7500 SERIES ANSI A156.2 GRADE 3 LIGHT DUTY CYLINDRICAL LOCKSETS COLUMBUS &RQIRUPVZLWK$16,$ 6HULHV*UDGH Exceeds 200,000 cycles QUALITY DESIGNED AND ENGINEERED FOR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS Internal mechanism heavy gauge cold rolled steel. All parts are zinc plated and dichromated to assure protection from rust or corrosion. Special lubricant applied for smoother operation &\OLQGULFDO KRXVLQJ ǩ´ GLDPHWHU provides great strength and durability Threaded inside rose conceals mounting plate and screws 2XWVLGH URVH WKUHDGHG ô´ GLDPHWHU large rose adjustable for various door thickness Button push in and turn button function &\OLQGHU NQRE GHPRXQWDEOH IRU quick rekeying and replacement; reversible for either right or OHIWKDQGGRRUVVZLQJLQJLQRURXW Knobs cannot slip or pull off. Both kept in position by positive spring catch $GMXVWDEOHǪ´ô´ Backset 6ROLG%UDVVSLQ³&´NH\ZD\&DQEH construction keyed and master keyed as required Latch faceplate standard 2 ¼” X 1” Throw bolt affords a high degree of security. Standard with solid, rustless, pressure cast. #300 series antimagnetic stainless steel or brass latch bolt 2” Guard bolt deadlocks latch bolt automatically ǫ´ Latchcase sturdy all steel mechanism 7500 SERIES 2 ¾” SPECIFICATIONS BORE DIAMETER: ´IRUODWFKǩ´IRUORFNKRXVLQJ DOOR RANGES $GMXVWDEOHIRUǪ´WRô´GRRUWKLFNQHVV ADDITIONAL KEYWAYS SLQVROLGEUDVV³&´NH\ZD\VWDQGDUG6FKODJH(6FKODJH&. 5XVVZLQ'&RUELQ&RUELQ5XVVZLQ/6DUJHQW/$/%/& )DOFRQ:HLVHU($UURZ$<DOH<DOH*$DQG.ZLNVHW&DQDOVRDFFHSW 0HGHFR$VVD.DEDDQG&DO5R\DO+6.+LJK6HFXULW\&\OLQGHUV BACKSET 6WDQGDUGǪ´DQGô´DGMXVWDEOH LATCH FACEPLATE ó´[´VWDQGDUG EXPOSED TRIM :URXJKWEUDVVEURQ]HRUVWDLQOHVVVWHHO STRIKES 7VWULNHVWDQGDUG2SWLRQDO$16,RUIXOOOLSVWULNHDYDLODEOH ANSI STANDARDS 0HHWVRUH[FHHGVUHTXLUHPHQWVRI%+0$$16,$6HULHVIRU *UDGH))+& KEYING: SLQ³&´NH\ZD\F\OLQGHUNH\VSHUORFN 35 COLUMBUS SERIES FINISHES AND FUNCTIONS DOOR PREPARATION FINISHES AVAILABLE BHMA SYMBOL US CODE DESCRIPTION 605 606 609 612 613 619 625 626 630 US3 US4 US5 US10 US10B US15 US26 US26D US32D Polished Brass Satin Brass Antique Brass Satin Bronze Oil Rubbed Bronze Satin Nickel Polished Chrome Satin Chrome Satin Stainless Steel Refer to price list for stock finishes and functions 7500 ANSI F109 7503 ANSI F84 7505 ANSI F86 7520 ANSI F76 7530 ANSI F75 7540 ENTRANCE/OFFICE LOCK Turn/Push button locking. Pushing and turning button locks outside knob requiring use of key until button is manually unlocked. Pushing button locks outside knob until unlocked with key or inside knob is turned. CLASSROOM LOCK Deadlocking latch bolt operated by knob from either side except when outside knob is locked from outside by key. When outside knob is locked, latch bolt is operated by turning inside knob. STOREROOM LOCK Deadlocking latch bolt operated by key in outside knob or by rotating inside knob. Outside knob is always fixed. PRIVACY LOCK Latch bolt operated by knob from either side. Outside knob is locked by push button inside and unlocked by emergency release outside. Turning inside knob or closing door releases push button. PASSAGE Latch bolt operated by knob from either side at all times. DUMMY TRIM Single dummy trim for one side of door. Pull only. OTHER FUNCTIONS NOT LISTED AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST 6605 Flotilla St., Commerce, CA 90040 U.S.A. Tel: (323) 888-6601 ¡ Fax: (323) 888-6699 Website: www.cal-royal.com ¡ Email: sales@cal-royal.com 36
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