot, townrd nnd In Morford "An Act to authorial tbo formation of traction com- Plnco, nnd ono car shall bo moved every thirty minpanies for tho construction and opuratlen of streel utes over the stroeta nforcsnld coming from MorRegaining Lost Eyesight Town Hall, Red Bank railways, or railroads opomtod as Btreot railways, ford Plnco, townrd and to the intersection of tho and to regulate tho samo," approvod March four- mlddlo lino of Monmouth street wltb the middle lino Mrs. Jordon "Woolley, mother of Clay teenth, A. 0. olghtocn hundred and nlncty-throo, of West street nforcsald, I'realon1* Ferllllier (odorlcai) for Lnvm. Woolloyof Long Branch, has had twi and tho acts amendatory thereof anil supplementary cataracta removed from her eyes. Shi Alio Bone Phoipliale and FI«h Gnano, thereto, for a location of the tracks of Its lino of rail- II. Thnt tlio said Board of Commissioners retho H8O of said streels for tho purpose of had lost tho night of her right eye HIM way, confonnnhly to tbo route designated In tho de serves nny Improvuiuontfl anil napalm for tbo boiioncrlptlon of thn route of such lino, nnd the map ex tnnklnu; was hardly able to WM with hor loft oyo of Bald towu, tho oxponso attending tho sustain' W h a t you want is hlblllng tlio damn. Hied In the oMco of tho Hocrotarj llt ing, removing replacing of tlio rails or tracks, It in now bcliovod that hor Hight will li of slate at Trenton, Now Jersoy, andin wild uiipl [ca- for the purpoHii nml of limbing such improvements or mcompletely restored. Bho in 71 tion dttslgnatMl, nnd permission to construct, o)wr< nnlrs, to bo borne nnil paid by snlil town nnd not by ate and maintain its wild railway within the town old, Company, Thn town shnll not lie llnhln for any of Red Bank, In tho county of Monmotitli anil Htato tho m » »• of Now Jersey, upon nnd acrow and In nnd throuifh diunnito, however, rrtraHInK to mid Compiiny In i-ononco of Ions of service during the making of tbo publlo streets, avenues anil other public places A, Now Sunday-School Association, hereinafter IIHIIIHIUMHI, IHI anil tbo BHIIIII IS Imreli) such Improvements and repairs. IB. Thnt nil nnil nny persons nnd corporations A township Sunday-school nwociatioi; granted, on tho dnUi nfonwilil, under the restricshall IHI iHirmltted to malm mich excavations or tions hereinafter contained, that In to say: WIIH formed at Freoliold lant Tlnlralii o|wnlngH In thn Btroota on wblnli said tracks uro to IHI 1, Tlmt thn mild Atlantic. IIIKIIIUIIIIH, lied Ban constructed ns inny lie luwtwnry, by llrst obtaining night. W. II. Inpling iB president of Uii nnd tang lliumli KliKtiio Hull way Company, Ixxl; tliu vonsuntof salif UommMononi, lliu expound InUHBix:iution and Alex L. Moreiiu in nccre turpomte nfnnwilil, nhlill havo tlio right ami con eiirriid by such excavations or OIHIIIIIIKK, nnil thn tary mid tronnurcr. Tho 'other ofllcvn Kiut, mill porinlwlnn In hereby frlvon to coiiHtruc replacing of tho rend to 111 formorconultlon, to ho includo iivicn-prcuicUmt from each of tin iijmmto mill miilnUIn lta line (it slrrot mllwny, with bonin anil pant by such pcinonn or corporation maksingle truckH, nnil tint nnnunnry turnouta or Hidings ing tho sninn. Whenever Hie (Vmimlxxliiniinifihull churchen in tho towiijiliip. nnd HwlteluiH, upon nnd a c n m .mid In nnd through gnmt to nny iwnion or coriioratlnn iHirmlsxIon tn thn mibllii Htnwu, IWIMIICH uml.othor publlii plnra niovii any bulMlng over nr norosH the Mieet« upon In the mild Town of Itml Bunk, henilnnfter pnrtlcu whltih trolley wlma of iinld company am IWMHI, tho larly montlnnnl, .conformably l<i tlio rouUi tlwilg Hallway Company shall temiximrlly rcmovo IIH P a y i n g a Church Dobt. , niitul In iliiHliwul|itlnn of tho route of mioh lino u wll*cH, Ihn (iA]K:llftfl of no ftniovlliu mirh wIlt'H mill 'i'ho ladicn' aid iiocicty of the Mini: ay, anil ami tlio Mm limp map cxlilliltlnn Died I mllwny, ralilliltliiK thn Mime, Mini diwtlng tlin BIIIIIO to IKI Imrno by tliii IHIIHOII or corat'l'mnUin,Nir No IxmilloM mnkliig mieli nppllrJitlnn, wliicli miwnim nqiiun Ilnptltit church linii paid oif the nmce nf thn Ptocrctary of Hlitte at'l'mnUin Jiiiwy, nml In mild iHitltlon mil limp m i y nlinll not <)uxu»l tho nctunl unit of Inbor mill umi of (lclit of ovor f.000 on tho thnBiuim iWgniitiMl, that In to nay: Beginningn innbirlnl occasioned tlmruby. h lli« church. Tim iiouioly liild liullilliif Ihn mlihlln of Miiiiiniiuth street, on the route nf nnl< III. That Raid nillwny nliall Iio cnniilnicled nml Atlontln lUnhlumln, Itcil Hunk nml Long Brunei In nitration, mid fluid ntrcptfl Improved m hcrnand loan iilmroii which nmtiircil nml tin Klix'trlc Railway i'«iinpiuiy, ami at tho Intiimiu'tlin Inlxirore provided, on or bnfiiin llm fifteenth day of wan IIHCII for thin pur|Kmc. of tint inlililln of Went Btreot; llidiim (I) lie mm Moll July, A. II, UIRIIUHIII liunilnul nnil ninety.nix, iminiiiilli Htnxit mill running along thn rnlilillu of W'w II'IUI Irirul tilMtliuitliinn initvi'tll. iiticel, north no IICKIM nml Ihlrty-Hevnn inliiiite H. 'riuitlliiifiil'inr nliiKlo Inm (or Urn onrryhiK nf An Escaped Prlsonor Oapturod, «nnt, nun hiiiiilml nml nnvniity-olitht auil foiir-tentlii i»i»fi'ii«i'ni wllliln thn iwiHirntf) Ilinlin nf tlin'liiwn of In Eastern New Jersey, nl. (17H4-IO)fW!t| tlimiMi"tillntoiiiiUl(l Hililillnof Wrii IUMI Iliink Mliall lint nxrniul llvn i'«nlji for" onn niltilt (loorgQ HitwkhiH, who cucnpcd frm rtnwt, nnrtli nlnn deiiiwifl nml fnrty inlniiumoM immin. All olillilnih luiilnr III" nun of llvn vciini, llm county lull about two yearn ftRO, WIIH less than cily prices. That llvii hunilml mill firty-Wio nnil ono-wntli jW'l 1nrroini'iillliHl liy |>iiiiiiilj|iir Killiiillmm, 11I111II rlilii (ri'O frait Ui llm inlililln «f I'nint Htrwit, n»tth nluhtv do mid H lrllKi l c K ll by y Olllnerfl Htrykor ty is an easy mailer—just call gnxflftinl niteon iiiliiuliH went, two hiiii(ln«l 11111 I Tiirncr'n T ' recently In pooll room at JC*•< in. lloforon«|iilrlii» miy rlnlitii miiiiir Uilnonllnlnnly-iilniioiiil nvo-teritlin (Ml A-IW fmt lo tho enn Dank. Jin wmi tiilumbuck to tho count at'the mil of tlio Now ,l«n«iy Koiitliimi Itnllwny [ then nnum null within twonlv ilnyi nflnr K11 i>tniHiiuo fruin it point In tho Innt inmllliMiiil oourmi.ln tin nilil Ooinpnuy nliull lliu with tlin Clrik or tliu 'I'onn jitll to nerve out bin ricnUniuv. niliMlnol irrontitnHit.nnillnthnrnnKiiof HnrfoiV lit IKHI llnnk 11 Wi lll"li niTfiituiiro iin.icr lln i'4ir|nirI'lncii, nnlil point In nnlij |Hilnt iHimg nt tin) tnlermwi nlo«-iil, uf MID tiirinnul Ililfl 1111II111111111, wlili'h niv ilnii nt n linn HfUnin feet onnterlv finni tbo ennt tin rn|itimni) Hhiill [iitivlilo tlitll 1111I1I (]uniinin)r nhnll nut A "Long Branchor Killed, of IMi rlHhl df wity of Uin mild Now Jersey Hoiilhm 1 In any inniiltnr nr ndllun, ooiiU-flt or iiuwillon Mm itdllWRV lookliiii nortlil Uionon Imrtli (mo ilrimn legality nr lilmllnif form of nny imivlNluti or (IIIK nrJcrumlah Dodfion, a fonmir rwiliiunt o nmitnlii liiiiiilmVnrnl wvnntr-Uimi fimt klonn Hnr OliiUNmt, nr iliifniiil nunlntit tlio IMIIIII, on thn tfnmiiil UniK Brnncli, wan killed by a train n font l'l*w mid pnmllnl Ui mht rluhl «f wny 1 tlicnw! Hint tlin miliiiiln IM70111I Mm lumnriir niilliiirlty of oonllniiliix on mid (unimi imrtli nun Otignni tun, mild II01111I of (!0liimMiini;m (11 Ii'unlly ntoiit ulrii. Newark l t k You will be plnanrd, no will mm hmiiln« nnil nriy-nvo fmit to llm nhinvald 17. *A nil ImUoKtiilnnil, Tlirtt thin oitllnniioi nhnll mut linn of right of wny vt thn Now Jnriicy Hulitlinni A Hint to AttvrtUrra, lUllwhr, ovpnullft lilrcnliln ntenun. them Ui con tftku cffMl liniiinitlitliilr nimii I In iiiwiiiun, , MHiUM A|ilII IKlth, A, A,,JIWO. niirlwIMi ftin rluhtof Wn» mil trnrkam unlil Nc Tint ItiKitHTKit tolln moro IICWM to mon Jiirwij.ftiiitliOTii IlMllwny tinmtntiy, nil within ti TIIWI, V, WIIITR, to thiui niiy otlwr |>njM)r In the T n w i i » ( I M Kauk. >> "J^Jj w (toiiintaluiior Al », T i n t Ml<l roll«»> limit U> finimlruitol will STOLEN GOODS RECOVERED. John P. Duncan Gets Some of JH& Property Sank, Necessities Cheapened. BOOKS. LECCAT BROTHERS, OUR 5 and 10 Gent Store, Weis's Buililinjf, 4 .East Front Street, Red Bank. x §E0RGE R. LAMB & CO., 25 and 27 East Front St., Red Bank, N. J. P. HAWKINS, FLOUR, GRAIN AND FEED, "SfWer's Drags are Pure Drags." Red Bank Slate and Metal Roofing Go. SLATE ROOFING, TIN ROOFING, CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING, — FELT ROOFING. PATENT METAL SHINGLE ROOFING. Honoring Veterans of the War and '.' . atorlfvina Some Other People. The efficiency of drugs results from-their purity. In our quarter of a century of preparing prescriptions, we have used only the purest drugs without regard to cost. £ By this method patients £ get the full benefit of £ their doctor's skill. •»• |jchroedeF's fharmacy, | Chapel Hill Greenhouses All Repairs and Jobbing Wort Promptlv and Well Done. RIPANS TABULES Ranges, Furnnccs, Hot Air and Steam Heating. . FRANK VANDORN. - - Manager. PLOWS. HARROWS, CULTIVATORS, FURROWING SLEDS, &c. The "-Keystone" Disc Seeder And Drill f f * f "C. H. HURLEY, Shrewsbury, N. J. PLANTS: PLANTS: PLANTS: j Pure Wines, 3(hCts. QUESTIONS ANSWERED. *•. CHARLES M. WOODWARD, In Buying a Piano or an Organ It's really the price of made-up wine, that never saw grapes. It's really as good and purer.thdnryflvported at $i. The price is really 30 cents^ a bottle—answers to some of the questions asked about the fine California wines—Sherry, Port and Muscatelrof which we bought a big lot for cash.when cash was' much needed. Really fine grade domestic wines are now obtainable by expert buyers, though not often the equal of these. S u m m e r D r i n k s — Soda, Sarsaparilla, Birch and Ginger Beer, Orange Cider, &c. A fraction dearer than some,' but as heretofore many fractions better than many. They have always been better than any. Best ingredients money can buy; best skill experience can supply. W. A. FRENCH & CO., PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, R. HANCE, HAY, STRAW, GRAIN. FLOUR, FEEO, POULTRY SUPPLIES, ETC. LUMBER AND HARDWARE. Paints and Oils at Wholesale and Retail. Marlboro and Holmdel Hay Carriage Goods, Rims, Spokes, Hubs and Wheels, MONMOUTH STREET. Wire Rope, Boat Nails, Rivets, Copper Nails, Blocks, Pulleys, Anchors and Pure Manilla J. TRAFFORD ALLEN, . Stylish goods. Not ono, two or a dozen Hats to'select from, but the largest, most stylish.slock of Spring Millinery Goods that can bo Found / Rod Bank TEMPLE OF FASHION. MRS. E. WEIS. Your Stomach DistressesYou FRONT ST., OPP. MAPLE AVE., AS HOT AS RED BANK, N. J. * YOU'D LIKE TO HAVE IT, That will 1)0 tho condition of your hotiBo if you put in a THATCHER HOT-AIR HEATER. Wo'ro oxtyortu on tho boat hue! noun. Wo employ only oxportwork men, anil iifimiro you of mitiftriiction. THE SANITARY PLUMBING CO Front Sti-not, uoar Southern Bftiliwwl Crooning. AN ORDINANCE. PERSONAL, HIGH TAXES NEXT FALL. • - OBITUARY. Prices Reduced High-Class • Mrs, Sarah Osborn. Mrs. George V. Sneden is learning to CODMTYTAXTO BE THE HIGH- Mrs. Sarah Osborn of. Middletown, ride a bicycle. widow of Ezra Osborn, died at the home Fred Smyth of Bed Bank has moved EST IN MANY YEARS. of her sisters-in-law, the Misses Martha to Long Branch. and Elizabeth Osborn, last Friday mornFive families in Eatontown are sick The Freeholders Want $110,404.08 There la such a thing as spending a little The Best Elgin Butter per pound... 32c. with chills and fever. More Than Thru Asked for Last ing. She had been an invalid a long time. -money for tailoring and wasting it all. There Best Elgin Butter, lOprjund tubs.. .$3.00 John Lang of New York IB visiting Is such a thing, as spending a (air price and Tear-The Tax Bate Will Be Over She was a daughter of Benjamin VV\ getting more than the worth of jour money. Corlies of Eatontown, and was 00 years friends at Atlantic Highlands. Good Table Butter, SpoWds for. ...$1.00 Two Per Cent in Some Towns. I do the best tailoring that can be dona and Richard Phillips of Self ord i8 recover- The board of freeholders held their old. She; leaves three children, Miss ask considerably less for It than similar tailorGood Table Butter, per pound 20o, ing from an attack of pleurisy. ing can be had. . . . . annual meeting last Wednesday and Mary Osborn, Mrs. Daniel- Hendrickson Cooking^utter, per pound . 12c. "Herbert Johnson ofjEaBton, Pa., is vis- fixed the appropriations for the year. and Frank Osborn, all of .whom lire at Best N. Y. State Cheese, per pound. 12c. iting friends in -West Red Bank. JV O. , The amount which the" freeholders de- Middletownr Mrs. Oaborn was a memMrs. A. Hv Borden of Shrewsbury will cided must be raised is about 65 per cent ber of the society of Friends. The funeral Meadow Sweet Cteese. 10c. • . Bed Bank, N. J. was held on Sunday from her late resi- Front Street, —glv&An. afternoon teato-niorrowv more than was required to be raisedjast dence Best Pure Lard, per pound. 106. and the-interment-was made in PeroyiParCef fa now ^employed; as a year. Unless there is a very large in-.--.•• : Maker<oj'Clothes fhat-Fik-~— Best-Pure Lard, la.paundsior, .^.'i.'.#LOQ_ ^ clerk in J. B. Bergen's shoe store. crease in the valuation of the county the Pair View cemetery. • Cissy Fitzgeraldwas in town this week, tax rate will be the largest levied .in the Compound Lard, per pound 6c. Clirlstian iiordland. looking for a house for the summer. county during the past fifteen or twenty Mrs.Mrs. Christian Fiordland died at Port Palmer Wilson of New York is spend- years. Last year the rate for county 1 on Saturday of rheumatism ing a few days with friends in town. Which-is as tastefully and skilland state school tax was $6.84 on a thou- Monmouth of the heart. She was 03 years old and N. B. Cushing is occupying Kev. Geo. sand. This year it is pretty certain to be fully executed as can be, costs no K, Allen's house on Riverside avenue. at least $9.50 on a thousand and it may leaves a husband and five children. The more Hum the poor sort, and it is Near Railroad Station, Monmouth Street, Miss Dottie Woolley of-Long Branch reach $10 on a thousand. When the children are Mrs. John Heldt of Long WRITE . always such satisfaction to know has been visiting friends at Bed Bank. township and special school tax is added, Branch, Christian, William and. Bertha FOR Fiordland of Port Monmoutb, arid Miss RED BANK. NEW JERSEY. that your invitations and visiting Charles D. Frost of .Trenton, is spend- together with the town tax in boroughs, Fiordland of New York. The PARTICULARS. there are likely to be a number of towns Christina cards are the lest that can be had. SarsapariUa is not only the funeral was held yesterday and the burial Mfss Delia Martia of Atlantic High- in Monmouth county next fall where the Not eo dear as you'd think, either. best of all remedies for the Nerves, Liver, lands is'visiting friends at New York tax rate will run above $20 on a thousand, was at Bay View cemetery, Atlantic Highlands. kidneys, Stomach and Blood; but if no city. . . • • • • . . - ' . • • • or more than two per cent. Miss Sadie Loew of New York was vis- ' The special appropriations made by EVERDELLS, irilltiim nartsltorne. benefit, you can get your money bach. iting Miss Lou Frencljj>of; Bed Bank last the freeholders account for most of the William Hartshorne died near FreeThe.same guarantee applies to DANA'S . Asbury Park. increase. These special appropriations on Friday, May 8th, aged 93 years. Corner Broad and Front Streets, PillB, Cough Syrup and Plasters. For sale ' Miss Florence King of Brooklyn is vis- 'are $80,000 for an addition to the jail hold His death was caused by paralysis. He • ' RED BANK, N. J. iting Hiss Edith Spinning of Monmouth and other jail expenses; $28,000" for was born at Matawan, out moved with by J. Aler Guy, Agent, Holmdel, N. J. s t r e e t . - • -':"/•- • • • • • . , , Deal Lake bridge; $30,000fortheAsbury his family at an early age to Freehold, Mrs. "Kate Murray of Brooklyn is visit- Park and Long Branch stone road; where he operated. Hartshorne's mills ing Mrs. Alexander Kingabury of Borden $4,561 fortbe Englishtown and Manal- for a number o£ years. He was an Odd apan road; $5*000'for maintaining the Fellow. before his death he •• s t r e e t . . . -,..- ' .' , ' . Miss Cairie Grigga of Kentucky is vis- turnpike which the county bought last was baptized in the Episcopal church. ' iting Miss Minnie Frost .of New Mon- year; and some other minor increases Hedeaves four children. "•' of the appropriations.- The total amount mouth. The Electric Light is the cheapest of Thomas L, Beyer. : Mrs, James Irving of New York moved to be raised by taxation this year for to her summer home at Locust Point on county purpose's is $801,029. This is Thomas L. Heyer, who farmed Daniel all methods of lighting houses and stores. $116,464.93 more than hist year. The Friday. •• . I. Stilwell'e place at Hazlet, died sud- There is no possible waste in any way TDelford Fisher is now employed by school tax which will have to be raised denly last Friday morning. He started and you pay only for what you use. The will be about $140,000, making the total Forman Matthews in the house moving out in the asparagus field, as usual, but amount nearly $450,000. ^ was taken Bick and .died before light is bright and Bteady. Other lights business. Mrs. Jacob Demar of Seabright spent a The full list of appropriations made could be secured. Mr. Heyer leaves.a burn oxygen in the air and make rooms wife and-three children, He was>~ a unhealthy. Electric .lights do not. few dayB last week with Mrs. Ambrose by the freeholders will be as follows: We have a full line of these goods, in fact, all the member of St. John's Methodist churcli Matthews. Court expenses...... " $ 65,000 00 of-Keyp<Srt and of Frelinghuysen council Drop m a postal nnd we will call and arrange Misses Louise and Josephine Allairo Addition to Jail anil other courthouse terras, otv. of American Mechanics. ... ••'•-'. 80,000 00 Bpent last week with friends in New and Jatl expenses brands of established reputation. In California Clarets, .New rates for store nnd house llgbtlnfjjsjisjow_ Support of lunatics... 25,000 00 York city. " . _ oa gas at $1.50 per thousand feet. Freeholders' compensation and officers' Mrs, Emma Burns, <" -. —...Mr^ahiJilrs, Howard Irving of Key salaries.,... ...,,,- 1 r. .;. 12,000 00 Ports, Sherries- and Muscatels we hare good qualities PERCY INOALLS, .7.7;.". T,500HO~ —Mrsr-Einma-BurnB, -wife- of-Eugene Pmnp N. JACKSON, port spent Sunday vntH'relativesatlidi Coroners' tecs Tirallenf; .~ Treasurer. Election expenses •/...9,0110 00 Burns of Englishtown, died of convul•oust Point...:, Stationery..?........... 1,000 00 sions on Saturday, May 9th, aged twenty at very reasonable prices. Buy a cage of Claret; it is" Isaac Britton is etill sick at his home Printing and advertising 4.500 00 SHORE ELECTRIC CO., .' - 1,500 00 years. She-had 82 convulsions during on-Broad street. He is suffering with Incidentals.. Friday and Saturday. She leaves a hus- KfeD BANK, Dlitcount-nnd Interest on temporary very inexpensive. Claret makes one of the most;reNEW JERSEY. carbuncleB. ; loans 4.000 00 band and one child about a week old. Joseph G. Quinn of New York spent Surplus fund, principal ana Interest.... 4,050 12 The child will be adopted by Mr. and HARBV p. CHANDLER, CHARLES 8. HAMNEII freshing drinks for these" hot days. 91.830 CO Sunday in Red Bank as the guest of Bridges and cukeru • . Secretary. Superintendent.. Deal take bridge 28,000 (fl Mrs. Perrine of Englishtown. Charles Lamb. • Freehold and Matamn turnpike 6,000 CO Miss Lalage Bunn of New York spent Asbury Fort and Long Branch atone We have a new thing for the American market: a Mrs.Elixa Wells. *'•';. 30,000 00 Sunday with Her sister, Mrs. A. H. Bor- road.... Mrs. Eliza Wells, widow of William Koyport armory rent „ ;.. 200 00 den of Shrewsbury. Monmoutti Memorial hospital 2,600 00 W. Wells of Freeholdr died at thehome genuine French Apple Cider. It is sold reasonable, J. C. Or. Hupfel of New York is now EugllahMwu and Manalapan road 4,561.00 of her son-in-law, John F. Sanford, at at his summer home on the river bank, East Orange, on Sunday of last week, only 25 cents a bottle. \ Total appropriations '.. $380,21112 opposite Red Bank.. • 19,182 12 aged 77 years. Her death was caused Miss-Maude Wood of New York city Estimated Income....V... by consumption. She leaves no children. To be raised by taxation $301,029 CO is visiting her brother, J. W. Cornwell, on-Eiversido avenue , . r_ Frank Geary of Hoboken and Charles Annie McCormackiUauglitefftf^JameS aklDffpowilerisfltirred Fiedler of New York spent Sunday with IN BUSINESS F b R HIMSELF. with a little water, cornea from McCormack of Holindol, township, died other baking powders. It Indicates friends in Bed Bank. of heart failure, resulting from diptberia, alum or lime adulteration. It 13 The Misses Quinn of New York city Richard Arnold Starts In In the on Sunday of last week. She died while are spending a few days with Mrs". J. Mantel Business In Xetc l'orl:. We have a very.complete stock, containing about sitting in a chair. She was seventeen Not Smelted In F. Quinn of Herbert street. Richard Arnold, who is well known to years of age. ' ". Charles Lamb of New York city has many people of Monmouth county, has Keyatar so tested, because Keystar all the imported and domestic Cheeses, Pickled Pigs' Mrs. Catherine Canary. > Is always pure and sweet and therebeen assisting George B. Lamb & Co.gone in business in New York for himtore makes tbe most delicious and during his brother's sickness. self. For many years Mr. Arnold was " Mrs. Catherine Canary died at the wholesome foods. For health's sake Feet, German Sausage, Deviled Crabs, Lambs' Tongues, William Steele, a traveler for Carter's the representative for this part of the home of her daughter,, Mrs. Thomas better test Keystar baking powder. inks, is spending a week with his mother, country for Kirtland, Andrews & Co., Burk, at Marlbpro, on Friday, May 8th. ATGH0CER9: , Russian Caviar, Eilletts; etc., etc. ' . Mrs. MatMa 8teele of Little Silver. mantel manufacturers of New York city. Her exact age was'not known, but it is Miss Louise E. Fisher, who lives east Mr. Arnold superintended putting man- thought that she was nearly 100 years Quarter-pound cans, 13c. Half-pound Vans, 22c. • -of Red Bank, on the river, is visiting tels in the houses of Messrs. Hupfel, old. . One-pound earn; ' 40c. relatives in Winsted, Connecticut. Philbrick.Qillig, Wagner, McCfure, and James SI. Havden. '] : Money hrick if wanted._ 8. S. SagueB spent Sunday at his home in most of the other fine houses in this .James M. Hayden, a veteran of th;e on Wallace streot. • He is now a general neighborho6d. He recently left the firm Factory:. Red Bank, N . ' J . war, died of heart disease at Long ' agent of the American tobacco company. of Kirtland, Andrews •& Co., and about late Branch j last Wednesday. He wasja, Mrs. John Sagues has moved from six weeks ago he started in the mantel bachelor and was 70 years old. He had l-WaUac*.-street tathpiiojnej3l_hex_sgo -and-tile business on-l3i3-own account. lived at Long Branch for sixteen year*:!^. Milo, on White street, near Broad street. His partner in the business'is William William T. Speer, formerly superin- Wilson, one of the oldest architects and Mrs. Catharine DuBois. ' tendent of thePaterson electric railroad, carpenters in .New York, who has fitted Mrs. Catharine DuBois, wife of John - 32 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. up many of the handsome banks and is visiting hie sister, Mrs. M. P. SherDuBois, died at Freehold last Wednesother publio and private buildings in day of paralysis, aged 74 years. She man. 9 • » Harry Miller, Charles Broken, Charles New York city. Their place of business was stricken on the previous Sunday. Calis, Albert Phillips, Jr., and MissLydia is at 43 East Fifty-ninth Btreet, in Now Sho leaves a husband and eight children. Waller of Eatontown have bought new York city, nnd they will deal in grates, fireplace fixtures, etc., as well as in wood, William B. White. . bicycles. "•-.•• . tile and slate mantels. Mr. Arnold made William B. White died of peritonitis , , H , p . White and E. C. Richards of the 1 hi3 first business trip to Bed Bank on Newark '.branch of the Prudential insur- Monday and secured several orders for at Long Branch on Friday, May 8th, aged 40 years. He was a member of the ance company spent Sunday with W. H. mantels. , _ Knights of Pythias and leaves a widow All persons, young or old> rich or poor, sick or well, should, at this ' Houston. and into children. Miss Annie Reilly of. Pearl street will season of the year, take regularly 'some kind of simple* medicine, which •be married in June to David Leroy, an PATRICK LEO FINED 83. will remove bad humors, invigorate the system ahd ^. engineer employed by the Roberts boiler Subscribe" for THE RED BANK company. Be ll'«8 l>rIIiifc a n d Sirore at the TER- -$1.50 per year.—Adv. PURIFY THE BLOOD, Edward S. Allaire has gone to New Hethodist fJonnvegation. Kingston, Delaware county, New York, Patrick Leo of Oceanic was drunk on BIRTHS. for the reason that agreat many diseases have their origin from impure blood. on a busi.iess and pleasure trip. He will Sunday night. He was driving into Red CASLEK.—At Port Monmoutb, on Tuesday, Muy An ounce of prevention ia worth a pound of cure, and the best, cheapest and Bank from Leedsville and he ran .into 1MB. Mrs. Charles easier, ol a dauRhtcr. Alex L. Pach, the press representative Hubbard's bridge and broke his wagon. most economical medicine to use to prevent disease by purifying the blood is LITTLE.—At Fair Haven, on Sunday, Mayjrtli, of the Star theater of New York city, is He mounted the horse and rode into Hed Mis. William Little, ol a daughter. spending a few diys in town "with his Bank on horseback. He made a dis- SODEN.-At TiDton Falls, oa Tuesday. Mjy^lx'tli, father, Morris Pach. '• AUNT MARY'S SARSAPARILLA, turbance in Bcveral places in town, and Mrs. Frank Soden, of a daughter. Thomas Davis, Jr., has rented the Gas- finally rode up to the Methodist church an article which must not be confused with similar preparations containMARRIAGES. ton Blay house at Fair Haven for a term just ns the services closed, He sat on of three years to William Arris of New Iris horse while the people were coming BUTLER-ItOCKUFFE.-At Jersey City, on Weding sarsaparilla, but the only gemdne Aunt Mary's SarsapariUa, winch ia: nesday, May 18tti, liylier. Frederick E. Mort!K»-r. . York, who will shortly occupy it, prepared only by • . put of church and a large crowd of the Hattio L. Butler, formerly of Rod Itauk, und S. L. Lawson, managing editor of church congregation wne soon gathered. Miss Adrian A. RocVliffo ot Jersey City. Reuter's press company, together.with He stopped two or three men who were DWYKR-RYAN.—At Red Bonk, on Wednesday, Cor his family, are Bpendingtho summer at driving by in wagons and he cursed May lath, by Ror. J. A. Reynolds, Miss • Minnie Dtvyer of SlirewsTjury anil L. J. Ilyan of Ilumson. Mrs, 0 . G. Fowler's, on Rector place. everybody in the neighborhood. Mar- HAVILAND-EMEaT.-At Newark, on Sundny, Mr. and Mrs. Ci'L. Hollywood of Lake- shal Wnleh was sent for, and Leo gal- May ltlth, Mrs. E. Huvlland and WlUlain Emery, at 50 cents per bottle. Give this medicine a trial. The beneficial results wood have been spending a few days loped up Broad atreot. He stopped bjth of Oceanic. which will surely follow will satisfy you that your money was well invested. with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mat- again at Leroy place, and was there cap- SMITH—LAIRD.—At Loni Drniit'li, on Thundny, • tliew Hollywood Of Washington street. tured by Marshal Wnlah. He was taken May 14th, by Rev. H. It. UoWnson, SIto Mally Smlili The Jonathan W. Cooper place on the beforo Justice Child and fined $3 forot Virginia and Bummoruotd laird of Long ilr.uidi. SOFINEIDEIl—EDWARDa.—At Lonfr Branrli, nn Itumson road, adjoining the John Hone swearing in the streets. Saturday, May Oth, by nor. A. B. Hermitn, Mnry, place, has been rentodjsy Allaire & Son daughter of John Bclmolder uf Dnmchport, nnd to B. Guerson Opponheim of Now York William H. Edwards ot Long Branch. City. Shrewsbury's Public School. HEATHS. Invitations have been issued for tlio During the school month just ended, AYRES.—M Jeraoyvlllo, on Sunday, May 10th, marriagoof Miss Annie Wnite, daughter tho Infant sun of James II. Ayrra. of Daniel W. White, to J. S. Throqk- tho nverngo nttonilanco nt tho public BURNS.—At Ensll8htown, on Saturday. Mny Oth, inorton, Jr., which will tako placo on school was 84. The pupils who ntood Einmn, wlfi) ot Kuiiono Burns, ngrd 'X years. highest in thpir respective grades in reciThursday, May 28th. CANAHY.—At Marlboro, on Friday, Jununry till, Miss Delia McConity of New Mon-tations and in deportment wero as. fol- Mrs. Catlierino Canary. mouth and William Flood will be mar- IOWB : COE.—At Mata«on,on Saturday, JloyWli, li«|!i, A ftmuo-Llly Hurly, 08; NclllDftitphon.oa; Isn- Infant daughter, ot William A. Coo. ' ried at the, homo of tho bride noxt wcok doroWnllUig, M; Susie Hurley,»l; l.ucllln Oroon, DliBOIB.—At Freehold, on Wwlnosdny, May Will, by Rov, J. O'Connor. Tho banna wero ). Prices Greatly Reduced. wife of John DuDols. agod 7« yiaira, 11 publiRhcd in St. James's church on Sun- n vnulo—Benin Qrcoti, 81); May Bullion, 88; Catlmrlno, monllu and 17 daya. Brcwlo Hurlrv, U\ Aanai Donnelley, 7H. day.. CABBAGE. FIOROLAS'D.—At I'ort Monmoutli, on ftatuntny, O Krailo-l'loniiicn Wlillo, H2; Wllllo Butphon, 74; Caleb Patteroon, who ia now in busi- Rachol (irwu.iO-, LUy l'ottornon, TUj Joiwpli Kcal- Mny ICIII. Mrs. Christian Klonlland, ngod IKI yenra. Itai-ly' Jrrnnv WnKeflolil, Knvly Kxprcrm* ness in Red Bank, but whoso family in Inr, (14; UurarutbirxuD.Ull. IMHTStlOHNK.-Near Kro«hoW,on Krldiiv, Muy 1W.83O.! 1,000,11.50. Casoy, 70; F.iimm llurloy, 74; Ella 8th, William llartahorno, ngod Kl yoani. living at Atlantic Higldands, walked P11Icmilo—Kntln Crtt'ly A l l HPIUI, Hnulnrnon'a HIICCOHRIOII* U ) , 711; Volllo ('iisoy, Ti; Ado (Irani, 71, NccortM AOK.—In Holmdel townslilp, on fliiniiuy, 1»I,'J3O.! 1,000, »i.W. from Red Bank to that placo on Sunday IMIIUMW UaylMh, Aunlo. daughter of J amis iicCorinai'k, to mnko a visit to His family. TOMATO. I'lnitKnulo—(Iliarlra Olire, WO; Frank llonlen, Hflj nged. 17 yoara nnd 0 montlin. Mlns Hattio L. Butler, eldeiit daughter J.CoUcy, Hit; Omllur[«sr,H7l llBrryMcCimnaoli,H8; oanoitM,-At Mlddlolown, on Friday, May lfilli, of John W. Butler, who for many yours Myrft 1tonklliiK, W) j Mnry Covert, 7S. flnrah, widow uf EzmOfilioni, BKOII (HI years. Mllcluill'h Karly. IHtx.. iocs UK». Wte.j I,lH»),»3.«l. 4)nUKnHlu-(lortl«HiialIor,8tl; llnroliljolinnon. lived in Red Bunk, and wlio moved to HoiFrnnkMi'Cimnnck.llll; »MO(1K.-At Kcyiwrt, on Tliundar, May lltli, D n n r r t l l i n i n p l o i i . 1>M,, 10c; 100, 50c, 1,000. UWHIII Vwney, Hit: Hadlo Martin V, B. Hmocli, ngiHl CD years ami 0 miiutlis. W»I Jerney City'about eight yonru ngo, wnn B8; BiiKiirtim, Hjt; Jolin Hii(jiirtiin, "0; I.lliUlo llurloy, 76; 1'iirniruii. DM., loci lin.soc.i l.Ooii. |l.oo, WIIITE.-At t/)nn Ilrancli, on Friday, Mny nth, married Innt Wednesday to Adrian A. Ituy Jolinwiii, 71). Wlllluni II. Wlillo, rnjwl W yooni, Truukvr'n IMIVOIIIC, Urn.., iocs KM,73c, ItooklliTo of that plnco., WKMA,—Attaint Oranoo.ofi Sunday. May HNIi, Mlso Lilian Taylor wiled OH Monday To d o to Denver. If you lmvo beon geltliiK yimr Ellzn,"ivlilow of Wlllluni Wrthof rnxilialil, niriil 7? EGG PLANT. from rhlliululphinwitli her father, Citpt. Tlio imtloiml council ot Aiuorlcnn Mc- ynars. and Liquor/i uliwwheru, nnd nro woll ji Taylor, on tlio wthooiier Ohnrlon JAW- uiianicn will inwt nt ilenvor, Colorado, niillaflcd willi thn (juality and ]iricoii, It in Alli>til-iir<nrn N«w Vailt lnrlivrt ronoc. 81m will go to Hlchmonil nnd on Juno Kith. Among tliu Now Jowcy poor policy to CIIIIIIK<'. > Knrly ltwuiul thofico to Newport, and will return to Uiik'HiiUn nre P . Hull l'noltor of HoaHut If yoiuiro/iotllioroiiglilywitliiflcil, Rod Bank in nbout n month, or if you wnut noiiii'thliiK »|'i'oiully good, bright, V, 0, Htorlii>K of Freehold, W. J. PEPPER. W. B, Golf, u former rouldont of Rod Huiytiiu of Long ltrniieli nnd II. II, wo would lilto you to Kiv" «» " trlnl. Dank, who wan engaged for iiomo timu Wiilinvrlghl of MnimiK|iian, Tlic Now Every liottlc of lt'lnoor IAnitnr tlutt Hull NoiMl IHirrtt MMihlnln), Itllliy K l n u . In till) drug ImoliiuitM nt l'lnlnlleli), in JcrMcy dclcuntrn will go In n npccinl cur, linr.., wif ,i lm), fn.fiu. Invvd our nloro IH /{iiiiriiiili'cd now umployed In J. J. Kcoil'ii drug "toro wlileli will leave Jonwy City Juno intli, tl Thoro's Nothing; Bettor VINE1.ESS or BUNCH SWEET POTATO m.ntrk<tna). nt Bt-ubrlKlit. Mr, (Julfii health liroko Wo nro jiwt mi careful (if tlin loivotit down and ho to null liln drue titoront Cor a Koof. It's Durable. priced Kooim nn wu art' of tho lilgliont, A Ynnt lumrnvniHMit mum tlm u\i\ ntyl« ot llwvot Potnto, mut vury mut-li moro prulUaMo, Tlio tlnm, Th^Unrn of IVijictNnpklwi. I'liiliifli'lilnnil pro to lVniiiiylviiiila forliln Tlutt Ifl ono of tlio ro/uioMfi why wo rotnlrt Vuwr nnjiliirm urn now liclnif liir^cly health, wlicru IIO npont tuiarly a year. It'fl' Fireproof, Snowproof, our pntroiiH. II A GREAT "'•-• BARGAIlCl For This Week. Only $160 for Our Engraving,-^ G"bpd & C Fischer Upright Piano, i ' ]!.' . F. F. SUPP, R. A. TUSTINC, Cheapest Ot All Lights! and Liquors, ALES AND BEERS. NASTY SMELL [ DELICATESSEN, _^ *irKLES & CLAY, Leavens Most.-J Always P u r e . ' - t ^BAKING- i I " For The Blood Is The Life." t POWDER^ COOPER & SNEDEN, Are You Satisfied? I iiHoil for tlui nerving of light nifrfinliinciilii at luwn nartlcn, chnroli iiunliihlcH, unil nt Mr*. Clayton Doll* a Lot. (ihllilronn jmrtlcii. They nro linpoitwl Vlio vaeimtj lot owned by Mm. (leoffto )nrK"ly from Jnpun mill (iro UHimlly (Clliiylon, on Hhruwnburv nvomie, mtnr iiriittlly colored mid IlKnrnd. They cixit than IniiiulrylnK tin- rcKtihir liiion 1 (crlHttt ntrcot, win milil lutit lt'rldny by l l'VAhulo Wlilto to John V. llnycn or Now nitpklnn, IIKIUKIII 0,UUU(i( nxlrnquality York, Mr, llnyc'n 1»ftbrother of Mini •m)Mir imtililim dint wcok. 1 nm (idling llayun, wlio krofm n notion utoro on them nt ISO (lonhi to Hi) cotitn u Imnurcl; tliltn n hlinilrwl »t {I cnhlii to (I cctitn (lluwtnut ntrwt. Ill) paid |Ii(K) <;nnh for Icin adowin. Jolm II. C k l d tho Jot, Waterproof and proof iigaiimt ovorything that a rooC oiigJiit not to lmvo. JOHN DUGAN, RED BANK. NKW JERSKY. Wo Imvo noiiio pretty particular <:luitouiorn I Wo plcmw them, nnd WII know wo Can plrnho you, too. J. J. ANTONIDES, No. »0" Front Btm>t, near llrond, ItBU BANK, - NKW JKIIHKY, _ | . | ^ . , I . . . . . . A t . _ _ ^ _ . . 1 . . . _ . * _ . 4 1 . * . . ^ L . . . * .. t . . . . * . t i l - . - . « . . t - t . 1 . I k A . A .. _ k . . I « • « A . . I . L utiOilii.ltulitinnil, Ono utiiittnriiftii wrlftmr " I t f» tinrtaldl/ (ttaririniift iwnflt notnfo In Htn w^rM, Tin) jt1t>U\ U *\mr>1f tnvrmoil* ( morti limit ilirnbh t i n t o f ntiv oltujrumul iioliitti t l m i f o v r r u r o w tinfnrc. I'roitnltn four lit (In (iilwA out n<w t kiovru \<i * *tt)t ^mrfmnn «»ii m*nr uuinr a u i i m , o tn DnUWRri, wliti ni»k«« A «[M)nUlty o f It, Til? LOYETT CO., Little Silver, N. J . The Chafing Dish. II m i the early evening gloom, The flickering taper's yellow light Made goldca shadows in the room -' And on the,table polished bright. oiks offen tho deok Into the surf." Baxton. stared at tho paper before him. My God I He bad beard of tbo Bucephalus boforo. Truo, ho was not born until years after ;hls torrlblo event, yet tbe moraory of it mi poisoned allot his mother'sromalnlng lays. "Baxton, the Buoephalus murderir/' he had heard somebody say In hla 'athor'a lifetime, but until tonight he lever know, the- moaning of tho words. And hero, on the very Bcono of the horror,tho BOU of its author was domiciled under thlr6o1)rnr"whllfl~ot"thttt~lpng~lost~ship£Yondor Its flgurehoad mooked'bim with staring eyes. BLOOD C U i g D l I N C , I S N ' T I T 7 Oath, Used bu Peaceful Goehenitcs When They Are Real lUcked, WHITE &KNAPP, For the accommodation of the adiei, a waiting room hat been rovided, cohere they may meet 'rtenit, rett, write lettert, etc You are cordially {netted to use hoe rooms at any time. The People's Shoe When the country about Port Jorvls, N. T., was,excited about the Snyder poisonlug case, n long, lean, loathor-vlsoged chap went Into Goshon to buy some things "at tho store." .Tho clerk was discussing tho tragedy with anothor customer and gave a Her frock was brave with furbelows, most' exaggerated account of the oaso, 1 Such as in vignettes quaint we seo, winding up with tho remark: , •" Of maids who ruffles donned and bows "And thoy eay'sho looks liko Mrs. Halt liday, who ktllodi-hcr husband oyerto.tho toot of the Shawangunk mountains?' A musio weird the flames song low, We had made to order for our customers a line of ladies'common The dish seemed tiny caldron fine, The lean ohap was from "over Shawan-. JWbve tho taiwlo fire's soft glow gunk way" himself, and ho understood Its antique silver all ashine> sense, soft, Oxford ties, with low heels, which are easy and serviceable. "Thohulllsbrenklngup!" I t l s n o l o n - tho comparison. He listened, open-raouthAs in enchanted years of old gcr tho fisherman's houso, but tho oabia id, nnd then slapping his ofl leg bo exilnlmod suddenly: , Were philters steeped in mystic way, Prices, ^1.25 and | i ; 5 o . . if a sinking ship. See how tho timbors By Circes fair, with locks of gold,"By ginger eprucol" Btraln nnd wrench nB the keel pounds on Love potions yielding magic sway. It may look vory slraplo, but to hear tho tho romofsoless sand; hear how tho wavos Pointed toed ones, 59 cents, 75 cents, $1.00, $1.25 to $3.00. . hundor on tho deok above, aa though to expression In poaooful Goshon with that So Polly, at the fall of night, orusb tho trembling fabrlo; llston to tho lean ohap's omphasls lsonough to give a With wondrous secret none may tell. It will pay-you well to trade at oiir«tore. . . . Browed her rare potions of delight, oreaking of the ovorstraiuod timbers. Tho niarra turn. Upon Inquiry, I learned that And charmed us with a fairy snell. wntor Is slowly rising yonclor, whoro tbo tho 1oath or whatever you may choose to cabin floor Is lowest. Who aro those-that oall It Is a popular ono in the oountry crowd down tho oompanlonway—women about.thoro, bohig tho proper thing to Bay THE BUCEPHALUS. indor most olroumstattoa if emphasized scantily clad, terror in thoir oyos, thoir . hands blooding, their naked foot raw from properly, oontoot with tho oruol ropesf Ono la an Thus by getting tho pressure upon tho No snipe shooting tomorrow, sir." ropor word or tho propor syllablo of tho Tho ofBoor ot tho llfo putrol paused with aged gontlewoman who leans feobly on " Whoso has sixpence is soverelgn.'to the length of sixpence, over all men." proper word a man oan oxpless joy, sor- 4 y lighted lantern on his arm, his sou'wostor tlio Hhotililur of a young man; her gray hair streama over her brows, her dim oyos row, amazement, angor, disdain, irony, And he who rides a Columbia is sovereign (to the limit of Columbia possibilities) over all other buttonod' oloso up to his throat nnd tho look with a mothor's tender love on her and so on. peak of his oilskin onp pulled far down son's resoluto young faoo. All theso poor bicyclists. And the possibilities of a Columbia are almost unlimited. It lords it over all. .. EveryIt is history in Goshon,.for instanoo, < > over his woather bonton faco and.passod oroaturca aro chilled with oxposuro, weak that whou Caso Salomo was ohosen oonthing that enters into\Columbia construction' has to run the gauntlet of our complete Department ont Into tho night. With suffering, Two of tho women lead, stablu ho pricked up his ears and oxclalmof Tests,.and with the aid of the most skillful mechanics and artificers in metals, the product is the As ho opened the door a gust of wind anothor oarrles a child. "Better to drown oa, "By ginger epruool" with thoforooon strongest, lightest and most beautiful bicycle ever built. It is applied wisdom to buy ,. pwopt tho knob from bis grasp, dashed tbe hero," Bays ono uittorly, "than to freozo to tho "glngor," nnd that when Alook Moframework against tho wall of tho cham- death on dock." (Baxton does not hear Leod's Maryaoooptod Zod Tolnpklns he those words, but ho socs tho lips move and oraoked his hools togothor nnd said tho ber and extinguished the fllokorlng oil knows what thoy aro saying.) Thon tho samo thing, tho emphasis luoreaslng right lamp that mado shift to rondcr visible Ujo little group huddlos oloso together in tho up to "spruco" and hauglng on there till doiknoBS of tho room. . W. gloom, the mothers gather their chlldron Zod lost his breath. Cloronco Baxton hastily fnstonod tho to their broasts, and ono, an anolont genPerhaps I cannot illustrate hoKortho .door after tho retreating flgnro, rollghted tlowoman, prays sllontly as she looks popularity and. force of this expression tbo lamp and sat down on tho SOB chest, hands with tho stripling. " I pray thoe, O than to relate that whon a Bterooptloon Whloh served as a obair and a bod. A JPathor, if it be thy will, take me and spare went to Goshou a short time ago and gave Btrango plaoo It was, this bohohooinber'a him." • • * a show "up In the hall" each pioturo was oabln. Timbers from ovory ship that had grootod by a united "By ginger spruoel" Now the pale lips of tho woman ore Btlll, coiuo ashore on Coffin boaoh thoso 50 years from every man, woman and child present, woto woven Into Its heterogonoous framo- her head sinks on hor breast and tho son tbo showman having clloltod an outburst tjoric._jJero_n part of yteanishlp^si dook- rises with the torrlblo ory (Baxton cannot -of delightand amazombnt uhoqualedJiharfl hoUBC, thord o stanoHon fioni the sturdy hoar that bry7But"h*6~soortlia"lnan'rnwful- since Silly Bill Askin got some monoy ' bull of Bomo Jong forgotten merchantman, oyosand knows what ho sayi), "Mymothor from an unolo out west and treated eyory Th'e handsomest catalogue ever issued tells fully of Columbia, and of Hartford bicycles—$30, $00, $50—next is dead!"' Then-the waves pound harder yonder the patched wainscoting ot a dip ono to nn oyster supper. best to Columbia. The book is free; . ; ' ..'•... per ship's onoe gorgeous cabin—oheek by on tho deok, tho timbers shrink and creak Jowl theBe relics of departed pride stood and groan, tho fabrlo lifts and falls with A H o gO r c h e s t r a . ' llko monuments of the dead pnBt In some dull,.torrlblo thuds—itjs high tldo—the Bhlp Is breaking up. Although It is day strange nnutlonl oomctory. During tho reign of Louis X I of Franoo the oabln grows darker and darker. Tho Outsldo tho gnlo raged with increasing there was attnened to his oourt ono Abbot fury. Low though it sat botweon the sand water rises hlglior. Baxton must eavobim do Balgno, a man of considerable wit. Tho dunes, tho solid walls of the hovel trembled self. He-staggers aoroes.the heaving floor abbot was Bomowhot musically inoUned nnd rocked under tho lmpnot of tho blast whore mother and son He dead In eaoh and dollghted the court; with Inventions ol like a ehlp in a heavy Bon, Suoh a spring other's arms, reaobos tho oompanlonway, odd musloal Instruments. One day tho storm had not been soon on tho oonEt for gains tho deok—and thon, boforo him, king, aftor having enjoyed a hearty laugh years—not since tbn night (as a veteran over the shatterod bulwarks, to whloh ovor ono of theso ourlous oontrlvanoes and told afterword) when tho ollppor ship Bu- cling half a hundrod miserable, drowning desiring to bafno this musical gonluB, cephalus came ashore way baok in tho creatures, looms a great towering wall of oomniandod him to produce harmonious gray groon water. _ Lashed to tho mlzzen AND flftleaJiLthaBng!o_over_there thojprowof. shrouds, the oaptaln7Ttrumpot~ln~hand;7 Bounds-from-tho-Olios ^f hogs. This seemthis VOBSOI formed a sort ot oomerstonofor Booa not the coming nvnlanoho—h!»glunco cd on Impossibility to tbo king, and ho tbo strange struoture, and tho horso In tho rests only on . the fnco that is emerging prepared himself to onjoy tho'dlscomfltaro figurehead statod at Baxton with tho from tho companion way—-Baxton'sfnco. of tho abbot. Muoh to bis surprise, howAT THE sightless eyes of an eniblom of doatb. Casting off tho ropo that holds him to this over, tho abbot readily agreed to produce Ho would hove been puzzled to oxplaln plnco.of safety, with livid stare and blaz- them. All ho roqulrcdwas a Bum of mon Why he fold so strangely, loft alono in this ing eye, ho points straight at Baxton. oy, lipon rooelpt of whloh ho declared hi AT dozy cabin. Baxton was not a suporsti would Invent the most surprising thing "See, eoo," he orlos, "thomarderor Box tlous man, nor one given to sentlmcnta ever heard in tho way of musical atrocity. ton I Cursos on you—cursos on you— vagaries or emotional weaknesses, and ours™ I" In a eocond It Is ovor. The monHo eoourod tho oouutry and seoured a yot, as the door swung to after tho officer strous hill of water, the double wavo that largo numbor of hogs, trying their voioos lie felt for a momont a strange and unao marks tlio flood tldo, strikes tbe chattered as to pltoh and quality, and finally, havRed Bank,~N. J. countable thrill, a ohllliog of tho blood, ship a full, fair blow, mounts as high as Wharf Avenue, a consciousness of something outsldo of tho yar'iliirm, dear over tho desks, shatters ing fully satisfied himsolf, he arranged the animals In a sort of pavilion rlohly dooobis spboro of lnfluonoo, superior to his tho weakened hull to fragments and boars, powor of oontrol, that was gradually but down urnbt nnd bowsprit In ono common rated. Tho day ef tho trial arrived, and sorely working its will around and about ruin, amid an awful grinding and crush- the king and his oourt entered tho pavilhim. Tho feollng was not one of four. ing and a splintering of timbers,. ^Thon ion proparod for something, but greatly In with What indeed was he to bo afraid off Sure- rises a grent shriek t h n t . j ' ; ^ ™ w h e a v ~ doubt ns to tho succoss of the abbot : tho hogs. * , ly not of tho Btorm, for be wns oozlly n o r o w e I t h 0 1 88 But0 boused. Not of thloves or marauders, for When Polly, with her eibyl eyes, . A sweeter lassie none could wiBb, Brewed In a way demurely WJBO Elch dainties lathe chafing dish. lomfort" for Weary Feet! W H I T E S KNAPE, 1 BICYCLES. Broad Street, Red Bant N.J. , .'.,••••• Standard of t h e World. SlOO to all alike. W. A. COLE, Agent. Land Plaster* May iillinerjf Sale! Newest Season's Goods Half-Priced. Paris Green Bee Hive, Newark, THOMAS P. BROWN'S, If You Want to Creaihf'aif d ° '° ' V J a s 6 v iiph to trio surprisenni»iifl>. ^ W i f o f W f i g 6oothe of wators, nnd th S l l v i' -' Sing, theycommenced to ory what, thon, waTilbatufitFiBlr It wnB all wavO pnssos on, leaving naught to toll th haiiiiomousl) and In good tuno, rondorlng JUUisenEO, ho suid—ho was not afraid at fntoof tho BucophalusBdVo a fow soattorcd ' an nlr thnt was fairly rooognlzod. Tho aboil. spars, a fow bntturcd corpses (ghastly play- bot had arrangod n sprlos of stops that woro oounootod with tho hogs, and upon Baxton shlverod as ho throw anothor things of the tide) and—that Is all. pulling ono of them out onused a splko to piece of driftwood on tho llro and drew prlok tho hog it oonnootod with, 'making closer to tho groon bluo blaze of tho coppo Tho following Is from The Dally Rocord hjm squoal bis noto. Thorost was easy, for stained timber that oast fantastic, many of April 28, lgtiu: by pulling out tho different stops ho prohuod shadows on tho rough walls. ''Ni "A strango accident hmiponcd at Coffin duced the tuno. ' going linok to tho inuinlauO tonight," hi Boaoh oh l'rlday lust. l i r . cinronco Baithought as tho pioturo of tho storm liisha tou, u well known New VTorkor, went . bay rasa beforo hie mind, and he silently down on Thursday for a hit of snipo shoot. Mr. W h i t e ' s R e c e p t i o n . objurgated tho soorotary of tho treasury ing, oxpooting tu return that night. PreTho Clnolnnatl Commercial Gazette Bays who hud'promulgated the order forbidding vented from doing so by tho storm, ho Jibe llfo snvlug niou to ontortulu guosts In sought rofugo In a flshorman's cnbin on that whon ox-Congressman Whito was In Washington ho nnd his wlfo deoldoil to their cozy stntlouB. tho bunch, where tho life patrol loft him glvo a rccoptlon nnd soDt out Invitations Tlio Bon ohest wns filled with old news- nt 10 o'clock hi tbo evening, oDUifortably reading, "Mr. and Mrs. Whlto roquest tho papers, tho ollicer had said, with which hi housed and provided with light nnd fuel. ploasurq of your comnauy," pto. It hapxnlght porhups while away mi hour. H The tido rose Lo mi oxtrnordlnnry holglit pono'd that Assoclato Juatlco Whlto of Loulifted tlie 11(1. Yes, go it was; prints run (luring the night, so much so thnt'(ho flood Islnun and Sonntor IVlilte of California Ding buok for many yonra tied up and la wnvo (as the lust wnvo of the high tldo is wore promlnont lu tho suoloty of tho capibelod In a crumped handwriting—that of called) swept olenr over tho sand dunes tal and thoro was nothing in tho InvitaCalamity Dick's, probably, the fisherman that line tho beach, ovorwhulmod tho oab- tions to Indicate which of tho throu Whites who, until his denth Just yoar, hml ooou- in and swopfc it out to eon, carrying with eont thorn out. Thoy woro sont out uroadplod 1MB eabln slnoo no mini romembornd It tho unfortunate gontlomnn, whoso body cast. F.voryono lu tho"offlolal oirolos" of whou. Turning lliom over, linxtou BIIW wns cast up on tho shoro by tho returning Washington sooloty wns lnoludod. Tho that tlio puokuts oontalued clippings do- tldo nuxt morning. Not n vestige of tho result was that ovorybody wont to thorolorlptlvo of the wreoks on this mmo stretoli cnbjn ruiniiiuod suvo tho flgurehoad of a ooptlon. Tho onst, tho west and tho south «f sand, oalltid Cuflln heaoh—" Cemetery ship whloh formed n part of tho struotura woro fully roprosontod. Whon tho guosts boach would bo hotter,'' Baxtou though it'IsourlouB to noto that tho Buoooedlng orrlvod, somo thought thoy woro calling on as ho surveyed the yellow bundles. "Dark obb tldo, whloh wns an oxtromoly low one, tho assooiato justloo, others thought thoy Excelsior, Juua, 1843," read ouo, "!)i exposed upon tbo bench tho hull of a largo woro tho gunuts of tho California senator, drowned, a saved;" "Ship Androiimolw, Ship, supposed to bo tho roinalns of tho anil a-comparatively small portion woro January, 1848, 28'drowned, nono saved," ollppor Bucephalus, which wns wrookod on awaro that they woro nttondlng tho recep' rend anothor; '"Ship Harold, 10 drowned, the Bands sonio 40 yonrs ago. Thodooonsod tion of Congressman Whlto of Clovoland. V 4 invod;" "Clipper Vnngunrd, 80 drowned, was tho son of tho Into H. B. Baxton, a It was a orusb. But ovorybody wns woll IS saved,", nnd so on through ii pile of promluont merchant of this olty " plonsod with tho results of tho gonornl packages that rouohed knuo high as he laid nilsapprohonslon that provailod. Thoy JtbDjii ou the door, Nwir the bottom was n woro woloomod royally, and whon It was larger burnilo labeled, "Clipiior Buooplmnil ovor and Mr. Whlto was laughing over R a c e Characteristics. lus, March, 1850, 129 drowned, 4 wwotl.' thonffalr ho roniarkod, "Woll.Iwantod a When) had ho heard of that shipF "liu Tho porsoniflod devil baa bad many crowd, and I hail ono.' cophnlus—Buouphhhm," lie ropoutod ra quooretorlos told rogordlng hlmBolf nnd fioatlvely to hlniBolf. "Oh, yes, tho ship his doings, but it la doubtful it thoro is a tho old ilgurohond oamo tram," and he be moro curious ouo than that known to tho Two S t a n z a s Omitted. gnu to untie the dusty nnokugo. But slowly It came baok to him thnt ho bad heard tho name beforo ho came to Coffin lionoh. "Where?" Aalionskodlho question a iiowHpupor. bonrlnu tho dutu 1850 lay spread before him nnd hla uyi rested on thin uuoounl: "Clipper ulilp UuoeiiliulUB, Llver-puul to IN'UW York, /inherit on G'nllln lliiuoh, April Sill, Tlio 111 fubuil vuwoli whluli WIIH owned by AU'Hnrn, i?, ] ! , Duxton & L'li,; —• Jj'ront Rtroet, this city, ;II1KH(II1 ilu rooUunliiK nnd run iiHhoro (in Cullln tumuli at II o'uluek In tho morning of TuiiHdny bint and lionnnio II totiil Vi'iTck. The llfo hnvlug crow nt UIIH pluco, ono of the iiiOht(laii|{iiroim points on tho count, lo not on duty at 1.11IH HIIUHOII of tho year. At 10 o'clock on llm following morning, lieforo nnytliliiK could biidnmi ti ri'fiiiuo IITii crow and p:iKKunjf<Tii, tho nlitp Wont to plnoiiM In the torrlllo mirf thiitwiui riilililng. Of thn Hhlp'a ooiii]inny NSJ Htimr U|;o pnuuoiigoru, (I eulilii |mimiiiiKohi and III of the crew wore drowned. Tliu iiooond Junto, Mr, Lalor, and throo iiiillorH rmiKi nnhoro nllve on pieces of \vri'clui|(ii—111" nolo mirvlvora of llm (HHMMII r. Tho oiipl uln, W. JJ. WilkiiiH,, iwrlnlied With hlii nlilp, Air. I/iilnr, win) WIIH mii'ii hy a oiirroiipiimlont of thin pnp«r yiuliinliiy, iitnton Hint tho viflfld'n linn w»u duo to Mm fiiot that imr oivnor Iiftd nuglnotod tu provide n propnr cliroiioiuotor, iilthoiigh rupoutudly wnrnml Of tho porll run by tlm Inok (if thlu iiniontlal Inulriiinmit, Mr, llnxtmi In iKilod mnoiitf juolrepfllllmi imtrolmiitir for hit (front WMilth and oxtromo pnrnliiioiiy. It U inliltlint tlm matter will bo Inhl liofuro tho BUthorltlM lu order Hint thn onuno of tho wnxilc may ha iboTifii/thly tlttml ami noodiit HTM plncml wlirro li Iwlongii," In peiinll noxoM tho mnrjrln of tho ollpping wn» terawltiu III Calninltjr Dlok'n amiitlxxl Mrtpt, "And 110 of'ciu ' ' M d £nlor Miy« tho cnplaln died i t s owner M (lid M M «wopt thoiu Be :,,.';-< And up-to-date, buy your clothing of me. Every _ desirable sort of a suit that you may want will be found here at a price you canH find fault tvith. The same with Hats and Furnishing Goods. If anything you buy here is not satisfactory, I will gladly return your money. . Trimmed Hat Bargains. There's no risk in buying of me. J. KRID EL, Broad Street, .. Red Bank, N. J. I l l l t pIllOIIM, l l t l l l ( U l l ) l l l i t t l l l l K U f o u r p l l K I I M rulldil nlf In n diiTimmt dlrootliin, Tlm "honil, luiriiii nnd Imrtlil bloiidiiliut nyiw" riillml (ilf lulu iiiiviiKo uoimtry, wliloli lu lutiir tlinnii wan niumid Hpnln, Tlm luiiirt, which "Hluwly piilimtml for ynurn anil at I'HIIII rlne ami fall KIIHIIOII torrontHiif bluo blank lilouil," IOIIKOII in a mountain K(irno In a ooiinlry whloh him HIIKIII limiii naiiiml Italy, Tho nloinnoli, "horrid niiiiililnii for Krlndlii|{ liifanln' lioiHifi nnd Keueratliifi iml|ihuriiuu Iliuiiim whloh wuro from tlmo tu Hum kiliihcd null hotweon tho fuiiKllko toutli," fiiiiiiil linl|[innia In (lornmny, and tho fonti, "whloh nnvnr ynt hail trodden thiiborrlil pathuof hull, hut woro cloven fur niioli awful purponmi," did not ntnp "(lor thn hreak until Limy nwilmd tlm contor of iTrAiiou, Tlio pimplii of tliomi four iltfTnroiib oi|iintrlon Iniininllnliily IICKHH to wumhlp llm Iinrln (if tlm iluvll whluli hml nllKlitod In thdlr rmpontlvn Uirrltory, mul alnnn that <li»y tlm Kimulnriin Imvu lioim linunhly; tlm Itnllnim niiiormiH| tlio (Jnnnnno «lutl<iiin "i"l ""« ""'"oh itrnnt dnnoonc' " TIHTO IHIKIIH (liTpitiirrtliiiii'l'inc liitn- Bonnets, Turtans, Round Hnt». New and richest effects for Ladies', GirlB and Chlliiren. Lots of prices less than half regular. Trimmed Hats. TRIMMED BONNETS, turbans and round hots, regular $0 to $7.76, now $4.25 FOB LADlES',Mlsses and Children,regular $3.50 to 84.50, now : S2.2B TDRBAN8.AND ROUND HAT8, regular $8.60 to ?12,no\v.... ..,., JO 2 5 HANCE & SHUTTS. Flower Bargains. FRENCH UONTURES, In all beetHave you seen our new russet shoes for $£,50 and $2.00? BEAUTIFUL foliage and fmlt effects. Pompons, Roses, Palms* And others that will do you good to see ! A good solid leather etc. HcBulnriSc, ki 60c. kinds, now I O o . 50c. to 75c. Muds, now 33o. shoe for men and boys that wears, $1.25. Men and boys' bicycle Regular Regular 80c. to $1.26 kinds, now 400. shoes and Oxford ties, russet and black, for $1.50 and upwards. Ornament Bargains. Ladies' and misses' shoes and Oxford ties, russet and black, ELEGANT EFFECTS IN RHINESTONE. Steel a n i for $1.00 and upward, styles and sizes to suit. Jet Ornaments, and regular prices 26c., 89c., 49c. Good line of tennis goods. Sale Price 9 cents! r 30 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. gloanomof niodlmvai folklore as tho "LogGray, tho poet, actually omitted two end of thoBrokon Dovil." Aooordlngto tho story, whloh Is glvon In Klnsoy's four lino stanzas from tho "Klugy." Ac- '•I3ook of European Myths" and nlso in OlefiirnV'Sknndlimvliui Volkloro," whon the ilovll WIIH want out of hoavon ho Btruolc tlio onrth nl .n plmiu In tlio .SWISH Alps whloh to this day Iroiirs tho nnmo of J)ovH'H Ijlght, JiKlKlngfriiiu tho broken plnnn In tho mountain, which Is abuut omi-lmir mllu wldo hy four nilloa long, the fall wan not only "far and swift," hut, tbo iluvll wns nprolly |(nnd «lze. Tlio ludoiitiitloii In tlm nioiintidii IH imt tlm iinly rcHiilt of thn fall (or rnlhnr (it llm "ll(jlii"), ir wu aro to belluvo thn lugund, Anonrding tu the Htory tlio poor diivll'WiiH liroluin Into four illlTur- Tho biggest and most beautiful collection of 8prlng ana Summer ityies in Trimmed Hats and Bonnets ever shown In Hie state on sale at prices often averaging naif Belling rates. The sale Includes famous Paris Model Hats, our own best, and the richest stock of trimming novelties, ornaments, flowers, etc. The price reductions are me most remarkable ever mado on such choice goods. Untrlmmcd Hat Bargains. ALL TIIE BEST 8I1APE8 AND COLORS AND BLACKS, all styles plain and fancy braids for Ladles', Misses, Children. Regular 80c. to 60c, kinds, now |7o. Regular O!>o. to 8Oo. kinds, now 280. Regular 08c. to $1.10 kinds, now.. 40o. cording to Mason, tho stanzas wore omlttod by tho poot (Just boforo tho Kpltaph) No Agents I No Branch Stores! booauxu "ho thought It was too long a pa• If nil orders enrof ully filled. ronthonls." Of the first ntanzn James lltisKell Lowell iilllrini'il tluit "Gray might run During tho months of July nnd August lil;i pun through this, but he could not oliojtr stores will close at ono o'oloclc Saturlltorato It from tho inomory of men. Surodiiys; open tlio ovening previous. ly Wordsworth Jilinsolf," oontliuiud tho We Court Competition, Wo Admire Opposition, Amnrlcnn critic, "nevnr noliliiveil a iBlinAmi Under No Condition, Will We Bttclgo from Om^Poeition pllolly of languaKu no pathetic In uniso tlon, NII IIIIIHICIII In tnovuinuiit, as thin, AS DEALERS IN The two vormis aro OH follows; Thero, Hrattercd oft, tlm ciirlU'nt of tlm yoar L. S. PLAUT & CO., Hy hiuidii uiiHeMii iiroftluiwurii uf vloltitii round. The nulhrt'iiut lovrn to build mul WIU-IIID thuro And littlo footntepfi lightly print thn [[round. Hhn Imvu \vu wtutll tho Hnininvinid nkln MAllfl Wlillu o'er tho limttlnvd liti'il, our liylrflr dm Oft mi Ih" wiioil lurk iilpiil lior rniiwell nun With wlnlful nyiH iHirniiii (lid imllliiK mill. HOIIHO o f Commons " B u l l s . " First-Class Groceries ONLY, AND PARTICUIiAHLY BUTTER, COFFEES AND TEAS. Orlnolta ColTco at IMo, per pound. l'riino Butter ut 20c. per pound, JJJJJJ Our Gold Wend Tea nt OOo. per pound. L VAN GILLUWE, / Cor. Front St. and Maple Avc. Twu rntlinr K«'™1 "luillti" nro al-trllmtoil A great many peoplo know wo keep frtiita and vcgcluulon; do you V lu tho Into Kir Ururgo Omnpbull. On ono <>o<!mil<m Jin houii oiilllij|( (il.(mi(lna In JOSEI'II «. , llm liouHo of oomnioiiii tu noiim nbiiiin In Iiidlnn iidiiiliilHtriitlini nnil iiroiiondral tu SALOOH, obiiervi) thnt hn had furtliur rnvoliitlunii to •U Went Front Htrout, iionr 1'nirl, 11ml llnuk.N.J. Dresden Ribbons iimlid (iiiiHiiirnlng ol.hor nwindalii In mm piirlniin with wti.oh thin dim wan "n ninio In iH'nutltiil coloi Inn«nnil iinitty ilralum nt oicupIlmr anil K. A M. (kilmfor'a linn lilto In the ooonn," AniiHinr Iliuo, lloimlly low |>rlicn, Wolniir llnvr nlwny» on ilmuiilit. whim n|mnkliiK about mllltiu-y nffnlntln Imlln, ini ilmilnroil tlinl "tlio |»ilu tnnnut AUK) IIARTIIOU)M\Y lUKJURIITRIl llltWl IN Kid Gloves IIOTTI.KH. tlm Jlrlllnh iioldlnr wmi thn linokhoiinot In Uto now ntmilM, licnvy PIUCIIIUKK, Innd nuiI our Indian nrniy." 707 to 721 Brond Street, NEWARK. N. J. io Feet of CREPE PAPER Specialties for Spring. HIIOI- IHIUOIIOII, 1,1 fit I * a Gamn, "Mfo," nnld Hi" iH'iitonUinm vauiitf limn, "In llko n K'""'" (if <mrdii." "It Id ni'iro Ilkii n KniiHidf OIK, wild tlm mini who rimtn "I movo diiei)• Our Line of llolscry In r(iin|>lnUi, liu uimul. linoiu IITIIKKT, i ar.ii HANK, N J . Thn (rlcmln of >Nqnlr« T . V, X n i m m will nnil Mm nt hi* ulil lilifilnrw In WnlnlTu hiillillna mi I T I e o h a n l o ttlrflill, I I . i t l l B l i k . N . J . , whi-ro tin ilmm nil kliiila ot W a s o n Xlloth. Ni'W I'linn Wngonii, llnmiWn, (1nri«, WlinnUwmivm, he, Hindu to OMIT, mil JIIIIMHK «( "II Mult Ufulli mul iToinptljT iloiin, jrAPIKIi WAK.N1I, I'roproltlr, JOHN H. COOK, SOMETHING ABOUT CHIMNEYS. Sniaite Macapea Through Motet In Boofy seven Centuries Ago. Lots w '• "Speaking about ohlmmya, they are not \ety old whon you think of other things," a building contraotor remarked, breaking ' into a doBOtlptlon o£-fl new building. "They.were not In vie in Englnnd before the twelfth oontury. In early tlmea, yon know, people allowed the nmoko to ,esoap6' through ventilators, an WO would call them, In the roots,* just as Indians allow smoke to escape through holes at the tops ot tents. Aooordlng to the ouBtoin thon, the brazlors woro placed In tlio oenter ol theJiall BO that the eraoko sntlf umegjqiilJL rise. In uomo of the obambera of castloa that were built may, be seenflreplaoes,but no ohlraneya. Theflreplaoeshuve Eomlolrcular baoksand semicircular arches over tho openings. Where they project a little dlstanoe from the wall tho^, flues' run up the walla a few feet and then outward. The outer openings are small oblong holes. It roust have boon a quoor Eight to BOO smoke coming out of the side of a castle all the time. How they managed to oroato a draft la more than I kuow. I wonder whether the dwellers In flats would growl moro If we mnde flrepltioes that way. ~ "The rooma must have been smoky, because la toe next century the people tried to get rid ot the smoke by extending the fluea up to tho tops of tho walls. I n . the fourteeenth oontury tho chimneys were usually very short, ^ator they wore oiroular and of great height. Perhaps when some of the tops were blown oil the people discovered that the draft was sufficient With them lower. In the course of time bulldora otiaugod tho forms of chimneys and gave thorn some ornamentation. The short obimnoys were terminated frcquout' lybylow plnnaoles,]wltb;'outlets for tho cscopo of smoker' Toll ohlmnoys wore square, octagonal or Nilroulnr and were surmounted by oqrnloesV forming oapltnls, theBmokeIssuingfromthotops. Toward the close of the fiftoontu century clustered ohlmney shafts appoan/d,' It Is said. Later they woro more common and were frequently highly ornamented., . "By using torraootta In connection with brlok nowadays it Is poselblo for an architoot to get rid ot some of the ugliness of a _ oblmney and inako It a part of the orna itBHTSTJf'"~ff~Tltl y whon housoa oan be heatoil ohoaply by tho uso of elootrlolty. Thon wo oan go baok to tho old etyle of not having cliimneya oxcopt ot tho stations whoro tho current may bo gonoratod, but we'll miss tho open llroplao'ea." " ~ ^ Probably there is no. store in New Jersey where more care is taken in providing for hot : weather than at our plate. Every convenience in the• hoti^eKoldJline'ts here;'' everything that will conduce to comfort in hot weather. >. < KEEP OUT THE FLIES. LAWN MOWERS. size., - ; i^ Easy chairs for the piazza are needed in every house. No matter how small the porch, there is room on it for a rocker or an arm chair. The old folks like them in the cool of the evening. The young folks like them all the time. A fine-reed-porch arm-chnir,.jvithlorjvithQutjQckera,j:05ta_ $1.90. Other porch cbairs at lower and higher prices, and a durable chair with splint seat and slat back at 63 cents. *- - We have a lot of other makes. We have a mower at $2.25, which is perhaps the best lawn mower sold at the price, but we can't recommend it. Most people who get lawn mowers want a machine that will last a long time, and that's tlie-eort-we prefer-tosell. CROQUET SETS. A good set of croquet, including arches, mallets, balls and stakes, for eight players, at 85 cents. Other sets at JAPANESE PORCH SHADES. higher prices, but trie above will last two or three seasons, Adjustable Window Screens, and by that time the highest priced set you could buy is These are growing in great favor. They can be rolled likely to have some of the balls or mallets lost. Made to fit any window, cost from 21. cents up, according up or. down, like a window screen, and are used to shade to size. Any window can be fitted without a carpenter, porches and piazzas. Tugy are made of bamboo, and -while ASPARAGUS TOOLS. WINDOW SHADES-Spring- Roll- they are great for keeping out the sun, they do not entirely Kapliia, for tying asparagus bunches, 11 cents a xiound. tbe view. "They come in various sizes, tofitany ers, Beady to Hang, 16 Cents. obstruct Asparagus knives, 17 cents each. Best sort made; blade porch, and cost from 72 Cents to $1.35, according to size. This is the greatest bargain in Window Shades ever We have a big stock of these goods and they are selling rap- of good steel, and handle such as to grasp it without tiring the hand. offered. We have them in a variety of colors and tints, idly. These shades will last several seasons. Watts's asparagus bnnchers, •'J5.7.'). that will harmonize with any room. Hendncksort RED BANK, N. J. Post Office Building, FRONT STREET, MAY, 1896. MAY, 1896, YE C CTRAW. THIS IS A VERY 8OAUCE ARTICLE THIS YEAR. HAVE ABODT 40 TONS TO OFFER VERV CHEAP. ' HOWEVER I CALL AND BUY RAILROAD. • ' • Stations In New York: Central 11. It. of N e w Jericy, foot of Liberty Street; Pennsylvania B. R,, foot of Cortlandt Street and Desbrosses Street. Shrewsbury, Highlands. Highland lleach, Ocenulc, Shrewsbury, Highlands, HlghlncclBpneb.Oceanle, Commencing May 17tb, ISM. Locust Point, Broivn'sDock, Fair Haveu and Locust Point, Brown's Dock, fair Haven anil TRAINS FOR RED BANK. Leave Now York via Central R. R. of N. J., i 30, B E D B A N K . RED BANK. 815, 11 3D a. m.i 1 81), 145«, i 15, 4 40*, 0 1 8 , The strang and commodious steamboat, p. m. Sundays, 0 00 11. in.: 4 00 p . m . Via 1". II. lt.,» 10u. 111.; 1210, 8 4U\ 0 10,11 50p.m." The strong nnd commodious steamboat, Sundays, 9 45 a.m.: 5 20 p. in. " Loni? Branch, li 35, 7 01), 8 IB, 8 35, 0 30, 1123 a. In.; 1 3 0 , 2 30, 4 20, 5 47, 0 60 p . m . SunCapl. C. Z\ TMtOCKMOIlTOV, days, 7 50, 9 30 n. m.: 4 40, 6 60 p. m. rt'lll run betiveen New York, Pier Zi, foot of Frank" Oeean Grove and Asbury Pork, II17,0 4B, 8 DO, Capt.J. P. ClIAMtlCK, lin street, nnd Red Bunk, us follows: 8 20. 010, 111)3 a . m . ; 1 1 0 , 3 1 0 , 4 00, 5 2 7 , 0 80 Will leuvo Pier St. toot ot Franklin street. New p. in. Leave Red Bank Daily at 7:00 A. H. ' York, end Red Bank us follows: TRAINS LEAVE RED DANK. (Sundays excepted). For N e w York^ Neivurk nnd Elizabeth, 0 48, 7 1 9 , Will commence running Wednesday, Nay 13(ti. Leave New York Daily at 8:00 p. M. 8 ID', 8 28, b 43*, 0 43,11 30", 1140 a.m.: 1 4 3 , Leave Neiv York Daily at 9.00 A.M. (Sundays excepted). 3 45, 137. 0 03, V Of p. in. Sundays, 8 03,0 d - u. ill.; 1 5 5 , 0 0 0 p . m . \ ' (Sundays included). For LonR Bnineti, Ocean Grove, Eclmar and Leave Red Bank Daily at 4:00 r. M. Will hot make her trip on Decoration Point Plensant, 1 2 3 , 0 26, (140, 1 0 3 8 a. m.; (Sundays included). •' Day (May 30). 12 47,1 -in,' 2 5 7 , 4 411, 5 62,0 40,7 40 p. m. Sundays (except Ocean Grovo), 10 35, 1120 a. m.; EDGAR BROWER, Messenger. fiJ& 052)>, in. JOHN MOItFORl), Solesmhn. TELEPHONE CALL, HA.'IIED BANK. FOR FREEHOLD VIA MATAWAN. EDOAR nilOHEH, SlesseuKlT. N.D.—All frelRht intended for this boat must bo Leave lted Haul;, 8 28, 1140 n. in.; 1 4 3 , 4 37. 0 08 p. in. (in tlie wharf a sufllrlent length of Minis to bundle, os 8ho wilt positively lenvo promptly on her ndverTELEPHONE CALL, 14A, BED BANK. . FOR RED BANK VIA MATAWAN. N. II.—All freight Intended for this boat must be. llsed time. Loavo Freehold, 8 15,11 IB n.m.; 2 05, 4 20, 0 1 0 n.m. This iKint'a tlmc-tablo Is ndvertlse<l In T H K R E D For further particulars seo time tables at stutlon;. on tlio \vliurf n Hiiilleient length of time to handle, RANK UKUIBTKR nml New Jersey tiUuuhtnl; olsolu 11.1 slw will • positively lenvo promptly on her adverRUFl'8 I1LODUKTT, II. I". BALDWIN, tho (Yitmtlni; llnmc Monitor, New York D'urhl, tised time. Supt. O. P . A. C. II. R. of N . J . (lulih: Tills boat's time-table Is nrtvprtlsMt In tlio ItKn 3[<tckcii'>i Sleamlioiit (luMe nml Jliillhiury'* J. It. WOOD, O. V. A. Peun. R. It. RANK ItK(iiSTl:iuii(l New Jersey Simulant t also In Tlme-tahle» may bo obtained at llonlen & Lonu• Denotes oxpross trains. tin) d i l u t i n g J/muc Monitor, New York ll'nrlil, street's prlnllnK offli-e, lted Hank. EXUUMVpN TICKETS, W CENTS. Mitcl(c\i'fStcambotit Uulrfcnmi /iuHljiycrV GuUh:. T3ENNSYLVANIA IIAILROAD COMTline'-tttblra may IM obtained lit Ilordeu * Long-L I'ANY. Ntiwt'e printing oflloe, I(e<l Ilnnk, Oil nml nfter October 13th, 16(l>. EXUUUHION TIl'KKI'a, CO CENTS. TIIAIN9 WII.l, LEAVE ItED HANK Tlm Lnrtro niul Commodious HtriuniT, For Ncu'nrk nnd N e w York, 7 M, 813,1) 43 a. m.i 14:), 11 i n p.m. On 8uniluy»,l) 111 a.m.- II IK) p.m. " Ellziihelh. 7 II), Bi:i,»4:i 11.111.; 1 4!),BU) p . m . HlUldliyH, 111!) n. in.; II (Kl, p, HI. " Ilnhway, 7 111 nnd 0 111 n. 111.; 111), II OS p.m. On CAl'T. lll'.NJAJHN GHUiCiS, Hundiiva. II 111 11.111.; tl IH1 p. in. Will run M w n ' i i Tort Monnioulli nnd New York " WoodlirldHi', m i l 11.111.; H I ) , OKI p . m . On (footof liltliHtiwt, Went Wiishliiglmi Market), Kumlnya, I) 41) 11.111.; 0 (XI p. 111. " Perth Amu»y,(Hi] 11,111.; 143, II (Xl p. ill. On us foil IWH : Hiiiiilnyfl, 114:111. in.; lltw p . m . J><nv / ' m l Moiinioiilh, /.ciii'C jYi'ic Vorlt, • " H011II1 AIUIKIV, 111:1 11. in,; u s , ( i m p . in. On MAV. Miiidiiyn, u |;| iv. 111.11) IKI p. in. Frlilny, l»tSIAV. 10 CO Krldny, K l»i p.m. Frlilny, l»t2d...lllHI 10 CO " Mutuwiin, 7 11), D 111 n. in.; 1 111, (I (« p. 111. On Hatimliiy, " iy, l»t A dellcloiiK roiiilliiiciil lm|inrtl»£ Hiiiunlny, 2.I....H0II " Moniluy, H t l lth.,,11 2 d l l l H[HI I " HiiiHlny*, IH.'I 11.111.; HIM p . m . Mrmdny, «li.,,.fl(«l M dd r t l «l lUf l»( >« l T l l l l l l l ( l l " " Mlililli'liiwn, 7 111, U III n. 111.; 11,'), 0 03 p. in. T tlio cooked onion Minor to On HnnilnyH. U 41111.111.; 0IH) p.m. StcnkH, NtmvH, Nuti|>B " Uinn Ilnineli, I'olnt I'li'iisuiit nnd Iliti 1111c Hul, ntiitloiin, 1:'.', I• 1 i11. in.; I 111, 1.111, 11 lu p. tii. Kildiiy.Hll Aim " Krldiiy,fitli 1 IK) " nnil lilritvlcH. On Hiinilnvy, II •.'I1,,.in,; 11 Id 11.111. (Do imtmop Hnliiiiliiy, D1I1...HIW) " Huliiriliiy, uih...;>IMI " ' Appeals Instantaneously to the Taste. ^ iiliAnlmry r u n "I'lii'i'iinilivviMintfiindnyHl, Monday, Illh...."Kl " Mimdny, lllli....:ilHI " Tiiewliiy, K l h , . . 7 l « ) " Tju«liiy, l:!lli...ll DIRECTIONS. For HtMkn, mid n tenniHHiufiil to the dlrti Thiiniilnv,'lllh!]H(«l " TliiirwInv.'Htli.'.'riil) '1'ltAINS V. M'.W Y I I I I K , Ifiiivy. For itnivten, lulit «>iu»iiuti lo imxluro Frldiiy, Iritn Him " l'rlilny, Itiin Him '1'in lUlreet f|.|Tlm. n brown color, AIHO iniicli ratwiiicil In ftiturilny, IWIi. .Him " Hiitiinluy, |illli..lH«l .edlll|.llk,lllllii. Ilin Vltclinii nn n piniiiiriillini for IIIIHIIIIK 1'nr Kr.Mi.iik.H Ii n. ; I.' lu,3411,010,115011.111. Mimdny, IHIh.. .UK) " Mmnlny, li'tli,,.ll(»l II 1.">H. ill.; M o p . m. rimHtfl --livof, nmltoti, iionllry, rti\ It IIIHH. M, I'llljlVIWT, J . n , WOOD^llnctly (inlmncc* tlm nnllvo mllnli of iliiek«, Tiiiwlny, llilli,..l|llil " Tiimliiy, llttli...11 IM> Uwwi, iito. (li<nen,U Miinnifer. lien, rmuwnwir Aiionr. 'llinn«liiv.'',:l»l..!IK) " Tliumlny,' Slut, illim " SEA BEFORE THE PRICE ADVANCES. L . IE. BIRO-WIN", WHARF AVENUE, N EW YORK AND LONG BRANCH Merchants' Steamboat Company's Line. Merchants' Stcamtoat Company's Line. RED BANK. A Very Important Feature Of Your Home is the Heating. We know our business thoroughly in this branch of work. We're agents for the celebrated BIED, ALBERTINA, i8oa. TORRID FURNACE, noted for its economy in tho consumption of fuol, satisfactory results and WM. V.WILSON. HAZARD'S Burnt Onion Sauce durability. All sorts of Heating Apparatus put in on approval. Wo assume all responsibility and our cluirgoo aro reasonable THE SANITARY PLUMBING CO., W, J. BROADMEADOW, Manager. IVliou you «o for u fluli on nilonr frlond'n yuoht And niiuiiiiio to hook n fnfc |uelc pot, • And fill your Mini with liquid hult Anil nro Iwrno linulc homo in roynl ntntn, Anil Mnuil, whii'n WIIUIIIK thorn nil tho ilino, Junb rollu lip liar nlooron nnil upualiii not lit rliymo— Uoii't lilnmii rtintrlliiony, Thnru'ii ilothlng E. C. Shrcwnluiry, & CO., New Jersey. • • • • • • • • • • • • O l , nwnob R Wlimi t» hml you Imvo put your llttlo brood, Am\ you loi>|/ tor IIIUOODDUM deroiutuilo; Wliou you qiui Toiiiiny kluli, yell mid loin An Im trlmi t«i illumt n toy tin liorou, And Imliy, whii'u milii to miflly CIHI, Ilurnln forth In n rouulnr hullnhiiloo— Dmi't lilrtiim iimtrlmony, Tlioro'n wronii, Oh, yns, It In n urniiil, nvvont • This screen door costs only 74 cents. Afterward. Whon ynu'vo marrlod JUuud Jlullor nnd down, And nil of hor folkB llvo with you In town; . Whon ymi'vo duly Indorsed her )i»pn'« note, And loaned Uruthor Joluuiy your Bllndny Gont; Whon tho brand now troiuiurs you liuvon't paid i to ' . IIuvo lioon nltorod for lilouiiiom for inoUior-ln' luw— Don't Wnmo iimtrlmony, Tlioro'H nothing wrong, Por Huruly it la a Brand, uwoot uong. ldoil, Inihinil, 'tin it , PORCH CHAIRS. Babjr Could T a l k . Mnimntinnd baby rcturnofl Iroin a walk. "Ob," says inanimate lior husband, "BUOII gooa DOWB! Baby talks. Ho hne Juet unld lila first ward." "Ronllyl" " Yos, Just fnnoy, Wo woro In tlio EOOloglonl gurdoUB, stnndlug boforo thonioukcy oago, wliou bnby orlod out, 'Look at liapal' " (HOHlra, A ffnind, mroot tiontf, A urnnd, nwoot HOUR, Ilnrlc to tho woddlil« holla* dliiR, iiniiKl Hark to tho woddlnu l>oll»' IIIHK, iloiml Hurrnli fur tlm Wordiiof tho tliAuithtful (tent And hla mmtf of uonulno aontlmuntl i, We have-some Japanese Rugs for light summer furnishThere ia nothing which will-give more erijoynient for the money Bpent than a hammocki ,A good Mexican grass ing. They are both* inexpensive and durable, and the colorings are soft and harmonious. All sizes, from a single hammock, colored, strong enough to hold 'half a dozen, door niat to a big carpet. Prices from 69 cents up. durable enough to last several seasons with ordinary care, costs 05 cents. Pillow hamtuoclis, comfortable and restCHINA MATTING. ful, delightful for use on porches or yards, 98 cents to $6. This is the coolest and best floor covering that^an be had for bedrooms, up-stairs sitting rooms, or generaF summer use. We have a good China matting at 10 cents a yard that is usually sold at 14 to 18 cents; and our stock ranges" from this figure all the way up to 50 cents a yard. The best Lawn Mower we sell is the Coldwell. It's not , a cheap mower, but it's a good one, and it will outlast a dozen of the cheap sorts and will do better work all the time you are using it. They cost ?7.90 to $10.40, according to A S t r a n g e African R a c e . Strange stories aro told of tho Dbkos, who livo among tho moist, warm bamboo ' woods to tho south of Kofla and Susn, in Africa. Only 4 Jeet high, of a dark olive color, savago and naked, they have nolther houses nor templos, neither fire sor human food. Thoy live (inly on ants, mloo and serponts,-divorsiflod-by-ro_fow-rool;s-and fruits. Thoy lot tholr nails grow long, like talonB, the bettor to dig for ants and tho more easily to toar in pieoea their favorlta suakos. The Dokoa used to bo lnvaluablo as slaves, and they woro taken in large numbers. Tho slave hunters usod to hold up bright colored clothes na thoy camo to tho moist, worm bamboo woods, where these human niODkoys Btlll live, and tho poor Dokoa oould not rosist tho attraotions offorod by suoh superior people. Thoy crowdod around thorn and were takon in thousands. These quoor pooplo havo only ono fault —a love for ants, mice and serpents and a habit of Bpoaklrjg to Yor with thoir heads on tho ground and tholr heels In the air. Yer Is tholr idea of a superior power, to ")> vrtom they talk !n this coniiwil ronnuor when thoy aro dlspirltod or angry, or tired of ants and unakos and longing for unknown food. Tho Dokos Eeom to oomo nearest of all pooplo yet discovered to that torrlblo cousin to humanity', the apo. Pickled Tea. The Kow Bullotln coutuins two intorO9tlng roports on tho cultivation and preparation of thi) so oallcd pickled or loppott ton of Burninh.ono from tho northern Shan statoa, tho othor from tho iippor Cliludwin. Tho plant yloldlng this toa ia tho ordinary Assam toa Tho young and tondpr loavos nro bollod In largo narrow nocrad pots, and aro then pourod Into Bojuaro pita dug in tho ground about all • foot doop, tho sldos nnd bottom hoing llnod with walls of plantain loaves. Tho pit bolag filled with boiled toa nnd the juioo from tho pots, plantain loaves aro plaocd on top nnd earth piled abuvo those, stouos and othor hoavy wolghts bolng placed on top. Tho pits nro opened after eonio months. The toa is sold in a dry stato and is preparod by boiling In an onrthon kottlo, snlt bolng addod whon It ia drank. In lower Burma, however, It is lnrgoly oonsumod in tho solid form, tho loaves bolng soakod in oil, a llttlo garllo or drlod flah bolng nddod, and In this form it is rogardod as o groat dainty. At all family festivals it plays an important part, and no ooromony is comploto without it. Tho profIts on tbo trado soom to bo onormous, Toa bought at tho gardons at from 15 to 35 rupooa tor BOO pounds Is sold lu Mundulay at from 00 to 141) rupoos. RUGS. HAMMOCKS. There is no greater annoyance in the summer time than a pest of flies. They are an annoyance in the Mtchen,.in the dining room, in the sitting room, and especially in the bedroom early in the morning, when the last nap is being enjoyed. Our screen doors and adjustable window screens permit free ventilation. They give good air, but: they keep out flies, mosquitoes and other insects. They are cheap. Kxewiliini1 Nolli'ii. Annrt liirVirnnd Joiepli ruikcr, Jr.,iiiiMMitiirnot Antler H, I'nrker, II^'OIIFHVI, l>yonl)<riif tho Mirn>uulo of tlin county of Miintiionlli, linreby ulv« nollni lo Ilio ( w l l l o n t o f miM <lei-(»«fMHl, to brliitf In their ilphln, tiniuHiidfi pmi I'UliiiNnunlititthii eMmoof Hidd tliMMMititit iiniii^r ottttt or iininnnlliin, wllbtit ntiin inonlhirlnnii Ilio NINTH l>*y (PF MAV, IWfl.or limy will Im fiirnvur bntiwl of liny ictlon lli«Mifi>r nualnnt tlio nntil lUiMutlorfl. ANNA I'AHKF.II, .IIIMKI'll I-AUH Kit. J l l . \ Our Prices are Reasonable and We Provide Liberallv. \ V, KiitliMUml^miliiliwnVllhuutOlmrKonmi A V I i U H u l l d M . 5 DRANOH STORES o OOEAN QROVB AND ASDURY PARK. i W. F. DAY & BRO., 4 800 OROAD STREET, ' . f f. i NEWARK. N. J. Q N HULK TO 1IAII CHKDl'l'OHH. . l''ililuy,!i.'i| 4I»I " r r l i l i i y , » l Mm" Miiliiiiliiy, BM.i.llllll " Hiitutiliiy, :"M...^tKIp.m. Mnnilny, Jlr.lll., ,7I«I " Moinlny, llulli,. .!il>l " TiirndnV,»llH...T«l " Tlliiidiiy.ailli.. ,ll(«l " " \yi»i'wi«y,iriiii..iii)iiii.m. Wwrp«liiy,«lli..llli) Tlmrwlny,Knth,.nu> l'ildny,)!l)lli Him i'rlihir,:!iiih.,.!!iiiiii '• Itiilunlny, !«lth..ll(»l Hntlliilny, IKHlL.tlim " All tmrk freight limnt IHI pnld tHiforo delivery, 'riilnlwmt'ntfiiHi-tnhln l» ndveilliml In TIIK I U N K luciiiiirmi, Mimmimlh /•>«•»»,' iilw IliilllnVtr'tt mid Mfirfrru'fi lllemnlMmt (IIIIIIITI. Tluiii-lnliliii niny Im nlitnlni<d lit M, O'llilun \ HoiiVl'lUWiulirnuli'ii ninx'li A, Monin ft <;o., corner 01 Hill nlriiit mid Mh nvi'inm, 1 \ ' You can get cigars anywhere, but if you want toget a fine clear Havana cigar for 5 cents go to rn'llilit rwi'lvcil on Now York I'lvruntil T r, u,, TV/FntTlt; P'irllV J.iiwillr> 1 <lV.ll ri. nvory diiy, , ~~ IN AND OtJT OF TOWH. HOLMDEL NEWS.. . TINTON FAILS HEWS. WEST LONG BRANCH NEWS. MORRI9VILLE NEWS. Short ana Interesting Items from Vhrls. Croxson's Application for a A Colt Chased bu, « Greyltouna- it JSpworth league Anniversary T/te Seh'ool Becord-T. i>. Celebration. Kicked by a Horse. Manti Sunilav Victors. License Is Granted. all Over the Count v. Sunday was the seventh anniversary The pupils of the publio school * h o One of Abel Coleman's colte was Judge Conover yesterday granted a , James Horan of Atlantic Highlands iotel license to Christopher Croxson to based by a greyhound one dajr laet if the Epworth league of the Methodist took first and second positions in their . has bought a bicycle. Thirteen persons recently joined the leep an iqn and tavern in this, village. veek. The colt pumped a fence in its :burch, and appropriate and interesting classes for the mouth ending last week ?he application for the license was made efforts to get away from the dog, and irvices were held in the church, which wereasfollowa: '" Baptist church of Freehold. GRAMMAR GRADES. Edward Duffy has opened a bicycle it the opening day of the present term of was slightly cut and bruised about the •as prettilv decorated with potted plants :ourt. A licensed hotel has existed in ,nd the colors of the league. The exer- A class-GracoBtout, Amelia Carton. store, at North Long Branch. . '. B class—Surah Kelly, France* AntonMes. the place for many years, but for,*everal, re. Trevonian Bennett and family of isea were as follows: A. new road will be laid out through C class-Mabel Irvln, Margaret Haley. weeks past a determined opposition to a led Bank spent Sunday with Mre. Ben- )pehlnfr Bong. T. T. Kinney's woods at Oa,khurst. D clara—Myrtle Antonldes, Emma Reppliard, E class—Margaret Kelly, Anno Brasch. ..^......Congregation Henry S, Terhune has been reflected renewal of the Mr. Croxson's license has lett's father, John Crawford of this ^onTs Prayer. been under way. Mr, Croxson's applica- place, ilDBlnf , .Choir PBIUAIIT GltADEB. Counsel bf the borough of Mata wan. ldress „ Bey. c. F.Dcwns tion for the license*'was signed as follows: —Last-Saturday-one-of-George Craw.Aj:liiss-NelUeKclly.KcllteBlngleWn.:: Justice John W. Long' of Allentbwri MiNHln eading, "Our Home League B class—Ralpli Tilton, Boy Antonldes. ford's toes was mashed by Richard Crum•was stricken with paralysis last week. "lottfriedL.Itapp, • Tieo. K, Tborne, Miss M: Annie Hullck Cclass—Alice Montague, Marietta. Daley. ' ' : " 1 ' m'el, who accidentally jumped'on it. William Morrell, William C. Bennett of Belford cut 400 '. .0. Lambcrison, cripture reading ..'.... Alexander Coreon The' pupils who were neither, absent D. Longstreet, ; J. 11. Wyckoff, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brower of As- lnging. bunches of asparagus one day lnafc week. 3. Win. H. Hendriciiion, - Oldeon 4 Uniy, ,'.... Mies Vannlo Harvey nor late during the month were Florence bury Park spent Sunday ^with Mrs. cripture reading About fifty young men of Englishtown lames a . Crawford, - J. M. VanllrncMe, lnging. . . Antonides, John Kelly and Ada Schultz. Brower's father, Pearson Bennett. W. WolllnK,. lewis C. Aekereon, will organize a fire company a t English- Joseph ripture reading ,;, John CBmitb The averageattendanceduringthe tnonth Henry K. Ackcreoa, Dnnlcl I. Stilwell, • Asher L. Tilton, who has been teach- lnglng. town. • , Wm. VanMutcr, Garret TUorne. reading. MIBS Dort E. Clayton vvas 80. The school will close for the ng school at Cedar Grove in Ocean- icrlpluro United States Senator James Smith Barrett Meutw, . r Met,.1;. ;;.Miss Kettle Hofvey and Cliariea A. l'oole, erJmmer on Friday of next week, has returned home. . • has rented a house at Elberon for the The pastors of the Reformed and Bap- :ounty, The Epworth League elected hew offl- I F . P . Schinbar was kicked in the side Hattie Brown of Oceanic and Myrtle summer. tist churches of the place, and some of last week for the ensuing year as by a horse one dtfy 1/last week while the Charles Spearling hns vented the pa- the members, were active iu opposing Stryker of Long Branch are visiting :era horse was pasturing . -Mr. Schinbar was 'ollows: 'r vilion a t the Manasquan iron bridge for. the/license. A remonstrance was circu- Hattie and Jessie Coleman. • • bruised, but no bones were broken. Theodore Johnson of Lone Branch President—Hev. 0. F. Downs, the season. lated, setting forth that the hotel was advice presldent8-MW Mamie White, MIBS Eunice Miss Hattie Matthews is visiting Mrs. the guest of his grandfather, John foolley, A. T. Applegate of Englishtown has jacent to the churches and public school, wasT lltes Lottie MeBRar, Miss Dora Clayton. Sylvester Tilton. Mrs. Tilton's parents, t W * been elected mayor of the borough of ind that it was unnecessary and obnox- 6hnsonj on Sunday, t Secretary—MIBS Dora Clayton. . Mr. and Mrs. Bohanan of New York, are Mr. and Mrs. John Carney of Brook- Treasurer—John C. Smith. E nRljshtown. ljht ious to the peace and good order of the H, H.: Brockway, proprietor of the also visiting there. The annual harvest home of the old village. About eighty names were ob- lyn are. visiting Jlr. and Mrs. Martin MIBS Hattie.Irwin, who has been spend( Ashland bouse, New- York city, paid a Terinent church at Tennent will be held, tained to this remonstrance, which were ^avanaugh, Sr.. Adele and William CaBler are visiting isit to liis home at this place last week. inga few days with her sister, Mrs. David on August 19th. as follows: ;heir sister, Mrs. Harry Hendrickson of Arthur F. Golden has contracted to paint Wyckoff of Middletown; is now at home. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. The steamboat Pleasure Bay began titrrelt Wyckoff, Jolin 0,, Tuylor, Jol y , Daniel T. Hendrickeon and Miss Mary •Snglishtown. •««*«.•' • tf^ttt^Z^r-rz•• is house and stables here. running between B.ranchport and New ilobert D. fisher, 11. It. Buti'hln, Jr., Otis Coleman, who has recently been George, The graveyard connected with the Bloodgood of Middletown were recent ' 1York last week. ' J. T. Tuylor, . .WyckoH, . JJohn h H e y Heyo [, u, conover, Henry Heyer, ick with chills and fever; has fully re- First Methodist church is being put in guests of Mrs. Charles Magee. Company B of Long Branch was in- Henry K. AniiBtrons, Jnneph I. Vantluter, Misses Grace Stout and Nellie Lane of iovered. • order.,; Many improvements will Jbe spected by Col. D. B, Murphy last Lewie Ijinc, J . H . Mtlllwacon, -•.Sir. and Mrs. Benjamin Matthews of made by the lot holders before Decora- Morrisville spent Sunday with William Wednesday night. (J. W. VnnCleaf, Morfoiil Taylor, Antonides of the iajne place. Wm. W. Tuylor,' WayBide spent Sunday with Pearson tion Day. The Asoury Park public school will Minor Brown, The Red Bank Cooku, ' • W. A. WnlliBR, • Humphrey Hayward has moved from Bennett. close June 17tli. Twenty-live pupils will A.W, The last 'baseball game between the U. I>. Conover, - M. A. Walling, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grover of North Long Branch and West Long Branch this place to Red Bank, where he is congraduate this year. M. Taylor, T. 1). DuBols, Jolin II. Smock, Long spent Sunday with Eugene teams resulted in a victory for the LoDg ducting a saloon. Ralph Jones of Manasquan graduated Henry 1). Ely, 8. Pollicmus, Jnne W. Smock, Mr. And Mrs. Kirkwood Green of Red Magee. .\ Branchers. The score was 40 to 17. from the Jefferson medical college at Eleanor lolin 0. Schenck, Daniel I, Schenck, Arthur R. Bennett, who has been sick Miss Euhice Woolleyvvto taken sud- Bank were recent guests of Benjamin S. Philadelphia on Friday. It. V. Sutnhen, K. Hoy Sntphen, with scarlet rash, is now able to be denly sick on Thursday night after Hankinson. IUillH Glberson, Eugene Longstreet of JItmnsqunn was lira. H. (ilbereon, Long,, Edward F. Taylor, Frank Costello and Michael Daley are about.' , ' -' v overcome by the heat on Monday of lnst lolin having taken a long ride on her wheel, iVm. L. Jonra, Jonnlhnn H. Jones, spending two Weeks with relatives a t Albert White of Long Branch is yisit- She is now much improved. week while driving pilinpc. ::iirlney B.Couovcr, D.E.Taylor, New York. ' ing bis father, William White of this Mrs. L. Woolley and Miss Florence "William Patterson will soon opon a Mrs. Will E. Crawford, E. Mranlo Conover, G. Conover, Mary A. Longstreev, Miss Emma A. Bloodgood spent Sunplace. . . . ' • Z— second-hand atore in the Bailey block on 3hns. Campbell were Sunday guests of Mr. "unih 11. Crawford, Daniel 8. Poihemus, day with her mother at Middletown. .John W, Bennett and Fred Albees and Mrs. Lewis Lane of Holmdel. Wharf avenue, Red Bank. . iV. M. Tilton, Will I. Brown, A. W. AJcCann of New York spent isited friends at Eatontown on Sunday. Mrs. J. 8. Conover, A birthday sociable held for the bene- Urn. V. I). Kennoy, Mrs. Oliver Duncan and her little son Daily ' and SurjdayJ Papers 9 Tilton, James J. Taylor, James Bennett of Asbury Park spent if Brooklyn have been visiting her sister, Saturday with friends at this place. fit of the North Long Branch Methodist Sylvester I. H. WycKofl, Q. v . Conover, Patrick Carton, Jr., is now employed Delivered at YourJDoor. ^ lunday with his father, Alvin Benheit. church last week netted $80. Mrs. Virginia Steele. ' " — lolin 8. Holmes, J. I. Holmes, Miss Sophie Mohr and Mrs. HyliB were —-A-lot-of-flowei-s-wero-atolen-from-MriA new flag will soon be plocedjoiijthe. by William Thompson of Lincroft. .cjvjiffljs, £ i & ^ t h b t f recent guests.of "Mrs. "RoberrDavis. H.-ll. Conovtr, J. W. TonEyck'n flower beds at Ocean II. L. Iloltnee, ublfclcriool at this place by"the AtneriH. 0 . Brey, gUB in this place this season. Jolm L. Ely, Mrs. Albert Crawford is recovering :an Mechanics. Grove last Wednesday night. M. Walling, 1). II. Smock, Stationery, toys, Games, & Miss Mary E. Thome of Centerville hna from a severe attack of neuralgia. William Holmes of Keyport caught Edgar Schenck, W. Albaugh of fWashington, D. C , Edward'T. Hendrickaon, Jolm II- HOVH, George Coleman has sold bis pet lamb took possession of hissummer home here been visiting friends here. His, Henry Annatrong, 600 pounds of weaklish at one Imul of a Mory Shelf and Toilet Papers. £ Ellu Conover, Mrs. J. H. Stllwagon, Jacob 'Wyckoff has bought a new to Fred Worthley of Oceanport. . seine near Keyport last week. last week. A. M. V. finy, Henry Ellis, . . - • 1 . ' "••••-5 family carriage. Miss Susie Hendrickeon of Fair Haven Charles S. Hill, J . B. Bergen and Ed Jolm H. Gibereon, Miss Rachel Lake of Hollywood and Lldn Olbenion, ' Frank P, Megee has bought a new Mrs. J. U.Gltxunon is visiting at Albert Dennis's. • Louis Dul)ol«, ward Tilton of Red Bank rode to Free J. Hiss Bertie Smith have bought new biI>. Cniwlortl, i I Tennis Balls and Rackets, g horse. . • Jamos Bennett, Regie Bennett, who has been Bick with 3ycles., hold on their bicycles on Sunday. • • David H. Stekles, James E. C'onuver, Martin Ryan is sick with^nalaria. a cold, has nearly recovered. W. T. VanDyke & Co. of Long Branch H. G. Cooke, Frank Goodman has had a number of C. 8. Holmes. Mrs. Barry Maxwell has recovered from chickens stolen from his place recently. caught the first bluefiah of the season in The names of William 8, Bray, Charles OCEANIC «IC NEV NEWS. ' that locality on Monday of last week. Mrs. Monroe V. Poole ia visiting Rev. j , Ely and Howard T. Ely appear on a an attack of chills and fever. William Riddle of Asbury Park spent ind Mrs. Penniifgton Corson at Clayton. The young Indies' sodality will hold a imall piece of paper, which is attached Sunday with friends here. ball in Str James's hall on June 1st. to the main remonstrance. C. V. Golden is visiting hiB daughter, A Wedding Anniversary—A Bleuclet OPPOSITE MECHANIC BT., S Collides With a Bog. Cora Bennett is sick with chillB and ilrs. J. A. Guy of Holmdel. This will be the last ball of the season. When it was learned that a remonRichard W. Bennett and Charles strance had been sent in, a supplemenMr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Yarrlngton Wilmer Mclntyre is confined to his 81 Broad Street, Red Bank. 4 Lloyd of Long Branch have graduated tary petition asking that the license be celebrated the 45th anniversary of their ome with a severe cold. f r t l i N \ ^ k l lg f 1i —MissJiyrtiaX!amphelLspent-Sunday_at marriage on Wednesday night. _A. •gfuiited'wasp'esenteil totfud^e eonqvpiv y tlNGBOFT—NEWS. bountiful collation was Berved during *,ittle Silver. • ' These names were on this petition : M M a t h i l d e Baminan of Anbury the evening; Amoraf the guests were" Park, who has been Btudying music in Gilbert Glberson, Jlanu People Co Visiting—A Horse, Joseph H. Culver, ' Mr. and Mrs. John Parmley, Mr. and Wlllium Beard, Germany, returned homo last Thursday. John Salmon, Dies of Colic. COLT'S NECK NEWS. O. C. Allen, " Eugene Johnson, Mrs. George Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Thomas Wyncoop lins been elected George H. Lemon, James B. Story of the Soldiers' Home, James LnmllB, VanNees, a n * Mrs. A. C. .Cbttrfll, ohief and William R. O'Brien assistant J. O. Lnmburtson, Albert Brandt, New York, is visiting friends here. Mr. VIa it or tt Come to Town—A Bone Mrs. AnnieMr.Lewis, 1 Mrs. J . W. Gaskill, Were called upon to decide upon our Patrick Welsh, • chief of the Ocean Grove fire depjrt- John Kelly, Story was a former resident of this place. Felon. James M. McCormlck, Jr., Dr. Ehrick Parmley, Rev. S. W.>Knipe, Chnrles Worrell, ment. Miss Irene VanPelt of Atlantic Highgoods,' they would unite in saying Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lupton, Jr., and Layton Kaipe, Mis3 Mamie Smith and H. A. Court, J. It. McCrcery, - It will cost, the Ocean Grove nssocia- Henry MeDonousrli Lawrence A. Carton, ands spent part of last week with her heir childreny Hazel and Roland, of Miss Bertha Knipe. • that " o u r stock of Hats was as . tion about $20,000 to pay for the damage J. L. O'Connor, A. J.Joyne, brother Harry of this place. Jatawan, Mrs. L. A. Cole of Jereeyville, John U. Yetman, done to the place by the storms of last J. S. Hcaly, While Harry Jahnes was riding Alpha May Cunningham of Swimming George "\Vilkins and Harry Woolley of pretty and reasonable as any in the J.Sclilosscr, Q, L. Shennon, winter. ,... Pntrh-k Onkcs, River spent part of last week: with rela- ".ong Branch, and Mrs. T. I. Wolcott bicycle at Red Bank on Saturday night, S. Conover, county." The Clinton B. Fisk Post of Atlantic John be collided with a largo dog. Jahnes Illchnel F. Malier, lllehard F. Lowe, tives at New York. nd daughter, have been visiting Mr. Charles Norcross, Highlands will hold exercises in the John 8. McDonald, was thrown to the ground but received Logan Roberts of Oceanic, who has ind Mrs. George Wilkins, Sr. Wia are always glad to have you Henry 0, LoiiRntreet, Methodist church on the evening of Dec- Joseph V. lluycr, no serioua injury. His wheel was Dcnnlu Henrchnn, been visiting Jamea Bray; 'Jr,, hoB re Cbnrlea Thompson and his son, Dr. broken. W. V. Ely, oration Day. call and see for yourselves what we Janies (!. Cmwfonl, William Carson, turned home. William Thompson, Bpent Wednesday W. A. Masce, Charles Richardson has been held by Garrett Mugte, Mrs. John H. Swan of Keyport, and Mr.-and. Mrs. Lewis White and their with Josiah Crammer of Keyport.' are offering, as we try, to keep pace • T. C. Glarkson, E. II. Hngce, Justice Child to await tho action of the Edward Grunt, . Mrs. Wyman Blrbeck of William Gilbert, Bon Lewis, Jr., were recent gueste of J. John Lawrence ia the champion as- her daughter, ! with the' times. rand jury on a charge of assault, made Austin A. Wilson, Point, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Daniel PlUenKer, R. Conover. " paragus cutter of the township. He is" Locust , John W. Crawlord, y Percy Reed. Frank Skidmore of this place. Thco. R. Thome, Mr. and Mrs. James L. Bray spent last employed by Conover Taylor. • * Wllllom H. Crawford, Stamping of All Kindt Done. A. ' FeWKuiribeli of 'Long-Branch has Peter Morrell, J. Hill. week with, Mrs. Frank Johnson ofTiiF' Henry H, Matthews" wiU"""far-m"'tKe --'•Crmrles Rex,. Harry Rex, Edward JefJohnson, frey, Walter Raymondr Andraw Wilson,been taken to the Trenton insane asylum. Uohcrt E. J. Kelly, ton Falls. . VVilllnin McMillan, William Jones place this year, ih connecFrank Lorgstreet and William Fenton He is seventy years old and at ono time Ellis Hartpenco, Ira P. McDouough. John Simpson and family of Headden's tion with his own farm. John Mounhun, have bought new bicycles. was very wealthy. Corner were recent guests of Edward Rev. S. R. Cunningham exchanged One of the workmen employed by the The biggest fight over tho application Slocum. The Red Bank and Oceanic Christian pulpits with 'Her. C. W. VanZee of consolidated gas company was struck by camo up on Tuesday of last week. Rev. Endeavor societies held a union meeting John'P. Evans and family of Middle- Bradevelt on Sunday. MILLINERY. n falling derrick last week and was Robert B. Fisher, Rev. Gnrrett Wyckoff town were recent guests of Edward in life-saving station No. G on Thursday Joseph Buck and Charlesi Green of njght. somewhat bruised. • i and othersopnbsed the application, while Havens. Freehold visited their cousin, Alfred COR. BROAD AND FRONT STREETS. About $20 was cleared at the enter Aaron W. Johnston and Rons. W. Day- Miss Anna Moueer lias been visiting The Christian Endeavor society wljl on Sunday. \"y tainment given by the Junior Epwortl ton spoke in favor of granting it. ' Tt was Mrs. John Beck of Front street, Red Buck, hold an ice cream and 'strawberry festiMr. and Mrs. Henry Schaefer of Brookleaguo of the Farmingdhlo Methodist stated that 85 of the names on the re- Baulti to-raorrow afternoon in the lyceum. lyn were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. valIra monstrance were those of people living church oh Wednesday night. Emeryi Walter Briggs, John Jef•Mrs. Robert Thompson of Red Bank Louis Soffel. William L. Tilton lms been supen'n in other townships, and that all of those is visiting herdaughter.Mrs. Harry Vanfrey and Henry Emery ore confined to William C. Buck and' his daughter tehdent of the Sunday-school of Wai who had signed Mr. Croxson's supple- Pelt. their tiomes with sickness. Ella visited David Buck of Freehold on church for over 35 years. He was re mentary application were residents of Alttajt Bloodgood will soon repaint his Ethel Conover gave a lawn party to Sunday. the township. After a long argumont elected for another year last week. ice cream parlor. He has started an her young friends on Friday afternoon. Dr. William Thompson spent Friday Judge Conover laid tho matter over uniA large engine in the power houso oi John Mertz lias bought a new horse and Saturday with friends at New York. evening^paper route here. . tile Anbury Park electric light comnnny til yesterday, when he granted the ap- from George Grammann of Red Bank. Mr. Brady of New York will soon Miss Annie Ernmons of Long Branch move broke down on Thursday nifiht nn<l lei plicution. Judge Conover fixed the fee A horse owned by James Crawford to Dr. John Nagle's house, which is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Statesir. at $125, In granting the license he said WHETHER FOR IUCIHO, ROADJ BIDINO tl|o town in total darkness for a time. is n,ow being repaired. died of colic on Sunday of last week. Miss Florence Smock of Vanderburg OR TOVBISO. that the necessity of having n licensed Ashland council of American Mechan Mrs. Susie Dennison aruNier daughtei Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Antonidcs have is the guest of Miss Dot Cunningham. hotel at Holmdel had been determined ics of Seabright' will discontinue their Minnie, of New York, spent Sunday with 3 THE been visiting friends at Scobeyville. Garrett W. Buck took a spin on his relatives here. weekly meetings and will hold meetings by him previous to this term of court James By ram is painting his barn and bicycle to Little Silver on Sunday. only onco a month (luring the summer. and it had also been determined by his the judge's stand, on his race track. Miss Louisa Harvey of Asbury Park, is predecessor. He said that tho principal Practice for Children's Day has com- visiting /A trolJev car collided with a wagoi: her grandmother, Mrs. L. E. Albert Clayton of Asbury Park has menced in the Reformed church. owned by Hugh FoRiirty at Long Branch objection to the granting of the licenso been Hnrvey. "" visiting George Thompson. nroso from the manner in which the Judson FranciB has added new winhist week and badly damaged it, Th Mrs. L. E. Haubnerof New York spent Mrs. J. A. Sanborn has bought a new dows and blinds to his house, occupants of the wagon were not hurt. botel had heon kept last year, and tha a few days of last week at her'summer Will more than JulOU Its Ib speed if the law was violated, the. people o piano from Curtis & French. MIBS Annie Kelsey has been confined -homo. The school census of Ashury Park theplaco Miss Hattie Stryker of Marlboro is to the house with sickness. Is unlimited. could have tho licenso revoked shows an increase of nbout 100 school or William H.; Peareall spent two days of visiting Mrs. J. A. Sanborn. they could tako tho case before the Misa Lulu Thompson spent Saturday last week with friends in New York city, children during tho pust year;. Tho in- grand jury. Ho said that Mr. Croxson Graco Brown of Matawan is visit- with relatives at Red Bank. 22 World's Records Prove This, j crease in Neptune township is about 300, had been licensed by him before in other ingMIBS Miss Blanche VoorheeB spent Saturday Mrs. Edward Soden. Miss EUie Matthews has been confined and Sunday with friends nt Brooklyn. i Lawyer Charles R. Snydcr of Atlantic plnccs, and that ho believed ho would Michael A. Coleman hns taken his to her house with a cold. IU wearing qualities bare been tried and' I Highlands has bought a new bioyclo, conduct the place properly. Miss Mnmio Smith of Freehold is visitcover founj waotlDg. I race horses to Ganada. Michael Riordan is Buffering with a ing her aunt, Mrs. A. C. Cottroll. His fellow member of the bar, John H, Mrs. Harry VanPelt is confined to the bone felon on his finger. Foster, is also learning to ride the bicycle An entertainment will bo given in tin house with sickness. Rev. 8. W. Knipe delivered a sermon Miss Anna1 Kelsey 1B confined to the to the Red Men on Sunday. Vinton G, Havens, Jr., who has beci Reformed church on Friday night foi F. A. Bloodgood has built a new barn house with sickness, telegraph operator at Atlantic Highlands, tho benefit of the Junior Christian En and wagon shed. John Pulky.has moved to Hollywood Thomas Enright has enclosed his yard has loft the employ of the nlngraph com deavor society. Joseph Mcrtz is painting his now barn. with a new fence. panyund ia now employed in bin father1 Joseph W. Greib iB now employed a E a t o n t o w n News, Joseph Dawson has leased tho John store. an apprentice for Alex. McClees, to learn Giberson farm. Tho Shrewsbury reading club met at the harness business, David Morton of Fnrniingdale, win BICYCLES, WAYSIDE NEWS. Thomas Haigbt spent Saturday at Miss Addie White's yesterday. The subhas been n sailor on the Newark, has re- 1'red Dnvis, n clerk in J. Alex, Guy' 27 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J . Princeton. ject was literature and the following ii turned to hia home He spent monto grocery store, npent Sunday with his Miss Belle E. Miller to Teneh at David H.Lcfferson lms had a very sick tho programme: J his threo years' service on the shores o parents lit Lincroft. Helium- Xext l'ear. • horse. Anecdote roll-call Mies Annlo II. Cooper Africa. Myrtle Magee, who has been on n threeMiss Bella E. Miller, who for tho past Un A. V. Jennings Thomas Haight lias bought a new bi- Literary notes Tho followers of Rev. II. T. Wldclcmer weeks' visit to relatives at Red Bank, I'apcr—" Humor " Mrs. ltlchunl Sickles Bix years has been teacher of tho Waycycle. the deposed PrcHbyti'iiun clergyman o hiifl returned home, " "I'utlios" Mrs, Jnmea 8U»n side public school, will touch ut Bdmar " "Realism" Mm, J . W. Nafim Asbury Park, held a meeting lust week Charles P, Smock of lied Bank spen "FIUIB" MissO. Bonloii FAIR HAVEN NEWS. and decided to organize a church o Sunday of lust week with friends hero. noxt season. The school at Wayside " "Tl>eNovel wlltin PurpoBo"..., closed on Friday. Miss Miller gave o thi'ir mvn. Royal Moliiiiiim of New York open] May walk that day In John Klelda's Miss Mary Connoll; iUtntl Lacerated — Itlshop Sc»rJameti Butler, Charles MIII-HIIIIU anil pint of hwt with Sylvester Tlllon. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Phillipa, Lydir woods, where- tho children enjoyed them boronuh to I'rvach. Arthur WIIIIIIIMH, three Long Ilrnncl William K. lleyer uiient part of lasi nelvcH until five o'clock. Waller and Maud Littlefleld w e r e conboj'H, w e r e (in-CHtoil IJIKI \v<>clc for liiviik week at New York with fiionda. Mrf. John Martin severely lacerated firmed in the Episcopal church on Sun terms, poorMr. and Miu Henry Grain mnnn ol her hand last Wednesday by uccidentnling Into t h e ntori! of S. S. Hcohey am lIohncB Ely spent Sunday with Wm West Long Brunch siiont Sunday witli ly breaking n china mug which sho WUH day by Bishop Scarborough. s t e a l i n g $7.B0. AnUmidcH ofMorrisville. ChurlcB R. Vim Hoesan of Now Yorl Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Gniinilinnn. E x - K r e e h u l d e r Allen unij I'hnrh'H Ir oleaning, ' William K. lleyer made a bicycle Irir has bought tho Goodridge property g Look at tho name on any K Miflfl Ada TVUQX of Long Brunch spent vtiiR of JlillHUinc a r e ciiinlidiileN'fiir mi to'Koulh Amlioy on Friilny. Bishop Scarborough will preach in the formerly occupied by Herman Lioban with her parents, Mr. and Vli'a Episcopul church next Sunday. K'rvlmn* of tin 1 nvw c o u n t y i'i>:i<t lo bi I'liiKitnc Kenney IHIH bought a new hi- Sunday thai, for *3,800. Charlcu Trwix, * instrument ndvortfejed for f milt between P e r r l u e r i l l e ' a n d t h e Mrr MisHOB Nollio DI'MIIH ot Tinton Falln, cycle, 1 Tho Daughters of Liberty will give in Mr. and Mrs, Kdwurd Went of A«b per cou'ntv lilli . Edward 1'OIIIOIIIUH of Hcolwyvlllo niiil Ice. orcnm festival in Crvucciit hull lo William Taylor HpcnlTliurnday at Nev 1'arl: nothing down ancT almost j Hpont Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Minn SHHIO Iloiidrlckson npent Suiuhiy York. night. Miolmt'l Knry, VANDEHUUUO NEWS. with Mrs. Suinut'l Ileiidricknon. I'/.i'ii ,Stl I wagon IH nick with tlieinuinpi) nothing nmontlt and you'll f William II. White of Tinton Full Mrs). John Bennett him.moved from Alex. MrOleiTt IKIH mildhiH bidyole. Hpent Hunday with fricniln hero. 'The Hull of Honor /u the I'uhll K HOO it is dear HB a gift. K Mm. Churk'H Hi'iulriclaioii'ii lioimo In a .Inhn II. Heynr is nick with a cold, Minn Surah Curler hnn recovered frorr liounu owned l>y hur fnllior, Ooorgo School for //<«• 1'itnt Month. an nttnolc of uiuiifdcii. S Famous makes: llardman, f The roll of honor in Ilic iichnol Tor th TIIOIIIIIH Gre.en IIUH Hlnrtcd a milk route Smith, 1 SCOUEYVILLE NEWS. imii'i'iroiiVr1.' eiiniiiHtHof A d a Itcmictl, Kin Mm. Jennie Kiniuk <if New York veIvors < f c Pond, Oliickoring, J at Lone Munich, inalleiiiietl, W * >«I>.IJ.» Mngi'lr lien iled her mother, Mm. Henry Minion, MIHH Lilian Dangler hi vliiitiiiK relative!! licit, JmiK'H llllller, K d w l n , (lunovri' 'I'/ir <7i(imii/un <.yif-vl thmhvl «//'«• iimt Biindiiy, Standard, Story & Clark, f nt Lonfj Brunch. Into iliif/N l'lrl.cil. -Clnhicv Cnimver, Mary l> C(III(>VII\ Murj Hurry Doniiln in condned lo llic haunt1 MIHH Ida Ilowno in viniling relatives n Mr. mill Mm. Dublin of Iti'il Bunk, Mr! 4 jiro not hawked about, like j K, Cuiiovcr, Miiimld COHH, AiiVilo Jlopy with iilckni'iiH, Hiii recovery In doutitful, 1 Long Ilnuicli. Klla lloey, Miiiille lloey, Nelllin llyhui and Mm, William (!urley of Ki-cehoh! Daniel Huiikin and family of Now anil MIHII Cniiilinii Mc(!uo of Moiitroiu 5 sprouted potatoon,for-wliat 2 J l / i n y J/»«Kt llt'llii 1'ryor. \ 'Klorcm: York ripent Hiinduy with llurvoy Lltllo. weri' i;iicHiii of Mm tin Mc(Jni! on Bundliy. Oconnport Nown. Hinocli, M u i n Taylor, Haolif'l Tayliu Kioliurd Alluirini IIOIIKI run' awny ono 4 you will givo. Yet we Willimii A. Tilton and hiii daui'lilcr, Tho Oidcalotn widely hold u nicctliiK Luc-y Titylcir, MUIIHIII VanUiinyaiiil New day laiit week hut no ilaiiuigc! roimltcd. Anna II,, niiiiit Hnndiiy with Mr, Tilton'i their hull litut nl/;htk> mako propiiriiUoni ell V a n l W i i . / Jinny McUiiriiiiolc of Nuw Yorlt ii[)<!iit can't miilco an much on Mm. Willliiin Mllliir (if 1;V(IICIIII HIM (liuiKliti'i-, Mm, William Miller, ul, Miiunl for a fair lo be held noon. Huiidny with Itiiymond Doughty, Tho Littlo Hllvor tnndu her llnitHmulay 4 two a« other dcnlcra do on 4 MIHH May JlnndrlckHon l« Minn Hadio (llherHun of ll.olnulol wen l'lciiraiiil, Mr. ami Mm. Kormiui Htiykor «f l'<jp trip limt Bunday Mini cmrli'il ulxiiit 5(H1 frleiulii ul Brooklyn. recent KIICIIIH nf Mni. Kilwlu-il Hidden (i J ono ohoap ono. a lur vlnili'il Daniel I'olhomiiil on Hmulity Mlim Olive Ciiroliln hi vlnltinp; rolntivini ihiii piiu'i', Win, I'IIIIKMMUII of Anbury Park vinited Hurry Furry and (InorKn N, Mupn rodi nt Brooklyn. Ouonr«i <'rnwfor<l of Heil I link urn lttilli'f G'rnwforrt of Mnlawiiii linvo beei hlii fathnr, llonry I'olhiiinuii, (in f-liiiulay, to Trcntim on llioir blcyciloo on Humlity .liimeii VVnhili oliilniM Unit lilit (iat in tin Wliibu.T. !\1/iJin will iKion move U> Wil vliiltliiic tltrir inother, Mm. Kullef Oriiw A I l o r u o a m i Oow Ii<>»t. 0hiim|il(in nil-i-ulclici of tho lowmihlp, Ham II, IMinioU'ii liounu. tonl.Hr. / William llunt-o of Boohcy i'Mwurd llooy pinked n IMIIIIK 1 Of lni|/i y vlllo lout liin Kdwnrd Itoiiwcll ouii|!;l|t Urn (IniL «ofl JHi»o Ji'iinli' 0<>novor of I'IIUTIMII, win friini lilii]iuliit<) piiluli on Kiiturility, v iiiiW)flod brood miiro Nollle oral) hum thin your. linn been vliiltWB her lirolliiT, Jiunc Absolutoly Puro. Mm, Allen W o o d m i r ' o f Newark Doiiulim Hlifdlii han built an aildltlo hint week. Tho ninra ran down n lunik jleniintt, him returned home, CIWIIII of tort«r Imkliiu l«i«Hor, lll«1i«il ol nl VIHIUIIK li''r fiither, I/svl HnolMiy. and ntiimiilcd anil lirolto licr iimik, Mr. IIIAl™>»Mlllll( to hlii IKHIIIC. «tiTin«Ul,<- )xl(f«( l/llllril Mtttrt (Art Florii-TMylor «|>ont tt f«V/ (layn at liniin )''.ihvanl I l w y lout n Jornoy oow lam Mm. F,ll/.ali«lh Wclln in nick wltl Ilunco lout H vory linn eow from blood fiIIIIKMI I'UBI lltimt. Ja*t vtfvU, Hho l» tt OtutJciit at I'mldli wegk, IlirtAt, j u « l « ( f l'!»ivl'«« ««.. NKW VOltK. l l the iiuin l imilnrln. Little 5 for fit cts. I Book, News and Toy Store | § Latest Novels ~ 5 arid Magazines. ^ MOSELLE &CCX, j If a Jury of L a d i e s ^ f Miss A. L Morris's A BUSINESS WHEEL CTEARNS W5 I I:•* I 1 H; D. CURTIS,Stearns and Tourist I \ Cheap Terms, Poor Pianos, I POWDER inn(ltuUtv •" J
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