19th National Convention on Civil Engineering 14-16 May 2014, KhonKaen, THAILAND ก ก ก 19 14-16 !"# 2557 '. )*ก ก+ก",--. /*.0-1/ 2.).3* กR+ก".).-/S-/.3*ก/ 'H* A Study of Speed Hump Configurations for Roads in Communities : A Case Study MuangKlang Municipality, Rayong 1 / ก VW 2 1,2 ก ก !"#$%"&#'()*%ก#+(&%!&,*ก-.%"(!& -H* (Speed Hump) !" #$%&'( (%)* $* )* $* !+',-.// 0& 1)( % ( # 2 / ) ! . (/ ) * $* !$ +!* ! ก$)4 # +'+ )(' 0 )1 ! 0*(5 ./ ก 2 6/+ -ก/"ก$ .+!*(/0*(5 /(" "0*(52$ $ ก$%&'((% ' 7 ( ! 6 / $! ).2 ) .2" )' & )! (/ +! * # +'+ กก6 (" ก7 ก 8 ! '( 0% +5 9 7 ก 8)$# +2 ) 2 ! +ก 94 ! 7 ก 89 " 6 $" 2 9 ก ก/ +" ! 5 ก ก+/ " 0 - : 6" 6 $" ;$* : ก $+& 4 2 : ก+: -)" 2 +! * ก +' + )*94 = ! / (/ > 6$" # ก/ 0-'ก**(5 0ก?0& %ก 4 "(6/!+") #0& %ก 4 " (!+")@= )* $*+/ ,/ ! ./94 !7ก8 -ก ก7ก89& / '4 4 2#&& #&& +0$ * $*6$" */ ! ' * +: ' , ;$* 2 ! 4 Sinusoidal ก/"ก$ +'+ "* !+%$ :+:',: 2#&& , )(% * .2")!*.2"'&.$&& (Corresponding Corresponding author) E-mail address: withayan@hotmail.com Abstract Speed hump is one of traffic calming tools. It isused to slow down vehicles on road sections that passing through communities. Dimension and shape of speed hump effect its speed reduction performance, audible, and tactile generated by vehicles passing through. Inappropriate dimensions and shapes of the speed humps may cause damage to vehicles and negative impact. Example areparts at bottom of the car scraped by the speed hump,negative attitudes of drivers on the speed humps and the reduced speed is not to expected level. The objective of this study is to investigate on suitable dimension of the speed humps that can be used in study area and may be used as standard drawing of the speed humps by the local government agency. Four dimensions of the speed humps were tested. Sound and vibration generated by four types of vehicles; motorcycle, passenger car, empty pick-up truck, and loaded pick-up, truck, were collected. From the study, it was found that all four speed humps testedcan reduce vehicle speed significantly. The speed humps no. 4 with sinusoidal shape caused least tactile effect on passing vehicles. Keywords: Speed hump of types,Roads in Communities. 1. SS 7&(: & #ก : =#ก -' ' $ * ! 94 ! '&.$&;$* 14.5 (ก;( #&/ก 13 %!0*2/ )( 7&-: 157 +* * 54.921 ก;( -ก -: ก !#/ #/# ("กก"+" ก-- & " 0 6/ / -" 90*(5 0-' ก **(5 (/ ! -: 9)4#!ก" 0/)"+2 :"'(กก$%&'((% & "09ก)4)( 7&(:&#ก-ก+0(กก$ 2315 %&'((% )+0! (: -=2 i: =#ก / 6 $ ($ กกj k i' 2556) @!0+&%&'((% -: 803 'ก "(กก*'&*'4ก--)( 7&(:&#ก (Speed Hump) 9 )* $* ! +',-& 0 '(0%+5'ก)ก" ก+" $='*# +&!*&"* )ก--)(94 ! % ก" -("!กก#&&"6$"(m#ก/+" (:#/ !+ $''4(m!4-ก:$"" 6$"n994 !7ก8 - ;" &9 +$ ก(/ $ " ก :6"'4+:'&ก($('4& 1 !("ก$ )*9 ! ./ ;$*-: ก' $ ! 6 / ก 60 ก ;((/ ' ; #(/ 9-1.ก &+!* #98 -ก1 6+! * ! ก $-กก(' $ -กก(' #/ )ก--;$*6/ ก/"ก$ z,ก'&& 1ก"!*ก'ก +/ ,/-($('4&0 ! *2/)( !9'ก7'*#($('4n9& 1/ 0 (Midblock section) ;$*!2 *2/$" *ก' 4 $ $'#+$$'2 ! 1 2. !"^.ก)_*/- ' -'* !ก!* )"ก'& !$'!4 @% ก! o! [1]6$" : ก7ก 8" " ก*' & *'4 ก-- (Traffic Calming) ;$*" (Flat Top Hump) :" & / ก: i!ก*'&*'4ก--ก"(ก$"ก*=9 ก$.ก &+# $"-กก-- !*9r(ก.2")'&)! #+0osto2+=9ก"0).2")'&)!#$ ""$='* #+$ ก)4 กก ก)' #1[2]6$" : ก7 ก 80 .ก &) (/ก)'&)! 7ก8 )0*(5#0-'ก**(5 ! ./ 2 #&&(/ > 7 ก8*ก" " ) 0*(5#0-'ก**(5 ./ 7ก89r(ก ).2")'&)! ./ 7ก8)$ !! + ก: " -กก $+& )0*(5 # 0-'ก **(5 -: กก / 500 ' -ก 3 +0 ! +&& 1 0=* *'*@+0 !ก :)!*กoก-* 6$" ! 85,50,15 5@6 5 : $'ก/ :ก $+&& 1 !!ก($('4 2#&&(/ > 6$" กo +'9'i5 / ก'&* +%6$" /0*(5 $" * +=9ก( ! 1 40 ก;(/' ; )" ก" 1 30 ( +%$'$5 9'(5[3]6$" :ก7ก8 !+ )(94 !%-ก 6 +0 ! $+& ก&$" *& 10=* *'*(/ > @!)$ ก "('4#(/ 50-270 @. +2('4#(/ 4-10 @. )'4(#กก&)"2 &+" / ( # :)!*กoก-* 5@6 5 ! 85,50,15 (:$'& 9 )0/ 5@6 5(/ > )'4( !+ก&)"2 & 1 !!ก($('4 2#&&"('$(/ > / 5 @ 6 5 ! 85 +/ . : " 6$" / n! *(: +% $ & 1)4 )'4(+%$ "* +'9'i5 / ก "# +2 ) ;$* i! Multiple Linear Regression Ewing R. [4]6$" :ก7ก8 'ก81 +2)4-ก940 (' 7 ('4nกก'& 7)ก#+-- +/ ! 2 ! 1 (' */2 ) #&&(/> ! :Ewing R, 1991 [4] Australian Standard [5] 6$"ก/ /;$*ก(#" -! +2-ก$'& 013 k 4 4 #! ก " 1 10 k 12 o%( +:'& !("ก"0 ./ !1 24 k 32 ก;((/' ; #2#&&(m !"ก'*/#9/* @!2"('$ +0"&''& ! 20 ก/ $'#+$2 ! 2 2 ! 2 2('$) #&& Watts Hump !:Australian Standard AS 1742.13 k 1991[5] 3. HS. 3.1 (,/&"'01ก23#45366%&& #*%7"'0"8*6 .2" -'*6$" :ก'$ก+" 0+**/* (Local Streets) !%/)" 72*5ก94 !% /;!*#/ *ก (" -: 2 +" $'#+$2 ! 3 #2 !4 +" !ก+" ! 1 0+."ก " 6 (ก ;&+05 ;$* 'ก81 Circular 2316 (' */ 5@(56 5 ;$* '$ !%&!*6/ก 7 7#!ก'&#ก" / Cosine Error - $+& +' + )0 $+&)1 ./ '4 4 2 ! 20, 30,40, 50, 60 # 70 ก;(/ ' ; ;$*" '$ +'+ (Vibration Meter)*!" Sending Vibration Meter %/ 908 -: 100 (' */('4 !";@0 2 ! 3 +" !ก+" ! 1 0+."ก " 6 ( ก$+& ;&+05 ;$* 2 Circular - $+&+!*)0 $+&)1 ./ '4 4 2 ! ! * % ก > 25 ( * 100 (;$*" +" !ก+" ! 2 0$* "ก " 6 (+% =2/ '$$'&+!* (Sound Meter)*!" KIMO Integrating Sound Level 5;$* 2 Sinusoidal Meter%/ DB 100 -: 150 (' */*('4 $+& !* 0 ( /-ก)&. -- 1 ( 4. a/ก+ก" 4.1 %&& #*%7 45"."'01 :&84. 0.10 % ก+. 3.00 % .0 (ก./.) 4.1.1 %7:*.8&"'0?@&%&& #*%7:*.&(!& 0+*;&+050)$ 2 /-- 6/!กก ก " 6 2 ! 4 +" !ก+" ! 2 0$* "ก " 6 ( +% =2/ 5 ( ($('4 2 ! 1 Circular )$+2 0.10 ( ;$* 2 Sinusoidal ก " 3.00 ( ก&)"2 / ก/0 #/ )" 6$".$'#+$ 2 ! 5 0ก;&+050+.ก/+" 2 .0 )*V a . /*.0 , 1 Circular ;" ก (Circular) #0+% =2/ 5 ก/+" 50.00 2 ;"'(/ (Sinusoidal) #!*/) 40.00 120 ((% . ! ก7 ก 82 ) 2 $ 30.00 20.00 (Sinusoidal and Circular) 9-ก$94 !7ก86$" :กก/+" 10.00 2 #&&Circular .2" -' *(" กก#&&)$) 0.00 (.) -100 -75 -50 -25 -1 0 1 25 50 75 100 2 Sinusoidal 9ก. -'*$ก+'+ )* $* !$!ก / 2 Circular#:2 Sinusoidal"#&&(mก/+" * (.) -100 -75 -50 -25 -1 0 1 25 50 75 100 94 !7ก8 0ก&4" 38.82 37.05 36.01 31.91 17.80 14.80 16.61 23.23 29.30 32.99 39.77 -ก'4 6$" -' $ : &+" '4 2 +" -: 0ก&4"& %ก 39.83 39.34 36.77 30.09 17.59 14.47 16.66 23.27 29.87 34.44 39.29 0ก? 39.65 41.45 39.46 35.37 21.50 18.02 20.26 26.19 31.19 36.75 42.12 2 4 2 6$"#ก/ 0-'ก**(5 36.27 33.58 33.43 30.98 21.31 17.17 20.11 25.88 29.68 33.07 37.51 2 ! 1Circular )$+2 0.10 ( ก " 3.00 ( (ก/+" 2 ! 5!*& !*& n!*) %ก= **(5 4 = ! $) +" 0ก;&+05 ./ 2 ! 1Circular)$+2 0.10( ก " 3.00 2 ! 2Circular )$+2 0.10 ( ก " 3.60 ( (ก/+" ( $) +" 0ก;&+05 !*& !*& )= 0 '44= ! 2 ! 3 Sinusoidal )$+2 0.10 ( ก " 3.60 ( 2 ! 1 Circular )$+2 0.10( ก " 3.00 ( (ก/+"$) (ก/+"/)+" 0+% =2/ 5 +" 0+* ก;&+05 #+$" / )**(5 2 ! 4Sinusoidal )$+2 0.075 ( ก " 3.60 ( ./ !* 0 .(*./) 9& / +2+%$ (ก/+"/) +" 0+% =2/ 5 ! 18.02 ก./. 0*(5 ' +/ &% (ก? )# (: +% $ ! 3.2 ก9):+*4#& 14.47 ก / . 0ก& 4" (!+ " & %ก ) @ 0*(5# (/ - $+&' ( 0;$*" % ก15 s ( - ' $ = !*$!* ก' !/ (/ก' 2 0 7 ก./. /6/ (Speed Gun)*!" Stalker %/ Pro '$'( ก/)"k ')" ;$* #(ก(/ก --ก/ ("6/+2ก @-ก "'( !* %ก> 25 ( * 100 ( -: 150 +)" % 2317 H-.W )*V a . /*.0 , 1 Circular 90.00 H-.W (db) 85.00 80.00 75.00 70.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 (.) -100 (.) 1ก-4/_* 1ก-4/_*-ก 1.กf 1'กV -100 33.02 37.92 40.81 39.85 -75 -50 -25 -1 0 1 25 50 75 -75 29.86 35.17 37.83 36.86 -50 28.16 32.26 34.37 33.80 -25 23.95 27.51 28.59 28.49 -1 16.96 20.48 20.34 22.01 0 12.65 14.96 15.28 19.05 1 15.27 19.02 18.87 21.67 25 19.07 23.59 23.87 25.91 50 22.59 27.52 28.49 29.21 75 25.77 30.58 32.98 32.33 100 100 31.66 35.82 39.96 38.57 2 ! 7 !*& !*& n!*) %ก= **(5 4 = ! ./ 2 ! 2 Circular )$+2 0.10( ก " 3.60 ( !*& !*& )= 0 '4 4 = ! 2 !2 Circular )$+2 0.10( ก " 3.60 ( (ก/+"/) +" 0+* ;&+05 #+$" / )**(5 ./ !* 0 (*./) 9& / +2+%$ ! 19.05ก./.0-'ก**(5 # 9& / (:+%$ ! 12.65ก / . 0& %ก 4"(6/!+"& %ก) @0*(5 #(/= !*$!* ก' !/ (/ก' 2 0 7 ก./. @- /6/#(ก(/ก'ก'ก 4.2.2 8$6%'."'00.?@&:*."-ก5%"&(!& 65.00 60.00 . /* g . /* .0 )*V a. /*.0 , 2 Circular 50.00 .0 (ก./.) 4.1.2 8$6%'."'00.?@&:*."-ก5%"&(!& $'&+!*n!*ก1!6/! )0 '4 4 = !/ / 83.42-87.80dBA;$*0ก& 4 "6/& %ก !$'&+!* +2+%$ !*& !*&ก'&ก1!! $'&+!*-$ -ก* $*6$" ;$*! / $ / 68.4271.69dBAก !6/!9& /$'&+!*+2ก /$'&+!* !! 16.11 dBA , /n!*+!*$)0& %ก 4" (!+"& %ก) $!/ /ก'& 86.60 dBAก1!6/! - /ก !6/! 9& /$'&+!*9)4-ก$'&+!* !! 15.62 dBA0 /*2/ก15+!*)FTA$'&Severe Impact,/n!*+!*$) 0*(5'&% (ก?) $!/ /ก'& 83.42 dBAก1!6/! - /ก !6/!9& /$'&+!*9)4-ก$'&+!* !! 15.01 dBA0 /*2/ก15+!*)FTA$'& Severe Impact, /n!*+!*$)0-'ก**(5 $!/ /ก'& 86.43 dBAก1!6/! - /ก ! 6/! 9& / $' & +! *9 )4 -ก $'&+!* !! 15.46 dBA0 /*2/ก15+!*)FTA $'& Severe Impact.$'2 ! 6 1ก-4/_ * 1ก-4/_ * -ก 1.กf 1'กV 71.69 87.80 70.98 86.60 68.42 83.42 70.98 86.43 2 !6 !*& !*&$'&+!*)**(5 '44 = ! ./ 2 !1 Circular )$+2 0.10 ( ก " 3.00 ( $'&+!*n!*ก1!6/! )0 '4 4 = !/ / 89.93 -97.80 dBA;$*0ก& 4 "6/& %ก !$'& +!*+2+%$ !*& !*&ก'&ก1!! $'&+!*- $ -ก* $*6$" ;$*!/$ / 72.1086.30dBA$'2 ! 8 H-.W )*V a. /*.0 , 2 Circular 4.2%&& #*%7 45"."'02Circular:&84.0.10% ก+. 3.60 % 0+*;&+050)$ 2 /--6/!กก ก " 6 (!ก($('4 2 !2 Circular )$+2 0.10 ( ก " 3.60 ( ก&)"2 / ก/0 #/ )" 6$".$'#+$ 2 ! 7 95.00 H-.W (dBA) 4.2.1 %7:*.8&"'0?@&%&& #*%7:*.&(!& 100.00 90.00 85.00 80.00 75.00 70.00 . /* g . /* 1ก-4/_ * 1ก-4/_ * -ก 1.กf 1'กV 86.30 97.80 79.00 96.40 72.10 89.93 75.50 95.93 2 ! 8 !*& !*&$'&+!*)**(5 '44= ! ./ 2 !2 Circular )$+2 0.10 ( ก " 3.60 ( 2318 4.3 %&& #*%7 45"."'03:&84.0.10 % ก+. 3.60 % 4.3.1 %7:*.8&"'0?@&%&& #*%7:*.&(!& 120.00 H-.W (dBA) 0+*+% =2/ 5 0)$ 2 /-- 6/!กก ก " 6 (!ก($('4 2 !3 Sinusoidal )$ +2 0.10 ( ก " 3.60 ( ก& )"2 / ก/0 #/ )" 6$".$'#+$ 2 ! 9 H-.W )*V a. /*.0 , 3 Sinusoidai 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 .0)*V a. /.0 , 3 Sinusoidal . /* g . /* .0 (Km/hr) (.) 1ก-4/_* 1ก-4/_*-ก 1.กf 1'กV 1ก-4/_ * -ก 1.กf 1'กV 79.33 95.11 82.86 98.21 74.03 86.33 74.59 85.93 2 ! 10 $'&+!*)**(5 ! ./ 2 ! 3 Sinusoidal)$+2 0.10 ( ก " 3.60 ( -100 -100 41.18 42.65 43.93 40.82 -75 -75 36.71 38.59 39.01 35.68 -50 -50 33.52 34.95 35.46 34.17 -25 -1 0 -25 28.42 28.76 30.31 31.30 -1 17.50 16.85 18.24 25.07 0 12.14 12.17 10.87 19.09 1 25 50 75 100 1 16.77 16.90 16.02 23.83 25 26.80 25.45 25.52 28.44 50 31.58 32.09 31.52 31.65 75 36.53 36.12 35.88 34.17 100 41.77 42.94 41.02 38.36 2 ! 9 !*& !*& ) %ก= **(5 4= !./ 2 !3Sinusoidal)$+2 0.10( ก " 3.60 ( !*& !*& ) %ก= 0 '4 4 = ! 2 ! 3 Sinusoidal )$+2 0.10( ก " 3.60 ( (ก/+"/) +" 0+*+% =2/ 5 #+$" / ) **(5 ./ !* 0 .(*./) +2+%$ ! 19.09 ก./.0-'ก**(5 # (:+%$ ! 10.87 ก / . 0*(5'+/ &% (ก?) @0*(5#(/= !* $!* ก' !/ (/ก' 2 0 9 ก./. - /6/#(ก(/ก' ก --ก/ ("6/+2ก @-ก+)" %. 4.3.2 8$6%'."'00.?@&:*."-ก5%"&(!& $'&+!*n!*ก1!6/! )0 '4 4 = !/ / 85.93-98.21 dBA;$*0ก& 4 " & %ก !$'&+!* +2+%$ !*& !*&ก'&ก1!! $'&+!*-$ -ก* $*6$" ;$*!/$ / 74.03-82.86 dBA$'2 ! 10 4.4 %&& #*%7 45"."'04 Sinusoidal:&84.0.075 % ก+. 3.60 % 4.4.1 %7"'0?@&%&& #*%+:*.&(!& 0+*+% =2/ 5 0)$ 2 /-- 2 7 6/!ก ก ก " 6 (($('4 2 !4 Sinusoidal )$ +2 0.075 (ก " 3.60 (ก &)" 2 / ก/ 0 #/ )" 6$".$'#+$2 ! 11 .0Va. /*.0 ,4 Sinusoidal 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 (.) .0 (ก./.) 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 (.) 1ก-4/_ * (.) 1ก-4/_* 1ก-4/_*-ก 1.กf 1'กV -100 -75 -50 -25 -1 0 1 25 50 75 100 -100 39.11 37.74 36.92 34.93 -75 38.02 35.17 33.68 29.51 -50 34.21 32.73 30.84 30.01 -25 27.43 26.39 24.13 25.71 -1 18.55 17.58 16.57 21.57 0 14.62 13.85 13.65 18.52 1 17.08 16.58 16.40 21.33 25 23.51 22.93 23.22 25.11 50 29.40 24.99 29.49 26.18 75 27.07 22.47 26.55 24.43 100 17.27 18.65 16.68 20.50 2 ! 11 )0-'ก**(5 !./ 2 ! 4 Sinusoidal )$+2 0.075 ( ก " 3.60 ( !*& !*& ) %ก= 0 '4 4 = ! 2 !4 Sinusoidal )$+2 0.075 (ก " 3.60 ( (ก/+"/) +" 0+*+% =2/ 5 #+$" / ) **(5 ./ !* 0 .(*./) +2+%$ ! 18.85 ก./.0-'ก**(5 # (:+%$ ! 13.65 ก / . 0*(5'+/ &% (ก?) @0*(5#(/= !* $!* ก' !/ (/ก' 2 0 7 ก./. @- /6/#(ก(/ก' ก -ก/ ("6/+2ก+)" %7'* 2319 4.4.2 8$6%'."'00.?@&:*."-ก5%"&(!& $'&+!*n!*ก1!6/! )0 '4 4 = !/ / 85.88- 97.30dBA;$*0ก& 4 "6/& % ก !$' & +!*+2+%$ !*& !*&ก'&ก1!! $'&+!*- $ -ก* $*6$" ;$*!/$ / 72.00 k 83.70dBA$'2 !12 H-W )*V a. /*.0 , 4 Sinusoidal 5.00 0.00 20 .0 (ก./.) WW.3*(m/s2). 1 30 20 40 30 50 40 60 50 70 60 70 1.16 1.80 8.30 6.65 8.30 9.59 2 1.28 1.73 2.58 5.59 6.92 8.52 2 1.32 2.00 8.40 8.90 13.00 13.47 2 0.98 1.57 2.23 2.65 4.65 6.23 WW.3*(m/s ). 2 WW.3*(m/s ). 4 2 !13ก+'+ )*9 !./ ) '4 4 2 100.00 80.00 60.00 H-.W (dBA) กWW.3*)*Va. /*.0 10.00 WW.3*(m/s ). 3 120.00 4.6 -5?#8+&%7%'. 3# $0&%",*&8&"'0?@&%&& #* %7"$/. 4 45". 40.00 20.00 0.00 . /* g . /* 15.00 H-กW W.3*(m/s2) # )0 '4 4= ! $./!4 -ก!+#*ก(' ! @(" 09!4* @"*-) 1ก-4/_ * 1ก-4/_ * -ก 1.กf 1'กV 83.70 97.30 76.56 87.79 72.00 85.88 76.36 87.54 2 !12$'&+!*)**(5 ! ./ 2 ! 4 Sinusoidal)$+2 0.075 (ก " 3.60 (. 4.5 $0&%",*&:*.&(!&:0.?@&%&& #*%7"'0 8$6%7@.J .กก & $+& )0 ก ; ( ! 20,30,40,50,60 #70 (/' ; -กก 5)"2 $" * i! +0(-ก '$ก+'+ )*9 9& / ! 70 ก ; ( (/ ' ; ก $ ก+' + ก ! +% $ ! 2 ! 3Sinusoidal )$+2 0.10( ก " 3.60( (ก/+"/) 0+* ก;&+05 $" */$'&ก+'+ ! 13.47 (/ !2 ! * ! 70 ก ; ( (/ ' ; #. $+&*' 9& / ! 20 ก ;( (/ ' ; ก$ ก+' + " * ! +% $ ! 2 ! 4 Sinusoidal )$+2 0.075( ก " 3.60 ( 0+* +% =2/$" */$'&ก+'+ ! 0.98 (/ !2 ;$*n!* %ก / 2 ! 3Sinusoidal!/ +'+ ก !+%$ @ /ก'& 7.85 (/ !2# 2 ! 4 Sinusoidal !/ +'+ "* !+%$@!/ /ก'& 3.05 (/ !2$'2 ! 13 -กก $+& '4 4 2 9& / (" ก/ 0 94 ! 7 ก 8! / 1 35-45 ก;((/ ' ; #)1./ ! / $ 1 14-20 ก ; ((/ ' ; @ 9& / ! + i=9ก$ 6$"ก"!*ก' 9-1$"+!* )1./ $ 9& / :" +!*-ก * $*$ -ก* $*6$" $' & +! * -ก *(5#+!* !ก$-กก+'.'+ก' /. 0ก'&*0*(5 $ $''4 ก($ ('4 -6/ก/ " ก$+!*: , &ก !7'**2/+)";$*$'&+!*)2#&& ! 1 ! $'&+!*n!*0 '4 4 = (:+%$ /ก'& 70.5 dBA+/ 2#&& ! 2,3,4 !/n!* /ก'& 78.2, 77.7, # 77.1 dBA (:$'& (( ! 1) ก9 - 1ก+' + 2 ! 4Sinusoidal -! +'+ "*ก / 2 > % ก>$' & @ -+/ .$! 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(!+" +/ *(5(') +" & %ก) &% & %ก) (') (ก?)(') (') 11 8 19 22 11 5 27 21 22 23 19 23 27 27 12 23 ( ! 3 .ก $+& t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means ) ก%/ กก / 50 ก./. 2 ! 1 2 3 4 n!* !* 100 . 65.38 63.50 64.79 61.92 n!* ! * 0 . 20.67 17.69 14.72 17.82 /t-stat 32.21 32.23 35.95 35.99 / pvalue <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 5. Wa/ก+ก"/)_*.W* -กก 5)"2 )* $* '4 4= 94 ! ! :ก7ก8 $" *2 )$) '4 4 2 9& / n!*)* $*)1./!/ก"!*ก' '4 4 2 # '4 4 2 !+ i=9ก$ ;$*n9 ก%/0 !! กก / 50 ก./. 6$"*/!'*+:', )1 ! +!*$'&+!*!/*2/ / 70-78 dBA+/ $"ก+'+ ! (/> 9& / 2 ! 4 Sinusoidal! +'+ "* !+%$ '4!4-ก +2)"* !+%$ $''4ก9-1$ $).2")'&)! +2 ) 0 "02$ +%6$" / 2 ! 4Sinusoidal -+ก ($('4 #(/ '4!4 !ก($(.$"ก -ก.2" )' & )! * ก' & - : " + i =9ก$ )* $*;$*" $#ก +' + 9 $=' *)0-' ก **(5 " : )"+#ก7ก8((/6. ก กก ))&%1 7&(:&#ก#+0!(: -:=#ก ! "ก+'&+%)"2ก'& -'*!4=*(";กก/+" 2 #&&(m &+" 0+*(/ >)( 7& (:& #ก .*กW*_* [1] @%ก!o! #9'* i!1 5,ก+ i. &4("(กก+*&ก-- ก1!7ก8:= $,/ -. +)ก5 - กก3!@. $/."'0 10, 9.7. 2548, " 16-156. [2] กก ก)'#1, ก7ก80.ก &) (/ก)'&)! , 9&$ก.&".!#. &6")$.!$8*@."*., 9.7.2547, " 6-19. 2321 [3] +%$'$5 9'(5#1,ก7ก8 ! +)(94 !% ก !"#$ '&&"K () , 9.7.2550, " 10-16. [4] Ewing R.,Traffic Calming,State of the Practice,InstituteofTransportationEngineers(ITE) and the Federal Highway Administration(FHWA). USA., Inc., 1999, pp. 32. [5] Australian Standard,Manual of uniform traffic control device: Part 13 V Local area traffic management. New South Wales, Australia. (AS 1742.13 k 1991)., Inc., 1991, pp. 16. 2322
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